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        의사결정나무모형을 이용한 공연예술시장의 소비자그룹 분석

        유은영 ( Eun Young You ),진현정 ( Hyun Joung Jin ) 한국소비자학회 2014 소비자학연구 Vol.25 No.6

        본 연구에서는 의사결정나무모형을 이용하여 공연예술시장의 소비자그룹 분류를 통한 소비자 분석을 실시하였다. 공연 소비자의 인구통계적 특성과 함께 인지 및 행동적 특성에 해당하는 관여도, 지식수준, 정보획득수단을 기준변수로 소비자그룹 분류를 시도하였는데, 본 연구의 결과는 국내 공연예술시장의 소비자 저변확대 및 수요촉진을 위한 전략 마련에 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. 분석 결과를 보면, 관람률이 가장 높은 그룹은 관여도가 가장 높고 공연예술에 대한 지식수준이 상대적으로 높아 전문성도 함께 갖춘 소비자인 것으로 나타났으며, 관람률이 가장 낮은 그룹은 저관여 그룹 안에서도 40대 소비자인 것으로 나타났다. 또한 공연티켓 구매 시 가장 높은 등급의 좌석을 선택하는 그룹은 지식수준이 높은 여성 소비자로 분석되었으며, 가장 낮은 등급의 좌석을 선택하는 그룹은 중간 정도의 지식수준을 가지고 있으면서, 소득이 낮은 편인 40대 소비자인 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과에서 주목 할 만한 사항은 공연관람 여부와 좌석등급 선택이라는 공연예술 소비행태에 대해 교육과 경험을 통해 개발 가능한 변수인 관여도와 지식수준이 인구통계변수보다 더 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다는 것이다. The domestic market of performing arts has been industrialized and its size has been growing. On the other hand, the number of audience in performing arts has not much increased. This suggests that a strategic approach based on in-depth analyses for consumers in the market is necessary to attract more audience. Most of previous studies had focused on consumer’s personal features that affect the consumption of performing arts products. But, this study tries to differentiate consumers in the market using the decision tree model. The model has an advantage, compared to the cluster analysis, that it can explicitly classify groups based on available variables. This study classified consumers into some groups according to demographic variables such as gender and income and cognitiveㆍbehavioral variables such as ‘involvement’, ‘the level of knowledge on performing arts’, and ‘means of acquiring information for performing arts’. In particular, although involvement and the level of knowledge have been utilized in the field of consumer behavior, they have not been used for analysis for performing arts market. Note that involvement and level of knowledge can be developed or learned by experiences and training. That is, if they would be the most important variables that classify the consumer groups, we can make consumers in performing arts market to be more active by offering more educational opportunities and watching experiences to the consumers. As for the classification according to ‘whether or not watching performance arts in the past year’, the results show that a consumer group that has the highest rate of watching performing arts is made of those who have relatively higher level of involvement and knowledge. On the other hand, a consumer group that has the lowest rate of watching is composed of those who have relatively lower level of involvement and older ages. As for the classification according to ‘a class of seats respondents chose when they were asked to assume a situation of purchasing a ticket for a show.’ A group that chose the highest class of seats consists of those who are women and have relatively higher level of knowledge. A group that selected the lowest class of seats is made of those who have the middle level of knowledge and relatively lower income. This study found a noticeable result that cognitiveㆍbehavioral variables, such as involvement and the level of knowledge, are far more important than demographic variables are. This result might have a significant implication for marketers or promoters in the domestic market of performing arts. Previous studies have showed that involvement and/or the level of knowledge can be developed by educations and experiences so policy makers or producers in the market could utilize the nexus between education/experience and involvement/education.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        베이비붐세대의 문화자본과 경제자본이 문화예술 소비에 미치는 영향

        유은영 ( You Eun Young ),진현정 ( Jin Hyun Joung ) 한국소비자학회 2016 소비자학연구 Vol.27 No.6

        1980년대 한국 경제 성장의 주역인 베이비붐세대가 최근 들어 각 산업분야에서 중요한 소비계층으로 각광받고 있다. 문화예술시장에서도 이들은 새로운 수요그룹으로 급부상하고 있다. 그러나 이들을 대상으로 한 문화 소비에 대한 연구는 제한적으로 이루어지고 있다. 이에 본 논문에서는 베이비붐세대의 문화자본과 경제자본이 문화예술 소비에 미치는 영향에 대해서 옴니보어가설(omnivoure hypothesis)을 중심으로 분석하였다. 대중문화뿐만 아니라 고급문화까지 모두 소비하느냐를 종속변수로 한 로짓분석에서는 베이비붐세대의 문화자본변수 중 `본인 학력`과 문화예술에 대한 `태도`가 유의하게 나타났다. 반면에 고급문화와 대중문화 소비의 다양성과 빈도를 종속변수로 한 분석에서는 문화자본 변수 중 `태도`만이 고급문화와 대중문화를 다양하게 그리고 보다 많이 소비하도록 만드는 변수로 나타났다. 이는 “문화자본이 많을수록 문화예술 소비 성향에 있어서 개방성과 다양성이 보다 더 부각된다”는 옴니보어가설을 지지하는 문화자본변수가 존재한다는 것을 시사한다. `본인의 학력`은 고급문화 다양성과 빈도에만 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 베이비붐세대에게 있어서 학력은 대중문화와 고급문화를 같이 소비하느냐 여부에는 영향을 미치지만, 대중문화의 다양성과 횟수에는 영향을 미치지 않는 것을 제시한다. 문화예술 소비에 대한 추후 연구에서 이전 노인세대와는 차별적인 특성을 가진 베이비붐세대의 문화자본이 중요한 변수로 다루어질 가치가 있으며, 특히 이들의 소비행태가 옴니보어가설에 의해 보다 적절히 설명된다는 점에 초점을 맞출 필요가 있다고 여겨진다. A focus is given to baby boomers of South Korea who were born from 1955 to 1963 as an important consumer group in various industry sectors. Especially, they are receiving special attention lately in the market of cultural arts, such as movie, musical, play and so on. However, no study has been performed regarding baby boomers` cultural consumption, although they are currently active consumers in the market. Therefore, this study tries to analyze the impact of baby boomers` cultural capital and economic capital on the consumption of cultural arts by applying `omnivore hypothesis.` We found some notable results as follows. The results of the first step logistic regression that used `whether they have consumed products of high level cultural arts in addition to products of popular cultural arts` as a dependant variable show that statistically significant independent variables among cultural capital variables are `their own education level` and `attitude toward high level cultures.` The results of the second step regression analysis that used `variety and frequency of consumption on high level cultural products and popular cultural products` as dependant variables show that `attitude toward high level cultures` is the only variable among cultural capital variables that makes baby boomers to consume both high level cultural products and popular cultural products more variously and frequently. We also found that `eduction level` does not affect variety and frequency of products of popular cultural arts while it affect variety and frequency of products of high level cultural arts. It means that there exists a variable that supports `omnivore hypothesis` toward Korean baby boomers. Therefore, cultural capital need to be treated as an important variable in future researches regarding baby boomers and one needs to focus omnivore hypothesis rather than Bourdieu`s theory in studies for Korean baby boomers` cultural consumption.

      • KCI등재

        대학원생의 부적응적 완벽주의가 진로불안에 미치는 영향

        전은영(Eun-young Jeon),유영권(Young-kweon You),이원경(Won-kyoung Lee),유은영(En-yung Yu) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2024 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.24 No.7

        목적 본 연구에서는 대학원생들의 부적응적 완벽주의가 진로불안에 미치는 영향에서 일반화된 불안과 교수갈등의 이중매개효과를 확인하였다. 방법 이를 위하여 서울시 소재 대학원생 354명을 대상으로 자료를 수집하였고, SPSS Statistics 26.0 프로그램과 SPSS PROCESS(v.4.3) macro를 활용하여 주요변인들의 관계를 분석하기 위한 상관관계 분석과 부적응적 완벽주의와 진로불안에 있어 일반화된 불안과 교수갈등의 이중매개효과를 분석하였다. 결과 첫째, 대학원생들의 완벽주의와 진로불안은 일반화된 불안과 교수갈등의 관계에 있어서 정적 상관관계를 나타냈다. 둘째, 대학원생의 완벽주의와 진로불안의 관계에서 일반화된 불안의 단순매개효과가 유의미하게 나타났다. 셋째, 대학원생의 부적응적 완벽주의와 진로불안 영향력의 관계에 있어서 일반화된 불안을 통한 교수갈등의 순차적 이중매개효과가 유의미하게 나타났다. 결론 본 연구결과는 대학원생 연구에 있어서 부적응적 완벽주의가 진로불안으로 이행하는 과정적 상담적 개입의 시사점을 제공하였다는데 의의가 있다. 마지막으로, 이러한 연구결과를 통하여 향후 대학원생 연구영역에서 본 연구가 가지는 의의와 임상현장에서의 시사점을 논의하며, 제한점을 제시하였다. Objectives The purpose of this study was to confirm the dual mediating effects of generalized anxiety and faculty conflict on the impact of maladaptive perfectionism on graduate students' career anxiety. Methods For this study, data were collected from 354 graduate students in Seoul, Korea, and SPSS Statistics 26.0 program and SPSS PROCESS (v.4.3) macro were used to conduct correlation analysis to analyze the relationship between key variables and the dual mediating effects of generalized anxiety and faculty conflict on maladaptive perfectionism and career anxiety. Results First, graduate students' maladaptive perfectionism, generalized anxiety, and conflict experience with a professor showed a positive correlation with career anxiety. Second, in the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and career anxiety, generalized anxiety showed a simple mediating effect. Third, generalized anxiety and conflict experience with a professor sequentially double mediated the relationship between maladaptive perfectionism and career anxiety. Conclusions The findings are significant in that they provide implications for counseling interventions in the process of maladaptive perfectionism's transition to career anxiety in graduate student research. Finally, the current study's implications for future graduate student research are discussed, along with limitations and implications for clinical practice.

      • ESP와 ACC를 통합한 CAN 기반 제어시스템 구현

        기영훈(Young-Hun Ki),유은영(Eun-young You),이한성(Hansung Lee),허명선(Myoung-Sun Heo),이종덕(Jong-Duk Lee),이종현(Jong-Hyoun LEE),안현식(Hyun-Sik Ahn),박기홍(Kihong Park),허승진(Seung-Jin Heo) 한국자동차공학회 2007 한국자동차공학회 춘 추계 학술대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        In a modern vehicle chassis system, a number of Electric Control Units(ECU) are being used to improve both stabilities and performances. But increasing number of ECUs may cause several problems such as increasing weight, increasing traffic in in-vehicle networks and contradictory influence among control systems. In this paper, we propose the combination of ESP and ACC as a module in a CAN-Based Network System. By using integrated control of ESP and ACC in a module, we can see the effectiveness of the control algorithm in the experimental set-up.

      • KCI등재

        지역응급의료센터에서 손상구역 운용이 응급실 과밀화 지표에 미치는 영향

        강진욱 ( Jin Wook Kang ),신상도 ( Sang Do Shin ),서길준 ( Gil Joon Suh ),유은영 ( Eun Young You ),송경준 ( Kyoung Jun Song ) 대한외상학회 2007 大韓外傷學會誌 Vol.20 No.2

        Purposes: There have been many efforts to improve the service of emergency centers. In spite of these, no evidence is showing any landmark advancement of emergency services, especially in the hospital stage, exists. We need some efficient standard criteria to evaluate emergency service in the hospital stage, and a useful method might utilize the overcrowding index. We want to know the change in the overcrowding index at a regional emergency center after injury area administration. Injury area means an area in which only an assigned duty physician manages patients with injuries such as those from traffic accidents, falls, assualts, collisions, lacerations, amputations, burns, intoxication, asphyxia, drowning, animal bites, sexual assualts, etc. Methods: We started to operate an injury area in our emergency department from late 2004, and from January to June in 2004 and in 2005, we collected patients` data, age, sex, assigned department, and result from hospital order communication system to figure out overcrowding indices and result indices. We found the daily number of patients, the turnover rate, the admission rate, the ICU admission rate, the emergency operation rate, the ED stay duration, and the ED patient volume to be overcrowding indices. Also we found the withdrawal rate, the transfer rate, and mortality to be result indices. We compared these indices between 2004 to 2005 by using a t-test. Results: There was a significant increase in the daily number of visiting patients in 2005, overcrowding indices, such as the turnover rate, the admission rate, the ICU admission rate, and the emergency operation rate, also showed statistically significant increases in 2005 (P<0.001). As for the result indices, there was a noticeable decrease in the number of withdrawals (11.77/day in 2004 to 4.53/day in 2005). Conclusion: Operating an injury area in a mildly overcrowded local emergency center is beneficial. Evaluating the effect of operating an injury area and it`s impact on hospital finances by conducting a similar study analyziing patients for a longer duration would be valuable. (J Korean Soc Traumatol 2007;20:77-82)

      • 타이어 힘 기반 차량 동역학 제어기 개발

        황태훈(Taehun Hwang),정태영(Taeyoung Chung),이규훈(Kyu Hoon Lee),유은영(Eun Young You),여태정(Tae-Jung Yeo) 한국자동차공학회 2010 한국자동차공학회 학술대회 및 전시회 Vol.2010 No.11

        Due to the vehicle electronic and development of communication technologies, Besides the basic functions supporting the weight to the vehicle and mitigating the road impact, Tire is adding the additional function such as the TPMS(Tire Pressure Monitoring System). In addition, recently research of the intelligent tire system capable of measuring the tire force have been actively. Yet only the leading technology in the development stage, however, launching of the prototype is expected in the near future according to leading companies and excellent domestic and international research institutions . In this paper, Vehicle dynamic controller is designed using tire force information that occurred between the tire and road surface. The proposed controller is verified using CarSim simulation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 응급의료센터로 내원한 행려환자의 임상적 분석

        김동훈,유은영,정성구,이중의,서길준,윤여규 대한응급의학회 2002 대한응급의학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        Purpose: The homeless patients in our country get their medical services in government facilities. Supposedly, they have clinical characteristics different from those of general population, but most published papers dealing with the homeless have focused on sociologic problems. With the necessity for epidemiologic data, we decided to find clinical patterns for the homeless who visited our emergency medical center. Methods: Between December 1999 and July 2001, 3,905 homeless patients visited the Seoul Municipal Boramae Hospital. Based on their medical records and radiologic images, we categorized and compared their complaints, medical needs, and clinical findings. Results: The number of male patients dominated over female patients (M:F=13.7:l), 70.9% were in their thirties, forties, and fifties, and 47% of the patients had been brought to the center by police while the others had been referred from institutions for the homeless, smaller hospitals, or mental health institutions. The common reason for visit was altered mentality due to acute alcohol intoxication (18.6%), followed by medical follow-up (15.4%), gastroin-testinal symptoms (12.3%), and neurologic problems (10.6%). Of the patients 36.1% were sent to institutions, but 31.8% were returned to the streets, 9.7% were admitted to a ward, and 2.6% died. The main causes of death were pneumonia and intracranial hemorrhage. Conclusion: Most homeless patients were relatively young men. Alcohol-related symptoms and gastrointestinal troubles overwhelmingly led the homeless to the hospital. Many holeless patients returned to the streets or other institutions. Later, more sophisticated studies are expected for homeless-patients management.

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