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        내포신도시 개발계획에 대한 주민만족도 평가

        오용준(Oh Young June),윤갑식(Yun Kap Sik) 한국지역개발학회 2016 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.28 No.1

        This research analyzed the effect of the development plan of the Naepo New Town. The Naepo New Town is one of the metropolitan administrative cities, differentiated from the existing cities. To overall identify the intention of the plan, the study analyzed the city development plan rather than the district unit plan. According to the result, first, higher satisfaction for living intention and living environment as the Naepo New Town had a difference from the existing new towns. Second, there was the highest satisfaction for parks and green spaces as well as urban disaster prevention, and it was identified that selfsufficiency and building the living environment was important. Third, among the eight specialization plans for the Naepo New Towns, there was a high satisfaction for public design and parks and green spaces and a low satisfaction for education policy and bicycle path. In addition, the techniques to design the crime preventive environment and specialized university were analyzed as the main project. Lastly, the most important factor that influenced satisfaction for the living environment of the Naepo New Town was infrastructure, followed by land use, parks and green spaces, income, traffic management and occupation. This study is meaningful in that a comparative analysis on the planning elements affecting local residents'satisfaction was empirically conducted by targeting the residents in the Naepo New Town.

      • KCI등재

        사회적 약자를 고려한 도시계획요소에 관한 연구

        오용준(Oh, Young-June),윤갑식(Yun, Kap-Sik) 한국도시설계학회 2012 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        사회적 약자를 고려한 도시계획이란 여성과 어린이, 노인 등 도시생활 서비스의 약자가 살기좋은 도시환경을 조성하는 인간도시 차원의 계획을 의미한다. 본 연구는 현재 법정 도시계획기준이 사회적 약자에 친화적인지 분석하고, 선행연구로부터 사회적 약자에 친화적인 계획요소를 도출하여 전문가 의식조사를 통해 이들의 중요도와 적용가능성에 대한 분석과 함께 중점적으로 적용되어야 할 계획위계를 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 결과 첫째, 사회적 약자를 고려한 도시계획 수립의 필요성이 높다고 인식하고 있음에도 불구하고, 기존의 도시계획체계에서는 사회적 약자를 제대로 고려하고 있지 못한 것으로 조사되었다. 둘째, 사회적 약자를 고려한 도시계획요소 중에서 중요도와 적용가능성이 동시에 높은 계획요소는 보행자 안전을 위한 도로 설치, 보도와 차도의 구성체계 구축, 편리하고 안전한 주차시설 설치, 안전한 공원·녹지 조성, 보행자 안전을 위한 가로 시설물 설치 등으로 나타났다. 셋째, 도시계획의 위계가 지구단위계획 수준으로 보다 구체화될수록 사회적 약자를 고려한 계획요소의 중요도와 이의 적용가능성은 높은 것으로 분석되었다. It is widely believed that socially underprivileged groups including women, children, the old, and the physically disabled should be taken into consideration on urban planning in the national land planning and use act. However, the related literature shows that there have been relatively few researches concerning to urban planning factors for socially underprivileged groups. This study aims to analyze the extent of consideration for them on comprehensive city plan, urban management plan, and district unit plan respectively, to draw urban planning factors for them from reviewing previous researches, and to evaluate the importance and the applicability of those factors through the survey focused on professionals. The result shows that there have been lack of attention for socially underprivileged groups in reality, in despite of the high demands for urban planning which allows for them. Also, it is revealed that the importance and the applicability of urban planning factors for socially underprivileged groups are highly recognized. In conclusion, it is suggested that planning factors whose the importance and the applicability are simultaneously significant should be included in urban planning.

      • KCI등재

        공동주택단지 공동체 활성화사업의 효과분석

        오용준(Oh, Young-June),윤갑식(Yun, Kap-Sik) 한국지역개발학회 2013 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.25 No.2

        It is generally recognized that the needs for the sense of community in apartment housing is of great importance. Therefore, various projects for community activation have been implemented by public and private sector. However the literatures show that there have been relatively few empirical research efforts to investigate the impact of the project for community activation in apartment housing on residents" satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the impact of the project on residents" satisfaction through the survey of residents consciousness and to suggest the policy directions for community vitalization based on the result. The impact of the project is investigated in terms of two aspects. One is to examine the change of residents" consciousness concerned to the sense of community prior and posterior to the project. The other is to compare the degree of the sense of community between residents affected or not by the project. The results are as follows. First, the project improved residents" the sense of the community regardless of the resident"s demographic factors. Second, the project encouraged the degree of the residential satisfaction, participation in community activities, and activation of community programs, which means that the more activation of the sense of community, the more satisfaction of residents. Finally, the demand for community programs such as development of community-shared space, improvement of residential environment, and economic cooperative activities are highly recognized by the most of residents.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        세종시 첫마을 지구단위계획에 대한 주민만족도 평가

        오용준(Oh, Young-June),홍경구(Hong, Keong-Gu) 대한건축학회 2015 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.31 No.1

        This study analyzes the effectiveness of the guideline of the district unit plan that targets the first apartment complexes of Sejong City. To this end, first, this study analyzed residents" satisfaction on the planning elements of the district unit plan of the first apartment complexes through ANOVA test. As a result of the analysis, residents" satisfaction was high in the following order: apartment shape and layout, architecture aesthetic, open spaces in apartment complexes, and environmental design, which are the specialthized planning elements of the district unit plan of the first apartment complexes. This implies that the details of the district unit plan of the first apartment complexes, differentiated from other new towns, affect residents" satisfaction. Second, this study conducted a multiple-regression analysis to draw the district unit plan elements that affect residential satisfaction. According to the analysis result, environmental design, apartment shape and layout, and architecture aesthetic affected residential satisfaction greatly in order. This study is meaningful in that a comparative analysis on the planning elements affecting local residents" satisfaction was empirically conducted by targeting the residents in the first apartment complexes of the Happy City, Sejong.

      • KCI등재

        토지적성평가의 지표추출 및 지표별 가중치 분석방법 고찰

        채미옥(Mie Oak Chae),오용준(Young June Oh) 대한지리학회 2003 대한지리학회지 Vol.38 No.5

        토지의 개발 또는 보전을 결정하는 적성은 토지가 가진 물리적 특성, 그 토지가 속해있는 주변지역의 특성, 토지의 공간 입지적 특성, 생태환경적 특성 등에 의해 결정된다. 이 논문에서는 전문가조사법과 AHP법을 활용하여 토지의 적성을 결정하는 지표를 분석하고 각 지표가 토지의 적성을 결정하는데 미치는 영향력을 분석하였다. 그 결과 토지의 적성을 결정하는 지표는 개발적성 또는 보전적성별로 각기 다른 지표들이 분석되었고 지표별 영향력도 각기 다르게 나타나는 것으로 분석되었다. 개발적성을 결정하는 지표는 경사도, 표고, 인근용도간 부합성, 용도전용비율, 기개발지거리, 공공편익시설거리의 6개 지표로 분석되었고, 이 중에서 기개발지거리 지표와 공공편익시설거리지표의 영향력이 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 한편 농업성을 결정하는 지표는 물리적 조건 상 경사도가 높지 않은 지역이면서 제도적으로 농지를 보전하기 위해 지정한 농업진흥지역의 비율이 높은 지역이나 농업적투자를 한 지역(경지정리지역) 또는 그들 지역과 근접해있는 지역인 것으로 분석되었다. 한편 보전지역은 생태자연도상의 상위등급지표가 가장 중요한 것으로 분석되었고 그 다음이 각종 법에서 보전지역으로 지정한 면적비율인 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 지표별 영향력을 반영하여 적성평가를 실시해본 결과 적성을 판단하기 어려운 중간적성값의 필지보다 개발적성과 보전적성이 강조된 양극단의 적성값을 가진 필지비율이 증가하는 것으로 분석되었다. The National Land Planning and Use Law Act at the beginning of 2002, introduced Land Suitability Assessment System(LSAS) in order to mitigate conflicts between development and consetvation needs for land. LSAS is to assess land characteristics according to its physical, locational, and environmental characteristics, and then to classify it into several categories based on its usability.<br/> This study aims to review the factors to determine the suitability of the land and their weights. Land suitability is determined by a variety of factors, such as land-surface slope and altitude, the type of land use in neighboring areas, accessibility to public facilities and existing developed areas, and ecological characteristics of the land. This article analyzed these factors and their influences by using the Delphi survey and Analytic Hierarchical Process.<br/> One of the most influential factors on the development suitability of land is the distance to developed areas and public facilities. On the other hand, the slope and altitude of the land have comparatively low influences on the land development. The coverage of prime cultivating land of the neighboring region and slope of the land are analyzed as important factors on the agricultural suitability of the land. The ecological features and the ratio of conservation area in the neighbourhood are counted as the most important factors in determining the land for conservation. This article tested these factors and their weights in assessing land suitability of land as a case study.<br/> Key Words : Land Suitability Assessment, land classification, AHP

      • KCI등재

        공동주택단지내 공동체의식 활성화 프로그램의 중요도 분석과 함의

        윤갑식(Yun Kap Sik),오용준(Oh Young June) 한국지역개발학회 2014 韓國地域開發學會誌 Vol.26 No.3

        These days the necessity for the sense of community activation program in apartment housing is increasing to successfully implement urban regeneration policy. However, the literatures show that there have been relatively few empirical research efforts /to investigate the importance of the sense of community activation program in apartment housing. This study aims to analyze the importance of the sense of community activation program in apartment housing and to suggest the policy directions for promotion of the sense of community based on the result. Through screening analysis and focus group interview, six programs for activation of the sense of community are proposed as follow: community space development activities, residential environment improvement activities, residential self-government activities, economic cooperation activities, friendship and voluntary service activities, cultural class operation activities. Discriminant analysis method is employed for estimation of the importance of these programs in this paper. The results show that the most important program for activation of the sense of community is community space development activities. The second is residential environment improvement activities, and the third is economic cooperation activities. The order of priority for the sense of community activation program should be taken into account in implementation process of urban regeneration policy.

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