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        성삼문(成三問) 문집(文集)의 편찬과 간행에 대하여

        신승운 ( Shin Seung-woon ) 한국어문교육연구회 2002 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.30 No.3

        이 글은 成三問 문집의 편찬 始末과 그의 號 梅竹軒의 문제를 다룬 것이다. 성삼문 문집의 初刊本인 『成先生遺稿』는 尹珍의 아들인 尹裕後(1541~1606)가 1570년대 말에 간행하였다. 윤진은 남효온·김시습과 동문수학한 홍유손의 門人이다. 2차 편집은 沈熙世(1601~1645)가 初刊本을 바탕으로 사돈인 신익성의 서문을 받아 편집한 것인데, 그의 急逝로 간행되지 못하고, 朴崇古가 편집 간행한 3차 편집본(再刊本)인 『六先生遺稿』에 편입 간행되었다. 4차 편집본(三刊本)인 『成謹甫先生集』은 編刊者가 분명하지 않으나 영조 34년(1758) 경에 板刻한 것으로 추정된다. 5차 편집본(四刊本)인 『梅竹軒先生文集』은 成璣運이 奉祀孫 成周英 등의 협조로 순종 3년(1909)에 간행한 것이다. 또한 ‘梅竹軒’이라는 號는 성삼문 자신과 同時代人이 지칭했던 사례가 보이지 않으므로, 성삼문의 號라기 보다는 그와 각별한 관계였던 안평대군의 號로 생각된다. This study investigated the beginning and end of the anthology of Seong, Sam-mun[成三問] and his pen name, Mae-jug-heon[梅竹軒]. The anthology of Seong, Sam-mun had been edited five times and published four times. The first edition, Seong-seon-saeng-yu-go[成先生遺稿] was published by Yun, Yu-hoo[尹裕後] who is Yun, Jin`s[尹珍] son at the end of 1570. Yun, Jin studied under the same teacher, Hong, Yu-son with Nam, Hyo-on[南孝溫] and Kim, Si-seub[金時習]. The second was edited by Sim, Hi-sae[沈熙世] founded on the first edition received the foreword of Sin, Ik-sung[申翊聖], a relative by marriage, but it was not published because of his sudden death. After that this book was published included in the third edition, Yuk-seon-saeng-yu-go[六先生遺稿] by Pack, Sung-go[朴崇古]. The fourth, Seong-geun-bo-jip[成謹甫集] was assumed that it was wood-block printed at about 1758, its editor and publisher are not obivious. The fifth, Mae-jug-heon-seon-saeng-mun-jip[梅竹軒先生文集] was edited and published with the helps of Seong, Ju-yeong[成周英] and others by Seong, Ki-un[成璣運] at 1909. Mae-jug-heon was not showed as instances of the using of Seong, Sam-mun's pen name by himself or the sametime's people. Judging from the fact, Maejugheon was the pen name of An-pyeong-dae-gun[安平大君] getting well with him, I understand it's not Seong, Sam-mun’s pen name.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        여각본 "동인지문오칠" 잔본(권7~권9)에 대하여

        신승운,Shin Seung-Woon 한국문헌정보학회 1991 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.20 No.-

        Summarizing the conclusion of this article is following this: 1. Donginjimun-ouchil(동인지문오칠) published at the close of Koryo, is not only the oldest anthology but also the only one of the same kinds that we have in present. 2. Donginjimun-ouchil is consist of 9 Kweons. We can know the fact through comparing samhansiguegam(삼한시구감), becouse it seems to summerize Donginjimun-ouchil. 3. Donginjimun-ouchil is different from other books and espically has a speial features which in eluding profils about the characters. 4. With additional punctuation marks in profile and critiism marks, we can know the rule of punctuation mark and at the same time it can give many assistances to the study of poetics.

      • KCI등재

        [ "규장전운" ]을 통해서 본 정조조의 서적 반사와 그 규모

        신승운,Shin, Seung-Woon 한국도서관정보학회 2004 한국도서관정보학회지 Vol.35 No.4

        조선시대의 서적의 출판과 그 유통은 국가가 중심이 되어 편찬하고 간행하여 제한된 신분의 신료에게 배포하는 소위 반사본이 중요한 위치를 점하고 있었다. 국왕이 반사하는 반사본이 그 숫자가 극히 제한적이기는 하지만 당시의 관료$\cdot$학인들이 새로운 서적을 습득하게 되는 중요한 제도였기에 서적의 반사대상을 연구하는 것은 지식의 습득에서 책이 차지하는 비중이 거의 절대적이었던 상황에서 매우 중요한 문제였다. 서적 유통의 문제는 서지학의 연구에서 매우 중요한 분야임에 틀림없지만 이러한 유통에 관한 자료가 극히 희소한 관계로 종래에는 현존본을 대상으로 한 연구가 주류를 차지하였다. 반사본의 연구도 그 중의 일환이었다. 정조의 부단한 관심과 지원하에 이덕무가 중심이 되어 편찬하고 여러 신료들의 교정을 거쳐 정조 20년 (1796)에 반사된 $\ulcorner$규장전운$\lrcorner$ 의 반사기는 그 수사 대상자가 방대하고 또 그 대상이 구체적으로 명시되어 있어서 조선후기의 서적 반사의 대상과 그 규모를 이해하는데 중요한 자료가 된다. 이 글에서는 $\ulcorner$규장전운$\lrcorner$의 반사대상에 대하여 구체적으로 다루었으며, 특히 책을 반사 받은 사액서원의 분포를 자세하게 다루었다. The best way of getting knowledge is reading in the Cho-sun dynasty, so getting books is the most interesting thing to the scholars. The most important way of getting books for scholars in Cho-sun dynasty is taking Bansabon published and given to scholars by government. but there is few data and few concrete studies of it. This study deals with the object and the scale of distribution of books on the basis of Bansagi ; king Jeong-jo published 『Kyujangjeonun』 distributed about 1,500 volumes to scholars and govermment agencies.

      • 麗刻本 「東人之文五七」殘本(卷7∼卷9)에 對하여

        辛承云 韓國圖書館學會 1991 圖書館學 Vol.20 No.1

        Summarizing the conclusion of this article is following this: 1. Donginjimun-ouchil(東人之文五七), published at the close of Koryo, is not only the oldest anthology but also the only one of the same kinds that we have in present. 2. Donginjimun-ouchil is consist of 9 Kweons. We can know the fact through comparing samhansiguegam(三韓詩龜鑑), because it seems to summerize Donginjimun-ouchil. 3. Donginjimun-ouchil is different from other books and espically has a special features which in cluding profils about the characters. 4. With additional punctuation marks in profile and critiism marks, we can know the rule of punctuation mark and at the same time it can give many assistances to the study of poetics

      • KCI등재

        成宗朝 文士養成과 文集編刊

        신승운 한국문헌정보학회 1995 한국문헌정보학회지 Vol.28 No.-

        In this paper, I intended to study the policy executed by the king Sungjong (成宗), the ruler of the early Chosun(朝鮮) Dynasty, for the purpose of the training for the literary scholars under the diplomatic necessity and from his own interest in literature, and the compilation and the publication of anthologies of the famous civil officials in those days under the influence of this policy. The overall findings of the study can be summarized as follows: 1. Sungjong was comparable with the Sejong(世宗) in his studiousness and especially, he was very interested in literature. He composed verses personally, showed them to his civil officials and demanded their poems in response to his own ones. Futhermore, he executed steadily the institutions of Eung-je(應製), Kaw-si (課試) and Weol-kwa(月課) that demanded creative writings from his civil officials. The purpose of these institutions which was propelled by the king Sungjong was the training for the literary scholars under the diplomatic necessity. 2. Chosun Dynasty exchanged envoys with Myeong(明) Dynasty during the time of the king Sungjong as many as 100 times. The training for the excellent literary scholars was nationally urgent problem because the competent literary scholars were needed whenever Myeong Dynasty dispatched the envoys to Chosun Dynasty. Eung-je, Kwa-si and Weol-kwa were executed from practical demand and 1 -3 persons at the minimum, 60 - 70 persons at the maximum took part in this institution at a time. This means that 60 - 70 literary works were produced at a time. Therefore, the steady execution of Eung- je, Kwa-si and Weol-kwa inevitably resulted in mass production of literary works. 3. The king Sungjong instructed his civil officials to compile the anthologies of the then representative civil officials as a means to encourage literary compositions, read it himself and took actions to publish them at the expense of government. There were six anthologies compiled and published under this policy of the king Sungjong, Kang Heuimaeng's Sasukjejib(姜希孟, 私淑齋集), Shin Suk-ju's Bohanjaejib (申叔舟, 保閑齋集), Kim Su-on's Shikujib (金守溫, 拭우集), Choe Hang's Taeheojeongjib (催恒, 太虛亭集), Seo Keo-jeong's Sagajib (徐居正, 四佳集), Lee Seok-hyeong's Jeoheonjib (李石亨, 樗軒集). Yu Ho-in's Noekyejib(兪好仁, 뇌溪集), Lee Seung-so's Samtanjib (李承召, 三灘集), Kim Jong-jik's Jeompilijaejib (金宗直, 점畢齋集) of three were examined by the king Sungjong, but published later because of the death of the king. 4. Jeompiliaejib was compiled by order of the king Sungjong and passed Eulram(乙覽: king reads an anthology personally) which contained Joeuijemoon(弔義帝文) that criticized the king Sejo(世祖) who had usurped a throne. The recording of Joeuijemoon became an issue in process of Muosahwa (戊午士禍), and it was ordered that the printing blocks should be broken and the published books should be collected and be burnt up. These procedures destroyed the social atmosphere that people considered it an honor writing literary compositions, compiling and publishing anthologies thanks to the steady efforts of the king Sungjong. 5. It had an important effect on the compilation and the publication of anthologies after that, breaking the printing blocks, collecting and burning up the pulished books of Jeompiljaejib because of recording of Joeuijemoon. Namely, it got universalized to delete compositions that can cause problems in the future as well as the parts related to political issue, from the objects of recording. Such tendency became one of the important principles of the anthological compilation after that

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