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        국내 인터넷 웹사이트에 소개된 소아 및 청소년 비만치료의 실태 및 문제점

        신상원,김은영,노영일,양은석,박상기,박영봉,문경래,Shin, Sang Won,Kim, Eun Young,Rho, Young Il,Yang, Eun Seok,Park, Sang Kee,Park, Young Bong,Moon, Kyung Rye 대한소아소화기영양학회 2005 Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology & nutrition Vol.8 No.1

        목 적: 검증되지 않는 방법이나 성인비만치료 방법을 성장과 발달을 과정에 있는 소아에게 그대로 적용하게 되면, 건강에 악영향을 주게 된다. 여과 없이 무제한적으로 노출되고, 최근 급격히 이용률이 증가하고 있는 정보전달 매체인 인터넷 웹사이트에 소개된 소아 및 청소년 비만치료의 실태 및 문제점에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 방 법: 2004년 7월1일부터 8월1일까지 1개월 동안 야후 코리아의 검색엔진을 사용하여 '소아비만'이라는 검색어로 검색된 203개의 웹 사이트를 대상으로 하였다. 실제 하이퍼텍스트로 접근할 수 없거나 중복된 경우를 제외한 203개의 웹 사이트를 최종분석 대상으로 선별하였다. 각 분석 대상은 의료기관, 피부미용실, 단식원 및 그 외 사설 정보센터로 분류하여, 현재 실행되고 있는 치료 행태의 종류 및 성인비만과는 구분된 소아비만치료의 특수성을 고려하 고 있는지의 여부에 대해 분류하였다. 결 과: 비만치료에 대한 구체적인 항목을 표방한 경우가 157곳(77.3%)였고, 단순한 정보만 제공한 경우가 46곳(22.7%)이었다. '소아비만' 치료를 표방한 사이트의 구성은 한의원(52.2%), 의원 및 병원(35.0%), 그 외 다이어트식품회사, 피부 관리소 등 기타 순이었다. 의원 및 병원 중, 소아과 의원 및 병원은 35곳(22%)에 불과하였으며, 성형외과 7곳, 가정의학과와 내과가 각각 6곳, 정신과와 신경과 2곳 순이었다. 성인과는 구분된 올바른 소아비만 치료를 하고 있는 사이트의 구성은 한의원 중 19곳(23%), 소아과 병원 및 의원 중 26곳(93%), 내과 및 가정의학 과 등 타과 의원 중 7곳(25%)이었으며, 한의원 63곳 (77%), 소아과 이외의 타과 의원 21곳(75%)에서 성인비만치료를 그대로 여과없이 소아비만에 적응하여 치료하고 있었다. 결 론: 소아 비만에 대한 잘못되거나 부정확한 정보가 인터넷 정보로 무분별하게 제공되고 있으므로 소아과 의사의 더 많은 관심과 인터넷을 통한 홍보 관리 시스템의 적극적인 개발이 필요하다. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the quality and problems of Web sites for management of childhood and adolescent obesity. Methods: We evaluated 203 Web sites identified from the search engine, Korean Yahoo, using the word of 'childhood and adolescent obesity'. 203 Web sites were classified according to medical institutions, health information Web sites, beauty shops. etc. We surveyed whether childhood and adolescent obesity distinguished with adult obesity was considered, or not. and researched the unique managements of childhood and adolescent obesity including the cardinal treatment. Results: Of the 203 Web sites, 157(77.3%) provided detailed information about treatment of obesity, 46(22.7%) provided only simple information about one. The sites providing detailed information were composed of 52.2% of oriental medicine clinics, 35.0% of clinic & hospitals including pediatric hospitals. Distribution of the sites about management of childhood and adolescent obesity distinguished with adult's one was only 23% of oriental medicine clinics, but 93% of childrens hospitals. Conclusion: Without considering the speciality of childhood obesity, inaccurate information are distributing on internet web sites. It is necessary for concern and development of advertizing system on the internet distributing accurate information about treatment of childhood obesity.

      • KCI등재

        甘草의 調和諸藥 효능에 대한 고찰

        신상원(Shin Sang-won),윤은경(Yoon Eunkyung),조소형(Jo Sohyung),황지현(Hwang Jihyun) 대한한의학원전학회 2020 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        Objectives : To examine the meaning of ‘harmonizing all medicinals(調和諸藥)’ of Gancao’s property to grasp its essence which would further lead to better understanding of formula composition where Gancao is both included and excluded. Methods : Contents on Gancao from previous texts were analyzed and integrated with basic descriptions on qi and flavor, shape and colour, origin, name, etc., to form a single Xiang(象) or image. Further discussion was developed from this point in a way to better understand the harmonizing property of Gancao. Results & Conclusions : Gancao’s ‘harmonizing all medicinals’ property is achieved through its ‘mitigate urgency’ function. The meaning of ‘harmonizing all medicinals’ could be understood in terms of both mitigating the whole formula and mitigating each medicinal ingredient. First, Gancao’s function of mitigating the whole formula is to mediate conflict that occurs from difference in property among each ingredient where each medicinal’s property remains intact to perform its effects soundly. Second, to mitigate each medicinal ingredient is to balance the effects of severly biased medicinals to obtain desired effects. Both approaches are same in essence in that they mitigate urgency to achieve the original goal. Gancao’s ‘harmonizing all medicinals’ is to arbitrate others, which sets Gancao apart from other ingredients to function at a more basal level.

      • KCI등재

        少陰人의 心之範圍에 대한 고찰

        신상원(Shin Sang-won) 대한한의학원전학회 2020 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.33 No.3

        Objectives : 少陰人 心之範圍의 의미를 이해하고 그 임상적 의의를 밝히고자 한다. Methods : 範圍 개념의 연원이 되는 『周易·繫辭傳』의 언급을 중심으로 範圍라는 술어의 본래적 의미를 탐구하고, 이를 바탕으로 『東醫壽世保元』에서 설명한 少陰人의 性情의 맥락에서 사용된 心之範圍의 의미를 탐구할 것이다. 또한 少陰人 病證 중 危證에 해당하는 藏厥과 陰盛隔陽의 병리 기전과 관련지어 ‘心之範圍’의 관찰이 예후 판단의 측면에서 갖는 의의를 논의할 것이다. Results : 『周易·繫辭傳』에서 말한 ‘範圍’는 인간에 영향을 미치는 외부 세계의 변화 양상을 인식하고 여기에 들어있는 경향성을 본뜬 틀을 만들어내는 과정인데, 외부 세계 변화의 過不及에 대해 대비할 수 있도록 하여 萬物을 보호하는 데에 목적이 있다. 少陰人 개인 차원에서도 範圍의 작용을 가정할 수 있는데, 少陰人 性情의 특징은 範圍의 목적 및 대상과 밀접하게 관련되어 있으므로 李濟馬는 少陰人의 ‘心之範圍’ 여부를 관찰하여 少陰人의 稟性이 잘 발휘되고 있는지의 여부를 살피고자 하였다. Conclusions : 躁의 有定無定은 병증 전체의 예후를 판정하는 기준이 되며, 躁의 有定無定은 心之範圍가 제대로 이루어지는가의 여부에 달려 있다. 心之範圍를 보기 위한 방법은 少陰人이 겉으로 드러내는 태도를 통해 간접적으로 파악하는 것이다. 만약 아주 짧은 시간만이라도 綽綽卓卓한 모습이 나타난다면 ‘心之範圍’가 이루어지고 있어 不安定이 해소되는 흐름이 있는 것으로 보고 치료의 가능성을 긍정적으로 평가하게 된다. Objectives : This paper aims to understand the meaning of ‘少陰人 心之範圍’ and to determine its clinical implication. Methods : First, the meaning of the verb ‘範圍’ was examined in 『IChing·XiCi(周易·繫辭傳)』 from where it originated. Based on the findings, the meaning of ‘心之範圍’ in the context of the nature and emotion[性情] of So-eumin as explained in the 『DongUisusebowon(東醫壽世保元)』 was further investigated. Moreover, the clinical significance of the observation of ‘心之範圍’ in relation to determining prognosis was discussed in regards to ‘visceral syncope[藏厥]’ and ‘exuberating yin separating yang[陰盛隔陽]’ which come under the severe symptoms[危證] category in the disease pattern of So-eumin. Results : ‘範圍’ as mentioned in 『IChing·XiCi(周易·繫辭傳)』 refers to the process of creating a framework that takes after the tendencies of the patterns of change of the external world that influences mankind. The objective of this process is to prepare for the excessiveness and insufficiency of the change that happens in the external world so as to ultimately protect all existences. The workings of ‘範圍’ could be assumed on a personal level as well. As the nature and emotion of So-eumin is closely related to the purpose and object of ‘範圍’, Yi Jema suggested that through observing whether the So-eumin exhibits ‘心之範圍’ or not, that it could be determined whether his/her innate nature is being properly exercised or not. Conclusions : Whether one’s agitation calms down or not even for a moment is the criteria for determining prognosis of the entire disease, while its calming-down relies on proper functioning of ‘心之範圍’. The way to determine this is through observation of the manifest attitude of the So-eumin. If the So-eumin displays a poised and autonomous[綽綽卓卓] attitude even for a moment, it could be understood as the ‘心之範圍’ process being properly functioning, indicating the overall direction to be heading towards relief of the sense of instability, allowing for a positive outlook on treatment.

      • KCI등재

        『조선보건사를 통해 살펴본 북한의 전통의학 인식 : 근대 이전 의학사를 중심으로

        辛相元(Shin Sang-won),金鍾鉉(Kim Jong-hyun) 대한한의학원전학회 2021 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Objectives :The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the significance of the Joseonbogeonsa by examining North Korea’s perspective in its documentation of the history of medicine, and to further understand North Korea’s perception of Korean Traditional Medicine. Methods : The focus of examination was on the perspective of historical description as shown in the first chapter of the Joseonbogeonsa. Its unique features were made clear through comparison with historical texts of medicine of South Korea such as the History of Medicine in Korea, and the History of Korean Medicine. In order to grasp the current of historical research in North Korea, various Traditional Medicine related dictionaries and academic journals of North Korea along with the Joseontongsa were examined. Results & Conclusions : The historical views of the Joseonbogeonsa could be categorized as nation-focused, materialistic, and nationalistic. These are core elements that make up North Korea’s self-reliance ideology, which influenced the interpretation of medical facts. While the text is valuable in that it introduced new historical material along with its interpretation, and argued for a more independent development of Traditional Medicine, its limitation of interpreting historical material from a conclusive, pre-determined standpoint cannot be overlooked. The North Korean ‘Goryeo Medicine’ is defined by its historical nature rather than academic characteristics, and its significance is determined by its clinical efficacy rather than theoretical value.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 『동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)』의 형방사백산(荊防瀉白散)에 대한 고찰

        신상원 ( Sang Won Shin ),정창현 ( Chang Hyun Jeong ),백유상 ( You Sang Baik ),장우창 ( Woo Chang Jang ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2015 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Objectives : It is told that Hyungbangsabaeksan is important to treat the Soyangin(少陽人) disease in Dongyisusebowon. Though Hyungbangsabaeksan is widely applied in Soyangin(少陽人) disease, it is difficult to understand the meaning of Hyungbangsabaeksan and also hard to use clinically. In this study, We tried to reveal the fundamental meaning of the Hyungbangsabaeksan and the indication of Hyungbangsabaeksan. Methods : We mainly studied diseases in Dongyisusebowon. The use of drug in Soyang disease(少陽病) is relatively difficult. So we firstly reviewed Mang-um disease(亡陰證) that is almost close to the Interior syndrome(裏病) and an Analogous Hak(似학) that is one of the interior syndrome. Based on the understanding of interior syndrome, We tried to understand Hyungbangsabaeksan in the usage of the drug in Soyang disease(少陽病). Results : We found the key point of indication of Hyungbangsabaeksan in Mang-um disease(亡陰證) of Exterior cold syndrome(表寒病) and an Analogous Hak of Interior syndrome. Also based on that, We identified characteristics of Soyang disease(少陽病). Therefore, we inferred that there are significant symptoms in Soyang disease(少陽病) that Hyungbangsabeaksan could be applied. Conclusions : Reviewing the usage of Hyungbangsabeaksan in Mang-um disease(亡陰證) and an Analogous Hak, we found that Interior syndrome is important in indication of Hyungbangsabeaksan. Also we found that Hyungbangsabeaksan is especially applied when irreversible transition of the disease can be predicted. Based on this, We concluded Hyungbangsabeaksan is preventively used in specific Soyang disease(少陽病), of which the machanism of the disease is similar.

      • KCI등재

        치아(齒牙)에 대한 두 관점의 통합적 이해 - 신(腎)·양명(陽明)의 관계를 중심으로 -

        신상원 ( Shin Sang-won ),김종현 ( Kim Jong-hyun ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2019 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        Objectives : There are two aspects of Korean medicine perspective on teeth, including the fact that the teeth reveal the thrift and decay of kidney as 'Goljiyeo', and that SujokYangmyeongGyeong flows into the teeth. Since the interrelationships of the two have not been sufficiently studied, this study attempts to investigate the relationship between kidney and Yangmyeong on teeth based on the literature. Methods : In "Huangdineijing", this study examined whether the connection between kidney and Yangmyeong respectively for the teeth appeared, and reviewed the sentences that can simultaneously examine the relationship between kidney and Yangmyeong. This study referred to previous medical books such as "Nanjing" as needed. Results & Conclusions : This study confirmed that there is recognition that kidney and Yangmyeong affected the teeth in a complex way in various provisions such as the provision of "Joksoeumgijeol" in "Lingshu-Jingmai". Kidney and Yangmyeong produce wantonness(血氣) in food(水穀) and transform it to perform the process of producing the vitality together. However, there is an aspect that they oppose each other as acquired spirit and inherent vitality. Therefore, inherent and acquired incongruities may occur depending on the situation, which can be a cause of triggering the pathogenesis of the tooth. : This study has found herbal combinations used frequently in Korean medicine formulas used for insomnia treatment, and a result of network analysis composed of four communities. Each community consisted of herbs in affiliation of Yookmijihwangtang(六味地 黃湯) and Samultang(四物湯), Bohyulchunghwatang(補血淸火湯) and Ondamtang(溫膽湯), Jungjihwan(定志丸) and Sanjointang(酸棗仁湯).

      • KCI등재

        태음인(太陰人) 표열증(表熱證) 설사(泄瀉)에 대한 고찰

        신상원 ( Shin Sang-won ) 대한한의학원전학회(구 대한원전의사학회) 2018 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        Objectives : The first object is to reveal the mechanism of diarrhea based on exterior heat syndrome for Taeumin as explained in Donguisusebowon’s Taeeumingansuyeoliyeolbyeonglon. The second objective is to review the treatment for Taeumin as explained in Leejema’s Galgeunnabogjatang because the drug composition of Galgeunnabogjatang, the drug that treats this syndrome, is not written. Methods : As the first step, the paper will review the disease pathology for Taeumin written, and check the existence of disease path that can be viewed as exterior heat syndrome. As the second step, the paper will review the probability of exterior heat syndrome deriving from Taeumin disease path and morph into the exterior heat syndrome. Results : Using the first step to discover the direct correlation between exterior heat syndrome and the theory of disease for Taeumin led to a failure, but through the second step, the paper was able to confirm the probability that exterior heat syndrome could derive from Wiwansuhanpyohanbyeong’s Wiwanhanjeung. Based on this, the paper was able to determine the Galgeunnabogjatang suitable for the treatment of exterior heat syndrome. Conclusions : Exterior heat syndrome is created when healthy qi is stimulated to quickly build up the pathogen of Taeumin exterior heat syndrome, but only exterior heat is generated and the cold remains. Its main symptoms are fever, excessive sweating, and difficult painful red-urination. Exterior heat syndrome diarrhea refers to the diarrhea which is generated from the Taeumin’s disease pathology. The paper determined that Galgeunnabogjatang, which is listed in Donguisusebowon the seventh edition Boyubang.

      • KCI등재

        宗氣의 의미에 대한 考察: 기존 논의에 대한 재검토를 중심으로

        辛相元(Shin Sang Won) 대한한의학원전학회 2019 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.32 No.3

        Objectives : To determine and analyze problems in existing discussions on Zong Qi and to establish a new concept of Zong Qi based on the initial idea that gave birth to this concept through examination of early texts. Methods : Descriptions of Zong Qi in contemporary theoretical texts published in both Korea and China were thoroughly examined. Also, theories of major doctors that dealt with this concept were selectively examined, after which problems of existing discussions on Zong Qi were analyzed. Next, verses that mention contents related to Zong Qi in the 『Huangdineijing』 were studied for better understanding of the concept. Results & Conclusions : The findings determined that existing discussions could not explain the meaning of Zong Qi properly. Based on new discussions, Zong Qi can be understood as a concept of maintaining the constancy of life dynamic in the Later Heaven(後天) that is lead by Qi from food and drinks. Clinical observation of aforementioned life phenomenon maintained by Zong Qi and additional discussion on its concept is necessary.

      • KCI등재

        『의학입문,상한편(醫學入門,傷寒篇)』의 "표본수명후선(標本須明後先)" 조문(條文)에서 나타난 삼음삼양병(三陰三陽病)의 표본(標本)개념에 대한 고찰

        신상원 ( Sang Won Shin ),정창현 ( Chang Hyun Jeong ),백유상 ( You Sang Baik ),장우창 ( Woo Chang Jang ) 대한한의학원전학회 ( 구 대한원전의사학회 ) 2012 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        『Yixuerumen』is a comprehensive medical text published in the Ming-dynasty by Li Chan(李踐). In this text, Sanghan(傷寒, cold damage) is categorized among external contraction(外感) with much emphasis. The subject of this study is the verse "The Principal and secondary aspects must first be decided." and its annotations in the <Six Meridian Pathology(六經正病)> in the Sanghan chapter of 『Yixuerumen』. The complex theoretical structure of this verse was firstly analyzed, together with the historical background of how and why Li Chan adopted this concept. The Pyo-Bon concept is the contrast between phenomena(標) and its underlying source of motivation(本). The methodology for this study was to compare and analyze this main verse with contents on Sanghan and Un-gi(運氣) within the text, while reviewing historical theories explaining the physiology and pathology of the human body in terms of the Pyo-bon(標本) concept. As a result, we discovered that the Pyo-bon(標本) concept used in the aforementioned verse of 『Yixuerumen』matches the Three Eum Three Yang(三陰三陽)-標本中氣(pyo-bon-jung gi)-gi transformation(氣化) theory of Un-gi(運氣). Li Chan created the connecting link in understanding the Three Eum Three Yang diagnosis system through the viscera/bowels theory(臟腑論) by adopting the Three Eum Three Yang(三陰三陽)-標本中氣(pyo-bon-jung gi)-gi transformation(氣化) theory from Un-gi. Li`s work lead to several changes in the field of Sanghan. First, Li understood the disease pattern of Sanghan by using the accumulated knowledge of the viscera/bowel theory during the Jin-Yuan dynasty, and developed a medical perspective that observes the disease pattern based on the body`s essence gi(精氣). Second, he set the category of the Sanghan-Three Eum Three Yang disease pattern, establishing a separate guideline. Third, by adding knowledge of herbs to the accumulated knowledge of the viscera/bowel theory, the process of diagnosis and herbal application were made explicable. On the other hand, in the process of interpreting the 三陰三陽diagnosis system with viscera/bowels theory, theoretical inconsistencies appeared, of which Li tried to mend by several means. The results of the research on 『Yixuerumen(醫學入門),the Sanghan chapter(傷寒篇)』calls for further studies, as it has effected both 『Dongeuibogam(東醫寶鑑),the Sanghan part(寒門)』and 『Dongeuisoosebowon(東醫壽世保元)』as well.

      • KCI등재

        포뮬러 형태 자작자동차의 경량화 및 주행 성능 향상을 위한 최적설계에 관한 연구

        신상원(Sang-Won Shin),강신욱(Sin-Wook Kang),하승현(Seung-Hyun Ha),박진표(Jin-Pyo Park),김대완(Dae-Wan Kim),이무연(Moo-Yeon Lee) 한국산학기술학회 2017 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.18 No.10

        경량화는 현재 자동차 산업에 있어 가장 중요하게 여겨지는 화두 중 하나이다. 내연기관은 물론 미래형 자동차, 친환경 자동차 개발을 위해 경량화는 자동차 산업에 있어서 결코 빠질 수 없는 소재이다. 친환경 자동차를 개발하는데 있어 연비향상과 주행성능향상은 경량화가 핵심이기 때문이다. 본 연구팀에서도 포뮬러 형태의 자작자동차를 제작하면서 경량화와 최적설계를 통한 주행 성능 향상에 주안점을 두고 연구를 시작하였다. 본 연구는 전년도 제작 차량을 바탕으로 다음의 네 가지 항목으로 나누어 진행하였다. 첫 번째, 엔진의 교체를 통한 엔진룸의 구조설계 및 경량화. 두 번째, 프레임의 최적설계를 통한 부재의 단순화 및 경량화 연구. 세 번째, 프레임의 최적설계에 따른 서스펜션의 구조설계 및 해석. 마지막으로, 업라이트와 허브의 설계 및 경량 부품 사용을 통한 경량화 등이다. 이러한 목표설정을 두고 차량 설계를 진행하였으며 결과적으로 전년도 차량대비 48 kg을 감량하여 19.5% 만큼의 경량화 하였고 이에 가속도 또한 80 m 기준 6.65 s에서 5.8 s만큼 단축시켰다. Weight reduction is one of the important issues in the automotive industry and the development of internal combustion engines vehicles, future vehicles, and eco-friendly vehicles for improving fuel efficiency. The objective of this study is to investigate the improvement of driving performance by weight reduction and optimum design for a formula-type self-designed on-road vehicle. This study is divided into the four steps. Firstly, the engine room was replaced and designed with a lighter engine. Secondly, an optimization study was conducted to simplify and lighten the vehicle components with the design of the frame. Thirdly, the structure design was optimized and the suspension was analyzed with the design of the frame. Finally, the design of an upright and hub with reduced weight was carried out usinglighter parts. As a result, we reduced the weight of the vehicle by 48.5kg compared to the previous year (19.5%) and increased the acceleration from 6.8 s to 5.8 s.s.

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