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      • 직업군에 따른 피부 관리실 이용에 대한 중요도 연구

        송민진 ( Min Jin Song ),송연숙 ( Yeon Sook Song ),이근광 ( Keun Kwang Lee ) 대한미용문화예술학회 2013 대한미용문화예술학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        This study conducted a survey on the impotance of skin care shop centering around students and office workers in their 10s 10s∼40s residing in the provinces of Jeonbuk and Daejeon. This study extracted 272 persons as random samples and used a questionnaire as a method of study. The results of study are as follows. When looking into the preference of skin care shop according to the occupation, result of study shows that 67.6% of respondents have an experience of receiving skin care in aggregate. As a result of occupational groupings, specialized; administrative job held the highest rank as 82.9% and beauty meridian massage was selected as a desired skin care program with 39.3%, and specialized; administrative job(37.8%) and students(46.2%) turned out to have high level of preference of beauty meridian massage. And, iimportance mportance on the choosing skin care shop according to occupational cluster was care effectiveness(M = 4.63), professionalism of managers(M = 4.58), skin care maintenance costs(M = 4.49) and the staff`s service(M = 4.49) in order.

      • 직업군에 따른 피부특성 및 피부관리 태도에 관한 연구

        송민진 ( Min Jin Song ),송연숙 ( Yeon Sook Song ),이경옥 ( Kyung Ok Lee ),이근광 ( Keun Kwang Lee ) 대한미용문화예술학회 2013 대한미용문화예술학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        This study conducted a survey on the characteristics of skin and attitudes of skin care centering around students and office workers in their 10s 10s∼40s residing in the provinces of Jeonbuk and Daejeon. This study extracted 272 persons as random samples and used a questionnaire as a method of study. The results of study are as follows. As for the occupation, dry skin was the most common in specialized; administrative job(41.5%) and office job(25.7%), and oily skin was the highest in technical job as 34.4% and 38.9% of service job turned out to have combined skin, and 32.7% of students have acne skin. With regard to skin condition, specialized; administrative job thought to have the best skin condition and as a result of analysis on the problem of skin, this study revealed that lack of moisture was the most common with 22.8% followed by acne, large pores(22.1%), no serious problem(15.8%), pigmentation(12.5%) and sensitive skin, telangiectasia(10.7%). When classifying by occupation, lack of moisture was the most common in specialized; administrative job(30.5%) and office job(25.7%), and acne/capillary took the highest position among technical job(28.1%) and students(55.8%), whereas ``no serious problem`` was the highest in service job as 33.3%. As a result of investigation on the awareness and attitude toward skin care according to occupation, this study found that respondents generally have an interest in skin care in a degree. As for the indifference to skin care, lack of awareness of skin care was the highest with 18 respondents. And analysis on the reason for receiving skin care shows that ``due to much interest in skin`` took the highest share with 28.8% and as the reason for the opposite case, 57.4% of respondents pointed out ``high cost``. As for the method of skin care, specialized; administrative job(46.3%) and office job(30.0%) replied they receive skin care through skin care shops, and technical job(28.1%), service job(44.4%) and students(53.8%) replied they care for skin themselves at home by using cosmetics.

      • KCI등재

        인신 사고로 인한 손해배상액 산정에 관한 연구 : 경험칙상 도시일용노동의 월 가동일수를 중심으로

        송민진(Song, Min Jin) 한국보험법학회 2021 보험법연구 Vol.15 No.2

        불법행위로 인한 인신사고에서 손해배상범위의 대부분을 차지하는 부분이 일실수입이다. 일실수입이란, 사고가 없었을 경우 피해자가 장래에 얻을 수 있었으리라 예측되는 소득을 말한다. 당해 사건에 현출된 구체적 사정, 통계자료 등 과학적 근거에 바탕을 두고 계산하더라도 피해자의 노동능력이 가지는 재산적 가치를 경제적 가치로 평가하는 것은 누구도 정확히 예측할 수 없는 문제인 것이다. 즉 민사소송법 제202조는 법관이 자유로운 심증으로 일실수입을 판단하더라도 사실인정에 있어 경험칙에서 자유로울 수 없는 것이다. 이 연구는 피해자가 소득을 구체적으로 입증하여 배상을 구하지 않을 경우 인정되는 일용 노임이 현실에 비추어 적정한 수준인지를 판단하고, 피해자와 가해자 사이의 손해를 공평하게 분담시킬 수 있는 일용노임의 일응의 기준을 제시하고자 하였다. 일반육체노동을 하는 사람 또는 육체노동을 주로 생계활동으로 하는 사람의 경험칙상 월 가동일수에 관하여 대법원은 약 20년 동안 육체노동자의 가동일수를 22일로 인정하는 견해를 유지해 왔다. 그러나 종전 판결이후 사회·경제적 구조가 변화 발전하고 법제도가 개정됨에 따라 근로자 스스로 종전처럼 일과 수입에만 매여 있지 않고 생활여유를 즐기려는 의지가 커지면서 각종 통계에서도 월 가동일수가 줄어드는 현상이 확인되었다. 과거의 가동일수 경험칙이 변경되었던 근거와 같은 논리에 의하더라도 가동일수가 변경될 가능성이 있음을 시사하는 것이다. 따라서 특별한 사정이 없는 한 대법원은 기존의 경험칙상 도시일용노동의 월 가동일수 22일보다 적은 새로운 경험칙을 인정하는 판례를 통해 이러한 논란을 종식시켜야 할 것이다. Lost Earnings accounts for most of the scope of damages in personal accidents caused by illegal activities. Lost earnings refers to the earnings that the victim is expected to obtain in the future if there were no accidents. The problem is that no one can accurately predict the value of the victim s labor capacity property with economic value, even if it is calculated on scientific grounds, such as specific circumstances, evidence and statistics from individual cases. That is, Article 202 of the Civil Procedure Act, Judges cannot be free from empirical Rule in acknowledging facts in determining lost earnings. If the victim does not specifically prove and claim earnings, daily rate urban workers wages are recognized. This study investigated whether daily rate urban workers wages are at an appropriate level in the light of reality. And through this, we tried to present the standard of daily rate urban workers wages that can share the damages between the victim and the perpetrator fairly and reasonably. The Supreme Court has maintained the view that the number of operating days per month is recognized as 22 days for ordinary physical labor for about 20 years, as a empirical Rule for those who engage in ordinary physical labor or earnings a living mainly through performing physical labor as their livelihood activities. However, as the socio-economic structure changed and developed and the legal system was revised after the previous position, workers themselves became more willing to enjoy living space without being tied to work and earnings as before. In addition, various statistics showed that the number of working days decreased. This suggests the possibility that the current number of working days will change even if the same logic as the empirical rule of the past working days is applied. Therefore, unless there is a particular reason, the Supreme Court should end the controversy by acknowledging the new empirical rule of experience that daily rate urban workers have less than 22 working days.

      • KCI등재후보

        스토킹의 현주소와 피해자 보호에 관한 연구

        송민진(Song, Min-Jin),박현정(Park, Hyun-Jeong) 한국법이론실무학회 2021 법률실무연구 Vol.9 No.2

        스토킹에 대하여 일반적으로 상대방의 의사에 반하여 지속적으로 접근, 따라다니기, 잠복하여 기다리기, 교제 요구 등을 반복하는 행위라고 인식한다. 그러나 최근 스토킹 사건을 살펴보면 종래의 경범죄처벌법에 명시된 유형을 넘어 강력범죄로의 점증적(漸增的) 모습을 보이고 있다. 스토킹 범죄와 피해의 유형이 매우 다양하다. 피해자와 가해자 관계에 있어서 밀접한 관계성, 관계추구형, 無관계형으로 분류할 수 있으며, 행위 유형에 따라 정서적 스토킹, 신체적 스토킹, 성적 스토킹으로 구분된다. 피해 중심 유형을 살펴보면 심리적 박탈감에 따른 피해, 사회활동 제약에 따른 피해, 사이버 활동 제약에 따른 피해, 경제적 부담에 따른 피해를 주목할 필요가 있다. 이는 단순히 불편함과 불안감을 넘어 일상생활을 영위하지 못할 정도로의 점증적인 현상을 보이는 근거라할 수 있다. 스토킹은 형사제재가 제대로 이루어지지 않기 때문에 대처방안 마련에 어려움이 많다는 점에서 암수범죄로의 위험요소를 안고 있다. 또한 경범죄 유형에서 강력범죄로의 점증적 위험요소, 가벼운 처벌 내지 훈방 등으로 인해 보복범죄가 발생할 수 있는 위험요소를 간과해서는 안 된다. 이러한 피해유형과 위험요소는 중대한 피해가 발생할 수 있다는 점에서 피해자 보호에 관한 시급성이 요청된다. 이에 따라 스토킹 피해자보호에 관한 외국의 입법례와 신설된 「스토킹범죄의 처벌 등에 관한 법률」을 중심으로, 제재를 위한 요건의 명확성 및 수사기관의 적극적 대응을 위한 체제를 구축하여야 한다. 더불어 피해자 보호를 위한 제도적 장치로서 스토킹 범죄 피해자 지원 시스템을 구축하고 외국의 스토킹 대책센터를 마련하는데 연구가 이루어져야 할 것이다. 스토킹은 점증적인 특징을 갖는다는 점에서 경미한 사건에서부터 제지 할 수 있는 단계별 제도적 장치와 피해자 보호를 위한 단계별 보호장치가 함께 마련되어야 한다. 이를 통해 스토킹 범죄는 점차 감소할 것으로 기대한다. In general, stalking is perceived as an act of continuing repetition against the will of the other person, for example, approaching, following, waiting in hiding, asking for date, etc. However, when looking at the recent stalking case, it shows a gradual appearance of violent crime beyond the type specified in the conventional misdemeanor punishment law. There are many types of stalking crimes and victims. In relation to the victim and the perpetrator, it can be classified into close relationship, relationship-seeking, and non-relational type, and according to the type of behavior it is divided into emotional stalking, physical stalking, and sexual stalking. Looking at the damage-focused types, paying attention is needed to the damage caused by psychological deprivation, the damage caused by the social activity restriction, the damage caused by the cyber activity restriction, and the damage caused by the economic burden. This can be said to be the basis for showing a gradual phenomenon to the extent that it is impossible to lead daily life beyond simply feelings of discomfort and anxiety. Stalking poses a risk factor as a hidden crime in that it is difficult to prepare countermeasures because criminal sanctions are not properly implemented. In addition, in the type of misdemeanor crime, the risk factors that may lead to retaliatory crimes due to incremental risk factors to violent crimes, light punishment or warning, etc. should not be overlooked. Since these types of damage and risk factors can cause serious damage, the urgency to protect victims is required. Accordingly, it is necessary to establish a system for the clarity of the requirements for sanctions and the active response of the investigative agency, focusing on foreign legislation on the protection of stalking victims and the newly established 「Legislative Bill of Punishment of stalking」. In addition, as an institutional device for the protection of victims, research should be conducted to establish a support system for victims of stalking crimes and to establish a stalking countermeasure center in force in foreign countries. Since stalking has an incremental characteristic, a step-by-step institutional device that can be prevented from just minor incidents and a step-by-step protection device to protect victims must be provided. Through this, stalking crime is expected to gradually decrease.

      • KCI등재후보

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