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      • KCI등재

        강원도 고성군 소규모 신규조림/재조림 CDM 시범사업의 온실가스 감축량 산정 연구

        손요환 ( Yow Han Son ),김지연 ( Ji Yeon Kim ),이수경 ( Sue Kyoung Lee ),노남진 ( Nam Jin Noh ),윤태경 ( Tae Kyung Yoon ),한새롬 ( Sae Rom Han ),( Gui Shan Cui ),이우균 ( Woo Kyun Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2013 한국산림과학회지 Vol.102 No.3

        Afforestation/reforestation (A/R) clean development mechanism (CDM) is the only forestry-based activities allowed under the Kyoto protocol. This study was conducted to develop a methodology to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) removals of a small scale A/R CDM pilot project in Goseong, Gangwon Province,Korea. AR-AMS0001 was applied as a methodology and selected tree species were Pinus koraiensis, Larix kaempferi, and Betula platyphylla for total area of 75.0 ha. To improve the accuracy on the GHG removals estimation, selection of the baseline scenario and carbon pools and stratification of the project site were conducted. Based on the developed methodology, net anthropogenic GHG removals were estimated as actual net GHG removals, subtracted by baseline net greenhouse gas removals and leakage. As a result, anthropogenic GHG removals of the project were 12,415 ton CO2-e and 165.5 ton CO2-e/ha. This project is the first A/R CDM in domestic site and could enhance the technical accuracy of the GHG removals estimation by using countryspecific data reflecting the site condition.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        질소와 인 시비가 리기다소나무와 낙엽송의 낙엽 생산량 및 양분 동태에 미치는 영향

        이임균,손요환,Lee, Im-Kyun,Son, Yow-Han 한국생태학회 2006 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.29 No.3

        본 연구는 경기도 양평지역 내 서로 인접하여 있고 동일한 입지 환경 위에 생육하고 있는 41년생 리기다소나무와 낙엽송 조림지를 대상으로 질소와 인 시비처리가 리기다소나무와 낙 엽송의 낙엽 생산량 및 양분 동태에 미치는 영향을 구명하기 위하여 수행되었다. 낙엽 생산량은 시료채취 시기와 수종간에 통계적으로 유의성이 인정된 반면, 시비 처리간에는 유의적인 차이가 없었던 것으로 나타났다. 연간 낙엽 생산량은 리기다소나무가 6,377 kg/ha 그리고 낙엽송이 4,778 kg/ha이었다. 낙엽 내 양분농도는 낙엽송이 리기다소나무에 비해 높았으며, 두 수종 모두 처리구간에 유의적인 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 낙엽 내 양분 농도는 낙엽송에서의 Ca 함량을 제외하고 두 수종 모두 연중 낙엽 생산량이 가장 많았던 늦가을에서 가장 낮았으며, 연중 낙엽 생산량이 가장 적었던 여름에 가장 높았던 것으로 나타났다. 또한 리기다소나무와 낙엽송 임분 임상의 총 유기물 함량은 24,296 kg/ha, 그리고 10,763 kg/ha였으며, 임상 내질소와 인의 함량은 리기다소나무가 126, 10 kg/ha, 그리고 102, 8 kg/ha로 각각 나타났다. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on nutrient dynamics and litterfall production were determined in adjacent 41-year-old plantations of Pinus rigida Miller and Larix kaempferi Gordon on a similar soil in Yangpyeong, Gyeongggi Province. Litterfall production were significantly different among sampling dates and between the tree species, whereas it was not significantly different among the treatments. Total annual litterfall production was 6,377 kg/ha for P. rigida and 4,778 kg/ha for L. kaempferi, respectively. Litterfall nutrient concentrations of L. kaempferi were higher than those of P. rigida. For both tree species, litterfall nutrient concentrations were highest in summer when the least litterfall production occurred, and lowest in late-autumn when the greatest litterfall production occurred, except for Ca in the L. kaempferi stand. The amount of total organic matter in the forest floor of P. rigida and L. kaempferi plantations were 24,296 kg/ha and 10,763 kg/ha, respectively. Forest floor N and P contents were 126, 10 kg/ha for P. rigida and 102, 8 kg/ha for L. kaempferi, respectively.

      • 실외 실험적 온난화 처리에 대한 활엽수 3종 묘목의 광합성 반응

        한새롬 ( Sae Rom Han ),윤태경 ( Tae Kyung Yoon ),한승현 ( Seung Hyun Han ),윤순진 ( Sun Jin Yoon ),김성준 ( Seong Jun Kim ),이종열 ( Jong Yeol Lee ),조민석 ( Min Seok Cho ),황재홍 ( Jae Hong Hwang ),손요환 ( Yow Han Son ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        기후변화에 따른 산림생산성의 변화를 예측하기 위해서는 기온 증가에 대한 수목 광합성 반응을 파악하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구는 활엽수 3종 묘목에 대하여 실외 실험적 온난화 처리에 의한 광합성 반응을 구명하고자 수행되었다. 2013년 4월, 묘포장에 굴참나무, 거제수나무, 물푸레나무 종자를 파종하고 온난화 처리구의 대기 온도를 대조구에 비하여 지속적으로 3℃ 높게 유지한 후, 2013년 6월부터 10월까지 매월 묘목의 순광합성율을 측정하였다. 조사기간 평균 순광합성율(μmol CO2 m-1 sec-1)은 굴참나무는 온난화 처리구(11.40±0.58)에서 대조구(8.52±0.56)에 비하여 증가하였고(p<0.05), 거제수나무는 반대로 온난화 처리구(6.20±0.64)에서 대조구(7.74±0.54)에 비하여 감소하였다. 한편 굴참나무는 6.8월, 물푸레나무는 9.10월에 월별 순광합성율이 온난화 처리구에서 대조구에 비하여 증가한 반면, 거제수나무는 6.7월에 온난화 처리에 의하여 감소하였다. 즉 온난화에 의한 순광합성율의 변화가 수종에 따라 상이하였고, 각 수종 내에서도 계절적 반응에 차이가 있는데, 이러한 결과는 선행 연구를 바탕으로 한 예측과 일치하는 것으로 보인다. 따라서 기온 증가에 따른 산림생산성 및 광합성량 변화를 정확하게 예측하기 위해서는 다양한 수종에 대하여 종 특이적 및 계절적 반응 특성을 밝히는 것이 중요할 것으로 사료된다. Understanding photosynthetic response of tree species to temperature increase is needed to predict the change in productivity of forest ecosystems under climate change. This research was conducted to examine the photosynthetic responses of three deciduous seedlings to open-field experimental warming. In Apr. 2013, seeds of Quercus variabilis (Qv), Betula costata (Bc), and Fraxinus rhynchophylla (Fr) were sown in a nursery site and the air temperature of warmed plots (W) has been regulated 3℃ higher than that of control plots (C) constantly. Net photosynthetic rates of seedlings were measured every month, from June through Oct. 2013. Mean net photosynthetic rates (μmol CO2 m-1 sec-1) of Qv were increased in W (11.40±0.58) than C (8.52±0.56) and those of Bc were decreased in W (6.20±0.64) than C (7.74±0.54). Monthly net photosynthesis rates of Qv in June.Aug. and Fr in Sep..Oct. were increased in W than C, however, those of Bc in June.July were decreased by warming. The different responses according to species and seasons in this study agree with the prediction of the previous review study. Therefore, it is important to elucidate the species and seasonal specific responses of various tree species to determine the photosynthetic responses to warming.

      • KCI등재
      • 브루나이 열대 원시 dipterocarp 혼효림의 탄소 저장량 추정 및 불확도 평가

        이동호 ( Dong Ho Lee ),한새롬 ( Sae Rom Han ),이소혜 ( So Hye Lee ),( Kamariah Abu Salim ),이우균 ( Woo Kyun Lee ),손요환 ( Yow Han Son ) 한국임학회 2014 산림과학 공동학술대회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.-

        본 연구는 브루나이 열대 원시 dipterocarp 혼효림에서 탄소 저장량을 추정하고, 추정치의 불확도를 평가하기 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위하여 쿠알라벨라롱 지역에 연구 대상림을 설정하고 이 안에 6개의 60 m × 60 m의 조사구를 설치한 다음 임목, 고사목, 낙엽층 및 토양 내 탄소 저장량을 추정하였으며, 탄소 저장고별 불확도는 t-분포를 가정하여 95% 신뢰구간에서 추정하였다. 탄소 저장량(Mg C ha-1; mean±SD)은 임목의 지상부에서 183.2±34.0(비율, 53.7%; 불확도, 19.5%), 지하부에서 33.0±6.1(9.7%; 19.5%), 고사목에서 25.5±30.2(7.5%; 124.1%), 낙엽층에서 2.8±1.2(0.8%; 46.3%), 토양에서 96.4±16.9(28.3%; 18.4%) 등으로 총 340.9±49.2(100%; 15.2%)이었다. 연구 대상림의 총 탄소 저장량 추정치는 유사한 기후대인 말레이시아 사바 지역의 택벌된 diptercarp 혼효림의 2배 정도에 해당되며, 전 세계 산림의 탄소 저장량을 추정한 선행 연구와 비교하여 임목에 저장된 비율은 높고 고사목, 낙엽층, 그리고 토양에 저장된 비율은 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 한편 탄소 저장고별 불확도는 선행 연구에 비하여 높아 조사구의 크기를 크게 할 필요가 있는 것으로 사료된다. This research aimed to estimate carbon (C) stocks of tropical intact mixed dipterocarp forests (MDF) in Brunei and to analyze uncertainties of the estimates. We established 6 plots (60 m × 60 m) in Kuala Belalong and estimated C stocks in tree, dead wood, litter, and soil. Uncertainties of the estimates were evaluated at the 95% confidence interval assuming t-distribution. We found that the C stocks (Mg C ha-1; mean±SD) in aboveground tree, belowground tree, dead wood, litter, soil, and total C pool were 183.2±34.0 (proportion, 53.7%; uncertainty, 19.5%), 33.0±6.1 (9.7%; 19.5%), 25.5±30.2 (7.5%; 124.1%), 2.8±1.2 (0.8%; 46.3%), 96.4±16.9 (28.3%; 18.4%), and 340.9±49.2 (100%; 15.2%), respectively. Total C stock in the research area was about two times higher than that of the selective logged MDF in the same climate zone in Sabah, Malaysia. The results showed that the proportion of tree C was higher while that of the dead wood, litter, and soil were lower than the literature values of the world`s forests C stock. Uncertainties were higher than those of the previous related studies, therefore, it seemed that larger plots are required to estimate forest C stocks in the area.

      • KCI등재

        중부 서해안 해안사구 자생식물과 귀화식물 군락의 토양특성 비교

        이창우 ( Chan Beom Kim ),김찬범 ( Yow Han Son ),손요환 ( Yeong Tae Bae ),배영태 ( Ki Hyung Park ),박기형 ( Ho Joong Youn ),윤호중 ( Kyong Ha Kim ),김경하 ( Chang Woo Lee ) 한국산림과학회 2013 한국산림과학회지 Vol.102 No.3

        This study was conducted to know the effect of major physical-chemical characteristics of soil to be in the area of indigenous and naturalized plant in the sand dune of the western coastal area of Korea. The study was performed on the sand dunes distributed across Taean-gun and Buan-gun and the study period was from April to October in 2010. Sixty nine of 5 m × 5 m study plots were installed and the distribution of plants were investigated. We measured the soil characteristics including soil pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, available P2O5, soil cation exchange capacity, exchangeable cation, EC and NaCl. As a result, soil texture was classified as sand, in case of average pH, NaCl, and EC of soil to be in the area of indigenous herbaceous plant were 7.77, 0.03% and 0.52 ds.m-1, indigenous woody plant of the mean pH, NaCl and EC were 7.31, 0.01%, 0.23 ds.m-1. In case of naturalized herbaceous plant of the mean soil pH, NaCl and EC were 7.12, 0.01%, 0.29 ds.m-1, naturalized woody plant of the mean soil pH, NaCl and EC were 7.34, 0.01%, 0.20 ds.m-1 respectively. On average, naturalize plants showed in low salinity concentration than indigenous plants.

      • KCI등재

        해외 산림토양탄소모델 분석을 통한 한국형 모델 개발방안 연구

        이아름 ( An Reum Lee ),이궁 ( Koong Yi ),손요환 ( Yow Han Son ),김래현 ( Rae Hyun Kim ),김춘식 ( Choon Sig Kim ),박관수 ( Gwan Soo Park ),이경학 ( Kyeong Hak Lee ),이명종 ( Myong Jong Yi ) 한국산림과학회 2010 한국산림과학회지 Vol.99 No.6

        Forest soil carbon model is a useful tool for understanding complex soil carbon cycle in forests and estimating dynamics of soil carbon to climate change. However, studies on development and application of the model are insufficient in Korea. The need for development of Korean model is now growing, because there are notable problems and limitations for adapting overseas models in Korea to meet the requirements of the international organizations such as IPCC, which demands highly reliable data for national reports. Therefore, we have studied 7 overseas forest soil carbon models (CBM-CFS3, CENTURY, Forest-DNDC, ROMUL, RothC, Sim-CYCLE, YASSO), analyzed and compared their structure, decomposition mechanism, initializing process and, input and output data. Then we evaluated applicability of these models in Korea with three criteria; availability of input data, performance of model, and possibility of regional modification. Finally, a systematic process for applying a new model was suggested based on these analyses.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화 영향 모의를 위한 실외 실험적 온난화 및 강수 조절 시스템 설계 연구

        윤순진 ( Soon Jin Yun ),한새롬 ( Sae Rom Han ),한승현 ( Seung Hyun Han ),이선정 ( Sun Jeoung Lee ),정예지 ( Ye Jee Jung ),김성준 ( Seoung Jun Kim ),손요환 ( Yow Han Son ) 한국임학회 2014 한국산림과학회지 Vol.103 No.2

        소나무 묘목을 대상으로 한반도 기후변화 시나리오에 근거한 50년 후 온도 3℃ 증가와 강수량 30% 변화의 영향을 모의하고자 실외에서 온난화 처리와 강수 조절을 수행할 수 있는 시스템을 설계하였다. 이를 위하여 2013년 4월에 묘포장을 조성하고 2년생 소나무 묘목을 식재한 다음 5월부터 적외선등을 이용하여 온난화 처리구(W)의 대기온도를 대조구(C)에 비하여 3.0℃ 높게 설정하여 가열하였으며, 강수 대조구(P0)와 강수 차단 덮개를 이용한 강수 감소(대조구 대비 -30%; P-) 조절, 그리고 펌프와 점적관수를 통한 강수 증가(대조구 대비 +30%; P+) 조절을 실행하였다. 온난화 처리구의 대기 온도는 초기에 대조구에 비하여 평균 2.2℃ 높았으나 이후 점차 목표치에 근접한 3.0℃로유지되었다. 또한 온난화 처리에 따른 평균 토양 온도는 온난화 처리구에서 대조구보다 평균 3.1℃ 높게 나타났다. 강수 증가 및 감소 조절에 따른 평균 토양 수분 함량은 온난화 처리구에서 P0W에 비하여 P+W는 13.9% 증가하고, P-W는 10.0% 감소하였으며, 온난화 대조구 중에서 P+C는 23.7% 증가하고, P-C는 7.6% 감소하였다. 환경요인의 모니터링을 통하여 실외 실험적 온난화와 강수 조절 시스템이 적정하게 설계되고 가동됨을 확인할 수 있었다. The objective of this study was to establish an open-field experimental warming treatment and precipitation manipulation system to simulate climate change impact for Pinus densiflora seedlings based on a climate change scenario in Korea. Two-year-old seedlings were planted in a nursery in April, 2013. The air temperature of warmed plots (W) was set to increase by 3.0℃ compared to control plots (C) using infrared lamps from May, 2013. The three precipitation manipulation consisted of precipitation decrease using transparent panel (-30%; P-), precipitation increase using pump and drip-irrigation (+30%; P+) and precipitation control (0%; P0). Initially, the air temperature was 2.2℃ higher in warmed plots than in control plots and later air temperature was maintained close to the target temperature of 3.0℃. The average soil temperature was 3.1℃ higher in warmed plots than in control plots. Also the average soil moisture content after the precipitation manipulation increased by 13.9% in P+W and decreased by 10.0% in P-W compared to P0W, and increased by 23.7% in P+C and decreased by 7.6% in P-C compared to P0C. It was confirmed that the open-field experimental warming and precipitation manipulation system was properly designed and operating.

      • KCI등재

        강원도 춘천지역 신갈나무 임분과 굴참나무 임분의 물질생산

        박인협 ( In Hyeop Park ),서영권 ( Young Kwon Seo ),김동엽 ( Dong Yeob Kim ),손요환 ( Yow Han Son ),이명종 ( Myong Jong Yi ),진현오 ( Hyun O Jin ) 한국산림과학회 2003 한국산림과학회지 Vol.92 No.1

        A 50-rear-old Quercus mongolica stand and a 49-year-old Quercus variabilis stand in Chuncheon, Kangwan-do were studied to compare their biomass, not production and production efficiency including roots and undergrowth. Total biomass of Q. mongolica stand was 500.28t/ha and net production was 21.85t/ha/yr. Total biomass of Q. variabilis stand was 321.191t/ha and net prcduction was 17.33t/ha/yr. Biomass accumulation ratio was 22.90 for Q. mongoica stand and 18.53 for Q. variabilis stand. Net assimilation ratio was 4.05 for Q. mongolica stand and 5.17 for Q. variabilis stand. Since Q. mongolica stand had more leaf biomass than Q. variabilis stand, the former showed a higher total biomass even though its net assimilation ratio was a little lower than the latter.

      • KCI등재

        상이한 임분의 토층분화에 따른 수분분포와 이동특성

        진현오(Hyun O Jin),정덕영(Doug Young Chung),손요환(Yow Han Son),주영특(Yeong Teuk Joo),오종민(Jong Min Oh) 한국산림과학회 2000 한국산림과학회지 Vol.89 No.1

        We investigated the patterns of soil horizon evolution and its water distribution on three different forest stands covered with Larix leptolepis, Pinus koraiensis, and Qercus mongolica on the Experimental Forest of Kyunghee University, located in Kwangju, Kyunggi-Do. Compared to the properties of depths of O and A horizons evolved on the Pinus koraiensis stand, the depths of O and A horizons on the forest stands of Larix leptolepis and Qercus mongolica were shallower, indicating that the soil horizon were deeply influenced by geographical characteristics, its erosive and sedimentary distinction, vegetation cover and its population density. And the bulk densities of the sites selected were lower in the high slope gradient than that in the lower slope gradient at the same depth of soil profile. Therefore, the changes of the soil bulk densities were closely related to the soil organic matter and the vertical transport of soil particle throughout soil depths. On the other hand, the bulk density and organic matter content in soil can influence the water transport phenomena, resulting in decrease of the hydraulic conductivity as the increase in the bulk density, while the organic matter can not affect the hydraulic conductivity on the soil surface layer. For a rainfall infiltration characteristics from a lysimeter experiment established on the stand of Larix leptolepis, the bulk density and slope gradient strongly influenced the vertical transport of water, as well as the lateral movement of rainfall. Conclusively, the characteristics of water movement and distribution in the forest stand can be determined not by the geographical factor such as slope gradient but also by the bulk density and organic matter content remained in soils.

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