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      • 한지를 이용한 미술치료가 아동의 위축행동에 미치는 효과

        서종숙 대구대학교 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This research is for an improvement plan. Which help children who can get along with friends at of the same age, so I looked into any good therapeutic effect on these children by doing Art Therapy using Korean traditional paper. The subject were two children at the age of full 6 who can speak to their friend first, play alone and those who can’t insist on their claim for anything due to their withdrawal behavior and so was requested by teacher in kindergarten. The concrete purpose of this thesis is as follow: The first, we survey the changing course of withdrawal behavior through children’s behavior analysis perterms. The second, we examine an object effect on how changes in withdrawal behavior which is on the children’s behavior questionnaire and observation report. When we look into the results according to initial purpose of this thesis, Art Therapy using Korean paper shows itself a good effect on children having withdrawal behavior. The following conclusion were obtained from the results. First of all, Art Therapy using Korean tradition paper showed positive effects on the changing course through children’s behavior analysis per terms. Second, if we examine the change of withdrawal behavior based on the questionnaires on children’s behavior, we find that all the subject children could lessen their withdrawal behavior. With this shown conclusion, I am going to bring forward some suggestions and overture from this research. The foremost, this research has been proved successful, presenting that Art Therapy using Korean paper gives good, therapeutic effects on withdrawal behavior of children even though it was only during comparatively short 16 terms, but the proposal comes from the needs to have to have a control group because it is hard to generalize the consequence of this research without control group. The second, in doing the analysis of this result, researchers opinion and observers evaluation has reported there was enormous change for those children, while the report from kindergarten teachers just tells us that she only could perceive a little change of their behavior. This means its difficult for a kindergarten teacher to grasp every details of change in children’s behavior in kindergarten educational system. So now I propose that by making a research plan, which reflects this kind of limitation, we need to take continuing pursuit research in the following research.

      • 블랜디드 러닝을 통한 e-Learning이 학습자의 학습효과에 미치는 영향

        서종숙 계명대학교 교육대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The emergence of e-learning has created a change of focus in the educational paradigm. Now, the focus is a self-learning initiative, which disregards time and space. Today, e-learning is in the education system's spotlight. However, there is a disconnect between the e-learning teachers goals and those of learners. E-learning research looks to solve this problem through blended learning, a combination of online and offline learning. Online and offline learning styles complement each other and help keep tuition reasonable. This research on the blended learning paradigm seeks to maximize the learning experiences for a variety of levels, as well as determine the optimal combination of online and offline learning environments. The first research done on the effect of e-learning when paired with offline learning, this study only scratches the surface of the topic. The participants were 200 students at a women's vocational high school. Although 199 completed questionnaires were collected, 15 had to be excluded, thus 184 questionnaires were analyzed for output. The output were processed in SPSS 12.0. Each of the survey questions were entered into SPSS 12.0 to calculate validity and reliability factors, and Cronbach Alpha coefficients were used. Multiple regression analysis was conducted for verification. This study suggests that blended learning, a combination of online and offline learning, improves the effectiveness of learning. E-learning, in combination with other learning styles, upholds our principle objective of maintenance and expansion of learning. Traditional classroom learning should be paired with e-learning, where professors upload course content onto the web. In such a way, the self-learning initiative will be successful. Further development and research of e-learning should be conducted. Moreover, e-learning equipment and the introduction of this paradigm at other schools should be made constantly. e-Learning의 등장으로 교육적 패러다임은 시·공간의 제약을 받지 않고 자기주도적 학습으로 전환되고 있다. 오늘날 이러닝은 최적의 교육 시스템으로서 전세계의 주목을 받고 있다. 그러나 이러닝 교수·학습방법들이 천편일률적으로 학습자들의 자기주도성만을 강조하여 교수자와 학습자간, 학습자와 학습자간의 상호작용이 제대로 이루어지지 않고 있는 실정이다. 이러한 이러닝 환경에서 발생하는 문제점을 해결하고, 학습 효과를 극대화하기 위한 대안으로 온라인과 오프라인의 혼합 운영이 필요하다. on-off 두 공간에서의 활동이 상호보완적으로 조화를 이루어질 때 보다 만족스러운 수업이 진행될 수 있기 때문이다. 혼합적인 패러다임 속에 등장한 블랜디드 러닝은 학습자의 학습 경험을 극대화하기 위한 다양한 학습방법과 전달기제의 조합으로 학습 환경을 최적화하려는 설계전략이라 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 블랜디드 러닝을 통한 이러닝이 학습자의 학습효과에 미치는 영향에 대한 가설들을 설정하여 신뢰도와 타당도를 검증하였다. 실업계 S여자 고등학교 학생들을 대상으로 200부의 설문지를 작성하여 199부의 설문지를 회수했으며, 이중 설문 응답이 불성실한 15개를 제외하고 184개의 데이터를 분석에 이용하였다. 연구를 위한 자료 처리는 통계분석시스템인 SPSS 12.0 프로그램을 이용하였다. 이러닝 서비스 현황은 빈도분석(빈도, 백분율)을 하였고, 각 설문 문항의 타당성과 신뢰성을 검증하기 위해서 요인분석과 Cronbach Alpha 계수를 이용하였으며, 연구모형 내의 가설을 검증하기 위해 다중회귀분석을 실시하였다. 본 연구에서 제시된 연구모형에 기반을 둔 분석 결과는 시·공간의 제약을 받지 않는 편의성과 블랜디드 러닝에 제공한 컨텐츠의 품질, 다양한 매체의 풍부성, 강의 내용, 학습자간의 상호작용정도에 대한 내용과 학습자의 학습 효관간에 상관관계 있음을 보여 준다. 블랜디드 러닝에 대한 학습자가 거는 기대로 학습에 대한 만족이 증가되어 학습효과를 높여 준다는 결과가 나왔다. e-Learning에서 블랜디드 러닝을 적용하기 위해서는 이러닝 실행 주체의 역량을 강화하고 객관적인 여건을 정비하고 확충해야 한다. 또 전통적 교실학습에서 볼 수 있는 교수·학습자의 상호작용과 강의 내용이 웹상으로 올려진다면 자기주도적 학습에도 도움이 될 것이다. 따라서 블랜디드 러닝으로 발전하려면 더욱 친숙한 이러닝이 활성화되어야 한다. 결국은 블랜디드 러닝을 통한 이러닝이 학습자의 학습효과에 미치려면 이러닝 장비와 프로그램의 보강이 지속적으로 이루어져야 한다.

      • 당일수술실의 운영실태조사 및 도입방안연구

        서종숙 가천의과학대학교 병원경영대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In the current society and economic environment where demand for day surgeries by patients is consistently increasing, day surgery patients have been steadily increasing as a fact. Naturally recognition and satisfaction level of the medical society as well as the patients on the day surgery center system has shown some improvement at the same time. Recently, few hospitals have introduced day surgery centers and this has thus increased the level of interest for day surgeries. However, this is still operated as sample cases and is only applicable to few specific hospitals where the list of patients waiting for surgery is very long. Compared to that of other countries, day surgery centers in Korea are comparatively less active. Today, day surgery is limited to few specific hospitals and surgeries but considering the shortage of beds and capacity to take in in- patients, day surgery seems to be a very good solution to the problem. Hospitals looking at the issue of day surgery centers from the profit point of view rather than the patients’ point of view is one of the biggest hindering factors. For the day surgery centers to dramatically increase in number, there will have to be administrative and financial support from the government. Advantages of day surgery centers are that length of patients staying away from their homes and families which they feel most comfortable with is shortened and length of children being kept away from their parents is also shortened. Such comfortable circumstances would automatically lead to positive effects when recovering from surgeries. From the government’s perspective, it cuts short unnecessary stays at the hospital consequently lessening the medical expenses. In carrying out the research, two methods were used including reference to related literature and carrying out actual cases studies. Literature wise, books on history of day surgery centers and current status of day surgery centers in the US and the background for its increase were consulted. For real case studies, studies were carried out on five hospitals in Seoul and Gyunggi area where day surgery centers are currently in practice. The study was aimed to learn how the current day surgery centers were adopted, current status and problems so that I can come up with effective ways to introducing day surgery centers to those hospitals that are considering introduction of day surgery centers. However, I came across following problems and thus found it difficult to attain effective ways to introduction of day surgery centers. First of all, I needed to look into more hospitals but there were only five in the country that practices the system. Secondly, due to the lapse of time, there were hospitals where those who worked at the time of introduction of the system are no longer working for the same hospital. Thirdly, one of the hospitals did not keep the documents relating to set up of the day surgery center and thus they could not keep track of whether the introduction of daily surgery center has had an effect on the number of regular surgeries. Most of the hospitals when introducing a new system, carry out a detailed planning where they look into the objectives, expected results, decide on specific methods of introduction and the department that will be in charge of the whole introduction process. However, in the course of the research, it was found that the hospitals hardly keep any record of this set up process. It was most regretful that they did not leave any recordings of the problems they faced in the course of the set up and how they dealt with those problems. It was thus very difficult to get concrete material that could help me come up with ways to improve the current status of day surgery centers in Korea. However, in conclusion, through the five existing day surgery centers, I did manage to derive at the problems facing operation of day surgery centers and ways to improve the current status. I am sure my findings will be very helpful to those hospitals that are planning to introduce day surgery centers in future.

      • 진로교육 프로그램이 고등학생의 진로성숙에 미치는 효과

        서종숙 동아대학교 교육대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 진로교육 프로그램이 고둥학교 학생들의 진로성숙에 미치는 효과를 알아보는데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 위하여 설정한 구체적인 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 진로교육 프로그램을 이용한 집단상담을 받은 실험집단은 비교집단보다 진로성숙도의 향상에 효과가 있는가? 둘째, 진로교육 프로그램을 이용한 집단상담을 받은 실험집단은 비교집단보다 진로성숙도의 태도 변화에 효과가 있는가? 셋째, 진로교육 프로그램을 이용한 집단상담을 받은 실험집단은 비교집단보다 진로성숙도의 능력 향상에 효과가 있는가? 본 연구는 부산광역시 사상구에 소재한 인문계 여자고등학교 1학년 60명을 대상으로 하여 30명의 실험집단과 30명의 통제집단으로 구분하여, 안순희(1998)의 진로지도 프로그램과 부산 충렬고등학교의 진로지도 방안(1988), 그리고 전라남도교육연구원(1992)이 개발한 진로 지도 방안을 참고로 하여 연구자가 과정 선택을 앞둔 본교 1학년 학생에 맞게 8차시로 재구성한 프로그램을 활용하였다. 본 검사에 사용된 측정 도구는 한국교육개발원(1992)이 제작한 『진로성숙도 검사』이며 가설 검증은 SPSS 통계프로그램을 이용하여 진로성숙도 사전-사후검사의 평균과 표준편차에 대한 t-검증으로 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 나타난 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 진로교육 프로그램의 진로 성숙도 사전-사후 검사 전체점수의 검증결과 t=3.554, p< .01 수준에서 유의미한 차이가 있으므로, 진로교육 프로그램이 진로 성숙도 전체 점수를 향상시키는데 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 진로교육 프로그램의 진로성숙도 태도 영역의 하위 변인인 계획성, 독립성, 결정성의 사전-사후 검사 검증 결과 t=4.496, P< .01 수준에서 유의미한 차이가 있으므로, 이것은 자기 자신의 진로를 선택하고 결정하기 위해 많은 기초 자료들과 정보들을 접함으로써 진로의 방향을 설정하고 계획하는 태도가 향상되었고 진로선택이나 탐색 등의 과정에서 스스로 결정하는 태도가 향상되었음을 보여준다고 하겠다. 셋째, 진로교육 프로그램의 진로성숙도 능력 영역의 하위 변인인 직업 세계 이해, 직업 선택, 의사 결정의 사전-사후 검사 검증 결과 t=2.077, p<.05 수준에서 유의미한 차이가 있으므로, 이것은 일과 직업세계에 관한 올바른 이해와 지식을 바탕으로 진로와 관련된 의사결정 과정에서 발생하는 여러 가지 갈등 상황을 합리적으로 해결할 수 있는 능력이 향상되었음을 시사한다고 하겠다. 따라서 진로교육 프로그램은 고등학생의 진로성숙도를 향상시키는데 효과가 크다고 할 수 있다. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of career education programs on the high school students' course maturation. The concrete research matters for this study are as follows: Firstly, do the career education programs take more effort on the experiment group than on the control group at the aspect of the total improvement of the course maturation? Secondly, do the career education programs take more effort on the experiment group than on the control group at the aspect of the attitude change of the course maturation? Thirdly, do the career education programs take more effort on the experiment group than on the control group at the aspect of the ability improvement of the course maturation? The subjects of this research are sixty female students who are in the first grade at an academic girls' high school in Sasanggu, Busan. They are divided into the experimental group(N=30) and the control group(N=30). The applied program for this study is a reorganized eight-unit program, which is appropriate for the students in choosing a department. The program was organized with reference to Ahn's Course Guidance Program(1998), Busan Chungryeol High School's Course Guidance Program(1988), and Jeonnam Research Institute of Education Course Guidance Program(1992). The measurement tool for this study is Career Maturity Inventory which were developed at Korean Educational Development Institute. The hypothesis testing were analyzed in the mean and the standard deviation of the pre-test and the post test with SPSS. The results of this research are as follows: Firstly, the result of pre-test and post test in career maturity degree shows significant differences within the level of t=3.554, p<.01. The group counselling program for career, therefore, has an effect on improving the total score of career maturity degree. Secondly, the result of pre-test and post test in subordinate factors of career maturity attitude such as planning, independence, decision-making shows significant differences within the level of t=3.554, p<.01. This means that the program enables students to have a lot of basic data and information for choosing and setting up their own courses. It has an effect on improving the attitude of planning and setting up the course. And It, also, has effect on improving the attitude of self-decision making on the process of career selection or career search. Thirdly, the result of pre-test and post test in subordinate factors of career maturity ability such as understanding of the job world, job selection, decision-making shows significant differences within the level of t=2.077, p<.05. It has an effect on improving the ability of solving various conflicts in the decision-making course with understanding and information of the job world. Therefore, the career education program has a positive effect on improving the career maturity degree of high school students.

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