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        徐毅,李姝雯,Xu Yi,LI. Shu-wen 대동한문학회 2015 大東漢文學 Vol.43 No.-

        在十八世紀後期的燕行文士中, 金祖淳的燕行目的、心態以及其他所 結交淸文士的行爲, 與當時的北學人士多有不同, 代表了別一種燕行和結 交異域友人的心态傾嚮。其出使除了承擔朝鮮朝廷所賦予的使命外, 其自身的願望還有:一是 承繼先祖使燕的傳統, 仍舊期待美名流播中土;二是結交淸名士, 尋覓奇書;三是觀淸社會之興衰, 歸而置辦應對措施。在能夠承繼先祖使燕傳統 的欣喜之後, 他更多地是表現出一種不喜不憂的冷靜。其目的是爲了能夠 細緻地觀察淸朝社會, 從而能夠爲自己的國家提出治國安邦之策。與朝鮮十八世紀的“北學派”結交淸文士的基本情況不同, 金祖淳與淸 文士交往可謂慎重, 與其有交往關係的僅有張道渥一人。究其原因:一是 兩人志趣相合, 有著共同的書法愛好和對於書藝的追求;二是金祖淳本身 對淸朝還有比較強的排斥態度;三是兩人性情相投, 爲人行事均光明磊 落。因而, 張道渥是當時極少能符合金祖淳所要結交的“名士”標準的淸文 士之一。 金祖淳身上所展現出的與淸人來往的交友觀, 無疑也是十八世紀後期 一些朝鮮文士對淸人態度的縮影。作爲一種歷史上的真實現象, 同樣, 在 考察中朝文士交流關係時, 是不容忽視的。 Among the literati who visit China in the late 18th century, Kim Zosun shows his unique goal, attitude and the communication with other Qing literati. He is such outstanding among the “NorthStudy” literati that it represents an extraordinary trend towards learning from China and keeping friendship with foreign literati. Kim Zosun’s visit to Qing Dynasty is not only to complete his diplomatic mission as an ambassador, but also to realize his own wishes : 1. inheriting the tradition of his ancestors that visiting to China and expecting to gain good name which spreads far and wide in a foreign land; 2. making friends with Qing Literati and gathering remarkable books; 3. Observing the ebb and flow of Qing society so as to thinking over the corresponding measures. Though being able to succeed his family intention of visiting China, Kim always keep a cool mind to doing detailed survey about Qing society as well as advancing precious and useful countermeasures for his own country. Different from other “North Study” literati that making wide relationship with Qing literati in the 18 th century, Kim Zosun keeps an cautious attitude to making contact with them and he only has one best friend called Zhang Daowo. The reasons for that maybe as follows : 1. Kim and Zhang share the same interest ― calligraphy and the pursuit for hand writing art; 2. Kim still has a strong feeling of rejecting about Qing Dynasty; 3. Kim and Zhang have similarities in personality and temperament that they all regard integrity and tidy social manner as the primary as well as the most important principle of being a real man. Therefore, Zhang Daowo is among the rare Qing literati that meet Kim’s demands for making friends with famous persons. Kim Zosun’s sense of making friends is also a reflection of the Choson literati’s attitude towards Qing literati in the late 18th century. As a true example exists in the history, it should not be neglected when researching on the relationship between Chinese and Choson literati.

      • 十八世紀中韓文人學誼的新見證 —《同文神交》

        徐毅(Xu Yi),千金梅(Qian Jinmei) 고려대학교 한자한문연구소 2012 동아한학연구 Vol.- No.8

        《同文神交》는 朝鮮時代의 저명한 文人 洪良浩·徐浩修 등이 淸나라 文人들과 주고받은 편지를 수록해 놓은 書簡集이다. 편지를 주고받은 사람들 가운데는 널리 알려진 청나라의 文士戴衢亨·李調元·德保·博明·鐵保 등이 대부분을 차지한다. 그러한 까닭에, 이 서간집의 학술 가치는 더욱 높다고 할 수 있다. 본 논문은 처음으로 이 서간 자료를 학계에 소개하는 것으로, 먼저 원문을 脫草하고 필요한 주석 작업을 함께 진행함으로써, 이후의 심도 있는 연구에 보탬이 되고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        세수운원(世雖云遠),여접음향(如接音響) - 론조선문사김시습적굴원정결(論朝鮮文士金時習的屈原情結)

        서의 ( Yi Xu ),이주문 ( Shuwen Li ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2016 中國硏究 Vol.67 No.-

        Kim Shixi is an model of learning from Qu Yuan in early period of Choson. The similarity in life experience, the permanent belief of loyalty and the great difference between the reality and the ideal make him to worship Qu Yuan as an icon. He inherits and develops Qu Yuan``s spirit and artificial technique mainly from Qu Yuan``s moral integrity and literary works. In spiritual level, he focus on Qu Yuan``s pursuit of ideal politics, his loyalty for the country and the integrity of fighting with evil force. But he uses a new expression method that taking actions of pretending to be crazy to aware people of the inner patriotism and living in seclusion to keep himself clean; In literary level, Kim Shixi inherits Qu Yuan``s viewpoint of "the determined lyrics" and the technique of metaphor by using "fragrant flower beauty", and based on these, he extends the range of metaphor to normal things and develop "category analogy" into poems and series of article.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 조청(朝淸)문인 교류 장소 론략(論略)

        서의 ( Xu Yi ) 우리한문학회 2014 漢文學報 Vol.30 No.-

        18세기 朝鮮文士와 淸나라 문사 교제의 주요 장소는 조선 사신단이 연행을 가는 경유지와 목적지에 있었고, 조선의 국경 내에서 조청 문인 교류가 일어난 경우는 많지 않았다. 그 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 18세기 중기이전 조청 문인 교류 지점은 대부분 사행로 중간에 있었다. 특히 豊潤縣ㆍ 玉田縣ㆍ永平府(撫寧縣포함)ㆍ山海關네 곳은 가장 일정하게 나타나는 곳이다. 둘째, 18세기 중ㆍ후기 양국 문인들은 北京ㆍ瀋陽ㆍ熱河등에서 많은 교류를 진행하였다. 셋째, 18세기 조선 문인들은 중국으로 사신가는 길에 청나라 문인들의 고유한 장소를 늘 방문하였는데, 이는 무령현 徐鶴年의 집ㆍ풍윤현 谷家ㆍ三河縣孫有義의 집, 북경 琉璃廠이다. 풍윤ㆍ옥전ㆍ북경 등 여러 장소는 양국 문인들이 항상 교류하던 지역이었다. 비록 그 이유는 각기 다르지만 주로 그들이 처한 지리적 위치ㆍ문화의 축적 정도ㆍ역사적 조건 및 조선 문사들과 특수한 문화적 유대 관계 등으로 인해 긴밀한 관계가 유지되었다. 양국 문인들의 학술ㆍ문화 교류 지역의 선택에는 일정한 우연성이 존재하며, 일정한 규칙성도 나타난다. There are main places to interact Choson-Qing intellectuals, which are located passage and destination of Choson envoy. There are three features in that place where Choson envoy interacts with Qing intellectuals. First of all, before the middle of the 18th Century, there was located the middle of the road of Choson envoy. Second, in the middle of the 18th Century and the end of 18th Century, Choson envoy interacted with Qing intellectuals in Beijing(北京), Syenyang(瀋陽), Yeolha(熱河). Third, in the 18th Century, Choson intellectuals always visited fixed places to interact Qing intellectuals. Places of interaction with Choson-Qing intellectuals have two ways coincidence and fixed regularity.

      • KCI등재


        徐毅 ( Xu Yi ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2012 中國硏究 Vol.55 No.-

        Park Ji Won (1737-1805) was a real scientist, philosopher and novelist in the late Choson Dynasty of the eighteenth century. He has been regarded as one of the greatest thinkers and the representative of the "Practical Learning School", In 1780, which means Qing Dynasty during Geon Ryong``s reign of its fifth year and Jeongjo``s reign of its fourth year, Park Ji Won``s cousin Park Myeongwon is appointed as ambassador of the delegation which is to celebrate Geon Ryong Emperor``s seventies birthday. And Park Ji Won joins the delegation as a follower to accompany with his cousin. During Park Ji Won``s three months`` trip in China, he has travelled to Seong Gyeong, Buk Gyeong, Yeol Ha as well as other places and get in contact with 50 Qing Literatus whose names can be verified. The academic exchange activities he makes have left a significant and long-lasting influence; therefore, his outings in China are worthy concern and attention. There are four distinct characteristics of the academic exchange activities between Park Ji Won and Qing literatus. Firstly, Park Ji Won starts with a positive attitude to make friends with literatus who are in different strata of Qing society with the aim of having a full understanding of it, and that is unique among the various purposes of making friends for Choson scribes in the eighteenth century. Secondly, Park Ji Won is the first Choson literati who get in touch with large numbers of Qing literatus and scholars including young civil scholars, village scholars, Chambers, book-sellers and government officials, among which are mainly Qing literatus as well as some ordinary Han scribes and Man Jok scribes. Thirdly, Park Ji Won is the Choson scholar who keeps in touch with Qing scribes with the most in-depth conversations by writing after Hong Dae-yong. The conversation can be involved in many aspects as Geometry, eating utensils, astronomy, Western sects, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, historical facts, current events, tone, music, medicine, and even the writing records about Panchen Lama and Tibet, this is incredible when comparing with other records made by ambassadors in Choson Dynasty because of its uniqueness. Fourthly, among those in contact, Wang Gokjeong is Bak Jiwon``s most intimate friend. On one hand, they admire each other on the literary talent; On the other hand, Wang Gokjeong does not pay much attention to avoiding taboos or behaviors which go against the social rules when communicating with Park Ji Won. No doubt that Park Ji Won is willing to be intimate with him as some information can not be revealed precisely from other scholars. The interaction between Park Ji Won and Qing scribes has caused considerable social and historical significance for China and Choson with the purpose of change and even eliminates the stereotype and bias about each other. Three major significances are listed as follows. Firstly, the continuous interaction is the major motivation for Park Ji Won to form the "Respect China, Resist Aggressors" thought and it has provided the practical meaning of promoting Choson literatus to have a full knowledge of Qing Dynasty with a new vision. Secondly, the in-depth communication between Park Ji Won and Qing literatus helps him gain an objective and real cognition of the people in Qing Dynasty and their academic achievements, it should be emphasized that this cognition is different from the understandings of other Choson literatus who have been to China before as they regard people in Qing Dynasty as Barbarian or do not pay much attention to the academic achievements of Qing Dynasty for they are "lack of concept". Besides, Park Ji Won is also the only Choson scribe who has deeply examined and summarized the communicating experience between Chinese and Choson scribes. Thirdly, in the communicating history between China and Choson of the eighteenth century, Park Ji Won is the first person who has positively introduced large amounts of Choson academic and scribes to Qing literatus with pointing out the recording mistakes about Choson scribes in the Chinese literature, thus pushing forward the in-depth as well as real understanding towards Choson academic achievements.

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