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      • KCI등재

        차세대영재기업인육성 정책집행 영향요인 분석

        백민정,허남영,정현철 한국영재학회 2024 영재교육연구 Vol.34 No.1

        이 연구는 차세대영재기업인육성 정책의 정책문제를 진단하고 구체적인 정책대안을 마련하기 위해 이루어졌다. 이를 위해 차세대영재기업인육성 정책 관계자 총 32명의 정책인식을 분석하고 이를 토대로 정책 개선방안을 도출하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 차세대영재기업인육성 정책의 정책목표와 관련하여 정책목표의 구체성과 현장과의 정책목표 공유가 시급하게 개선이 요구되는 요인으로 나타났다. 둘째, 차세대 영재기업인육성 기관과 관련하여 타부처 협력과 교육전문가 양성이 가장 시급하게 개선이 요구되는 요인으로 나타났다. 셋째, 차세대영재기업인정책 집행 및 관리와 관련하여 인프라 지원, 평가자의 전문성, 프로그램 보급‧확산 실적이 가장 시급하게 개선이 요구되는 요인으로 나타났다. 넷째, 차세대영재기업인육성 정책의 환경과 관련하여 안정적 예산 확보, 정부의 관심과 지지가 가장 시급하게 개선이 요구되는 요인으로 나타났다. 차세대영재기업인육성 정책은 재능있는 영재를 조기에 발굴하여 미래인재에게 필요한 역량과 더불어 기업가정신 등의 교육을 통해 미래 부가가치산업을 이끌어 갈 지식재산 기반의 융합인재를 양성하기 위한 정책이다. 이 연구결과가 그동안의 차세대영재기업인육성 정책을 진단하고 향후 정책의 혁신방안을 구상하기 위한 기초자료로 활용되길 기대한다. This study aimed to identify policy challenges in nurturing the next generation of gifted entrepreneurs and propose specific policy alternatives. A total of 32 stakeholders involved in fostering gifted entrepreneurship were surveyed to analyze policy perceptions and recommend improvements. The analysis found several critical areas for improvement. Firstly, within the area of policy goals, the specificity and communication of policy objectives with stakeholders emerged as urgent areas requiring attention. Secondly, issues pertaining to policy formulation, project management, cross-ministerial collaboration, and training of education experts were identified as priorities for improvement. Thirdly, infrastructure support, evaluator expertise, and program dissemination were identified as crucial factors in policy execution and management. Lastly, securing stable budgets and enhancing government interest and support were recognized as essential components for policy effectiveness and dissemination. The overarching goal of the policy is to nurture early talent, equipping them with essential competencies and an entrepreneurial mindset to guide individuals towards becoming knowledge-based CEOs in future value-added industries. The findings of this study are expected to provide foundational insights for diagnosing existing policies and shaping innovative strategies for future policy frameworks.

      • KCI등재

        퇴계와 근기남인近畿南人의 학문적 연속성 문제 재검토 ― 중화논변中和論辯과 미발이발未發已發의 공부론工夫論을 중심으로

        백민정 한국국학진흥원 2012 국학연구 Vol.0 No.21

        This article aims to examine the academic continuity between Toegye Yi Hwang and Near-Seoul Southerner scholars. Focusing on the concepts of ‘Equilibrium and Harmony(中和)’ and ‘Not yet Stirring and Stirring(未發已發)’ in the first chapter of the Doctrine of Mean(中庸), this article investigates the similarities and differences of their opinions on human mind and how to cultivate one's mind through study of Yi Hwang, Yi Ik and Jeong Yag-yong's viewpoints. The existing researches usually elucidate Toegye's concept ‘Li(理, principle)’ in an aggressive way, emphasizing that there is a continuity evolving from Seong Ho School to Tasan's personal God(上帝) concerning ideas on ‘moving of Li(理動)’ and ‘stirring of Li(理發)’. Different from this, although it advocates the existing views on Toegye and Seong Ho's ‘Not yet Stirring theory(未發論)’, this article argues that Tasan has broken away from Zhu Xi's ‘Not yet Stirring theory(未發論)’ by criticizing the obscure concept of ‘not yet stirring(未發)’, which is without any thinking activities, and advocating the state of ‘not yet stirring’ which lacks only the specific feelings of pleasure, anger, sorrow and joy. Yet Toegye's conservation or sitting-still efforts for ‘no stirring’ actually mean vigorous efforts of ‘reverence(敬)’ which focus on controlling one's looks and external appearance and exercising a watchful self-scrutiny. And Seong Ho also laid stress on the active thinking activities which explore and analyze the reason and principle of things in the efforts of reverence. So, on the one hand, Tasan's theory on efforts for ‘not yet stirring’ could be seen as a succeeder of Toegye and Seong Ho's ideas, which moves toward the direction of promoting the practical effects of mind cultivation. On the other hand, Tasan limits the ‘not yet stirring’ to the pure no stirring of pleasure, anger, sorrow and joy, and at the same time puts emphasis on watchful self-scrutiny with the existence of a personal god as the prerequisite. And he also argues for the learning theory of ‘preserving the equilibrium(執中)’ which rectifies and maintains one's mind justly. This is an alternative method advanced by Tasan as he criticizes the existing opinions on ‘Equilibirium and Harmony(中和)’, and this method is in close conjunction with his theory of ‘human mind and moral mind(人心道心)’. In other words, learning theory of concentration and theory of human mind and moral mind are employed to totally substitute the argument of ‘Not yet Stirring and Stirring’. Tasan tries to get over Toegye and Seong Ho's opinions which are closely related with Zhu Xi's theory of mind and learning method, and at the same time he develops his own theory of ‘Equilibrium and Harmony(中和)’ and learning method for ‘not yet stirring(未發)’ in a distinctive way. Through this, we can get an overall critical review of the continuous flow of Toegye, Seong Ho and Tasan's theory of mind and learning methods. 이 논문은 퇴계 이황과 근기남인학자 사이의 학문적 연속성 문제를 검토한 것이다. 특히 『중용』 1장의 중화中和 및 미발이발未發已發 개념을 중심으로, 심성론과 마음공부법에 대한 이들의 입장이 어떻게 같고 다른지 이황, 이익, 정약용의 관점을 통해 살펴보았다. 기존 연구에서는 퇴계의 리理 개념에 대한 적극적 해석, 즉 ‘리동理動’과 ‘리발理發’의 관점이 성호학파를 거쳐 다산에 이르면서 인격적 ‘상제’로까지 연결된다는 점을 강조했다. 이에 비해 미발론未發論은 퇴계와 성호 경우 기존 관점을 유지하지만, 다산은 사유작용이 없는 모호한 미발 개념을 비판하고 희노애락의 특정한 감정만 없는 미발 상태를 주장함으로써 주자학적 중화론을 벗어난 것으로 평가받았다. 그러나 퇴계가 말한 미발의 함양공부 혹은 정좌공부는 용모와 외관을 통제하고 스스로 반성하며 성찰하는 적극적인 경공부를 의미했고, 성호도 미발의 경공부에서 사물에 대한 이치를 탐구하고 분석하는 활발한 사유작용을 강조했다. 따라서 다산의 미발공부론은 퇴계와 성호의 관점을 이어서 마음 공부법의 실천적 효과를 높이는 방향으로 전개된 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 한편 다산은 미발을 단순한 희노애락의 미발로 한정함과 동시에 미발 공부에서 인격적 상제에 대한 신독의 자세를 강조했고, 마음을 공정하게 잡고 유지하는 ‘집중執中’ 공부론을 강조했다. 이것은 기존의 중화논의를 비판하면서 다산이 대안적 방법으로 내놓은 것인데, 그의 ‘인심도심설人心道心說’과 짝을 이루는 방법이다. 말하자면 집중론과 인심도심설로 다산이 기존의 미발이발론을 대체한 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 이것은 여전히 주자학적 심성론과 공부법에 연계된 퇴계 및 성호의 관점을 비판적으로 극복하면서, 동시에 자기만의 독특한 방식으로 중화론과 미발공부법을 변형시킨 것이다. 이 쟁점을 통해 퇴계와 성호, 다산에 이르는 심성론과 공부법의 연속적 흐름을 비판적으로 살펴볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        上帝와 心 개념으로 비교한 정약용과 최제우의 사유

        백민정 한국고전번역원 2022 民族文化 Vol.61 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the theories of two figures, Jeong Yagyong 丁若鏞 (1762-1836; pen name: Dasan 茶山) and Choi Jewoo (1824-1864; pen name: Suwun) who responded to the shocking impacts of encountering Western culture during the Joseon dynasty. The critical questions raised by Western Scholarly Books (西學書) offered significant opportunities for intellectual exploration and development for both Jeong Yangyong and Choi Jewoo. Generally, Confucians who endorsed the existence of Tian (天) as an orderly principle of the cosmos and human beings had difficulty accepting the concept of the Highest Emperor (上帝) or the Lord of Heaven (天主) conceptualized as the anthropomorphic controller and creator of the world. Moreover, the exclusive attitudes of Westerners who prohibited memorial rites for one’s closest consanguinity parents and ancestors, regarding such rites as heresy, caused a serious shock to Joseon society. Jeong Yagyong believed in an anthropomorphic being, the Highest Emperor, who changes, actively controls (主宰), and nurtures with caring (安養) the harmony between the heavenly ghosts (天神), humans and myriad things. He sought to validate the belief in and humbling attitude toward the Highest Emperor through Confucian rituals, particularly ancestor rites. Dasan’s perspective analyzing several kinds of ancestor rituals strongly reflects the ways Dasan sought to maintain faith in the Highest Emperor by practicing ancestor rites. On the other hand, Eastern Learning (東學) had an obvious religious aspect from its beginning, as the establisher Choi Jewoo claimed to have gone through a spiritual experience of being confronted with a personal deity. But he presented an impersonal and immanent world view by arguing that the personality of the God, the Lord of Heaven is manifested through constant harmonization (調和) based on “harmonizing all by doing nothing“ (無爲而化). He proceeded with the idea of human equality with the perspective that each person equally bears the Lord of Heaven. According to Choi Jewoo, the learning of mind-heart (心學) is simultaneously both an essential prerequisite for to “bearing the Lord of Heaven within me“ (侍天主) and the ultimate purpose. For him, the only way to serve God is to incarnate and embody the spirituality of mind-heart (神靈) through oneself. In this study, the author emphasizes that the Eastern Learning (東學) of Choi Jewoo should be construed as learning of mind-heart (心學) involving self-regulation and caring for others. 이 글은 18세기 이후 조선에서 서양문화의 충격에 대응했던 유학자 정약용과 최제우의 사유를 비교, 분석한 것이다. 西學書서 제기한 비판적 물음들은 정약용과 최제우 모두에게 주요한 성찰의 계기를 제공했다. 이법적 天울 존중했던 유학자들에게 인격적인 주재자, 만유를 창조하는 상제 혹은 천주 관념은 수용하기 어려운 대상이었다. 더구나 상제에 대한 숭배와 의례를 중시하는 서양인들이 우리 자신에게 가장 가까운 혈친인 부모에 대한 제사, 조상 제사를 금지하고 이단시한 것은 심각한 충격을 안겨주었다. 조상 제사를 중시한 정약용과 최제우 모두 이 난제에 답해야 했다. 정약용은 이법적인 天이 아니라 세상과 천신[귀신], 인간과 만유를 조화하고[만들고] 주재하며 안양하는[편히 길러주는] 인격적 존재인 상제를 믿었고 신앙했다. 하지만 그는 상제에 대한 믿음과 삼감을 유교적 의례, 특히 제사를 통해 정당화하려고 했다. 조상 제사를 수행함으로써 상제에 대한 신앙을 유지하는 길, 그것을 모색했던 결과가 각종 제사의례를 분석한 다산의 관점에 잘 반영되어 있다. 한편 최제우는 인격적 신과 대면하는 신비체험을 겪었고 이로 인해 東學은 출발부터 분명한 종교적 색채를 띠었다. 하지만 그는 하늘님 천주의 인격성을 ‘無爲而化’의 멈춤 없는 造化 작용으로 구현, 비인격적이고 내재적인 세계상을 피력했다. 똑같이 천주를 모신 나와 너 사이의 평등한 인간관을 전개했을 뿐만 아니라, 나아가 나와 상제 사이의 동등한 존재론적 관계를 설정하고 있다. 최제우가 강조한 천주는 인간을 만남으로써 비로소 천주로 온전히 세워지고 존재할 수 있다. 그에게 心學 공부는 ‘侍天主[천주를 내 안에 모시기]’하기 위한 핵심 전제이며 마지막 목표이기도 하다. 정약용과 달리 신들의 위계질서를 가정하지 않고 상제의 외재성을 강조하지도 않았던 수운은, 신의 모든 공능과 위력을 내 마음 안에 내재화하고 자연물에 내재화했다. 그에게 신을 섬기는 것은 나의 神靈[心靈]을 통해 육화, 구현하는 길밖에 없었다. 본고에서 필자는 최제우의 동학이 자기규율과 타인섬김의 심학이었다는 점을 강조했다. 최제우의 사유를 조선사상사의 연속적 지평에서 자리매김하기 위해 심학으로서 동학의 가치에 주목할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        The Understanding of and Response to Western Learning by Confucian Scholars of the Yeongnam Region in the 19th Century: Emperor Above, Master of Heaven, and Worshiping Rites for the Spirit

        백민정 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2023 THE REVIEW OF KOREAN STUDIES Vol.26 No.1

        This study reviews how the Confucian scholars of the Yeongnam region in Joseon around the 19th century critically perceived Western Learning, particularly the Catholic concepts of Deus and anima. The Confucian scholars of Yeongnam primarily focused on the two aspects of the principle from a Neo-Confucian worldview: the aspect of non-action (muwi) and the aspect of ruling over (jujae). They understood the notion of Emperor Above (sangje) through this ruling nature of the principle. While guarding against the favorable interpretation of Western Learning by the Southerners of the Gyeonggi area such as Yi Ik and An Jeongbok, the Southerners of the Yeongnam region felt the necessity to distinguish their scholarly identity more clearly. The disciples of Yi Sangjeong such as Nam Hanjo, Jo Suldo, Jeong Jongno, Ryu Geonhyu, and Ryu Chimyeong criticized the concept of the Master of Heaven (cheonju) and emphasized the aspect of non-action found in Emperor Above in Confucianism, namely, the impersonal and universal properties of the Great Ultimate (taegeuk) and the principle (ri). Although Western books introducing Catholicism argued that Deus was an immaterial, eternal, and intellectual being, Confucian scholars regarded that a personified Master of Heaven, who had specific emotions and will and judged the good and evil of humans, was ultimately in the same finite category as divine force (yeongsin). In face of such limited and personified characteristic of the Master of Heaven, the Confucian scholars of the Yeongnam region further emphasized the universality and public nature of the principle. This was particularly the case of ancestral spirit (hollyeong), which was universal and public. According to them, material force was constantly regenerated in accordance with the universality of the principle. One was able to perform a worshiping rite and reciprocally connect with the objects of worship, be it one’s ancestors or the sages, since the principle deserved to be revered and worshiped. The key to the worshiping ritual was to therefore understand and perceive the principle with one’s mind and venerate the proper objects of worship. The spirit (sin) only existed when the principle was proper. The encounter with the arguments of Western Learning and Catholicism by the Southerners of the Gyeonggi area who were of the Seongho School as well as the Confucian scholars of the Yeongnam region served as an important opportunity that triggered their various inner capabilities. While the dissemination of Western Learning agitated the intellectuals of Joseon and divided their lines of thought, it also provided an impetus for them to actively reflect upon the beliefs and values they harbored. This is evident by the intellectual response of the Confucian scholars of the Yeongnam area who critically reviewed the meaning of Emperor Above, ancestral spirit, and worshiping rituals.

      • KCI등재

        정약용 인성론에서 ‘천명지성’ 개념이 갖는 의미 ― 본연지성(本然之性), 도의지성(道義之性), 천명지성(天命之性)에 대한 다산의 관점을 중심으로 ―

        백민정 한국동양철학회 2007 동양철학 Vol.0 No.28

        【Abstract】 A Study on the Significance of Chonmyongjisong(天命之性) in Chong Yagyong(丁若鏞)'s Theory of Human Nature ― Centered upon Chong Yagyong's Viewpoints of Bonyonjisong(本然之性), Doŭiisong(道義之性), & Chonmyongjisong(天命之性) ― Baek, Min-Jeong Chong Yagyong's Theory of Human Nature was originated from critique against Zhu xi's metaphysical theory of Bonyonjisong(本然之性) and Gijiljisong(氣質之性). Since his twenties Chong Yagyong had criticised Zhu xi, who insisted that everything should have Bonyonjisong in common, and argued that everything had their own Gijiljisong(氣質之性) and Doŭiisong(道義之性). When living in exile, he rigidly criticised the concept of Bonyon(本然) for inheriting from Buddhism. For Buddhism, the Bonyonjisong(本然之性) referred to the innocently good Nature. As a result Chong Yagyong replaced the concept of Doŭiisong and Bonyonjisong by the concept of Chonmyongjisong(天命之性). For him Chonmyongjisong was the concept that could imply the significance of Chonamyong(天命) as an absolutely Heavenly Decree and Song(性) as an immanently moral inclination. This treatise purports to investigate how Chong Yagyong's has overcome the concept of Doŭiisong and Bonyonjisong and reached his own concept of Chonmyongjisong. Key words: Bonyon(本然), Bonyonjisong(本然之性), Gijiljisong(氣質之性), Doŭiisong(道義之性), Chonmyongjisong(天命之性), Insimdosimsol(人心道心說) 【논문 요약】 정약용의 인성론은 형이상학화된 주희의 본연지성․기질지성 논의를 비판하는 것으로부터 시작된다. 그는 20대부터 만물에 공통적으로 내재되어 있다고 가정된 주희의 본연지성 개념을 비판했다. 그리고 개체마다 다르게 부여된 도의지성과 기질지성에 관한 논의를 새롭게 주장한다. 한편 유배기를 거치면서 다산은 보다 엄격하게 ‘본연’이란 개념을 비판했는데, 불교로부터 유래한 이 용어에 따르면 인간의 본성은 영원히 존재해야만 하고, 악의 원인 역시 순선(純善)한 본연지성이 아닌 육체의 기질(氣質)로만 돌리게 된다. 이와 같은 문제점을 의식한 정약용은, 이제 자신이 제안한 도의지성마저도 넘어서면서, 최종적으로 ‘천명지성’을 강조하게 된다. 이것은 천명지성이야말로 공경하고 두려워해야할 절대적 천명(天命)이란 의미와 자기 마음속에 내재된 도덕욕구로서의 성(性)의 의미를 동시에 갖춘 개념이었기 때문이다. 이 글은 다산이 주희의 본연지성, 그리고 자신의 도의지성을 넘어 어떻게 천명지성이란 개념에까지 이르게 되는지 그 사유의 과정을 추적한 것이다. 주제어: 본연(本然), 본연지성/기질지성, 도의지성, 천명지성, 인심도심설

      • KCI등재

        Chong Yagyong's Political Philosophy: Kyongse Yup'yo and Mongmin Simso's Arguments on State Governance

        백민정,이영호 성균관대학교 동아시아학술원 2014 Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies Vol.14 No.1

        This article analyzes Chong Yagyong's political philosophy, especially his discussion on his ideal for righteous governance (wangjong C). Chong proposed new discourses on human nature and active governance in order to realize his ideal of wangjong. He further suggested an integration of the central and local governing systems. In this integrated system, magistrates would have the duty to educate their people and solve economic problems. Chong Yagyong's theory on governance by pyondung (辨等,discriminating between different social status groups), underlining the strict hierarchy of social status and a hierarchical social order, emerged in the process of explicating this system. He believed that the state's governing system could be maintained only when status hierarchy was carefully observed and respected, as in the difference between teacher and student, and officials and the people, and in accordance with individual capability and moral self-cultivation. He also suggested a precise bureaucratic system in order to avoid private abuse of power by both the king and officialdom. Although the high level of centralization of power in his proposed system is controversial, it seems that his argument is still relevant today since he emphasized that, through the "royal way" and wangjong, the state could be governed in accordance with the highest standards of fairness.

      • KCI등재

        과학영재의 개발역량 함양 프로그램 운영을 위한 기초 연구

        백민정,강경균,권경아 한국영재교육학회 2019 영재와 영재교육 Vol.18 No.2

        In the era of technology convergence, the demand for fostering convergent and creative human resources is increasing, and in science gifted education, the importance of cultivating innovation ability based on finding social problems and solving problems creatively is increasing. According to the value and vision of the future society, the science gifted education program needs a new program to strengthen the challenging capacity of the scientific gifted and to provide good value to the world beyond the idea. This study was performed to propose operational plan for strengthening the development competency among the core competencies required for science and technology manpower of the future, which is presented in the 3rd master plan for identifying and nurturing of science-gifted students ('18 - '22). Delphi survey and expert focus group interviews were conducted to define the definition of science gifted development competency and detailed competencies. This study suggested the direction of development and operation of educational program to enhance the development competency of science gifted.

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