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        김사과 소설 속 소비주체의 사회대응 양상 연구 — 「이나의 좁고 긴 방」, 『천국에서』를 중심으로

        방재석,서국선 한국문예창작학회 2020 한국문예창작 Vol.19 No.1

        본 연구에서는 베블런의 유한계급론과 보드리야르의 소비사회에 근거하 여 김사과의 소설 속 소비주체의 사회대응 양상을 고찰하였다. 연구를 위해 김사과의 작품 중 「이나의 좁고 긴 방」과 『천국에서』를 선택하였다. 그 이유 는 첫째, 작가의 사회의식을 유추해 보고자 했다. 두 작품의 배경은 자본주 의 소비사회이고 인물들은 좌절한 소비주체이기 때문이다. 둘째, 인물의 대 응방식에서 작가가 독자에게 주는 메시지를 밝혀보고자 했다. 두 작품은 인 물의 유사점과 대조점이 확연하기 때문이다. 이 연구의 목적은 김사과의 소설 속 인물을 소비주체로 상정할 수 있는 근거를 밝혀 기존 김사과 인물 연구를 보완하려는 데 있다. 또한 인물의 사 회대응 양상의 차이를 통해 독자에게 주는 메시지와 작가의 사회의식을 추 론하는 것이다. 본고는 작중 인물들을 통해 소비주체의 계층이탈을 위한 잉 여적 소비, 소비사회 메커니즘 인식과정, 소비사회 대응 양상의 차이를 분석 하였다. 연구 결과, 이나와 케이는 도시에 거주하는 20대 여성으로 현실사회의 젊은 세대를 대표하는 소비주체라 할 수 있다. 이들의 소비행위는 보드리야 르가 언급한 기호와 쾌락을 위한 것이다. 이들은 유한계급을 갈망하는 소비 자로 물리적 생존보다는 상상적 쾌락이나 욕망의 충족을 원하는 과시적 소 비자다. 또한 베블런에 의하면 과시적 소비의 도발과 유혹은 도시일수록 심 하다. 작가의 메시지는 젊은 세대가 소비사회에 매몰되지 않기 위해서는 소비 사회 메커니즘 인식과정을 통해 주체적 소비자로 의식전환이 필요하다는 것이다. 그녀는 작중 인물을 통해 자본주의 사회구조에서 이탈할 수 없는 젊은 세대가 적응을 거부하는 방식을 ‘대응방법’으로 제시하였다. 하지만 두 인물의 사회대응방식에는 차이가 있다. 이나가 서사의 흐름에 따라 고립 되어간다면, 케이는 자신과 타자를 수용한다. 소비사회에서 소외된 이나가 소통의 의지를 잃었다면, 케이는 사회가 아닌, 영혼과 감정을 가진 인간에 게 기대를 건다. 이와 같이 김사과 인물의 의식은 소극적이고 자기 파괴적 인 개인과 적극적이고 관계지향적인 개인으로 제시된다. 그 결과 작가의 사 회의식은 자본주의 사회구조에 대한 비판과 좌절에서 나아가 ‘주체성을 가 진 인간’, ‘관계를 지향하는 인간’으로 대안을 제시하는 긍정적 진전으로 나타난다. In this study, I considered the social response of the consumer in Kim Sagwa’s 「Inna’s the Narrow, Long Room」 and 『From Heaven』. The reason I chose the books is that I wanted to infer writer’s social consciousness and to reveal the message that the author gives to the reader in the way the character responds. The purpose of this study is to supplement the study of existing Kim Sagwa’s characters by revealing the basis for presenting the figure in the novel as the main consumer. It is also to infer the message to the reader and the writer’s social consciousness through differences in the social response patterns of the characters. This paper analyzed in surplus consumption, recognition process of consumer society mechanism, and difference of response to consumer society through the characters in the two works. According to the research, Inna and Kei are women in their 20s who live in cities and represent the younger generation of the real world. They are consumers who yearn the leisure class and ostentatious consumers who wants to meet imaginary pleasures or desires rather than physical survival. According to Beblun, the temptation and provocation of a consumer society is worse in cities. Kim Sagwa argues that in order for the younger generation to not be buried in the consumer society, it is necessary to change their consciousness to a independent consumer. Through his character, She suggested a “corresponding method” in which the younger generation, who cannot escape from the capitalist social structure, refuses to adapt. If Inna becomes isolated by the flow of the narrative, Kei accepts herself and the batter. If Inna has lost the will to communicate, Kei expects not from society, but from humans with souls and emotions. As such, the consciousness of a person is presented as a passive, self-destructive individual and an active and relationship-oriented individual. As a result, The writer’s social consciousness present as positive progress, moving away from criticism and frustration on the capitalist social structure, suggesting alternatives as “human beings with identity“ and “human being with relationship-oriented values”.

      • KCI등재

        황석영 『장길산』의 미륵신앙 수용 연구

        방재석(邦宰碩),김설옥(金雪玉) 원광대학교 원불교사상연구원 2017 원불교사상과 종교문화 Vol.74 No.-

        본고는 황석영의 장편역사소설 『장길산』에서 ‘역사’와 ‘현실’을 연결시킨 미의식이 무엇인가 하는 질문으로 연구를 시작하여, 작품의 사상적 요체가 되는 것이 미륵사상임을 밝히고, 그것이 전체 서사 구조에 미친 영향을 규명하고자 시도했다. 황석영은 조선 후기 민심을 지배했던 미륵하생신앙을 민중사적 염원이 담긴 변혁적 세계관으로 인식하고, 『장길산』을 통해 미륵신앙이 ‘장길산 시대’와 1970년대의 민중적 염원을 관통하는 ‘메시아적 힘’으로 작용하고 있음을 보여준다. 『장길산』에서 미륵신앙은 소설 전체 구성과 주인공을 비롯한 등장인물의 면면을 통해 다각적으로 활용되고 변용된다. 서두의 장산곶매 전설은 ‘장길산 서사’ 전체를 은유하는 모티브로 작용하며, 종장의 운주사 천불천탑 전설은 작중 사건들의 의미를 미륵사상이라는 하나의 주제로 통합하는 기능을 한다. 또한 민중구원의 메시지로서 등장인물들의 행위와 운명을 심화시키는 수단이 된다. 특히 그 중심에 있는 주인공은 미륵신앙의 혁명성·자생성·실천성을 상징적으로 보여주며, 결말에 이르러 미륵신앙의 사상적 전망을 밝히는 결정적 역할을 한다. 결국 본고는 『장길산』이 1970년대의 환경에서 작중 과거와 작가의 ‘지금시간’ 두 쪽에 공통적으로 존재하는 구원의 모델이자 가능성으로 미륵신앙의 서사를 개성 있게 수용했다는 결론을 얻는다. The aims of this study are to examine the aesthetic consciousness in Hwang Suk Young’s Jang Kil San as a connection between history and reality, to analyze Maiterya Belief as the main thought in this novel, and to investigate its influence on the narrative structure. Hwang Suk Young regards Maiterya Belief winning popularity in the late Chosun Dynasty as revolutionary world view reflecting the aspiration of the people. Through Jang Kil San, he shows that Maiterya Belief exercises great leverage as messianic power on both the Jang Kil San era and 1970s. Maiterya Belief has a variety of creation and usage in both plots and characters of Jang Kil San. Jangsangonmae folk tale is a motive of this novel. Unjusa cheonbulcheontap folk tale has both the function to combine the meaning of narratives into Maiterya Beliefs and the tool to emphasize on the actions and fates of characters as a message to rescue people. Especially, the main character shows the revolutionary, practical, and autochthonic aspects symbolically, and has the decisive role to the outlook of Maiterya Belief in the end. This study would come to a conclusion that Jang Kil San is a model for salvation having its being in both the past and the present in 1970s by the narrative of Maiterya Beliefs in a individual style.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        이청준 소설에 나타난 종교관 고찰

        방재석(Jae Seok Bang),김민정(Min Jung Kim) 한국현대소설학회 2012 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.50

        Literature and religion have the same aspect of dealing with the fundamental matter concerning human and the world. Literature treats the world with the daily life of human, while religion has the understanding of the world focused on the Providence of God. Lee Cheong-jun studies deep into the matters concerning the existence of God and the salvation of human. To him, a novel is regarded as religion because of art as the process to seek the truth. Although he accepts Christianity, he criticizes its blind obedience and the way of one - sided salvation. He understands Almighty God reigning over people as an incomplete being needing human help, and gives human the responsibilities to lead their lives independently. His ideal religion is not oppressive with a dominant-subordinate relationship between God and human, but ``horizontally open``. The religion in his novels is ``the present progressive form`` to be accomplished by both God and human. Its truth is an object of creation, not faith. God and human make the truth together and share the process. Always the truth is incomplete, and that means it has the possibility of sustainable progress, not deficiency. The core of views of both art and religion of Lee Cheong-jun is to pursue genuine freedom and faith by doubt and question, not blind obedience to the absolute. He disagrees on the literature hindering religion as well as the religion restricting human. His literature is well worth studying in the ways that it is understood the religion pursuing the salvation of human by infinite freedom of literature following uselessness, and the truth is changing into the object of creation.

      • KCI등재

        베트남전쟁을 통한 의식의 변화양상 비교연구

        방재석(Jai Suk Bang) 한국현대소설학회 2011 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.46

        Korea and Vietnam have similar histories and geographical features. And, nowadays there is the intimate relationship between them in the economic, political, social and cultural aspects as well. The internal understanding based on the relative thinking of Korea and Vietnam histories is essential to build the desirable relationship continually. Vietnam war was the historical event for the youth of Korea and Vietnam to face each other in the same place. This study pursues the deep understanding of Korea and Vietnam by the deep comparative analysis of the youth`s consciousness and behaviors in Korea-Vietnam novels focusing on Vietnam war. As a text, two novels are chosen because they are typical of Vietnam war novels in Korea and Vietnam: Hwang Seokyeong`s 『Shadow of Arms』 and Van Le`s 『If you are alive』. The consciousness and behaviors of two main characters are divided into three periods such as before, during and after war. By having experience of war, their consciousness are changed individually. However, regardless of the changes of their consciousness. their ways to overcome war are classified by their nationalities like their motivations to participate in a war. This separation between consciousness and behaviors originates with the irresponsibility for Vietnam war. However, the matters of Vietnam war should not be restricted to the ethical matters of Korean soldiers. Regardless of their personalities, four main characters have different ways to overcome war according to their nationalities. That proves the matters of Vietnam war to be social problems which cannot be solved by each individual. Therefore, the matters of Vietnam war should be settled by both the solidarity from the individual responsibility for Vietnam war and the social access to heal the pain of the times.

      • KCI등재

        현덕 유년동화의 놀이 모티프에 나타난 현실 인식 -노마 연작을 중심으로-

        방재석 ( Jae Seok Bang ),김하영 ( Ha Young Kim ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소 2015 동화와 번역 Vol.30 No.-

        본 연구는 현덕이 놀이모티프를 활용한 유년동화에서 자신이 인식하고 있는 현실의 문제를 제기하는 방식을 살펴보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 현덕의 유년동화39편 가운데 놀이 과정이 형상화 된 16편에 나타난 놀이 모티프를 유형별로 분류하고 그 의미를 분석하였다. 로제 카이와의 놀이 구분에 따르면 현덕 유년동화의 놀이모티프는 아곤, 미미크리, 아곤과 미미크리의 혼재가 나타나는 놀이로 분류할 수 있다. 현덕은 아곤형놀이를 통해 현실의 계급 문제를 제기하고, 미미크리형 놀이를 통해 문제의 해결책을 강구한다. 아곤과 미미크리가 혼재된 현덕의 작품에서 계급적 질서가 투영된 세계는 아이들이 제시하는 다른 놀이를 통해 새로운 질서를 가진 세계로 재구성된다. 현덕이 제기하는 현실의 계급적 문제는 현덕의 소설이나 소년소설에서도 나타난다. 그러나 유년동화에서 제기되는 계급 문제는 타 장르에 비해 간접적으로 드러나고, 놀이 모티프를 장치로 사용함으로서 부유한 환경의 아동마저도 포용하는 대안적 세계를 제시한다는 점에 주목할 필요가 있다. 현덕 유년동화에서 놀이 모티프의 활용은 아동 모두를 포용하는 세계를 재구성하는데 기여하고 있다는 점에서 매우 중요하다. This research aims to study about how they question problems in reality that they recognise reflecting to the play motif of Hyunduk children’s story. It is toassort the play motifs on episode 16, which the play process is exemplified, of the whole 39 series by type in order to analyse the meaning. According to Roger Caillois’s play sort, the play motif of Hyunduk children’s story can be sorted as agon, mimicry, and combination of agon and mimicry. Hyunduk suggests hierarchy problems by agon game, and looks for a solution by a mimicry type game. In Hyunduk’s work of the combination of agon and mimicry,the world reflecting to hierarchical order is re-created as a new world with a new order through another game suggested by the children. The hierarchical problems in reality that Hyunduk suggests appear in Hyunduk’s works and adolescence novels. However, hierarchical problems suggested in children’s stories appear indirectly comparing to that in other genres, and as using a game motif as the tool, it is worth looking at the point that it suggests an alternative world embracing children with wealthy backgrounds. It is very important to notice that the use of a game motif in Hyunduk children’s story contributes to the reconstitution of a new world embracing all children.

      • KCI등재

        베트남전쟁과 한

        방재석(Jae Seok Bang),조선영(Sun Young Cho) 한국현대소설학회 2014 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.57

        Although exchange between Korean and Vietnam has been increased dramatically from all areas in society after resuming diplomatic relations in 1992, there are still lack of understanding of each other. To overcome prejudice and hostility between two countries and contribute to development of ethical culture, understanding Vietnam War which led to discontinuities must be a priority. The United States intervened Vietnam War under the domino theory and anti-Communist logic. Korea also participated in the War as an ally of the United States, Park Chung-hee government expanded and reproduced domino theory and anti-Communist logic from the United States in order to stabilize regime and build infrastructure of economic development. Of many literatures regarding Vietnam War, 『White Badge』 by Ahn, Jung-Hyo is a work that specifically embodied domestic and foreign circumstances and operational tactics. In 『White Badge』, metal trauma and destroyed life of the characters were resulted from the war, which allows Korean literature to encounter with Vietnam literature. A Vietnamese writer, Bao Ninh describes the cruelty of war and human devastation in 『Sorrow of War』. Vietnam literature and Korean literature encounters in the course of realizing the fact that people unrelated to the war would eventually become victims by ruling ideology and external force. Since Korea has established diplomatic relations with Vietnam, ``a meeting of young writers for understanding Vietnam`` was started in 1995 and has constantly performed human exchange in the field of literature. There is a paucity of literary works in spite of many efforts in the field of creation and translation. To let the world know about the fact that literature of the two countries endeavors to protect the universal values of human rather than ruling ideology and interests in favor of their countries, more efforts will be required to introduce many works and translate them. Without being limited to bilateral relations, literary exchange between Korea and Vietnam has significant meanings because that the center can not save the periphery; that only human and life stand for values; and that two countries meet together serving as supporters on the ground of historical assets.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        정세랑의 『시선으로부터,』에 나타난 애도의 양상과 의미 탐구

        박미정,방재석 현대문학이론학회 2023 現代文學理論硏究 Vol.- No.93

        The purpose of this study is the aspects and meanings of mourning in Chung Serang’s novel Sisuneurobuto,. Chung Serang’s Sisuneurobuto,, which depicts the story of three generations of family members from Shim Si-sun, a modern woman, focuses on beings who have not been mourned in Korean modern history, which has dichotomous recognized modernity. Beings, excluded by the ruling ideology and order, were constantly pushed outside the subject of public mourning. Sisuneurobuto, is a work that attempted to carry out a rebellious mourning for those excluded from the object of mourning by rewriting the stories of those excluded. As such a strategy, the first confirmed the possibility of mourning that occurs by overthrowing the impossibility of mourning faced by the new women through re-writing of ancestral rites. Second, we examined the aspect of the impossibility of mourning for victims of questionable deaths caused by state violence and examined the possibility of confronting official history through re-writing essays. Third, we analyzed the ongoing mourning made by telling their stories, paying attention to the non-human existence excluded by modern dichotomous epistemology. From these three aspects, Chung Serang’s novel confirms that it is consistently aiming for the novel’s function as a ‘Counter-Memory’.

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