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        영화 <스토커>의 성장 서사 연구

        박인영(Park, In Yeong) 동국대학교 영상미디어센터 2015 씨네포럼 Vol.0 No.20

        본 논문은 박찬욱 감독의 할리우드 데뷔작 <스토커>를 성장서사의 관점에서 분석한다. 아놀드 반 겐넵에 의해 정식화된 성인식의 통과의례는 냉철한 사냥꾼이자 광기어린 괴물로 다시 태어난 인디아의 성장을 효과적으로 설명하는 도구가 된다. 이에 따르면 아버지의 죽음과 동시에 찾아온 삼촌 찰리의 인도로 점차 자신의 내부에 감금됐던 성욕과 괴물성의 욕구를 자각한 인디아는 분리와 전환, 통합의 통과의례 도식에 따라 나아가고 결국 성장을 완료한다. 인디아는 17년 동안 신었던 새들 슈즈를 벗고 화려한 하이힐을 신은 어른-여성으로 성장한다. 묘지 위에서 인디아를 부르는 찰리의 이미지는 알튀세르가 제기한 ‘호명’의 내러티브로 <스토커>를 분석하는 것을 가능하게 한다. 하지만 인디아가 스토커가의 피의 부름에 응답하는 성장이 호명을 통해 설명되는 것은 ‘예속적 주체의 오인된 자명성’으로 이를 비판하게 만든다. 특히 영화 전반에 걸쳐 작동되는 여성 부재/배제의 전략과 함께 인디아가 ‘아버지의 딸’의 정체성으로 고정되는 것은 영화가 갖는 젠더적 불균형성을 부각시킨다. 강력한 문제적 여성 인물의 재현이 인상적인 <스토커>는 여성 성장서사에 관한 영화적 상상력을 확장시키지만 동시에 여전한 가부장제적 기획의 한계 또한 갖는다. 이에 본고는 <스토커>가 박찬욱 감독의 전체 필모그래피라는 작가주의 맥락에서 젠더 담론의 개입을 바탕으로 다시 한 번 독해돼야 할 것임을 제안한다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the growth narrative of 〈Stoker〉(2013), which is the first work in Hollywood by Park Chan-Wook. First of all, 〈Stoker〉 can be analysed effectively through the concept of ‘the rite of passage’ which was theorized by Arnold van Gennep. The rite of passage makes individuals acquire specific identities and be incorporated into the society. In applying view of the rite of passage, India was grown up as ‘a hunter-a monster’ in the end. The main concept of ‘separation’ - ‘transition’ - ‘incorporation’ is available of illustrating the entire process of the growth of India. The theory of Interpellation by Althusser that ideology interpellates individuals as subjects is crucial for this study. It arises from the problematic how the subjection to class domination can be settled in society. And it can illustrate how India has become a harsh hunter-killer. 〈Stoker〉 narrates how she was interpellated by Charlie. The identity of India as ‘Father"s Daughter’ restricts severely the possibility of 〈Stoker〉 as a female growth narrative. So this paper suggests that the further study of 〈Stoker〉 in a different context of auteurism of Park"s cinematic world. In doing that, the intervention of feminist criticism is required.

      • KCI등재

        십자와 육각패턴을 이용한 고속 블록 정합 동작 예측 기법

        박인영,남현우,위영철,김하진,Park, In-Young,Nam, Hyeon-Woo,Wee, Young-Cheul,Kim, Ha-Jine 한국정보처리학회 2003 정보처리학회논문지B Vol.10 No.7

        본 논문에서는 십자패턴과 육각패턴을 이용한 고속 블록 정합 동작 예측 기법을 제안한다. 블록 기반 탐색에서 전역 탐색방법이 가장 좋은 동작벡터를 찾지만, 탐색영역 내의 모든 전을 검색하기 때문에 많은 시간을 필요로 하게 된다. 본 방법은 대부분의 동영상에서 동작벡터가 블록의 중심 부근에 집중적으로 분포함을 착안하여 십자패턴으로 중앙을 우선 탐색한 다음 움직임이 큰 동작벡터를 육각패턴을 사용하여 찾는다. 실험결과, 본 방법은 기존의 탐색방법보다 화질과 탐색시간에서 대부분의 경우에 좋은 성능을 보임을 알 수 있다. In this paper, we propose a fast block-matching motion estimation method using the cross pattern and the hexagonal pattern. For the block-matching motion estimation method, full search finds the best motion estimation, but it requires huge search time because it has to check every search point within the search window. The proposed method makes use of the fact that most of motion vectors lie near the center of block. The proposed method first uses the cross pattern to search near the center of block, and then uses the hexagonal pattern to search larger motion vectors. Experimental results show that our method is better than recently proposed search algorithms in terms of mean-square error performance and required search time.

      • KCI등재

        고효율의 리튬/공기 이차전지 공기전극용 Mn<sub>1+X</sub>Co<sub>2-X</sub>O<sub>4</sub> 고용체 촉매 합성 및 분석

        박인영,장재용,임동욱,김태우,심상은,박석훈,백성현,Park, Inyeong,Jang, Jaeyong,Lim, Dongwook,Kim, Taewoo,Shim, Sang Eun,Park, Seok Hoon,Baeck, Sung-Hyeon 한국전기화학회 2015 한국전기화학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        $Mn_{1+X}Co_{2-X}O_4$ solid solutions with various Mn/Co ratios were synthesized by a combustion method, and used as cathode catalysts for lithium/air secondary battery. Their electrochemical and physicochemical properties were investigated. The morphology was examined by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and the crystallinity was confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses. For the measurement of electrochemical properties, charge and discharge measurements were carried out at a constant current density of $0.2mA/cm^2$, monitoring the voltage change. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analyses were also employed to examine the change in charge transfer resistance during charge-discharge process. $Mn_{1+X}Co_{2-X}O_4$ solid solutions showed enhanced cycleability as a cathode of Li/air secondary battery, and the performance was found to be strongly dependent on Mn/Co ratio. Among synthesized catalysts, $Mn_{1.5}Co_{1.5}O_4$ exhibited the best performance and cycleability, due to high charge transfer rate.

      • KCI등재

        노년의 영화적 재현

        박인영(Park In Yeong) 한국영화학회 2015 영화연구 Vol.0 No.64

        본 논문은 ‘노년 여성의 집 떠남’이라는 모티브를 공유하는 세 편의 영화, <마더>(로저 미첼, 2003), <롱 폴링>(마르탱 프로보스트, 2011), <할머니와 란제리> (베니타 오벌리, 2006)를 분석한다. 가부장제로부터 탈주하는 여성이라는 페미니즘 비평의 한 모델로서 노인 여성을 편입시키는 이러한 작업은 노년에 대한 차별적 시선, 즉 연령주의를 해소하는 의미 또한 갖는다. 영화적 재현의 장에서 주변부적 존재였던 노년을 가시화하는 것은 물론, 여성적 정체성을 재정립하려는 다양한 기획으로서 여성서사들에서조차 배제됐던 노년 여성의 성장과 정체성의 재협상을 가시화하려는 것이다. 세 영화의 여성들은 남편의 죽음을 결정적 계기로 집을 떠나면서 평생 동안 내면화했던 가부장제적 가치관의 동요와 해체를 경험한다. 이 과정을 통해 어머니와 아내, 할머니라는 가족 내 성역할 호칭으로 불리던 여성들은 치명적으로 위험하거나 불온한 욕망의 주체(<마더><할머니와 란제리>)가 되거나, 법질서를 훼손하는 탈주자(<롱 폴링>)가 된다. 이처럼 모성신화를 해체하고 가부장제 이데올로기를 취소하는 여정을 통해 이들은 새로운 자아의 발견과 각성에 도달한다. 한편 본 논문은 가부장제의 호명을 거부하고 경계 넘기를 실현하는 여성들의 탈주가 집/가정의 새로운 정체성 탐색의 플롯으로 구현되는 것을 주목한다. 이에 따르면 <롱 폴링>은 강력한 신화화를 바탕으로 구축됐던 이상적인 삶의 장소로서 집/가정이 가부장제의 타자들을 억압하는 감옥이었음을 고발하며, <할머니와 란제리>에서는 가부장제적 장소성이 해체되고 새로운 장소성이 기입된다. 노년 여성의 자아탐색을 주제로 한 본 논문은 여성을 가정의 수호신으로 고정시키는 가부장제적 기획의 균열을 포착, 여성의 정체성 구축을 위한 탐색에 예외적 나이가 없음을 일깨운다. 가부장제적 가치관을 내면화했던 시간의 역사에 잠식되기를 거부한 세 영화 속 여성들은 발전과 변화, 깨어짐의 역동성이 부재한 노년의 시간성에 대한 고정된 인식을 해체한다. This paper studies three films about the elderly women. <The Mother>, <The Long Falling> and <Late Bloomers> have same motif which can be found in various films with the plot of women’s escape from patriarchy and searching for their own identities. In the sphere of filmic representation, the elderly people have been considered as being not important or invisible, so they cannot expect to be respected as important generation. But three films suggest to listen to voices from the life of old age, and try to communicate with the voices. In three films the death of husband make her wife enter the separation from home, and three women experienced the strange world. These films explore the inner world of a widow who wanted to try something they never had in their life and to make new identities as a independent individual. Their journey for being free from patriarchic order shows that they couldn’t find their own identity of liberty or happiness under the patriarchy. To struggle, to fly out, they are on the road or succeed to find the new place of her own. And the mise-en-scene of these films shows their oppressive and alienated inner world at home, where is male-dominated and considered as a patriarchic place. In short, three films make the statement that there are not the place such as home/the house as the image of protection, rest, and happiness under the patriarchic system.

      • KCI등재

        24주간 요가 수련이 비만 초등학생과 일반 초등학생의 신체조성, 체력 및 신체상에 미치는 영향

        박인영(Park, In-Young),오덕자(Oh, Duk-Ja) 한국체육과학회 2011 한국체육과학회지 Vol.20 No.6

        This study aims to discover any change in the body composition, physical strength, and body image of obese and non-obese elementary school students in the fourth to sixth grades at D Elementary School in B Metropolitan City. Aiming at 15 obese students and 15 non-obese students, the study measured six items concerning their body composition, muscle endurance, quickness, flexibility, cardiopulmonary endurance, and body image through yoga training for 60 minutes per session, three times a week for 24 weeks. Then, as a result of conducting a paired sample t-test using the SPSS Ver. 18.0 program, the study gained the following conclusions. First, there appeared significant differences in the body fat percentage, muscle endurance, quickness, flexibility, and body image of obese students, whereas there were no differences in the body fat percentage and cardiopulmonary endurance. Second, regarding non-obese students, there were no significant changes in body fat percentage, fat mass, muscle endurance, quickness, cardiopulmonary endurance, and body image; but there was a significant difference in flexibility. In summarizing the above conclusions, as yoga training helps obese students in reducing body fat percentage and improving muscle endurance, quickness, and flexibility while making the body image better, obese students should carry out regular, consistent yoga training.

      • KCI등재

        복합운동이 비만노인여성의 신체조성 및 심혈관계질환 위험인자에 미치는 영향

        박인영(Park, In-Young),오덕자(Oh, Deuk-Ja) 한국체육과학회 2019 한국체육과학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of combine exercise on body composition and Cardiovascular risk factors in obese elderly women. Twenty, obese elderly women composed of circulation exercise group(EX, n=10), the control group(CON, n=10). The variables of body composition and Cardiovascular risk factors were measured in all the subjects before the start and after the end of 12 week circulation exercise program(50~60%HRR, 3 times per week, 60 mins). The test data were analyzed by paired t-test and repeated measure ANOVA, and the alpha level of p<.05 was set for all tests of significance. Body composition and Cardiovascular risk factors were measured pre and 12 weeks of post exercise training. Percentage of Body Fat, Total cholesterol, Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, AI, C-reactive protein was significantly decreased in EX group compared to CON group. Lean Body Mass were significantly increased in EX group compared to CON group. These results suggest that 12 weeks of combine exercise improves body composition and Cardiovascular risk factors. Thus, this combine exercise can be a useful therapy to improve body composition and Cardiovascular risk factors in obese elderly women.

      • KCI등재

        가구소득 및 모의 취업 변인이 자녀의 학교적응에 미치는 영향: 교육적 관여의 매개효과를 중심으로

        박인영 ( In Young Park ),유조안 ( Joan Paek Yoo ) 한국청소년복지학회 2015 청소년복지연구 Vol.17 No.3

        본 연구는 가구소득과 모의 취업이 자녀의 학교적응에 미치는 영향을 교육적 관여가 어떻게 매개하는지를 살펴보고자 하였다. 본 연구는 서울아동패널(Seoul Panel Study of Children) 3차년도 자료를 활용하여 총 1,297명의 초등학교 6학년 자녀와 부모를 대상으로 하였으며, 연구모형은 구조방정식을 활용하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 가구소득은 부모의 교육적 관여 중 시간적, 물질적, 정서적 관여에 대해 유의한 정적 영향을, 모의 취업 변인 중에서 모의 근로시간은 부모의 시간적, 물질적 관여에 유의한 부적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구에서 교육적 관여의 매개효과를 분석한 결과, 시간적, 정서적 관여는 가구소득이 자녀의 학교적응에 미치는 영향을 완전매개하였으며, 시간적 관여는 모의 근로시간이 자녀의 학교적응에 미치는 영향을 완전 매개하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 분석 결과에 기초하여 본 연구는 저소득 및 취업모 가정의 교육적 관여 및 자녀의 학교적응을 도모하는 정책적, 실천적 함의를 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is to analyze the mediating effects of parental educational involvement on the relationship among household income, maternal employment variables(whether or not mother is working and her working hours), and children’s school adjustment applying Becker’s Parental Investment theory(Becker, 1981) and Family Process theory(Yeung, Linver & Brooks-Gunn, 2002). For the purpose of this study, we used the third year data from the ‘Seoul Panel Study of Children (SPSC, 2006)’, which consists of 1,297 mothers and their children. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis was utilized to examine the mediation model. According to the result, household income had positive effects on parental time, material, and emotional involvement. Also, in case of maternal employment variables, only mother‘s working hour variable had a negative effect on time and material involvement. Further result showed that parental time and emotional involvement fully mediated the influence of household income on children’s school adjustment. Also, the association between maternal working hours and children’s school adjustment was fully mediated by parental time involvement. Based on these results, implications for social work practice and policies aiming to improve children’s school adjustment especially for low-income and working mother families are suggested.

      • KCI등재

        허진호 영화의 깊이 연출 연구

        박인영(Park In Yeong) 한국영화학회 2010 영화연구 Vol.0 No.45

        Deep staging in Director Jinho Huh's films creates special melodrama as it is closely related to the theme and form of each film. Style selections he consistently uses such as long take, camera that does not go closer than the bust shot, and elimination of division between a shot and a reverse shot converge to deep staging. But his deep staging is not general nor consistent as in other great directors' films. However, deep space composition that uses long take based on moderate depth eliminates too dramatic immersion and dynamics in the frame. In addition, his films have the characteristics of positioning major narratives at middle ground and eliminating movement in camera and frames. In Christmas in August, space is expanded by using glass/window. And in One Fine Spring Day and Happiness, niche framing based on deep space and vertical composition are used effectively. Division and expansion in frame, incorporation of off screen into on screen, use of non narrative area in narrative area, humor, depth of composition, and rapid change of emotion occur through the juxtaposition and collision of foreground, middle ground, and background. And there are some criticism about his deep space composition. It is said that it visualizes gender inequality through objectification of women by men, the agent of gaze. His interest in gender inequality mise-en-scene, which has changed in his recent films, suggests that his films need to be analyzed more carefully.

      • KCI등재

        다른 양성자 펌프 억제제에 교차반응이 없는 lansoprazole 아나필락시스

        박인영 ( In Young Park ),도병주 ( Byung Joo Do ),안재성 ( Jae Sung Ahn ),이재혁 ( Jae Hyuk Lee ),이계연 ( Gye Yeon Lee ),김선형 ( Sunh Yung Kim ),최정희 ( Jeong Hee Choi ) 대한천식알레르기학회 2014 Allergy Asthma & Respiratory Disease Vol.2 No.5

        Anaphylaxis to proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) has rarely been reported. Different patterns of cross-reactivity between PPIs have also been demonstrated using skin tests. Here, we report a case of anaphylaxis to lansoprazole with tolerance to other commercially available PPIs, which was proved by skin tests and oral provocation tests (OPTs). A 47-year-old female patient visited our Emergency Department with a sudden onset of whole body urticaria, facial swelling, dyspnea, and loss of consciousness that developed 1 hour after ingestion of 30 mg of lansoprazole for her episodic epigastric soreness. The skin prick test (SPT) and the intradermal test (IDT) with lansoprazole, esomeprazole, rabeprazole, and pantoprazole were performed. Lansoprazole showed positive reactions in both the SPT (3 mg/mL) and the IDT (0.003 mg/mL). Rabeprazole (3 mg/mL) showed a positive reaction only in IDT. The SPT and the IDT with esomeprazole and pantoprazole were all negative. The OPT with 30 mg of lansoprazole was positive (showing generalized rash and facial swelling 30 minuites after ingestion), while OPTs with esomeprazole, pantoprazole, and rabeprazole were all negative. Other PPIs could be safe alternatives in cases of anaphylaxis to 1 PPI. Skin tests seem to be helpful to define cross-reactivity between PPIs.(Allergy Asthma Respir Dis 2014;2:383-386)

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