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      • KCI등재

        한국(韓國)의 물가모형(物價模型)

        박우규,김세종,Park, Woo-kyu,Kim, Se-jong 한국개발연구원 1992 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.14 No.4

        본고(本稿)에서는 물가변동(物價變動)의 구조(構造), 주요거시정책변수(主要巨視政策變數)의 변동이 물가에 미치는 영향 및 파급구조(波及構造) 등을 파악하고 물가안정을 위한 적절한 정책대응방안을 제시하기 위하여 물가모형(物價模型)을 작성하였다. Keynesian 거시경제모형(巨視經濟模型) 형태로 작성하되, 임금(賃金), 이자율(利子率), 물가(物價)와 같은 주요가격변수(主要價格變數)를 내생화(內生化)하고 잠재(潛在)GNP의 추정 역시 내생화(內生化)함으로써 가격 및 실물변수의 장기적(長期的) 상호변동관계(相互變動關係)를 파악하였다. 어떠한 충격에 의해 초과수요(超過需要)(실질GNP-잠재GNP)가 변화하면 이는 임금(賃金), 금리(金利), 물가(物價), 실질실효환율(實質實效換率) 등과 같은 가격변수에 영향을 미치고 이는 다시 초과수요(超過需要)를 변동시키는 실물(實物)-가격(價格)-실물(實物)의 순환변동관계(循環變動關係)에 의해 물가가 변동되는 것으로 나타났다. 본 모형(模型)은 Keynesian모형(模型)이나, 장기(長期)에는 고전파적(古典派的)(Classical) 정책함의를 가지는바, 통화공급증가(通貨供給增加), 재정지출증가(財政支出增加), 환율절하(換率切下) 등은 단기(短期)에는 경기부양효과를 가지나 장기(長期)에는 이러한 경기부양효과가 소멸되는 반면 물가(物價)는 높은 수준을 유지하는 결과를 초래하는 것으로 나타났다. The pupose of this paper is to construct a price determination model of the Korean economy and to find out the propogation mechanism of monetary and fiscal policies. The model is a small-size macroeconometric model consisted of ten core equations : consumption, investment, exports, imports, consumer price index, wage rate, corporate bond rate, potential GNP, capital stock, and GNP identity. The model is a Keynesian model : consumer price index is determined by markup over costs, and wage rate is expressed by Phillipse curve ralation. Two features of the model, however, distinguish this model from other macroeconometric models of the Korean economy. First of all, the estimation of potential GNP and the capital stock is endogenized as suggested by Haque, Lahiri, and Montiel (1990). This allows us to calculate the level of excess demand, which is defined as the difference between the actual GNP and the potential GNP. Second, interest rate, inflation and wages are all estimated as endogenous variables. Moreover, all quantity variables include price variables as important determinants. For instance, interest rate is an important determinant of consumption and investment. Exports and imports are determined by the real effective exchange rate. These two features make the interactions between excess demand and prices the driving forces of this model. In the model, any shock which affects quantity variable(s) affects excess demand, which in turn affects prices. This strong interaction between prices and quantities makes the model look like a classical model over the long run. That is, increases in money supply, government expenditures, and exchange rate (the price of the U.S. dollar in terms of Korean won) all have expansionery effects on the real GNP in the short run, but prices, wage, and interest rate all increase as a result. Over the long run, higher prices have dampenning effects on output. Therefore the level of real GNP turns out to be not much different from the baseline level ; on the other hand, the rates of inflation, wage and interest rate remain at higher levels.

      • KCI등재

        중복유형모형(重複類型模型)과 화폐(貨幣)의 순수교환기능(純粹交換機能)

        박우규,Park, Woo-kyu 한국개발연구원 1992 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.14 No.2

        본고(本稿)에서는 화폐(貨幣)보다 더 우월(優越)한 가치저장기능(價値貯藏機能)을 가진 실물자산(實物資産)이 존재함에도 불구하고 화폐가 존재해 온 현상이 화폐경제(貨幣經濟)의 특징이라고 파악하였다. Wallace(1980)의 중복세대모형(重複世代模型)이 이러한 화폐경제의 특징을 설명하지 못하는 이유는 화폐존재의 근본원인인 "상품교환욕구(商品交換欲求)의 상호불일치(相互不一致)"가 모형(模型)에 내재(內在)되어 있지 않기 때문이다. 본고(本稿)에서 제시한 중복유형모형(重複類型模型)에서는 이질적(異質的) 선호(選好)를 가진 소비자가 이질적(異質的) 재화(財貨)를 가지고 이질적(異質的) 장소(場所)에 태어나기 때문에 불확실성(不確實性), 거래비용(去來費用), 정보부족(情報不足) 등이 배제되었음에도 불구하고, 가치저장기능이 다른 실물자산(實物資産)보다 열위(劣位)한 화폐가 순수교환기능(純粹交換機能)을 수행하면서 존재하게 된다. 중복유형모형(重複類型模型)에서의 화폐경제는 비화폐경제(非貨幣經濟)보다 항상 우월한 자원배분(資源配分)을 하지만, 그렇다고 해서 "파레토"최적성(最適性)을 보장해 주지는 않는다. 화폐는 경제구조(經濟構造)가 불완전하기 때문에 존재하며, 따라서 경제구조(經濟構造)의 불완전성(不完全性)을 일부(一部)는 극복하게 해주지만 전부(全部)를 항상 극복하게 하지는 않기 때문이다. 본고(本稿)에서는 이러한 중복유형모형(重複類型模型)의 최적성(最適性) 특성(特性)이 향후 화폐경제의 제반문제(諸般問題)를 연구하는 데 중요한 의미를 가진다고 주장하였다. Any money model should address the most important phenomenon of a monetary economy, which is the phenomenon of the rate of return dominance. Even if the holding returns on financial or nonfinancial assets are higher than the rate of return on fiat money holding, which is typically zero, people still hold and use money. In a period of accelerating inflation, number of dominating assets increases continuously, yet people continue to hold and use money. Wallace's (1980) overlapping generations model cannot address the rate of return dominance phenomenon. His model does not capture the mediun of exchange role of fiat money. In this paper, an overlapping types model of fiat money is constructed, in which different types of consumers have different preferences on different types of goods, are endowed with different types of goods, are located at seperated regions, and live for only two periods. In this model, people hold and use money despite the dominating assets, even if inflation accelates. Money in this case serves as a pure medium of exchange, whereas in Wallace's model, money serves as a pure store of value, and money disappears if a dominating asset exists. An interesting feature of the overlapping types model presented in this paper is that money does not provide a cheap approximation to an idealized and efficient real allocation. A monetary economy is always superior to a nonmonetary economy, because money helps overcome the incompleteness of the overlapping types friction. In a monetary economy, however, a pareto optimal allocation cannot always be achieved, because money cannot always overcome the overlapping types friction itself. Therefore, with the criterion of optimality of real allocations, the monetary economy is more optimal than a nonmonetary economy but less optimal than a complete Arrow-Debreu economy. This feature has important implications on macro modelling. Because of the difficulty in introducing money into a macro model in an essential and endogenous manner as in the overlapping types model of this paper, a macro model typically ignores money and studies real allocations without the money factor. The possible inefficiencies of a monetary economy, relative to a complete real Arrow-Debreu economy, may indicate differences in real allocations between the two models.

      • KCI등재

        인플레와 M2 유통속도(流通速度)

        박우규,Park, Woo-kyu 한국개발연구원 1991 韓國 開發 硏究 Vol.13 No.2

        인플레기대심리(期待心理)의 지속으로 통화량규제(通貨量規制)의 중요성이 부각되는 가운데 투자금융회사의 업종전환(業種轉換), 금리자유화추진(金利自由化推進) 등으로 각종 통화지표(通貨指標)의 움직임이 불안정해질 우려 때문에 통화정책운용(通貨政策運用)에 어려움을 주고 있다. 그러나 본고(本稿)의 연구결과(硏究結果)에 의하면 70년대 중반 이후 금융환경(金融環境)이 급변하여 왔음에도 불구하고 실질(實質)M2는 실질(實質)GNP 및 기회비용(機會費用)(예상(豫想)인플레율(率)에서 M2가중평균수신금리(加重平均受信金利)를 뺀 것)과 장기적으로 안정적인 관계를 가지며, 이는 유통속도(流通速度)와 기회비용간(機會費用間)의 정(正)의 장기적 균형관계로 간략화 시킬 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 사안(事案)의 성격에 따라서 다르겠으나 앞으로의 금융구조변화(金融構造變化)가 반드시 M2유통속도(流通速度)의 움직임을 불안정하게 할 것으로 미리 단정할 필요는 없겠다. 또한 예상(豫想)인플레율(率)이 M2가중평균수신금리(加重平均受信金利)를 지속적으로 상회한다면 유통속도(流通速度)도 그 간의 하락추세에서 벗어나 궁극적으로 상승하게 되며, 이는 기존의 금융정책기조(金融政策基調)의 변화를 요구하는 것이다. 즉 금리자유화(金利自由化)가 이루어져 있지 않은 현여건(現與件) 하에서나 혹은 향후(向後)에 일부(一部) 금리(金利)만을 자유화할 경우에는 정책당국이 시장기능(市場機能)을 대신하여 예상(豫想)인플레율(率)의 변화를 감안하여 수신금리(受信金利)를 수시로 조정하여야 한다. 또한 실물적(實物的) 요인(要因)이 아닌 금융산업개편(金融産業改編)과 같은 금융적(金融的) 요인(要因)에 의한 통화증가가능성(通貨增加可能性)이 존재한다면 수신금리(受信金利)를 탄력적(彈力的)으로 상향조정함으로써 실물경제(實物經濟)에 대한 충격을 최소화하는 등 금리정책(金利政策)의 중요성을 제고하여야 한다. This paper attempts to identify key determinants of long run movements of real M2 by using the Johansen procedure for estimating and testing cointegration relations. It turns out that the real M2 equation has been stable over the long run despite rapid changes in financial structure since 1975. Moreover, the real M2 equation can be reduced to a velocity equation with the opportunity cost variable, expected inflation less the weighted average rate paid on M2 deposits, being the key determinant. However, it does not work to use a market interest rate such as the yield on corporate bonds in place of expected inflation for calculation of the opportunity cost. In the U.S., a market interest rate can be used, but not in Korea. Presumably, two somewhat different reasonings can be used to explain this result. One is that the yield on corporate bonds may not adequately reflect the inflationary expectations due to regulations on movements in interest rates. The other is that M2 deposits are not readily substitutable with such assets as corporate bonds because of market segmentations, regulations, and so on. From the policymaker's point of view, this implies that the inflation rate is an important indicator of a policy response. On the other hand, policymakers do not regard movements of the yield on corporate bonds as an important policy indicator. Altogether, the role of interest rates has been quite limited in Korea because of incomplete interest rate liberalization, an underdeveloped financial system, implementation procedures of policy measures, and so on. The result that M2 velocity has a positive cointegration relation with expected inflation minus the average rate on M2 implies that frequent adjustments of the regulated rates on M2 will be necessary as market conditions change. As the expected inflation gets higher, M2 velocity will eventually increase, given that the rates on M2 do not change. This will cause higher inflation. If interest rates are liberalized, then increases in market interest rates will result in lagged increases in deposits rates on M2. However, in Korea a substantial portion of deposit rates are regulated and will not change without the authority's initiatives. A tight monetary policy will cause increases in a few market interest rates. But the market mechanism, upward pressure for interest rate adjustments, never reaches regulated deposit rates. Hence the overall effects of tight monetary policy diminish considerably, only causing distortions in the flow of funds. Therefore, frequent adjustments of deposit rates are necessary as market conditions such as inflationary expectations change. Then it becomes important for the policymaker to actively engage in adjusting regulated deposit rates, because the financial sector in Korea is not fully developed.

      • KCI등재후보

        SB-31ⓡ 의 일반약리작용 ( General Pharmacology of SB-31ⓡ )

        공재양(Jae Yang Kong),박우규(Woo Kyu Park),천혜경(Hyae Gyeong Cheon),권경자(Kyoung Ja Kwon),윤여생(Yeo Saeng Yoon),신화섭(Hwa Sup Shin) 한국응용약물학회 1997 Biomolecules & Therapeutics(구 응용약물학회지) Vol.5 No.4

        General pharmacological effects of SB-31^R the extracts of Pulsatilla koreana, were investigated in mice, rats and guinea-pigs. Intravenous injection of SB-31 (3 and 6 ml/kg) produced almost no effect on central nervous system; no effects on the general symptom and behaviors of mice, spontaneous locomotor activity, pentobarbital-induced sleeping time, rotarod performance, electroshock and pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures, acetic acid-induced writhing and normal body temperature in mice. SB-31 showed little effects on the spontaneous movement of the isolated ileum and contraction induced by agonists in isolated ileum, suggesting no influence on autonomic nervous system. Administration of SB-31 also did not show any effect on blood pressure in conscious rats. However, a slight decrease in heart rate was observed at high doses (6 and 10 ml/kg) of SB-31 in conscious rats. Similarly, a slight increase in respiratory rate was observed at 6 ml/kg of SB-31 in anesthetized rats. SB-31 did not produce any effect at the dose of 3 ml/kg, but showed a tendency to increase the urinary volume at 6 ml/kg, and produced a decrease in urinary excretions of Na^+ and K^+ at 6 ml/kg. However, transport capacity within the gastrointestinal tract and the secretion of the gastric juice were not influenced by 6 ml/kg of SB-31. In conclusion, these results suggest that SB-31 did not produce any acute effects on the central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, respiratory and circulatory systems, digestive system and kidney function at the dose of below 3 ml/kg.

      • KCI등재

        배양된 흰쥐 대뇌 피질 astrocytes의 세포기능에 대한 화학적 무산소증 유도물의 효과

        이선애(Sun Ae Lee),박우규(Woo Kyu Park),성연희(Yeon Hee Seong) 대한약학회 1999 약학회지 Vol.43 No.6

        The effects of antimycin A (AA), sodium azide (NaN3) and 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP), which inhibit mitochondrial ATP production, on cellular functions of cultured astrocytes were studied. High concentrations of AA (50mcg/ml), NaN3 (100mM) and DNP (20mM) significantly decreased 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) reduction, which was known to be related to mitochondrial function and then cell viability. AA (50mcg/ml) increased lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release and decreased [3H]glutamate uptake, suggesting severe damage of cellular function by the concentrations of the compounds. Meanwhile, low concentrations of AA (3(3H]glutamate uptake, indicating that these compounds increased MTT reduction at the low concentrations without cellular membrane damage. However, the low concentrations of AA produced significant decrease of MTT reduction in a glucose-free, medium. Low concentrations of AA (1 and 5mcg/ml) did not change ATP production of astrocytes in the medium containing 10mM glucose, but completely inhibited in a glucose-free medium, suggesting marked increase of cytosolic ATP production by the blockade of mitochondrial ATP production with low concentrations of AA. These results suggest that astrocytes have ability to enhance neuronal function or survival under conditions of incomplete ischemia or early stage of ischemia by enhancement of glycolysis, and that cellular reduction of MTT occurs not only mitochondrially but also extramitochondrially.

      • KCI등재

        유기인제 중독의 복합예방제로서의 physostigmine과 procyclidine이 랫드의 학습 및 기억에 미치는 염향

        조순옥(Soon Ock Cho),박우규(Woo-Kyu Park),이선애(Sun Ae Lee),조영(Young Cho),허경행(Gyeung-Haeng Hur),김왕수(Wang-Soo Kim),천기철(Ki-Cheol Cheon),하연철(Yeon-Cheol Ha),연규백(Gyu-Baek Yeon),김지천(Jee-Cheol Kim),김형규(Hyong-Kyu Kim 한국실험동물학회 2004 Laboratory Animal Research Vol.20 No.4

        The effects of physostigmine and procyclidine, as a combinational prophylactic regimen for organophosphate poisoning, on learning and memory process were examined in rats administering subcutaneously. Procyclidine at doses of 3 through 10 ㎎/㎏ produced significant impairment of learning and memory process in step-through passive avoidance test. However, this harmful effect of procyclidine (3 and 5 ㎎/㎏) was reversed by simultaneous injection of physostigmine (0.1 ㎎/㎏). Procyclidine at doses of 7 and 10 ㎎/㎏ produced reversible inhibition of learning and memory process in Morris water maze test. Physostigmine (0.1 ㎎/㎏) recovered the memorial impairment induced by procyclidine in this test. In conclusion, procyclidine can affect learning and memory process at the doses not less than 3 ㎎/㎏, and the dose of procyclidine to influence the learning and memory process in rats might be increased to more than 5 ㎎/㎏ by the simultaneous administration of physostigmine (0.1 ㎎/㎏).

      • KCI등재

        한국 성인의 운동참여가 대사증후군 지표에 미치는 영향

        고진호(Jin Ho Ko),박우규(Woo Kyu Park),김기진(Ki Jin Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2008 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.34

        The aim of the current study was to examine the effects of exercise participation on the metabolic syndrome risk factors in Korean adults selected from the general population. We studied 264 Korean adults who volunteered in a health promotion program. Subjects were divided into 2 groups (Exercise group=181, Non-exercise group=83) based upon spontaneous exercise participation for using a cross-sectional approach. Associations among the variables were assessed by logistic regression, controlling for age and gender. Independent t-tests were used to assess differences between exercise participants and nonparticipants. Significance was accepted at p<0.05. Compared with the non-exercise group, exercise participants had no significant differences of waist circumferences, blood pressure, HDL-C, and TG. And we can not find the differences of relative risk factors between two groups. Non-exercise participation group showed a higher percentage of metabolic syndrome subjects. In conclusion, exercise participation without scientific and theoretical controls may not be protective against development of metabolic syndrome in this under studied Korean population.

      • KCI등재

        대사성증후군의 관련지표는 내장지방면적, HOMA-IR, IMT 및 체력과 관련성을 가지는가

        안나영(Na Young Ahn),박우규(Woo Kyu Park),김기진(Ki Jin Kim) 한국사회체육학회 2008 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.34

        The aim of the current study was to examine the associations between visceral fat, HOMA-IR, physical fitness and metabolic syndrome risk factors in Korean adults selected from the general population. We studied 139 Korean adults who volunteered in a health promotion program. We measured anthropometric factors (BMI, total body percent fat, WHR, and abdominal fat area by CT scanning), BP, blood levels of glucose, lipids, and HOMA-IR. Associations among the variables were assessed by Pearson`s partial correlation and logistic regression, controlling for age. ANOVA was used to assess differences among groups as prevalence of metabolic risk factors. Significance was accepted at p<0.05. As expected, the measures of metabolic risk factors were highly correlated with visceral fat area and HOMA-IR. Compared with the other groups, metabolic syndrome subjects had significantly higher (p<0.05) visceral fat area, ratio of visceral fat area to subcutaneous area, HOMA-IR, and IMT-R with no significant differences in physical fitness. In conclusion, prevention of central obesity and insulin resistance can be protective against metabolic syndrome in this understudied Korean population.

      • KCI등재

        비만 여성의 10주간 댄스스포츠 프로그램 수행 후 심박수, 혈중 젖산 및 지질농도의 변화

        신윤정(Youn Jung Shin),김기진(Ki Jin Kim),성락민(Rack Min Sung),오윤선(Youn Sun Oh),백승옥(Seung Ok Baek),김지연(Jee Youn Kim),박우규(Woo Kyu Park) 한국사회체육학회 2005 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.23

        This study investigated the changes of heart rate, blood lactate and lipid profiles before and after dancesports program of 10 weeks, and the effects of acute dancesports on these changes. This investigation can be used to suggest the theoretical basis for effective prevention and administration of obesity with dancesports. Subjects were consisted of 20-aged female students(n=12), and were divided to obese(n=6) and normal weight group(n=6). Heart rate, blood levels of lactate and lipid profiles were measured. Blood concentration of lipid profiles were no significant differnce after 10 weeks dancesports program, sc hypothesis related to these variables ccould not accepted. On the basis of blood lactate and heart rate, acute dancesports could be recommended the effective exercise program with optimal exercise intensity corresponding to 60% HRmax. As heart rate at 60 min of recovery phase after acute dancesports showed a significant different value than resting heart rate in both groups, acute dancesports could be arised to sufficient stimulus for the improvement of cardiopulmonary function. As obese group showed a decrease of heart rate and blood lactate during acute dancesports after 10 weeks dancesports program, so hypothesis on the improvement of cardiopulmonary function and the decrease of blood lactate and heart rate during acute dancesports after 10 weeks dancesports program could be accepted. In these results, dancesports program could be suggested the effective exercise program for obesity treatment and improvement of physical fitness.

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