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        1940년대 박영종 동요ㆍ동시론의 의미

        박영기(Park, Young-Gi) 한국아동문학학회 2015 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.29

        박영종은 1930년대에 많은 동요, 동시를 창작하고 1940년대에는 이를 바탕으로 《아희생활》, 《주간소학생》, 《소학생》, 《어린이다이제스트》 등에 동요ㆍ동시론을 발표하였다. 그가 등단한 1930년대는 프롤레타리아 동요ㆍ동시론이 활발히 전개되는 시기였지만 이 시기의 동요ㆍ동시론 대부분이 일본의 사이조 야소, 노구치 우죠, 기타하라 하쿠슈 등이 전개한 이론을 소개하고 이에 이념적 견해를 덧붙이는 수준에 머물러 있었다. 실질적인 의미에서 한국적 동요ㆍ동시론의 전개가 미미했던 시기였다. 이때 1940년 《아희생활》에 수록된 박영종의 「동시독본」은 초보적인 형태이지만 ‘동시’의 본령에 접근하기 쉽게 동시 창작의 길을 보여준 글이다. 박영종의 동시론은 동시의 소재에 대해 다양한 방면으로 접근하고 관찰, 추론할 수 있도록 어린이들의 상상력을 이끌어낸 후, 이를 바탕으로 본격적인 동시를 쓰도록 유도하는 구체적인 창작법이었다. 이러한 방식은 동 시기에 거의 만나볼 수 없었던 것이다. 광복이 된 후에는 어린이들이 일제의 잔재에서 벗어나 한글로 자신의 감정을 쉽게 표현할 수 있도록 동시보다 친근한 동요로 회귀하였다. 《주간소학생》과 《소학생》에 「동요 짓는 법」과 「동요 맛보기」를 연재하여 외국 아동문학이론가의 영향을 받지 않은 독특한 스타일의 동요론을 내놓았다. 한국의 전래동요와 창작동요를 예시로 하였기 때문에 한국의 좋은 동요 작품을 소개하게 하는 의미도 함께 지닌다. 「동요 짓는 법」은 ‘동요작법’의 성격을 띠고 있었으며, 「동요 맛보기」는 ‘동요감상법’의 성격을 띠고 있다. 「동요 맛보기」는 다양한 방면에서 동요를 감상할 수 있도록 여러 동요를 소개하고 작품을 해설하였다. 비록 그가 1950년대 이후 저서에서 ‘동요보다는 동시’를 쓰라고 강조하고 있지만 그것은 동요가 가진 자수율이 어린이들의 동요 창작을 방해할까봐 염려하는 마음에서 나온 것이었다. 그에게 동요와 동시의 구분은 그리 중요한 것은 아니었다. 박영종은 그만의 독특한 방식, 즉 이미지를 극대화하여 동화적 상상력으로 동요와 동시의 감수성을 포착하고 이를 표현하도록 하는 동요ㆍ동시론을 전개하였다. 이는 박영종이 추구하는 시세계의 궁극적 이상을 표현하기 위한 것이었다. Park, Young-Jong composed children’s songs and children’s poems in 1930’s and hepublished theory of children’s song and children’s poem in 《Ahuisaenghwal》, 《Sohaksaeng》, 《Children digest》 in 1940’s. In 1940’s, Park, Young-Jong’s reading book of children’s poem which was included in 《Ahuisaenghwal》 was start of the Korean style children poem theory. Although it was rudimentary form, it opened the way to compose children’s poem to approach easily to the children poem’s characteristic. Park, Young-Jong drawed out children’s imagination and he induced children to compose children’s poem. There was no these kinds of approach at that period. After our independence, he tried to help the children to escape from the vestiges of Japanese imperialism and to express their emotion in Hangul. To do these, he returned to children’s song which is more friendly than children’s poem. By publishing 「how to compose children’s song」 and 「foretaste of children’s poem」 serially in 《Jugan Sohaksaeng》 and 《Sohaksaeng》, he presented his unique theory of children’s son which was unaffected by the foreign children’s literature theorist. Park, Young-Jong developed his theory of children’s song and children’s poem by his own unique way. His unique way is to catch the impression ability of children’s song and poem by image maximizing and to express them. This is the way to express his eventual ideals that he pursue with children’s song and children’s poem.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        김종상 동시연구 -가족애, 그 근원적 휴머니즘

        박영기(Park, Young Gi) 한국아동문학학회 2007 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.13

        김종상 시인은 60년대의 시인이라고 평가된다. 그의 60년대 작품에는 아직도 전쟁의 화약 냄새가 곳곳에 배어 있다. 시인은 이러한 비이성적이며, 비상식적인 전쟁이라는 사건의 영향력에서 벗어나고 , 이로 인해 생겨난 상처들을 치료시킬 수 있는 치료제로 ‘휴머니티’라는 대안을 제시하고 있다. 그에게 있어서 가족애는 이러한 휴머니티의 뿌리가 된다. 시인은 아빠, 엄마, 가족들의 주는 사랑 안에서 당당히 봄을 맞아 꽃을 피우는 ‘아기꽃’을 보면서 본원적 생명력을 낙관하고 있다. 가족애로 시작된 ‘인정’의 회복은 전쟁으로 고향을 잃거나 가난과 외로움에 떠는 이들에게 확산된다. 그리고는 ‘휴전선’과 ‘굶주림’이 없는 역사의 그날을 염원하기에 이른다. 시인에게 역사를 긍정하는 정신은 또 하나의 휴머니즘을 이룬다. 시인의 낙관적 역사관은 현재의 ‘삶’이 달음질치는 역사의 ‘작은 징검다리’임을 역설한다. Kim, Jong-sang has been evaluated as one of the poets in the 1960s. His works in the 1960s still reek of gunpowder and war. He tries to get out of the influences of this unreasonable and absurd event like a war, suggesting an alternative idea of humanity as a cure to treat the wounds thereby. His love for the family becomes the root of such humanity to him. The poet is optimistic about the original power of life, looking at Baby flowers which proudly blooms in spring after being loved from father, mother, and siblings. The restoration of humanity‘ that was begun by the love for the family, spreads around to the people who lost their hometowns and those who are suffering from poverty and loneliness due to the war. And he comes to long for that historical day when Demilitarized Zone and hunger will disappear. The poets positive attitudes toward history form another humanism. His optimistic view of history stresses the fact that the present life is like little stepping stones across a stream for the running history.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 동시 및 동요 장르명의 통시적 고찰

        박영기(Park Young-Gi) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2009 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.4

        ‘Children’s song, Dongyo’ is the long-lasting genre which includes Gujeon-Dongyo and Changjac-Dongyo. Gujeon-Dongyo is the children’s song which was song from long time ago and Changjac-Dongyo is the children’s song after 1910. After it was used in 『Soneon』 in 1908, it was established as a genre which frequently appeared in the magazines in 1920. At that time, Korean Gujeon-Dongyo could not settle down because of 『Changga』 from Japan. In this situation, Choi Nam-sun published Korean style Changga and children verse style poems through 『Bulgun Jeogori』(1913) and 『Aidulboi』 (1913). Although Changga was originated from Japanese Changga, it was ready to change to the Changjac-Dongyo by the Choi Nam-sun’s Korean style Changga in 1910. Children’s song, Dongyo is the song which is made by the innocence of the child. The name of ‘Dongyo’ as the meaning of ‘Changjac-Dongyo’ made its first appearance in the 『ealini』. Although the term of ‘Dongsi, Children’s verse’ was already existed after it was used firstly in 『Kumseong』 in 1923, it could be recognized in late 1930 because of the popularity and interest on the children’s song. The interest on the ’Korean verse, Sijo’ was continued to inherit the Korean traditional poem against the Japanese rule during the period of Japanese imperial rule. Although Dongyo gained more person’s affection than Dongsi during the period of Japan’s colonial rule, Dongsi got the more interest than Dongyo after the independence from Japan.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        1950년대 한국전쟁시기 아동잡지의 문학 교육적 양상과 의의 -『아동구락부』,『소년세계』,『어린이 다이제스트』를 중심으로-

        박영기 ( Young Gi Park ) 청람어문교육학회(구 청람어문학회) 2015 청람어문교육 Vol.55 No.-

        한국전쟁은 삶의 비정함 속에서 다시 한 번 문학교육의 기능과 역할에 대해 고민할 수 있는 시간을 만들었다. 집과 부모를 잃고 학교에도 가지못하는 어린이들을 위해 아동문학인들은 열악한 피난지에서도 아동잡지를 발간했고 이는 어린이들에게 위로와 정서적 안정감을 주었으며, 문학교육의 한 측면을 담당했다. 한국전쟁 바로 직전에 나왔던 『아동구락부』는 학교 교육과의 연계를 중요시하였고, 『소년세계』는 독자와의 적극적소통을 통해 문학교육에 혼신의 힘을 기울였다. 『어린이 다이제스트』는 독자와의 소통보다는 좋은 읽기 자료를 많이 제공하는 데 주안점을 두었다.『아동구락부』는 진달래로 창간되었으나 1950년 개명했다. 주로 서울학생들이 독자 투고에 많이 참여하였으며, 주소도 학교명으로 표기되어 있어서 학교와 밀접한 관련성을 지닌다는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 작문교사투고 코너가 있는 점이 특이하였다. 『소년세계』는 독자의 참여와 소통을 중요시 했던 잡지로서 중학생, 고등학생까지 애독자가 있었으며, ‘소년세계 그룹’이라는 용어까지 탄생시킬 정도로 인기가 많았다. 전쟁의 혼란과 피폐함을 가장 가까이에서 적극 반영하고 이를 문학교육을 통해 해소해나가고자 했던 잡지로서 전쟁기의 어린이 현실을 가장 적나라하게 보여주었다. 『어린이 다이제스트』는 국적 불명의 잡지, 고고한 잡지라는 비판을 받았지만 어린이들에게 수준 높은 읽을거리를 제공하는 데에 최선을 다하였다. 군더더기 없는 편지 체제로 어린이들에게 독서를 통한 문학교육을 경험하게 하고자 하였다. 이 시기 아동잡지에 나타난 문학교육은 무엇보다 전쟁으로 황폐해진 어린이들의 정서를 보듬어 주는 역할을 담당했다. 좋은 글을 읽는 것을 통해 혹은 자기 내면의 이야기를 표현하는 것을 통해 자신의 상처를 쓰다듬고 타인을 이해할 수 있도록 하였다. 또, 전쟁이라는 엄정한 현실 속에서도 민간차원에서 문학교육을 담당했던 민간 운동의 역할을 담당했다. Korean war provided a time to consider the role of literature education in heartless life of war period. Writers of children’s literature published children``s magazines for the children who can not attend school at poor war refuge. Children’s magazines provided comfort and emotional stability for the children with these publications and conducted role of literature education for children.『Children’s extra-curricular activity』which was first published just before Korean war put emphasis on relationship with school education. 『Sonyeonsegye』put all its energy on literature education through active communication with readers.『Children digest』places emphasis on providing better reading materials. 『Children’s extra-curricular activity』was published as a name of “Jindallae” and its name was changed in 1950. Because students in Seoul mainly submitted to the magazine and the contributor’s address was written as school address, we can know that this magazine was closely related with school. It is interesting that there were submission coner for writing teachers. Middle school students and high school students liked 『Sonyeonsegye』This magazine set a value on reader’s participation and communication. This magazine reflected chaos and impoverished conditions by war, and it tried to resolve these conditions by literature education. It plainly showed the reality of children during the war. Although 『Children digest』was criticized as a magazine of unknown nationality or aloof magazine, it did its best to provide high quality reading materials to the children. It provided literature education experience to the children with neat letter style reading. At this time, literature education in children’s magazine took the role to heal the children’s emotion that was destroyed by war. By reading good writing and by expressing his own internal story, children could cure scars and understand others. These magazines played a role of non-governmental literature education during the harsh war period.

      • KCI등재후보

        어효선 동요 동시 연구

        박영기(Park Young-Gi) 한국아동청소년문학학회 2011 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.- No.8

        The collection work to honor the memory of Eo Hyoseon is named as “the grandfather who is planting a seeds of the song”. He actually did a role of a grandfather for the children by writing outstanding children’s songs. 「If flower blossoms」 was published before the war. He tried to express his opinion for the real independence by eliminating the negative things of liberated country. He also tried to express young girl’s heart who is missing her father during the war by the children’s song 「in the flower garden」. This song arouse a big sympathy to the people and became a favorite song. The song 「blue heart white heart」 suggested a hope to the children who are in the difficult environment by expressing optimistic view on the children’s innate vitality. But his attention stayed on the ordinary subjects in 1960 and he indulged in the stereotype that children are always happy in 1970. Although Eo Hyoseon attempted changes from children’s song to children’s poem, he could not be incorporated into the poet of modernism.

      • KCI등재

        일제 말기 아동문학교육 연구

        박영기 ( Young Gi Park ) 건국대학교 동화와번역연구소(구 건국대학교 중원인문연구소) 2008 동화와 번역 Vol.15 No.-

        The beginning of the education of modern children’s literature in Korea geared into the history of modern primary school education. But the outcomes of Gabo Revolution had been denied in Eulsa Neukyak and Chosun Dynasty had degraded to the colony of Japan only to be the object of the limping colonial education. However, children’s literature education has continuously developed even in the situation that the status of Koreans was replaced by the Japanese language. This study has researched the phases of children’s literature education in the late period of the Japanese colonial rule which especially faced dark age in the midst of the flow of these children’s literature education. In this period, getting rid of the Chosun language education became the basic policies by the Seventh Chosun Education Ordinance that was promulgated on March 3, 1938. The textbooks of this period only maintained the life of children’s poetry education by several poems which were contained in the Japanese textbooks. However, Ahee Saenghwal, Sonyon, and Dong-ah Ilbo did not cease to educate children with poetry. These magazines continued to have interests in educating with poems in the Chosun language which was then being killed, contained the articles on poetry education, especially with many significant writings on the Shijo education. In the education section of children’s stories, they had many children’s stories which were contained in the Japanese book Primary Japanese Reader and forced unconsciousness of the Chosun children because it was filled with the Japanese myths, Folktales and the Japanese heroes. The readers of the magazine were replaced with Shiguk Reader, and as for Ahee Saenghwal, it could be said that it was the only magazine that maintained the life of children’s stories education in this period, even though it had religious contents. When it comes to children’s plays education, there also appeared mostly simple children’s dialogic plays and the plays that were similar to children’s plays in the textbooks. However, the children magazines in this period contained pro-Japanese children’s plays, and the children’s dialogic plays, which gave a clue to the formation of the children’s plays, degraded into stories that introduced ‘funny stories’ to them. The children in those days were put as recipients who had to get benefits from the education policies intended by the Japanese as providers just as it was. But the space of school was a dynamic place where the subjective wills of children called aspiration for the modern education collided together. The newspapers and children magazines complemented the limitations of the textbooks that the Japanese made as part of colonial education and had symbolic status that confronted and carried out a function as ‘civil movements’, not being in despair because of the colonial education policies.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        김소운의 조선어, 일본어 혼성 과외교육 잡지 『신아동』 연구 - 구인회 멤버의 참여와 관련하여 -

        박영기 ( Park¸ Young-gi ) 한국문학교육학회 2021 문학교육학 Vol.- No.72

        김소운(1907∼1981)의 조선어, 일본어 혼성 아동잡지 『신아동』에 대한 논의가 최근 들어 부분적으로 이루어지고 있다. 김소운은 <신아동의 창간에 대하여(新兒童の創刊に就いて)>라는 글에서 1934년에 ‘조선아동교육회’의 별도 기관으로 ‘아동세계사’를 세우고 『아동세계』를 발행하였으나 ‘합자회사의 조직에서 경영권이 출자인의 손에 위임되어’ 사업이 영리화되는 문제가 발생하여, 자신이 이들과 단절하고 새롭게 ‘신아동사’를 창립했다고 밝히고 있다. 이 잡지에는 김소운과 친분이 있는 김해경(이상), 김유정, 박태원, 정지용 등 구인회 멤버들의 아동문학 작품이 다수 수록되어 있다. 김소운은 일본어 동화 「やなぎ愚痴」에서 일본식 근대화에 대한 적극적 지지자(신사)와 이를 수동적으로 받아들일 수밖에 없었던 조선의 노예적 처지(버드나무)를 대비시켜서 일본에 동조하는 세계관을 드러낸다. 그러나 구인회 멤버들은 이상을 제외하고 모두 조선어로 글을 썼으며, 김소운과는 다른 세계관을 보여주었다. 구인회 멤버들은 김소운과의 개인적 관계성은 유지하면서도 작품 속에서 자신의 정체성과 방향성을 잃지 않았다. 구인회 멤버들은 김소운이 비록 일본의 보호와 보조, 협력 하에서 조선아동교육회를 이끌어 갔지만 그가 조선의 아동들에게 전해주고자 했던 근대적 지식과 배움의 기회들을 부정적으로 생각하지 않았고, 함께 동참해 주었다. 본고에서는 『신아동』과 ‘구인회’의 관계에 초점을 맞추어 논의를 전개했지만, 앞으로 이 잡지와 김소운에 대한 평가는 지속되어야 한다. Kim So-woon (1907-1981)’s Korean Japanese mixed children’s magazine, New Child has been partially discussed recently. In 1934, Kim So-woon established the Children’s World History as a separate institution of the Joseon Children’s Education Association and published ‘Children’s World’, but the problem of commercialization of business as management rights are delegated to the hands of the investors in the organization of a limited partnership company has arisen, and he has cut off from them and newly established ‘Shinadongsa’. The magazine contains several children’s literature works by the members of the Guinhoe, including Kim Hae-kyung (Lee Sang), Kim Yoo-jung, Park Tae-won and Jung Ji-yong, who are close to Kim So-woon. In a fairy tale written in Japanese < Willow’s complaints >, Kim So-woon reveals his worldview of sympathizing with Japan by contrasting active supporters of Japanese modernization with the slave situation of Joseon, which he had no choice but to passively accept. However, the members of Guinhoe all wrote in Korean, except for Lee Sang, and showed a different worldview from Kim So-woon. While maintaining their personal relationship with Kim So-woon, the members of the Guinhoe did not lose their identity and direction in the work. The members of the Guinhoe, who had been with Kim So-woon for a long time, did not think negatively about the modern knowledge and learning opportunities that Kim So-woon wanted to impart to the children of Joseon, although he led the Korean Children’s Education Association under the protection, assistance, and cooperation of Japan. Although this paper focused on the relationship between “New Children” and “Guinhoe,” evaluation of this magazine and Kim So-woon should be continued in the future.

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