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      • KCI등재

        소설로 분광된 ‘만보산사건’ 읽기 -이토 에노스케(伊藤永之介)의 「만보산」을 중심으로-

        노상래 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 2009 人文硏究 Vol.- No.57

        본고는 만보산사건을 소설로 형상화한 이토 에노스케(伊藤永之介)의 「만보산」을 중심으로 1931년 만주에서 일어난 ‘만보산사건’이 갖는 역사적 의미와 식민담론의 문학적 형상화에 대해 연구하였다. 이 연구를 통해 만보산사건에 섞여 있는 민족주의적, 식민주의적, 제국주의적 시각에 따라 만보산이라는 공간이 어떤 표상공간으로 인지되고 있는지, 그리고 그 공간에서 이루어진 역사적 사건은 어떻게 해석되고 있는지 살펴보았다. 프롤레타리아 작가인 이토의 「만보산」은 민족을 초월한 계급적 연대에 기초한 소설이다. 이 소설에서 이토는 만주로 이주한 조선농민의 고통스러운 삶을 묘사하고 있다. 그런데 이토의 「만보산」에는 만주로 이주한 조선농민이 일제의 상징인 일본인 지주나 일본인 경찰에 의해 추방당하게 되었다는 사실을 고발함으로써 당시 천황내셔널리즘에 바탕한 일본인의 민족에고이즘에서 벗어난 듯한 모습을 보여주고 있다. 그러나 동시에 그는 일등국민이라는 천황이데올로기에서 연유한 차별자의 모습을 보여줌으로써 다른 차원에서의 민족에고이즘을 노출하기도 하였다. 이처럼 천황내셔널리즘에 근거한 민족에고이즘이 당시 일본인들의 의식 혹은 무의식 속에 깊숙이 침투하고 있었음을 확인한 것은 이 논문의 의의라고 할 수 있다. This thesis is to inquire into the literary shaping of colonial discourse and the historical meaning of Mt. Wanbaoshan Incident which occurred in Manchuria in 1931, focused on Mt. Wanbaoshan by Ito Einosuke(1903~1959). And additionally, this thesis is to examine out as what kind of place Mt. Wanbaoshan is recognized according to the viewpoint of nationalism, colonialism, imperialism, and also how the historical incident occurred in that place is interpreted. Mt. Wanbaoshan by Ito Einosuke, who is a proletariat novelist, is a novel based on cross-class alliance irrevelant of ethnic differences. In this novel, he describes a painful life of Chosun farmer who emigrated to Manchuria. He seems to show a literary outlook detached from national egoism of Japanese people based on Tenno nationalism at that time, by accusing that Chosun farmers come to be the dispossessed by the Japanese landowner or police. However, he also shows a discriminator derived from an ideology of Tenno. This means that he reveals a national egoism in a different aspect. It can be said that this study has a significant meaning in that it points out that the national egoism based on Tenno nationalism is deeply rooted in sense of value of Japanese people, or possibly either in their consciousness or in subconsciousness.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『1945년 8・15』에 나타난 구호의 소설화, 소설의 정치화 읽기

        노상래 택민국학연구원 2023 국학연구론총 Vol.- No.32

        Kim Nam-cheon’s 8・15, 1945 is a work that depicts the turbulent period of liberation like a panorama. Although it ended unfinished, there is ample value in reading ‘Liberation’ through the novel. This article focuses on the relationship between Park Heon-young's August theme and his work. I tried this approach because the novel was very political. Political is for two reasons. One is the politics of the slogan represented by “Bira” in the work. The other is that they were faithfully collecting the political line of Tejet in August. The political nature of the slogan and the August theme are hand in hand. The August 15 of 1945 is thus its fruit. In addition, we looked at the reasons for the incompleteness. Politics has always been unstable in an invisible fog situation, and it has been a series of ups and downs. In the case of the August 15 in 1945, which is connected to politics, incompletion is more natural than completion. Kim Nam-cheon had served as the clerk of the record at the station site of the upheaval. And the unknown tomorrow made him anxious. The unfinished novel ended up becoming a compass that guided him through the dew of execution. In that respect, I reflect on the tragedies of history.

      • KCI등재

        1980년대 북한소설 연구- 『1980년대 단편선』을 중심으로-

        노상래 한민족어문학회 2011 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.59

        The North Korean literature in the 1980s differs from the North Korean literature in the 1970s which goes through with individual idolization and from the North Korean literature in the 1990s which is represented as a period of March of Suffering. The North Korean literature in the 1980s which aimed at ‘a hidden hero, a profound philosophic feature, an overcome of schematism’, and so on, focused on ordinary heroes who can be found in ordinary lives, that is to say, hidden heroes as a protagonist, while the previous novels focused on heroic figures who backed up the theme, anti-Japanese revolution. In the North Korean literature in the 1980s which tried to lead actual lives into a space for creative writing, the creation of hidden heroes is surely a niche which the North Korean literature showed. However, since the guidelines and ideology of North Korea’s party were swathed in a fair number of the novels like a silhouette as a whole, it is true that this freshness dropped in value. Additionally, in the North Korean literature in this period, the narrative of sweet love was weakening the functionalㆍdogmatic aspects of heavy words such as party, the Leader, order, loyalty, and so on. It can be said that this characteristics was an accomplishment of the North Korean literature in the 1980s, going after ‘the direction corresponding to the social realities and the needs of North Korean people’. It is possible to say that this sensitivity is also a sign of crack which the North Korean literature in the 1980s reached. Also, some of the works showed an excellent lyrical description, which is an important device of novel which backed up the sensitivity the North Korean literature showed. However, despite of the confirmation of the niche of the North Korean literature, since the North Korean literature in the 1980s was also under the category of dogmatic literature not completely away from the palm of ‘the General’, this writer can't help but point out its limitation. The North Korean literature more or less succeeded in skimming off a certain portion of schematism which the literature of historical theme exposed. However, it should be pointed out that a possibility of another scheme’s appearance can not be excluded completely because the new scheme ‘a hidden hero’ is being made intentionally or unintentionally. 1980년대 북한문학은 개인우상화로 일관하던 1970년대 문학이나 고난의 행군시대로 표상되던 1990년대 문학과는 일정한 차이가 있다. ‘숨은 영웅, 심오한 철학성, 도식주의의 극복’ 등을 목표로 한 1980년대 북한문학은 이전 소설인 항일 혁명이라는 주제를 뒷받침하는 영웅적 인물에 비해 일상생활 속에서 발견할 수 있는 평범한 영웅들, 즉 숨은 영웅들이 주인공들로 채워지고 있었다. 현실생활을 창작의 공간으로 회복하기 위해 애쓰던 1980년대 북한문학에서 숨은 영웅의 창출은 북한문학이 보여준 하나의 틈새임에 틀림없다. 하지만 이런 새로움도 상당수의 소설들에서 당의 이념이나 지침이 소설 전체를 실루엣처럼 감싸고 있어서 그 가치를 갉아먹는 것도 사실이다. 그리고 이 시기 북한문학에는 감미로운 사랑의 서사가 당, 수령, 명령, 충성 등과 같은 무거운 단어들의 기능적ㆍ교조적 측면을 약화시키고 있었다. 이는 ‘사회 현실과 주민들의 요구에 부응하는 방향’으로 나아가려는 1980년대 북한소설이 성취한 결과인 셈이다. 이런 감수성 또한 1980년대 북한문학이 도달한 균열의 조짐으로 봐도 무방할 것이다. 아울러 몇몇 작품들에서 보여준 뛰어난 서정적 묘사는 북한문학이 보여준 감수성을 뒷받침하는 중요한 소설적 장치였다. 하지만 북한문학의 이런 틈새 확인에도 불구하고 1980년대 북한소설 또한 ‘장군님’의 손바닥을 완전히 벗어나지 못한 교조적 문학의 범주 속에 있었기 때문에 그 한계를 지적하지 않을 수 없다. 1980년대 북한소설이 역사주제의 문학이 노정하던 도식주의를 일정 부분 걷어내는데 성공한 측면이 없지 않으나 그들이 의도했건 하지 않았건 ‘숨은 영웅’이라는 새로운 도식이 만들어지고 있음을 확인한 이상 또 다른 도식의 가능성을 완전히 배제할 수 없는 것도 사실이다.

      • KCI등재

        경화처리되 합금 공구강 STD11 의 선삭에서 칩 처리성에 관한 연구

        노상래,안상욱 ( S . L . Noh,S . O . An ) 한국열처리공학회 1992 熱處理工學會誌 Vol.5 No.3

        The chip controls are investigated experimentally for the purpose of estimating cutting ability of hardened steel. In this experiment, hardened STD11 steel (HR_c 60) is turned with carbide tool M20 under various cutting conditions and with several tool shapes. The main results obtained are as follows : 1) Cutting conditions of cutting speed 45m/min, feed 0.09-0.13rev, depth of cut 0.4-0.6 are recommended for the chip excluding. 2) In case that the feed becomes larger and a lead angle of cutting tool becomes smaller, the chip excluding becomes easier. 3) It is confirmed that frank wear and crator wear on the cutting tool appear severely from about 10min. after cutting start and chip excluding get worse.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        헤테로토피아, 제3의 눈으로 읽는 만주 - 현경준의 「유맹」을 중심으로 -

        노상래 영남대학교 인문과학연구소 2014 人文硏究 Vol.- No.70

        The main narrative of Hyun Kyungjun's Yumaeung sheds light on the criminal modification project which was implemented by Manchukuo. The novel narrates the project based on Bodoso(a guidance institute), a collective village in Manchuria. The criticism of the novel used to keep the perspectives of resistance and cooperation. This study, however, considers Bodos as heterotopia where the stories of Myungwoo and Kyusun are developed, and analyzes the spatial directionality. When viewed from the standpoint of Myungwoo, the project looks successful. There is a symbol code by which to view the standpoint of Myungwoo. This is confirmed by those who are similar to Kyusun. The spatial assessment of the Inside and the outside of Bodoso is different according to the difference of residental space. While those living outside of Bodoso reproach the individuals living the inside for committing crimes, the insiders consider the others as the same criminals just like themselves. In contrast, there aren't any differences between the inside and the outside to the persons like Kyusun. This is indeed smooth space. That'why those living inside couldn't escape to the outside for complacency. They dreams of the third space which is neither the inside nor the outside. Accordingly, they wouldn't give up their own old dreams. Regulation and restrictions in this novel are too much to control the stragglers. Although they are overseen by the collective village and controlled by regulations, they put themselves beyond their control. While the regulations are equipped to suppress the persons, they open slip down. Royal road and paradise in the novel is a dream of unrealizable fantasy and a broken mirror which reflects shapes distortively. What the novelist discloses is the slip which is veiled by the eyes of a regenerator, Myungwoo. 현경준의 「유맹」은 집단부락인 보도소를 중심으로 만주국이 시 행한 범죄인 개조프로젝트를 서사로 다루고 있는 소설이다. 이 소설에 대한 기존의 평가는 저항과 협력이라는 시선으로 자주 다루어지곤 했다. 그러나 이 논문은 헤테로토피아적 공간인 보도소를 중심으로 펼쳐지는 명우와 규선의 서사를 중심으로 제3지대의 공간 지향성에 대해 분석하였다. 소설은 명우를 중심으로 한 개조프로젝트가 일정 부분 성공한 것처럼 보인다. 하지만 명우의 초점 속에 드리워진 상징코드가 있는데, 그것은 ‘규선류’를 통해 확인할 수 있다. 보도소 <안>과 <밖>으로 나누어진 공간에 대한 평가는 거주 공간의 차이에 따라 평가는 갈린다. <밖>의 사람들은 <안>의 사람들이 저지르는 범죄 행위를 질타하지만 <안>의 사람들에게는 <밖>의 사람들도 <안>의 사람과 별반 다를 것 없는 범죄인으로 규정된다. ‘규선류’들에게 <안>과 <밖>은 구분되지 않는다. 등질의 공간인 것이다. 그래서 <안>의 사람들은 안주를 위해 <밖>으로 탈주하려 하지 않는다. <안>과 <밖>의 공간이 아닌 제3지대를 꿈꾼다. 그런 이유로 그들은 ‘옛꿈’을 포기하지 못한다. 이 소설에서 규정이나 규율은 ‘낙오된 폐인’을 통제하기에 버겁 다. 그들은 집단부락의 감시와 규율에 의해 통제받지만, 스스로 그 통제 바깥에 놓여 있다. 규율은 그들을 강제하기 위해 마련되었지만, 규율은 자주 미끄러진다. 왕도낙토는 실현될 수 없는 환상이었고, 형체가 일그러져 보이는 깨진 거울이었다. 현경준이 고발하려는 것은 개심자 ‘명우’의 시선에 가려진 바로 이 미끄러짐에 있음을 주목해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        이중어 소설 연구 : 『국민문학』 소재 비친일 일본어소설을 중심으로 Focused on the Japanese Novel in Kugminmunhak

        노상래 한국어문학회 2004 語文學 Vol.0 No.86

        In this thesis, the novels not in the category of national policy literature are examined among the dual linguistic novels in Kug-min-mun-hag. Hyeol and Yeong by Han Seol-ya deal with a love story between Chosen man and Japanese woman concerned with the theory of unity of Chosen and Japan. However, it can be found out that it is the writer's strategic alternatives for avoiding forcible demand of Japanese imperialist. And thus, in these novels, a sort of taboo on the assumption of part from the beginning is established as a firm device. Any Morning by Kim Nam-cheon shows how a strong desire, 'I want to live', unfolded through the protagonist reveals in real state of life. In the feature of the protagonist, giving up literary belief, becoming an ordinary man, having joy and sorrow in quick alternation about trifling things, his agony for next writing can be guessed. The agony is 'a stylet', a way of enduring, and surviving at the end of the Japanese ruling. His choice is putting down his pen. This novel shows a course reaching to the very path. Namgok seon-saeng by Yu Gin-oh, though the trend of the times that Korean traditional physician is driven away by Western physician is irreversible, describing him as an object of reverence and wonder, is to show the writer's firm trust on Korean traditional physician. This trust is his way of anti-proJapanese to express confidentially, even taking the culture general and eastern culture as an main theme, the acceptance of the idea of Pan-east-asia by Japan but denial of the particular items on the Japanese ruling for the colonial. Seok-gyo by Lee Tae-jun deals with the support and defense for the tradition mutilated by the modern. In this novel, there lies the land on the intersection of the modern and premodern. The father's belief on the land is fully religious, who considers the son representing as an 'new' as 'damn things'. He teaches his son that real meaning of the modern is carrying the knowledge gained into a new field. In this respect, the stone bridge is a bridge connecting the old and the new, and at the same time, a bridge of severance as well.

      • KCI등재

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