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      • 개정 한국형남녀평등의식검사 개발(Ⅰ) : 검사 타당화 기초연구

        안상수(Sang-Su Ahn),김인순(In-Soon Kim),김금미(Keum-Mi Kim) 한국여성정책연구원 2016 한국여성정책연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2016 No.-

        1. 연구목적 □ 현재 한국에서 성평등의식을 측정하는 검사도구로 가장 널리 사용되고 있는 것이 한국여성정책연구원(구. 한국여성개발원)에서 개발된 한국형남녀평등의식검사(김양희?정경아, 1999)이다. 한국형남녀평등의식검사(Korean Gender Egalitarianism Scale: KGES)는 1999년에 개발된 이후 17년이 경과하였으며, 그 동안 양성평등 정책 및 학술 연구 등의 목적으로 사람들이 가진 ‘성차별의식/성평등’ 태도를 측정하는 가장 일반화된 검사도구로 활용되어 왔다. 그러나 시대가 변화하듯이 그 시대를 살아가는 사람들의 의식과 생각도 끊임없이 변화한다. 언제나 검사개발자인 연구자의 목표는 시대변화에 영향을 적게 받는 강건한 검사도구를 지향하지만, 사람들의 의식과 태도를 측정하는 그 어떤 검사도구도 이러한 변화에 따른 제약에서 완전히 자유로울 수는 없다. 한국형남녀평등의식검사(KGES) 역시 개발 당시와 비교하여, 시대상황이 크게 바뀌었고 정책 환경 또한 그 당시와 많이 달라져 이러한 변화들을 온전히 반영하는데 한계가 있다는 지적이 제기되어 왔다. □ 최근 우리나라는 그 동안의 젠더 관련 정책의 기조가 여성발전기본법에서 양성평등기본법으로 전환기를 맞이하였고, 이에 따른 한국 국민이 가진 성별의식의 정도와 향후 추이를 가늠하여, 관련 정책에 반영해야 할 필요성이 점차 증대하고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 기존 KGES가 안고 있는 시대적 배경의 영향을 최소화하고, 사회적 당위성에 의한 바람직성에 입각한 응답 왜곡을 줄일 수 있는 신규 문항들을 추가 개발하는 등 개정작업을 통해, 향후 젠더 관련 정책 수립에 기초자료를 제공할 수 있는 보다 신뢰도 높고 타당성을 갖춘, 보다 간편한 형태의 개정 한국형남녀평등의식검사를 마련하는데 목적을 두었다. 2. 연구내용 □ 안정된 검사도구의 개발은 상당한 시간과 노력, 또 이에 따른 많은 예산이 투입되는 특성을 지니고 있다. 몇 차례의 사전 예비조사들이 필요하고, 개발된 문항들의 특성을 확인하기 위한 큰 규모의 본조사도 따라야 한다. 이 번 1차년도(2016년)에서는, 먼저 1999년에 개발된 한국형남녀평등의식검사의 구성개념 검토, 기존 문항이 갖고 있는 특성의 이해 및 이를 개선하기 위한 신규문항의 개발, 내용 타당화 및 구성타당도를 갖춘 검사도구(안)을 마련하는 것이 목표이다. 2차례에 걸친 예비조사와 1차례의 예비타당화조사를 포함하는 검사의 타당화를 위한 기초연구를 현재의 예산범위 내에서 수행하는 것이다. 추후 2차년도에는 보다 큰 규모의 전국 단위의 대표적 표집을 통한 본조사를 실시하여, 수렴 및 변별타당도 확인, 구성타당도를 위한 확인적 요인분석, 신뢰도 분석, 표준화 규준 마련, 검사도구의 채점 및 해석을 위한 활용 매뉴얼 제작 등이 후속적으로 이루어질 필요가 있다. □ 따라서 이번 1차년도(2016년) 연구의 범위와 목표는, 현재의 예산범위 내에서 가능한 수준으로 검사도구의 최종 문항을 선정하는 단계까지이며, 예산 투입이 가능한 시점에서 보다 큰 규모의 대표적 표집을 통한 본조사를 실시하여, 표준화 규준 및 검사 매뉴얼 제작작업 수행이 2차년도에 진행되어야할 연구내용이 될 것이다. □ 1차년도의 연구내용 - 개념설정 및 이론적 틀 마련 - 예비조사 1의 자유응답기술 및 문헌연구를 통한 문항 원집합 구성 - 예비조사 2 실시를 통한 문항의 하위 영역 범주화 및 문항 수정, 문항의 효과성 및 하위척도 반영도 제고, 문항 선별, 개정 남녀평등의식검사도구(안) 마련 - 예비 타당화조사를 통한 신뢰도, 구성타당도 확인, 최종 개정 남녀평등의식검사의 확정 □ 2차년도의 연구내용 - 전국단위 성인 남녀의 대표적 표집에 의한 본조사 실시 - 최종 검사도구의 구성타당도, 수렴 및 변별타당도, 신뢰도 확인 - 표준화 규준 마련 - 검사도구의 매뉴얼 제작 3. 연구방법 □ 본 연구의 연구방법은 성평등 및 성차별 관련 문헌연구, 기존 KGES 문항 검토와 신규 문항 개발 및 문항 원집합 구성을 위한 자유기술응답 형식의 예비조사 1, 문항 원집합에 대한 내용 타당화, 타당도 및 신뢰도 제고, 개정 남녀평등의식검사(안) 마련을 위한 예비조사 2, 선정된 검사(안)에 대한 신뢰도와 타당도 분석과 교차타당화 분석을 위한 예비타당화조사, 전문가 자문회의 등으로 진행되었다. 가. 문헌연구 성차별주의와 편견, 최근 척도개발 관련 연구동향, 성역할, 성차별/성평등 관련 기존 검사현황 및 검사개발 연구와 각종 심리검사개발 방법론에 관한 문헌들을 검토하였다. 1. Purpose of Study The Korean Gender Egalitarianism Scale (KGES) is the most widely used gender equality consciousness test in Korea. The tool was developed by Yanghee Kim and Gyungah Jung back in 1999 and is now in its 17th year of use. Times have changed significantly, both social and government policy-wise, since the development of KGES. Thus, several individuals have noted the limitations that KGES possesses in adequately reflecting the major changes over the years. The former ??Basic Law on Women s Development?? has gone under a complete makeover and now been revised under the new name the ??Basic Act on Gender Equality??. With the newly revised Act, an awareness test of the general population has to be done on an annual basis and reflected in following gender policies. Consequently, in order to overcome limitations of the current measurement and to provide a tool with higher reliability and validity, a revised KGES (R-KGES) was developed. 2. Contents of Study The tool is to be developed over a two-year period. In the first year (2016), preliminary survey 1, preliminary survey 2, and feasibility study were conducted to come up with a tentative R-KGES. Then, in the second year, a large-scale survey will be conducted for adult men and women all around the nation. Additionally, a standardized tool and a manual for use of the developed R-KGES will be created. 3. Methodology of Study A.Preliminary survey 1 in which free-response survey was administered to 147 individuals B.Preliminary survey 2 in which 922 men and women aged 20 to 69 were given online surveys for selected items C.Feasibility study 3: Used measurement tool (tentative) obtained from preliminary study 2 and conducted survey for 2,600 individuals (2,000: online, 600: offline) 4. Results A. Structure of measurement tool -Composed of items which are relatively less impacted by changes in time -11 items from existing KGES included. Five items included in abridged version. -Composed into four domains like the existing KGES -Complete version consists of 32 items with 8 items per domain (reliability: ?=.96) -Abridged versions consists of 12 items with 3 items per domain (reliability: ?=.96) B. Measurement results -Scores were higher for younger age groups and higher levels of education. Scores higher for those who received gender equality education. -Average score respondents who identified with misogynous writings online was 2.67 while average score of those who did not was 3.03, thus displaying a significant gap between the two groups. C.Development of complete version (32 items) and abridged version (12 items) 5. Policy Suggestions A.Use R-KGES for family panel survey to identify long-term trends in changes in gender equality consciousness B.Use as tool to identify gender conflicts in major policy issues related to gender equality C.Use as tool for developing egalitarian education contents and measuring education effectiveness D.Use as tool in central and regional public official training institutes to measure sexual discrimination by public officials E.Use as ground data for sexual and domestic violence counseling F.Provide as online measurement tool and have it on both websites of Ministry of Gender Equality and Family and Korean Women s Development Institute so that all individuals who desire to do so may utilize R-KGES

      • KCI등재후보

        신장이식 환자에서의 고뇨산혈증

        정성수(Sung Soo Jung),심종걸(Jong Geol Shim),한동수(Dong Soo Han),오기영(Ki Young Oh),김성윤(Seong Yoon Kim),김인순(In Soon Kim),박찬현(Chan Hyun Park),강종명(Chong Myung Kang),박한철(Han Chul Park),곽진영(Jin Young Kwack) 대한내과학회 1989 대한내과학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        N/A Cyclosporine treated renal transplants are known to develop hyperuricemis more frequently than azathioprine treated patients. We examined the outpatient records of all patients transplanted between April 1978 and June 1988, in whom the allograft functioned for at least one year. We did this study to determine the frequency of hyperuricemia in the renal transplants and predisposing factors. The results were as follows: 1) The serum uric acid concentration in patients in the cyclosporine treated group (8.53±2.26 mg/dl; n=33) was significantly higher than that of the azathioprine treated group (6.74±1.43mg/dl; n=24) (p<0.005). 2) The serum uric acid concentration in patients using diuretics (7.83±1.50mg/dl; n=8) was significantly higher than in those not using diuretics (6.19±1.05 mg/ dl; n=16) in the azathioprine treated group (p<0.01). 3) The serum uric acid concentration in patients using diuretics (9.95±1.74mg/dl; n=12) was significantly higher than in those without diuretics (7.59±1.97 mg/dl; n=21) in the cyclosporine treated group (p<0.005). 4) The serum uric acid concentration in patients using diuretics and azathioprine was significantly lower than that in those using diuretics and cyclosporine (p<0.05). 5) Among the patients not taking diuretics, the serum uric acid level was significantly higher in the cyclosporine treated group than in the azathioprine treated group. We conclude that there is an increased incidence of hyperuricemia in renal transplants treated with cyclosporine. This effect is thought to be due to tubular toxicity by cyclosporine. It is recommended that routine measurement of the uric acid level be done in renal transplants using cyclosporine and that diuretics be avoided in patients taking cyclosporine.

      • KCI등재후보

        생명윤리교육이 간호보건대학생의 생명윤리의식에 미치는 영향

        김인순(Kim, In-Soon) 한국생명윤리학회 2013 생명윤리 Vol.14 No.1

        본 연구는 생명윤리교육이 간호보건대학학생의 생명윤리의식에 미치는 효과를 파악하여 생명윤리교육 방법의 개선방안을 모색하고자 시도하였다. 연구 대상은 1개 대학 1학년 학생으로 2012년 1학기에 핵심교양으로 개설된 생명윤리과목을 수강한 학생 86명과 비 수강학생 83명이며, 연구설계는 서술적 조사연구이다. 생명윤리의식은 생명윤리교과목을 수강한 학생과 비 수강학생 사이에 차이가 없었으며, 생명윤리의식의 하위영역에서 생명윤리과목을 수강한 학생과 비 수강학생 모두에서 낮은 순위를 보인 영역은 인간생명과학, 인공임신중절과 안락사이었다. 생명윤리의식의 예측변인으로 개인 도덕성만이 유의한 변인으로 나타나 생명윤리교육이 학생들의 생명윤리의식에는 별 영향을 미치지 않은 것으로 나타나 생명윤리교육 방법에 변화가 요청되며 추후 연구가 요구된다. This study was performed to evaluate the effects of bioethics education on the consciousness of bioethics of freshman nursing and health students, and to find ways to improve bioethics education. In this descriptive research, Subjects were 86 bioethics class students and 83 non-bioethics class students at a university in korea. The average scores for consciousness of bioethics in bioethics class students was 3.05, and in non-bioethics class students, 2.98. When differences in the consciousness of bioethics of bioethics class students and non-bioethics class students were compared, human biotechnology, euthanasia, artificial abortion were equally lower rank. Variable which influenced consciousness of bioethics was individual mortality.

      • KCI등재

        공연시설의 정당한 편의 제공 실태에 관한 연구

        김인순 ( In Soon Kim ),이규일 ( Kyoo Il Lee ),안성준 ( Sung Joon An ) 한국의료복지건축학회 2012 의료·복지 건축 Vol.18 No.2

        The Act of Disability Discrimination and Rights Restriction was enacted in 2008 states that all services including cultural and artistic activities should be fair and easily accessible for disabled. The aim of this study was to determine how to improve the facilities and services for the disabled in Theater and provide complementary guidelines for amenities designed for people with disabled. The conclusions identified through this study are as follows: 1) It should be installed pedestrian safe passage so that visitors could access from the entrance of the ground to the seat in the theater. 2) Disabled seats install in a position to Emergency evacuation for people with disabilities, and it is recommended that general seats are placed side by side with Disabled seats. 3) It is analyzed services for the visually impaired and hearing impaired are very poor. Therefore assistive devices and human services should be provided to the visually impaired and hearing impaired. 4) People with disabilities can participate in the show as the performers, so it should be provided reasonable accommodations such as access to the stage.

      • 공공기관에서의 장애인 수직접근성 향상을 위한 방안 연구

        김인순 ( Kim In-soon ),권영숙 ( Kwon Young-sook ),안성준 ( An Sung-joon ),이영환 ( Lee Young-hwan ) 한국장애인개발원 2012 장애인복지연구 Vol.3 No.2

        With five-day workweek brings avocation for a local resident / both only handling simple admini strivia town and myeon office are conducting resident community center like culture classand meetings. As conducting various work, the disabled person's use is increase. but typical local public establishment at town and myeon office, public library, cultural sites' facilities became old, therefore the rate of convenience installation is only 70~80% when comparing other facilities. The maintain rate of installation has been stayed 50~60%, so it should be improved as soon as possible. For improving accessibility for the disabled, when examine basic and essential part that delete main entrance's difference height. We could see case of town and myeon office's maintain rate of installation is only 35.6%. And it is worse than 54.4% in public library and 67.2% in cultural sites when comparing. This study is purpose that as suggesting barrier free improvement and budget for making vertical movement to disabled person and old without any difficult and limit accessibility and it is aimed more the 2nd floor stairs and elevator in town and myeon office, public library, cultural sites. This study is base on study about convenience installation's result in 2008. we are investigation and analysis after selecting 291 facilities which associated with stairs and elevations's improvement. Follow this study still over 90% research subjects are not installation elevator so, it shows that disabled and old man are could use only 1st foor. Cultural sites's rate of installation elevator is hight rate when compare cultural sites and local Community Center but when compare Seoul and megalopolis, we could see it isn't still enough yet. Last, the rate of elevator installation in public library is only 29.4%, When compare between Seoul and other city' rate, the result is so contrasting. So there are need to urgent judgment about installation of elevator in local public library for installing elevator and else. Because the installation rate result between Seoul and other city shows contrasting result. After divide 5 types of secure accessibility. and suggest installation of elevator with vertical movement. Also as computing necessary budget, we expect it could help when reflect the policy. This study is different with previous study about suggest and alternative about installation of convenient facilities. According types, this study suggests vertical and horizontally accessibility with necessary budget.

      • KCI등재

        장애인의 실내 생활 특성 및 주거유형을 고려한 주거 공간별 개선 방안에 관한 연구

        김인순 ( In Soon Kim ),이규일 ( Kyoo Il Lee ),안성준 ( Sung Joon An ),이영환 ( Young Hwan Lee ) 한국의료복지건축학회 2011 의료·복지 건축 Vol.17 No.4

        Population ageing and the disabled population is increasing. so disabled population and elderly people in the physical environment for Barrier-Free recently has been getting attention. according to a recent welfare paradigm shift of life support promoting for the housing remodeling. but basic remodeling made of simple living environment improvement and facilities installation for the type of disability customised housing remodeling. efficient housing remodeling plan for remodeling before and after through change the safety accidents occurred ratio. living environment for the improvement of housing and reconstruction for the benefit of comprehensively considering for disability subject in Indoor living type and the type of disability, housing type etc. and personalize house was remodeling for corresponding each space problem for identify obstacles and living types. as a result satisfaction changes & safety accident rate changes as follow. first, have complained that there was a in to residents environment furniture for reconstruction of the former housing remodeling needs survey. 80.2% of total for the percentage of households with high needs remodeling. second, The survey did not meet the 29 furniture as after the construction for died about recipient & up sticks & long absence. this leave out after the safety accident Corporation about 101 housing in the 88% of households did not happen. as a result, the lower the ratio of safety accidents occurring very revealed. third, grasp the meaning for indoor living type. showed that each approach(83%), front porch(90%), kitchen, living room(91%), bedroom(93%), toilet(92%) for each space remodeling satisfaction flow through customized housing remodeling.

      • KCI등재후보

        성인의 T - lymphoblastic Lymphoma 의 임상상과 Modified LSA2 - L2 화학요법의 치료성적

        김인순(In Soon Kim),한동수(Dong Soo Han),최영춘(Young Chun Choi),이영열(Young Yiul Lee),정태준(Tae Joon Chung),최일영(Il Young Choi),고영혜(Young Hyeh Ko),이중달(Jung Dal Lee) 대한내과학회 1989 대한내과학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        N/A Adult T-lymphoblastic lymphoma was first described by Barcos and Lukes in 1974. It is famous for early systemic metastasis and should be treated systematically as soon as possible. We diagnosed 8 adult T-lymphoblasic lymphomas by means of clinical manifestation, tissue biopsy and their immunophenotyping from May 1986 to September 1988. Seven cases were treated with an aggressive regimen, the modified LSA2-L2 protocol. The results were as follows: 1) The median age in the group was 24 years (range 17 -35). 2) At diagnosis, all patients had mediastinal involvement, and 5 patients had bone marrow involvement. Three patients demonstrated malignant cells in the peripheral blood. 3) Six patients were positive for Tdt stain and 4 patients were CD7 (+). 4) Complete clinical response was attained in all patients with induction therapy including cytoxan, vincristine, and adriamycin. 5) Two complete responders who did not take the prescribed chemotherapeutic medication and CNS prophylaxis have had relapses in the CNS and testis. In summary, adult T-lymphoblastie lymphoma is a very aggressive and systemic disease. Systemic chemotherapy with CNS prophylaxis, such as the modified LSA2-L2 protocol, should be recommended.

      • KCI등재

        숙박시설의 객실에 대한 유니버설디자인 적용 가능성 연구 - 인식조사와 객실 현황 및 실태조사를 통하여

        류상오,김인순,안성준,Ryu, Sang-Oh,Kim, In-Soon,An, Sung-Joon 한국의료복지건축학회 2017 의료·복지 건축 Vol.22 No.3

        Purpose: Recently accomodations are required to apply universal designs to all the types of rooms in order to increase accessibility to everyone. Especially universal designs are considered as one of the important methods to help disabled users utilizing accomodations with minimizing difficulties. The current research attempted to apply universal designs to ordinary rooms for promoting usage of rooms in accomodations. Methods: The field study were executed about all the types of rooms and shared spaces in 42 accomodations in 14 cities, Also, the managers working in the studied accomodations were asked to answer the online survey about awareness in universal design. Results: In many cases, ordinary rooms are partially renovated for the disabled with adding some convenient facilities. This raises negative recognition for the rooms specially designed for the disabled as well as absence of needs for universal designed rooms. Meanwhile, universal designed rooms have been required not only for the ordinary but also for the disabled. Implications: Regarding adopting universal design to rooms in accomodations, it should be reviewed throughout all the processes from designing to planning.

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