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        건조방법을 달리한 감말랭이의 이화학적 및 관능적 품질 특성

        김연주(Yeonjoo Kim),이수진(Sujin Lee),김미영(Miyeung Kim),김귀란(Guiran Kim),정헌식(Hun-Sik Chung),박현주(Hyun-Ju Park),김미옥(Mi-Ok Kim),권중호(Joong-Ho Kwon) 한국식품과학회 2009 한국식품과학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        청도 반시를 원료로 하여 건조 방법(열풍건조, 냉풍건조, 감압건조 및 적외선건조)에 따른 감말랭이 제품의 이화학적, 관능적 품질 특성을 평가하였다. 감말랭이의 무게는 9.30-12.01 g 범위, 길이는 3.55-4.06 ㎝ 범위, 너비는 3.17-3.73 ㎝범위, 두께는 1.82-2.04 ㎝ 범위를 각각 나타내었다. 감말랭이의 경도는 열풍건조가 가장 높았고 다음으로 적외선건조, 냉풍건조 및 감압건조의 순이었다. 감말랭이의 색도(명도, 적색도 및 황색도)는 대체적으로 열풍건조가 높은 경향이었으며, 적외선건조는 명도가 낮았고 감압건조는 황색도 및 적색도가 낮은 경향이었다. 수분 함량은 38.04-46.41%의 범위를 나타내었고, 가용성 고형분 함량은 42.96-48.44 °Bx의 범위로서 수분함량과 상반되는 결과를 보였다. 페놀함량과 DPPH 라디칼 소거능은 적외선 및 감압 건조가 높게 나타났는데, 감말랭이는 건조방법에 상관없이 대체로 높은 항산화활성을 나타내었다. 관능적 품질평가에서 전반적기호도는 감압건조법이 가장 양호하였고, 다음으로 적외선건조, 열풍건조 및 냉풍건조 순이었다. 이상의 결과에서 건조 방법을 달리한 감말랭이 제조에서 품질특성은 상당한 차이가 발생하였으며, 현행 건조방법 중 감압건조법이 감말랭이의 이화학적 품질과 관능적 평가에서 가장 양호한 것으로 확인되었다. The effects of drying methods (hot air, cold air, vacuum, and infrared drying) on physicochemical and organoleptic qualities of sliced-dried persimmons (Diospyros kaki Thumb. cv. Cheungdobansi) were investigated. The weight of the sliceddried persimmons ranged from 9.30 to 12.01 g, the length from 3.55 to 4.06 ㎝, the width and thickness were from 3.17 to 3.73 ㎝ and 1.82 to 2.04 ㎝, respectively. Hot air drying resulted in the highest hardness value as well as Hunter’s L, a, and b values. Infrared drying showed the lowest L value and vacuum drying revealed the lowest a and b values. Moisture contents of the sliced-dried persimmons ranged from 38.04 to 46.41%, and soluble solid contents were 42.96-48.44°Bx. The phenolic compounds and DPPH radical scavenging activity were high for infrared and vacuum drying methods, and all the sliced-dried persimmons showed relatively high antioxidant activities. The sensory evaluation results indicated that the organoleptic scores for the overall preference were high in the order of vacuum > infrared > hot air > cold air drying. These results suggest that the drying methods affected the qualities of the sliced-dried persimmons, showing that vacuum drying is the mast effective among the methods tested for manufacturing the high-quality sliced-dried persimmons.

      • KCI등재

        『林泉高致』를 통해본 곽희의 산수화 조형교육

        김연주(Yeonjoo KIM) 한국조형교육학회 2021 造形敎育 Vol.- No.77

        북송 신종(神宗)때 화원화가로 활동한 곽희(郭熙)는 산수화가이자 화론가로서 산수화를 집대성했다. 이전의 화론이 이론적이고 사변적이었다면 『임천고치』에 서술된 곽희의 글들은 창작자나 감상자 모두에게 산수화의 실질적인 이해를 제시하는 조형 교육적 관점에서 읽힌다. 그의 대표작으로 알려진 <조춘도(早春圖)>는 사실적으로 그려진 자연경물과 함께 인간의 주관적 성정이 어떻게 융합되어 산수화의 이상적 경계를 드러내고, 또 이를 즐길 수 있도록 하는지 그의 산수화 이론을 구현해낸 작품처럼 보인다. 「산수훈」, 「화의」, 「화결」, 「화제」는 산수화를 그리고 보고 즐기는 법을 전수한다. 곽희는 세심한 관찰을 기본으로 산수 이치를 이해했고, 구체적 형상뿐만 아니라 정감의 정수까지도 추출하며 형상에 미적 감수성을 융합시켰다. 곽희의 산수화 창작목표는 산수화에 문인들의 감수성을 담아 군자들이 마치 산수를 노니는 이상적 산수 경계를 담는 것이었 다. 자세한 자연관찰에서 ‘경(景)’을 찾고, ‘의(意)’를 내재시키며, 최종 경계에서 ‘묘(妙)’를 드러내는 방법들을 서술하고 있는 곽희의 조형방법들은 선구적이고 창의적인 조형교육을 실천하고 있다. Guo Xi(郭熙) integrated landscape paintings as a landscape painter and theorist. If the previous pictorial theory was theoretical and speculative, Guoxi’s writings described in Linquan Gaozhi(林泉高致) are read from the viewpoint of formative education, which presents practical creative understanding of landscape painting to both creators and viewers. <Early Spring(早春圖)> is fused with realistically drawn natural scenery to reveal the ideal boundaries of landscape painting and to enjoy it. His writings teach creators and viewers how to draw, see, and enjoy landscape paintings. Guo Xi understood the nature s reason through meticulous observation, and extracted not only the specific shapes but also the essence of emotion, and finally fused aesthetic sensitivity to the landscape painting. From detailed observations, one can look at the pioneering and creative formative educator s position in Guo Xi s creative methods, which describe how to find scenery(景) , internalize intent(意) , and reveal attractiveness(妙) at the final boundary.

      • KCI등재

        상상적 체험 공간: 郭熙의『林泉高致』에서 神思의 운용

        김연주(Kim, Yeonjoo) 순천향대학교 인문학연구소 2019 순천향 인문과학논총 Vol.38 No.3

        본고는 郭熙가 『林泉高致』에서 산수화 창작의 본뜻이라고 밝혔던 ‘상상적 체험을 통해 즐기는 산수의 경계’를 이루기 위해 제시하는 창작론을 神思의 운용으로 고찰한 것이다. 첫째, 그는 섬세한 자연관찰과 사실적 묘사력을 바탕으로한 이상적인 산수공간의 창작을 요구하여 生意 가득한 체험 공간을 유도하였다. 둘째, 그는 문학적 소양으로서 詩意의 확충을 요구하여 세상사에 대한 인간의 감수성을 환기시키는 상상 체험의 필요성을 주장하였다. 셋째, 곽희는 이들을 조형적으로 융합시키는 三遠을 제시하는데, 시각적 장치로서의 ‘遠’은 道와 玄, 즉 무한한 것으로의 체험을 유도한다. 곽희는 시의 적절하게 산수화의 새로운 창작적 요구에 부응했고, 신사의 운용에 따른 산수화의 심미성을 고취시켰으며 결국 문인들이 이를 적극적으로 추구하는 계기를 마련했다. This study examines GuoXi(郭熙,1020-1090)’s creation theory, by operating shensi(神思), which was suggested to achieve ‘the boundary of landscape enjoyed through imaginary experiences’ as the purpose of landscape paintings in his Linquangaozhi(林泉高致). First, GuoXi induced the vivid experience space by demanding the creation of ideal landscape paintings based on delicate observation and realistic depiction about nature. Second, he insisted on the need for imaginative experience that evokes human sensitivity to the world by demanding the expansion of the poetic meanings as literary literacy. Third, he suggested the ‘three distance(三遠)’ as a visual device induces the experience of Tao(道) and Profundity(玄), that is, the infinite. GuoXi responded to the new creative demands of landscape paintings timely, inspired the aesthetic qualities of landscape paintings by the operation of the shensi(神思), and eventually, provided the opportunity for the literary people to actively pursue it.

      • KCI등재

        『山水純全集』을 통해본 韓拙의 산수화 조형관 연구

        김연주(Yeonjoo KIM) 한국조형교육학회 2023 造形敎育 Vol.- No.86

        본 연구는 북송대 화원화가였던 한졸(韓拙)이 제시한 『산수순전집(山水純全集)』의 조형관을 살펴보고, 조형예술의 과제로서의 시사점을 고찰하고자 한 것이다. 휘종(徽宗)의 화원은 화가들에게 시의(詩意)를 화의(畫意)로 치환하는 역량을 요구했고, 한졸의 논의는 그에 대한 능력을 배양하는 실질적이고 구체적인 방법론을 제시하는데 이것이 연구의 내용이다. 한졸은 ‘학습’의 중요성을 강조하며 화가들이 산수화 창작을 위해 익혀야 할 능력과 회화의 가치를 실현하는 방법들을 서술하였다. 그의 창작관은 시의(詩意)의 회화적 치환을 위해 표상력 강화를 위한 시각적 재현 방법을 제시하였고, 필묵관은 필묵의 운용을 통해 세(勢)를 강조하고 준(皴)을 제시하며, 생의(生意)의 표현성을 확보하도록 이끌었다. 또한 그는 시대의 요청 안에서 고법(古法)을 중시하면서 변화를 추구하며 화가의 능력을 확충하도록 하는 조형교육적 관점을 드러내고 있다. 본 연구는 시대의 흐름 속에서 현대조형예술의 교육적 측면에서 다루는 아이디어의 시각화나 비가시적인 것의 시각화 문제, 그리고 표절 또는 차용이라는 끊임없이 탐구해야할 숙명적 과제를 다룬 것에 그 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to look into the formative view of Shanshuichunquanji(山水純全集) written by Han Zhuo(韓拙) and to examine the implications as a task of formative art. Huizong's court required painters to have the ability to replace poetry with painting, and Han Zhuo’s discussion suggests a practical and specific methodology for cultivating that ability, which is the content of the study. He emphasized the importance of ‘learning’ and described the skills that painters should acquire to create paintings and the methods of realizing the value of painting. His creative view presented a visual representation method to strengthen the representation power for the pictorial replacement of poetry, and his view of brush and ink emphasized strength and suggested the criterion through the operation of brush and ink. It led to securing the expressiveness of the vivid intention. In addition, he reveals the perspective of formative education that seeks change and expands the ability of painters while valuing the old methods within the needs of the times. This study is meaningful in that it deals with the fatal tasks to be constantly explored to the contemporary plastic arts in terms of the educational aspect of formative art, such as visualization of ideas, visualization of invisible things, and plagiarism or borrowing.

      • 화재취약지역에서의 소방 특수차량 이동 제약요인 분석 및 관련 데이터셋 구축 기초연구

        김연주(Kim, Yeonjoo),김태은(Kim, Taeeun),김시연(Kim, Siyeon),황성주(Hwang, Sungjoo) 대한건축학회 2022 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.42 No.2

        In a fire emergency situation, the arrival time of fire engines to the site significantly affects casualty and property damage. Because many types of mobility constraints in the alley can delay the arrival time, research on real-time monitoring of such constraints is necessary, in order to reduce property and life damage in fire event. This research thus investigates the constraints on the mobility of fire engines by collecting and analyzing the image data of vulnerable areas and categorizes them into three; dynamic, static, and other factors. Then the available image datasets for the investigated mobility constraints are analyzed to train a vision-based detection model for the constraints. This research found that automobiles, narrow roads, poles, motor cycles, and a pile of things are identified as critical factors for fire engines’ mobility, and image datasets for the investigated constraints are available except for some static factors. This study can be a basis for developing monitoring technology for fire engines’ mobility constraints to enter alleys in an emergency situation.

      • KCI등재

        아동친화 도시환경을 위한 공공디자인 정책의 방향성에 관한 연구

        김연주 ( Kim Yeonjoo ),장영호 ( Jang Youngho ),김주연 ( Kim Jooyun ) 한국공간디자인학회 2021 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.16 No.4

        (Background and Purpose) An inclusive society can measure its scale depending on how the state treats the socially disadvantaged. This requires a mature sense of citizenship and the administrative ability of the state and local governments to protect the socially disadvantaged. However, among the various social problems facing our society today, child-related accidents and crimes are a social alarm for both the state and citizenship. Therefore, child rearing has been transformed into a social responsibility shared by the state and the local community, which has come to an era where public intervention and the need for a child-friendly urban environment are emphasized. The purpose of this study is to identify the trends of policies and projects proposed by the state and local governments on the safety and convenience of children, along with the child-friendly urban environment pursued by the international community. (Method) In order to derive trends in child-friendly public design pursued by the international community, the state, and local governments, this study was conducted in the following ways: First, based on reference and prior research, we reviewed the definition and meaning of child-friendly urban environment and public design, and looked at UNICEF guidelines for child-friendly urban planning and Germany's case of leading as a child-friendly city. Second, to draw characteristics of child-friendly public design by national and local governments compared to the international community, we selected Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Seongnam and Ansan as examples of child-friendly policies and public design promotional plans. Third, the direction of child-friendly public design policies that national and local governments should have compared to the international community studied earlier was reviewed. (Results) Through this study, we could see that different perspective of child-friendly public design between the international community and the national and local governments. While the international community was able to see the importance of child participation and governance in preparing physical and non-physical policies and plans throughout the urban environment, the nation and local governments focused on the educational environment of children as alternative measures based on current social problems rather than the process of establishing policies and plans. The national policy aimed to improve the quality of children's education, and the national plan aimed to strengthen the physical safety of the children's education environment. (Conclusions) Based on this study, we hope that public design for child-friendly urban environments will be transformed into a wider policy that will cover children's perspective from the planning process to the definition of problems and the public design alternatives as a basis that establishment of child participation systems at the national and local levels and a plan that includes the whole life activities of children.

      • KCI등재

        톰 브라운 패션디자인에 나타난 풍자적 표현

        김연주 ( Yeonjoo Kim ),이연희 ( Younhee Lee ) 복식문화학회 2021 服飾文化硏究 Vol.29 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to expand satirical expressions that appear in a wide range of arts into fashion and to analyse and present satirical expressions that appear in contemporary fashion through the collections of Thom Browne. Theoretical examination of satirical concepts were made of domestic and foreign academic theses, dissertations, precious studies, and publications related to satire. Analysis was conducted on cases in which satirical expressions were applied in literature, painting, sculpture, and fashion. Based on these studies, analysis was conducted on satirical expressions appearing in Thom Browne’s work. Material was gathered from collection reviews, interview articles, professional books, and internet photo material from professional fashion magazines encompassing 16 years of Thom Browne’s collections officially recorded in the international fashion magazine ‘Vogue’, ranging from the 2006 S/S collection to the 2021 S/S collection. From this, a total of 1,753 photos were collected as data. Characteristics of satirical expression were analyzed and the results were as follows. A fluid reconstruction of ‘gender fluid’, dual meanings of metaphorical allegories, playful expressions of visual wit, constructions made of overlapped disassembled material, and borrowing of morphological distortion were all identified. Accordingly, satirical approaches as social aspects and objects in the flow of modern thought appear as positive forms based in humor that hope to be improved. This study anticipate the concept of satire will expand into a positive form as a new direction of fashion.

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