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      • KCI등재

        임상병리검사학의 학문분류체계 개발을 위한 연구

        구본경 대한임상검사과학회 2017 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.49 No.4

        이 연구는 임상병리검사학(또는 임상검사과학, 의학검사과학, 의생명검사과학)에 대한 체계적 인 접근을 하기 위해 임상병리검사학의 정체성과 학문분류체계를 가지고 논의하였다. 임상병리검사학은 한국 연구재단의 학술연구분야분류에 등재되어 있지 않다. 국내에서는 1963년 임상병리검사학과 최초로 신설된 이후 전국에 임상병리검사학과가 52개에 이르고 있다. 학문적 정체성에도 불구하고 제도적으로 임상병리검사학은 전문적 영역을 확보하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 학술연구분야분류를 보면 물리치료학, 작업치료학, 치위생학은 체계적으로 분류되어 그 학문성을 인정받고 있다. 이 연구는 임상병리검사학의 새로운 학문분류체계이다. 내용 연구는 다음과 같이 요약된다. 임상병리사의 학문은 대분류 의약학, 중분류 임상병리학, 소분류 임상병리검사학에 위치한다. 세분류의 학문용어는 “혈액수혈학, 면역생화학, 미생물기생충학, 유전분자생물학, 조직세포학, 심폐신경생리학”으로 구성한다. This study presents a discussion on the biomedical laboratory science (formally clinical laboratory science or medical laboratory science) with the identity of biomedical laboratory science, as well as the academic classification system for systematic approach. The field of biomedical laboratory science is not registered in the academic research area classification system of the National Research Foundation of Korea. Since the inception of the first department of biomedical laboratory science in 1963, about 52 departments were since established. Despite the scientific identity, biomedical laboratory science have not been acknowledged professionally in most institutions. Observing the academic research area classification, the physical therapy, occupational therapy, and dental hygiene science are systematically classified and approved the identities by the authorities. This study is freshly academic area classification system of the biomedical laboratory science. The contents of this study are summarized as follows. The medical laboratory technologist’s discipline is considered within the medical and science category, clinical pathology in class, and biomedical laboratory science in division. Sections of biomedical laboratory science include hematology, transfusionology, immunology, biochemistry, microbiology, parasitology, genetics, molecular biology, histology, cytology, cardiopulmonary physiology, and neurophysiology.

      • KCI등재

        계층제와 팀제에서 임상병리사 관리자 명칭

        구본경 대한임상검사과학회 2018 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.50 No.1

        In the 2000’s, due to a change in hospital management strategy, the organizational structure shifted from a hierarchical system to a team system. While the hierarchical system is characterized by being activity centered, job title linked, and vertically managed, the team system is characterized by being competency centered, job title segregated, and horizontally managed. The job titles of medical technologist manager was surveyed three times in 1997, 2007, and 2017. It has been confirmed through staff members working at 24 hospitals in more than 500 beds in the metropolitan area. The results of job titles follow are as follow: “Team Leader; Part Leader” 14/24 (59%), “Chief Technologist; Area Head Technologist” 7/24 (29%), and “Chief” 3/24 (12%). The present authors propose an alternative name based on the team system to refine the three job titles currently used by medical technologists. First, the Chief Technologist is unclear if it refers to the Technologist General Manager or Technologist Manager. The Chief Technologist should be changed to “Team Leader”. Second, given that Area Head Technologist or Section Chief are on the same position as Head Nurse, we suggest that Area Head Technologist or Section Chief should be changed to “Part Leader”. Third, while the organization regulation is marked merely as Department of Laboratory Medicine according to the hierarchical system, it is marked as Laboratory Medicine Team according to the team system. Medical technologists come to have more belongingness, feeling of solidarity, and intimacy under the team system. 2000년대 병원경영전략의 변화로 조직구조가 계층제에서팀제로 전환되었다. 계층제는 직무 중심, 직책연계, 수직적 관리가 특징이며 팀제는 직능 중심, 직책분리, 수평적 관리가 특징이다. 임상병리사 관리자 명칭은 1997년, 2007년, 2017년 세 차례에 걸쳐서 조사되었다. 수도권에 소재한 500병상 이상의 24 개 병원에서 근무하는 직원들을 통해 확인되었다. 그 결과는 14 개 병원에서 “팀장; 파트장” (59%), 7개 병원에서 “기사장; 수석기사” (29%), 3개 병원에서 “실장” (12%) 명칭을 사용 중에 있다. 본 저자들은 임상병리사가 현재 사용하고 있는 세 가지 직위나 직책명칭을 개선하기 위해 팀제를 기반으로 대안을 제안한다. 첫째, 기사장은 기사부장 또는 기사과장인지 지위가 불분명한 명칭이다. 기사장은 “팀장”으로 변경할 것을 제안한다. 둘째, 수석기사 또는 계장이 수간호사와 같은 직위 수준이라고 가정한다면, 수석기사 또는 계장을 파트장(유닛장)으로 변경할 것을제안한다. 셋째, 직제규정은 계층제의 경우 검사의학과로만 표기되지만 팀제에서는 검사의학팀으로 표기된다. 임상병리사들은 팀제를 통해 소속감, 연대감, 친밀감을 더욱 갖게 된다.

      • 헤파린민감도평가를 위한 두 가지 방법의 비교; 체외에서 헤파린 혼합 혈장을 사용한 aPTT 검사와 헤파린 치료중인 환자 혈장을 사용한 anti-Xa 검사

        구본경,권의훈,유광현,윤재원,김희진 대한임상검사과학회 2011 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.43 No.4

        The monitoring of heparin therapy is using almost aPTT assay. This study is compare to estimating aPTT therapeutic range using in vitro heparin-spiked sample and aPTT therapeutic range using in vivo heparin-treated sample. Normal pooled plasma was collected from 20 healthy representative individuals. 11 concentration of heparinized plasmas from 0 U/mL to 1.0 U/mL at intervals of 0.1 U/mL made by addition of heparin to normal pooled plasma were measured aPTT. The aPTT therapeutic range was performed through correlation analysis between heparin level 0.2 to 0.4 U/mL and aPTT. 30 plasmas from patients on heparin therapy were measured aPTT and anti-Xa activity. The aPTT therapeutic range was performed through correlation analysis between anti-Xa activity 0.3 to 0.7 U/mL and aPTT. The aPTT therapeutic range corresponded by heparin level-vs-aPTT value regression analysis was 60.7 to 102.4 seconds. The aPTT therapeutic range corresponded by anti-Xa activity-vs-aPTT value regression analysis was 85.3 to 147.5 seconds. The validation of heparin sensitivity using in-vitro heparin sample was not considered. The establishing aPTT therapeutic range is recommended anti-Xa activity using in-vivo sample. .

      • KCI등재후보

        자폐성 장애인의 감정인식과 자발적 감정표출의 지원

        구본경,Watanabe Masataka 국립특수교육원 2004 특수교육연구 Vol.11 No.1

        자페성 장애인은 타인의 감정을 이해하거나 본인의 감정을 표출하는 데 어려움을 안고 있다. 본 연구는 중등교육과정을 마치고 사회생활로의 준비를 하고 있는 자폐성 장애인에 대해 의사소통과 사회성문제를 개선하기 위한 개별지원방법으로서 표정인식과 자발적인 감정표출을 지원한 사례연구이다. '즐겁다', '슬프다', '화난다', '보통'이라는 4가지 감정의 문자, 음성, 일러스트, 사진, 동영상 자극간의 등가관계를 조건성 변별과제로 학습하도록 한 중재(1). 감정 표출지원차트를 도입하여 자발적인 감정을 보고하도록 지원한 중재(2)로 설계되었다. 중재의 결과로, 자발적인 감정 표출이 나타나지 않는 자폐성 장애인이 4가지 감정의 자극간 등가관계가 형성되었으며, 보고활동 시에 일러스트자극을 선택함으로 자발적으로 감정을 표출하였다. 혐오적으로 표현하던 보고활동이 감정표출지원차트 도입 이후 자발적인 표출로 변용하였으며, 활동내용에 따라 감정을 분화적으로 표출하였다. 본 연구에 의해 자폐성 장애인의 감정인식과 감정표출을 지원하는 데에 필요한 요소로서 첫째, 자극간 등가관계에 의한 표정인식과 둘째, 문자나 일러스트 등에 의한 선택반응이나 비음성적 언어수단을 병용한 보조적 의사소통도구가 유용함을 검토하였다. The person with autistic disorder have a difficulty recognizing emotions in the facial xpression, and expressing their own emotional feelings. This is a case study supporting the recognition of facial expression and a spontaneous expression of emotion as a individual support method to improve the communications skills and socialization problems of the indivisuals with autism who is approaching to normal socialization after they went through the secondary educational curriculums. This study was designed with two interventions as following ; Intervention (1) is to study stimulations between letters, voices, illustrations, photos, videos for the four emotions such as So-so, Pleasant, Sad, Angry as a conditionally categorized subject. Intervention (2) is to support reporting of spontaneous expression of emotion by introducing a support chart of the emotional expression. As a result of the interventions, it was found out that the equivalent relationship between the stimulations of the four emotions was formed for the autistic person who didn t show his spontaneous expression, and he have expressed his emotions spontaneously by choosing illustrated stimulations during reporting activity. The reporting activity, which was expressed disgustedly, has been changed to the spontaneous expression after a support chart of the emotional expression was introduced, and the emotions was expressed in some specialized ways in accordance with the activity substances. Throughout this study, it was examined that the essential factors to support the emotional recognition and emotional expression for the person with autism are (1) the recognition of facial expression by equivalent relationship between stimulations and (2) assistant communication instrument used with nonvocal language method and choosing reaction by letters, illustrations.

      • KCI등재

        북한이탈여성에 대한 여성주의 목회상담적 이해: 생존의 모티브 하갈을 중심으로

        구본경 한국목회상담학회 2021 목회와 상담 Vol.36 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to find the role of the church community in helping North Korean defectors adapt to Korean society. North Korean refugee women leave North Korea to survive, are forced to marry in China for fear of being caught, and enter South Korea through a third country.After overcoming these difficulties and entering South Korea, North Korean refugee women still remain as neighbors in South Korean society. The church has played an important role in the adjustment and settlement of North Korean defectors in Korean society. However, in order to provide more in-depth care, it is necessary to enhance the understanding of North Korean refugee women by giving meaning to their life journey, such as the process of defection to North Korea and the process of adaptation in South Korea.Hagar's story from the perspective of feminist pastoral counseling serves as an important medium for interpreting and giving meaning to the lives of North Korean defectors. Feminist pastoral counseling focuses on women's experiences in order to reflect the voices of women who are alienated from various fields of science and theology that have privileged men's experiences. The Bible is a very powerful tool for reinterpreting women's experiences as a resource for feminist pastoral counseling. The story of Hagar, who lost control of her body and life as a slave, was forced to marry and had to run away from her life, reminds me of the life of a North Korean defector. Hagar, a biblical character who is notable in the theology of Black women, left her hometown for survival due to the persecution of Abraham and Sarah. However, along the way, she came to redefine her identity as she had hope to meet God who cared for her in the wilderness.This study focused on the case of a North Korean defector woman who received new meaning through Hagar's story. Through Hagar's story from the perspective of feminist pastoral theology, I hope that the church community will be able to provide meaningful support for North Korean defectors' courageous steps toward adapting to Korean society. 본 연구는 북한 이탈 여성의 한국 사회 적응을 위한 교회 공동체의 역할을 모색하고자 하는 목적에서 시작되었다. 북한 이탈 여성들은 살아남기 위해 북한을 떠나, 언제 잡힐지 모르는 두려움 가운데 중국에서 강제 결혼을 하고, 제3국을 통해 남한에 입국하게 된다. 이와 같은 난관을 극복하고 남한에 입국하였지만 남한 사회에서 탈북 여성들은 여전히 주변인으로 남아있다. 교회는 북한 이탈 주민의 한국 사회 적응과 정착에 중요한 역할을 해왔다. 그러나 더욱 깊이 있는 돌봄을 제공하기 위해서는 소외되어 있는 북한 이탈 여성의 삶의 경험에 의미를 부여함으로써 북한 이탈 여성에 대한 이해를 높이는 작업이 필요하다. 여성주의 목회상담 관점에서 본 하갈의 이야기는 북한 이탈 여성의 삶을 재해석하고 의미를 부여하는 중요한 매개가 된다. 여성주의 목회상담은 남성의 경험을 일반화해왔던 신학에 소외되어 있는 여성의 목소리를 반영하고자 여성의 경험에 주목한다. 성서는 여성주의 목회상담 자원으로서 여성의 경험을 재해석하는 데에 매우 강력한 도구이다. 자신의 몸과 삶에 주도권을 상실한 채 삶의 터전에서 도망해야 했던 하갈의 이야기는 북한 이탈 여성의 삶의 여정을 떠올리게 한다. 하갈은 생존을 위해 고향을 떠나지만 광야에서 자신을 돌보시는 하나님을 만나면서 새로운 정체성을 갖게 되었다. 본 연구는 가난과 폭력을 벗어나고자 국경을 넘고, 생존을 위해 강제 결혼한 후 남한에 입국한 한 북한 이탈 여성의 사례를 살펴봄으로 이들에 대한 이해를 높이고자 하였다. 또한 여성주의 목회신학적 관점에서 본 하갈의 이야기를 통해 북한 이탈 여성의 삶의 경험을 해석함으로 한국 교회 내에서 북한 이탈 여성을 공감하고 수용할 수 있는 기초를 마련하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서 살펴본 여성주의 목회신학적 하갈의 이야기를 통해 남한 사회 적응을 위한 북한 이탈 여성의 용기 있는 한걸음에 한국 교회가 의미 있는 지지를 제공할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.

      • 변화치 및 경고치 검색과 Q-flag limit를 이용한 혈구산정검사의 검사소요시간

        구본경,유광현,임대진,조영국,김희진 대한임상검사과학회 2012 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.44 No.2

        Test turnaround time (TAT) is the lead time from reception to reporting. In the complete blood cell count (CBC), 4 units of the XE-2100 (Sysmex Corp., Japan) processed around 80% of quantity, 1 unit of the LH-780 (Beckman-Coulter Incorp., USA) processed around 10% and 1 unit of ADVIA-2120 (Siemens AG, Munich, Germany) processed around 10%. We analyzed the change in the TAT for the CBC for over 7 years, from January of 2005 to December of 2011. The delta check made alterations of delta to WBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelet and metamyelocyte, however, did not made them to band neutrophil, eosinophil, basophil and monocyte. The panic value check made alterations of panic value to hemoglobin, hematocrit, platelet and monocyte. In the criteria of currently slide review, LH-780 and ADVI-2120 analyzers prepared suspect flags of “Blast, Imm NE2, Immature granulocyte, Imm NE1, Left shift, Variant lymphocyte, Atypical lymphocyte, Platelet clumps and NRBC”. The New slide review in the XE-2100 analyzer altered the preparations of a smear slide more than a “Platelet clumps flag(≥200 unit), a single flag excluding the “Platelet clumps flag (≥250 unit) and a multiple flag (≥200 unit)”. Also, below the 240 unit, medical technologists prepared manual slides selectively according to their evaluations. The automatic reporting rate was 33.4% without alterations, whereas it was 41.0% without alterations, and was thus improved by 7.6%. The slide review rate was 15.2% before using the Q-flag limit, whereas it was 12.1% for a reduce 3.1%. TAT was 45 minutes without the creation alterations of the delta and panic value checks, whereas it was 35 minutes after making alterations of the delta and panic value checks and thus was shortened by 10 minutes. We came to the conclusion that the establishment and operation of delta and panic value checks and slide review criteria suitable for laboratory environment can reduce unnecessary smear slides, re-checking, re-sampling, re-testing, telephone inquiries and concentrated workloads during specific times of the day. .

      • KCI등재

        대한임상검사과학회지 50년사: 명칭과 KCI 등재에 대하여

        구본경,성호중,이기종,양병선,주세익,최승구,장인호,양만길,Koo, Bon-Kyeong,Sung, Ho Joong,Rhee, Ki-Jong,Yang, Byoung-Seon,Joo, Sei Ick,Choi, Seung-Gu,Jang, In-Ho,Yang, Man-Gil 대한임상검사과학회 2017 대한임상검사과학회지(KJCLS) Vol.49 No.3

        The Korean Society for Clinical Laboratory Science publishes the Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science (KJCLS) as the official journal for the Korean Association of Medical Technologists. This year, 2017, marks the 50th anniversary of KJCLS. The original name was "the Korean Journal of Medical Technologists" (Volume 1, 1967~Volume 26, 1994), which was replaced with the "Korean Journal of the Clinical Laboratory Science" (Volume 27, 1995~Volume 35, 2003) and "the Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science" (Volume 26, 2004~Present). The purpose of this study was to provide a framework for further development of KJCLS. In 1998, the National Research Foundation of Korea began the journal assessment service. The major domestic databases are KCI, KOFST, and KAMJE; the major international databases are SCI Index; SCI Core, SCI-Extended), SCOPUS, MEDLINE, and PUBMED. KJCLS has been registered with KCI of the National Research Foundation of Korea since 2014. More than 1,300 articles have been published, which all have made tremendous contributions to the field. To index KJCLS in the journal databases, we measured the value to understand the vocational level and social position. KJCLS is faced with a great challenge; immense effort will be needed to accomplish the original goal of KJCLS to become an internationally recognized journal. Ultimately, the goal of the Korean Society for Clinical Laboratory Science and the Korean Association of Medical Technologists should be to register KJCLS in databases such as KCI and SCOPUS.

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