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        Erratum to: External K+ Deficiency Inhibits Photosynthetic Activity Through Superoxide Anion Production in Protoplasts Isolated from the Thallus of Ulva pertusa

        고창효,오순자,전성수,한태준 한국식물학회 2013 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.56 No.3

        To investigate the effects of potassium on photosynthetic activity in the green alga Ulva pertusa, we enzymatically isolated protoplasts from thallus samples. Photochemical quenching showed that protoplasts were capable of electron transport by photosystem II (PS II) during illumination. This quenching was dependent on external pH, with a reduced electron transport rate at pH >6.8 and less ability to use HCO 3 − under alkaline conditions. In the presence of external Na+, K+ enhanced PS II quantum yield, indicating a functional role for K+ during photosynthesis. That yield was enhanced in a [K+]-dependent manner, with maximum activity at 100 mM. However, potassium alone did not maintain photochemical activity, and its addition supported photosynthetic O2 evolution only in the presence of Na+. A deficiency of K+ led to the production of superoxide anions. Because of that generation, activities of superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase, two key enzymes involved in scavenging reactive oxygen species in the water–water cycle, also increased during such stress. These results strongly suggest that a series of ROS-scavenging systems are initiated in Ulva chloroplasts in response to K+ deficiency and that enzyme activities might protect algal cell photosynthesis.

      • KCI등재

        Photosynthesis and Environments: Photoinhibition and Repair Mechanisms in Plants

        고창효,고석민,고석찬,김영주,배현종 한국식물학회 2012 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.55 No.2

        Photoinhibition is the inhibition of photosynthesis by excessive light resulting in the reduction of plant growth. Exposure to additional stress factors during exposure to light increases the potential for photoinhibitory effects. Reversible photoinhibition is indicative of a protective mechanism aimed at dissipating excess light energy,while irreversible photoinhibition indicates damage to the photosynthetic systems. The present review summarizes the physiological mechanisms of photoinhibition and discusses the interaction between light and other stress factors. In addition, some of the features and strategies that help plants avoid or restrict the occurrence of photoinhibition are analyzed. Most of these defense mechanisms are associated with the dissipation of excessive energy such as heat. Therefore, these mechanisms would regulate the carbon available to the plant by the output ratio of ATP/NADPH to the stressful environmental conditions. Understanding these mechanisms can help avoid plant cell death and increase plant productivity.

      • KCI등재

        Growth regulation of cow1 rice mutant seedlings by blue light

        고창효,Suk-Min Ko,Hee-Yeon Park,Yeon-Ki Kim,Yong-Woo Kim,Young-joo Kim,Hyeon-Jin Sun,문용환,이효연 한국식물생명공학회 2010 식물생명공학회지 Vol.37 No.4

        We assessed whether the cow1 mutant defects are associated with growth of Tos17 and T-DNA insertional rice in blue light (BL). Growth of oscow1 mutants which encoded a member of the YUCCA protein family was retarded in BL. Root to shoot ratios of the mutants were reduced about 2 times lower in the absence of NAA and about 2.5 times lower in the presence of NAA; the shoot growth was not significantly changed by NAA addition. Photosynthetic activity of the mutants was however inhibited in high light. Pigment analysis showed significant difference between wild-type (Chl a:b = 3.02) and mutants (3.84). Carotenoid contents of the mutants were also decreased considerably, implying the involvement of cow1 in pigment formation. These findings lead us to suggest that the growth retardation of oscow1 mutant plants by BL results from the difference of photosynthetic activity in part.

      • KCI등재

        경영자능력이 내재자기자본비용에 미치는 영향

        고성,고창,고봉조 한국회계정보학회 2015 회계정보연구 Vol.33 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate an effect of managerial ability on the implied cost of equity capital. We also examine how a relation between managerial ability and the implied cost of equity capital is affected by information asymmetry. We measure managerial ability based on prior studies of Demerjian et al.(2012). Our result show that managerial ability are negatively related to the implied cost of equity capital. High managerial ability is significantly associated with lower implied cost of equity capital. We also find that firms with lower information asymmetry have a larger decrease in the cost of capital. Our study is distinguished from prior studies because we empirically analyze the evidence that a relation between managerial ability and the implied cost of equity capital. In addition we find empirical evidence that a relation between managerial ability and the implied cost of equity capital is affected by information asymmetry. Overall our study implicates the importance of managerial ability in terms of investment and financing decision making. 본 연구는 2000년부터 2014년까지 유가증권에 상장된 기업을 대상으로 경영자의 능력과 내재자기자본비용의 관계를 실증분석하였다. 선행연구에서 기업의 내재자기자본비용은 기업의 사회적 책임활동의 수준, 정보비대칭, 발생액 변동액 등에 영향을 받는다고 하였고 경영자의 능력이 보수주의, 회계정보의 질, 조세회피의 수준에 영향을 미친다고 하였으나 경영자능력이 내재자기자본비용과 어떠한 관련성을 가지는지에 대해서는 보고된 바 없다. 본 논문에서는 Demerjian et al.(2012)이 제시한 경영자 능력 측정치를 이용하여 경영자능력이 내재자기자본비용에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지를 분석하였다. 본 연구의 주요 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 경영자의 능력이 높을수록 내재자기자본비용은 감소하는 것을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 기업을 경영하는 경영자의 능력이 높을수록 외부이해관계자들은 미래 경영성과와 현금흐름에 대해 불확실성을 낮게 인식하여 내재자기자본비용을 낮게 요구하는 결과라 해석할 수 있다. 둘째, 정보비대칭이 작은 집단에서는 경영자의 능력과 내재자기자본비용 사이에 유의한 음(-)의 관계가 있음을 실증하였다. 반면 정보비대칭이 큰 집단에서는 경영자의 능력과 내재자기자본비용 사이에 통계적인 유의성은 검증되지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 정보비대칭이 큰 상황에서는 경영자의 능력과 관계없이 내재자기자본비용이 결정되지만 정보비대칭이 작은 상황에서는 외부이해관계자들이 경영자의 능력을 충분히 인지하여 내재자기자본비용에 유의적인 음(-)의 영향을 미침을 의미한다. 본 연구는 경영자능력과 내재자기자본비용간의 관계를 분석함으로써 경영자능력이 기업가치에 기여하는 추가적인 경로를 파악하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 또한 본 연구의 분석결과 투자안에 대한 평가시 경영자의 능력에 따라 할인율이 달라질 수 있음을 확인하였다. 이러한 결과는 경영자의 능력이 기업의 투자 및 재무의사결정에 지대한 영향을 미칠 수 있음을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Expression of the Protective Antigen for PEDV in Transgenic Duckweed, Lemna minor

        고석민,선현진,오명진,송인자,김민재,신현숙,고창효,김용우,임평옥,이효연,김석원 한국원예학회 2011 Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology Vol.52 No.5

        Duckweeds are small, floating aquatic plants with a number of useful characteristics, including edibility, fast-growing, and a clonal proliferation. Duckweed is also fed to animals as a diet complement because of its high nutritional value. Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) is a major causative agent of fatal diarrhea in piglets and is a serious problem in the hog-raising industry. In this study, we assessed the feasibility of producing a protective antigen for the PEDV spike protein 1using duckweed, Lemna minor. Stably transformed Lemna were obtained by co-cultivation with A. tumefaciens EHA105 harboring the PEDV spike protein gene. Transgene integration and expression of the PEDV spike protein 1 gene were confirmed by genomic PCR and RT-PCR and western blot analysis of transgenic Lemna, respectively. This is the first report of the expression of a vaccine antigen against an animal infectious disease in duckweed.

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