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      • 케인즈 화폐이론의 발전과정 : 저축투자와 화폐수요공급의 관계를 중심으로

        황재홍 연세대학교 대학원 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        본 논문은 케인즈 화폐이론의 전개과정을 추적하여 그 발전방향과 의미를 정확히 하고 이를 통해 다양한 케인즈 해석에 존재하는 견해 차이의 원천을 규명해 보는 것이다. 본 논문에서 주목한 것은 저축/투자와 화폐수요/공급 사이의 관계이다.『일반이론』이전의 논의들은 저축투자의 불일치를 통해 거시변수들의 움직임을 동학적으로 설명하려는 시도였으며 이 저축투자의 불일치는 화폐적 교란과 밀접하게 연관되어 있다. 그러나『일반이론』의 체계에서는 저축과 투자는 소득을 결정하고 화폐수요와 공급이 이자율을 결정하는데 이 두 요인은 간접적으로 서로 영향을 주고받지만 독립적인 시장을 형성한다고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 변화는 플로우 분석에 스톡 분석이 추가된 것이며 동학적 분석에서 정학적 분석으로 옮겨간 것이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 변화는『화폐론』에서 이미 시작된 것으로 소비재 가격은 과잉저축에 의해, 투자재 가격은 과잉약세에 의해 독립적으로 결정된다는 케인즈의 주장에서 이를 확인할 수 있다. 따라서『화폐론』과『일반이론』에 나타나는 화폐이론은 연속적인 것으로 파악할 수 있다. 그러나『일반이론』의 출간 이후 대부자금론자들과의 논쟁을 통해 케인즈는 종전의 입장에서 한 발 물러나게 된다. 이는 투자의 증가가 소득을 증가시켜 거래적 화폐수요를 늘림으로써 이자율을 상승시키는 고리 이외에 사전적인 투자계획의 증가 자체가 화폐수요를 증가시켜 이자율을 상승시킬 수 있다는 것을 인정한 점이다. 케인즈는 이를 "금융적 동기"라고 칭했고 이것이 자신의 이자율이론을 손상시키는 것이 아님을 강조하였다. 이 "금융"은 후기케인즈학파의 케인즈 해석에 있어 입장의 차이를 드러내는 중요한 개념으로 각기 상반되는 주장의 근거로 사용되었다. 저축의 부족에 의해 승수과정의 진행이 제약을 받을 수 있다는 비판에 직면하여 "금융"은 회전자금으로써 저축과 무관하게 투자의 진행을 가능하게 만들어주는 요소로 등장하며, 화폐와 실물의 이분법적 사고를 비판하는 상황에서는 "금융"이 화폐와 실물의 연결고리로 등장한다. 하지만 승수효과는 오히려 줄어든다. 또한 케인즈가 "금융"이라는 개념을 등장시킨 이유는 유동성선호이론의 방어를 위한 것이었으나 유동성선호이론과 상반되는 화폐공급의 내생성을 주장하는 이들이 "금융"에 주목하고 있다. 이러한 혼란은 저축과 독립적으로 투자가 진행될 수 있다는 케인즈의 지나치게 단순화된 주장과 이 주장을 방어하기 위한 후기케인즈학파의 일관성 결여된 논의에 기인하는 것이다. 후기케인즈학파의 주장은『일반이론』의 논의를 보완하는 것이라기보다는 플로우 분석이 강조되는『일반이론』이전 논의로의 복귀라는 의미를 갖는다. The purpose of this paper is to clarify a meaning of Keynes's theory of money and to provide a plausible reason why so many different interpretations of Keynes's theory of money have proliferated. An attempt is made to track down a trajectory of Keynes's theory of money as closely as possible. This study evolves around the relation between saving-investment and money demand-supply. In the pre-General Theory era, not a few theorists did endeavor to explain the movement of macroeconomic variables in terms of the saving-investment inequality, which was conceived to result from the monetary shock. In his masterpiece, General Theory, Keynes presented a rather different picture than those drawn by his predecessors. Saving and investment were conceptualized as a determinant of income, and money demand-supply as that of the interest rate, These two crucial factors were considered to form, respectively, independent markets though Keynes did not forget to insert a proviso in his General Theory that they could exert influences upon each other rather indirectly. The last point worth mentioning is that Keynes turned his attention from dynamic analysis to static analysis, distinguishing stock analysis from flow analysis. It can be argued, in some respect, that Keynes's innovations in General Theory were not entirely new. Keynes asserted, in his Treaties, that the price level of consumption goods was solely determined by the excess saving over cost of investment, and that the price level of investment goods by the excess bearishness. As a corollary, an argument can be made for the continuity of Keynes's theory of money in the intervening years between Treaties and General Theory. It was in the post-General Theory era that Keynes made some changes to his theory of money. Triggered by the controversy with the so-called Loanable Fund theorists, Keynes allowed for the effect of an increase in planned investment upon the demand for money and, therefore, upon the rate of interest. This process Keynes dubbed 'finance.' It should be noted that Keynes thought that his discussion of 'finance' did no harm to his theory of interest rate. Post Keynesians deal with the so-called 'finance' in many different ways. It seems quite clear that they deploy the same notion of 'finance' in mutually incompatible cases. Responding to the critique that multiplier process is deterred by the deficiency of saving, they retort that 'finance' is revolving fund, which has nothing to do with saving. According to this explication, the main function of 'finance' is nothing other than making investment possible. On the other hand, some post Keynesians delineate 'finance' as a link between real and monetary sectors. Emphasizing the interdependence between real and monetary sectors, they argue that demand for money is not independent of the events in the real sector. Their argument, however, entails that the multiplier effect is decreasing. In addition, the so-called endogenous money theorists, who are opposed to the liquidity preference theory, put a stress on 'finance' in order to make an argument that Keynes was an endogenous money theorist. At this juncture, it is worthwhile to point out that Keynes made use of 'finance' to defend his liquidity preference theory. The confusion noted above resulted in Keynes's oversimplified assertion that investment has nothing to do with saving, as well as some inconsistent arguments by Post Keynesians. Post Keynesian argument is not so much a defense of Keynes's own views as a retrogression to the argument prevalent in the pre-General Theory era.

      • 2차원 하천 흐름해석을 위한 난류모형의 개발

        황재홍 경북대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Frequently occurring flood and drought have increased the necessity of an effective water resources control and management of river flows. Therefore, the simulation of the flow distribution in natural rivers is great importance to the solution of a wide variety of practical flow problems in water resources engineering. Usually in many flow problems, two-dimensional approach can provide good estimates of complex flow features in the flow around islands and obstructions, flow at confluence and flow in braided channel. The challenging problem facing two-dimensional hydraulic model is the treatment of turbulence flow around irregular boundary. This situation is encountered in most practical river and coastal engineering problems, such as flood propagation, dam break analysis, tidal processes and so on. The objective of this study is to develop an accurate and robust two-dimensional finite element method for turbulence simulation in open channels. The developed model is based on Streamline Upwind/Petrov-Galerkin finite element method and Boussinesq's eddy viscosity theory. The method developed in the study is depth-averaged mixing length model which assumes anisotropic and local equilibrium state of turbulence. Several numerical simulations were carried out, which examined the performance of the turbulence model for the purpose of sensitivity analysis. Artificial channels that appear horizontal flow and vertical flow were carried out. Validation and verification were performed by comparing with analytical solution and observation data. The simulation on the Han river were performed for tests. The results were compared with the observation data. The suggested model displayed reasonable flow distribution compare to the observation data in natural river flow. As a result of this study, the developed two-dimensional finite element model provides a reliable results for flow distribution of turbulence simulation in open channels, and determine the limits of eddy viscosity for a variety of open channel flow. It could be further developed to basis for extending to water quality and sediment transport analysis.

      • 공간 구조와 보행량 측정을 통한 대형 복합시설물 상가 임대료 특성에 관한 연구 : 삼성동 C.O.E.X Mall을 중심으로

        황재홍 한양대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        최근 들어 소규모 상가들은 점차 사라지고 주변지역의 유동인구를 흡입하는 대형 쇼핑몰들이 속속들이 생겨나고 있는 추세이다. 이러한 과정에서 대형 쇼핑몰들은 점차 그 크기를 확대해 가며 내부 상가들의 복합화 양상을 보여 왔다. 이러한 과정에서 대형 상가들의 내부공간은 상업 및 공간구조에 따라서 보행량의 변화를 가져왔으며 내부 공간의 보행량이 증가하며 상업 활동의 활성화를 가져왔다. 보행량이 증가함에 따라 상업 시설의 임대료와 상가의 가치가 증진시킨다. 현재 국내에 자리 잡은 대형 복합 시설물은 상가 내부 각 점포의 대형화, 전문화, 이미지화를 추구하여 중심상권에 자리를 잡으며 상권에 상당한 변화를 일으켰다. 상가중 소규모, 중·저가 상품을 취급하는 영세성을 면치 못하던 일반 상점들의 임대료 인상으로 이어졌으며 고가의 임대료를 감당키 어려운 상인들은 자연 도태적으로 중심상권에서 밀려나는 현상이 발생하고 있다. 변화의 과정에서 과다하고, 원칙과 기준에서 벗어난 임대료 인상으로 많은 선의의 임차인들이 피해를 보는 경우도 다수 발생하고 있으며, 경쟁 입찰로 인한 임대시장의 교란을 초래하여 왜곡을 유발하고 있어 적정 임대료 산정에 대한 연구·분석이 시급히 요구되고 있는 실정이다. 이에 공간분석을 실시하여 현재 코엑스몰의 공간 활용 형태와 실제 측정된 보행량 자료를 분석하여 공간분석 데이터와 보행량의 차이를 알아보고 다중회귀분석을 실시하여 각 독립변수가 실제 임대료에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 분석 결과 ‘보행량이 많은 곳은 임대료가 높게 책정 된다’라는 가설을 깨고 코엑스몰 상가 임대료에 가장 영향을 많이 주는 것은 영화관. 수족관. 서점, 은행과 같은 보행자들이 많이 이용하는 주요 거점을 기준으로 임대료가 높게 책정되는 양상을 보여준다. 이와 같은 상황으로 볼 때 코엑스 측과 임차인은 현재 활용되고 있는 길별 기준가격과 주요 거점과의 관계, 보행량을 감안한 임대료를 산정한다면 앞으로 임대료 분쟁에 큰 도움이 될 수 있으리라 판단된다.

      • 大學의 行政組織 改善方向에 관한 硏究 : 全州 敎育大學校의 行政組織을 中心으로

        黃在洪 全州大學校 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Based upon the general theories of organization, this study searches for better ways of management of various college organizations. In doing so, extensive as well as intensive literature review was performed. Government documents and publications were also used as useful materials whenever needed. This study identifies some basic problems on the operations of college organizations in South Korea in terms of specialization, planning, standardizing, autonomy, responsibility. More fundamentally, it was found that most members of college organizations all over the country are not fully aware of the genuine goals of the operations of the organizations when they perform the various services of education. In order to improve the ways of operations of college organizations, this study suggests few strategic ideas as follows: administrative positions are to be filled by elections among members as well as appointment, specialization of jobs should be maintained on the individual basis, department size is to be considered along with the sizes of the recruited personnel and material resources available. Responsibility should be put on the individual basis on each and every section, part, or department in a rational manner. Functions of the staffs should not be neglected in the process of organization management. Most of all, each section or department is fully encouraged to exercise its own autonomous power when perform duties. As a conclusion of research, this study emphasizes three points for the improvement of the operation of organizations in colleges. Organizational reform is not an option but a must even in college setting. Renovation-oriented mentality and attitudes are nurtured during the organizational life. Positive actions are to be appropriately rewarded in certain ways. Participative decision making should be guaranteed as mush as possible during the whole management process of organization. Organization members' right to know should be fully extended as long as education gets the first priority during the performance of duties among other jobs in organization. Maintaing the sense of reality is required in performing all kinds of activities of the operation of organization. Not equipped with this wisdom, any reform effort dooms to fail, and the improvement in organizational management can never be realized after all.

      • 3차원 CFD 모형을 활용한 수공구조물 하류 흐름특성 분석

        황재홍 경북대학교 대학원 2021 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        One of the most effective structural measures for river management in consideration of climate change is the installation and the operation of hydraulic structures, which inevitably accompanies water level difference between upstream and downstream due to the hydraulic structure storing and discharging water when necessary. As the potential energy of the fluid is converted into the kinetic energy when discharged, resulting in a hydraulic jump phenomenon and a strong flow with high flow velocity. These characteristics can cause the scouring of the river bed and sloping downstream. If scouring in the downstream continues, it may affect the safety of the hydraulic structures. Therefore, the design for hydraulic flow stability must be considered and secured. The energy dissipator(apron & bottom protection) is a stabilizing facility for the downstream of the hydraulic structures. Typically, fixed weirs and overflow-type movable weirs show common types of flow characteristics. On the other hand, the flow characteristics of movable weirs with lift-type or rising sector gates vary depending on the upstream & downstream water levels and gate operation. For example, the stronger flow increases the burden on energy dissipator than the usual weirs. For 16 weirs in Korean national rivers, where the first large-sized gates were installed in 2011, downstream energy dissipators were designed and installed under the assumption of usual flow. However most of them were damaged by the very strong flow in 2011. To verify the causes of the damages, a research had been conducted to improve river management measures for downstream energy dissipators and then the national river management standards were revised in 2018 considering the research results. In this thesis, in order to assess the effectiveness of the revised standards, the optimal design technique of hydraulic structures is derived through a three-dimensional flow analysis model, and the stability & design adequacy of gates are reviewed as shown below. First, through the inspection and analysis of the design & reinforcement works of 16 weirs in Korean national rivers, it is estimated that more than 60% of the damages in the energy dissipators was originated by the inadequate design techniques for reviewing the flow characteristics & calculating the rock size. A FLOW-3D model by Flow Science Inc. was developed to perform the numerical analysis and to review the damaged energy dissipaters for Changnyeong-Haman weir as the area of interest. For the verification of this model, a field gate operation test has been conducted to measure the surface flow velocity by opening the gate of the Changnyeong-Haman weir. The 3D flow analysis is performed with the same boundary conditions & gate operation as used in the field test. The analysis shows 82 to 87% accuracy with a small difference of 9 to 15㎥/s compared to the measured values. And the flow velocity has 92% accuracy with a difference of 0.01 to 0.16 m/s to actual data. Through the comparison of the field experiment results and the simulation, the established analytical model can be regarded suitable. Second, both various boundary and operating conditions are applied to the flow characteristics analysis of downstream hydraulic structures. In order to figure out the optimal design of hydraulic structures, the simulation is carried out under 100-year frequency flood & the largest water level difference conditions with the full opening of 3 gates or full opening of 1 gate in the middle. Furthermore, Changnyeong-Haman weir's gate operation history has been reviewed for the period between 2013 and 2018, and flow characteristics are evaluated in two cases with both 50% open gate and the largest water level difference. This assessment shows that actual operating test circumstances are more suitable than those of the analytical model because the flow and Froude number (Fr) of the actual circumstances are low. The bottom flow changes depending on the opening degree of water gates and the average flow velocity is affected more easily by the upstream and downstream water level differences than the other factors due to the gravity waves. The appropriateness of the installed energy dissipator is evaluated by applying the derived flow characteristics based on the national and international design standards. The outcome of an appropriate extension of the apron is 15~25m, bottom protection bed is 30~199m and the size of the rock is 0.27ton or above. Therefore, existing hydraulic structures meet the requirements of the standards with 32m apron, 155m bottom protection and 0.3ton of the rock size, respectively. From this study, the design procedures and major considerations for optimal design are derived based on the survey data, downstream flow characteristics and adequacy verification techniques of hydraulic structures. For optimal design, the flow analysis is performed to present the length, size & type of energy dissipators for armoring against the river scouring. Also, it is proposed that the accuracy of the hydraulic calculation for design and construction needs to be enhanced and improved through the three-dimensional numerical analysis model as well as field tests. This study could also be a guideline for the design of downstream energy dissipator and reinforcement work. Furthermore, if the flow analysis model coupled with sediment transport and pollutant dispersion is constructed, it might be very useful in predicting the deformation of river bed and responding to water quality & algae outbreak.

      • 예레미야의 고백록에 관한 성서신학적 고찰 : 예레 15,10-21;20,7-18을 중심으로

        황재홍 가톨릭대학교 대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        Jeremiah lived through one of the most troubled periods of the ancient Near East. He witnessed the fall of a great empire and the rising of one even greater. In the midst of this turmoil, the kingdom of Judah, then in the hands of deplorable kings, came to its downfall by resisting this overwhelming force of history. At that time Jeremiah was called to be a prophet to Judah and to the nations in the midst of these political convulsions. His ministry lasted about 40 years from B.C. 626 to B.C. 587. Jeremiah was not understood and was persecuted by the people and his families for his own life. The solitude that he felt was due to the God's words and he made an effort to receive them without stopping. His effort appeared in his confessions. He had troubles and pains as a prophet and as a man, but he did not give up the confidence to God. I attempted to examine the purpose and the significance about the confessions that showed his troubles, pains and the confidence to God. The five poems known as the confessions of Jeremiah (11,18-12,6; 15,10-21; 17,14-18; 18,18-23; 20,7-18), was unique and was not found in the works of other prophets and the ancient religion literature by the time of Jeremiah. These confessions have Jeremiah's internal troubles and contentions. I examined the second and the fifth among the five confessions. In the confessions Jeremiah complained about his conditions and despaired after he was called by God, but he did not renounce his prophetic ministry and confidence to God. So I examined the purpose and the function appeared in the confessions, and the theological meaning that the confessions gave to us at present. In the Introduction, I explained the background that I examined the confessions and the contents that followed next. In chapter 1, I explained the general features of the book of Jeremiah and the difference between the Hebrew Masoretic Text (MT) and the Greek Septuagint (LXX), and then the historical background of the Jeremiah's book and its structure. In chapter 2, I explained the background of the Jeremiah's confessions and the general structure of them, and then their role in the book of Jeremiah. In chapter 3, I examined the second confession. There are my translation, the redaction criticism, the literature form, the structure, the interpretation and the purpose in this chapter. The second confession is comprised of the Jeremiah's petition(15,10) and the God's response(15,11-14), and then the Jeremiah's petition(15,15-18) and the God's response(15,18-21). The purpose of this confession is to prove the innocence of his prophecy and the point of it is the relation of Jeremiah himself and his mission, the relation of Yahweh and the prophet. Jeremiah insisted that he had fidelity in his mission and complained that the cause that he took pain is Yahwe. The God's response to the prophet's complaint is to prove the prophet's requests that Jeremiah's mission is true and Yahwe must be with him. In chapter 4, I examined the fifth confession. There are my translation, the redaction criticism, the literary form, the structure, the interpretation and the purpose in this chapter. 20,7-13 is the individual petiton form, 20,14-18 is the curse form. In 20,7-13, Jeremiah accused that Yahwe deceived him. But though he is able to shout that Yahwe deceived him, the only one that can help Jeremiah is Yahwe. His tone changed from the accusation to God in the beginning to the trust to God with confidence in the end. 20,14-18 is the Jeremiah's curse. He believed that his life, the mission of Yahwe to his life and the life with Yahwe are worthless. Then he cursed the day when he was born and shouted about the situation of his life that was filled with pain and shame. In chapter 5, I examined the relation with the five confessions. The flow of the intention appeared in the total confessions is that Yahwe helps Jeremiah, and the prophet and the God's words will have a victory. In the conclusion, I examined the features and the theological meaning of the confessions. Jeremiah was the prophet that suffered a pain doubly. He had to see that the process of the God's punishment he himself delivered was carried out and he had to suffer the scorn and the persecution by the enemies that ridiculed and persecuted the prophecy. So in the book of Jeremiah there are a lot of the statements about the prophet's internal struggle. Jeremiah proclaimed the "God's words" reluctantly but he complained about his destiny, requested God to explain about it and besides challenged God. In the Jeremiah's confessions we can find the traces how much Jeremiah tried to accept these words. Then how are Jeremiah's confessions to be treated? As mere human expressions of a tortured soul? Or are they to be considered in a larger sense of the term as the revealed word of God? Most commentators regard them as merely the expressions of his humanity. The chief reason is that in these confessions Jeremiah does not speak about God but about himself and his inner conflicts. However, the fact that his inner struggles arose precisely in connection with his prophetic ministry means that they were directly related to it, and we must then treat them as a vital part of his prophetic witness of God. They are an intrinsic part of his intellectual and spiritual make-up, and therefore cannot be separated from his prophetic function. Furthermore, these conflicts began with his call, and were intensified rather than diminished in his prophetic activity. What we have here is the whole gamut of human suffering; fear of shame and failure, despair, disillusionment, loneliness, even hatred toward God, and all this agonizing suffering came to him because of his prophetic office. It is not enough to view this as simply a shattering of the prophetic office caused by subjective reflections or as a product of his individual spiritual inclination. Here there is more than subjective reflection and individual difference in temperament. These confessions show that God used not only Jeremiah's mouth as a medium for the proclamation of his word. The prophet's entire person and his whole life were used by God for the expression of his will to his people. Thus, Jeremiah was not only a witness of God by means of his prophetic charisma, but also through his suffering and his broken humanity - a humanity that became well-nigh crushed by the burden of his prophetic responsibility - in Jeremiah this is something new. Hence, Jeremiah's life here becomes a forceful witness, his suffering soul and his life ebbing away in God's service become a testimony of God. Through the features of the Jeremiah's confessions I`d like to suggest two conclusions. First, by means of these confessions we are permitted not only a glimpse into a prophet's suffering soul in his darkest hour, but through them we are also allowed a glance into the heart of God, a God "who is infinitely above the domains of the mighty and secure" yet who "descends to those who lie in the dust of the earth and shares their afflictions." Secondly, the intercessory role of Jeremiah is visible in the confessions. The prophets who preceded Jeremiah certainly can be correctly regarded theologically as intercessors. As an intercessor, Jeremiah not only confronts mankind - endures the suffering that men have caused him - but also he has taken upon himself all of their misery. Jeremiah's confessions testify to the harshness of the divine wrath. These confessions know nothing whatever of an atoning, redeeming power; and this characteristic is not due to personal ignorance concerning the sense of his suffering. His resistance, his rebellion and the awful curse at the end demonstrate clearly that he has reached the limit of his intercessory office. This shows that he is not "perfect" and therefore Jeremiah is only an indication of the One To Come who teaches us to perceive the intercessory role of Christ in its depth. What is depicted in the suffering which results from his intercessory office-being taken out of the joyful community of men, to the final journey into the night of "godforsakenness" is a foreshadowing and an example of a future, perfect Intercessory Role.

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