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        Recent advances in three-dimensional bioprinted nanocellulose-based hydrogel scaffolds for biomedical applications

        아남사디퀴,정인우 한국화학공학회 2021 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.38 No.11

        Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer on earth. Due to its excellent physical and biological traits, particularly its biocompatibility, biodegradability, and low cytotoxicity, it has become promising material for biomedical applications. Moreover, cellulose-based hydrogels are the best-suited for biomedical applications due to their biocompatibility and ability to be controllably molded into different shapes. Therefore, in recent years, a significant amount of research has been focused on preparing cellulose-based materials such as cellulose hydrogels with different morphologies and functional groups. Among the various methods used to prepare cellulose-based hydrogels, three-dimensional (3D) bioprinting has been used to generate these materials for drug delivery, tissue engineering, and scaffolds due to the customizability of their complex morphology. To date, many studies have been published on the important aspects of the bioprinting of cellulose-based hydrogels; however, despite an increasing amount of research in this area, various issues still exist that prevent their advanced applications. In addition, cellulose exists in various forms and, depending on its type, exhibits unique physical and rheological properties. It is, therefore, meaningful to fabricate advanced cellulose- based hydrogels only when the properties of the cellulose derivatives are well understood. In this review, the emerging approaches of the design and fabrication of advanced cellulose-based biomaterials (i.e., cellulose nanocrystals, cellulose nanofibrils, and bacterial nanocellulose) are discussed, as well as their roles in traditional and emerging (3D bioprinting) biomedical fields, mainly in drug delivery, wound dressings, tissue engineering, and scaffold applications.

      • KCI등재


        아남(Zhang, Ya-Nan)(张,雅楠),김현태(Kim, Hyun-Tae)(金炫兑,) 대한중국학회 2021 중국학 Vol.74 No.-

        本文的研究目的是将汉韩修饰“笑”的拟声拟态词进行对比,并从其形态、语法、语义学、语用学等方面特征进行分析。本文通过对韩语词典《国语大词典(1992版)》和《标准国语词典》,还有汉语词典《象声词例释》、《现代汉语词典(第六版)》、《现代汉语大词典》、《现代汉语重叠形容词用法例释》的探究,整理出了韩语中修饰“笑”的拟声拟态词283个,汉语中修饰“笑”的拟声拟态词47个,并以此为研究资料进行了对比分析。有分析结果可以知道,韩语中修饰“笑”的拟声拟态词的数量比中文要多得多。而在形态方面,汉语和韩语修饰“笑”的拟声拟态词都有单独形和反复形两种形态,其中以反复形为主,反复形中又有整体反复形和部分反复形的形态。不同的是韩语中修饰“笑”的拟声拟态词较汉语来说,形态更为多样。语义方面,第一,韩语的拟声拟态词会随着形态的不同表现出不同的语感和含义,汉语中修饰“笑”的拟声词一般根据其不同的音韵特质可以感受出不同的语感差异。第二,汉语中修饰“笑”的双音节形态拟态词都是与动词“笑”结合,派生出具有新的含义的单词。而其含义也是由“笑”前面的字的含义所决定的。第三,汉语中修饰“笑”的三音节拟态词是“笑+BB”的形态,根据“BB”的音韵不同,其含义也会有细微的差异。通过对语义的分析可以知道,汉语的拟态词中基本都是和“笑”结合派生出的新词,但韩语中修饰“笑”的拟声词和拟态词是单独出现的。最后在语用方面,汉韩两种语言中修饰“笑”的拟声拟态词在使用时都有一定的限制,但明显汉语的限制没有韩语那么多。 The purpose of this paper is to compare and analyze the morphological characters of mimetic words modifying laughter in Chinese and Korean languages, and their characteristics in morphology, grammar, semantics and pragmatics. In the first chapter of this paper, the purpose and necessity of this subject are analyzed, and the corresponding research is carried out in advance. The second chapter is the definition and category advance of Chinese and Korean imitative words. This paper analyzes the morphological, grammatical, semantic and semantic features of the mimetic words modifying laughter in Chinese and Korean. By analyzing the above three chapters, this paper gives the following revelation: First, the modelling words of laughter in Korean are more abundant than in Chinese, so it is more difficult for Chinese learners to learn them. On the contrary, most of these words are derived from the combination of laughter, so we can generalize the meaning of the word and sum up the words containing laughter.Secondly, the mimic words of Korean are different in tone or form, and the meaning and meaning of Chinese language are different in tone or form, so both Chinese and Korean learners should master the morphology and tone characteristics of the modifier words in each other s language. Finally, both Chinese and Korean mimic words that embellish laughter have more or less restrictions on their use, so learners also need to grasp their linguistic characteristics.

      • KCI등재


        아남(WANG YANAN)(王亞楠) 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회) 2020 동양한문학연구 Vol.57 No.-

        朱子書帖은 서예 공부의 楷範으로 활용되었을 뿐만 아니라 글에 담은 精要大義 때문에 역대 문인학자들의 추앙을 받아 왔다. 朱子의 著作이 高麗 後期에 유입된 반면 朱子書帖은 朝鮮 書壇의 審美取向의 변화와 燕行 중 活動空間의 확대로 인해 16세기에 이르러야 본격적으로 조선에 유입되었다. 조선시대 유입된 朱子書帖은 약 15종이 있었고 그중 「學求聖賢鳶飛魚躍八大字帖」·「五倫名目帖」·「敬齋箴帖」 등은 대표적이었다. 16세기 초 朝鮮 使臣 邊修가 연행에서 「學求聖賢鳶飛魚躍八大字帖」을 구입하고 조선에 돌아온 후에 性理學者 周世鵬은 1544년에 摹刻하였다. 「學求聖賢鳶飛魚躍八大字帖」은 최초 유입된 朱子書帖으로서 16세기~18세기 慶尚道 安東·星州·慶州·豐基 등 많은 지역에서 刊行되었다. 李重協은 1717년에 三節年貢使行에서 「五倫名目帖」을 구입하였고, 이 朱子書帖을 매우 보배로 여겨 鄭澔·權尚夏·金時敏 등 많은 조선 문인들에게 題跋을 청탁하였다. 「五倫名目帖」은 공식적으로 刊行된 기록이 전해지지 않았지만, 李志逸은 1803년에 개인적으로 魏了翁·權尚夏·鄭澔의 題跋이 붙여 있는 「五倫名目帖」의 摹本을 移摹하고 刊行하였다. 한편, 「敬齋箴」은 朱子學의 ‘持敬’사상을 논술하는 중요한 글로서 일찍부터 조선 학자들에게 중요시를 받았고, 「敬齋箴帖」은 18~19세기 조선에서 가장 성행하는 朱子書帖으로서 傳奇的으로 조선에 유입되었다. 傳說에 의하면 배 한 척이 康津의 南江에 정박했던 배에 「敬齋箴」 冊板 20板이 소장되었다고 하고 18세기 冊板의 發見地인 康津에서 가장 일찍 刊行되었다. 또한, 조선 문인들의 朱子書帖에 대한 題跋에 朱子를 사랑하고 공경하는 인식 태도가 새겨 졌고, 서예 미학적 관점에서 書帖을 인식하던 套式에서 벗어나 書帖을 통해 보인 朱子學의 精要大義에 중요한 가치를 부가하였다. 조선시대 간행된 朱子書帖은 冊板의 명칭으로 보면 「鳶飛八字」·「鳶飛魚躍」 등 22종이 있었고, 冊板의 실제적인 내용으로 보면 주로 ‘學求聖賢鳶飛魚躍’·‘孝悌忠信禮義廉恥’·‘敬齋箴’ 7가지가 있다. 朱子書帖의 간행 지역은 경상도에 집중되었고, 그중 綾城에서는 유난히 朱子書帖에 관심을 가지고 書帖의 刊刻에 전력하였던 것은 綾城 朱氏와 관련되었던 것으로 추정된다. Zhu Xi s calligraphy works were not officially introduced into Joseon Dynasty until the 16th century. The representatives of Zhu Xi s inscription introduced into late Joseon Dynasty as <XueQiuShengXianYuanFeiYuYue(學求聖賢鳶飛魚躍)>, <WuLunMingMu(五倫名目)>, <JingZhenZhai(敬齋箴)>. Scholars of Joseon Dynasty shew their respect, love and respect for the Zhu Xi s inscriptions and concentrate on ‘spiritual core(精要大義)’ from his inscriptions releasing from the critical theory based on calligraphy aesthetics. From another side, there are 22 kinds of Zhu Xi s inscriptions published in Joseon Dynasty but the real contents covers <XueQiuShengXianYuanFeiYuYue(學求聖賢鳶飛魚躍)>, <XiaoTiZhongXinLiYiLianChi(孝悌忠信禮義廉恥)>, <JingZhenZhai(敬齋箴)>, <ZhongXinDuJing(忠信篤敬)>, <SuXingYeMei(夙興夜寐)>, <FengSongHanZhuShouXinYangXing(風松寒竹收心養性)>, <BaiShiQingFeng(百世清風)> seven sorts of sages. The main publishing areas are Gyeongsang-do and Jeolla-do, and among them, the Lingcheng area of Gyeongsang-do attached great importance to Zhu Xi s inscriptions and has many inscriptions which may be related with the Zhus in Lingcheng.

      • KCI등재

        明臣朱之蕃的朝鮮留墨考– 以丙午使行為中心

        아남(王亞楠) 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2021 東洋學 Vol.- No.85

        In February 1606, Emperor Ming ordered the scholar Zhu Zhifan and Liang Younian, who was the deputy chief of etiquette department, has been served as the deputy envoy to Korea. During the mission, Zhu Zhifan, Li Haomin, Liu Gen, Xu Feng and many other Korean literati have formed nice relations through poems. As the envoys who left the most literature in Korea, the exchanges between Zhu Zhifan and Korean literati played an important role in the history of cultural exchanges between the two countries. In the course of his friendship with Li Haomin, Zhu Zhifan wrote an inscription for the Zhangci pavilion and gave a copy of the book he brought to Korea as a friendship gift. In the existing literature records, Zhu Zhifan is the most abundant Korean envoys of Ming and Qing dynasties. This is mainly reflected in the following three aspects: diverse document records, various forms of retention, calligraphy, poetry and prose transmission. In other words, Zhu Zhifan’s inscription and stone carving are often combined with poems and songs, or broadcast through rhythms of later generations. The calligraphy and poems complement each other, and it can be said that “books are transmitted by poems, and poems are revealed by books”. As a model of “foreign exchange of book art”, this kind of multi-cultural communication mode combining book and text is of great significance in cultural history. Finally, Zhu Zhifan’s literatures in Korea have fully reflected the cultural tradition of Chinese literati in famous mountains and resorts. The inks enshrine buildings (stone walls) with cultural attributes and humanistic information, thus creating a cultural exchange space for Korean and Chinese people to express their poetry and prose. In addition, Zhu Zhfan’s Korean literature also plays an irreplaceable role in the political and diplomatic level. The author uses the title as diplomatic means to express his political stance and convey the political views of the country he represents through the inscription and publication, which is called “calligraphic diplomacy”. 1606年2月明神宗命翰林修撰朱之蕃, 禮科左給事梁有年為正·副使出使朝鮮. 此次使行中, 朱之蕃與李好閔· 柳根·許筠等眾多朝鮮文人以文結緣, 賦詩贈答. 作為朝鮮留墨最多的使臣, 朱之蕃與朝鮮文人的書藝交流在兩國 的文化交流史上有著舉足輕重的地位. 朱之蕃與館伴李好閔交遊過程中, 為「彰賜亭」題額, 並將自己攜帶入朝鮮的 親書小楷刻帖當作慰問禮物相贈. 在現存的文獻記錄中, 朱之蕃是朝鮮留墨最為豐富的明清使臣. 這主要體現在文 獻記錄龐大, 留墨形式多樣, 書藝詩文共傳三個方面. 即朱之蕃的題額·刻石往往與詩文唱酬相結合, 或是通過後人 的題詩而流傳, 書藝·詩文相得益彰, 可謂‘書因詩傳, 詩以書顯’. 這種書·文相結合的多元文化交流方式作為‘書藝 外交’的典範具有十分重要的文化史意義. 最後, 朱之蕃的朝鮮留墨充分反映中國文人於名山勝地命名題額的文化傳統, 其題額·題石賦予建築(石壁)文化 屬性和人文信息, 構築成為朝·中文人詩文唱酬的文化交流空間. 此外, 朱之蕃的朝鮮留墨在政治外交層面也有其 不可取代的重要作用, 書者將題額·題石化作外交手段, 通過題額的摸刻·刊行表明使行中自身的政治立場, 傳遞 所代表國家的政治主張, 即所謂的‘書藝外交’.

      • 도시민속학의 오락공간 시각으로 본 한중 여성 민속명절 연구 -‘삼짇날’과 ‘칠석’을 중심으로

        아남 천진사범대학교 한국문화연구중심 2016 중한언어문화연구 Vol.10 No.-

        隨着社會的發展與變化, 農業社會時期的歲時節日已經難以适應現代社會人們的生活需要和情感需要。現在的社會, 歲時節日逐漸失去了原來特有的民俗文化的內涵和功能, 以往對民俗活動的期待現在已經无法帶給現代人以足勾的興奮和刺激。三月三和七夕節作爲中韓傳統民俗節日和女性有關的民俗?多, 不管是現在還是過去, 女性在這樣的民俗節日里擔任重要角色, 然而如今這樣的民俗節日已不被大家重視, 民俗節日升騰起來的幸福感也變的越來越遙遠。女性民俗節日因其自身在娛樂空間, 公共空間的變化, 傳承發展也受到了局限, 加上西方節日的沖擊, 此類民俗節日无法逃脫日漸式微的命運。因此探究現代女性民俗節日的傳承方案至關重要。

      • KCI등재

        학술대회 논문발표 담화에 나타난 한국어 입장 표현에 대한 연구

        아남 국제한국어교육학회 2022 한국어 교육 Vol.33 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the linguistic use of stance markers in Korean conference presentation discourse. With the increasing interest in stance-taking used in Korean academic writing, the present study concentrated on the expressions indicating stance-taking in Korean conference presentation discourse, one of the representatives of Korean academic presentations. The data used for analysis are ten Korean conference presentations from Korean education discipline. Stance markers were divided into three categories: the epistemic stance markers, the attitude stance markers, and the style stance markers. The analysis suggests that the stance markers in oral conferences differ from those in written research articles to some extent, offering pedagogical implications to the Korean academic presentation. Firstly, we can help KAP students understand the communicative purpose and context of conference presentations. Secondly, the teaching of academic presentation can be combined with the pedagogy of speech acts like arguing, criticizing, and requesting. Thirdly, it is necessary to focus on the linguistic devices used as stance markers distinguishable from those in research articles.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국인 한국어 학습자의 조사 ‘이/가’와 ‘을/를’의 사용 오류 연구

        아남 한국어문화교육학회 2020 한국어문화교육 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구는 중국인 한국어 학습자들을 대상으로 조사 ‘이/가’와 ‘을/를’의 오류 유형과 오류를 범하는 원인을 살펴보고 교육 과정에서 주의해야할 점을 논의하였다. 오류 통계의 결과 ‘이/가’와 ‘을/를’의 단계별 오류율은 각각 ‘고급 > 중급 > 초급’, ‘초급 > 고급 > 중급’의 순으로 나 타났다. 오류 유형 비율은 모두 ‘대치 > 누락 > 첨가’의 순으로 나타났다. 각 단계에서 각 유형의 오류가 나타난 원인이 다르지만 전체적으로 보면 주로 모국어인 중국어의 간섭으로서의 언어 전이, 문법 규칙 과잉적용, 과잉 일반화의 원인으로 나타났다. 또 학습자가 심리상의 회피 전략, 학습 환경도 학습자 오류에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. This paper aims to analyze Chinese Korean learners’ particle(‘i/ga’, ‘eul/reul’) errors. find out the causes of errors, and discussed what should be taken care of in the course of education. Following the results of the error statistics showed that the step-by-step error rates for ‘i/ga’ and ‘eul/reul’ were followed by ‘Advanced > Intermediate > Beginner’ and ‘Intermediate > Advanced > Intermediate’. The error type rates were all shown in the order of ‘misplaced > omission > added’. The causes of each type of error at each stage are different, but as a whole it appears to be the causes of language transfer as interference in the native Chinese language, overapplying grammar rules and over-generalizing. In addition, learners’ psychological avoidance strategies and learning environments also affect learners’ errors.

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