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        법률행위로 인한 관습법상 법정지상권 폐지와 법정임대차 도입- 민법 개정안을 중심으로 -

        권영준 한국민사법학회 2014 民事法學 Vol.68 No.-

        The abolition of the customary superficies and the adoption of thestatutory lease– A study on the Draft of the Civil Code Amendment –Kwon, YoungjoonThe Korean Civil Code (hereinafter “KCC”), which was first enactedback in 1960, is a fundamental norm governing legal relationships amongprivate entities. Since the enactment of the KCC, Korean society hasexperienced drastic changes in various aspects. However, the KCC hasnever been comprehensively amended up to now. Against this backdrop,there has been a constant call for the comprehensive amendment of theKCC. In response, the Ministry of Justice has carried out an ambitiouslegal project of amending the KCC since 2009. As of January 2014, thefinal amendment draft is about to be completed. This article aims toaddress major changes envisaged in the draft specifically concerning theabolition of the customary superficies. Customary superficies, according to the legal precedents, endows abuilding owner the right of superficies even without agreement with aland owner or relevant legal provisions creating such superficies undercertain conditions. The main function of this customary right is to protectpublic interest inherent in the existence of a building. When the ownershipof land and the building thereon, once attributed to the same owner,belong to different owners due to whatever legal reasons including sale orpublic auction, the building owner can claim the right of customarysuperficies against the land owner so long as there is no contract to teardown the building. This is specific legal device to protect building owner권영준 : 법률행위로 인한 관습법상 법정지상권 폐지와 법정임대차 도입 41in a jurisdiction where the ownership of land and a building can beseparated. The customary superficies was first acknowledged in 1916 by ChosunHigh Court. Since then, there has been much debate over whether or notsuch custom had existed in Korea. In particular, there has been heavycriticism on conferring too strong right to a building owner in case of salewhen she could have made a contract with a land owner to securerelevant right to use land. This led to the current draft, which abolishesthe customary superficies in case of sale, while converting the customarysuperficies in case of public auction into legal superficies by creatingadditional provisions to that effect. In the case, the statutory lease contractwill be acknowledged for 10 years after the ownership over land and abuilding belong to different owners. This provides interim protection for abuilding owner, but not as formidable as customary superficies. It remains to be seen whether or not this draft will finally be enactedin the near future. Yet, the draft itself is certainly worthy of beingreviewed from an academic point of view even before its enactment.

      • 韓國 不實債權 現狀과 課題 : 公的資金投入을 통한 金融構造調整을 中心으로

        權泳俊 경희대학교 기업경영연구소 2002 기업경영연구 Vol.8 No.1

        본고는 IMF외환금융위기이후 한국 금융산업에 누적된 부실채권문제를 해결하는 과정에서 노출된 문제점들에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 1998년 9월말에 마무리된 일차적인 금융구조조정 이후에도 한국의 금융기관내에 상당한 규모〔은행권의 부실채권(고정이하여신)은 2000년말 총여신의 8%(42.1조원)〕의 부실채권이 누적되어 있었으나, IMF지원프로그램하의 지속적인 금융구조조정 수행으로 금융부문의 경쟁력이 강화되고 대손상각?자산유동화 등의 방법으로 2001년중 총 42조원 규모의 부실채권을 정리한 데 힘입어 2001년말 현재 역대 최저수준인 총여신의 3.4%(18.8조원)로 크게 감축되었다. 그러나 아직도 은행권을 제외한 제2금융권의 부실채권규모는 상당한 수준을 벗어나지 못하고 있으며, 은행을 포함한 금융시스템의 메카니즘은 과거보다는 나아졌으나 아직도 위기에 완전 면 역적인 수준에는 도달하지 못하고 있다. 즉, 지금까지 많은 개혁조치들이 위해졌지만 선진국에 비해 금융시스템의 취약성은 여전한 실정이다. 구체적인 예를들면, 은행의 건전성에 대한 시장의 신뢰구축(자산건전성 분류기준의 엄격한 적용, 리스크 분석 강화 및 대출관행 개선 추진, 자본부족 상태에 처한 은행들에 대해서 엄격한 경영정상화 추진)이보다 절실하고, 정부가 은행들을 계속 소유할 경우의 비용이 주가가 오를 때까지 기다려서 얻을 수 있는 이익보다 크기 때문에 정부소유 은행의 민영화는 시장여건이 하락하는 한 빨리 시작하는 것이 중요하지만 재벌들의 소유 및 기업지배구조개혁이 아직도 미진하여 딜레마에 빠져 있다. 또한 금융부문의 합병은 시간이 걸리더라도 시장 주도적으로 이루어져야 하며, 복합금융그룹의 탄상은 적정 지배구조 및 규제시스템의 확립이 선결되어야 함에도 불구하고 현실은 아직도 요원하다. 금융감독당국의 운영상의 자율성 확보 및 감독시스템의 ‘소프트웨어’개선이 절실히 필요하고, 규정의 형식적인 준수를 중시하는 시스템에서 리스크 측정 관리시스템을 향상시키는 방향으로 감독체계의 변화를 유도하여야 한다. Although many restructuring measures have been taken since the 1997 crisis, Korean financial systems are still vulnerable compared to the advanced countries'. The mergers and acquisitions in the financial sector should be made under the rule of the market system. And the financial conglomerates should be born in accordance with the optimal governance structure and the regulatory system. In essence, the financial supervisory authority needs the operational autonomy and the reformation of software system functioning properly to prevent another financial crisis.

      • 中等學校 科學敎師 再敎育에 關한 硏究

        權寧駿 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1977 과학교육연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The in-service training courses by the new science curriculum have put into the post science teachers for a decade. To search the problems of the system, contents, teaching methods and management of the in-service training courses, the writer interpreted and analyzed the questionnaire which is sent by the post teachers and proposed the new improved plan for the in-service training courses as follows. 1. In-service training system. Institutes of science education of the teachers college takes charge of the in-service training, and to operate in the credits unit are desirable. 2. Teaching contents The text of the courses is desirable to consist of higher level and new topics centering around the secondary school science textbook. 3. Teaching methods. The analytical thinking and also the inductive-thinking is desirable as a inquiary teaching method. 4. Management of the courses. The case of the middle school science teachers, classes is classified as a major parts and to put in much side subject are desirable.

      • KCI등재

        만성 정신분열증 환자에서 Alprazolam의 치료 효과에 대한 이중맹 연구 : A Double Blind Clinical Study on the Effects of Alprazolam on Chronic Schizophrenic Patients

        김광기,한선호,권영준 大韓神經精神醫學會 1994 신경정신의학 Vol.33 No.1

        Recently the treatment of intractable schizophrenia is the current concern of researchers. The purposes of this study were to investigate the efficacy of alprazolam as a neuroleptic adjunct for thronic schizophrenia. The subjects consisted of 46 inpatients who were diagnosed as schizophrenia based on DSM-Ⅲ-R criteria. The subjcets were randomly assigned to receive either alprazolam and neuroleptics, or placebo and neuroleptics. The maximum dosage of alprazolam was 4.5mg per day, and the duration of study was 6 weeks. Clinical evaluation with HARS(Hamilton`s Anxiety Rating Scale) and BPRS(Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale) were done weekly on the double-blind method. The results of study showed that alprazolam produced significantly more clinical improvement than placebo in anxiety that included somatic concern, anergia subscale, and hostile-suspicious-ness subscale. But BPRS total score, thought disturbance subscale, and activatation subscale showed no significant correlation between alprazolam-treated inpatient group and placebo-treated inpatient group. The side effecs of alprazolam were not reported, except that the only one patient who received alprazolam, had side effect of daytime drowsiness.

      • CAPM과 APT의 비교

        권영준 安東大學 1986 安東大學 論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        Since the H. Markowitz`s a normative thesis, "Portfolio Selection," was published in 1952, the capital market theory could be developed so rapidly, and the two-representative capital market theories that are the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), were established by Sharpe, Lintner, Mossin and Rose. These theories have been derived in several forms involving different degrees of rigor and mathematical complexity, using the concept of market equilibrium in order to determine the market price for risk and the appropriate measure of risk for a single asset. The standard form of CAPM can be expressed as following equation. E(R_(j))=R_(f)+{E(R_(m))-R_(f)}β_(j) This equation says that the equilibrium rates of return on assets and portfolio are a linear function of its systematic risk, β_(j), or its covariance with the market portfolio. But the CAPM has been derived under a set of very restrictive assumptions that violate conditions in the real world, and the empirical evidence has led scholars to conclude that the pure theoretical form of CAPM does not agree well with reality. The APT offers a testable alternative to the CAPM. It assumed that the rate of return on any security and portfolio is a linear function of K factor. And it was derived under the usual assumption of perfectly competitive and frictionless capital markets. The APT can be expressed as following equation. E(ri)=λ_(0)+ λ_(1)b_(i1)+λ_(2)b_(i2)+…+λ_(k)b_(ik). This equation says that the security and portfolio expected returns will be related to their sensitivities to pervasive factors, and the relationship will be linear with a common intercept equal to the risk less rate of return (λ_(0)=R_(f)). When we assume that there is only a single factor, market portfolio, and a common intercept equal to the risk-free rate in the APT, the APT can be written the CAPM. Therefore, the CAPM is seen to be a special case of the APT. The APT is much more robust than the CAPM for several reasons: ① The APT makes no assumptions about the empirical distribution of asset returns and individuals utility functions, ② The APT allows the equilibrium returns of assets to be dependent on many factors, ③ The APT does not require market portfolio and its efficiency.

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