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      • KCI등재

        언어,교육 : 한국어에 나타나는 "진실" 표현 어휘의 담화표지 기능 연구

        김태호 ( Tae Ho Kim ),정선영 ( Seon Yeong Jeong ) 경희대학교 비교문화연구소 2012 비교문화연구 Vol.29 No.-

        A Corpus-based Study of the Truth-related Words in Korean Used as Discourse Markers. Kim, Taeho & Jeong, Seon-yeong . 2012. Studies in Cross-cultural studies. This study investigates how the truth-related words in Korean, which were originally noun or adverb with ``truth`` related meaning, can be used as discourse markers with the functions such as ``emphatic marker``, ``attention getter``, or ``hesitation marker``, and it argues that such functions of the discourse markers are the result of grammaticalization process. That is to say that the truth-related words have acquired new functions as discourse markers from their corresponding lexical items as a noun or an adverb through grammaticalization process. In this study, we demonstrate that the truth-related words tend to appear sentence-initially or sentence-medially when they are used as discourse markers. We also show that they are most likely to be used as emphatic marker because of the lexical meaning of the truth-related words. Finally, we state that truth-related words differ from one another in where they appear and what function they are used with.

      • 道德科敎育에 있어서의 生活經驗과 適應活動을 돕기 위한 硏究 : Dewey 哲學에 있어서 經驗의 諸問題를 中心으로 With reference to problems of experience in Dewey's philosophy

        權善英 釜山敎育大學 1984 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.20 No.1

        John Dewey's experience is not perception gained by some sensuous intuition but the experience in the situation that is closely connected with the human life. The experience in situation implies the interactive experience between organism and situation, and it follows that the situation and interaction that is based on the experience as a true philosophical one. They see that recognition by experience is no more than a certain knowledge with relativity and probability. But John Dewey enlarged the conception of experience to a meaning of all the doings of our human beings in a certain historical and social circumstances. Characteristically, Dewey argues for his own objective and naturalistic theses regarding the nature of value judgments by a polemic against two contrary interpretations of how men determine their values. On the one hand, he criticizes any attempt to derive morality from a religious or transcendent source. Moral judgments must be rooted in the desires, wants, or felt needs of human beings within their cnvironment. On the other hand, he argues that it is a distortion of moral experience to believe that all human desires, needs, or preferences are of equal value. Dewey argues that subjectivist accounts of ethical judgment do not allow for the ways in which our moral judgment do not allow for the ways in which our moral judgments are continually revised or amended in the light of empirical evidence. The polemical method thus becomes the basis for a demonstration of the naturalistic, empirical, and objective charater of moral evoluation. By instrumentalism knowledge is instrument to improve environments. Knowledge itself is not the object. Its function is to help men's effective acts. knowledge and behavior are not seperated. Both are concepts derived from the nan's satisfied and harmonious actual life. The value of knowledge lies in achived results and the usefulness of meeting men's need. Such results of satisfaction is called Cash-Value. The important concepts are usefulness, profitableness, and convenience. These are deduced from the result of men's behavior. Therefore man cannot judge good and bad by observing the event itself without seeing the consequence.Kant's philosophy is based on a-priori in searching the validity of knowledge and behavior instead instrumentalism on consequentism.

      • F.Nietzsche 哲學에 있어서의 道德思想에 關한 考察

        權善英 釜山敎育大學 1989 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.25 No.1

        Nietzsche is consoled to find so much evil and cruelty in the world; he takes a sadistic pleasure in reflecting on the extent to which, he thinks, "cruelty constituted the great joy and delight of ancient man"; and he believes that our pleasure in the tragic drama, or in anything sublime, is a refined and vicarious cruelty. "Man is the cruelest animal", says Zarathuthustra. Just as morality lies not in kindness but in strength, so the goal of human effort should be not the elevation of all but the development of finer and stronger individuals. "Not mankind, but superman is the goal." If life is a struggle for existence in which the fittest survive, then strength is the ultimate virtue, and weakness the only fault. Good is that which survives, which wins; bad is that which gives way and fails. Men who could think clearly soon perceived what the profoundest minds of every age had known; that in this battle we call life, what we need is not goodness but strength, not humility but pride, not altruism but resolute intelligence; that equality and democracy are against the grain of selection and survival; that not masses but geniuses are the goal of evolution; that not "justice" but power is arbiter of all differences and all destinies.

      • KCI등재

        단열 스페이서 적용에 따른 창호시스템의 표면결로 방지성능 평가

        주선경,송승영 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.10

        Double glazed window system has been commonly used in buildings of today due to energy issue. Insulation performance of double glazed window system is influenced by many factors such as glass type, thermal breaker in frame, spacer and so on. In buildings constructed recently, there have been many cases to improve the insulation performance of double glazed window system by using the low-e glass and thermal breaker made of poly-amide or azon. However aluminum spacer still becomes a thermal bridge at which the heat loss and risk of inside surface condensation increase due to its high thermal conductivity. As inside surface condensation may cause many problems, it should be prevented. Thus this study aims to evaluate the surface condensation on the double glazed window system with insulation spacer made of FRP(Fiber Reinforced Plastic). Window systems of both swimming pool and residential unit in A residential complex located in Pusan are made the target of evaluation. The lowest inside surface temperature is calculated by the two dimensional steady state heat transfer simulation. It is determined whether the inside surface condensation mayor may not occur under the various combinations of inside air temperature, humidity and outside air temperature by the dimensionless number of temperature difference ratio.

      • KCI등재후보

        용언 어간의 어휘형성론적 고찰

        이선영 국어학회 2003 국어학 Vol.41 No.-

        본고는 국어의 용언 어간이 어휘 형성에 참여하는 양상을 살펴보는 데 목적이 있다. 용언 어간의 쓰임은 복합어와 파생어로 나누어 살펴보았는데, 먼저 복합어 형성에서는 용언 어간이 어미 없이 단어의 선행 성분으로 쓰이는 예들을 살펴보았으며 그 결과 그러한 단어 형성 방식이 중세국어에서뿐만 아니라 현대국어에서도 여전히 가능하다는 사실을 확인하였다. 파생어 형성에서는 용언 어간이 접미사와 결합하여 파생어를 형성하는 예들을 검토함으로써 어간이 어미 없이 접미사와 결합하는 현상이 앞에서 본, 어간이 어미 없이 후행 어기와 결합하여 복합어를 형성하는 현상과 동일하게 처리되어야 함을 살펴보았다. 그리고 지금까지 접두사로 처리되었으나, 그 의미로 미루어 볼 때 사실은 용언 어간으로 보아야 할 예들을 검토하였다. The purpose of this paper is to discuss several aspects of stems which are combined with bases or suffixes. In the process of compounding, stems can be combined with bases without endings. Until now, stem compounds have been said to be extinct in Modem Korean, because people think that it is no longer possible to separate stems from endings in Modern Korean. But I think people have confused the extinct of word formation rules with the extinct of words itself. A lot of stem compounds used in the 15th century was extinct, but word formation rules of stem compounds have existed until today. And in derivation, sterns also can be combined with suffixes without endings. Therefore, in the word formation process, stems can be separated from endings, which is one of the characteristics of stems in Korean. As a matter of fact, some of derived words are compound words, because the former elements of the words are not prefixes but stems.

      • KCI등재후보

        실천공동체 (CoP: Community of Practices) 성과 평가기준 개발

        유영만,이선 한국교육정보미디어학회 2004 교육정보미디어연구 Vol.10 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 실천공동체(CoP: Community of Practices)의 발달정도와 수준을 평가하는데 필요한 개념적 구인을 도출하여 현 Cop에 처방적 안내지침을 제공하기 위한 도구로서 CoP 성과평가 기준을 개발하는데 있다. Cop 성과평가 기준을 논의하기 이전에 Cop의 등장배경과 역사적 발전과정을 기존 기술중심적 지식경영의 한계와 문제점을 극복하기 위한 대안적 접근이라는 점을 강조하는 가운데 논의한다. CoP 성과평가 기준을 개발하기 위하여 먼저 CoP 관련 문헌들을 분석해 보고, 이를 바탕으로 CoP 성과평가에 핵심적으로 작용하는 개념적 구인을 도출해서 CoP 성과평가 모델을 개발하기 위한 기본적인 구성요소로 활용한다. 궁극적으로 본 연구는 개념적 성과평가모델을 기반으로 주어진 CoP가 결과적으로 경영성과를 제고시키는데 어느 정도 기여하고 있는지를 알아보기 위하여 네 가지 측면에서 CoP 성과평가기준을 개발하였다. 여기에는 지식창출 및 공유, 개인적인 직무수행능력의 향상, 관계지향적 열린 조직문화 형성, 조직의 경영성과 제고로 분류되었다. 각 기준은 다시 세부적으로 다음과 같이 분류된다. 지식창출 및 공유는 창출 및 공유되는 지식의 양과 질로 분류된다. 개인적인 직무수행능력의 향상은 보유 역량 향상과 새로운 역량 개발로 나누어지며, 관계지향적 열린 조직문화 형성은 관계지향, 혁신지향, 정체성 증진, 흥미도 증가로 분류되고, 조직의 경영성과 제고는 업무 프로세스 변화와 재무성과 변화로 분류될 수 있다. 마지막으로 CoP와 교육공학을 접목시켜 미래 교육공학의 학문적 발전방향과 연구과제를 학습과 지식개념에 비추어 논의한다. The purpose of this study is to develop performance measurement criteria foro CoP to evaluate the level of contribution of COP to increasing organizational perforrmn. Fisrt, the background and rationale for COP we discussed as one of the altanative approach to overcome the limitations with and problems of traditional knowledge management efforts before introducing how to develop performance measurement criteria of COP. To develop the criteria for measuring performance of COP, the analysis on the nature and pesformance criteria of COP was firstly made by reviewing the literature such as the books and the p a p relating to COP. Based on the review of literature, a core construct of COP was drawn to develop the model for msuring performance of COP, Then, the relationship between the core constructs and other factors were reviewed Finally, the four diffment criteria to mswe COP perfomce were drawn from the model. In this study, the criteria to measure COP perfomce were classified into four large categories: the knowledge construction creation, the improvement of individual job competency, the organizational business p&ormance, and the change of relationship-based o p organizational culture. More specifically, knowledge construction creation is classified into the two prts: the quantity and quality of knowledge. The improvement of individual hob competency consists of the improvement of existing competency and competency to be developed The organizational business performance is comprised of the change of task process and the financial performance. The change of relationship-based opn organizational culture is made up of the intention to relationship and innovation, the promtion of identity, and the increase of fun. Finally, future chrections and research issues are discussed in terms of the nature of learning and knowledge from the Paspectives of COP.

      • KCI등재

        『음식디미방』과 『주방문』의 어휘 연구

        이선영 한국어문학회 2004 語文學 Vol.0 No.84

        This paper aims to study the words written in the 『EMSIKDIMIBANG』(음식미다방) and『JUBANGMUN』(주방문) These two books are cookbooks made in the seventeenth century in Korea. So these show the characteristics of the words used in the seventeenth century, especially in the fields of food and cookery. We study the meanings and usages of 'TIMCHAE(팀??), DIHI(디히), NERAMI(느??미)' etc.. 'TIMCHAE' is the origin of 'GIMCHI (김치)' in contemporary Korean. 'DIHI' is the origin of 'JI' in contemporary Korean. 'NERAMI(느??미)' is special food which had been cooked in the seventeenth century. And through the study of 'MEURASAMDA(므????다), MURAJISDA(무??짓다), BUHUIBICH(부희빛)' etc., I discussed the usage of the stem compounds in the seventeenth century. Stem compounds have been said to be extinct in Modem Korean, because people think that it is no longer possible to separate stems from endings in Modem Korean. But I think people have confused the extinct of word formation rules with the extinct of words itself. A lot of stem compounds used in the fifteenth century was extinct, but word formation rules of stem compounds have existed until today. a 『EMSIKDIMIBANG』 and a 『JUBANGMUN』 show many stem compounds in seventeenth century. Until now the words used in『EMSIKDIMIBANG』and『JUBANGMUN』have not discussed in the concrete. In this paper I investigated the words of these books roughly. From now on, we need to make a general study of the usage and meaning of cookery words in Modem Korean.

      • J. Dewey 哲學에 있어서의 道具主義에 關한 考察

        權善英 釜山敎育大學 1981 부산교육대학 논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        Instrumentalism is Dewey's thought which thinking is the tool of improvement of environment and of solving problems. Dewey regards our thinking and knowledge as tools like a knife and a hoe improving works efficiency and helping productivity. If a knife is the tool of cutting the timber and a hoe is that of digging the soil, thinking is the instrument of solving item and item, situation and situation, relation and relation, and experiment and verification. Dewey asserts experimental logic which is based on experience against formal logic. Logic should become instrument that leads and controls all the processes of thinking and behavior. Dewey calls knowledge which is acquired through inquiring process warrented assertion. Knowledge and behavior are not seperated. Both are concepts derived from the man's satisfied and harmonious actual life. The value of knowledge lies in achieved results and the usefulness of meeting man's need. Such results of satisfaction is called Cash-Value. Therefore man cannot judge good and bad by observing the event itself without seeing the consequence. It is on Dewey's behavioristic logic-thinking itself is behavior-that we can find the power which produced american's civilization and culture and also perceive american's viewpoint of thinking as creative progressivism.

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