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Multiplex PCR Detection for 3 Events of Genetically Modified Maize, DAS-59122-7, TC6275, and MIR604
Ji-Hye Ahn,Jae-Hwan Kim,Su-Youn Kim,Woo-Young Lee,Sun-Hee Park,Hae-Yeong Kim 한국식품과학회 2008 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.17 No.3
A multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was developed to simultaneously detect 3 events of genetically modified (GM) maize. The event-specific primers were used to discriminate the following 3 events of GM maize (DAS-59122-7, TC6275, and MIR604) using multiplex PCR method. The zein gene was used as an endogenous maize reference gene in the multiplex PCR detection. The primer pair Zein-F/R producing a 99 bp amplicon was used to amplify the zein gene. The primer JI-Das-F1/R1 for DAS-59122-7, JI-TC6275-F3/R3 for TC6275, and JI-MIR F1/R1 for MIR604 yielded an amplicon of 130, 162, and 197 bp, respectively. The detection limit of multiplex PCR was 1% for DAS-59122-7, TC6275, and MIR604 for one reaction.
Kim, Ji-Hyun,Sim, Youn,Shin, Seung-Won 덕성여자대학교 약학연구소 2005 藥學論文誌 Vol.16 No.1
The combination effects of essential oils from Thymus quinquecostatus and T. magnus with norfloxacin were evaluated against three strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae. The checkerboard titer test results demonstrated significant combined effects of norfloxacin and the two Thymus oils or thymol, the main component of this oil, against the susceptible and resistant strains of S. pneumoniae, with FICIs ranging from 0.14 to 1.00. Additionally, the anti-Streptococcus effects of the oils were dose-dependent on Tryptic soy agar plates containing 5% defibrinated sheep blood.
보육교사의 전문성 발달 수준에 따른 이야기 나누기와 조형 활동의 수업 전문성 평가
김지영(Kim Ji-Young),윤진주(Youn Jin-Ju) 한국영유아보육학회 2010 한국영유아보육학 Vol.0 No.60
본 연구에서는 보육교사의 전문성 발달 수준에 따라 이야기 나누기와 조형 활동의 수업을 평가하여 보육교사의 수업 전문성 차이를 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구대상은 G 광역시에 소재한 보육시설에 근무하는 보육교사 84명이다. 연구도구는 백은주ㆍ조부경(2004)이 개발한 전문성 발달 수준 검사 도구와 선행연구 및 관련문헌(김희진ㆍ박은혜ㆍ이지현, 2000; 박승순, 2004; 정영희, 2005; 허미애, 2007)을 참고하여 연구자가 개발한 관찰 평가지를 사용하였다. 자료분석은 보육교사의 전문성 발달 수준 총점을 기준으로 집단(상집단과 하집단)을 구분하고, 각 집단에 따른 수업 전문성의 차이를 알아보기 위하여 독립표본 t-검증을 실시하였다. 연구결과를 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전문성 발달 수준이 높은 보육교사는 낮은 보육교사보다 이야기 나누기 활동의 수업 전문성이 높았으며, 특히 이야기나누기의 주제 선정, 사전 준비 및 매체 활용, 소요 시간에 대한 수업 전문성이 더욱 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 전문성 발달 수준이 높은 보육교사는 낮은 보육교사보다 조형 활동의 수업 전문성이 높았으며, 조형 활동의 선정, 환경 준비, 지도 과정에 대한 수업 전문성에서 모두 높은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 보육교사의 전문성 발달 수준과 수업 전문성은 밀접한 관련이 있음을 증명하는 것으로, 연구의 결과는 보육교사의 수업 전문성 발달 수준을 높이기 위한 현직 교사교육 프로그램 개발에 필요한 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다. This study examines differences in instructional expertise among childcare teachers in relation to their professional development levels through evaluation of their story discussion and art activity classes. Employed as the subjects of this study were 84 teachers working for childcare institutions in G Metropolitan City. A questionnaire was used as a research tool after being prepared on the basis of a professional development test tool developed by Baek Eun-ju and Jo Bu-gyeong (2004) as well as related previous studies and bibliographies (Kim Hee-jin, Park Eun-hye, Lee Ji-hyeon, 2000; Park Seung-sun, 2004; Huh Mi-ae, 2007). For data analysis, the teachers were divided into two groups (the upper group and the lower group) in accordance with their professional development level scores. Independent t-tests were conducted to determine the differences between the two groups in instructional expertise. The findings of this study can be summed up as follows. First, childcare teachers with high levels of professional development displayed higher levels of instructional expertise in story discussion class than those with low levels of professional development. The difference was particularly conspicuous in topic selection, class preparations and the use of media, as well as time allotment. Second, childcare teachers with high levels of professional development displayed higher levels of instructional expertise in art activity class than those with low levels of professional development. The former group turned out to have better instructional expertise than the latter group in all the related areas of art activity selection, arrangement of learning environments, and the effectiveness of instructional processes. This study showed that childcare teachers' professional development levels are closely related to their instructional expertise. The findings may be used as basic materials in developing program models designed to enhance professional development levels of childcare teachers.
윤철현,강지은 東亞大學校 建設技術硏究所 2006 硏究論文集 Vol.30 No.1
This study aims at an influence of industrial characteristics of on urban hierarchy in Korea by the year 1981, 1991, and 2000. For the research process, this paper has depended on discriminant analysis with analizing variables of competition and spesialization. Urban the above analizing, this paper has got some results that retail, manufactureing and business sectors has negatively influenced change of urban hierarchies in Korea of 1981, 1991 and 2000 respectively. On the other hand, personal service, forestry, agriculture sectors has positively influenced change of urban hierarchies in Korea of 1981, 1991 and 2000 respectively.
박지숙,이민진,정재원,김미혜,이서연,지윤미,한준호,김유학,공명석,한광현,노희명 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2015 農業科學硏究 Vol.31 No.2
It is important to interpret the soil chemical properties in order to effectively manage the farmland. This study was conducted to investigate the soil chemical properties of upland soybean field according to the soil series at 32 upland fields located in the parts of Gangwon-do. Soil sampling sites were selected by using the National Statistics DB and KSIS DB that is a soil environment information system provided by the Rural Development Administration. Soil samples were collected from 0~15 cm of top soil before seeding or transplanting, air-dried, passed through a 2 mm sieve, and analyzed for soil pH, EC, organic matter, available phosphorus (P2O5), exchangeable potassium, exchangeable calcium and exchangeable magnesium. The average chemical properties have exceeded the each nutrient optimum range level of RDA, except the organic matter in experimental soil 2015. And despite application of conventional fertilization, each soil series nutrient contents were change respectively. The results of this study suggest that conventional fertilization should be applied based on the analysis about the amount of accumulated nutrient contents in the soil.
기생소자와 U슬롯에 의해 대역이 확장된 KPCS용 2x2패치 배열 안테나
윤지훈,손태호 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2004 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.10 No.2
In this paper, a 2x2 patch array antenna, expanded bandwidth by U-slot with parasitic elements KPCS mobile phone base system, is designed. To expand bandwidth of microstrip patch antenna, parastic elements both side of patch have been commonly applied. We add a U-slot in the patch to obtain wider bandwidth than those which are only applied parasitic elements. For measurement, epoxy substrate 1.2㎜, 4.75 relative dielectric constant and 0.0019 loss tangent was used for fabrication. Measured results of uniform fed 2x2 patch antenna show that 1.835㎓ resonance frequency and 50㎒-10㏈ bandwidth, and they are compared with theoretical results.
윤지영 동의대학교 인문사회연구소 2010 인간과 문화 연구 Vol.17 No.-
There are many violence motives in new-style fiction. The aspect of violence in that fiction is very cruel and expressed very concretely. But this tendency is changed in Lee Gwang-su's [Mu-jung], the first modern novel. The cruelity of violence is still the same but expression of violence motives becomes indirect and decrease. On 1920s' novel like Kim Dong-in and Choi Su-hae's, it is not different there are also many violence motives like murder, fire prevention, and terrible death etc. But it is important to stress on the reason of violence. In the Kim Dong-in's novel, the reason of violence is suggested the madness or hallucination of character, while in the Choi Su-hae's novel, irrationalities of the society as poverty, class discrimination. Accordingly, during the earliy modern times, the strength and concreteness of violence motives in the novel have become weaken in process of time. Which means the effect of enlightment of modernity, but instead of a decrease in privit violence, the invisual public violence increases. 전근대에서 근대로의 이행을 보여준다고 평가되는 신소설에서는 오늘날의 기준으로 보기에 지나치게 잔혹하고 엽기적인 폭력 모티프들이 자주 등장한다. 그러나 이러한 폭력 모티프는 이후 한국 소설사에 점차 약화되는 양상을 보인다. 최초의 근대적인 장편소설인 이광수의 <무정>에서는 재현적 차원에서의 폭력의 강도나 수위는 크게 달라지지 않았지만, 신소설과 비교했을 때, 표현 방법이 암시적이고 간접적이다. 1920년대 경향파를 대표하는 최서해나 김동인의 소설에서도 폭력 모티프가 자주 등장하는데, 주목할 것은 방화, 살인 같은 폭력의 잔혹함은 줄어들었다고 보기 어렵지만 이전의 소설에서 폭력이 개인적인 탐욕과 질투, 복수 등에서 기인한 것과는 달리, 빈곤과 같은 사회문제가 개인문제와 함께 작용하고 있다는 점, 폭력이 광기나 환각 상태처럼 특수한 상황에서 발생한 것으로 합리화시키고 있다는 특징이 있다. 말하자면 전반적으로 폭력의 잔혹함과 표현의 적나라함이 감소하고 있는 것이다. 근대 초기 소설에 나타난 폭력의 재현 양상이 이렇게 변하는 것은 이 시기가 근대적인 제도와 인식의 변화가 이루어지던 시기라는 점과 관련하여 고찰할 수 있다. 즉, 근대의 계몽주의적인 관점에서 폭력을 전근대적이고 반인간적인 것으로 간주하여 사적인 폭력을 억압하고 배제한 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 이 시기가 스펙터클한 폭력에 대한 금지가 이루어졌을지는 모르나 정신을 훈육하고 내면을 통제하는 사회적․제도적 폭력이 극대화된 시기였음을 간과해서는 안 된다.
하지정맥류 평가의 3차원 조영증강 MRV와 Venography의 유용성 비교 연구
지연상,한재진 광주보건대학 2003 論文集 Vol.28 No.-
To assess the performance of contrast-enhanced three-dimensional(3D) magnetic resonance venography(MRV) of the pelvis and lower extremities in patients with varicose vein. Conventional and MR venography were peformed in 14 legs in 14 patients and duplex doppler sonogram and MR venography were performed in 30 legs in 24 patients referred fo revaluation of varicose vein. For analysis, the venous system was divided into 13 segment in Conventional and MR venographic images, For detection of reflux to greater saphenous vein, duplex doppler sonogram and MRV were peformed. In ascending venogram and MRV, 182 venous segments potentially could be seen. MRV depicted 156 segments. 8 segments among depicted segments at MRV were not seen at ascending venogram. Ascending venogram depicted 182 segment. 4 segments among depicted segments at ascending venogram were not seen at MRV. MRV detected 38 varices and ascending venogram detected 34 varices, When two tourniquets were placed around the ankle and knee with valsalva maneuver, MRV detected reflux in 16 legs of 22 legs. Duplex doppler sonogram detected reflux in 26 legs of 30 legs. Contrast-enhanced 3D MRV comprehensively displays the lower extremity venous system and permits assessment of varicose vein. MRV with valsalva maneuver permit assessment of reflux to greater saphenous vein.
PC를 이용한 웹 기반 원격 방사선 인터넷 PACS 설계 및 구현
지연상,김승국,한재진 광주보건대학 2001 論文集 Vol.26 No.-
This study can get the result below with the embodiment of INTERNET- PACS system. 1. This study is to embody the INTERNET-PACS that can use the main functions of high-priced PACS that can be used in the general small hospitals by the embodiment on the general PC. And it made the burden about the additional expenses decreasing at maximum by the development of DICOM converter algorithm and by the interlock with the existing devices. 2. Also it could expand the PACS in stage as well as it made the information transmission in the hospitals through the network easy at the same time with the share of the client and the server on a system. 3. The embodied INTERNET-PACS system have advantages that have independent image management and operation system and that can make the system more flexible in its embodiment because the standard protocol is used in the internet recently.