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        효성 조명기의 불교사상사 연구 -"총화론"과 "화쟁론"을 중심으로-

        고영섭 ( Young Seop Ko ) 한국불교사연구소 2013 한국불교사연구 Vol.3 No.-

        한국의 대표적인 인문학자이자 불교학자였던 효성 조명기(曉城趙明基, 1905~1988)는 평생을 한국의 인문학 불교학 발전을 위해 온몸을 바쳤다. 그는 원효 저술의 발굴과 『원효전집』의 편집 출간, 『고려대장경』의 영인 간행과 『한글대장경』의 기획 편찬 등 불교연구의 기초자료인 서지류(書誌類)와 금석문(金石文) 발굴과 집성을 위해 생평을 보냈다. 효성은 신라불교와 고려불교에 대한 깊이 있는 논저를 출간하여 이 분야 연구의 기반을 마련하였다. 그리하여 그는 원효학 연구의 기반을 다졌고, 의천학 연구의 저변을 넓혔다. 아울러 효성은 불교사상사와 불교문화사 연구의 지평을 확장하여 한국불교사상사 정립에 중추적 역할을 하였으며, 불교의 유신과 민족 독립을 위해 헌신하였던 만해의 글들을 집대성하여 『한용운전집』을 편찬하였다. 효성은 불교의 중도론을 화(和)와 쟁(諍)의 연동적(連動的) 인식에 의한 ‘총화사상’ 또는 ‘통화사상’으로 파악하고 원효의 화쟁에 상응시킨다. 그는 붓다의 중도법문을 ‘총화론’과 ‘화쟁론’을 통해 한국불교사상사를 탐구하면서 한국불교를 ‘대소승을 초월한 통불교’로 파악하였다. 효성은 육당의 ‘결론적 불교론’을 심화 확장하여 통불교론으로 더욱 발전시켰다. 그의 통불교론은 이후 한국불교의 성격 규명에서 주요 담론으로 자리하게 되었으며, 김동화, 이기영, 안계현, 김영태 등으로 계승되었다. 효성의 총화론 또는 화쟁론은 역동적인 개념이며 진행형의 개념이다. 그는 원효의 화쟁론을 총화론 혹은 통화사상으로 재해석하여 불교 즉 한국불교의 성격 혹은 한국불교사상의 특질로 규정하였다. 그리하여 효성은 한국불교사상사를 총화론 혹은 화쟁론의 시각에서 조망하고 있다. 효성은 해방직후 경봉, 용담, 석주 선사를 비롯해 이종익, 장상곤 거사 등과 함께 불교혁신운동에 동참하였다. 그는 일제강점기를 지나오면서 왜색화 된 한국불교 개혁에도 앞장섰다. 그 뿐만 아니라 효성은 동국대학교의 남산 교사 이전에 결정적 물꼬를 열었다. 이어 그는 동국대학교 총장을 역임하며 동국사상연구회의 발족, 불교문화연구소의 개소, 한국불교 학회의 창설 등 불교발전을 위해 헌신하였다. 또 효성은 경기대학교의 전신인 조양 사범전문학교를 개교하여 행정과 경영에 참여하였으며 연구와 교육 및 행정과 경영 모두에서 역량을 보여주었다. 만년에 효성은 사단법인 한국불교문화연구원을 개원하여 저술에 매진하였으며 『한국불교사학대사전』과 『불교학대사전』 편찬을 위해 노심초사 하였다. 그는 장경호 거사가 설립한 불교계 최초의 교양대학인 대원불교 대학 학장을 맡아 재가불자 교육에도 일익을 담당하는 등 불교대중화 운동에도 관심을 가졌다. 효성은 이러한 불교 대중화뿐만 아니라 『불교학대요』와 『불교학사략』 등을 저술하고 간행하여 마지막까지도 한국불교학 발전을 위한 정진의 고삐를 내려놓지 않은 대학자였으며 사상가였다고 할 수 있다. The representative human science scholar and Buddhist scholar, Hyoseong Jo Myeong-Gi (1905~1988) devoted his entire life to the development of Korean Buddhist Study. He spent his whole life to discover the book of Wonhyo, edit & publish 『Wonhyo Collection』, photoprint & publish 『Goryeodaejanggyeong』 and plan & compile 『Korean Daejanggyeong』. He devoted his entire life to the discovery and collection of bobliography class(書誌類) and epigraphy sentence(金石文), which are basic data for Buddhist study. Hyoseong published in-depth thesis about Sinra Buddhism and Goryeo Buddhism to prepare the foundation of the field study. In this way, he firmed the foundation of Wonhyo Science Study and enlarged the base of Uicheon Science. Furthermore, Hyoseong enlarged the horizon of the study on Buddhist philosophy history and Buddhist culture history to play the pivotal role for establishing Korean Buddhist philosophy history. He compiled 『Han Yong-Un Collection』 by collecting the books of Manhae who devoted himself to the reformation of Buddhism and people`s independence. Hyoseong interlocked control harmony theory the middle way control harmony theory the middle of Buddhism with harmony(和) and controversy(諍) and grasped it as ‘total harmony theory’(總和論) or ‘control harmony thoweory’(統和思想) and matched it with Wonhyo`s harmony controversy. He researched Korean Buddhist philosophy history through ‘total harmony theory’ and ‘harmony controversy theory`` which are Buddha`s the middle way embrace Buddhism(中道法門) and grasped Korean Buddhism as ‘integration Buddhism(通佛敎) transcending Mahayana and Hinayana doctrine``. Hyoseong deepened and expanded ``concluding Buddhism theory`` of Yukdang` and developed it into integration Buddhism theory. His integration Buddhism theory became the main discussion in the process to clarify the characteristic of Korean Buddhism in the future and it was succeeded to Kim Dong-Hwa, Lee Ki-Young, Ahn Gye-Hyun, Kim Young-Tae, etc. Hyoseong`s total harmony theory or harmony controversy theory is a dynamic and on-going concept. He reinterpreted Wonhyo`s harmony controversy theory as total harmony theory or integration harmony thought(統和思想) and regulated it as the characteristic of Korean Buddhism or Korean Buddhist thought. Therefore, Hyoseong considered Korean Buddhist philosophy history from the viewpoint of total harmony theory or harmony controversy theory. Right after liberation, Hyoseong participated in Buddhism Reformation Movement along with Priest Gyeongbong, Yongdam and Seokju and Layman Lee Jong-Ik and Jang Sang-Gon. While passing through Japanese colonial era, he led the reformation of Korean Buddhism that was changed into Japanese style. In addition, he triggered the movement of Namsan school building of Dongguk University. After that, he became the principal of Dongguk University and devoted himself to the development of Buddhism by beginning Dongguk Thought Research Institution, opening Buddhist Culture Research Institute and founding the Korean Association for Buddhist Studies. In addition, Hyoseong founded Joyang Teacher`s School, which was a former body of Kyonggi University, participated in administration and management and showed his ability in study, education, administration and business administration. In his later life, he opened Korean Association for Buddhist Studies to devote himself to writing. He made his best to compile 『Korean Buddhist History Dictionary』 and 『Buddhist Science Dictionary』. Hyoseong was a principal of Daewon Buddhist College, which was the first Buddhist college founded by Layman Jang Gyeong-Ho and played the partial role in the education of lay disciples. In this way, he paid attention to Buddhism Popularization Movement. Besides the effort for Buddhism popularization, he wrote and published 『Bulgyohakdaeyo』and 『Bulgyohaksaryak』 and he made constant effort for the development of Korean Buddhist Study.

      • 급성 췌장염의 합병이 추정되는 한국형 출혈열 1예

        박영수,김창오,김영근,홍성관,장경희,허애정,염준섭,송영구,김준명 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.5

        The Korean hemorrhagic fever (KHF) is an acute febrile disease with characteristic of fever, bleeding tendency, and renal failure. There are many complications of Korean hemorrhagic fever such as infection, anemia, internal bleeding, hypopituitarism, respiratory, and neurologic complication. A few cases were reported on acute pancreatitis with hemorrhagic fever abroad, but there was no case about Korean hemorrhagic fever with acute pancreatitis in this country. We experienced a case of Korean hemorrhagic fever associated with suspected acute pancreatits. With review of articles, we report a case of 51 year-old woman with KHF, where acute pancreatitis developed during management, (Korean J Infect Dis 33:376∼379, 2001)

      • KCI등재후보

        경기도 이천 안흥사(安興寺)와 이천향교(利川鄕校)의 역사와 인물

        고영섭 ( Ko Young-seop ) 한국불교사연구소 2021 한국불교사연구 Vol.19 No.-

        이 논문은 경기도 이천 안흥사와 이천향교의 역사와 인물에 대해 살펴본 글이다. 안흥사는 경기도 이천(利涉大川)의 안흥동과 갈산동의 경계에 있던 절이다. 통일신라 말 내지 고려 초기에 세워져 고려시대 내내 흥성하다가 고려 말엽 내지 조선 초기에 폐사된 사찰로 추정된다. 이 절터에는 통일신라 말 내지 고려 초기에 세워진 5층 쌍탑이 있었다. 안흥사는 이들 고층 석탑 조성의 상황으로 보아 고려 초기에는 상당한 사격을 지닌 거찰이었음이 분명하다. 이곳에는 고려 초기 불교계를 주도하였던 고승들과 관련된 인물이 주석했을 것으로 추정된다. 고려시대 이래 조선시대에 걸쳐 경기 남부지역의 정치 문화적 기반은 대개 경기 북부 지역과의 관계 속에서 이루어져 왔다. 특히 고려초기 이래 개성과 한양을 아우르고 있는 경기 북부는 양주의 도봉원(영국사, 법안선 惠炬)이 주도적인 역할을 해 왔고, 경기 남부는 여주의 고달원(고달사, 봉림산문 璨幽)이 주도적인 역할을 해 왔을 것으로 짐작된다. 또 서산 보원사(화엄학 坦文)와 문경 희양원(봉암사, 희양산문 兢讓)은 고려 태조 이래 광종에게 큰 영향을 준 사찰들이었다. 안흥사 또한 당시 고려 불교계의 주축이었던 화엄학과 선학 및 법안선풍을 주도한 고승들과 일정한 관계 속에 있었을 것으로 짐작된다. 이천에는 여러 인물들이 있지만 역사성을 남긴 인물로는 서신일(徐神逸), 서필(徐弼), 서희(徐熙, 942~998), 서눌(徐訥), 서원(徐遠), 서공(徐公) 등이 널리 알려져 있다. 서필은 신라시대 서신일의 아들인데 광종(光宗) 때 활동하였다. 그는 광종 때에 벼슬이 내의령(內議令)에 이르고 정민(貞敏)이란 시호를 받았으며 개국공신으로서 성종 13년(994)에 광종의 묘정에 유신성(劉新城)과 함께 배향되었다. 또 서희는 조선후기에 이관의(李寬義)와 김안국(金安國)과 함께 설봉서원에 배향되었다. 불교 성소였던 안흥사터를 고려 창왕 때(1389) 유교 성소로 탈바꿈시킨 현감 이우(李堣)는 이곳에 안흥정사를 지어 학생들을 모으고 강학을 시작하였다. 조선 태조 때(1401) 감무 변인달(邊仁達)은 이곳 서북부 1리에 이천향교를 지었다. 전의(全義) 이세관(李世珤)은 이천에 애련정을 지어 한양 주변의 지식인들을 불러와 이곳을 살롱(The Salon)으로 만들었다. 경기 남부의 이천 안흥사가 안흥정사(安興精舍)를 거쳐 이천향교가 된 이래 이 공간은 지금 유교의 성소로 기억되고 있다. 이곳의 당간지주석이 사라지고 오층 석탑이 경복궁과 일본의 오쿠라 슈고칸(大倉集古館) 정원으로 반출된 이후 이곳이 더 이상 불교의 성소임을 환기시켜 내지 못하고 있다. 1998년 서울대학교 박물관과 2004년 중앙문화재연구원이 이곳을 발굴 조사할 때 ‘안흥사’(安興寺)라고 새겨진 기와 명문(銘文)이 출토되어 여기가 절터임을 확인해 줄 뿐이다. 시절 인연이 도래하여 용산 국립박물관에 반출되어 있는 석탑뿐만 아니라 일본으로 반출된 석탑 모두가 안흥사지로 되돌아와 안흥사의 복원이 이루어질 수 있기를 염원해 본다. This paper examines the history of Anhung Buddhist Temple and Ichun Hyang-gyo, at Ichon, Gyeong-gi province and the leading figures associated with it. Anhung Buddhist Temple was located in the city of Ichon on the border of Anhung-dong and Gilsan-dong. It is assumed that the temple was established during the late Unified Silla or early Goryo dynasties, prospered for hundreds of years, and was then abandoned during the late Goryo or early Chosun dynasties. It had twin five story stupas that are assumed to have been built in the late Unified Silla or early Goryo dynasties. Because of their size, this temple is considered to be a mega-sized temple and to have been relatively important. It is also believed that it must have had high priests residing in it, who were influential in the Buddhist circle during the early Goryo dynasty. Considering the political-cultural situation at the time, it is assumed that the southern and northern parts of Gyeong-gi province would have been closely related. It is also assumed that Dobongwon Temple (also known as Young-Gook Temple, represented by Bubansun Hyegeo) was dominant in the north, and Godalwon (also known as Godalsa Temple, represented by Chanyoo of Bonglim-Sanmum) took the lead in the south. It is also worth noting that Seosan Bowon Temple (represented by Tanmoon of the Huayan school) and Hui-yang-won in Moon-gyong (also known as Bong-am Temple, represented by Gung-Yang of Hunyang-Sanmoon) were temples that were greatly influenced by King Gwang-Jong, after the founding of Goryo by King Tae-Jo. Anhung Buddhist Temple would have had good connections with the high priests of the Huayan, Seon, and Buban Seon schools, who led the Buddhist circle of Goryo. Some of the famous leading figures in the history of Ichon include Shinil Seo, Pil Seo, Hee Seo, Nool Seo, Won Seo, and Gong Seo. Pil Seo was a son of Shinil Seo. He lived during the Silla dynasty and was active in the era of King Gwang-Jong. He rose to the government position of Nae-Ui-Ryong and was given the posthumous name of Jungmin after being enshrined in King Gwang-Jong’s shrine as a meritorious retainer at the founding of the dynasty in 994 (the 13th year of King Sung-Jong) with Shinsung Yoo. Hee Seo was enshrined in the Seol-Bong school with Gwan-Ui Lee and An-Gook Kim in the late Chosun dynasty. The Hyungam of the municipal government, Woo Lee, turned the site of the Anhung Buddhist Temple into a Confucian shrine and named it the Anhung school. Soon afterwards, he gathered students and started to lecture in 1389, during the era of King Chang of Goryo. In 1401 (the era of King Taejo of Chosun), Gamboo In-Dal Byun founded Ichon Hyang-Gyo at the same site, the 1st Ri of the north western region. Junee Se-Gwan Lee built Ae-Ryun-Jung and converted it into a Salon, a place where intellectuals who lived in Seoul and surrounding areas could meet and converse. From the moment the Anhung Buddhist Temple became Ichon Hyang-Gyo, it was recognized as a sacred place for Confucians. The supporting rocks for the temple flag pole had disappeared, and the stupas were relocated to other sites; one of the five-story stupas was sent to the Gyong-Bok Palace, and the other to the garden of Okura-Shugokan in Japan. Since that time, there has been nothing to remind us that the place was previously a Buddhist sanctuary. It was only verified as a Buddhist temple site when roof tiles with the inscription of the Anhung Buddhist Temple were excavated in 1998 by the Seoul National University Museum and in 2004 by the Central Heritage Administration. I hope Anhung Temple can be restored by having everything returned to the original site.

      • 堤體 增築 材料의 選定을 위한 浸透 擧動의 實驗的 硏究

        金英默,申允燮 大田産業大學校 1998 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        To study seepage behaviors, a model test is designed and tested for some cases of enlargement of embankment. The materials of enlargement are coarse sand, fine snnd, and weathered residual soil. The aim of this study is to aid and propose some materials for enlargement of old embankment in some rivers and irrigation reserviors. The seepage behavior is unstable at the rapid rise and drawdown water level in uniform sand landfills; that is, coarse snad and fine sand. The enlargement of outward slope using some sands shows stable seepage behavior in the old embankment made of some weathered residual soils, because the outward enlargement of sand seems to serve as filtration. The enlargement of inward slope by some sands shows unstable seepage behavior in the old embankment made of the weathered residual soils. On the other hands, the enlargement of inward slope by some residual soils is stable seepage behavior in the old embankment made of some sand soils. In this case, the old embankment seems to serve as a filter.

      • 鐵道 車輛 緩衝 裝置의 性能 向上에 관한 硏究

        朴寧弼,李圭燮,權聖奎 연세대학교 대학원 1988 延世論叢 Vol.24 No.-

        In order to improve the performance of the suspension system for mass transport vehicle with prescribed dynamic behavior, a synthesis procedure of eliminating "Hunting" was studied to yield resonant velocities outside the range of most frequent operation. Effect of changing in the spring stiffnesses on the resonant velocities of the system was considered. The effects of damping on the suspension system was analyzed through the Root Locus Analysis. And Root Contours Method was used to obtain the optimal damping values. Hunting is controlled by using a proper damping into the secondary suspension.

      • 자유단의 운동이 제한된 외팔보의 진동에 관한 연구

        박영필,이규섭,김진수 연세대학교 대학원 1987 延世論叢 Vol.23 No.1

        In this study, the vibration of a harmonically excited cantilever beam with motion-limiting stops at the free end is studied. The responses of the beam are calculated by numerical analysis with Galerkin's mode summation method. The modal displacement and velocity of the beam are obtained for various forcing amplitudes and clearances of the stops. The resuluts of the numerical analysis are compared with the results of the experiments. The number of the rebounds is increased with (i) the increase of the magnitude of the force and (ii) the decrease of the clearance of the stops. And the effects of the higher modes become significant as the magnitude of the farce is increased and the clearance of the stops is decreased.

      • 山林의 公益的 機能 平價에 관한 考察

        麻鎬燮,孫英模,金義庚,鄭永觀 慶尙大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.29 No.1

        This study was carried out to estimate and evaluate the public function of forest resoruces, such as soil runoff control, landslide control, head-wsater conservation. purification of air (O? production and CO? purification ), sanitary andoutdoor recreation andwildlife protection for the forest land of 6.500.000 ha in Korea. The results obtaiend were as follows; 1 The function of soil runoff control was estimated to b e1.970million m?.its monetary value was appraised at 3.814.5 billion wons. 2.The function of landslide control was estimated to be 37.876 thousand m?its monetary value was appraised at 73.3 billion wons. 3. The function of head-water conservation was estimated to be 25.507million tons, its monetary value was appraised at 3.571.0 billion wons. 4.The production fo O? in the forest land was estimated to be 78.600 thousand tons,its monetary value was appraised at 3.930.0billion wons. 5.The volume of CO? absorbed in the forest land was estimated to be 94.320 thousand tons,its monetary value appraised at 2.204.3 billion wons. 6.The monetary value of outdoor recreation was appraised at 1.162.5 billion wons. 7.The phytoncide emmited in the forest land was estimated to be 1.954 thousand tons,the function of forest bath using phytoncide was appraised at 1.953.9 billion wons. 8.The monetary value of the functions of wildife protection, control of harmful insect control of tree growth and loss control of timber qality was appraised at 327 1 billion wons. In conclusion, the value of public functions of forest is more 23 times than that of the econmic function. production value of forest products, and comes to 14% of GNP. And also, the function of air purification.and and soil conservation has value than those of others. Particulary, it takes a more great deal of effort achiving the various works such as erosion control, establishment of recreation forest. management of reserved natural forest and afforestation of street tree for increasing of public functions.

      • 골격근 근형질세망의 ATPase활성도에 대한 Vanillylnonanamide의 영향

        박경섭,홍장희,류영수,성지연,허강민,임종호,이재흔,석정호 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1999 충남의대잡지 Vol.26 No.2

        To investigate the effect of vanillylnonanamide(VN) on the ATPase activity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum(SR) of the skeletal muscle, we prepared the SR vesicles from the back muscle of the rabbit, and measured ATPase activity. The results as follows: Ca-ATPase activity was about 50% in the total ATPase activity of skeletal muscular SR. In the reaction mixture with calcium, 100μM VN increased ATPase activity to 20%, and 100 nM and 10 μM thapsigargin(THP) inhibited the ATPase activity to 50% and 60%, respectively. And 100 μM VN plus 100 nM or 10 μM THP more inhibited ATPase activity than THP alone did it. However, without calcium, 100μM VN did not affect ATPase activity, and 10 μM THP inhibited it to 41%, but VN plus THP inhibited it to 31%. The above results show that VN in the reaction mixture with or without calcium has the different action to ATPase activity when it is used alone or together with Ca-ATPase inhibitor THP. This suggests that VN might increase or decrease the skeletal SR Ca-ATPase activity through affecting the lipid membrane around the Ca-ATPase.

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