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      • KCI등재

        제 2 언어로서의 독일어 습득에 나타나는 어순의 특성 : 한국어화자(성인)의 예를 중심으로

        최명원,홍우평,남유선 한국독어독문학회 2000 獨逸文學 Vol.76 No.1

        Eine der zentralen Fragen, die seit 10-15 Jahren bei Untersuchungen zum L2-Erwerb des Deutschen kontrovers diskutiert werden, ist die des Wortstellungserwerbs. Aufgrund der Spontansprachdaten von R.omanischen Lernern (Daten aus dem ZISA-Projekt) stellt man sich einerseits vor, daß der L2-Erwerb - anders als der L1-Erwerb - generell nicht von der 'Universalgrammatik' (UG), einem sprachspezifischen Lernmechanismus, gesteuert wird. Der L2-Erwerb der deutschen Wortstellung wird dementsprechend als ein Prozeß der Regelbildung beschrieben, der mit Grundannahmen der UG nicht zu vereinbaren ist (Clahsen/ Muysken 1986, Clahsen/ Muysken 1989). Andererseits geht man davon aus, daß die UG sowohl beim Ll- als auch beim L2-Erwerb eine Rolle spielt. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt wird der Wortstellungserwerb als Folge der 'Parameterumbelegungeri aufgefaßt (Duplessis et al. 1987, Tomaselli/Schwartz 1990, Schwartz 1991, Schwartz/ Sprouse 1994 u.a.). Trotz der heftigen Auseinandersetzung ist die Frage, ob die Wortstellung des Deutschen mit Hilfe der UG erworben wird, noch offen. Derzeit gehen auch unter UG-Anha¨ngern die Meinungen u¨ber die Rolle der UG beim Zweitspracherwerb auseinander. So sind in neueren Untersuchungen zum L2-Erwerb des Deutschen durch koreanische and tu¨rkische Lerner zwei verschiedene Hypothesen zur Rolle der UG beim L2-Erwerb vertreten worden: Die schwache Kontinuita¨tshypothese (Vainikka/Young-Scholten 1994, 1998) and die starke Kontinuita¨tshypothese (Schwartz 1998, Epstein et al. 1998). Der schwachen Kontinuita¨tshypothese zufolge verfu¨gen die L2-Lerner in der fru¨hen Phase nicht u¨ber die funktionalen Kategorien sowie ihre Projektionen: die funktionalen Projektionen werden im Laufe des Erwerbs auf der (am Anfang vorhandenen) VP schrittweise aufgebaut. Nach der starken Kontinuita¨tshypothese steht dagegen die gesamte Phrasenstruktur einschließlich der funktionalen Projektionen entweder durch 'Transfer' (Schwartz) oder durch die Mechanismen der UG (Epstein et al.) von Anfang an den L2-Lernern zur Verfu¨gung. Die Erwerbsdaten von Koreanern in der fru¨hen Phase sind u. E. unter Annahme des Transfers - also den U¨berlegungen von Schwartz folgend - am besten zu analysieren. Diese Analyse ist der schwachen Kontinuita¨tshypothese, die zum Fehlen der funktionalen Kategorien in der Lernersprache keine prinzipielle Erkla¨rung anbieten kann, vorzuziehen. Die Frage, ob weitere Entwicklungen der Wortstellung als Prozeß der Parameterumbelegungen aufzufassen sind, kann jedoch erst durch zusa¨tzliche Evident (zum Entwickungszusammenhang) gekla¨rt werden. Aueh die Behauptung, daß der gesamte Vorgang des L2-Erwerbs von der UG strikt beschra¨nkt wird. ist u. E. ohne u¨berzeugende empirische Evident nicht aufrechtzuerhalten.

      • SiO₂첨가량에 따른 SnO₂계 세라믹 복합체의 CO, H₂가스 감응특성

        김태원,최우성,정승우 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1997 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        In this work, we fabricated 0~20mol% SiO_(2) added SnO_(2) composite ceramics of bulk type to investigate the CO and H_(2) gas sensitivity in various composition, temperature, and concentration of CO and H_(2) gas. The mearsured 100ppm and 250ppm CO gas sensitivities of SiO_(2)-SnO_(2) composite ceramics were about 1~7.62 and 1~5.61, respectively. These values were about 1~1.5 times larger than pure SnO_(2). In particular, at 325℃, the maximum CO gas sensitivity of 20 mol% added SiO_(2) was 7.6 in 1000 ppm CO gas atmosphere. In the other hand, 1000ppm and 500ppm H_(2) gas sensitivities of SiO_(2)-SnO_(2) composites were about 2.93~21.17 and 2.12~11.34, respectively. In addition, at 325℃, 1000 and 500 ppm H_(2) gas sensitivities were about 21.17 and 11.34, respectively.

      • 컴퓨터 작업 시 의자 등받이 위치가 근육 활성도에 미치는 영향

        김민우,변승진,이경은,정소영,조주영,최원자,최찬양,김경 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2011 再活科學硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        이 연구는 컴퓨터 작업시 의자 등받이 위치가 근육활성도에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 36명의 근골격에 문제가 없는 성인 남녀가 참가하였으며 대상자들은 등받이가 뒤에 있는 의자와 등받이가 없는 의자, 등받이가 앞에 있는 우리들 의자를 무작위로 배정하고 동일한 컴퓨터 작업을 실시하게 하였다. 실험 중, 표면근전도기를 사용하여 의자에 따른 위등세모근, 머리널판근 그리고 척주세움근의 근활성도 변화를 측정하였다. 이 연구의 결과를 종합해보면 등받이가 앞에 있는 의자는 허리 근육의 부담을 줄이지만 목근육에 부담이 늘어나고 등받이가 뒤에 있는 의자와 없는 의자는 허리근육에는 다소 무리가 가지만 목근육에는 부담이 덜하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과로 환자의 증상에 다라 컴퓨터 작업을 하는 동안 의자 등받이의 위치를 조절하여 치료에 도움이 될 수 있다고 생각되어진다. Objective : In this study, we checked and observed people's change of body muscle and muscle activity who do computer work on different chairs. We set three kind of chairs which one is a stool and another one is the back is fixed, and the other one is the back is fixed in front of chair. Subject : Accounting for 36 health men and women, we divided these people to 3 groups and put them on the three cases(position 1, position 2, position 3). We measured muscle activity of upper trapezius, Splenius Cervics, Erector Spinae from the groups by using surface electromyogram system. Methods : The standard of the electromyogram was 'reference voluntary contraction', and we carried out 'one way anova' to compare muscle activity of three groups. Results : In position 1, reference voluntary contraction of upper trapezius muscle activity was 123.2821%, Splenius Cervics was 141.7526%, and Erector Spinae was 254.5233%. In position 2, reference voluntary contraction of upper trapezius muscle activity was 132.9395%, Splenius Cervics was 141.7526%, and Erector Spinae was 246.6540%. In position 3, reference voluntary contraction of upper trapezius muscle activity was 190.6487%, Splenius Cervics was 270.2332%, and Erector Spinae was 182.1021%. Both upper trapezius and Splenius Cervics muscle activity of position 3 group was higher than the others groups. In position 1 group, Erector Spinae muscle activity was hight than the other groups. And either was position 2 group's(p<0.05). Conclusion : Therefore the chair which is the back is fixed in front is more comfortable for waist muscle but it's not good for neck. And the other chairs are better in waist muscle but not in neck muscle. So far, when we do a computer work, it's prefer to sit on the group 1&2's chairs to reduce neck muscle's stress and sit on group 3's chair to reduce waist muscle's stress.

      • SnO₂-TiO₂세라믹 복합체의 일산화탄소 감응특성

        최우성,김태원,정승우 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1997 센서技術學術大會論文集 Vol.8 No.1

        In order to promote CO sensitivity, 5, 10, 15, 20 mol% TiO_(2) added SnO_(2) composite ceramics were prepared. Using XRD and SEM, we investigated a phase analysis and microstructure, and mearsured the resistances as a function gas atmosphere of specimens by High Voltage Measure/Source Unit. The measured CO sensitivities of SnO_(2) -TiO_(2) composite ceramics were abou 3 times larger than that of pure SnO_(2) and showed the obvious temperature dependence of 500, 1000ppm CO sensitivity.

      • KCI등재

        高校 物理敎育에 對한 探究學習의 評價模型 定立과 評價紙 開發 (Ⅱ)

        奇宇恒,崔宗洛,朴奉斗,李原鎭 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 1984 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.8 No.-

        The emphasis given to experimental problem-solving skills in the physics curriculum innovation has not been matched by the development of the evaluation istruments. The purpose of this study is to develope the instrument for high school physics teaching. The instrument consists of twenty-two pencil-paper test problems of the unit, "force and motion", in the textbook physics I. These problems are related to integrated process skills and logical thinking ability, and they are classified by means of Piagentian type of logic patterns. The instrument was applied to three high school senior classes. Two hundred ninety five students in total participated in this test. The results of the application showed a considerably good relationship between the score of the test and the intelligence quotient (r=0.7). The reasoning ability was, however, very poor.

      • KCI등재

        현행 중학 수학 교과서의 비교 분석

        기우항,김영호,이윤종,정원우,김민숙 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 1997 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the eight current mathematics textbooks in order to them effectively in the course of instruction according to the result. Basically the study has been carried out to compare and analyze what is the difference between the current curriculum and the last one, and the development of the teaching procedure, the difference of the quality and contents in the eight kind of text books.

      • KCI등재

        中學 科學敎育의 探究學習에 대한 評價問項 開發(Ⅰ)

        奇宇恒,權炳奎,朴德圭,이병교,鄭遠佑,金裕漢 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 1984 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.8 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to achieve the individualized inquiring learning which is centered on students by improving the method of the evaluation of the inquiry learning in the science class in a multi-student class. Therefore the author made the table of specification for scientific achievements of the abilities of inquiring by analyzing the abilities of inquiring according to the content of science and five basic experiments of each unit inthe first grade of of middle school, ant then made the paper and pencil and performance test items for the evaluation of the abilities of inquiring. The paper and pencil test was taken after the experimental and observational class, and performance test was taken in the way of the students' self evaluation, peer evaluation and Tester evaluation. The results are as follows: 1) In operation of the inquiry learning by two experiments, performance test items and 13 the paper and pencil test items made for evaluation of the abilities of inquiring could be applied usefully. 2) Correlation coefficient between paper and pencil test and performance test is .362 and it is very low. Therefore it is desirable that performance test be used for the evaluation for the abilities of inquiring which cannot be evaluated by paper and pencil test. 3) In evaluation of the abilities of inquiring by performance test on five basic experiments, it is more desirable that 'the use of microscope' is presented in the way of peer evaluation or peer and Tester evaluation, 'the observation on epidermis of onion cell' in the way of peer evaluation, and self-evaluation. 4) Skill of the abilities of inquiring in experimental and observational class can be evaluated correctly through performance test.

      • KCI등재

        高校 物理敎育에 對한 探究學習의 評價模型定立과 評價紙 開發

        奇宇恒,崔宗洛,朴奉斗,李原鎭 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 1983 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.7 No.-

        Recently experimental scientific problem solving skills and scientific attitude have been emphasized on the science education. The method of evaluation of the skill and the attitude, however, has not been much introduces to the science teachers. In this paper the domains, the objectives and the methods of evaluation of physics in high school were discussed related with Piagetian formal operational pattern. The objectives of knowledge and comprehension were divided into six parts according to the Piagetian logical thinking pattern. The objectives of the problem solving skills however were divided into twenty parts. Related with the scientific attitues, the cognitive (analytical and empirical), the value (judgement, commending) and the attitude (emotional response, personal likes) were also discussed in this paper.

      • KCI등재

        고등학교 지구과학 실험·실습 요목 비교 분석

        정원우,이윤종,기우항,김영호,양승영,강용희,안병호,임성규,윤일희,김중욱,윤성효,강동진 경북대학교 과학교육연구소 1997 科學敎育硏究誌 Vol.21 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the status of the experimental and practical education in high school earth. The present status and reasonable management of the experimental and practical education in high school earth science have been grasped from the questionaires. To do this, eighty eight earth science teachers in Korea are administered questionaires. The frequency of the experimental and practical items in the seven kind of earth science text books were investigated. The problems and the reasonable management for experimental and practical education were proposed in this paper.

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