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        기지(基地)의 ‘평화’와 전장의 글쓰기 ― 장혁주의 한국전쟁 관련 텍스트(1951~1954)를 중심으로

        張世眞 ( Chang Sei-jin ) 성균관대학교 대동문화연구원 2019 大東文化硏究 Vol.107 No.-

        이 글은 일본어로 쓰여진 장혁주의 한국전쟁 관련 텍스트들, 특히 『아, 조선』(1952)과 『무궁화』(1954)를 당대 한국과 일본 양국의 역사적 맥락 속에서 교차하며 읽어내려는 시도이다. 전쟁이 벌어진 바로 그 실시간대에 장혁주가 한국과 일본을 두 차례 오가며 쓴, 당시로선 매우 예외적인 한일 간 越境의 산물이라는 점에서 이 텍스트들은 특히 주목할 만하다. 이 글에서는 장혁주의 한국전쟁 텍스트들이 견지하는 거의 일관된 특징으로, ‘중립’의 감각을 제시했다. 우선 한국(어)의 맥락에서 볼 때, 중립이란 남한이나 북한 어느 편에도 서지 않는 보기 드문 ‘객관적인’ 입장에 해당된다. 『아, 조선』에서 중립의 입장은 북한 뿐 아니라 남한 이승만 정권의 무능과 부패한 실상을 직설적으로 비판하는 방식으로 나타나며, 『무궁화』의 경우 남과 북의 대립을 지양했던 해방기 이래 ‘중간파’ 정치인 집안의 몰락을 애도하는 방식으로 드러났다. 이 모든 재현은 한국 정부의 검열에서 자유로운, 일본어 글쓰기와 일본 매체 출판이라는 조건으로 인해 가능한 성취였다. 그러나 일본(어)의 맥락에서 보자면 장혁주 텍스트의 ‘중립’이란 실은 전혀 다른 지평에서 유래한 것이라는 점이 간과되어서는 안된다. 이 글에서는 장혁주 텍스트에서 드러나는 중립의 태도가 조선의 전쟁에 결코 휘말리지 않겠다는 당시 일본 사회의 주류적인 평화 담론의 맥락 속에서 독해되어야 한다고 파악하였다. 물론, 일본 사회의 평화론은 평화헌법을 수호하려는 의지를 보였다는 점에서, 분명 부정할 수 없는 의의를 가지고 있기는 하다. 그러나 평화국가라는 일본의 자기 표상이란, 사실상 ‘기지국가’로서 대규모 인원을 한국전쟁에 참전시킨 현실을 누락시킬 때 비로소 성립될 수 있었다는 점에서 문제적일 수밖에 없다. 장혁주의 텍스트는 한국의 전장을 직접 목격한 후에 쓰여졌지만, 당시 일본의 전쟁 연루 양상은 말끔히 삭제되어 있다. 결과적으로, 장혁주의 한국전쟁 텍스트들은 ‘강 건너 불’이라는 대중적인 인식 차원의 朝鮮戰爭, 즉 ‘朝鮮=戰場’, ‘日本=平和’라는, 일본 사회의 주류적인 담론 분할을 깊숙이 내면화하거나 혹은 이러한 인식을 보다 심화시킨 경우에 해당된다. This article aims to read Chang Hyeuk-Ju's texts on Korean War, especially Alas Chosun(1952) and Mugunghwa(1954) by cross-checking on the historical context of Korean and Japanese society at that time. Chang Heuk-Ju wrote these texts after making two round trips in real time when Korean War broke out, which was very exceptional and make these texts noteworthy. This paper presents the sense of neutrality as consistent feature of Chang Heuk-Ju's texts on Korean War. In the context of Korea(n), the Neutrality means 'objective' and rare stance taking neither side in the warfare of North and South Korea. This neutral position of Alas Chosun made it possible to criticize not only North Korea but also the incompetence and ward-heeling politics of Rhee Syngman government in a fare and square way. In case of Mugungwha, the neutral position reveals itself in a way that mourns a downfall of Kim(moderate party's politician)'s family which had been rich and influential for generations. All these representations were possible under the condition of Japanese writing and Japanese media which were free from the censorship of Korean government. However, it should not be overlooked that the neutrality of Chang Heuk-Ju's texts was originated from totally different horizon in considering Japanese context at that time. This paper proposes that the neutral attitude of Chang HeuK-Ju's text must be read in the context of mainstream peace discourse in Japan those days. Peace discourse cannot be underestimated considering that it showed the will to preserve Article 9 of the Constitution. The self representation of Japan, however, was problematic because it was not established before Japan omitted the reality of participating in Korean War in a large scale as a military base state. In Chang's texts, the aspects of involving in Korean War were clearly erased, though they were written after Chang witnessed the Korean battle field reality. The bottom line is that Chang's texts internalized the popular view that Korean War was a totally another's affair then. Or It can be said that his texts intensified this kind of general opinion.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Causes and Predictive Factors Associated with “Diagnosis Changed” Outcomes in Patients Notified as Tuberculosis Cases in a Private Tertiary Hospital

        ( Byung Ju Kang ),( Kyung Wook Jo ),( Tai Sun Park ),( Jung Wan Yoo ),( Sei Won Lee ),( Chang Min Choi ),( Yeon Mok Oh ),( Sang Do Lee ),( Woo Sung Kim ),( Dong Soon Kim ),( Tae Sun Shim ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2013 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.75 No.6

        Background: The aim of our study was to evaluate the “diagnosis changed” rate in patients notified as tuberculosis (TB) on the Korean TB surveillance system (KTBS). Methods: A total of 1,273 patients notified as TB cases on the KTBS in one private tertiary hospital in 2011 were enrolled in the present study. Patients were classified into three groups: “diagnosis maintained”, “diagnosis changed” (initially notified as TB, but ultimately diagnosed as non-TB), and “administrative error” (notified as TB due to administrative errors). Results: Excluding 17 patients in the “administrative error” group, the “diagnosis maintained” and “diagnosis changed” groups included 1,097 (87.3%) and 159 patients (12.7%), respectively. Common causes of “diagnosis changed” were nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) disease (51.7%, 61/118), and pneumonia (17.8%) in cases notified as pulmonary TB, and meningitis (19.5%, 8/41) and Crohn`s disease (12.2%) in cases notified as extrapulmonary TB. Being older than 35 years of age (odds ratio [OR], 2.18) and a positive acid-fast bacilli stain (OR, 1.58) were positive predictors and a TB-related radiological finding (OR, 0.42) was a negative predictor for a “diagnosis changed” result via multivariate logistic regression analysis in pulmonary TB cases. Conclusion: Because of a high “diagnosis changed” rate in TB notifications to the KTBS, the TB incidence rate measured by the KTBS may be overestimated. Considering the worldwide trend toward increased NTM disease, the “diagnosis changed” rate may increase over time. Thus, when reporting the annual TB notification rate in Korea, the exclusion of “diagnosis changed” cases is desirable.

      • KCI등재

        특집논문 : 귀화의 에스닉 정치와 알리바이로서의 미국 -"해방" 이후 장혁주의 선택과 「아, 조선(嗚呼朝鮮)」(1952)-

        장세진 ( Sei Jin Chang ) 한국문학연구학회 2011 현대문학의 연구 Vol.0 No.45

        이 글은 『아, 조선』(1952)을 비롯하여 ``해방`` 이후 조선 및 재일조선인 에 관해 쓰인 장혁주의 몇몇 일본어 텍스트를 냉전 아시아라는 확장된 관 점에서 살펴보았다. 이제까지 ``해방`` 이후 장혁주의 일본어 창작이나 일본 귀화의 문제는 ``조선/한국적의 포기와 ``일본`` 적의 획득이라는 내셔널한 이항 대립 속에서 조명되어왔다. 그러나 구 식민지들인들의 전후 처리 문 제가 놓여 있던 역사적 맥락을 이해하기 위해서는 미국으로 대표되는 점 령당국이라는 제3항이 반드시 고려되어야 한다. 왜냐하면 점령기 일본의 통치 권력은 실제로 연합국 최고 사령관과 일본 정부의 파워엘리트들이 결합함으로써 미일합작구조를 이루었고, 이 복수의 권력은 서로 책임을 전가하는 구조적 모호성을 태생적으로 수반했기 때문이었다. 일본 측에 서 보자면, 전후 최대 규모의 ``소수민족``이 된 재일조선인 사회는 당시상 징천황제를 중심으로 재편 중인 일본 국민의 경계 바깥으로 설정된 집단 이었다. 한편, 점령당국 측에서 보자면 재일조선인 사회는 레드퍼지(red purge)와 안정적인 반공 무드의 확산이라는 측면에서 엄격히 통제되어야 할 집단이기도 했다. 미일의 이해관계가 만나 성립된 대 마이너리티 정책 의 목표는 과거 제국의 혼종적인 인적 구성이 남긴 흔적들을 지우고 천황휘하의 동질적인(homogeneous) 단일 민족 신화를 재편하는 것이었다. 이 시기 장혁주의 재일조선인 관련 텍스트들은 점령당국을 내포 독자로 설 정하면서 재일조선인 사회 일반과 스스로를 분리시키는 전략을 취하고 있었다. 물론 이로써 장혁주와 재일조선인 사회와의 불화와 갈등의 골은 걷잡을 수 없이 깊어 갔지만, 적어도 그는 우경화하는 점령당국에 대해 재 일조선인 일반과 구별되는 자신의 발화 위치의 안정성(security)과 신용을 확보할 수는 있었다. 재일조선인들에 대한 혹독한 평가와는 달리 그는 『아, 조선』을 통해 한국전쟁 중인 한반도의 조선인들을 향해 깊은 연민을 보낸다. 이 확연한 온도 차이는 대타자인 점령 당국의 시선으로부터 자유 로와지는 공간 전이가 일어났기 때문이기도 했고, 보다더 실제적으로는 1952년까지 국외 이동시에는 보장되었던 일본 국적으로 입국할 수 있던 덕분이기도 했다. 결국 당시의 남북한 국민국가 체제 경쟁에 대한 의미있는 성찰과 비판조차도 ``국민``의 신분을 획득하고 나서야 비로소 가능했던 정황을 확인할 수 있다. 그가 일본 국민의 신분으로 적정 거리를 두고 취재한 한국전쟁은 많은 조선인들이 난민으로 전락하는 비참한 현장이었 다. 이 난민화하고 있는 조선인들의 현실을 수용소와 고아의 메타포를 통 해 형상화한 것이 바로 그의 장편 『아, 조선』(1952)이었다. 작품 속에서 주 인공 성일은 끊임없이 남이냐 북이냐의 선택의 기로에 놓이지만, 난민/국 민의 경계에서 자연인 장혁주가 결국 선택한 것은 샌프란시스코 발화 조 약 이후 귀화 이외의 에스닉 정치를 인정하지 않은 일본으로의 귀화였다. In this article, I discussed Chang Hyuk-ju`s Japanese novel Alas! Chosun (嗚呼朝鮮, 1952) and other his texts about Chosun and Jainichi(在日朝鮮人) which were written shortly after the "liberation". I replaced these texts and his naturalization in the context of Cold War Asia which should include the U.S as its major part. included the U.S. So far, The issue of his Japanese writing and naturalization to Japan have been mainly dealt within the Korean-Japanese national frame, which emphasizes his renouncement of Korean nationality and his acquirement of Japanese one. To understand, however, his Japanese texts and naturalization in terms of the minority policy in post war Japan, GHQ(General Head Quaters) should be considered as the third agent. At the same time, it must be added that U.S.A represented the GHQ practically. During the occupation, the sovereign power of Japan were collaborated one, being consisted of SCAP(Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers) and power elites of prewar Japan which was called "SCAPanese". This two headed power accompanied structural ambiguity, because it was possible to shift the responsibility on to each other under the system. From the Japan`s point, Jainichi, the biggest minority in post war should be carefully excluded from the nation. Post Japan should be reorganized under the symbolic emperor (象徵天皇) system. On the other side, GHQ regarded Jainichi as politically dangerous group and tried to strictly control them in terms of red purge and the spread of anti-communiste mood in Japan. The goal of minority policy under the mutual interest was to erase the traces of past heterogeneous empire. My analysis is that Chang`s texts took the strategy that separated himself from Jainicjhi community by arranging the SCApanese power as virtual reader during this period. Many Jainichi and Koreans fell dawn to the status of refugees because of severe minority policy and Korean war. Alas! Chosun represented the reality of being refugee through the metaphors of an asylum and orphan. In the novel, the protagonist was at the crossroads of North and South. However, Chang Hyuk-ju as a natural person, he finally chose the language and nationality of Japan.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Population Changes of Moths (Insecta: Lepidoptera) from Mt. Wolchul National Park, Jeollanam-do, Korea

        Choi, Sei-Woong,Park, Marana,Chang, Young-Hyo The Ecological Society of Korea 2007 Journal of Ecology and Environment Vol.30 No.3

        We investigated the moth fauna and monthly changes in moth populations at three sites - Dogapsa, Gyungpodae and Muwisa - in Mt. Wolchul National Park, Jeollanam-do, South Korea. From February to October, 2006, we collected a total of 1677 individuals comprising 348 species in 14 families. Monthly changes in the abundance of species and individuals showed an M-shaped pattern, with the highest peak in June and a second high peak in August. The diversity of the three dominant families (Noctuidae, Geometridae and Pyralidae) at the three sites varied, possibly due to differences in vegetation and other environmental factors. Diversity at Dogapsa was relatively higher than Gyungpodae and Muwisa, but, the fauna at Dogapsa more closely resembled Muwisa than Gyungpodae. 28 species occurred at the same time in all three sites, included the families Geometridae (14 species), Noctuidae (9 species), Pyralidae (2 species), Arctiidae (1 species), Nolidae (1 species), and Limacodidae (1 species). The present study provided baseline information about biodiversity and phenological patterns of moth abundance and permitted evaluation of moth biodiversity as a monitoring tool for vegetation structure and environmental change.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Causes and Predictive Factors Associated with "Diagnosis Changed" Outcomes in Patients Notified as Tuberculosis Cases in a Private Tertiary Hospital

        Kang, Byung Ju,Jo, Kyung-Wook,Park, Tai Sun,Yoo, Jung-Wan,Lee, Sei Won,Choi, Chang-Min,Oh, Yeon-Mok,Lee, Sang-Do,Kim, Woo Sung,Kim, Dong Soon,Shim, Tae Sun The Korean Academy of Tuberculosis and Respiratory 2013 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.75 No.6

        Background: The aim of our study was to evaluate the "diagnosis changed" rate in patients notified as tuberculosis (TB) on the Korean TB surveillance system (KTBS). Methods: A total of 1,273 patients notified as TB cases on the KTBS in one private tertiary hospital in 2011 were enrolled in the present study. Patients were classified into three groups: "diagnosis maintained", "diagnosis changed" (initially notified as TB, but ultimately diagnosed as non-TB), and "administrative error" (notified as TB due to administrative errors). Results: Excluding 17 patients in the "administrative error" group, the "diagnosis maintained" and "diagnosis changed" groups included 1,097 (87.3%) and 159 patients (12.7%), respectively. Common causes of "diagnosis changed" were nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) disease (51.7%, 61/118), and pneumonia (17.8%) in cases notified as pulmonary TB, and meningitis (19.5%, 8/41) and Crohn's disease (12.2%) in cases notified as extrapulmonary TB. Being older than 35 years of age (odds ratio [OR], 2.18) and a positive acid-fast bacilli stain (OR, 1.58) were positive predictors and a TB-related radiological finding (OR, 0.42) was a negative predictor for a "diagnosis changed" result via multivariate logistic regression analysis in pulmonary TB cases. Conclusion: Because of a high "diagnosis changed" rate in TB notifications to the KTBS, the TB incidence rate measured by the KTBS may be overestimated. Considering the worldwide trend toward increased NTM disease, the "diagnosis changed" rate may increase over time. Thus, when reporting the annual TB notification rate in Korea, the exclusion of "diagnosis changed" cases is desirable.

      • KCI등재후보

        암세포 증식에 대한 YB-1 안티센스 올리고핵산염의 영향

        김명성 ( Myung Sung Kim ),이완식 ( Wan Sik Lee ),박창환 ( Chang Hwan Park ),주영은 ( Young Eun Joo ),김현수 ( Hyun Soo Kim ),최성규 ( Sung Kyu Choi ),유종선 ( Jong Sun Rew ),정영도 ( Young Do Jung ),김세종 ( Sei Jong Kim ),안봉환 대한내과학회 2006 대한내과학회지 Vol.71 No.3

        목적: YB-1은 PCNA, DNA 중합효소 및 MDR 유전자 등의 전사인자로 작용한다. YB-1 유전자는 정상 어른의 간에서는 발현되지 않지만 태아의 간이나 재생 중인 간에서는 발현이 현저히 증가되어서 세포의 증식과 밀접한 관련이 있음이 보고되었다. 본 연구에서는 YB-1 유전자의 안티센스 올리고핵산염을 이용하여 YB-1의 발현을 억제함으로써 암세포 증식을 차단 할 수 있는지를 실험하고 암치료를 위한 유전자 요법으로서의 가능성을 알아보았다. 방법: 세포주로는 Chang liver, HepG2, CT-26 세포를 사용하였고, 사람의 정상세포로는 섬유아세포와 내피세포가 혼재된 조직을 사용하였다. YB-1 유전자의 안티센스 올리고핵산염으로는 YB-1 cDNA의 변역 시작 부위에 상보적인 21mer 올리고핵산염을 제작하여 사용하였다. 세포의 성장은 MTT assay를 이용하였고, 유전자 발현은 Northern blot으로 분석하였으며, 세포주기 변화는 propidium iodide로 염색하여 유식세포분석기로 분석하였다. 동물실험에서는 CT-26 세포를 1.0×10(5)개씩 Balb/c 생쥐의 피하에 접종하여 종양을 유도하였다. 종양이 유도된 Balb/c 생쥐에 YB-1 안티센스 올리고핵산염을 꼬리정맥이나 종양조직에 주사한 후 종양의 크기를 측정하여 종양억제 효과를 관찰하였다. 결과: YB-1 안티센스 올리고핵산염은 CT-26 세포에서는 50 nM 이상 농도에서 Chang liver와 HepG2 세포에서는 10 nM 이상 농도에서 세포주의 성장을 강하게 억제하였지만 정상 조직세포의 성장에는 아무런 영향을 미치지 않았다. 안티센스 올리고핵산염을 DOTAP에 담지한 경우 세포성장 억제에 미치는 효과가 안티센스 올리고핵산염 단독 처치 보다 강하였다. 이때 YB-1의 발현은 증식이 억제된 세포주(Chang liver 및 CT-26)에서는 감소하였으나 정상조직세포에서는 변화가 없었다. 증식이 억제된 세포주에서 세포주기를 살펴보면 초기에 S phase가 감소함을 관찰 할 수 있었다. 꼬리정맥이나 종양조직에 YB-1 안티센스 올리고핵산염을 주입 시 종양의 크기가 유의하게 감소하였다. 결론: 이상의 실험 결과 YB-1 안티센스 올리고핵산염은 암세포의 성장을 저해하며 종양 동물모델에서 종양의 성장을 억제할 수 있음을 시사하였다. Background: Human YB-1 is a transcription factor that binds to the inverted CCAAT box in the promoter region of a variety of genes such as PCNA, DNA polymerase and MDR. In this study we evaluated the effect of YB-1 antisense oligonucleotides on tumor cell growth. Methods: Chang liver, HepG2 and CT-26 cells were cultured as immortalized cell lines. The MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl] 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay, Northern blot and flow cytometric analyses were used to determine cell growth, gene expression and cell cycle changes. In an animal model, CT-26 cells were injected into Balb/c mice to induce tumor; YB-1 antisense oligonucleotides were injected into the tail vein or tumor tissue of the mice; change of tumor size was then measured. Results: Phosphorothioated YB-1 antisense oligonucleotides suppressed the proliferation of the immortalized liver cells (Chang liver cells) and a variety of cancer cells (HepG2 and CT-26 cells); however, it did not inhibit normal cell growth. The DOTAP/antisense oligonucleotide mixture showed stronger effects on cell proliferation than did the antisense oligonucleotide alone. The YB-1 antisense oligonucleotide decreased specific expression of the YB-1 mRNA in the immortalized cancer cell lines. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that the inhibition of cell proliferation might have been due to a decrease in the S phase of the cell cycle. We found that in an animal tumor model, the administration of the YB-1 antisense oligonucleotide, in the vein or tumor tissues, decreased the tumor size significantly. Conclusions: These results suggest that the YB-1 antisense oligonucleotide may inhibit growth of a variety of cancer cells.(Korean J Med 71:293-301, 2006)

      • KCI등재

        독립기념관의 자료수집 현황과 과제

        장세윤 ( Chang Sei-yoon ) 한국민족운동사학회 2001 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.27 No.-

        The Independence Hall of Korea collected data(69,000 pieces) on independence movement from Aug. 1983 till the end of Dec. 2000. About 8,000 pieces of them are on exhibition at 7 standing exhibition halls, and the rest of them are in storage at the storehouse, and used for special planning, research and publication as occasion needs. Also at the photo department has about 8,000 copies film and related photos, and the attached library has about 33,000 volumes of independence movement related books, which is open to the public. General data except photos and books are preserved and utilized as ① general donation and purchase data ② An, Chang-ho’s(安昌浩) data ③ Heungsadan’s(興士團) data ④ Seo, Jae-pil's(徐載弼) data ⑤ data of Jungang Educational Training Center ⑥ data donated by Lee, Jong-hak(李鍾學) ⑦ reproduced data ⑧ commissioned data ⑨ micro-film data. Most data are those contributed by general people. These data the Independence Hall of Korea has are compose of books, documents, photos, which is a different character compared to other museums. However, these data are useful for research and reference, but most of them are not suitable for exhibition, so its own specialization plan should be devised. As a result of reviewing the status of collecting data, considerable problems and imminent problems have come to the surface. At first, the problem that the specialized personnel in charge of collecting, managing, exhibiting, studying on data is lacking. And other problems to reform include the insufficiency of data collecting budget, exclusive organization data analysis, adjustment and use. To solve these problems, the following reforms should be devised. ① positive reform will of the management, ② consolidation of data research, collection, exhibition and research function, ③ security of specialized personnel and sufficient budget, ④ searching for effective data collection system and utilization plan, ⑤ training database(information strategy) and exchanging activation of experts.

      • Poly(ether-b-ester) Thermoplastic Elastomers : Synthesis and Properties

        Choi, Sei Young,Choi, Kyo Chang,Lee, Eun Kyoung 청주대학교 산업과학연구소 2001 産業科學硏究 Vol.18 No.2

        디메틸 테레프탈레이트 (DMT), 1,4-부탄디올 (1,4-BD) 그리고 분자량이 2000인 폴리테트라 메틸렌에테르 글리콜 (PTMG)로 부터 폴리에스터계 열가소성 탄성체 (TPEE)를 합성할 수 있었다. 고온에서의 열적 안정성및 기계적 물성을 증대시킬 목적으로 열처리를 하였으며, 이에 따라 결정성 hard segmen의 보다 규칙적인 배열로 인한 향상된 물성을 확인 할 수 있었다 본 실험에서 합성된 공중합체는 soft segment의 함량이 증가함에 따라 융점및 결정화도가 감소함을 보여 주었다. 기계적 물성의 경우, soft segment의 함량이 35%인 공중합체가 soft segment와 hard segment간 최적의 물리적 가교점 형성으로 인하여 가장 우수함이 관찰 되었다. The poly(ether-b-ester) thermoplastic elastomers (TPEEs) were synthesized by melt polymerization using dimethyl terephthalate (DMT), 1,4-butanediol (1,4-BD) and poly (tetramethylene ether) glycol (PTMG) in the molecular weight of 2000 (g/㏖). The copolymers were prepared with a constant PBT mass ratio of 100; the content of PTMG was changed. To improve thermal stability at elevated temperatures and mechanical properties, the final copolymers were annealed. The chemical structure and thermal properties of them were examined by utilizing FT-IR and DSC. For a better understanding of the structure and property relationships, SEM and a three-point loading system (UTM) were used. The rheological characteristics of them involving the changes of viscosity with the increasing shear rate were also studied. From this experiment, it was shown that as the proportion of soft segment increases melting temperature and degree of crystallinity of TPEEs decrease constantly and the lamella structure was found to be less fine in shape. Meanwhile, in case of flexural strength and flexural elastic modulus, 35-PTMG^(2000) indicates the highest values. As the shear rate increases thixotropy (shear thinning), one of the non-newtonian flows, is found. The results of melt flow properties seem tc be similar to those of strength and elastic modulus in flexure, and 35-PTMG^(2000) shows the viscosity higher than others. A11 of the properties of the copolymers synthesized in this work were found to be improved by thermal treatment.

      • KCI등재

        Guest Editorial: The 38th ICROS Annual Conference (ICROS 2023)

        Juhoon Back,Chang-Sei Kim,Sunglok Choi 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2023 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.21 No.11

        This special issue is dedicated to the papers that are extended from those originally submitted to the 38th ICROS Annual Conference (ICROS 2023), held in Sol Beach Hotel & Resort, Gangwon, Korea, from June 21 to 23, 2023. The objective is to establish a connection between the conference and IJCAS so that strong results from the annual conference can be published in IJCAS in a timely manner. Prof. Hyo-Sung Ahn, the Editor-in-Chief of IJCAS brought this idea to the organizing committee of ICROS. Motivated by Prof. Ahn’s idea, the organizing committee developed detailed guidelines. Call for paper for this special issue was announced in April 2023 and the interested authors are asked to contact the guest editor before the submission deadline to the conference. The authors are informed that their papers will undergo the standard review process of IJCAS and that they have four weeks to prepare the revision. The guest editors received 20 applications, and 15 papers have been received before the conference took place. The papers were handled by three associate editors who committed to make the review process fast without sacrificing the high standard of the journal. At the end of review process, the following seven papers were chosen for publication:1. “Compensated Motion and Position Estimation of a Cable-driven Parallel Robot Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning” by Huaishu Chen, Min-Cheol Kim, Yeongoh Ko, and Chang-Sei Kim*. 2. “Design of Humanoid Robot Foot to Absorb Ground Reaction Force by Mimicking Longitudinal Arch and Transverse Arch of Human Foot” by Jindeok Lee and Hyun-Min Joe*. 3. “Enhancing Low-light Images for Monocular Visual Odometry in Challenging Lighting Conditions” by Donggil You, Jihoon Jung, and Junghyun Oh*. 4. “Safe Trajectory Path Planning Algorithm Based on RRT* While Maintaining Moderate Margin From Obstacles” by Subin Lim and Sangrok Jin*. 5. “Connection Loss Detection Algorithm of Parallel-connected Cells Based on Change of Battery SOC” by Byeonggwan Jang, Hyoseo Choi, Wooyong Kim*, and Kyung-Soo Kim*. 6. “A Current Sensor Fault-detecting Method for Onboard Battery Management Systems of Electric Vehicles Based on Disturbance Observer and Normalized Residuals” by Wooyong Kim, Kunwoo Na, and Kyunghwan Choi*. 7. “Design and Verification of Early Unstable Stage Control Scheme for High-speed Underwater Launched AUV” by Chul Hyun. The guest editors would like to recommend that the editorial board of IJCAS continues to offer authors the opportunity for increased exposure by linking the upcoming annual conferences of ICROS with IJCAS.

      • 人蔘의 癌抑制成分이 酵母細胞의 增殖에 미치는 影響

        鄭魯八,金世昌 연세대학교 대학원 1982 延世論叢 Vol.19 No.1

        Petroleum ether fraction and ethyl acetate fraction of ginseng has known as inhibitory components to cancer cell. In other to study the effects of these components on the normal cell, the proliferation rate of yeast cell treated by these components were measured and some results were obtained. On the glucose afar or glucose broth medium added by 5, 10, 20, or 40㎍ of petroleum ether fraction, all proliferation rates of experimental yeast cell groups were not observed by significant change statistically. On the glucose agar medium added by 5 and 10㎍ of ethyl acetate fraction the proliferation rates of feast cell were slightly increased, but on the afar medium added by 20 or 40㎍ arid on the broth medium added by 5, 10, 20 of 40㎍ of ethyl acetate fraction the proliferation rates were not changed significantly.

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