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      • Frank Norris 소설에 나타난 도덕적인 문제

        尹鍾基 안성산업대학교 1992 論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        Frank Norris concentrated his attention on the story itself to avoid the stigma of the tractarian in his own work, preferring to let the moral implications sleep in discreetly. He was convinced that the job of a novelist was to create an effect, to paint a picture which would give the impression of truth. To achieve his effects in his fiction. Norris utilized symbols, employing individuals as well as material objects to extend his moral message. He desired to make fiction contribute to the welfare of man. In the Octopus and The Pit Norris attempted to employ a natural symbolism to sustain both novels, but his prime success in the employment of a symbol came in McTeague. here was an opportunity for the novelists to attack greed, with gold as the encompassing symbol. The only apparent flaw in th McTeague symbolism was Norris' possible abuse of gold in the golden colors. His symbolic effects. however, were achieved through repetition, serving foremost to embellish the story. Norris wanted his readers to adopt his own moral attitudes as they read his novels. He even went a step further along the moral route, suggesting that only writers who led an exemplary life themselves could write novels fit for society. Norris' moral fevor does intrude into the books sufficiently to ruin his objectivity. Perhaps he had not realized that a materialistic world demanded a different set of moral values from the one he was accustomed to.

      • KCI등재후보

        선삭가공에서 절삭력을 이용한 공구마멸의 감지

        윤재웅,이권용,이수철,최종근 한국공작기계학회 2001 한국생산제조학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        The development of flexible automation in the manufacturing industry is concerned with production activities performed by unmanned machining system. A major topic relevant to metal-cutting operations is monitoring tool wear, which affects process efficiency and product quality, and implementing automatic tool replacements. In this paper, the measurement of the cutting force components has been found to provide a method for an in-process detection of tool wear. The static components of cutting force have been used to detect flank wear. To eliminate the influence of variations in cutting conditions, tools, and workpiece material, the force modeling is performed for various cutting conditions. The normalized force disparities are defined in this paper, and the relationships between normalized disparity and flank wear are established. Finally, artificial neural network is used to learn these relationships and detect tool wear. According to the proposed method, the static force components could provide the effective means to detect flank wear for varying cutting conditions in taming operation.


        재발한 희돌기 교세포종에 대한 BCNU-CDDP 연속정주 화학요법

        윤상민,이창훈,이승훈,송재욱,김종현 대한신경외과학회 1996 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.25 No.3

        Eight patients with recurrent oligodendroglioma were treated with 1.3-bis(2-chloroethyl) nitrosourea(BCNU) and CDDP continuous infusion chemotherapy. They were 5 with benign oligodendrogliomas and 3 with anaplastic oligodendrogliomas. All the recurrent tumors had been treated with surgery and radiotherapy. Four patients had already received chemotherapy with ACNU. Seven of them showed response to continuous infusion chemotherapy. The time from the response to progression was 15 to 67 weeks. No severe complication of the chemotherapy was found. In conclusion, BCNU-CDDP continuous infusion chemotherapy is an effective treatment modality in recurrent oligodendrogliomas.

      • 「英語箋」と「改正增補英語箋」に關する比較分析 : 服飾の項目を中心にして

        尹鍾和 기전여자대학 1995 論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        幕末부터 明治初期는 日本語語彙의 發生 및 交替가 特히 顯著한 時期이다. 이 時期에 刊行된 「英語箋」(1861年刊). 「改正增補英語箋」(1872年刊)은 日本語語彙를 收錄한 貴中한 英學資料라고 볼 수 있다. 「英語箋」을 改訂한 「改正增補英語箋」은 각기 새로운 語彙의 收錄으로, 變動期의 日本語語彙의 反映에 充實하고 있다. 本稿에서는 「英語箋」과 「改正增補英語箋」과의 相互比較를 通해서 英學資料로서의 價値와 本質을 再定立하고자 하였다.

      • 제네바 학파의 문학비평 연구(Ⅲ) : Jean Starobinski의 문학비평

        尹鍾範 상명대학교 논문집 1990 상명대학교논문집 Vol.25 No.-

        Nous examinons, dans cette e´tude, l'analyse du regard a` travers les trois ouvrages de Starobinski : Montesquieu par lui-me^me, Jean-Jacques Rousseau : la transparence et l'obstacle, L'Oeil vivant. En me^me temps nous appliquons sa me´thode a` l'analyse de Phe`dre de Racine. Jean Starobinski s'inte´resse au ⅩⅧ sie`cle tandis que les autres critiques de l' e´cole de Gene`ve s'inte´ressent au romantisme. L'essnce de son approche litte´raire est l'ide´e de la vision subjective. Il regarde 《le the`me du regard》 comme une me´taphore qui ouvre au critique les perspectives varie´es de la critique litte´raire. La vision correspond a` l'image de l'auteur du moi et du monde exte´rieur, au ro^le du langage comme une perception humaine, et a` la perspective synthe´tique de la critique litte´raire. Le regard, une relation intentionnelle avec les autres et l'horizon ve´cu, peut emprunter des voies compensatrices, passer par la pointe attentive de l'ouie ou par l'extre´mite´ des doigts. Car le regard est ici moins la faculte´ de recueillir des images que celle d'e´tablir une relation. Le regard, qui assure a` notre conscience une issue hors du lieu qu'occupe notre corps, constitue, au sens le plus rigoureux, un exce`s. L'acte de voir,. pour Racine, reste toujours hante´ par le malheur. Voir est un acte pathe´tique et reste toujours une saisie imparfaite de l'e^tre convoite´. Etre vu n'implique pas la gloire, mais la honte. Le regard n'explore pas le monde, interroge a` peine la nature : il ne cherche que le regard des autres. Chez Racine, l'acte de voir vise toujours un e^tre total, une essence. Point d'images, donc, ou tre`s peu. De me^me que le regard ne peut voir que l'essnce des e^tres, il ne veut voir que l'essence du monde. Mais il faut ajouter que cette essence, toujours entrevue, vise´e, de´sire´e, n'est cependant jamais atteinte et jamais posse´de´e. La vision finale est vision de regards et ache`ve une histoire tragique qui avait commence´ par la rencontre des me^mes regards. C'est cette essence que Starobinski vise par la poursuite litte´raire. Mais sa perspective litte´raire ne se limite pas a` la me´taphore visuelle. Acque´rir la liberte´, inde´pendante de toutes les perspectives, ce serait la` vraiment ce qu'il vise.

      • Moby Dick 에 나타난 Ahab의 부조리성

        윤종기 안성산업대학교 1994 論文集 Vol.26 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to show how Herman Melville's Ahab in Moby Dick prefigures the absurd hero of Albert Camus. Casmus states that the universe is irrational and that man is rational. The resulting conflict between the two produces a moment of consciousness. Man realizes that death makes life meaningless. Realizing his own individual mortality, the absurd man revolts against the injustices of the universe. His revolt sustains the conflict and his lucid vision of the absurd. The absurd hero triumphs over the irrational universe by defining his own fate. Herman Melville's Ahab experiences, the moment of consciousness when Moby Dick, the emblem of the irrational, sweeps off his leg. Ahab revolts against this injustice by seeking out this symbol of the irrational, attempting to destroy it, Similar to Camus's Sisyphus, Ahab suffers anquish in his isolation. His perception produces a hatred for death and a passion for life. Ahab defies the insignificance of man by revolting against and unconquerable universe. By defining his own fate, Ahab triumphs in his defeat by defiantly bearing the burden of reality.

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