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      • KCI등재

        대학 축구선수의 무산소성 예비량과 무산소성 운동능력의 상관성

        정진원(Jin Won Jeong),심대용(Dae Yong Sim) 한국운동영양학회 2000 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.4 No.1

        N/A This study employed 11 university soccer players for assessing anaerobic capacities related to ATP-PC and/or lactate system. It was investigated correlation among anaerobic capacities from Critical Power test, from Wingate test, and from Isokinetic test. Also, the study investigated regression formula which could expect anaerobic reserve(AR) from variables measured in Wingate and Isokinetic test. There were significant but intermediate correlation between AR and WIN5, (r= .62, P< .05) and WIN30(r= .64, P< .05). There was no statistically significant but intermediate correlation between AR and WIN10 (r= .52, P> .05). The study used stepwise method for multiple regression by Wingate variables to produce AR. The result showed that WIN30 had significant effect and indicated regression formula (Y= 1.3323(WIN30)-14737.758) to explain 41.2% variation of AR. Stepwise method was done for multiple regression on Isokinetic variables to produce AR`s inferred possibility by extensors TW of 60˚ /sec as regression (Y= 10.6737 (TW)+2083.9403) explained 42.9% variation of AR. In the correlation between measured variables of Wingate and Isokinetic extensors there was no significance of intermediate correlation in 60˚ /sec PT and WIN5(r= .53, P> .05) and in TW and WIN5(r= .56 P< .05) statistically. Also, There was significance of intermediate correlation in PT and WIN10 (r= .65, P< .05), no significance in TW and WIN10 (r= .57, P> .05), in PT and WIN30(r= .58), and no significance in TW and WIN30(r= .46, P> .05). In the correlation between measured variables of Wingate and Isokinetic extensors, there was significance of intermediate correlation in 180˚ /sec PT and WIN10 (r= .69, P< .05) and significant correlation in Isokintic 180˚ /sec PT and WIN30(r= .65, P< .05). The data suggested that anaerobic reserve assess true anaerobic ability not including the energy component of anaerobic glycolyses. Also, the study provides preliminary data on the anaerobic abilities in university soccer players as assessed by the Critical Power test, Wingate test, and Isokinetic test.

      • KCI등재

        물류산업의 국민경제적 파급효과 분석

        정동원 ( Dong Won Jeong ),한종호 ( Jong Ho Han ) 한국물류학회 2012 물류학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        물류산업은 경제 발전에 중요한 역할을 담당하며, 산업경쟁력과 국가경쟁력을 결정하는 중요한 요소로 작용하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 산업연관분석을 이용하여 물류산업의 국민경제적 파급효과를 분석하고자 한다. 먼저 수요유도형 모형을 이용하여 물류산업의 타 산업 생산유발효과, 부가가치 유발효과, 취업유발효과를 살펴본다. 다음으로 상대적으로 복잡성 때문에 잘 사용되지 않았던 공급유도형 모형 및 레온티에프 가격모형을 적용하여 물류산업의 공급지장효과 및 물가파급 효과를 살펴본다. 이러한 분석은 모두 물류산업을 내생부문이 아닌 외생부문으로 다룸으로써 물류산업을 중심으로 이루어지게 된다. 주요 분석결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 물류산업의 1원 생산은 타 산업의 생산을 0.5104원만큼 유발하며, 타산업의 부가가가치를 0.1722원만큼 유발한다. 또한 물류산업의 10억원 생산은 타산업에서 2.2554명의 취업을 유발한다. 한편 물류산업에서 1원의 공급이 이루어지지 못할 때, 타 산업에서는 0.9387원의 생산차질이 발생하여 공급지장효과가 제법 큰 편이다. 마지막으로 물류산업의 가격이 10& 상승했을 때, 국민경제 전체적으로 미치는 물가파급효과는 0.0276%로 분석되었다. The logistics industry in Korea plays a major role in the national economy development and to make decision nation and industrial competitiveness, This study attempts to examine the economic impacts of the logistics industry using an inter-industry analysis, Specially, the study investigates production-inducting effect, value added inducing effect, and employment-inducing effect of the logistics industry based on demand-driven model. Moreover, the study deals with supply shortage effect and sectoral price effect by using supply-driven model and leontief price model, respectively, which have been rarely used because of their complications involved in computaiton. These analyses pay particular and close attention to the distribution industry by taking it as exogenous rather than endogenous. Some interesting findings emerge from the study. First, the production of 1.0 won in the logistics industry induces the production of 0.5104 won and the value-added of 0.1722 won in other industries. Second, the production of 1.0 billion won in the logistics industry causes the employment of 2.554 persons in other industries. Third, the supply shortage of 1.0 won in the logistics industry disables other industries to produce 0.9387 won. Finally, an increase of 10% in price level of the logistics industry raises the overall price level by 0.0276%.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국 경상도 방언의 운율적 특성 : 동경방언의 명사구 운율과 비교하여

        정원수 우리말글학회 2004 우리말 글 Vol.32 No.-

        In this Study, I wanted to examine that the tonal opposition and neutralization of the dialect of North Gyeongsang province can be applied in Tokyo dialect They say that Tokyo dialect has a similar sentential prosody with the dialect of North Gyeongsang province It is very important to know that some special phenomena are found m the application of tonal rules in these two dialects. The tonal opposition and neutralization govern the sentential prosody of two dialects According to this, there are some tonal rules which are applied in derivation of surface forms from underlying forms First, the following rules are applied in the dialect of North Gyeongsang province a H₂L^n → [L₁HL^n]/ #_# b L₂→ [HHL_0]/ #_# c L·₂→ [H HL_0]/#_# Next the following rules are applied to make tonal noun phrases in Tokyo dialect. a /L₂/ ~ [LH₁]/ #_# b /L_nH/ ~ [LH^n-1H]/ #_# c /L_nH₂/ ~ [LH^n-lHL₁]/ #_# d /H₂/ ~ [HL₁]/ #_#

      • 환경기초시설의 인 기준 강화에 따른 팔당호 유입 수계의 수질개선 효과분석

        정원구,한영한,임재명 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2010 産業技術硏究 Vol.30 No.B

        The influences on water quality of each river by effluents from environmental facilities located in 14 unit watersheds of North- and South-Han River, and Gyungan-cheon were analyzed. Also, the water quality modeling for study area was carried out to analyze the improvement effect of water quality by the strengthening of T-P effluent standard of environmental facilities. For the calibration and verification of model, water quality data and effluent loading calculated for 2006 were used. Data of low water period were used for calibration, and normal water period for verification. The results of calibration and verification were well matched with the real water quality dataset of revers. Also, the validity of the results were estimated using RI(Reliability Index) method. When the T-P effluent standards for environmental facilities were strengthened, T-P concentrations were predicted to improve from 0.025㎎/ℓ to 0.023㎎/ℓ in the outlet location of North-Han River, from 0.056㎎/ℓ to 0.040㎎/ℓ for South-Han River, and from 0.233㎎/ℓ to 0.146㎎/ℓ for Gyungan-cheon. Also, the T-P concentrations of tributaries including Jojong-cheon, Dal-cheong, Sumgang, Chungmi-cheon, Bokha-cheon, Heuk-cheon, and Wonju-cheon were predicted to improve from 0.063㎎/ℓ to 0.010㎎/ℓ, from 0.091㎎/ℓ to 0.053㎎/ℓ, from 0.199㎎/ℓ to 0.100㎎/ℓ, from 0.168㎎/ℓ to 0.148㎎/ℓ, from 0.186㎎/ℓ to 0.105㎎/ℓ, from 0.019㎎/ℓ to 0.013㎎/ℓ, and from 0.822㎎/ℓ to 0.236㎎/ℓ, respectively.

      • 2단계 醱酵에 의한 人蔘食醋와 市販食醋의 品質比較

        鄭宰顯,趙載敏,崔元碩,曺柱鉉 충주대 2003 産業科學論文集 Vol.11 No.-

        본 연구는 인삼의 약리성분과 식초의 기능성을 갖는 인삼식초를 제조하기 위하여 시판 식초와 2단계 발효를 거친 인삼식초와의 품질 을 비교 평가하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 가. 인삼식초의 산도는 시판식초보다 약간 낮았으며, pH는 3.7정도로 시판식초보다 약간 높았다. 나. 인삼식초 중에는 fructose, maltose, sucrose, glucose등의 유리당이 존재하였으며 시판중인 식초에는 fructose의 양이 많이 함유되어 있었으며 기타 maltose, sucrose 등도 일부 존재하였다. 다. 인삼식초에는 acetic acid, tartaric acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, succinic acid 등의 유기산이 함유되어 있었고 일반 시판식초에는 oxalic acid, citric acid, malic acid, acetic acid등을 함유하고 있었다. We producted the ginseng vinegar through two stages fermentation(alcohol fermentation and acetic acid fermentation). At the first stage, ginseng wine contained 17% alcohol was producted at the 11th day. And through the second stage, acetic acid fermentation ginseng vinegar of which total acidity is 5.8% were produced. In comparison with commercial vinegars for physicochemical quality, acidity of ginseng vinegar was lower than those of commercial vinegars and ph was higher than those of commercial vinegars. The major free sugar compositions in ginseng vinegar were fructose, maltose, sucrose and glucose and in commercial vinegar were fructose, sucrose and maltose. The major organic acid compositions were acetic acid, tartaric acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, malic acid and succinic acid and in commercial vinegar were oxalic acid, citric acid, malic acid and acetic acid.

      • KCI등재후보

        콘크리트 공극 분석을 위한 평면간격계수의 제안

        정원경,최성용,김성환,윤경구 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2005 産業技術硏究 Vol.25 No.A

        Air void systems in hardened concrete has an important influence on concrete durability such as freeze-thaw resistance, water permeability, surface scaling resistance. Linear traverse method and point count method described at ASTM are the routine analysis of the air void system that have been widely used to estimate the spacing factor in hardened concrete. Recently, many concretes often have a spacing factor higher than the generally accepted 200-250㎛ limit for the usual range of air contents. This study is proposed to estimate the plane spacing factor by calculation of simplicity. The plane spacing factor need two parameters that are air content and numbers of air voids in the hardened concrete. Those obtained from the standard air-void system analysis of the ASTM C 457. The equation is valid for all values of paste-to-air ratio because the estimation of paste content is unnecessary at the using ASTM C 457. The plane spacing factor yields a similar estimate of the standard spacing factor.

      • 누에 F₁의 量的形質에 있어서 組合能力과 形質相互間의 相關

        鄭元福,金京泰 東亞大學校 1991 東亞論叢 Vol.28 No.1

        多收性品種育成의 重要性에서 볼 때 有用形質에 대한 組合能力을 早期에 推定하고 效率的인 選拔을 위한 基礎資料를 얻고자 6個 品種을 二面交雜하여 얻은 F₁30個組合을 材料로 各 形質에 대한 組合能力, 遺傳力 및 形質相互 間의 相關關係를 算出한 바 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. GCA, SCA 및 RCA는 全 形質에서 有意하게 作用하였으며 全齡經過, 5齡經過, 單繭重, 繭層重, 繭層比率, 繭層練減率 및 産卵數의 全 形質은 GCA가 SCA나 RCA보다 높았다. 2. GCA效果는 蠶108과 蠶114가 單繭重, 繭層重, 單繭比率 및 産卵數에서 正으로 컸고, N74는 全齡經過, 5齡經過 및 練減率에서 負로 크게 作用하였다. 遺傳力은 全齡經過, 單繭重, 繭層重, 繭層比率, 練減率 및 産卵數에서 74.72% 이상이었다. 3. SCA效果는 形質 및 組合에 따라 多樣하였으나 蠶108×蠶113의 組合이 單繭重, 繭層重, 繭層比率에서 蠶107×複東亞, 蠶107×N74의 組合이 産卵數에서 各各 正으로, 蠶114×N74, 複東亞×N74의 組合이 全??經過와 練減率에서 負로 各各 높았다. 4. RCA效果는 蠶107×蠶108의 組合이 單繭重, 繭層重에서 蠶114×N74의 組合이 産卵數에서 正으로, 蠶107×蠶114, 蠶108×複東亞의 組合이 全齡經過와 5齡經過가 負로서 컸다. 5. 單繭重과 다른 形質 間의 有意的인 相關은 5齡經過, 繭層重, 繭層比率, 産卵數 등에서 正으로 높아 이들 形疾은 서로 單繭重에 關與度가 클 것이다. Combining ability and correlation coefficient for F₁population abtained from 6×6 diallel cross in the silkworms were estimated for seven quantitative characters, i. e., total instar period, 5th instar period, cocon weight, cocoon layer weight, cocoon layer ratio, boiling off ratio and egg number. Mean squares of general combining ability(GCS), specific combining ability(SCA) and reciprocal combining ability(RCA) were significant for all characters observed. Mean squares of GCA for all characters were expe-ressed as higher values than those of SCA and RCA. Variety Jam108 and Jam114 showed GCA effects positively high for cocoon weight, cocoon layer weight and egg number, and N74 was expressed negati-vely with the high GCA effects for total instar period, 5th instar period and boiling off ratio. Heritability for total instar period, cocoon weight, cocoon layer weight, cocoon layer ratio and egg number showed high values as more than 74.72 in percentage. In SCA effects, hybrids in Jam108×Jam113 were exhibi-ted positively as high for cocoon weight, cocoon layer weight and cocoon layer ratio, and highter SCA effect for egg number were found positively in Jam107×Bokdong-A and Jam107×N74, and higher SCA effects for total instar period and boiling off ratio showed negatively in Jam114×N74 and Bokdong-A×N74. In RCA effect, hybrids in Jam107×Jam108 were exhibited positively high for cocoon weight and cocoon layer weight, and higher RCA effect for egg number were found positively in Jam114×N74, and higher RCA effects for total instar period showed negatively in Jam107×Jam114 and Jam108×Bo-kdong-A, Cocoon weight was correlated positively with 5th instar period, cocoon layer weight, cocoon layer ratio and egg number.

      • 陸地綿 F₁의 量的形質에 있어서 組合能力과 形質의 相關關係

        鄭元福,金烘受,安始榮 東亞大學校 大學院 1992 大學院論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        Combining ability and correlation coefficient for F₁population from 7×7 diallel cross in the upland cotton were estimated for sixteen quantitative characters i. e., days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, stem diameter, length of stem internode, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, number of seeds per boll, seed and lint weight per boll, lint percentage per boll, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length, length of seed, width of seed, lint percentage vs. seed and lint. Mean squares of general combining ability, specific combining ability and reciprocal combining ability were significant for all characters observed. Mean squares of general combining ability for days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, number of seeds per boll, seed and lint weight per boll, lint percentage per boll, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length, length of seed, width of seed, lint percentage vs. seed and lint were expressed as higher values than those of specific combining ability and reciprocal combining ability, but those for stem diameter and length of stem internode were lower. Variety DGA T-3 showed general combining ability effects positively high for plant height, stem diameter, length of stem internode, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, number of seeds per boll, seed and lint weight per boll, lint percentage per boll, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight, staple length, length of seed and lint percentage vs. seed and lint, and Stoneville 2-B was expressed positively with the high general combining ability effect for staple length. In specific combining ability effect, hybrids in Stoneville 2-B×Sanchung. were exhibited positively as high for staple length, and higher specific combining ability effects for yield component were found positively in Chamen×Mokpo 7, Chamen ×Sanchung, DGA T-3×Stoneville 2-B, R-2×Stoneville 2-B, Mokpo 7×Stoneville 2-B, Stoneville 2-B×Sanchuing. In reciprocal effect, hybrids in DGA T-3×Red leaf, R-2×Sanchung, Mokpo 7×Stoneville 2-B and Mokpo 7×Sanchung were exhibited positively high for yield component. Heritability for days to maturity, length of stem internode, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, lint percentage per boll, lint weight per boll, staple length, length of seed, lint percentage vs. seed and lint showed high values as more than 80.19 in percentage, and boll weight was correlated positively with number of seeds per boll, seed and lint weight per boll, lint weight per boll, 100-seed weight and staple length.

      • 인삼을 천연배지로 하는 고등균류 배양에 관한 연구

        鄭宰顯,崔元碩,曺柱鉉 충주대 2004 産業科學論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        This research to develop a functional food by using higher fungi from white ginseng, investigated the higher fungi using with ginseng media, the optimal culture conditions of the solid culture and the consistent of solid-product cultured. The results obtained were as follow; 1. Hericium erinaceum, Phellinus linteus and Ganoderma lucidum were observable the growth which is most excellent among 14 strains of the higher fungi using substrate with ginseng residue extract, therefore, it were used for the breed strain. 2. The optimal culture conditions of the solid culture for mycelial growth of Hericium erinaceum, Phellinus linteus and Ganoderma lucidum were added 10%(w/w) of nutrient material as brown rice etc. supplement for maximum mycelial growth. 3. The Ginseng-H. erinaceum (Ginseng-P. linteus, Ginseng-G. lucidum) solid-product cultured under these conditions consisted that were moisture of 3.5%(3.5, 3.6), crude proteins of 7.65%(9.22, 13.57), crude lipid of 8.79%(4.66, 12.02), ash of 9.86%(8.27, 13.38) and carbohydrate of 70.246%(74.33, 57.43).

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