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      • KCI등재

        경제난 이후 북한 가족의 사회연결망 강화전략

        박현선 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 2002 한국문화연구 Vol.2 No.-

        In the face of economic crisis and food shortages in the mid of 1990s, the North Korea has reached at the state of being paralyzed in function of the distributor of the nation. This dissertation starts from the perception about where the power to sustain the North Koreans’ lives is from in the face of this crisis. On the basis of this perception the fundamental driving power to keep the North Korea system is found not in the political ideology, at an abstract level but in the family unit, at a concrete one. That means the strategic response in the terms of the family unit, the survival unit of North Koreans. The North Korean family exert its driving power as a survival unit to overcome the family crisis which is family poverty, ensuring the family unit reproduction. The family strategic response is changed according to the member of family which consists of a family and material resources, by that response the family survival and guaranteeing of the reproduction are determined. Hence this dissertation aims to identify the strategic deeds which are called as the North Korean family’ social network coping with the structural crisis, analyzing the North korean family’s reproduction mechanism at behavioral level, which had just been discussed at structural level until now. This dissertation is on the family strategy as the theoretical base. Family strategy means that a family maximizes its profit in coping with the pressure of structural change, and it reveals specifically as family subsistence strategy, the changes in the family structure, and the social network etc. The studying methods of this dissertation are a questionnaire, surveying 165 respondents who have defected to South Korea from the North and a case study on 20 respondents who have defected to South Korea from the North. The North Korean family experiences the social network in the process of performing changes in the family structure, or family subsistence strategy. It means that they utilize not only the personal connections such as relatives, neighbors, friends but also the public connections such as job place, social organizations, the authorities or the nation. When comparing the North Koreans ‘utility perception - utility degree - increase of utility degree’ toward social network, the degree is lower than perception, the increase of utility is lower than utility degree since economic crisis. On one hand, this tendency means that the North korean family and the social network which consists of it have being experienced the depletion of intrinsic sources. On the other hand, it implies that in the situation of people’s not being satisfied much less than expected the relative dispossession can be caused. The utility forms of the North Korean family’s social network are summarized as follows. First, The North Korean family is utilizing the personal connections most actively such as relatives, friends among social network. Through analyzing kinship as the personal connections, we can find the evidence of coexistence of "man-centered paternal kinship" and "non-man projecting maternal and paternal kinship." Second, the North Korean family uses the public connections in the form of presenting a kind of bribe for the authorities or job place and getting a kind of privilege in return. By this the mechanism of activating non-public relation of public range, and of presenting a bribe and getting a privilege from that can be identified. The North Korean family guarantees its survival through the social network like this. Social network utility itself ensures subsistence directly because of containing material supports, while of public connections utility functions as the condition for being guaranteeing on reproduction activity or supporting the economic activity. This imply that the responsibility of the nation for securing people’s lives and family lives is transferred to a family unit, filtering the complaints for nation within a family unit, the low structure.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        학습자 주도 독일어 문화수업에 대한 고찰 - 정서 학습을 중심으로 -

        박현선 서울대학교 외국어교육연구소 2015 외국어교육연구 Vol.18 No.-

        In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird versucht, die Anwendungsmöglichkeit der Begriffe ‘emotionale Intelligenz’ von Daniel Goleman im deutschen Kulturunterricht zu erläutern. Der Begriff ‘emotionale Intelligenz’ wird fünf Ebenen untergeordnet: i) die eigenen Emotionen kennen, ii) Emotionen beeinflussen, iii) Empathie, iv) Emotionen in die Tat umsetzen, v) Umgang mit Beziehung. Heutzutage ist die Kultur im Deutsch als Fremdsprache einen wichtigen Lernstoff. Die Kultur kann nicht nur kognitive Ebene sondern auch affektive Ebene beeinflussen. In dieser Arbeit wird aber sie sich auf das affektive Lernen konzentriert. Um die Affektivität der Lernenden im Kulturunterricht zu entwickeln, kann der Begriff ‘emitionale Intelligenz’mit vier Lernverfahren kombiniert werden: die Zusammenarbeit für Wahrnehmung von Emotionen, der Rollspiel für Nutzung von Emotionen, das Lesen für Verstehen von Emotionen und das Sehen für Beeinflussung von Emotionen. Je nach Lernverfahren können die verschiedenen affektiven Ebenen der Lernenden sich darin progressiv entfalten und daher können die Lernenden innerlich stark motivert werden.

      • KCI등재

        신문 보도 기사의 객관성과 관련된 문법 요소들의 기능 연구

        박현선 한국독어독문학교육학회 2012 獨語敎育 Vol.53 No.-

        In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird versucht, den Gebrauch der Grammatik vom funktionalen Gesichtpunkt aus zu ordnen und die Frage, welche Grammatikelemete die Ausdrucksmittel der Eigenschaft ‘Objektivität’ der Textsorte ‘Zeiungsartikel’ sind, zu erläutern. Die Textsorte ‘Zeitungsartikel’ hat die Informationsfunktion. Daher kann man sagen, textspezifische Eigenschaften von der Textsorte ‘Zeitungsartikel’ ‘Objektivität’, ‘Genaurigkeit’, ‘Vollständigkeit’ und ‘Verständlichkeit’ zu sein. Das Hauptinteresse dieser Arbeit liegt darin festzustellen, welche Grammatikelemente für den Ausdrucksmittel der Eigenschaft ‘Objektivität’ benutzt werden. Die Grammatik sind die Folgende:Das Tempus kann durch die verschiedene Wahrnehmungsweise wie direkte oder indirekte Sehweise erklärt werden. Dabei gehört das Präteritum zu der direkten Sehweise des Sachverhaltes in der Vergangenheit. Daher kann man das Präteritum für den sachbezogen und objektiven Sichtpunkt benutzen. Zweitens ermöglicht das Passiv auch einen objektiven Ausdruck des Textinhaltes, weil das Passiv alle Aufmerksamkeit auf den behandelten Gegenstand oder das Sachliche gelenkt wird. Drittens kann noch die indirekte oder direkte Redeweise als objektives Ausdrucksmittel betrachtet werden. Aus diesen Gründen können wir erklären, dass in Zusammenhang mit dem Präteritum, Passiv und direkte oder Indirekte Rede noch eine textspezifische Eigenschaft ‘Objektivität’ der Textsorte Zeiungsartikel vorkommt.

      • KCI등재

        흉추 반상수막종: 증례 보고

        박현선,이상호,최영근,이상윤,강호영,윤득희,조병준 대한영상의학회 2005 대한영상의학회지 Vol.52 No.6

        Spinal en plaque meningioma is rarely found in the spinal canal, although lateral sphenoid wing meningioma displays a propensity for growth en plaque. We encountered a case of completely circumferential spinal en plaque meningioma, which is an even rarer condition. Herein, we report the CT & MRI findings along with a review of the related literature. 척추 수막종은 원발성 척추종양의 약 25%를 점유하여 신경성 종양 다음으로 흔한 종양이나, 척추 반상수막종(en plaque meningioma)은 매우 드물어 발생 빈도가 알려져 있지 않다. 저자들은 흉추에서 척수를 완전히 에워싸는 반상수막종을 경험하였기에 증례 보고 및 문헌 고찰하는 바이다.

      • KCI등재

        미래 관련 현재형과 미래형의 기능 연구 -텍스트유형 ‘초대장’을 중심으로-

        박현선 한국독어독문학교육학회 2008 獨語敎育 Vol.43 No.-

        Es gibt in unserem Alltagsleben Informationen, die der Rezipient nachträglich erhält und solche, die bereits vorher erlangt werden. Die antizipierte Information liegt in der ‘Expektive-Zeitstufen’ und setzt ‘Ungewissheit’ voraus. Das Vorhaben, die Voraussicht bzw. das Vorhersehen gehören zur antizipierten Information. Sie können veränderlich oder widerrufbar sein. Daher können wir die antizipierte Information als ‘Möglichkeit’ bezeichnen. Die Möglichkeit kann vom Rezipienten je nach Ausdrucksweise, als ‘Gewissheit’ oder als ‘Vermutung’, unterschiedlich aufgefasst werden, d.h., die Zuverlässigkeit der antizipierten Information kann durch Modus, Modalität, Tempus oder Modaladverbien verändert werden. Wo die antizipierte Information als Thema behandelt wird, sprechen wir von expektiv-orientierten Textsorten. Die in der 'Expektive-Zeitstufe' auftretenden Themen im unseren Alltagstexten sind insbesondere ‘Wettervorhersage’ oder ‘Einladung’ usw. Diese Textsorten, die antizipierte Informationen behandeln, haben dabei den Zweck, dem Rezipienten eine Gewissheit oder hochgradige Zuverlässigkeit in Hinblick auf die vorausgesehene Information zu vermitteln. Welches Tempus ist ein Haupttempus in der Textsorte “Einladungskarte”? Futur I oder Präsens? Zwischen Futur I und Präsens mit Zukunftsbezug gibt es keinen zeitlichen Unterschied, sondern eine Bedeutungsnuance. Das Thema der Textsorte ‘Einladungskarte’ gehört zur 'Expektive-Zeitstufe'. Das Haupttempus in der Textsorte ‘Einladungskarte’ ist aber das Präsens. Das Präsens mit Zukunftsbezug vermittelt dem Rezipienten Gewissheit. Im Gegensatz dazu vermittelt Futur I dem Rezipienten eher eine Möglichkeit. Die Zuverlässigkeit der antizipierten Information kann somit von der Benutzung des Tempus abhängig sein.

      • KCI등재

        코스모폴리탄 주체의 귀환: 하길종의 <수절>(1973)과 “세계”라는 문제

        박현선 한국극예술학회 2016 한국극예술연구 Vol.0 No.52

        The paper examines a prominent Korean filmmaker Ha Kilchong’s 1973 epic film Her Fidelity that articulates Ha’s stylistic signature and idiosyncratic understanding of the world as a ‘regional cosmopolitan subject.’ It has not been many analyses on Her Fidelity since the film was rather considered as a ‘failure’ in terms of a commercial acceptance as well as artistic auteurism. However, the paper argues that Her Fidelity discloses significant aspects of regional cosmopolitanism during 1970s in South Korea and expresses Ha’s self-reflective and allegorical mode of cinematic aesthetics. Especially, it pays attention to three aspects. First, the film reflects Ha’s personal and transnational trajectory of returning home as he had returned from the United States after getting a Master’s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles. Second, the cinematic style of the film shows a distinctive characteristic of Ha’s work, which refers to the dialectics of allegory and rhythm. Lastly, the film articulates the regional cosmopolitanism through its generic hybridity of epics and action drama. In this fashion, the paper pays attention to the significance of Her Fidelity as a political aesthetics of cosmopolitan subjectivity in the 1970s South Korea. Ha’s cosmopolitanism departs from the universal figure of cosmopolitan diaspora who roams around the world. While a global cosmopolitan subject travels around the world or imagines himself or herself residing in a universal metropolis, a regional cosmopolitan subject holds the dialectical relationship of the world and the regional home, reflecting political and ethical responsibilities of specific problems and experiences in local places. Anchoring on the notion of home-return and local places, Her Fidelity shows Ha’s attempt to configure the return of a cosmopolitan subject in the allegorical aesthetics of the world, which is at the same universal and regional at the age of violence. 이 글은 1970년대 대표적인 영화감독 하길종의 두 번째 장편극영화이자 혼성장르영화, <수절>(1973)을 중심으로 ‘지역적 코스모폴리탄 주체’로서 하길종이 보여준 독특한 작가의식과 세계의식을 살펴보고자 한다. 하길종 영화의 트레이드마크인 ‘청춘’의 영화도, 현대물도, 모더니즘 작품도 아닌 영화 <수절>은 흔히 그의 영화 중에서 가장 주목받지 못했던 실패작들 중의 하나로 이야기되어왔다. 그러나 하길종의 작품세계 및 영화사적 의미를 이해하는 데 있어 <수절>의 무게는 텍스트 안과 밖으로 재고할 지점이 많다. 본 논문은 1970년대의 한국이라는 ‘특수한’ 장소에서 ‘보편적’ 한국영화를 기획했던 하길종의 영화미학이 <수절>의 작가적 인장이 되었음에 주목하며 다음 세 가지 특징으로 이 작품을 재평가한다. 첫째, <수절>은 하길종의 유학 경험과 트랜스내셔널한 궤적을 자기반영적으로 보여주는 텍스트이다. 둘째, 이 영화의 스타일에는 하길종의 작품들을 관통하는 두 가지 모티프들인 알레고리와 리듬의 변증법적 시학이 정초되어 있다. 셋째, 현대물이 아닌 시대극을 통해서 하길종은 역설적이게도 코스모폴리탄 세계의 지평을 확장하려는 시도를 펼쳤다. 이런 맥락에서 본 논문은 <수절>이 그의 어떤 작품보다도 야심찬 기획이었으며 미학적, 정치적, 윤리적 도전이었다는 점을 부각시키고자 한다. 하길종의 코스모폴리타니즘은 세계를 떠돌아다니는 코스모폴리탄 디아스포라의 형상과는 거리가 멀다. 어떤 고향의식도 거부하고 익명의 도시생활에 익숙한 다문화주의 코스모폴리탄 주체가 세계 곳곳에서 일어나는 고립과 개입이 지닌 동시성을 의미한다면, 지역적 코스모폴리탄 주체는 특정 장소와 관계를 맺는 과정에서 생기는 정치적 윤리적 책임들을 외면하지 않는다. <수절>에서 고향과 장소에의 정박, 그리고 회귀성은 분명히 특수성을 향한 그의 집착을 보여주며 그럼에도 불구하고 이 공간 속에 산포해있는 여러 미학적 정치적 알레고리들은 글로벌 보편성의 영역으로 확장되어 있다. 다시 돌아온 장소에서 외부 타자와의 관계를 외면하지 않으며 내부 주체의 지평을 확장하고자 하는 코스모폴리타니즘. 이것을 보편성과 지역성의 변증법적 시학으로 “세계”라는 문제를 풀어보려 했던 하길종의 독특한 시도로 볼 수 있지 않을까 한다.

      • KCI등재

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