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        Labyrinth를 통한 기도와 묵상에 대한 고찰

        권진구 한국기독교교육학회 2018 기독교교육논총 Vol.54 No.-

        기독교적 Labyrinth는 로마제국의 기독교 공인 이후 4세기 중반 교회에 설치되어 사용되기 시작했다. 이후 서로마제국에 해당하는 프랑스와 이탈리아 등지의 교회로 전파되었고, 12세기를 전후해 더 많은 수의 Labyrinth가 교회에 설치되었다. 사각형, 원형, 팔각형 등 다양한 형태로 표현됐고, 크기도 다양해서 손바닥만 한 크기에서 여러 명이 함께 걷기에 충분할 만큼 큰 Labyrinth도 생겨났다. Chartres 성당의 Labyrinth는 13세기 이후 중세 Labyrinth의 모델이 되었고, 현재 유럽 및 북미지역에서 Labyrinth는 다시금 조명 받으며 기도와 묵상의 방법으로 유행하고 있다. Labyrinth의 기원은 고대 원시종교 및 그리스신화라 할 수 있다. 고대 사람들은 종교적 심성을 표현하는 한 방식으로 Labyrinth를 이용했고, 그리스신화에서는 Labyrinth의 기원이 테세우스라는 영웅을 통해 설명되고 있다. 한국 교회는 아직 Labyrinth에 익숙하지 않고, 설치된 수도 많지 않다. 이러할 때 Labyrinth의 기원과 역사적 변화에 대해 살펴봄으로써, 향후 있을 수 있는 Labyrinth에 대한 교회의 논의에 기여할 수 있기를 바란다. The first Christian labyrinth was constructed in a cathedral in Algeria about 30 years after the Edict of Milan (313 C.E.), though the origin of the labyrinth dates to ancient Greek religious practice and the myth of Minotauros and Theseus. The use of Christian labyrinths spread throughout the Western Roman Empire into areas like France and Italy. The labyrinth has been constructed in various (e.g. quadrilateral, circular, and octagonal) forms, and the sizes of labyrinths range from as small as a human palm or big enough for walking by several people. Today, Christians are reflecting anew on the Christian meaning and practice of the labyrinth, especially in Europe and North America. Most Korean Christians are unfamiliar with the labyrinth and its use in Christian churches in different countries. This study introduces the origin and history of the labyrinth to Korean churches for the possible future conversation on its use

      • KCI등재후보

        비전형적인 안진 양상을 보인 만성 중이염에 합병된 급성 장액성 미로염 1예

        박현우,허동구,안성기 대한평형의학회 2011 Research in Vestibular Science Vol.10 No.1

        Serous or suppurative labyrinthitis is one of the intratemporal complications of acute or chronic otitis media. Labyrinthitis can occur by meningogenic or hematogenous infection. Major symptoms of labyrinthitis are vertigo and hearing loss. The disease progresses in two phases; serous labyrinthitis, so called toxic labyrinthitis, and suppurative labyrinthitis. If labyrinthitis treated at serous phase, hearing could be saved. But, if the disease progressed to suppurative phase, hearing loss is difficult to recover. Therefore it is very important to distinguish these two phases of labyrinthitis when treating the patient. In general, the direction of nystagmus during labyrinthitis is helpful sign to distinguish these two phases. We report here on an unusual case of acute serous labyrinthitis complicated with chronic otitis media showing atypical pattern with a review of the related literatures.

      • 고실유양돌기절제술 후 장액성 미로염과 양성발작성체위성현훈으로 인하여 병발한 지연성 어지럼

        김윤호,이정구,정재윤,서명환 대한평형의학회 2008 Research in Vestibular Science Vol.7 No.1

        Postoperative vertigo after tympanomastoidectomy can be attributed to several causes such as inner ear damage due to excessive ossicle handling, labyrinthitis, BPPV resulting from vibration of drilling, iatrogenic lateral semicircular canal damage, and perilymphtic fistula. Differential diagnosis is critical for the proper management and prognosis of accompanied sensorineural hearing loss, but it may be difficult in some cases. Especially it is quite difficult to distinguish between the serous and suppurative labyrinthitis. In this article we present a case with simultaneous serous labyrinthitis and BPPV. The patient developed whirling vertigo and hearing loss on the 5th day after tympanomastoidectomy. After conservative treatment with steroid and antibiotics, his hearing recovered to preoperative level. We retrospectively reviewed the pitfalls to make a correct diagnosis in this patient and the serial change in nystagmus during the treatment period. The usefullness of the rotation chair test to predict the prognosis of sensorineural hearing loss in labyrinthitis was also discussed. Postoperative vertigo after tympanomastoidectomy can be attributed to several causes such as inner ear damage due to excessive ossicle handling, labyrinthitis, BPPV resulting from vibration of drilling, iatrogenic lateral semicircular canal damage, and perilymphtic fistula. Differential diagnosis is critical for the proper management and prognosis of accompanied sensorineural hearing loss, but it may be difficult in some cases. Especially it is quite difficult to distinguish between the serous and suppurative labyrinthitis. In this article we present a case with simultaneous serous labyrinthitis and BPPV. The patient developed whirling vertigo and hearing loss on the 5th day after tympanomastoidectomy. After conservative treatment with steroid and antibiotics, his hearing recovered to preoperative level. We retrospectively reviewed the pitfalls to make a correct diagnosis in this patient and the serial change in nystagmus during the treatment period. The usefullness of the rotation chair test to predict the prognosis of sensorineural hearing loss in labyrinthitis was also discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        전정신경염과 급성 바이러스성 미로염 환자에서 경부 전정유발근전위와 외안근 전정유발근전위

        문일하,이찬구,박무균,이종대 대한평형의학회 2012 Research in Vestibular Science Vol.11 No.3

        Background and Objectives: Vestibular neuritis predominantly affects the superior branch of the vestibular nerve, resulting in vertigo. Acute viral labyrinthitis occurs when an infection affects both vestibulo-cochlear nerve and labyrinth,resulting in hearing changes as well as vertigo. The purpose of study is to identify there is a difference of cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMP) and ocular VEMP (oVEMP) in patients with vestibular neuritis and acute viral labyrinthitis. Materials and Methods: cVEMP and oVEMP tests using 500-Hz tone-burst stimuli were performed on patients with vestibular neuritis and acute viral labyrinthitis. Pure tone audiometry, caloric test and subjective visual vertical (SVV) were performed in all patients. We compared the VEMP results, SVV, caloric test in patients with vestibular neuritis and acute viral labyrinthitis. Results: Abnormal cVEMP responses were detected in 2 (20%)patients with vestibular neuritis and 5 (100%) patients with labyrinthitis. Abnormal oVEMP responses were detected in 9 patients (90%) with vestibular neuritis and 5 (100%) patients with labyrinthitis. oVEMP abnormalities is correlated with caloric test and subjective visual vertical in patients with vestibular neuritis and labyrinthits. Conclusion: Our results shows that the response of cVEMP and oVEMP between patients with vestibular neuritis and acute viral labyrinthitis is different. We can infer that oVEMP response to air-conducted sound is different vestibular origin compared to cVEMP and may originate from utricle.

      • KCI등재후보

        미로염 증상으로 먼저 나타난 세균성 뇌수막염 1예

        구본민,남성일,박순형 대한평형의학회 2017 Research in Vestibular Science Vol.16 No.2

        Labyrinthitis causes damage to inner ear structure, and in turn hearing loss and vertigo. Labyrinthitis is classified as otogenic labyrinthitis and meningogenic labyrinthitis. Otogenic labyrinthitis can be diagnosed early through otoscopic examination. However, when there are no characteristic neurologic symptoms in patients with meningogenic labyrinthitis, clinicians can overlook the underlying meningitis and this may lead to the peripheral vertigo. We encountered an unusual case of meningogenic labyrinthitis that is misdiagnosed as peripheral dizziness.

      • KCI등재

        만성 중이염의 합병증으로 발생한 급성 화농성 미로염 1예

        손희영,심현석,안성용,안성기 대한이비인후과학회 2008 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.51 No.11

        With the development of antibiotics, tympanogenic labyrinthitis complicated by otitis media rarely occurs nowadays. Only few cases of acute serous or suppurative labyrinthitis in otitis media patients have been reported previously in the literature. Acute suppurative labyrinthitis caused by direct bacterial invasion into the inner ear leads to potentially severe, irreversible hearing loss, vertigo and spontaneous nystagmus toward the healthy side. Magnetic resonance image might be helpful to recognize the inflammatory lesions of the labyrinth. Treatment for tympanogenic labyrinthitis includes an appropriate use of antibiotics and establishment a draining route. Recently, we experienced an unusual case of acute suppurative labyrinthitis complicated by chronic otitis media without cholesteatoma. We also review and discuss the clinical manifestations, radiologic findings and treatment strategy of this disease. (Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2008;51:1050-3)

      • KCI등재

        미궁'으로서의 소설과 이야기의 진실-이승우의 「미궁에 대한 추측」

        김중철 한국문학이론과비평학회 2004 한국문학이론과 비평 Vol.25 No.-

        This thesis aims at analyzing Lee Seung-woo's A Conjecture about a Labyrinth and considering on imagination and interpretation of stories. This novel takes a motive from 'Labyrinth story' in the Greek myth. This novel shows interestingly the creating, compounding and spreading of stories. This novel has a nonfiction external form owing to introduce Jean Delluc's novel. But this novel is a fiction and a novel obviously, because Jean Delluc is a man in a pure fabrication. This novel don't make clear the historical fact of the labyrinth. Instead of that, this novel emphasizes the stories have a capacity for creating a new story, compounding of other story and spreading out. and that the stories have the truth in their own way. Furthermore the structure of this novel shows its subject. In this novel many stories stand separately and are associated with other stories simultaneously. This novel explains the affluence of contents and the unrestricted of forms in stories. 이 글은 이승우의 <미궁에 대한 추측>을 분석하기 위한 것이다. 이를 통해 허구에 있어서의 상상과 해석의 문제를 살펴보고자 한다. 그리스 신화 속의 라비린투스(미궁) 이야기를 모티브로 삼고 있는 이 작품은 이야기의 생성과 조합, 그리고 확산의 잠재성을 흥미롭게 보여준다. 이 작품은 장 델뤽의 동명의 소설을 소개하는 형태를 취하고 있어 외견상 소개서 혹은 서문 형식의 비소설적 형태다. 그러나 이 작품이 분명한 소설인 까닭은 그 대상인 장 델뤽과 그의 작품이 실상은 허구이며 가공물이기 때문이다. 더욱이 이 작품은 역사적인 사실-미궁의 정체를 밝히는 대신 그 미궁이 발산하는 수많은 추측과 해석, 그리고 이야기들의 생성 가능성과 그 각각의 진실성을 강조하고 있다. 이 작품이 더욱 흥미로운 것은 작품의 주제를 작품의 구조 자체가 이미 반영하고 있다는 점에서이다. 작품에서 여러 이야기들은 각각 독립적이면서 서로 관련 맺어 있고 또한 상위의 이야기에 포함되어 있다. 라비린투스만큼이나 복잡하고 정교한 구조를 보여준다. 작품은 한편으로는 이야기가 보여주는 내용상의 풍요로움을, 한편으로는 이야기가 취할 수 있는 형태상의 자유로움을 동시에 보여준다. 미궁을 소재로 하고 있지만 결국 이 작품이 말하고 있는 것은 소설이며 이야기 자체이다.

      • KCI등재

        Wandering Multiple Pathways: “Labyrinth-Spiel” and Joyce`s Mazed “Wandering Rocks”

        ( Sungjin Jang ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2016 제임스조이스저널 Vol.22 No.1

        Games have helped to understand the relationship between space and place. Although there are various understandings of space and place, I argue that space is a physical location and place is the way in which space is socially, culturally, politically, and historically organized. Based on these definitions, this paper asserts that the “Labyrinth-Spiel” game-James Joyce played with his daughter Lucia when he was working on “Wandering Rocks” in Ulysses-gave him a fundamental reconfiguration of space and place that a space can always be overwritten by different places. The object of Labyrinth-Spiel is to return to the starting point. Players must get their pieces across the space of the board, moving the pieces according to dice rolls. For every move, players need to choose left, right, or center, which can create multiple paths across the board. Because of the random movements (achieved through dice rolls) and players’ judgments in choosing their ways across, each time players play the game, they choose different pathways. As a result, the outcome is always different. This different outcome suggests that there is no one right way to cross the board. Thus the space of the board has a variety of places if every route is seen as a different game and therefore a unique interpretation of the space of the board. This way of reading the game, as having many places on the space of the board, is key in understanding how Joyce writes Dublin in “Wandering Rocks.” By inserting thirty-one interpolations in the nineteen sections in the episode, Joyce creates multiple pathways that lead to different readings of Dublin. The result of this technique is that, for a single geographical space (Dublin), there are many places, as in the game Labyrinth-Spiel. Just as there is no one right way to move across the board of the game, there is also no one right way to read Dublin. By connecting the interpolations differently, readers choose different pathways, thus reading Dublin differently. Reading “Wandering Rocks” is thus much like playing the board game.

      • KCI등재

        구체형 지열활용 환기시스템의 하계 및 추계 에너지 효율 분석

        송승영,송진희,임재한 대한건축학회 2011 대한건축학회논문집 Vol. No.

        Ventilation is essential to maintain a healthy indoor environment. However, in summer and winter, thermal conditions of outdoor air are so poor that ventilation cannot but increase energy consumption. Thus, energy-efficient ventilation system is very important. Thermal labyrinth system is a ventilation system which intakes outdoor air through an underground concrete structure shaped like a labyrinth. By the heat exchange with ground, this system can precool and preheat the outdoor air in summer and winter, respectively. The aim of this study is to analyze the energy efficiency of thermal labyrinth system, applied to the E University building recently built in Seoul, in summer and autumn (from Aug. 1 to Nov. 30). As results, it was found that average cooling and dehumidifying effects of thermal labyrinth system in Aug. are 3.7℃ and 3.1gw/kgda (9.92kW and 18.51kW),respectively, and average heating and humidifying effects in Nov. are 8.7℃ and 0.7gw/kgda (19.50kW and 3.89kW), respectively. Total outdoor air sensible and latent, cooling and heating load was found to be reduced by 38.8% through the thermal labyrinth system

      • KCI등재

        써멀 레비린스 환기시스템의 연간 에너지성능 및 경제성 분석

        송승영(Song Seung-Yeong),송진희(Song Jin-Hee),임재한(Lim Jae-Han) 대한건축학회 2012 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.28 No.4

        Ventilation is essential to maintain a healthy indoor environment. However, in summer and winter, thermal conditions of outdoor air are so poor that ventilation cannot but increase energy consumption. Thus, energy-efficient ventilation system is very important to reduce energy consumption. Thermal labyrinth system is a ventilation system which intakes outdoor air through an underground concrete structure shaped like a labyrinth. By the heat exchange with ground, this system can pre-cool and pre-heat the outdoor air in summer and winter, respectively. The aim of this study is to analyze the energy performance and economical efficiency of thermal labyrinth system, applied to the E University building recently built in Seoul. As results, outdoor air cooling+dehumidification and heating+humidification peak loads were found to be reduced by 47.6% and 41.2%, respectively. Annual outdoor air conditioning energy demand was found to be reduced by 31.3% and payback period was found to be 14.2years.

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