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      • KCI등재

        6ㆍ25전쟁 초기 육사 생도 참전전투 연구

        나종남(Na, Jong-nam) 국방부 군사편찬연구소 2013 군사 Vol.- No.87

        Korea Military Academy(KMA), opened in May 1946, was the major institution that educated leaders of the ROK Army in its early days. At the very first day of the Korean War in June1950, however, ROK Army Chief of Staff ordered to send cadets who were studying at KMA to the front line in order to delay North Korean troops advance toward Seoul. With this controversial decision, some 530 cadets were sent to the front line as an individual soldier. Although they fought hard and were able to delay enemy"s attack at several places even including at their own campus at Taerung, KMA cadets had to retreat to the south of the Han River with the collapse of ROK Army in June 28th. And after one more bloody battle against North Korean troops in early July, KMA cadets moved to Daejeon where the members of the senior class were commissioned. While fighting against the enemy as an individual soldier for more than ten days, some 200 cadets were killed and missed in action. This paper also introduces a guerilla force that ran by some cadets. Right after the Taerung Battle in June 28th, thirteen cadets who refused to retreat decided to form a guerilla force around the Bul-am Mountain near the KMA, and resisted to the enemy furiously for almost three months until all members were killed in action. By analogizing KMA cadets" battles during the first ten days of the Korean War, this paper argues that this story should be a symbolic foundation of KMA"s current educational values. This paper tries to find how this recently known stories has been adopted as a part of the official history of the Korean War. Also this paper suggests to learn some precious lessons from this unknown case: whether Army Chief of Staff"s decision to send KMA cadets to the front line was inevitable or not; why the Superintendent of KMA was hesitate to move cadets to a safer place early; and soon. And, finally, this paper argues that this tragic history should not be repeated in the future and we should prepare for that.


        대한의사협회 휘장의 소사 : 아스클레피오스의 지팡이와 헤르메스의 지팡이

        신영전(SHIN Young-Jeon) 大韓醫史學會 2007 醫史學 Vol.16 No.1

        An emblem represents the identity of an organization. Through the emblem of an organization, they differentiate the members from others and reinforce the membership, homogeneity, and pride. It is also a tool that an organization officially publicizes its mission and values. The symbol designed by Cho, Byungduk was announced as the first emblem of Korean Medical Association(KMA) on October 31st 1947. His design work has the caduceus with the Taeguk sign on the top, the symbol of Korea, and the Red Cross in the background including the name, ‘KMA’. Since then, the emblem was revised three times: in 1964, 1973, and 1995. The current symbol is based on the design of the first one. Although Asklepian, the single serpent-entwined staff of Asklepios, is the one known as the symbol of medicine, this emblem takes the caduceus of Hermes who is the patron god of merchants, thieves, and travelers. The mistake comes from the unawareness of the distinction between the caduceus of Asklepios and Hermes. Moreover, it proves that U. S. Army Medical Corps(USAMC) heavily influenced the reconstruction of Korean health care system including KMA. The USAMC has used the symbol of caduceus since 1902. In 1947, the year that the first emblem of KMA was established, Southern part of Korea was governed by the United States Military Government(USMG, 1945-1948). The current emblem of KMA brings up a question whether we should continue to use the symbol that was taken from USMAC in the historical period of USMG governance. Celebrating 100th anniversary year of KMA, KMA needs to re-evaluate the appropriateness of the KMA symbol.

      • KCI등재후보

        의료배상책임보험시장의 문제점과 활성화 방안 : 의사협회 공제회를 중심으로

        최정호 명지대학교 금융지식연구소 2007 금융지식연구 Vol.5 No.2

        공제회를 통한 의료배상책임보험의 활성화를 위해서는 첫째 공제회의 전문성제고이다. 이를 위해서는 보험전문가에 의한 보험인수업무가 이루어지고, 손해보상금 및 배상금의 지급과 의료인들을 위한 소송, 중재, 화해, 조정 등의 방어가 적기에 이루어지도록 의료사고 처리절차에 따른 보험전문가, 전문의료인 및 법조인의 효율적인 업무분담, 그리고 상업적 목적의 민영보험사와는 다른 의료인에 의한 비영리조직이 가지는 서비스지향적인 특수성이 강조된 업무모델에 기초한 조직개편이 이루어져야 한다. 둘째로 공제회에 의무적인 가입을 전 의료인으로 확대함으로써 pooling technique의 효율적 적용이 이루어지도록 하고 나아가서는 의사소유 상호보험회사 설립의 기초를 마련하는 것이다. 셋째로 의료사고 발생시 경중을 막론하고 의료사고와 관련된 사항뿐 아니라 잠재적 문제까지도 즉시보고를 의무화하고 위험관리절차를 준수하도록 하여 배상, 중재, 소송 등의 처리절차를 일원화함과 동시에 궁극적으로는 효율적인 요율산정의 근거로 삼을 수 있도록 한다. 이러한 공제회의 업무 및 조직의 전문화를 통하여 의사의, 의사에 의한, 의사를 위한 의사책임보험을 취급하는 의사소유 상호보험회사를 발족함으로서 의료행위의 증가에 따른 분쟁의 해결에 도움이 될 수 있다고 본다. Alternatives for Utilizing Medical Malpractice Liability Insurance through Efficient Functioning of the Council of Arbitration of Korean Medical Association(KMA) In order to improve the affordability and availability of medical malpractice insurance and to discourage physicians from participating defensive practice and medicine, the council of arbitration of KMA should reform functioning and the organization. Firstly, specialization must be ecforced through underwriting business by insurance professionals, efficient division of labor among insurance professionals, medical experts and lawyers for timely claims payments and timely defence of physicians, and reorganization based on the business model emphasizing physician-owned service oriented non-profit characteristics. Secondly, it should be compulsory for all medical practitioners in the nation to be a member of the council of arbitration of KMA. This would be helpful for efficient application of pooling technique and would be the foundation for physician-owned mutual insurance company in the near future. Lastly, mandated by legislative development, KMA receives reports of all payments and potential malpractice problems by members in response to malpractice claims, including settlements according to risk management process. This would be functioning as the data bank for pricing medical malpractice liability insurance products. Through specialization of functioning and organization of the council of arbitration of KMA, physician-owned mutual medical malpractice liability insurance company of physician, by physician, and for physician should be established to reduce the problem of frequent medical malpractice disputes and claims.

      • 기상청/국립기상연구소 해양 예보시스템 현황 및 활용

        유승협(Sung Hyup You) 한국마린엔지니어링학회 2009 한국마린엔지니어링학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.-

        This study shows development and operation of operational ocean forecasting system and future plan of National Institute of Meteorological Research (NIMR)/Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). At present, NIMR/KMA has operated the high resolution wave and storm surge prediction system for ocean forecast using CRAY XIE system. From July, 2006 the Storm Surges/Tide Operational Model(STORM) have been applied to formal forecasting model in KMA. Since 2007, the high resolution regional and coastal wave model based WAVEWATHCH III(WW3) was applied to formal wave forecasting model instead of previous WAM. The study shows development and verification of operational ocean prediction system and future plan of KMA.

      • KCI등재

        기상청 현업 예보 바람자료를 이용한 동해안 동계 파랑 예측 재현도 연구

        도기덕(Kideok Do),김진아(Jinah Kim) 한국해안해양공학회 2018 한국해안해양공학회 논문집 Vol.30 No.5

        본 연구에서는 동해안의 너울성 고파랑 예측하기 위해 기상청 현업 예보 바람자료를 입력장으로 하여 파랑수치모델(SWAN)을 수립 및 최적화하고 동해안 동계 파랑의 예측 재현도를 평가하였다. 파랑 모델은 연안역에서의 파랑 변형을 모의하기 위해 네스팅 기법을 적용하였으며, 백파 에너지 소산항을 개선하여 너울성 파랑을 모의하였다. 수치실험을 위한 입력 바람장으로는 기상청 현업 기상예보모델인 RDAPS 및 LDAPS 자료를 사용하였다. 모의된 파랑에 대한 정확도 비교 · 평가를 위해 ECMWF 재분석 바람자료와 KIOST 운용해양시스템의 WRF 예측바람자료를 이용한 파랑모델링 및 기상청 현업 파랑예보모델 결과와 연안 및 외해 4개 관측정점의 파랑 관측자료를 이용하였다. 기상청 현업 기상예보모델을 입력바람장으로 이용한 경우 연안에서는 유의파고, 첨두주기 및 평균파향이 모두 가장 낮은 RMSE와 가장 높은 상관계수를 가졌으며, 외해에서는 모든 수치실험 결과가 관측자료와 전반적으로 잘 일치하였다. 백파항을 수정한 SWAN 모델과 기상청 현업 기상예보모델을 사용할 경우 급격하게 발생하는 고파랑 재현은 개선이 필요하지만 비교적 겨울철 폭풍파를 잘 재현하고 있다. The predictability of winter storm waves using KMA’s operational wind forecasts has been studied to predict wind waves and swells in the East coast of Korea using SWAN. The nested model were employed along the East coast of Korea to simulate the wave transformation in the coastal area and wave dissipation term of whitecapping is optimized to improve swell prediction accuracy. In this study, KMA’s operational meteorological models (RDAPS and LDAPS) are used as input wind fields. In order to evaluate model accuracy, we also simulate wind waves and swells using ECMWF reanalysis and KIOST WRF wind and they are compared with the KMA’s operational wave model and the wave measurement data on the offshore and onshore stations. As a result, it has the lowest RMSE and the highest correlation coefficient in the onshore when the input wind fields are KMA’s operational meteorological forecasts. In the offshore, all of the simulate results shows good agreements with similar error statistics. It means that it is very feasible to use SWAN model with the modified whitecapping factor and KMA’s operational meteorological forecasts for predicting the wind waves and swells in the East coast of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Configuring the New Topography of Korea’s Professional Interest Group Politics: An Investigation into the Declining Power of Organized Medicine in Health Politics

        김순양 한국학중앙연구원 한국학중앙연구원 2011 Korea Journal Vol.51 No.1

        The purpose of this article is to spell out the changing landscape of Korea’s professional interest group politics through an investigation into the factors that brought about a reduction in the monopolistic power of organized medicine in Korean health politics. To this end, the article first debates two theories concerning organized interests and their relationship with the government—pluralism and corporatism—and then summarizes changes in the Korean healthcare subsystem. The forces that made possible the role of the Korean Medical Association (KMA) as the sole representative of medical interests are also detailed. The main part of this article strives to use diverse angles to illuminate the principal factors that brought about the decline of the KMA’s monopolistic power: the environmental context, the changing relationship between the government and the KMA, health policy changes, and the KMA’s internal affairs.

      • KCI등재

        Analyzing Dissatisfaction Factors of Weather Service Users Using Twitter and News Headlines

        김인겸,이승욱,김혜민,이대근,임병환 한국콘텐츠학회 2019 International Journal of Contents Vol.15 No.4

        Social media is a massive dataset in which individuals' thoughts are freely recorded. So there have been a variety of efforts to analyze it and to understand the social phenomenon. In this study, Twitter was used to define the moments when negative perceptions of the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA) were displayed and the reasons people were dissatisfied with the KMA. Machine learning methods were used for sentiment analysis to automatically train the implied awareness on Twitter which mentioned the KMA July-October 2011-2014. The trained models were used to validate sentiments on Twitter 2015–2016, and the frequency of negative sentiments was compared with the satisfaction of forecast users. It was found that the frequency of the negative sentiments increased before satisfaction decreased sharply. And the tweet keywords and the news headlines were qualitatively compared to analyze the cause of negative sentiments. As a result, it was revealed that the individual caused the increase in the monthly negative sentiments increase in 2016. This study represents the value of sentiment analysis that can complement user satisfaction surveys. Also, combining Twitter and news headlines provided the idea of analyzing the causes of dissatisfaction that are difficult to identify with only satisfaction surveys. The results contribute to improving user satisfaction with weather services by efficiently managing changes in satisfaction.

      • KCI등재

        비사회학적 변수에 따른 육사생도의 자율체육활동 참가유형에 관한 문화기술적 연구

        박승용(Seung Yong Park),박재우(Jae Woo Park) 한국사회체육학회 2004 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.21

        In order to find out participation pattern and characteristics of KMA cadets` voluntary extracurricular physical activities in accordance with a three-dimensional variables, this research was conducted through Enthnographic analysis, a kind of qualitative method. Firstly, despite the fact that there is a comprehensive range of physical exercise facilities, the cadets prefer soccer and basketball with low flexibility value (regulations, special equipment, and restricted conditions). They also prefer weight training and swimming that are easily accessible. Therefore, the participation pattern has turned out to be limited. Secondly, since voluntary extracurricular physical activities at KMA. can be performed within a certain period of time (from 17:00 to 18:00), strictness concerned with time and climate variables is a major deterrent for cadets usage of such time. Especially, the preferred activities differ from season to season along with spatial limitation (lots of cadets trying to do the same physical activity). Thirdly, since problems with skill level is related to individual satisfaction, they put a significant amount of effect upon the participation pattern of future physical activities. As a result, the cadets concentrate on activities that do not require high level of technical skills such as soccer, basketball, swimming, and weight training. Also, female cadets concentrate on activities that can be performed alone such as swimming and weight training. In sum, the participation pattern of KMA cadets during their voluntary extracurricular physical activities has turned out to be limited due to the fact that the infrastructure for physical activities were not put to its maximum use.

      • KCI등재

        기상청 전구 수치예보모델을 활용한 Himawari-8/AHI 청천복사휘도 편차 특성 분석

        김보람,신인철,정주용,정성훈 대한원격탐사학회 2018 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.34 No.6

        The clear sky radiance (CSR) is one of the baseline products of the Himawari-8 which was launched on October, 2014. The CSR contributes to numerical weather prediction (NWP) accuracy through the data assimilation; especially water vapor channel CSR has good impact on the forecast in high level atmosphere. The focus of this study is the quality analysis of the CSR of the Himawari-8 geostationary satellite. We used the operational CSR (or clear sky brightness temperature) products in JMA (Japan Meteorological Agency) as observation data; for a background field, we employed the CSR simulated using the Radiative Transfer for TOVS (RTTOV) with the atmospheric state from the global model of KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration). We investigated data characteristics and analyzed observation minus background statistics of each channel with respect to regional and seasonal variability. Overall results for the analysis period showed that the water vapor channels (6.2, 6.9, and 7.3 μm) had a positive mean bias whereas the window channels (10.4, 11.2, and 12.4 μm) had a negative mean bias. The magnitude of biases and Uncertainty result varied with the regional and the seasonal conditions, thus these should be taken into account when using CSR data. This study is helpful for the pre-processing of Himawari-8/Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) CSR data assimilation. Furthermore, this study also can contribute to preparing for the utilization of products from the Geo-Kompsat-2A (GK- 2A), which will be launched in 2018 by the National Meteorological Satellite Center (NMSC) of KMA. 청천복사휘도는 히마와리-8호 정지궤도 기상위성에서 제공되는 주요 산출물 중의 하나로서, 자료동화 과정을 통해 수치예보 정확도 향상에 기여한다. 특히, 청천복사휘도는 대기운동벡터와 함께 대기 상층에서 자료동화의 효과를 보인다. 본 연구에서는 히마와리-8호 청천복사휘도의 편차 특성 분석과 평가를 통해 자료를 활용하는 사용자에게 정보를 제공해주고, 효과적으로 자료를 사용할 수 있도록 수치예보모델자료를 활용한 편차와 불확실성을 계산하였다. 일본 기상청에서 제공되는 청천복사휘도를 관측 자료로 사용하였고, 17 km 공간해상도의 기상청 전구 모델 Unified Model(UM) 자료와 복사전달모델 RTTOV-v11.2를 이용하여 청천복사휘도를 모의하였다. 먼저, 관측자료의 특성을 파악하고 관측자료와 모의된 청천복사휘도의 채널별 편차특성을 분석하였다. 전반적인 결과는 히마와리-8호 위성의 세 개의 수증기 채널(6.2, 6.9, 7.3 μm)에서는 양의 편차를 보인 반면에 대기창 적외 채널(10.4, 11.2, 12.4 μm)에서는 음의 편차를 보였다. 또한 분석결과는 계절과 영역에 따라 상이하게 나타났으며, 특히 사막이나 고지대 지역의 편차 특성이 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 이를 통해 청천복사자료를 활용할 때 시공간적인 특성을 고려해야 함을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 히마와리-8호 AHI의 청천복사휘도를 자료동화 할 때 전처리 과정에서 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것이며, 2018년에 발사된 천리안-2A 호의 산출물 활용에도 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다.

      • Simulations on Routine Emission of Radioxenon in the Northern Hemisphere Using LADAS Model: Case Study in 2014

        Kihyun Park,Byung-Il Min,Sora Kim,Jiyoon Kim,Kyung-Suk Suh 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.2

        As part of the third ATM Challenge, we performed a series of atmospheric dispersion simulations for routine releases of Xe-133 from ordinarily operating nuclear facilities such as Medical Isotope Production Facilities (MIPFs), Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs), and Research Reactors (RRs) in the Northern Hemisphere using our ATM, Lagrangian Atmospheric Dose Assessment System (LADAS), with Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) data produced by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA). The simulation time period is 6 months, from June to November in 2014, and we used the stack emission data except for CNL (Canada) and IRE (Belgium) in accordance with the scenario of the third ATM Challenge 2019. In addition, the simulations were done individually for all MIPFs, NPPs, and RRs. We utilized 3-hourly KMA’s Unified Model Global Data Assimilation and Prediction System (UM-GDAPS) data with 0.35°×0.23° horizontal resolution as input meteorological fields and extracted hourly time series results for Xe-133 activity concentrations with few different resolutions such as 0.5°×0.5°, 0.35°×0.23°, and 0.1°×0.1° at several IMS stations in the Northern Hemisphere which were in normal operation in 2014. Considering previously reported values of daily Xe-133 release amounts for CNL and IRE, measured signals at some IMS stations (such as CAX17, DEX33, SEX63, and USX75) were well reproduced from the simulation results.

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