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        남극 장보고기지 건설 시 온실가스 배출량 산정

        주진철(Jin Chul Joo),윤정임(Jeong Im Yun),이승은(Seung Eun Lee),김유민(Yu Min Kim),채창우(Chang U Chae),김영석(Young Seok Kim) 大韓環境工學會 2012 대한환경공학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        본 연구에서는 남극 장보고기지 건설 시 발생하는 온실가스 배출량을 자재생산단계와 시공단계로 구분하여 산정하였다. 또한, 시공단계의 배출원은 각각 해양수송과 내륙수송, 건설장비 사용, 건설캠프 운영으로 분류하여 온실가스 배출량을 구체적으로 산정하였다. 전과정평가 개념을 도입해 남극 장보고기지 건설에 투입되는 자재생산을 통해 배출되는 온실가스 배출량은 기지 건설에 따른 전체 온실가스 배출량의 23.8%에 해당하는 8,933 ton (as CO₂eq)으로 산정되었으며, 향후 남극 신규기지의 건설 시 자재생산을 통한 온실가스 배출이 반드시 고려해야 할 대상인 것으로 판단되었다. 남극 장보고기지 시공단계(총 2단계)에서의 온실가스 배출량은 1단계에 비해서 2단계에 비교적 많이 배출되었으며, 이는 2단계 때 수송화물선이 부산까지 회항하여 정박하므로 연료사용량이 증가하기 때문인 것으로 사료된다. 또한, 시공단계의 온실가스 배출원 가운데 해양수송이 내륙수송, 건설장비 사용 및 건설캠프 운영에 비해 다량의 온실가스를 배출하는 것으로 판명되었다. 남극 장보고기지 건설에 따른 자재생산단계와 시공단계를 통합한 전체 온실가스 배출량은 총 34,486 ton (as CO₂eq)으로 기존 남극기지 포괄적 환경영향평가(CEE)상에 제시된 온실가스 총배출량과 비교 시 다량의 온실가스가 배출되는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 기존 CEE상에 제시된 온실가스 배출량 산정 시 건설에 투입되는 자재생산을 통해 발생하는 온실가스 배출량 산정이 고려되지 않고, 단순히 자재수송 및 시공단계만을 고려하여 온실가스 배출량을 개략적으로 산정하였기 때문으로 판단된다. In this study, greenhouse gas emissions occurring from the construction of Jangbogo Antarctic research station were estimated in terms of material production stages and building stages, respectively. In detail, greenhouse gas emissions during the building stages were estimated in terms of marine transportation, inland transportation, construction equipment utilization, and construction camp operation, respectively. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions from material production stages with life cycle assessment were 8,933 ton (as CO₂eq), equivalent to the 23.8% of total greenhouse gas emissions from the construction of Jangbogo Antarctic research station, and these results indicate that greenhouse gas emissions occurring from material production stages should not be ignored. During the building stages, greenhouse gas emissions occurring from first year were greater than those from second year due to the increase in fuel consumption of freighter during second year. Additionally, marine transportation compared to inland transportation, construction equipment utilization, and construction camp operation was found to be the greater contributor for greenhouse gas emissions during the building stages. The total greenhouse gas emissions estimated from both material production stages and building stages was 34,486 ton (as CO₂eq), and greater than those estimated from comprehensive environmental evaluation (CEE) of existing other research stations, This difference is mainly attributed from approximate estimation of greenhouse gas emissions of existing other research stations without considering material production stages.

      • KCI등재

        초기 설계단계에서 비틀림 형태 건물의 BIM기반 에너지 성능 평가 기술 개발

        문현준(Moon, Hyeun-Jun),김사겸(Kim, Sa-Kyum) 대한건축학회 2012 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.28 No.7

        Building energy performance evaluation is required in the design stage to ensure a target energy consumption for a proposed design. However, in an early design stage, a building performance evaluation is very limited due to insufficient building data for systems and constructions. The aim of this study is to develop an energy performance evaluation method for a building with twisted shape in early design stage. This study utilizes parametric modeling and BIM based interoperability between an architectural model and a building energy analysis model. This study develops a geometry simplification method for a building with a twisted shape based on parameters in early design stage. The simplified geometry information is transferred to an analysis model through interoperability protocol, e.g., gbXML. Iterative simulations are conducted based on specified design parameter with a range. This study established a building energy performance evaluation process in early design stage and could derive the best building shape for energy performance.

      • KCI등재후보

        서울시 오피스빌딩의 임차인 점유가 임대료에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        양승철 한국부동산연구원 2008 부동산연구 Vol.18 No.1

        오피스빌딩은 산업활동을 수행하는 기업체에게 활동공간을 제공하는 부동산 유형이다. 특히 오피스빌딩은 주로 도시에서 산업활동의 공간으로 활용되는데 임차인은 오피스빌딩 점유여부를 기업체 내부의 특성과 오피스빌딩의 특성 등을 감안하여 결정하게 된다. 그리고 오피스빌딩은 이들 임차인의 유형에 따라 임대료가 결정된다. 본 연구는 임차인의 유형을 업무산업과 비업무산업으로 구분하여 오피스빌딩의 임대료에 어떠한 영향을 주는지 분석하였다. 임대료와 업무산업의 임대차는 상호영향을 줄 수 있으므로 본 연구에서는 2단계 최소자승법을 적용하였다. 그 결과 일반최소자승법에서는 점유비율이 오피스빌딩에 영향을 주지 못하였으나 2단계 최소자승법에서는 영향을 주는 것으로 나타나 이들 사이에 상호작용이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 업무산업의 오피스빌딩 임대차는 임대료에 긍정적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 오피스빌딩의 규모에 따라 상이한 영향을 주는 것을 알 수 있었다. 중형의 경우 긍정적인 영향을 주는 반면 대형에서는 영향을 주지 못하는 것으로 나타났다. 감정평가연구 51 Office building supply the space to the economic activities and the demand of office building is the derived demand of economic activities. Therefore the rent is influenced by the occupation of tenants who carry industrial activities. On the other hand rent give an effect to the occupation of office building of tenants. So there are simultaneities between rent and occupation of tenant. This study made empirical analysis for the role of type of business of tenant to the rent of office buildings in Seoul, Korea, by using Two Stage Least Squares(TSLS). In ordinary least squares the type of business of tenant did not affect the rent, but in TSLS it had a affect to the rent of office building. And it was not significant to large size building model, but was significant to medium size buildings.

      • KCI등재

        Theoretical and experimental dynamic characteristics of a RC building model for construction stages

        Temel Turker,Alemdar Bayraktar 사단법인 한국계산역학회 2016 Computers and Concrete, An International Journal Vol.17 No.4

        Dynamic characteristics, named as natural frequencies, damping ratios and mode shapes, affect the dynamic behavior of buildings and they vary depending on the construction stages. It is aimed to present the effects of construction stages on the dynamic characteristics of reinforced concrete (RC) buildings considering theoretical and experimental investigations. For this purpose, a three-storey RC building model with a 1/2 scale was constructed in the laboratory of Civil Engineering Department at Karadeniz Technical University. The modal testing measurements were performed by using Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) method for the bare frame, brick walled and coated cases of the building model. Randomly generated loads by impact hammer were used to vibrate the building model; the responses were measured by uni-axial seismic accelerometers as acceleration. The building’s modal parameters at these construction stages were extracted from the processed signals using the Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition (EFDD) technique. Also, the finite element models of each case were developed and modal analyses were performed. It was observed from the experimental and theoretical investigations that the natural frequencies of the building model varied depending on the construction stages considerably.

      • KCI등재

        4단계 창조과정 이론을 적용한 공연 연출 연구 - 연극 <아일랜드>의 인물 구축을 중심으로 -

        김영래 한국연기예술학회 2023 연기예술연구 Vol.32 No.4

        본 연구는 미하일 체홉의 4단계 창조과정 이론을 고찰하여, 연극 <아일랜드>의 인물 구축과 연출에 실 제로 적용하고, 그 적용 효과를 분석·평가함을 목적으로 한다. 4단계 창조과정 이론의 개념과 성격, 적 용 방법, 적용 과정, 적용 효과 분석 및 평가를 통해 유용한 연출 적용사례로 제시하여 연출자들이 새롭 고 효과적인 공연 연출이론으로 응용할 수 있게 하고자 한다. 연출자가 4단계 창조과정 이론을 적용하기 위해서는 체홉의 연기 테크닉에 대한 이해 또는 습득이 선행되어야 한다. 4단계 창조과정 이론은 체홉의 다양한 연기 테크닉을 활용하여 효과적으로 인물을 구축할 수 있는 연기이론이다. 또한 연출자가 다양한 연기 테크닉을 수용하여 공연을 체계적으로 정교화하고, 공연 전체를 조망하며, 세부적인 요소들을 분석 할 기회를 제공하는 연출이론이다. 4단계 창조과정 이론은 1단계 공연과 인물의 개념이 형성되는 단계, 2단계 이미지를 의식적으로 다듬는 단계, 3단계 이미지에 실제적인 존재감을 부여하는 단계, 4단계 배우 의 연기를 객관적으로 바라보는 단계로 진행된다. 본 연구자는 체홉의 4단계 창조과정 이론을 연극 <아 일랜드>에 적용한 후 다음과 같은 결과를 확인했다. 이론 적용의 긍정적 효과로는 연출자의 창조적인 계 획과 아이디어 구현, 연출자와 배우의 소통 및 연기 향상, 연극 제작과정의 효율성과 경제성 확보, 작품 의 일관성 유지와 완성도 제고 등이다. 이론 적용의 부정적 효과로는 제작의 복잡성 및 시간과 에너지 소모, 배우의 이해도와 능력 차이, 작품의 창의성 및 다양성 제약 등이다. 체홉의 4단계 창조과정 이론이 연출자와 배우의 소통을 기반으로 창조적 아이디어를 수렴하여 제작 및 연출과정을 합리적으로 진행하 는 유용한 연출 방법으로 인식되길 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to examine Michael Chekhov's theory of four stages of the creation process, apply it to the character building and directing in the play <The Island>, and analyze and evaluate its application effects. Through the analysis of the concept, characteristic, application method, application process, and application effect of the theory of four stages of the creation process, it is presented as a useful directing application case so that directors can apply it as a new and effective performance directing theory. In order for a director to apply the theory of four stages of the creation process, an understanding of Chekhov's acting techniques must be preceded. The theory of four stages of the creation process is an acting theory that allows you to effectively build a character by utilizing Chekhov's various acting techniques. It is also a directing theory that provides an opportunity for the director to systematically elaborate the performance by accepting various acting techniques, view the entire performance, and analyze detailed elements. The theory of four stages of the creation process consists of four stages. The first stage is conception formation of whole performance and all characters. The second stage is conscious elaboration of the images. The third stage is giving real existence to the images. The fourth stage is becoming the observer of his own work. This researcher applied Chekhov's theory of four stages of the creation process to the play <The Island> and confirmed the following results. Positive effects of applying the theory include implementing the director's creative plans and ideas, improving communication and acting between the director and actors, ensuring efficiency and economy in the play production process, and maintaining consistency and improving the completeness of the work. This researcher hopes that Chekhov's theory of four stages of the creation process will be recognized as an excellent directing method that collects creative ideas based on communication between the director and actors and proceeds the production and directing process rationally.

      • Development and Application of the KLT Method for the Energy Performance Evaluation of Non-residential Buildings in the Early Design Stage

        Lee, Jung-Youb,Leigh, Seung-Bok,Kim, Taeyeon,Cho, Sooyoun Architectural Institute of Japan 2015 JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEE Vol.14 No.3

        <P> There is a growing interest in sustainable design in the building industry to reduce energy consumption and minimize adverse environmental impacts of buildings. The strategies for sustainable design are as follows: 1) reducing the size of the building's equipment system and saving energy through an optimal design; 2) maximizing natural energy use through a passive solar heating system; and 3) utilizing an active system through applications of high-performance heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and lighting systems, installation of new and renewable energy facilities, and so on. It is vital to evaluate and compare the energy efficiencies of design alternatives at an early design stage, and hence, to improve the energy performance of the final building, as design elements determined at an early phase in the architectural design process greatly influence the energy performance of the building itself. Further, costs increase over time with the number of design changes made. In the course of this research, the KLT (Korean lighting and thermal energy) method was revised and developed based on the lighting and thermal energy (LT) method, adjusting for South Korea's climate and architectural regulations, which can be used to assess the energy performance of buildings. This study was conducted to determine the process of selecting optimal design alternatives to maximize building energy performance at an early stage in the process. </P>

      • 건축단계별 연돌효과 문제 해결 접근 방법

        김지혜(Kim Ji-Hye),백승효(Baek Seung-Hyo),조재훈(Jo Jae-Hun),여명석(Yeo Myoung-Souk),김광우(Kim Kwang-Woo) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2007 한국건축친환경설비학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        Recently, stack effect occurs many problems in high-rise buildings, especially in winter season. Problems arise draft, diffusion of smoke and smell, whistling noise at elevator doors, difficulties in opening entrance door. To solve the problems caused by stack effect, different way can be adopted at each architectural stage. In design stage, design guideline for preventing stack effect is needed. In construction stage, construction checklist and method for increasing building airtightness is needed. In completion stage, diagnosis and solution as follow-up measures is needed. That is, integrative solution is required to manage stack effect problems through the whole architectural stage. The purpose of this study is to propose an access method and factors to be considered at each architectural stage for preventing stack effect problems. For this purpose, basic principles for preventing stack effect were investigated and factors to be considered for increasing airtightness of building envelop and partitioning off inside of building.

      • KCI등재

        지속가능한 건축을 위한 초기 설계 단계에서의 Green BIM 적용 방안에 관한 연구

        조진성(Jo Jin-Sung),추승연(Choo Seung-Yeon),최무혁(Choi Moo-Hyuck) 대한건축학회 2011 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.27 No.4

        Since in the 1990s, architects have begun to apply sustainability to building design and to minimize the effect of buildings on the environment. despite these efforts, in actual application on design, the solution to reduce building energy consumption was only limited in mechanical equipment system or insulation performance of building envelope, but it forced up the cost of design definitely. The sustainable architecture couldn't widen its territory. Furthermore, it was limited on large public projects. Green BIM is the other way to achieve the sustainable architecture. BIM-based energy simulation tool in the Green BIM is a method to measure the energy consumption which influenced by a architectural elements : envelope, form and plan of building fixed in the early design stage. In the early design stage, by achieving the more efficient counterplan through BIM-based energy performance analysis, it will be able to realize the effective low-energy building design. This study aims to develop application method of BIM-based energy performance analysis tools in practice. Solar radiation, solar exposure and thermal loads are compared between each alternative, by using the energy simulation tool on existing buildings. Finally, this application method helps architect's design decision in the early design stage.

      • KCI등재

        사무소 건물에서 냉동기의 부분부하율 및 냉방 에너지 성능 특성 분석

        서병모(Byeong-Mo Seo),유병호(Byeong-Ho Yu),이광호(Kwang-Ho Lee) 대한설비공학회 2015 설비공학 논문집 Vol.27 No.11

        Commercial buildings account for significant portions of the total building energy in Korea, and thus, a variety of research on chiller operation has been carried out. However, most of the studies were carried out on the chiller itself, i.e., the part load ratio characteristics and the corresponding electricity energy consumption patterns were not analyzed in existing studies. In this study, the part load ratio and the operating characteristics of the vapor compression chiller were analyzed within an office building equipped with the conventional variable air volume system. As a result, significant portions of total operating hours, cooling load, and energy consumption turned out to be in the part load ratio range of 0 through 50%. Thus, energy consumption was significantly affected by the chiller COP at low part load conditions, indicating that chiller operation at the part load is an important factor in commercial buildings.

      • KCI등재

        사무소 건물에서 냉동기의 대수제어를 통한 냉동기 거동 특성 및 에너지 절감 효과 분석

        서병모(Byeong-Mo Seo),손정은(Jeong-Eun Son),이광호(Kwang Ho Lee) 대한설비공학회 2016 설비공학 논문집 Vol.28 No.4

        Commercial buildings account for a significant proportion of the total building energy use in Korea, and cooling energy, in turn, accounts for the largest proportion of total energy consumption in commercial buildings. Under this circumstance, chiller staging is considered to be a reasonable and practical solution for cooling energy saving. In this study, the part-load ratio and the operating characteristics of a vapor compression chiller were analysed within an office building. In addition, energy consumption among different chiller staging schemes was comparatively analysed. As a result, significant proportions of total operating hours, cooling load and energy consumption turned out to be in the part load ratio range from 0% through 50%, and thus energy consumption was significantly affected by the chiller COP at low part-load conditions, indicating that the chiller operation at the part-load is an important factor in commercial buildings. In addition, utilizing a sequential chiller staging scheme can reduce the annual cooling energy usage by more than 10.3% compared to operating a single chiller.

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