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        일제하 미국유학생의 서구 근대체험과 미국문명 인식

        張圭植(Chang Kyu-Sik) 한국사연구회 2006 한국사연구 Vol.133 No.-

        It was after the March 1st Independent Movement that the number of Korean students in the United States increased. The ultimate purpose of their studies in the United States was to modernize Korea with their new learning from American universities. Korean students in general did not directly enter American universities. First, they started to study in a small town, adapting themselves to the new American environment, and then they moved to bigger cities to study at universities. What truly attracted and surprised them was the American teaching method which not only strongly encouraged students to read in advance suggested references about each class topic. but also laid special emphasis on their active participation in the class. Korean students thought the teaching method. unlike that of the Japanese. came from American individualism. Besides. Korean students who were accustomed to Confucian culture were very surprised that both male and female students studied together in the same classroom. naturally making friends with each other. Meanwhile, during semesters as well as vacations, Korean students had to work hard to earn money for school fees and living expenses, which enforced some of them to give up their studies. However, most of them thought that such hard work provided a good opportunity to learn lessons of the spirit of diligence and self-help. Especially, working hard for money gave them a chance to take a good look at many inner and negative sides of American society. For instance, it was chiefly when they worked for money that they suffered from racial discrimination, which helped them realize their Korean ethnic and national identity. After the March 1st Independent Movement, they formed many Korean student associations. In 1921, the Korean Student Federation of North America(KSF) was founded as a representative organization of the associations. The KSF worked mainly in Chicago and New York. But the activities of such associations in California where the largest part of Korean students and immigrants in the United States lived were not so active. The KSF endeavored to increase friendship among Korean students and to improve their welfare. The students discussed various subjects including social science, natural science, major daily problems, and the issue of Korean independence. In addition, the Korean Division of the Committee on Friendly Relations among Foreign Students (YMCA) and Korean churches in New York and Chicago were other important bases for the activities of Korean students. The Korean Division of the YMCA Committee published The Korean Student Bulletin as its newsletter and The Korean Student Directory. Moreover, since 1933, the secretary of the Korean Division also worked as the general secretary of the KSF. The religious activities were the most effective way of increasing intercourses with foreign students and promoting friendship among Korean students as well. Through those experiences, Korean students in the United States came to understand American civilization. First of all, they were amazed at the huge scale of American material civilization represented by mass production and consumption. It was an irony that though they criticized mammonism and vulgar hedonism embedded in American civilization. they were simultaneously overwhelmed by it. As a whole. they considered American civilization to be a success. They found the ideal type of a modern man in the Christian independent middle class of the United States, and mapped out their plan to build a new modern Korean nation-state based on American Puritanism and the Frontier Spirit.

      • KCI등재

        北美大韓人留學生總會의 조직과 활동 -1920~30년대를 중심으로-

        김선아 한국독립운동사연구소 2020 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.70

        This study aims to understand the organization and activities of the Korean Student Federation of North America, of which many members later returned to Korea after studying abroad in the United States, from the 1920s to the mid-1930s. The Korean Student Federation of North America consisted of students who went to the United States with the passport issued by the Japanese Government General from the 1920s. They were based on Christianity, and most of them went to schools in the US with the support of missionaries. The members of the Korean Student Federation of North America were spread across the eastern and midwestern and western regions of the United States and formed a human network. The network was based on the Kiho Korean National Association and the Seobuk Young Korean Academy originated from Korea. The representative activities of the Korean Student Federation of North America included publishing projects, promoting friendship by holding annual meetings, discussing major issues. The publishing business included “The Rocky” magazine which was aimed at people in Korea, and “The Korean Student Bulletin” which was published for the American society. The publication of the magazines was a way to fulfill various goals of nurturing friendship among Korean students in the US, developing virtues, encouraging academic achievement and promoting propaganda projects. The annual meetings consisted of a dinner party, a worship service, a picnic, a social gathering and discussing sessions and was a platform to exchange friendship and knowledge. In particular, the active members of the Korean Student Federation of North America in the 1920s and 1930s were later linked to the domestic and overseas Korean national movements and the political advancement after the liberation of the Korean Peninsula. Such influence was demonstrated through characters such as Lee Hoon-gu, Kim Do-yeon and Kim Yang-soo. The groups of intellectuals who went over to the United States to study already had an opportunity to experience the capitalism and the Great Depression of the United States during the colonial period and formed a human network through the Korean Student Federation of North America, and after the liberation, they took part in the process of building a capitalist nation of the Republic of Korea. It could be said that the process of elite group formation started from the Korean Student Federation of North America after the liberation. 이 논문의 목적은 1920년대부터 1930년대 중반까지 미국에서 유학을 마치고 귀국한 북미대한인유학생총회의 조직과 활동을 파악하는 데 있다. 유학생총회는 1920년대부터 총독부 여권을 갖고 미국으로 건너간 학생들이었다. 이들은 기독교에 바탕을 두고 있었고, 선교사의 후원으로 학교에 진학한 경우가 대부분이었다. 유학생총회원들은 미국 동부지역, 중서부지역, 서부지역에 분포하며 인적 네트워크를 형성했고, 그 인맥은 기호·교민단, 서북·흥사단 계열을 기반으로 하고 있었다. 유학생총회의 대표적인 활동으로는 출판사업, 연례집회 개최를 통한 친목 도모와 주요 문제 토의를 들 수 있다. 출판사업은 국내를 대상으로 한 『우라키』와 미국 사회를 대상으로 발간한 The Korean Student Bulletin(한인학생회보)가 있다. 잡지 발간은 유학생들 간의 친목, 지덕의 개발, 학술의 권장 및 선전사업 등의 목적을 수행할 수 있는 방법이었다. 연례집회는 만찬회, 예배, 야유회, 사교회, 토의 등으로 구성되었는데, 이는 친목 도모와 지식 교환의 장이었다. 특히 1920~1930년대 활동한 유학생총회원들은 국내외 민족운동의 흐름 및 해방 이후 정계 진출과 연동되어 있었다. 이러한 영향력은 이훈구, 김도연, 김양수 등과 같은 인물들을 통해 나타났다. 해방 이후 대한민국의 자본주의 국가건설 과정에 참여했던 미국 유학 출신 지식인 집단들은 일제강점기 미국의 자본주의와 경제대공황을 직접 경험하며 유학생총회를 통해 인적 네트워크를 형성하고 있었다. 해방 이후 엘리트 집단 형성과정의 출발이 바로 유학생총회였던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        재일본 한국유학생 잡지 연구

        안남일(An, Nam-Il) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2015 한국학연구 Vol.55 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 재일본 한국유학생 잡지를 연구하는 데 있다. 이 시기 잡지에 대한 연구는 일제 강점기라는 특수한 시대적 상황 아래 놓여있던 한국유학생들이 어떻게 현실을 인식하고 극복하려 했는가에 대한 모색과 탐색의 결과물이라는 점에서 연구의 의의를 갖는다. 또한 재일본 한국유학생 잡지에 대한 고찰은 당대 지식인의 변동과 사상계의 동향을 읽어낼 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 서구의 문화와 예술을 받아들여 우리의 새로운 예술과 문화를 만들어나가고자 하는 한국유학생들의 실천 방향을 짐작할 수 있다는 점에서 더 큰 의의가 있다. 재일본 한국유학생 잡지 연구는 일제 강점기의 한국유학생들의 시대인식과 현실극복 의지 등 한국유학생들의 노력과 새로운 인식을 드러내는 모색을 가능하게 할 것이다. 한국유학생들의 자기 확립과 시대인식, 그리고 당면 과제에 대한 문제 해결 의지와 근대적 인식 등이 그것이다. 특히 본 연구는 잡지의 ‘창간사’와 ‘발간사’를 중심으로 연구가 진행된다. 창간사는 잡지 간행의 목적 및 의도, 방법을 드러내는 잡지 전체의 방향성을 가늠해 볼 수 있는데, 재일본 한국유학생의 사상과 시대적 인식을 응축해 놓은 자료라고 할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 이 가운데 단체 및 협회가 아닌 재일본 대학 소속 한국유학생 잡지인 <학우>, <회보>(명치대학조선유학생동지회회보), <회지>(일본중앙 Chuo대학우리동창회회지), <회보>(경도제국대학조선유학생동창회회보), <동창회회지>(조도전대학우리동창회회지)의 총 5종의 잡지 ‘창간사 및 발간사’를 우선적으로 연구의 대상으로 삼는다. The purpose of this research is the contemplation on the magazine of Korean students studying in Japan. The research on this magazine is significant in two ways. One is that this represents how Korean students studying tried to overcome the reality under Japanese colonial era, which is peculiar external situation. The other reason, which is more important, is that based on the contemplation on the study, we can figure out the change and the trend of intellects at that time as well as the direction of the practice that Korean students studying had done to create our new culture and arts with accepting foreign’s. Based on this study, we can figure out the results of the endeavor and recognition which Korean students studying had done to overcome their reality. Those is self-establishment, awareness of time, willingness to solve the immediate problems and modern recognition, etc. In particular, this study is focusing more on ‘publication’ of the magazine. With publication, we can measure the whole direction of the purpose or intention of issuing magazine. This is the compressed data which represents the Korean students’ ideology and awareness of the era. The subjects of this study are <Hakwoo(Classmate)>, <Hoebo(Chosun student alumni bulletin in Meiji University)>, <Hoeji(Woori alumni bulletin in Chuo University)>, <Hoebo(Chosun student alumni bulletin in Kyoto Imperial University)>, <Dongchanghoehoeji(Woori alumni bulletin in Waseda University)>. Those fives are the magazine of Korean students studying belonging to college in Japan, and again, publication is the main point in the first place.

      • KCI등재후보

        정기원鄭基元의 한국 장서 수집과 영문잡지 발간 활동

        이형배,이혜은 (재)한국연구원 2022 한국연구 Vol.- No.11

        This study sheds new light on the biographical history of Chung Kei Won, known as a student in the United States of the 1930s and a member of the National Assembly of Korea, by focusing on the period between the completion of his doctorate and his return to a liberated Korea, which has not been previously studied in detail. The primary sources examined in the study are the archives of the Gest Oriental Library where Chung worked for fi ve years after he received his Ph.D. from Princeton University:mainly the original texts from the letters of Dr. Nancy Lee Swann, who hired Chung as the curator of the Gest Oriental Library, and those from English publications by Chung Kei Won, such as Th e Free Korea and Korean Research Bulletin. Th rough the examination of archival materials produced during Chung’s stay in Princeton, this study was able to rectify the incorrect information about his biographical history; to corroborate his eff orts to develop the Korean collection and to build a Kim Korean library of over 100,000 volumes at Princeton University; to fi nd that he actively led Korean student organizations and that he endeavored to make known not only Japan’s unjust annexation of Korea but also the history and culture of Korea through publications and contributions to newspapers. As an additional result of the examination of the letters of Dr. Swann, previously known only as one of the fi rst and prominent female sinologists, this study discovered that she was Chung’s constant supporter in both the development of the Korean collection and Chung’s effort for the independence movement in the United States. 이 연구는 1930년대 유학생으로 도미하여 해방 후 한국에서 국회의원으로 활동했던 정기원의 생애 중 박사학위 취득 후에서 귀국 전에 해당하는 시기의 활동에 대해 조명한것이다. 주 정보원으로는 정기원이 5년간 근무했던 프린스턴대학교 게스트 동양도서관의 아카이브 문서 자료, 특히 당시 게스트 동양도서관의 관장 낸시 리 스완(Nancy Lee Swann)의 편지를 중심으로 검토하고 정기원이 주도적으로 발간했던 영문잡지 Th e Free Korea와 Korean Research Bulletin의 원문을 조사하였다. 이 연구를 통해 정기원의 유학 시절 경력과 활동에 대해 파악하여 기존의 오류를 바로잡을 수 있었으며, 그가 프린스턴대학도서관 한국학 장서 개발의 시발점이 되었을 뿐만 아니라 10만 권 이상의 대규모 한국학 장서 조성을 계획하고 추진했었다는 사실에 대해서도 구체적으로 밝힐 수 있었다. 나아가 정기원은 게스트 동양도서관에서 근무하는 동안 유학생 단체를 주도적으로 이끌었고 출판 활동과 기고문을 통해 일제 식민 통치의 부당함을 알리는 동시에 한국의 역사와 문화를 알리려고 노력한 사실도 파악하였다. 또한 그동안 최초의 여성 중국학자로만 알려져 왔던 스완 박사가 한국학 장서 개발에서부터 미국 내 독립운동에 이르기까지정기원의 활동에 대한 적극적인 후원자였다는 사실을 밝힌 점도 의미가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        재일본 한국유학생 잡지 <창간사, 발간사> 연구

        안남일 고려대학교세종캠퍼스 한국학연구소 2018 한국학연구 Vol.64 No.-

        This research is the roundup of ‘A Study on Korean Students Studying Magazines(First Publication) in Japan’ and the follow-up study of ‘A Study on Korean Students Studying Magazines in Japan’(“Jouranl of Korean Studies”55, Center for Korean Studies, Korea Univ. 2015) and ‘A Study on Korean Students Studying Magazines in Japan Before 1910’(“Jouranl of Korean Studies”58, Center for Korean Studies, Korea Univ. 2016). This research takes its subjects of following volumes: 5 volumes of Hakwoo(Classmate), which is the magazine of Korean students in Japan university, Hoebo(Chosun student alumni bulletin in Meiji University), Hoeji(Woori alumni bulletin in Chuo University), Hoebo(Chosun student alumni bulletin in Kyoto Imperial University), Dongchanghoehoeji(Woori alumni bulletin in Waseda University), and 10 volumes of Nakdongchinmokhoe-Hakbo(Bulletin of Nakdong-Chinmokhoe, Daehanhakhoe-Wuelbo(Bulletin of The Korean Society), Daehanhung-Hakbo(Belletin of Daehan-Hung), THE HAK KIE BO(Bulletin of Academic World), Geundae-Sajo(Modern Trend), Hakjigwang, Yeojagye(Women’s World), Samkwang(Three Light), Hyundai(Modern Times), Geumgangjeo(Vajra), Hakjo, THE KAICHUCK, Hakhae except 8 volumes of Chinmokhoe-Hoebo(Bulletin of Chinmokhoe), Taegeuk-hakbo(Bulletin of Tae Geuk), Gongsu-Hakbo(Bulletin of Gongsu), Daehanyuhaksaeghoe-Hakbo(Bulletin of the Association of Korean Students in Japan), Dongin=Hakbo(Bulletin of Dongin), published before 1910. The ‘First Publication’, which is focused on this research, is essential data for guessing the direction of the magazine, since it contains the purpose, intention and the way of publication. Especially, through the research of the ‘First Publication’ of the magazine, representative keyword of each magazine is identified and the meaning inside is presented. The research of the contemporary magazine has its meaning on that it is the outcome of exploring how Korean international student recognized the reality and overcame it under the specific circumstance of Japanese colonial era. 본 연구는 「재일본 한국유학생 잡지 연구」(『한국학연구』, 고려대학교 한국학연구소, 2015.12)와 「1910년 이전의 재일본 한국유학생 잡지 연구」(『한국학연구』, 고려대학교 한국학연구소, 2016.12)의 후속 연구로, ‘재일본 한국유학생 잡지 <창간사 및 발간사>’ 연구의 종합편이다. 본 연구에서는 재일본 대학 소속 한국유학생 잡지인 <학우>, <회보>(명치대학조선유학생동지회회보), <회지>(일본중앙Chuo대학우리동창회회지), <회보>(경도제국대학조선유학생동창회회보), <동창회회지>(조도전대학우리동창회회지)의 5종 잡지와 1910년 이전에 발행된 <친목회회보>, <태극학보>, <공수학보>, <대한유학생회학보>, <동인학보>, <낙동친목회학보>, <대한학회월보>, <대한흥학보>의 8종 잡지를 제외한 나머지 10종(<학계보>, <근대사조>, <학지광>, <여자계>, <삼광>, <현대>, <금강저>, <학조>, <개척>, <학해>)의 ‘창간사 및 발간사’를 연구의 대상으로 삼아 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구에서 주목하고 있는 ‘창간사’와 ‘발간사’는 잡지 간행의 목적 및 의도, 방법이 녹아있는 만큼 잡지 전체의 방향성을 가늠해 볼 수 있는 소중한 자료이다. 특히 연구 대상 잡지의 <창간사 및 발간사> 연구를 통해서 각 잡지의 대표적 키워드를 확인하고, 그 속에 담긴 의미를 전체적으로 조망하였다. 이 시기 잡지에 대한 연구는 일제 강점기라는 특수한 시대적 상황 아래 놓여있던 한국유학생들이 어떻게 현실을 인식하고 극복하려 했는가에 대한 모색과 탐색의 결과물이라는 점에서 연구의 의의를 갖는다.

      • KCI등재

        1906년~1910년 재일본 유학생 잡지 연구―『대한흥학보』를 중심으로―

        이은선 우리문학회 2019 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.62

        『대한흥학보』는 1909년 3월 20일에 창간, 1910년 5월 20일 제13호로 종간되었다. 대한흥학회는 각 회를 총합한 일본유학생계의 최대 단체였고, 『대한흥학보』는 대한흥학회의 최대기관이었다. 「대한흥학회취지서」에 따르면 각 지방 학생이 연합하지 못하고 각자 분립해 있다가 작년 봄에 연합의 론이 생겨, 대한학회를 만든 바 있다. 그러나 태극학회, 공수학회, 연학회는 여전히 분립하였고, 대한흥학회에 이르러서야 대한학회, 공수학회, 연학회가 하나가 되었다. 대한흥학회의 인적 구성 및 회원들의 활동은 대한유학생회․대한학회의 인적 구성과 함께 추적해야 한다. 재일본 유학생 단체의 인적 구성과 통합 과정을 확인함으로써 대한흥학회의 성격을 더 잘 이해할 수 있을 것이기 때문이다. 이어서 『대한흥학보』의 ‘휘보(彙報)’란․‘문원(文苑)’란․‘소설’란의 구성 및 편집 체재의 변경 과정을 검토하였다. 특히 ‘휘보’란은 유학생 단체의 기관지라는 성격을 잘 보여주고 있었는데, 10호부터는 일본 경시청에서 금지하여 정지된다. ‘휘보’란을 중지하는 대신 ‘요록(要錄)’란과 ‘담총(談叢)’란을 만들어 이에 대응하고 있다. 13호의 「본회금석지감(本會今昔之感)」에서는 대한흥학회의 성립 당시를 다시 한 번 강조하며, 재일본 유학생 단체의 성립과 활동을 역사화하는 시도가 나타난다. 이러한 시도를 통해 1910년 8월 일제에 의해 강제 해산될 때까지 일본 유학생의 대표적 단체로 활동하고 있었다는 후대의 평가를 스스로 정립하고 있었던 것이다. The Daehanheunghakbo published its 1st issue on March 20, 1909, and ceased publication after publishing its 13th issue on May 20, 1910. Daehanheunghakhoe was the largest organization in the community of Korean students studying in Japan and the Daehanheunghakbo was Daehanheunghakhoe’s largest institute. According to the “prospectus of Daehanheunghakhoe”, students in individual regions had not been united and had independent organizations, until a union was formed in the spring of and Daehanhakhoe was established. However, Taegeukhakhoe, Gongsuhakhoe, and Yeonhakhoe were still independent and Daehanhakhoe, Gongsuhakhoe, and Yeonhakhoe only became united when Daehanheunghakhoe was established. The personnel composition of Daehan heunghakhoe and the activities of the members should be traced, together with the personnel compositions of the Daehan International Student Association and Daehanhakhoe, because the nature of Daehanheunghakhoe can be better understood by identifying the personnel compositions of the organizations of Korean students studying in Japan as well as the process of integration. In this study, the process of change in the composition and editing system of the “bulletin” column, “literary world” column, and “novel” column of the Daehanheunghakbo will be reviewed. In particular, the “bulletin” column depicts the nature of the Daehanheunghakbo in terms of its being a magazine of an organization of Korean students studying in Japan. This column was prohibited by the Japanese police from the 10th edition. In response to the prohibition of the “bulletin” column, the Daehanheunghakbo developed a “particulars(要錄)” column and a “collection of discourses(談叢)” column. The article “Sentiment caused by the contrast between the past and the present of this organization(本會今昔之感)” in the 13th issue emphasizes the situation at the time of Daehan heunghakhoe’s establishment and indicates an attempt to historicize the establishment and activities of the organization of Korean students studying in Japan. Through this attempt, Daehanheunghakhoe set up its own evaluation by the later generation that it was, until it was dissolved forcibly by the Japanese Empire in August 1910.

      • KCI등재

        일제하 미국 유학생으로서의 오천석: 유학생회 활동과 박사학위 논문을 중심으로

        이윤미 ( Lee Yoonmi ) 한국교육사학회 2017 한국교육사학 Vol.39 No.3

        이 논문은 해방후 미군정시기의 대표적 교육주도인물이자 이후 남한 교육계 및 교육학계에 큰 영향을 미친 오천석(1901-1987)의 교육사상을 미국유학시기를 중심으로 분석한다. 오천석이 교육계에서 주도적 활동을 시작한 것이 미군정기 이후였기 때문에 그의 교육관에 대한 분석은 해방이후를 중심으로 이루어져왔다. 특히 그의 주요 저서들은 일부를 제외하고 대부분 1960-70년대에 집중적으로 출간되었기 때문에 그의 교육사상의 형성기라고 할 수 있는 해방이전 시기에 대한 연구는 매우 제한적이다. 이 연구에서는 오천석의 박사학위논문이 최근 재영인·재인쇄됨에 따라 이를 기초로 그의 교육사상의 주요 형성기인 1921-31년까지의 활동을 분석한다. 그간 자료적 제한으로 인해 충분히 밝혀지지 못했던 오천석의 초기 사상을 확인하고 분석하는데 목적이 있으며, 그가 20대와 30대초라는 청년기를 보냈던 미국 유학생사회의 공유된 의식과의 관련 속에서 규명한다. 이 연구는 오천석의 사상을 보다 복합적이고 종합적으로 이해하고자 할 뿐 아니라 식민지시기라는 조건속에서 미국유학이 지니는 의미가 무엇이고, 이러한 미국유학세력이 해방후 파워엘리트로 부각되는 맥락을 재조명하는 데에도 의미있는 시사점을 줄 수 있다. This article examines the work of Auh Chun Suk (or Paul C. Auh, 1901-1987), a protagonist for educational reform during the reign of the United States Military Government in Korea, who grew up with a strong Christian background and received his higher education in the United States from 1921 to 1931. I examine the formative years of Auh by paying particular attention to the community of Korean students in the United States during the colonial period and his doctoral dissertation at Teachers College, Columbia University in 1931. Regarding the formation of his thoughts and ideas, Auh`s stay in the United States as an international student should not be dismissed. The period between 1921 and 1931 was crucial, as he completed both his undergraduate and graduate studies during this ten-year period, when the political atmosphere in Korea was most liberal after the nation-wide March 1st independence movement of 1919. The liberalism of the 1920s provided momentum for many intellectuals, including Auh and other Korean students, to boost their underlying motivations for serving their nation. The Korean students organized themselves into associations and were often involved in political activism with those who were in the United States in exile or as immigrants. Auh was not only an active member of the Federation but was responsible for the publication of the organizations` newsletters, both in Korean and in English, as an editor. The students actively shared their ideas and political views through the publications. His dissertation, where Auh assertively presented himself as an opponent of Japanese educational policies on the assimilation of Koreans, defining the time as an age of “nationalism and democracy” and criticized the policies employed by the Japanese as anachronic, was also a product of this shared communal consciousness of the Korean students in the United States.

      • KCI우수등재

        일제 강점기 뉴욕 한인언론의 특성과 역할

        박용규(Yonggyu Park) 한국언론학회 2016 한국언론학보 Vol.60 No.4

        During Japanese colonial era, five newspapers and magazines were issued by Korean Americans in New York City. These media can be categorized into three types by their principal agents or characteristics. The first category includes The Korean Student Bulletin and The Free Korea, which were written in English by Korean students studying in America, and whose contents were mostly helpful to students and appealing Korean independence. The second category includes Samil Shinbo and Bukmi Shibo, which were issued by ‘Dongji-hoi’ led by Seungman Lee, whose contents consisted of sponsoring his activities. The third one was Industry, which was issued by Korean students and Korean Americans together. Its main purpose was to contribute to Korean Americans’ settlement in America and to development of Korean industry. Of the two roles of the media, ‘contribution to the national movement’ and ‘adjustment to American society’, English media issued by Korean students and Korean newspaper issued by Dongji-hoi focused on the former role, while Industry focused more on the latter role. Korean media of New York City during Japanese colonial era overall tried to maintain the national identity, worked in the connection with the mother country, and showed strong identity of diaspora.

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