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        1960년대 근대화 정책과 대학

        김정인 한국근현대사학회 2012 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.63 No.-

        In the 1960s, the “modernization” process of the universities was led by the government, which maintained tight control upon all the Private universities and pushed forward a strategy designed to boost the development of human resources in areas like science and engineering. The University management system created by the military Park Jeong-hi regime went through numerous controversies (“autonomous functions of the university versus state control”), but after the mid-1960s a “Control & Support” strategy was initiated, and all the universities either national or public or private, were all encouraged (or demanded) to raise scientific and engineering personnel, through post graduate schools and research institutes. In the 1960s, the universities continued to lose their respective identities and became rather ‘homogenized’, by the state-initiated modernization strategy and the directions for research and education laid out by such strategy. The University power, mostly composed of the private schools, did not have enough resources or momentum to survive the rapid wake of modernization enabled by economic growth. They all had to fall behind, and the state which had both a ‘carrot’ and a ‘stick’, “controled and supported” the universities at the same time, and led the reformation of the universities, so that they could raise and train human resources in the areas of science and technology, which was what the government was in need of. As we can see, the “university modernization” of the 1960s was initiated and proceeded upon the mutual needs of both the state and the university power. The universities today, which tend to follow the state’s education and academism policies in order to secure more funding, instead of trying to earn respect as an academic community, seem to have come from the 1960s, when the state power was relentlessly pursuing modernization in all areas of the country. In the 1960s, the “modernization” process of the universities was led by the government, which maintained tight control upon all the Private universities and pushed forward a strategy designed to boost the development of human resources in areas like science and engineering. The University management system created by the military Park Jeong-hi regime went through numerous controversies (“autonomous functions of the university versus state control”), but after the mid-1960s a “Control & Support” strategy was initiated, and all the universities either national or public or private, were all encouraged (or demanded) to raise scientific and engineering personnel, through post graduate schools and research institutes. In the 1960s, the universities continued to lose their respective identities and became rather ‘homogenized’, by the state-initiated modernization strategy and the directions for research and education laid out by such strategy. The University power, mostly composed of the private schools, did not have enough resources or momentum to survive the rapid wake of modernization enabled by economic growth. They all had to fall behind, and the state which had both a ‘carrot’ and a ‘stick’, “controled and supported” the universities at the same time, and led the reformation of the universities, so that they could raise and train human resources in the areas of science and technology, which was what the government was in need of. As we can see, the “university modernization” of the 1960s was initiated and proceeded upon the mutual needs of both the state and the university power. The universities today, which tend to follow the state’s education and academism policies in order to secure more funding, instead of trying to earn respect as an academic community, seem to have come from the 1960s, when the state power was relentlessly pursuing modernization in all areas of the country.

      • KCI등재

        근대 일본의 학제 편성 양상(1868∼1877) : ‘이학’과 ‘문학’의 비대칭성에 주목하여

        허지향 ( Heo Ji-hyang ) 한림대학교 일본학연구소 2019 翰林日本學 Vol.0 No.35

        본고는 1868년부터 1877년까지 구 동경대학의 전신 기관이었던 동경개성학교를 중심으로학제 편성이 어떻게 이루어졌는가에 관하여 검토한다. 이 때 다음 사항에 주목한다. 첫째, 현재의 ‘이학’과 ‘문학’이라는 대칭성은 언제 생겨났는가? 둘째, 근대로 넘어오면서 ‘理’라는 개념이 특히 학제를 통해서는 어떻게 변모했는가? 본고에서는 한자권에서 최초로 근대 학제를성립시킨 동경대학의 역사에 주목하여 위의 사항들을 검토하였다. 그 결과 다음 사실들이 밝혀졌다. 개성소 시기부터 학과목 규정의 표적이 된 것은 서양의 자연과학 및 기계분야 학문이었으며, 이 학문들이 최초의 근대적 학제인 대학규칙 (1870)에서 ‘이과’라는 명칭으로 묶인다는사실, 또한 이 때 ‘문과’ 또한 학과목의 상위 범주로 등장하나, 대학본교와 대학남교 각각에서그 개념이 포함하는 내용이 달랐다는 사실, 애초부터 자연과학 계열의 학제화가 목표였던 전문학교 구상에서 ‘문과’는 곧 사라진다는 사실이다. 근대학제의 정착과정을 살펴볼 때 구 동경대학의 예는, ‘대학’이 서양의 전문학을 가르치는전문기관이며, 이 때의 전문학이란 자연과학 계열 과목을 뜻한다고 규정했다는 점에서 그 역사성과 특수성을 드러낸다. 이러한 특수성이 한자어 ‘理’의 새로운 한자권으로의 편입을 가능케했다. This paper examines how the academic system was organized around Tokyo Gaesung School, which was formerly Tokyo University from 1868 to 1877. This paper examines how the academic system was organized around Tokyo Gaesung School, which was formerly Tokyo University from 1868 to 1877. At this point, note the following: First, when did the current symmetry of ‘Science’ and ‘Literature’ emerge? Second, how has the concept of ‘理’ changed, especially through the academic system? The above points were reviewed in this paper, paying attention to the history of Tokyo University, which established the first modern academic system in the Chinese character world. The following facts were revealed as a result. Since the time of Kaeseong-so(開成所), the western studies of natural science and mechanical sceince were defined as the subject of course regulation. And these studies were grouped under the name of “Science faculty” in the first modern academic system “University Federation(大学規則)”(1870). Also, the concept of ‘Literature faculty’ was included in the top category of the subject of course, but was different in terms of content between the university’s main school and the university’s south school. Lastly, the ‘Literature faculty’ was about to disappear from the professional school initiative, which was initially aimed at the natural science based system. In looking at the settlement process of the modern university system, the example of the old Tokyo University reveals its historicality and speciality in that it stipulates that the ‘university’ is a specialized institution for teaching Western specialties, and that this specialty means a subject of natural science. This speciality allowed the conversion of Chinese character ‘理’ into new Chinese character world.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 전후 北京의 留學環境과 韓人學生 현황

        이재령 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.80 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to comprehend the realities of modern higher education and in Beijing, which was the center of Chinese politics, diplomacy and education around the 1920s, and the conditions of Korean students studying there. From the end of Qing dynasty to the early Republic period, government runing schools such as Peking University and Beijing Normal University and private ones, Yenching University founded by Christians for example, all served as inlets for modern time studies and ideas. Experiencing full scale development during the late 1910s, the universities in Beijing became exhibition centers for new western thoughts subsequently after the New Culture Movement and the May Fourth Movement. The Warlord Wars which persisted until the mid-1920s aggravated political chaos and financial difficulties in education, but the alleviation of institutional strains on establishing universities prompted a deluge of private universities. During this period, Chinese schools provided Korean students with conveniences in admission procedures and university fees, and combined with the cheap living costs, these factors led Korean students to choose to study abroad in Beijing. The hasty construction of private universities during the 1920s and their lax bachelor’s program are also believed to have facilitated the entrance of Korean students. After the quantitative development of private and public universities in Beijing post 1920, rapid improvements in quality ensued, providing favorable conditions for the intellectual growth of Korean students. However, in the 1930s, the China National Party’s “Discipline System” found form, restricting the autonomy of the educational sector, and furthermore the Manchuria incident greatly worsened the educational environment in Beijing, virtually putting a halt to all studies abroad in the region. Until the Sino-Japanese war developed into full-out war in 1937, Korean students studied in schools such as Peking University, Yenching University, Minguo University, Chaoyang University, and Pingmin University, with Advanced Middle School also holding a large bulk of students. Of the following, Peking University possessed the most Korean students. Out of private universities, Minguo University and Pingmin University relatively held a large number, while a considerable amount also attended the remaining universities. The numbers of Korean students studying in Beijing known by their real name during the Japanese occupation era is around 270. The main period for studying abroad was concentrated in the 1920s, with Advanced Chinese Learning and undergraduate programs occupying the majority of their study pursuits. Although the students’ majors varied in nature, they were generally related to the humanities and social sciences. However, of these students, over a hundred are identified only through the Japanese police’s or consulate’s temple documents and newspaper reports related to ideological or independence movements, therefore rendering their exact period of studying abroad, affiliated school, and major unidentifiable. Korean students studying abroad were mainly unable to conclude their studies due to their dedication to independence movements or changes in life course. The path Korean students studying abroad during the Japanese Invasion took one of thorns and thistles, and it is understood that the acquisition of modern knowledge and academic maturity was not as easy as expected. 이 글은 일제강점기 중국의 정치·외교·학술 중심지였던 북경을 중심으로 근대 고등교육의 실태와 한인유학생의 현황을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 淸末民初 국립 북경대·북경사범대와 기독교계의 燕京大를 비롯한 관립·사립 학교들이 근대 학문·사상의 유입구 역할을 하였다. 1910년대 후반부터 본격적으로 발전한 북경의 대학들은 신문화운동과 5·4운동을 거치면서 서구 신사조의 전시장이 되었다. 1920년대 중반까지 지속된 군벌전쟁은 정치적 혼란과 교육 재정난을 악화시켰지만 제도적으로 대학설립이 수월해지면서 사립대학들이 난립하였다. 이 시기 중국학교들은 한인학생들에게 입학수속과 학비 등 여러 면에서 편의를 제공해 주었고, 저렴한 생활비와 학비도 북경유학을 선택하는 요인이 되었다. 또한 1920년대 졸속으로 설립된 사립대학들의 허술한 학사운영도 한인학생의 입학을 도왔을 것으로 판단된다. 1920년대 이후 북경지역의 국립·사립대학들은 양적 성장에 뒤이어 질적으로도 빠르게 발전하였고 한인유학생들의 지적 성장에 좋은 여건을 제공하였다. 그러나 1930년대 국민당의 훈정체제가 구체화되면서 교육계의 자율성이 제약받고, 만주사변으로 북경의 교육환경이 현저히 악화되면서 한인유학은 사실상 중단되었다중일전쟁이 전면전으로 확대된 1937년까지 北京大, 燕京大, 民國大, 朝陽大, 平民大 등에서 한인학생들이 유학하였고 高級中學에도 다수가 공부하였다. 이 가운데 북경대에 한인유학생이 가장 많았고, 사립대는 민국대와 평민대에 상대적으로 많았으며 나머지 대학에도 적지 않은 한인학생들이 재학하였다. 일제강점기 實名으로 확인된 북경의 한인유학생은 270여 명이고, 유학시기는 1920년대에 집중되었으며, 고급중학이나 大學豫科가 다수를 차지하였다. 이들의 전공은 다양했지만 인문사회계가 보편적으로 많았다. 그러나 이들 가운데 사상운동이나 독립운동과 관련된 일본경찰 및 영사관 등의 사찰문건과 신문·잡지의 보도를 통해 이름만 확인될 뿐 유학시기, 학교, 전공 등을 전혀 파악할 수 없는 인원이 일백여 명에 이른다. 한인유학생들이 학업을 끝마치지 못한 이유는 독립운동에 투신하기 위해 학업을 중단하거나 진로를 바꾸는 사례가 많았기 때문이다. 일제침략기 중국에서 유학생활을 보낸 한인청년들의 삶은 荊棘의 길로 근대지식의 습득과 학문적 성숙은 기대만큼 쉽지 않았을 것으로 이해된다.

      • KCI등재

        1920년대 전후 북경(北京)의 유학환경과 한인학생(韓人學生) 현황

        이재령 ( Lee Jaeryoung ) 한국중국학회 2017 중국학보 Vol.80 No.-

        이 글은 일제강점기 중국의 정치·외교·학술 중심지였던 북경을 중심으로 근대 고등교육의 실태와 한인유학생의 현황을 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 淸末民初 국립 북경대·북경사범대와 기독교계의 燕京大를 비롯한 관립·사립 학교들이 근대 학문·사상의 유입구 역할을 하였다. 1910년대 후반부터 본격적으로 발전한 북경의 대학들은 신문화운동과 5·4운동을 거치면서 서구신사조의 전시장이 되었다. 1920년대 중반까지 지속된 군벌전쟁은 정치적 혼란과 교육 재정난을 악화시켰지만 제도적으로 대학설립이 수월해지면서 사립대학들이 난립하였다. 이 시기 중국학교들은 한인학생들에게 입학수속과 학비 등 여러 면에서 편의를 제공해 주었고, 저렴한 생활비와 학비도 북경유학을 선택하는 요인이 되었다. 또한 1920년대 졸속으로 설립된 사립대학들의 허술한 학사운영도 한인학생의 입학을 도왔을 것으로 판단된다. 1920년대 이후 북경지역의 국립·사립대학들은 양적 성장에 뒤이어 질적으로도 빠르게 발전하였고 한인유학생들의 지적 성장에 좋은 여건을 제공하였다. 그러나 1930년대 국민당의 훈정체제가 구체화되면서 교육계의 자율성이 제약받고, 만주사변으로 북경의 교육환경이 현저히 악화되면서 한인유학은 사실상 중단되었다. 중일전쟁이 전면전으로 확대된 1937년까지 北京大, 燕京大, 民國大, 朝陽大, 平民大 등에서 한인학생들이 유학하였고 高級中學에도 다수가 공부하였다. 이 가운데 북경대에 한인유학생이 가장 많았고, 사립대는 민국대와 평민대에 상대적으로 많았으며 나머지 대학에도 적지 않은 한인학생들이 재학하였다. 일제강점기 實名으로 확인된 북경의 한인유학생은 270여 명이고, 유학시기는 1920년대에 집중되었으며, 고급중학이나 大學豫科가 다수를 차지하였다. 이들의 전공은 다양했지만 인문사회계가 보편적으로 많았다. 그러나 이들 가운데 사상운동이나 독립운동과 관련된 일본경찰 및 영사관 등의 사찰문건과 신문·잡지의 보도를 통해 이름만 확인될 뿐 유학시기, 학교, 전공 등을 전혀 파악할 수 없는 인원이 일백여 명에 이른다. 한인유학생들이 학업을 끝마치지 못한 이유는 독립운동에 투신하기 위해 학업을 중단하거나 진로를 바꾸는 사례가 많았기 때문이다. 일제침략기 중국에서 유학생활을 보낸 한인청년들의 삶은 荊棘의 길로 근대지식의 습득과 학문적 성숙은 기대만큼 쉽지 않았을 것으로 이해된다. The purpose of this study is to comprehend the realities of modern higher education and in Beijing, which was the center of Chinese politics, diplomacy and education around the 1920s, and the conditions of Korean students studying there. From the end of Qing dynasty to the early Republic period, government running schools such as Peking University and Beijing Normal University and private ones, Yenching University founded by Christians for example, all served as inlets for modern time studies and ideas. Experiencing full scale development during the late 1910s, the universities in Beijing became exhibition centers for new western thoughts subsequently after the New Culture Movement and the May Fourth Movement. The Warlord Wars which persisted until the mid-1920s aggravated political chaos and financial difficulties in education, but the alleviation of institutional strains on establishing universities prompted a deluge of private universities. During this period, Chinese schools provided Korean students with conveniences in admission procedures and university fees, and combined with the cheap living costs, these factors led Korean students to choose to study abroad in Beijing. The hasty construction of private universities during the 1920s and their lax bachelor`s program are also believed to have facilitated the entrance of Korean students. After the quantitative development of private and public universities in Beijing post 1920, rapid improvements in quality ensued, providing favorable conditions for the intellectual growth of Korean students. However, in the 1930s, the China National Party`s “Discipline System” found form, restricting the autonomy of the educational sector, and furthermore the Manchuria incident greatly worsened the educational environment in Beijing, virtually putting a halt to all studies abroad in the region. Until the Sino-Japanese war developed into full-out war in 1937, Korean students studied in schools such as Peking University, Yenching University, Minguo University, Chaoyang University, and Pingmin University, with Advanced Middle School also holding a large bulk of students. Of the following, Peking University possessed the most Korean students. Out of private universities, Minguo University and Pingmin University relatively held a large number, while a considerable amount also attended the remaining universities. The numbers of Korean students studying in Beijing known by their real name during the Japanese occupation era is around 270. The main period for studying abroad was concentrated in the 1920s, with Advanced Chinese Learning and undergraduate programs occupying the majority of their study pursuits. Although the students` majors varied in nature, they were generally related to the humanities and social sciences. However, of these students, over a hundred are identified only through the Japanese police`s or consulate`s temple documents and newspaper reports related to ideological or independence movements, therefore rendering their exact period of studying abroad, affiliated school, and major unidentifiable. Korean students studying abroad were mainly unable to conclude their studies due to their dedication to independence movements or changes in life course. The path Korean students studying abroad during the Japanese Invasion took one of thorns and thistles, and it is understood that the acquisition of modern knowledge and academic maturity was not as easy as expected.

      • KCI등재

        스타니슬랍스키 연기론의 비판적 고찰

        서나영 ( Suh Na-young ) 한국연극교육학회 2017 연극교육연구 Vol.30 No.-

        Stanislavsky’s acting theory, the ‘System’, has made a great impact on actors and the actor training process since the modern age. Although the Stanislavsky System was introduced in Korea for the first time in the 1920s, a full-fledged discussion has only begun after the 1990s. The System can be characterized as three parts : ‘acting as embodiment’, ‘psychological acting’, and ‘systematic acting with scientific attitude’. This thesis focuses on these three parts from a critical perspective. At first, Stanislavsky’s idea of embodiment assumes that humans have a unique original nature. More to the point, experiencing helps the actor to fulfil his basic goal, which is the creation of the life of the human spirit in a role and the communication of that life onstage in artistic form. The belief in the life of the human spirit is caused by modern subjectivity. This concept of a natural, intrinsic, universal modern subject never embraces the postmodern subject which is fluid, fragmental and ideological. Secondly, the System is based on dualism, the idea that the mind controls the body. This originated from a nature-culture dichotomy where culture (male, mind, text) controls, shapes, and tames nature (female, emotions, the body). Futhermore, psychology exists outside of ideology, and, therefore, can be applied to any theatrical genre. Although Stanislavsky tried to overcome the mind-body dichotomy through training of his system, he always thought the mind as divided from the body. Lastly, the systematic acting with scientific attitude is also a result of the modernistic concept. With its scientific and systematic language, system never coopts something ‘unstable’, ‘unqualified’, or ‘unborderable.’ More to the point, an organic approach can lead actors to erase themselves from the social and historical context. ‘Truth’ was Stanislavsky’s aim for art, and the approach he developed for the actor was significantly influenced by the modern concepts of subjectivity and science. Stanislavsky often discussed theatre and acting as projects that would seek out, discover and celebrate the so-called universal human attributes and values. The language of acting can never be universal. Therefore, we have to continuously challenge the searching for the ‘language of acting which best allows one to actualize a particular paradigm of performance in a particular context for a particular purpose.’

      • Development and Retrogression in the Study of Oriental History under the Academic Systems of Universities: Based on a Comprehensive Survey of East Asia in the Early 20th Century

        ( Young Seo Baik ) 성균관대학교 동아시아학술원 2004 Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies Vol.4 No.2

        This work is a case study for a model in the circulation of modern studies in East Asia, and in order to discover how Oriental history, which was a part of the three divisions of history (Western history, Oriental history and national history) formed by the Japanese Imperial University in the system of modern studies, underwent a change which is the cause of the present problem. This article examines the history of academia in Japan and Korea from the viewpoint that the formation of modern studies in East Asia arose from the interdependence and discord between two aspects, i.e. the study as a system and the study as a movement, and finally compares them with the study of history in China.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 혹은 ‘영원재귀’의 시간과 마주하는 방법 — 정종현, 『제국대학의 조센징』(2019, 휴머니스트) —

        장세진 한림대학교 한림과학원 2019 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.24

        Since July 2019, South Korea and Japan have been engaged in a cultural and economic conflict which originated in the differing stances of the two governments on the issues of sexual slavery and forced mobilization of Korean laborers before and during World War II. This ongoing dispute is a reminder that the fact of colonialism and the question of how it should be interpreted have not gone away: these are still present tense issues. The book’s subtitle The Origin of the Korean Elite, What Did They Do When They Came back to Korea? makes clear that the elite class which held power and influence in the newly born Republic of Korea were actually educated in Japan, at the Japanese Imperial University. This book examines evidence which sheds light on the motives of Korean students attending the Imperial University, describing their academic studies and their lives after the liberation. By revealing this enduring substratum of “Japanese origins” at the heart of the South Korean establishment, a current which is not generally realized by Koreans today, the book allows us to re-examine our origins and thus to better understand our present-day identity and situation. It also addresses the question of how to confront these difficult questions, proposing a “historicization of what happened during the colonial period,” which is not about hiding or minimizing the importance of our origins, but about facing up to reality as it actually happened. 2019년 7월 이후 계속되고 있는 한일 간 경제 갈등이 위안부 문제와 강제 징용이슈에 대한 양국 정부의 상이한 입장 차이로부터 시작되었다는 점에서, 식민(지) 의 시간과 그에 대한 해석의 문제는 여전히 현재 진행형의 사안이다. 『제국대학의 조센징』(정종현, 2019, 휴머니스트)은 부제 “대한민국 엘리트의 기원, 그들은 돌아와서 무엇을 하였나?”가 보여 주듯이, 신생 대한민국을 움직여 온 엘리트 집단이 어디에서, 어떤 경로를 통해 유래했는지 묻는다. 저자는 이들을 키워 낸 제도적 산실이 일본 제국대학이라는 시스템이라는 점을 밝히고, 제국대학을 선택한조선 유학생들의 내적 동기와 그들의 학업 내용, 해방 이후 행적들을 실증적으로추적한다. 우리가 미처 몰랐던 우리 안의 오랜 ‘일본적 기원’을 상기시키는 동시에 그러한 기원과 어떻게 마주할 것인가 하는 현재적 ‘태도’의 문제를 제기하고있다는 점에서, 이 질문은 역사적일 뿐 아니라 2019년 지금·여기의 시점과 그대로 직결된다. 이 어려운 물음 앞에서 이 책은 우리의 식민지적 기원을 감추거나축소하지 않고 실상 그대로를 대면하자는 취지의 ‘역사화’(『제국대학의 조센징』, 297쪽)를 제안한다. 이 책에 따르면, 제국대학 졸업생들이 영위한 삶의 스펙트럼은 실로 다양한 것으로 판명된다. 지사(독립운동가)의 삶이냐 출세(총독부 관료)의 삶이냐 하는 양극단의 사례도 있지만, 이 책의 진정한 야심은 ‘저항’과 ‘친일’로 양분된 두 극 사이의공간을 최대한 확장하는 것, 다시 말해 명쾌하게 분류하기 어려운 사례들의 모호성을 그 자체로 기입할 수 있는 새로운 (인식론적) 장소를 보여 주려는 데 있는것으로 보인다. 다만 이 책에서 제시된 ‘회색지대’의 사례들은 식민체제 안에 들어와 있으면서도 저항적 정치 실천이 가능했던 ‘식민지 공공성’ 영역의 사례는 아닌 것으로 보인다. ‘식민지 공공성’이 집단적인 움직임 속에서 가능한 것이라면, 이 책은 기본적으로 엘리트의, 엘리트 개개인의 삶에 관한 서사이다. 그러므로이 책에서 발굴한 회색지대는 엘리트들이 습득한 근대적 학문과 지식, 기술이 ‘민족/ 국가’를 가로질러 ‘보편적’인 효과와 혜택을 낳은 사례들에 가깝다.

      • KCI등재

        갑오·광무개혁기 근대 우체제도 운용과 의의

        신동일 한국근현대사학회 2020 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.94 No.-

        This study focuses on the way postal system was established and the roles it played in Korea’s state-led reformation during the Gabo and Gwangmu reforms (1894~1905). The modern Postal System, which was invented in Britain in 1837, was a gignatic work accompanied by high-level central organization and administrative technology that standardized postal networks across the whole country. Through this, the Korean government not only centralized the existing lands and relevant finances which belonged to traditional relay station, but also standardized local administration to construct a modern state centered on the emperor. Based on this, joining the Universal Postal Union provided an international legitimacy for Korea to show off its administrative sovereignty and compete with Japanese post offices in its own country. Securing sovereignty in the postal area was also a guarantee of the development of the vernacular press. The government’s institutional and material support for newspapers not only enabled Korean press to compete with Japanese newspapers to produce their own knowledge about Korean, but also formed readers and listeners all over the country, creating a foundation for them to connect with the state. Even after Korea lost her telecommunications sovereignty in 1905, these experiences made it easier for Koreans to accept the newly produced National history that broke away from relations with China. The modern postal system of the Gabo and Gwangmu reform periods was already transforming Korea into a modern nation-state. 이 연구는 갑오·광무개혁기 한국의 국가주도 개혁에서 우체제도가 구축된 방식과수행한 역할들에 초점을 맞춘다. 1837년 영국에서 창안된 근대 우체제도는 전국의우체망을 표준화하는 고도의 중앙조직과 행정기술을 동반하는 작업이었다. 한국정부는 이를 통해 기존의 역토를 전국의 역과 분리해 관련 재정을 중앙으로 귀속시켰을 뿐만 아니라 지방행정을 표준화하여 황제를 중심으로 하는 근대국가 건설에박차를 가했다. 그리고 이를 토대로 한 만국우체연합 가입은 한국이 행정주권을과시하고, 자국 내 일본 우체국과 경쟁할 국제법적 기반을 제공했다. 우체영역에서의주권확보는 당시 한국 언론의 발전을 담보하는 것이기도 했다. 정부의 신문에 대한제도적, 물질적 지원은 한국 신문이 일본 신문과 경쟁하여 민족에 대한 지식을스스로 생산할 수 있게 했을 뿐만 아니라, 전국 방방곡곡에 독자와 청자들을 형성하여 이들이 국가와 연결될 수 있는 기반을 조성했다. 이러한 경험들은 한국인들이통신주권을 상실한 이후에도 언론이 중국과의 관계에서 탈피해 새로 생산한 민족사를 쉽게 받아들일 수 있게끔 하는 것이었다. 갑오·광무시기 근대 우체제도는 이미한국을 근대민족국가로 전환시키고 있었다.

      • KCI등재

        현대 터키어군 자음체계에 대한 음운론적 접근: 터키어, 아제르바이잔어, 카자흐어, 키르기스어, 우즈베크어, 위구르어, 추바시어를 대상으로

        허용 ( Heo Yong ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2020 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.87

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the consonantal systems of seven modern Turkic languages from a phonological point of view. The languages discussed include six common Turkic languages (Turkish, Azerbaijanian, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Uzbek, Uyghur) and Chuvash which belongs to the Oghur language family. The phonological approach to phonological inventories has mainly been developed by Clements (2003a, 2003b, 2009). He claims that phonological inventories are structured in terms of distinctive features rather than phonetic categories. He presents five principles that constraint the internal structures of the sound system of natural languages. First, Feature Bounding, by which features bind the number of sounds and contrasts that a language may have. Second, Feature Economy, by which features have a tendency to combine maximally. Third, Marked Feature Avoidance, by which certain disfavored features are systematically avoided. Fourth, Robustness, by which higher-valued features are made use of before less highly valued features. Finally, Phonological Enhancement, by which perceptual contrasts are reinforced by introducing marked features. The principles excluding the first one, relate to the universals of natural language, and we evaluate whether or not and which Turkic languages obey or violate each principle.

      • KCI등재

        일본 제국의 통치합리성으로서 학문지식의 진화 - 경성제대 도서관 장서(산업 및 수산업편)의 시계열적 분석

        오창현 ( Oh Changhyun ) 연세대학교 국학연구원 2017 동방학지 Vol.178 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 식민지 조선의 최대 도서관이었던 경성제국대학 부속도서관 장서 중 산업편(청구번호 9000)과 수산업편(청구번호 9700)전권에 나타난 학문지식의 변화를 일본 제국의 통치합리성의 진화라는 관점에서 분석하는 것이다. 여기서 학문지식의 진화란 근대 국가 통치술의 일환으로서 인간과 사물에 대한 지식이 점차 근대적인 재화나 용역으로 규정되어온 과정을 말한다. 이 연구는 경성제대 도서관 장서를 크게 3기로 나누어 분석한다. 우선, 제1기는 주로 일본의 관방학계가 축적한 학문지식으로서, 중앙집권국가로서 변모한 일본과 새롭게 편입한 식민지 내 사물과 인구를 `물산`으로 파악하고 제국내외 무역망 속에서 편입·구축하려는 권력을 반영한다. 제2기에는 각 지역의 사물과 인구에 대한 조사·보고를 넘어, 통계나 이론에 객관성을 부여해 그것들로부터 현실 자체를 재조직하려는 `진화한 지식권력`이 등장한다. 제3기에는 1929년 세계대공황을 계기로 `서구적 진보`라는 당위성을 의심받기 시작한 통치합리성이 1930년 대 만주사변과 전시체제기를 거치며 천황으로 표상되는 국체(國體)의 보존과 이를 위한 “고도국방국가”의 건설에서 스스로의 정당성을 구축하게 되는 과정이 나타난다. 이 연구는 경성제국대학 부속도서관의 산업·수산업편 장서를 시계열적으로 분석함으로써 제국 통치합리성으로서 근대성의 연속적인 진화 과정을 포착할 수 있었다. This paper set out to trace the changes in the modern academic knowledge with regard to the evolving governmentality of Japan`s imperialism from the late 19th century to 1945 by diachronically analyzing the books of both industry (Call No. 9000) and fisheries (Call No. 9700) collected at the Keijo Imperial University, which was the biggest modern library in colonial Joseon. The academic discourse has largely been divided into three phases. The first phase ran from the late 19th century to the 1920s and was marked by governmental studies on objects and people in both Japan, which had just accomplished the spatial centralization of its national community, and its colonized countries. From the late 1910s to the early 1930s, the second phase was characterized by the emergence of power/knowledge to organize reality based on “statistics” and “science,” rather than on the informational and descriptive knowledge of reality. The third phase ran from the 1930s to 1945. The Great Depression raised doubts about what had once seemed entirely self-evident: the “Western Progress” on which the modern rationality and governmentality of Japanese imperialism had been established. Faced with the crisis of Western modernism, the Japanese governmentality lay its legitimacy on the preservation of the “National Polity,” called kokutai (國體), as an immutable entity represented by the emperor and his subjects, and the construction of a totalitarian advanced national defense state for victory in wars.

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