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      • KCI등재

        박 보리스의 생애와 한국학 연구

        박벨라보리소브나 ( Bella B. Pak ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2013 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.29

        This article attempts to describe the life and activity of the outstanding scientist of Korean studies Boris Dmitrievich Pak, major milestones of his career in science, shaping him as a scholar, an important focus of his research, the most important works. assess his contribution to Korean studies, to the forming the new generation of scientists, his social activities, to show his place in the domestic and the international scientific community, to tell about a time when he had to live and work, the difficulties that he as a son of the “enemy of the people” and a representative of the repressed people had to overcome. The author also wanted in addition to the analysis of B. D. Pak ‘s works to help to get to know him, to reveal some features of his personality, human side, based on her personal experiences. The article describes the childhood years, deportation, education in the Central State University, postgraduate studies, the first monograph. It described period after the move to Moscow and work at the Institute of Oriental Studies, analyzes his main works. The author gives the characteristic of the school of B. D. Pak, his international and social activities. Boris D. Pak was born on January 4th, 1931 in Vladivostok, in the family of Pak Dynnen and Choi Yon Ai. In 1937, his father was arrested “as a Japanese spy” and shot. He was posthumously rehabilitated in 1958. Boris’s family survived the deportation of the Korean population in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Being a “son of an enemy of the people” B. D. Pak from the early years experienced enormous hardships, was forced to do hard physical labor. But despite this he graduated from high school with honors in 1950 and joined the faculty of the Eastern Central Asian State University in Tashkent, as a history major. Already during his studies at the university he showed a great aptitude for scientific research. He took part in student conferences. His paper on the Japanese Communist Party in 1954, was published in the proceedings of the students. The collection opened with his article. Undoubted leadership qualities, excellent achievements in learning, talent, and a great capacity for work soon attracted attention and he was elected leader of the Young Communist League. After graduating with honors in 1956, B. D. Pak worked as a teacher of history and director of the school № 13 with the famous collective farm “Polar Star” in Middle-Chirchik district of Tashkent region. In 1962, Boris D. Pak enrolled in postgraduate studies at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V. I. Lenin. This became possible with the death of Stalin, when for the Koreans in Central Asia and Kazakhstan the restrictions on studying and living outside the Central Asian republics were eased. In 1965 he defended his Ph. D. thesis “The liberation struggle of the Korean people on the eve of the First World War.” In 1967, it was published by the publishing house “Science”. After finishing graduate school, B. D. Pak was sent as a lecturer in the history of the East to Irkutsk State Pedagogical Institute. The most prolonged and intense “Siberian period” in the scientific activities of Boris Pak began. In September 1968, Boris Dmitrievich received academic rank of assistant professor and was elected Dean of the Faculty of History. In 1972, B. D. Pak enrolled in doctoral studies at Moscow State Pedagogical University, and in 1974 he defended his doctoral thesis on “Russia and Korea in the middle of XIX - early XX century.” After that, he was elected chair of World History. In 1977 he was awarded the title of professor. He becomes the leading scientist in Siberia on Korea and East Asia. B. D. Pak is the author of over 200 scientific papers. His writings on the history of Russian-Korean relations, the history of Russian Koreans recognized classic, translated into many languages. Boris D. Pak is the founder of the trend in Korean Studies - History of Russian-Korean relations. His book “Russia and Korea” examines Russia's policy in Korea, the Russian-Korean relations since their inception in the thirteenth century until the annexation of Korea in 1910. A major landmark in his work since the mid 90's was the study of Korean anti-Japanese national liberation movement. On this issue he wrote his monographs, “the March First Movement in 1919 in Korea through the eyes of a Russian diplomat (1997)”(in collaboration with Pak Thegyn) and “The Recompence in the Harbin Railway Station”(1998) - the first monographic study of the An Junggeun. The name Boris Dmitrievich Pak linked with the development of the history of Russian Koreans as a scientific discipline. On this issue in the second half of the 90's he published the books: “The Koreans in the Russian Empire”(1994), “Koreans in Soviet Russia”(1995). They first examined the history of Korean immigration to the Russian Empire since the 50's XIX century up to 1937. From October 1999 until his death on December 24, 2012 B. D. Pak worked in the Department of Korea and Mongolia of the Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences. In creative terms, these years have been extremely fruitful in the life of B. D. Pak. Written with Ninkolay F. Bugai the book “140 years in Russia. Essay on the history of Russian Koreans”(Moscow, 2004), dedicated to the 140 anniversary of the resettlement of Koreans in Russia, has been translated into Korean and became one of the most important works on the history of Russian Koreans. In 2006, Boris Dmitrievich Pak has published the book “USSR, the Communist International and the Korean liberation movement. 1918~1925”. B. D. Pak is the founder of the series of monographs “Russian Koreans” dedicated to outstanding representatives of the diaspora of Russian Koreans. He is the author-compiler and editor of books in this series(“Kim Mangym”, “Khan Myonse”, “Lee Bomjin”, “140 years in Russia”(in co. with N.F. Bugai), “Kim Pen Hwa”, “Alexandra Kim-Stankevich”, “Choi Jaehyen”, “Russian Koreans struggle for the independence of Korea. 1905~1919”, “Soviet Koreans in the Great Patriotic War of 1941~1945”). Within this series first appeared detailed biographies of the most prominent representatives of Koreans in prerevolutionary period and Soviet era, including those who have been subjected to repression during the Stalinist era. Great work led B. D. Pak and as archivist. Together with Y. V. Vanin prepared for publication, and was editor of the compiler of collections of documents and materials “Korea through the eyes of Russians, 1895~1945” and “The first news about Korea. 1675~1884”. B. D. Pak contributed greatly to the scientific training of historians. Under his leadership, 12 candidates and doctors of history were prepared. B. D. Pak contributed to the development and emergence in Russia, Korea, Japan and China of publications, which have based their approaches on the principles laid down by him. Attention to historical sources, the highest professionalism in their study are a distinctive feature of his research school. B. D. Pak created the International Centre for Asian Studies at the Irkutsk State Pedagogical University, that become one of the most famous centers for the study of Asia in Siberia. He developed the International relations of Irkutsk Pedagogical Institute with foreign research centers. He directed five international conferences with the participation of eminent scientists. As the editor published 12 issues of “Bulletin of the International Centre for Asian Studies IGPU.” B. D. Pak has worked hard to establish scientific cooperation between scientific institutions of Russia and South Korea. He is the Member of the National Institute study of national history(Kuksa phyonch'an wiwonhve) and “outstanding researcher” of the Institute of the independence movement of Independence Memorial(Tonnip kinyomgwan). He was an active participant in international scientific conferences in the Republic of Korea, Japan, Hungary, USA. He was the scientific adviser of documentaries KBC(Yoksa Special). B. D. Pak actively cooperated and helped Korean organizations abroad, was honorary president of the Korean Association of Irkutsk. He led an active social and political work. Elected to the Council of the city of Irkutsk, he was a brilliant lecturer in international studies. Scientific and public activity of B. D. Pak was highly appreciated both at home and abroad. He was the first Russian Korean who was awarded the title “Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation”(1992), member of the Academy of Humanities(1995), was awarded the “Friendship” order, medals of the Russian Federation, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea. Interest in the works of B. D. Pak continues unabated even after his death. In 2011, Seoul “Russia and Korea”, translated into Korean, and in September “Soviet Koreans in the Great Patriotic War” were published. In October 2012 the book “An Junggeun - National Hero of Korea” was issued. B. D. Pak can be put on a par with people whose ideas laid the foundation of modern Korean studies. Many scholars of Russian-Korean relations, the Korean national liberation movement, the history of Russian Koreans call him their spiritual mentor. His great contribution to the development of Korean widely recognized.

      • KCI등재

        미하일박의 소설 연구 - 「해바라기 꽃잎 바람에 날리다」 주제 의식을 중심으로 -

        박안토니나 ( Pak Antonia ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2011 국제어문 Vol.51 No.-

        미하일박(1949~)은 아나톨리김, 알렉산드르강과 더불어 고려인 문학의 러시아어로 창작한 대표적 작가 중의 하나이다. 삶의 중요한 시기를 카자흐스탄에서 보내고, 카자흐스탄에서 등단하고 카자흐스탄에서 창작활동을 이어 러시아에서 창작활동을 하고 있다. 그는 시종여일하게 고려인의 삶을 작품 속에 형상화해 왔으며, 장편소설 「해바라기 꽃잎바람에 날리다」를 비롯한 다수의 중앙아시아와 구소련지역을 소재로 한 작품들을 창작하였다. 그간 기존 연구들은 미하일박에 대한 간단한 소개를 중심으로 이루어졌으며, 그의 생애 및 활동 그리고 작품에 대한 연구는 많이 이루어지지 않았다. 특히 고려인 문학 연구에서 한글 작품에 대한 관심은 상당히 높은데 기존의 연구들은 대부분 고려인 문학사, 1991년 이전에 발표했던 작품에 중점을 둔 것이었다. 그러나 러시아어로 작품 활동을 하는 고려인 작가, 러시아어로 창작된 작품 등과 관련된 고려인 문학에 대한 고찰한 연구는 아직 많지 않다. 그러므로 고려인 문학에서 러시아로 작품 활동을 하는 작가와 러시아어 작품에 대한 연구가 절실히 요구되고 있다. 본고는 이와 같은 점을 감안하여 한국문학사와 고려인 문학사가 하나의 동일한 뿌리를 가지고 유기적인 연계를 가진다는 것에 착안점을 두고 기존의 고려인 문학에 대한 논의에 대하여 재검토하고 러시아어와 한글로 창작활동을 하고 있는 미하일박의 생애와 작품 소개를 하고자 한다. Mikhail Pak(1949~ ) is, like other Korean-Russian authors including Anatoly Kim and Alexander Kan, one of representative fiction writers who successfully authored Korean literatures in Russian language. After spending important days of his life in Kazakhstan where he was born, made debut, and had achieved vigorous authoring works, Pak is now active as an author in Russia. Throughout his life, Pak has consistently depicted Korean Russians` lives in his writings; many a stories he has authored such as the novel `Sunflower Petals Flying Under Breeze` have common background of Central Asia or former Soviet Union area. Perceiving that Korean native and Korean-Russian literatures have common roots and undivided relationship, this thesis reexamines existing debates of Korean-Russian literature, and introduces life and authoring activities of Mikhail Pak. For reviewing existing studies of Korean Russian literature and scrutinizing mikhail Pak`s world of literature and authoring achievements, his novel `Sunflower Flying Under Breeze` is the object text of this study. Characters of this novel that the author depicted in this novel are the Korean people persisting their lifestyles of Korea even after emigrating to Russia.

      • KCI등재

        M-추정에 기반을 둔 로버스트 스펙트럴 추정량: 주택 가격 지수에 대한 응용

        박노진,Pak, Ro Jin 한국통계학회 2016 응용통계연구 Vol.29 No.3

        주파수 영역에서 시계열 자료를 분석함에 있어 스펙트럴 추정량은 매우 유용한 도구이다. 기존의 스펙트럴 추정량은 이상치에 영향을 받을 수밖에 없는 구조로 되어있어서 M-추정법을 활용하여 로버스트 스펙트럴 추정량이 제안되었다. M-추정을 위해서는 조율모수를 적절하게 선택해 주어야 하는데 Pak (2001)이 제안한 방법을 사용할 때의 효과를 연구하였다. 모의실험과 주택가격지수에의 적용을 통하여 효과가 있음을 확인하였다. In analysing a time series on the frequency domain, the spectral estimator (or periodogram) is a very useful statistic to identify the periods of a time series. However, the spectral estimator is very sensitive in nature to outliers, so that the spectral estimator in terms of M-estimation has been studied by some researchers. Pak (2001) proposed an empirical method to choose a tuning parameter for the Huber's M-estimating function. In this article, we try to implement Pak's estimation proposal in the spectral estimator. We use the Korean housing price index as an example data set for comparing various M-estimating results.

      • KCI등재

        Understanding Inventory Management Strategies of Fresh Food Sector in the UK: The Cases of Tesco & ASDA

        Pak,Myong-Sop,Cho,Sung-Woo 경성대학교 산업개발연구소 2010 산업혁신연구 Vol.26 No.4

        재고 관리는 모든 기업의 관심사이다. 기업은 재고관리를 통해 원가를 절감하고 이는 손익에 영향을 미치며, 재고부족은 고객만족, 더 나아가 기업의 이미지에 영향을 미치기도 한다. 특히 신선식품의 경우, 유통기한이 짧고 유통과정이 복잡하고 까다로우며 식품안전이 소비자의 건강과 직결되기 때문에 소비자의 요구가 생산과 재배 및 유통단계까지 효과적으로 전달되고 관리되는 것이 중요하다. 이러한 환경에 능동적으로 대처하기 위해 많은 기업들이 공급사슬관리를 바탕으로 신선식품을 종합적으로 관리하고 있다. 이러한 배경을 바탕으로 본 연구는 공급사슬관점에서 재고발생 원인을 밝히고, 영국의 대표적인 소매 기업인 테스코와 아스다의 사례를 바탕으로 두 기업의 재고관리전략을 비용, 고객서비스 그리고 효율성을 중심으로 살펴보는데 그 목적이 있다. 식품공급사슬 관점에서 재고의 발생원인은 다양할 수 있으나, 본 연구에서는 특히 중요한 요소인 조달, 고객수요예측, 경영정보시스템 그리고 물류에 초점을 맞추어 원인을 살펴보았다. 많은 유통업체가 재고를 효율적으로 관리하기 위해 통합시스템을 도입한 것과 같이, 테스코는 신선식품시장의 성장 가능성을 감안하여 기존 시스템의 부족한 기능을 추가하기 위해 오라클의 물류센터관리시스템을 도입하여 비용, 고객서비스 그리고 효율성면에서 효과를 거두었으며, ASDA는 기존의 시스템에 없던 기능 즉, 물류센터를 시장상황에 맞게 레이아웃을 변경하고 시뮬레이션을 할 수 있는 CLASS 시스템을 시러스 로지스틱스사에서 도입하여 저가전략에 큰 성과를 거두었다. 대형유통업체에서 사용하고 있는 재고관리시스템은 고가이면서 시스템을 안정화시키는데 상당히 오랜 기간이 소요된다. 실무진은 시스템의 새로운 시스템 도입을 도입하거나 기존의 시스템을 업그레이드할 때 전환비용이 발생할 수 있다는 점을 유의하여 현장의 다양한 의견을 수렴하고 장기적인 안목을 바탕으로 최종 결정을 해야 한다. 비용, 고객서비스 그리고 효율성면에서 새로운 시스템이 가져다 줄 실익을 정확하게 파악하기 위해 계량적인 분석(비용편익분석 혹은 비용효과분석)을 시행해보는 것도 효과적인 방법이 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        16세기 프랑스 의학에서의 프랑스어 어휘

        박찬인 한국현대언어학회 2003 언어연구 Vol.19 No.1

        Chan-In Pak. 2003, Etye kexuqye frabc¸ais dans la me´decine du XVI^e sie`cle. The Jornal of Studies in Language 19-1. 41-56. Cet article porte sur l'e´tude lexique franc¸ais dans la me´decine du XVI^e sie`cle. D´abord, nous avons observe´ qu'au XVI^e sie`clex, la me´ecine franc¸aise est une science dominante. Cette importance est illustre´ par le fait que beaucoup d'humanistes ont e´tudie´ la me´dencine et qu'ils l'ont pratique´e: c'est le cas par exemple de F. Rabelais (romancier, chirurgien et professeur). On conside´rait donc que la me´decine franc¸aise du XVI^e sie`cle est dans l'ordre des science humaines la plus e´leve´e en dignite´. Et puis, dans le domaine me´dicale, le franc¸ais a acquis une place privilgie´e. Cela prouve qu'a` Montpellier et a` Lyon, on donne le cours en langue vulgaire et d'anciens ouvrages franc¸ais de chirurgie sont imprime´s. Ensuite, le progre`s du franc¸ais a surtout pour cause la ne´cessite´ de faire connal^tre a` un public les me´thodes curatives(peste, le`pre et syphilis) rendues par le de´plorable l'e´tat sanitaire de l'e´poque. C' est enfin A. Pare´ qui est fide`le a` sa langue maternelle et a renouvele´ la me´decine franc¸aise. Il a e´crtit beaucoup de livres me´dicales en franc¸ais, contre toute tradition latine. Alors qu'il a bien contribue´ l'installation du lexique franc¸ais dans la me´decine franc¸aise, en particuler physiologie, pathologie, anatomin et the´rapeutique, il n'a pas fait mention de de´sinfection ni me^me de proprete´. Alors il est certain que la the´rapeutique reste encore dans l'enfance, la sante´ plus qu'aujourd'hui est und pre´occupation constante. (Chungnam National University)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Viscosity of Liquids under High Pressures

        Wonsoo Kim,Hyungsuk Pak,Tong-Seek Chair Korean Chemical Society 1990 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.11 No.1

        By using Pak's theory of liquid, a phenomenological theory of viscosity proposed by the authors is applied to liquids under high pressures. The calculated viscosities for various simple substances are in good agreements with those of the observed values over wide pressure ranges.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Thermodynamic Properties of the Polymer Solutions

        Lee, Woong-Ki,Pak, Hyung- Suk Korean Chemical Society 1985 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.6 No.6

        A statistical mechanical approach to elucidate the solvent effects on the high polymer solutions has been carried out on the basis of the simple model of liquids improved by Pak. In our works, the partition function of the polymer solutions is formulated by the lattice model and our simple treatment of liquid structures. For the ideal polymer solutions proposed by Flory, thermodynamic functions of the polymer solutions are obtained and equations of mixing properties and partial molar quantities are derived from the presented partition function of the polymer solutions. Partial molar quantities are calculated for the rubber solutions in carbon disulfide, benzene and carbon tetrachloride. Comparisons have been made between our equations and those of Flory's original paper for partial molar properties of the rubber-benzene system. Comparing the experimental data of the osmotic pressure of polystyrene-cyclohexane system with our calculated values and those of Flory's, our values fit to the agreeable degrees better than those of Flory's.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Theory of Polymer Adsorption from Solution

        Lee, Woong-Ki,Pak, Hyung-Suk Korean Chemical Society 1987 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.8 No.1

        A statistical thermodynamical treatment for polymer adsorption from solution is presented. The canonical partition function for the polymer solution in the presence of a surface or an impermeable interface is formulated on the basis of usual quasi-crystalline lattice model, Bragg-Williams approximation of random mixing, and Pak's simple treatment of liquid. The present theory gives the surface excess ${\Gamma}_{exc}$ and the surface coverage ${\phi}^s_2$ of the polymer as a function of the chain length x, the Flory-Huggins parameter x, the adsorption energy parameter $x_s$, and polymer concentration $v_2$. Present theory is also applicable to the calculation of interfacial tension of polymer solution against water. For the idealized flexible polymer, interfacial tensions according to our theory fit good to the experimental data to the agreeable degrees.


        Phylogeny of Korean <i>Rubus</i> (Rosaceae) based on the second intron of the <i>LEAFY</i> gene

        Yang, JiYoung,Yoon, Ho-Sung,Pak, Jae-Hong Canadian Science Publishing 2012 Canadian journal of plant science Vol.92 No.3

        <P> Yang, J., Yoon, H.-S. and Pak. J.-H. 2012. Phylogeny of Korean Rubus (Rosaceae) based on the second intron of the LEAFY gene. Can. J. Plant Sci. 92: 461-472. The second intron of the LEAFY gene was used for phylogenetic analysis of Rubus (Rosaceae). The LEAFY gene is conserved among a wide variety of plants and is known to be involved in the morphological evolution of plants. Sequence comparison of LEAFY homologues revealed the phylogenetic relationships of previously unresolved taxa, suggesting the usefulness of this marker rather than the ITS region for representing nuclear gene trees. In addition, a combined analysis of the trnL/F intergenic region of chloroplast DNA and the second intron of the LEAFY gene yielded more imformative data. Based on the data, it was inferred that evolution proceeded from herbs to woody plants, compound leaf to simple leaf, and pink petal to white petal within Korean Rubus taxa. Moreover, the LEAFY and trnL/F combined phylogeny had similar topology with the Rubus classification based on morphological characteristics. Therefore, our results indicate that LEAFY and trnL/F were valuable regions for analyzing the phylogenetic relationships among the Rubus taxa in Korea. </P>

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