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        Liquid-liquid extraction of lithium using lipophilic dibenzo-14-crown-4 ether carboxylic acid in hydrophobic room temperature ionic liquid

        Torrejos, Rey Eliseo C.,Nisola, Grace M.,Song, Ho Seong,Han, Jeong Woo,Lawagon, Chosel P.,Seo, Jeong Gil,Koo, Sangho,Kim, Hern,Chung, Wook-Jin Elsevier 2016 Hydrometallurgy Vol.164 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>A green liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) system was developed for the recovery of lithium (Li<SUP>+</SUP>) from sodium and potassium ions, which are typically present at high concentrations in seawater. Dibenzo-14-crown-4ether (DB14C4) was functionalized with a long lipophilic alkyl C18 chain and a pendent proton ionizable carboxylic acid group to obtain a lithium (Li<SUP>+</SUP>) carrier system (DB14C4-C18-COOH) with high Li<SUP>+</SUP> extraction performance and good stability in the room temperature ionic liquid diluent, CYPHOSIL 109. The Li<SUP>+</SUP> extraction efficiency of DB14C4-C18-COOH/CYPHOSIL 109 can be enhanced by increasing the solution pH and DB14C4-C18-COOH concentration. Further examination of extraction results reveal 1:1 coordination between DB14C4-C18-COOH and Li<SUP>+</SUP> which was also supported by density functional theory calculations. At room temperature, the developed LLE system effectively extracted dilute Li<SUP>+</SUP> from Na<SUP>+</SUP> (selectivity α<SUB>Li</SUB> <SUP>+</SUP> <SUB>/Na</SUB> <SUP>+</SUP> =1954) and K<SUP>+</SUP> (α<SUB>Li</SUB> <SUP>+</SUP> <SUB>/K</SUB> <SUP>+</SUP> =138). Kinetic and thermodynamic parameters were evaluated for optimum Li<SUP>+</SUP> extraction conditions. Sequestered Li<SUP>+</SUP> can be easily recovered from the LLE system using dilute hydrochloric acid. Results from recycling tests showed stable Li<SUP>+</SUP> extraction performance hence it can be used for long term application. Overall results indicate the potential application of DB14C4-C18-COOH/CYPHOSIL 109 as a treatment step to recover Li<SUP>+</SUP> from brine or seawater.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Crown ether in RTIL CYPHOSIL 109 LLE system was developed for Li<SUP>+</SUP> recovery. </LI> <LI> Ligand lipophilic dibenzo14C4 crown ether with ionizable COOH group was synthesized. </LI> <LI> Highly selective LLE towards Li<SUP>+</SUP> in the presence of high Na<SUP>+</SUP> and K<SUP>+</SUP> concentration </LI> <LI> Ligand concentration, solution pH and temperature affected Li<SUP>+</SUP> extraction. </LI> <LI> Convenient Li<SUP>+</SUP> recovery and LLE reusability via dilute acid stripping treatment </LI> </UL> </P>

      • Prevalences of Clonorchiasis and Metagonimiasis along Rivers in Jeonra-Nam-Do, Korea


        전라남도 영산강 및 섬진강유역 주민의 간디스토마와 요꼬가와흡충 감염율의 조사 및 이들 패류매개성 기생충의 제1, 제2 중간숙주를 조사한 바 그 성적을 요약하면 다음과 같다(조사기간: 1975년 8,9월, 1976년 7,8월). 영산강 유역 영산강을 상류(YU), 중류(YM), 하류(YD)로 삼분하여 10개 표본지역을 선정, 조사하였다(표 1 참조). 상류는 광산군 송정읍의 상부지역으로 장성군과 담양군이 이에 해당되며 중류는 송정읍과 나주군 영산포읍 사이의 지역으로 광산군 일부와 나주군이 이에 해당되며 하류는 영산포읍이하의 나주군 일부와 함평군이 이에 해당된다. 1. 주민의 감열율 : 상류 3개지역, 중류 1개지역 그리고 하류 2개지역 등 6개지역 주민 359명을 대상으로 조사하였다. 상류지역의 간디스토마 감염율은 29.9%(69/231), 중류 38.5%(20/52), 하류 21.1%(16/76)이었다. 전체적으로는 29.2%(105/359)의 감염율을 나타내었으며 남자는 39.3%(79/201), 여자 15.4%(21/136)로 전자가 2.5배 이상의 감염상을 보였다. 2. 제 1 중간숙주 : 간디스토마의 제 1 중간숙주인 왜우렁(Parafossarulus manchouricus)의 조사는 상류 2개지역, 중류 4개지역, 하류 1개지역등 7개지역에서 채집한 980개를 검사하였으며 그 중 11개(1.1%)에서 간디스토마셀카리아를 검출하였다. 지역별로는 상류 1.8%(6/333), 중류 0.9%(5/553)가 양성이었으나 하류지역의 94개에서는 모두 음성이었다. 요꼬가와흡충의 제 1 중간숙주인 다슬기(Semisulcospira libertina)를 상, 중, 하류의 각 1개지역씩 3개지역에서 모두 179개를 채집하여 검사하였으나. 요꼬가와흡충 또는 페디스토마의 셀카리아는 검출할 수 없었다. 3. 제 2 중간숙주 : 전지역에서 9종의 담수어 263마리를 포획하여 검사한바 간디스토마메타셀카리아의 양성율은 참붕어에서 62.9%(22/35), 피리 5.7%(3/53), 납지리류 21.9%(7/32), 돌고기 17.6%(3/17), 그리고 끄리에서 14.3%(1/7)이었으나 붕어, 모래무지, 버들붕어 및 꺽지 등에서는 검출할 수 없었다. 요꼬가와흡충의 제2중간숙주인 은어는 채집 또는 포획할 수 없었다. 섬진강유역 전라남도 관내의 섬진강을 상, 중, 하류로 구분하여 각 유역별로 2개지역씩 선정, 6개지역에서 조사하였다(표 1 참조). Soh, C.T. et al. 표 1. 영산강 및 섬진강 유역 조사대상 지역 =================================================================================== 영산강 유역 ∥ 섬진강 유역 ------------------------------------------∥--------------------------------------- 지 역 *조사내용 ∥ 지 역 *조사내용 ------------------------------------------∥--------------------------------------- 상류 1. 장성군 황룡면 황룡리 P. 1.2. ∥상류 1. 곡성군 곡성면 동산리 P. 1. 2. 담양군 봉산면 삼지리 P. 1.2. ∥ 2. 곡성군 곡성면 석곡리 P. 1.2. 3. 담양군 금성면 금월리 P. ∥ 중류 1. 나주군 영산포읍 1. ∥중류 1. 구례군 구례읍 신월리 P. 1.2. 2. 나주군 산포면 산제리 1.2. ∥ 2. 곡성군 곡성면 압록리 2. 3. 나주군 남평면 남평리 1.2. ∥ 4. 광산군 동곡면 복용리 P. 1.2. ∥ 하류 1. 함평군 엄다면 학교리 P. 1.2. ∥하류 1. 광양군 다압면 신원리 2. 2. 나주군 다시면 신풍리 P. ∥ 2. 광양군 다압면 고사리 P. 1.2. 3. 나주군 문평면 용문리 2. ∥ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *(주) P: 주민 감염율조사. 1: 제1 중간숙주조사. 2: 제2 중간 숙주조사. 상류는 전라북도와 전라남도의 경계선 이하에서 곡성군 곡성읍 상부와 섬진강의 지류인 보성강유역이 해당되며 중류지역은 섬진강과 보성강이 합류되는 곳에서부터 광양군 다압면의 상류지역으로 곡성군 일부와 구례군이 이에 해당되며 하류는 다압면이하로 광양군이 해당된다. 1. 주민의 감염율 : 상류 2개지역, 중하류 각 1개지역 등 4개지역에서 296명을 대상으로 조사하였던바 전체적으로 간디스토마 충란양성자는 21명(7.1%)인데 비해 요꼬가와흡충충란 양성자는 123명(41.6%)이었으며 지역별 간디스토마의 감염율은 상류 5.6%(7/124), 중류 7.4%(6/81), 하류 8.8%(8/91)이었으며 요꼬가와흡충은 상류29.0%(36/124), 중류 58.0%(47/81), 하류 44.0%(40/91)이었다. 요꼬가와흡충충란양성자의 경우 남자는 55.5%(81/146)로 여자의 28.0%(42/150)보다 약 2배 가량 높은 감염율을 보였다. 요꼬가와흡충충란은 전 연령층에서 검출되었으나 간디스토마는 19세이하에서는 검출되지 않았다. 한편 두 흡충의 혼합감염율은 5.7%(17/296)이었다. 2. 제 1 중간숙주 : 왜우렁은 중류지방에서만 채집되었으나 간디스토마셀카리아를 검출치 못하였고 다슬기는 모두 663개를 채집하여 검사한바 62개(9.4%)에서 요꼬가와흡충셀카리아를 검출하였다. 이를 지역별로 보면 상류 9.2%(39/427), 중류 4.8%(3/62), 하류 11.5%(20/174)의 양성율을 보였다. 3. 제 2 중간숙주 : 전지역에서 10종의 담수어 175마리를 포획하여 검사하였으나 간디스토마메타셀카리아는 검출치 못 하였다. 그러나 그중 은어에서는 35마리 전부에서 요꼬가와흡충메타셀카리아를 검출하였다. 이상의 성적으로 보아 영산강유역은 간디스토마의 만연지역이나 요꼬가와흡충의 만연은 볼 수 없었다. 그러나 섬진강유역은 요꼬가와흡충 및 간디스토마의 만연지역이라고 볼 수 있으나 이 지역의 간디스토마감염이 토착성인지는 더 추구되어야 할 과제라고 본다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Carbon-coated boron using low-cost naphthalene for substantial enhancement of J<sub>c</sub> in MgB<sub>2</sub> superconductor

        Ranot, Mahipal,Shinde, K.P.,Oh, Y.S.,Kang, S.H.,Jang, S.H.,Hwang, D.Y.,Chung, K.C. The Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity a 2017 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.19 No.3

        Carbon coating approach is used to prepare carbon-doped $MgB_2$ bulk samples using low-cost naphthalene ($C_{10}H_8$) as a carbon source. The coating of carbon (C) on boron (B) powders was achieved by direct pyrolysis of naphthalene at $120^{\circ}C$ and then the C-coated B powders were mixed well with appropriate amount of Mg by solid state reaction method. X-ray diffraction analysis revealed that there is a noticeable shift in (100) and (110) Bragg reflections towards higher angles, while no shift was observed in (002) reflections for $MgB_2$ doped with carbon. As compared to un-doped $MgB_2$, a systematic enhancement in $J_c(H)$ properties with increasing carbon doping level was observed for naphthalene-derived C-doped $MgB_2$ samples. The substantial enhancement in $J_c$ is most likely due to the incorporation of C into $MgB_2$ lattice and the reduction in crystallite size, as evidenced by the increase in the FWHM values for doped samples.


        1<sup>++</sup> 등급 거세한우의 부위별 이화학적 육질특성 및 영양성분조성

        조수현,김진형,성필남,조영무,정완태,박범영,정명옥,김동훈,이종문,안종남,Cho, S.H.,Kim, J.H.,Seong, P.N.,Cho, Y.M.,Chung, W.T.,Park, B.Y.,Chung, M.O.,Kim, D.H.,Lee, J.M.,Ahn, C.N. 한국축산식품학회 2008 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.28 No.4

        This study was conducted to investigate the nutritional composition and meat quality properties of Hanwoo steer beef by different cut. Ten cuts [Abjin (short plate), Bosup (top sirloin), Cheggt (striploin), Dngsim (loin), Guri (chuck tender), Hongduke (eye of round), Moksim (chuck roll), Sulgit (bottom round), Udoon (top round), Yanaji (brisket)] prepared from 10 Hanwoo steers (28-30 months old) were used for this experiment. The range of pH was 5.46-5.64. In the chemical analysis, Hongduke contained highest protein contents (21.15%) and Dngsim had lowest protein contents (16.94%) (p<0.05). Fat contents were higher in Dngsim whereas those of Guri, Hongduke and Udoon were significantly lower when compared to the other cuts (p<0.05). There were not significantly different in meat color (L, a and b values) properties only except that L values were significantly higher in Dngsim among 10 cuts (p<0.05). Cooking loss (%) was higher in Guri, Hongduke, Udoon and Yangji whereas it was significantly love. in Cheggt (p<0.05). Warner-Bratzler shear force (WBS) was significantly higher in Abjin $(6.24inch^2/kg)$, whereas Dngsim $(3.45inch^2/kg)$ and Cheggt $(3.50inch^2/kg)$ were significantly lower than the other cuts (p<0.05). There was no significant difference in water-holding capacity (WHC) among 10 cuts (p>0.05). Total amino acid contents were significantly higher in Hongduke (p<0.05). Hongduke was highest in most kinds of amino acids, however, Udoon had the highest methionine and histidine contents among 10 cuts (p<0.05). Glutamate contents were high in all cuts and followed by aspartate, leucine and lysin. With regard to mineral contents, Ca was ranged from 47.63-70.69 mg/kg and Fe was ranged from 15.09-26.68 mg/kg in 10 cuts. Zn was highly contained in Guri (50.56 mg/kg) when compared to the other cuts (p<0.05).


        Continuous lithium mining from aqueous resources by an adsorbent filter with a 3D polymeric nanofiber network infused with ion sieves

        Chung, W.J.,Torrejos, R.E.C.,Park, M.J.,Vivas, E.L.,Limjuco, L.A.,Lawagon, C.P.,Parohinog, K.J.,Lee, S.P.,Shon, H.K.,Kim, H.,Nisola, G.M. Elsevier 2017 Chemical Engineering Journal Vol.309 No.-

        Electrospun composite nanofiber (NF) was fabricated and employed as an adsorbent membrane filter in a continuous Li<SUP>+</SUP> mining process from seawater. The filter was composed of a hydrophilic polyacrylonitrile (PAN) matrix infused with lithium ion sieves (LIS) H<SUB>1.6</SUB>Mn<SUB>1.6</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB>. Characterization of the LIS/PAN NF confirmed its favorable structural and surface properties for effective Li<SUP>+</SUP> adsorption. The LIS/PAN NF was mechanically suitable as a microfiltration membrane with high water flux and low pressure requirement. Breakthrough experiments at varied feed concentrations (C<SUB>f</SUB>), seawater flowrates (F), and NF thicknesses (Z) revealed the dynamic adsorption behavior of the filter. The seawater residence time was most critical and must be kept ≥0.12min at any given C<SUB>f</SUB> and Z to maximize the Li<SUP>+</SUP> capacity of the filter. This can be conveniently achieved by adjusting the F of the process. Analogous to a packed bed system, the predictive power of nine breakthrough models were determined through non-linear regression analyses. Results reveal that bed-depth-space-time, Bohart-Adams (BA) and Thomas models adequately predicted the performance of the filter albeit BA exhibited the best agreement. Meanwhile, Wolborska failed to converge with any of the experimental results while Yoon-Nelson, Wang, Clark, dose-response, and modified dose-response were too simple to provide any meaningful information. Cycled Li<SUP>+</SUP> adsorption-desorption runs successfully collected and concentrated Li<SUP>+</SUP> in a mild acid stripping solution. After ten cycles, Li<SUP>+</SUP> was separated 155-1552 times more efficiently than Na<SUP>+</SUP>, K<SUP>+</SUP>, Mg<SUP>2+</SUP> and Ca<SUP>2+</SUP>. Overall results demonstrate the potential of LIS/PAN NF as an adsorbent membrane filter for continuous Li<SUP>+</SUP> mining from aqueous resources.


        Regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana plasma membrane glucose-responsive regulator (AtPGR) expression by A. thaliana storekeeper-like transcription factor, AtSTKL, modulates glucose response in Arabidopsis

        Chung, M.S.,Lee, S.,Min, J.H.,Huang, P.,Ju, H.W.,Kim, C.S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2016 Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Vol. No.

        <P>Biochemical, genetic, physiological, and molecular research in plants has demonstrated a central role of glucose (Glc) in the control of plant growth, metabolism, and development, and has revealed networks that integrate light, stresses, nutrients, and hormone signaling. Previous studies have reported that AtPGR protein as potential candidates for Glc signaling protein. In the present study, we characterized transcription factors that bind to the upstream region of the AtPGR gene isolated using the yeast one hybrid screening with an Arabidopsis cDNA library. One of the selected genes (AtSTKL) appeared to confer elevated sensitivity to Glc response. Overexpression of AtSTKLs (AtSTKL1 and AtSTKL2) increased the sensitivity to GIc during the post-germination stages. In contrast, atstkl1 and atstki2 antisense lines displayed reduced sensitivity to high Glc concentration during the early seedling stage. Furthermore, we showed that the two AtSTKLs bind to the 5'-GCCT-3' element of the upstream promoter region of the AtPGR gene in vitro and repress the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) activity in AtPGR promoter-GUS (P999 GUS) transgenic plants. Green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged AtSTKLs were localized in the nuclei of transgenic Arabidopsis cells. Collectively, these results suggest that AtSTKL1 and AtSTKL2 function both as repressors of AtPGR transcription and as novel transcription factors in the Glc signaling pathway. (C) 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.</P>

      • IA-PID 제어기를 이용한 교류-직류시스템의 동태안정도에 관한 연구

        정형환,정현화,왕용필,박희철 동아대학교 생산기술연구소 2001 生産技術硏究所硏究論文集 Vol.6 No.2

        In this paper, a method for optimal design of PID controller using the immune algorithm(IA) has been proposed to improve the stability of A.C.-D.C. power system. To design optimal PID controller, formulation of A.C.-D.C. system equation, selection of stability analysis model, formulation immune algorithm and application model of optimal PID controller are proposed in order of the paper. In case of various disturbance, computer simulations have been performed and the proposed IA-PID controller has been compared with base controller which is conventional control technique for dynamics. From simulation results, it is demonstrated that proposed IA-PID controller has good dynamic responses about the disturbance of power system and reliability as compared with the base control.


        iNKT cells prevent obesity-induced hepatic steatosis in mice in a C-C chemokine receptor 7-dependent manner

        Kim, H M,Lee, B R,Lee, E S,Kwon, M H,Huh, J H,Kwon, B-E,Park, E-K,Chang, S-Y,Kweon, M-N,Kim, P-H,Ko, H-J,Chung, C H Nature Publishing Group 2018 International Journal of Obesity Vol.42 No.2

        <P>Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis are characterized by an increase in hepatic triglyceride content with infiltration of immune cells, which can cause steatohepatitis and hepatic insulin resistance. C-C chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7) is primarily expressed in immune cells, and CCR7 deficiency leads to the development of multi-organ autoimmunity, chronic renal disease and autoimmune diabetes. Here, we investigated the effect of CCR7 on hepatic steatosis in a mouse model and its underlying mechanism. Our results demonstrated that body and liver weights were higher in the CCR7<SUP>−/−</SUP> mice than in the wild-type (WT) mice when they were fed a high-fat diet. Further, glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity were markedly diminished in CCR7<SUP>−/−</SUP> mice. The number of invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells was reduced in the livers of the CCR7<SUP>−/−</SUP> mice. Moreover, liver inflammation was detected in obese CCR7<SUP>−/−</SUP> mice, which was ameliorated by the adoptive transfer of hepatic mononuclear cells from WT mice, but not through the transfer of hepatic mononuclear cells from CD1d<SUP>−/−</SUP> or interleukin-10-deficient (IL-10<SUP>−/−</SUP>) mice. Overall, these results suggest that CCR7<SUP>+</SUP> mononuclear cells in the liver could regulate obesity-induced hepatic steatosis via induction of IL-10-expressing iNKT cells.</P>


        Ethanol's effect on intracellular signal pathways in prenatal rat cortical neurons is GABA<sub>B1</sub> dependent

        Lee, H.Y.,Li, S.P.,Park, M.S.,Bahk, Y.H.,Chung, B.C.,Kim, M.O. Wiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley Company 2007 Synapse Vol.61 No.8

        <P>To confirm the modulation role of GABA<SUB>B</SUB> on ethanol' effects, we studied the effects of ethanol on the neuronal intracellular signals, protein kinase A (PKA) and cAMP-response element binding protein (CREB), by using a system where GABA<SUB>B1</SUB> receptors were specifically knocked down in the in vitro cultivated cortical neurons. The results showed that the PKA α subunit was increased with ethanol treatment, and could be further increased by administering baclofen and phaclofen. By contrast, baclofen and/or phaclofen could decrease ethanol's up-regulation effects on PKA α subunit expression in primary cultured cortical neurons in which the GABA<SUB>B1</SUB> receptor was specifically knocked down using GABA<SUB>B1</SUB> receptor RNA interference. Furthermore, these effects could lead to changes of phospho (p)-CREB expression, which showed the same expression pattern as PKA. Finally, we observed changes of GABA<SUB>B1</SUB>, PKA, and p-CREB distribution within the same neuronal cells. These results showed that the GABA<SUB>B</SUB> receptors are critical to ethanol's cellular effects, which occur via modulating the PKA and CREB transcription pathway, and may be an underlying cause of ethanol's effects. Synapse 61:622–628, 2007. © 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.</P>

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