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        전국 사범대학 가정교육과 교육과정의 현황 분석 및 현행 중등학교 '실업ㆍ가정과' 교육과정의 관련성 고찰

        최옥자,박옥임,정현숙 한국 가정과 교육 학회 1991 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        The purpose of this studyis to suggest basic data and the direction for revising the curricula of the departments of home Economics Education toward developmental and efficient ones. The current 23 curricula of all the departments of Home Economics Education in Korea were analyzed and compared with the course of the subject. "Practical Arts" included in the 5th Study Course of Secondary School to get the following results. 1) Only three subjects are commoly established in all the colleges, and they are Nutrition (obligatory in 23 colleges), Home Economics (obligatory in 21, optional in 2) and Housing (obligatory in 21, optional in 2). 2) Some subjects have various names differing with colleges, though the contents being the same, 8 subjects are established under more than 7 titles. 3) Principles of Home Economics and Home Economics Education, which are obilatory subjects for the majors in Home Economics Education, are established with far less number of scores than the instructions given from the specialists. 4) Subjects over-subdivided beyond necessity are sometimes established, and some curricula areshowing the lack of balance in distriduting scores aming disciplines after concentrating on a partivular discipline. 5) Too few subjects are established entirely for experiment and exercise. 6) There is alomst no subject related with the technics for domestic life, vocation and career which are included in the Secondary School Course.

      • 湖南地域에서의 三要素 施肥에 따른 水稻品種群間의 水量反應 解析硏究

        具滋玉,金容在,李載窪 全南大學校 農漁村開發硏究所 1978 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        統一系 水稻 品種群의 多收性과 擴地域性을 湖南地域에서 再判斷하고, 그 妥當性의 科學的인 根據가 어떤 增收要因에 의하여 成立되는 가를 日本型 品種群 對比로 分析 檢討하기 위하여 1970年 以後 6個月間에 걸쳐 湖南地域內의 各 硏究機關에서 遂行한 試驗成績을 綜合整理하고 分析한 結果, 다음의 結論을 얻었다. 1. 窒素·燐酸·加里 增施에 따라 兩品種群 共히 高度의 有意性 있는 收量增大를 보였다. 窒素에 의하여는 兩品種 모두 直線的인, 燐酸·加里에 의하여는 曲線的 收量增加를 招來하는 結果였는데, 窒素의 境遇 統一系는 穗數와 顯花數가 增大됨으로써, 그리고 日本型은 穗數의 增大를 通하여 增收된 것이다. 燐酸의 경우는 統一系에서 穗數와 顯花數, 日本型은 顯花數와 登熟向上을 通하여, 그리고 加里增肥에 따라 統一系는 顯花數, 日本型은 穗數와 粒重을 通하여 收量을 增加시켰다. 2. 施肥에 따른 增收效率은 燐酸이나 加里보다 窒素가 높은 편이었고, 日本型보다는 統一系의 收量反應이 높았는데 이는 施肥反應으로서의 增收幅보다 基本生産性의 差異에 더욱 의존되는 傾向이었다. 3. 3要素 施肥에 따른 收量과 構成要素間의 單純相關 分析結果, 統一系의 收量은 面積當 顯花數가, 日本型에서는 面積當 穗數가 높은 正의 相關을 보였다. 즉 日本型의 境遇, 穗數와 顯花數間의 逆相關 때문에 面積當 顯花數의 收量相關이 떨어졌다. 이는 先行形質들(穗數, 顯花數)의 效率이 後行形質들(登熟, 粒重)의 效率보다 收量에 關係가 큰 것으로 나타났다. 4. 3要素 增施에 따른 收量成立特性(重回歸·重相關)은 다음과 같았다. 統一系 : Y=20.3xi**+3.9x2**+22.4x3**+3xt**-783.1 日本型 : Y=21.3xl**+1.5x2NS+7.3x3NS+0.18x4-91.7 5. 偏相關係數 및 寄與度 分析結果 統一系는 顯花數>穗數>粒重>登熟의 順으로 表示되었으나 日本型의 境遇에는 登熟>穗數>顯花數>粒重의 順으로서, 다른 分析結果와 달리 登熟의 收量에 對한 效果(直接效果)가 큰 傾向이었다. To compare of scientific reasonabilities of the high-yielding characters and broad adaptability between Tongil and Japonica cultivars in Honam district, the mode of response of yield components in the constitution of yield to N,P,K fertilization was determined by linear and quadratic regression equations, multiple regression equations, simple and multiple correlation coefficients, and partial correlation coefficients(path coefficients) and contribution ratio analysis, respectively. Datas for the analysis were collected from the annual reports of the rural developmental research institutes in Honam discrict(1970~1976). The results are summarized as follows: 1. According with N fertilization, the yields of both cultivars were linearly increased, through the increase of no. of panicles per hill and no. of spikelets per panicle(in Tongil cvs.) and no. of panicles per hill(in Japonica cvs.). With P and K, yield of both cultivars were increasing in quadratic responses. 2. Among fertilizers, nitrogen was most superior effect to make yield increments. And the higher yielding in Tongil cvs. than in Japonica was rather conducted from the differences in basic productive potentials than the fertilizer responses btw. two cultivars. 3. Simple correlation coefficient analysis showed significant correlation btw. yield and no. of spikelets per an area(in Tongil cvs.), and no. of panicles per hill(in Japonica cvs.). 4. Multiple regression analysis of the effect of yield components on the yield constitution indicated, in Tongil cvs.. inevitability of all of the components in explanation of yield response to fertilization. However, in Japonica cvs., indicated the effect of no. of panicles per hill only as follow. Tongil cvs.: Y=20.3xi**+3.9x2**+22.4x3**+3xt**-783.1 Japonica cvs: Y=21.3xl**+1.5x2NS+7.3x3NS+0.18x4-91.7 5. As results of partial correlation coefficients(path coefficients) btw. the yield and its each components, Tongil cvs. showed the closely related pattern with other analysis above, namely: No. of spikelets per panicle>No. of panicle per hill>Wt. of 1,000 grains>Grain maturity ratio in their order of contribution potentials(direct effect ratio) to the yield; However, Japonica cvs. showed the importance in direct contribution effects of the grain maturity ratio to the yield, to recognize such an order of contribution potentials, namely: Grain maturity ratio>No. of panicles per hill>No. of spikelets per panicle>Wt. of 1,000 grains.

      • 주의력 결함 과잉행동 아동의 문제행동 치료 사례 연구

        황혜자,김옥정 東亞大學校 學生生活硏究所 1998 學生硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        Children with ADHD experience numerous difficulties that go beyond the first symptoms(inattention, impulsive responding, and overactivity). Although these problems are not related to the diagnosis of ADHD, the fact that children with ADHD present these added difficulties(conduct disorder, peer rejection, underachievement, low self-esteern) accounts for the extreme heterogeneity among ADHD cases. In this study, attention and social skill training program is applied to modify difficulties of children with ADHD(ADD). The program contains social entry skills, conversational skills, attention trianing and willingness to practice. The three cases are ADHD, mild conduct disorder, low IQ ; ADHD, mild conduct disorder, High IQ ; ADD(-H) low IQ, mild social withdrawal. The follow conclusions were obtained from the results of this study. First, the three children gradually improved through the attention and social skill training, increasing attention, decreasing impulsive and hyperactivity. Parents rating scales of inattention showed decreasing at home. Second, consideration and self-control were increasing. The children with conduct disorder improved reducing on the three behavior problems of delinquent, aggressive, and hyperactive. For the children with ADHD or ADD(-H), 'think aloud' and' self instruction' helps to solve academic problems. The cognitive behavioral strategies in anger control-namely, an emphasis on "stopping and thinking" before acting and the reflective sequence for approaching conflicts was efficient. Third, low self-esteem, especially social-peer self was improved. And mild social withdrawal behavior was disappeared. And self-assertion was elevated, and the children showed prosocial behavior in the classroom.

      • 일 대학병원 간호사의 직무만족도와 그에 관련된 요인 조사연구

        李鈺淑,李星子 全北大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.35 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate selected factors which result in job satisfaction/dissatisfaction on nurses employed in general hospital. The subjects for this study were 217 nurses one hospital in Chon-ju. The nurses were surveyed by means of a questionnaire from December 27, 1992 to January 6, 1993. A job satisfaction questionnaire developed by Slavitt et al. was used for this study. It contains 48 statements and utilizes a Likert type scale of 5. Participants were asked to select response which was congruent with their perceptions of the item. The alpha score of the job satisfaction scale was 0.759. The analysis of data was done by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient in SPSS. The results of this study were as follows : 1. The overall mean score for the 48 five-point scales of job satisfaction items was 2.798, showing that the subjects of this study were niether satisfied nor dissatisfied. 2. To indentify the specific job related factors that result in job satisfaction/dissatisfaction, the 48 items of job satisfaction were divided into 6 areas and the mean scores and % of agreement were compared. The specific job related factor that resulted in job satisfaction was professional status and those that resulted in job satisfaction were pay, task requirements and administration. But the areas of autonomy and interaction did not belong to either side of the specific job related factors. 3. In the correlationship between 6 areas of job satisfaction levels, the higher the level of pay, the higher the level of administration(r = .5137, p = .000). 4. An analysis of the relationship between job satisfaction and general characteristics of the subjects was founded to be statistically significant for : age(F = 5.433. p = .0003), marrige(F = -2.02, p = .044), work experience(F = 3.5055, p = .0046), status(t = -3.48, p = .001), the nurses intention to stay(F = 3.7564, p = .0116).

      • 고등학교 남학생이 가족환경지각과 정신 건강

        李鈺淑,安晴子 全北大學校 1996 論文集 Vol.41 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between perceptions about their family environment and mental health of man's high school students. The subjects of this study were 2nd year students(n=241) of two man's high school in Chon-ju. The data were collected from June 9th to June 24th, 1994 through questionnaire. The instruments used for this study were Family environment scale(FES) developed by Rudolf Moos(1981) and Symptom Checklist-90 revised by Derogatis and translated by Kim(1987). The data were analyzed by means of percentage, means, t-test ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient. The result of this study were as follows: 1. The level of perceptions about their family environment was low. The subjects showed higher score in Achievement orientation, and the showed lower scores in intellectual-cultural orientation and active recreational orientation. 2. The level of mental health was generally high, especially in Obsession-Compulsion, interpersonal Sensitivity. But they showed lower score in Somatization and Phobia. 3. In the relation general characteristics and perceptions about their family environment, maternal occupation and maternal education was statistically significant. 4. There was no statistic sinificance between general characteristics and mental health. 5. The relationship between perceptions about their family environment and mental health showed negative correlation.

      • 濕沓 作土層 變型條件에서의 增肥에 따른 水稻 收量性 變異

        李殷雄,具滋玉 서울大學校 農科大學 1977 서울대농학연구지 Vol.2 No.2

        By use of 1/2500 are (ca. 100㎡) sized plastic pots, the trial was conducted to lay-out the variances and implemented effects in rice yield and yield components as affected by the amount of fertilizer application, with or without composts accompaniment in 4 differently rearranged types of top and subsoil of paddy field. Experiment paddy cultivar was "IRI-317", and was transplanted by 4 hills per pot, and 1 plants per hill under the design of "split-split-plot design." Three levels (A₁, A₂, A₃) of fertilization were established as main, two composts (B₁, B₂) as sub, and four types of soil rearrangements (C₁, C₂, C₃, C₄) as sub-sub-treatments. Results from the above were as follows. 1. Between top and sub soils experimented, no other significant differences in the fertility components than the contents of substitutable cations were found. 2. Culm and panicle lengths were increased according to increment of the amount of fertilizer application with composts accompaniment, and also mostly in the pot of complete top-soils among other pots. 3. As similar with the culm and panicle length, the number of panicles per plant was increased with the increment of the amount of fertilizer application, especially high with the accompaniment of composts. Comparing with the subsoil, panicle number per plant was more abundantly detected in the top-soil. 4. The other yield components were mostly not varied with the treatments, however the net value of components per plant showed quite similar pattern of variances as the number of panicles per plant. 5. Rice yield, either paddy or brown rice per plant, was significantly increased by the increment of fertilizer level, and by accompaniment of composts. Also, types of differently rearranged paddy soils showed bigger variances of rice yield per plant in the level of standard fertilizer application than in the 1.5 and 2 times more as the standard. In these respects, the problem of low yielding of paddy rice in the rearranged soils could be implemented by the increment of the amount of fertilizer application with the accompaniment of composts.

      • 栽植密度와 施肥量 調節에 의한 水稻 두 品種의 移秧 省力化 可能性 硏究

        盧載昇,具滋玉,許詳萬 順天大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        本 硏究는 水稻作에 있어서 栽培의 省力化 可能性을 栽培技術面에서 探索하기 위하여 收量의 減少없이 增肥에 따른 栽植密度減少의 限度推定과 그 타당성 해석을 하고져 試圖되었다. 試驗은 1980年度 全南大學校 試驗畓에서 水稻品種인 "密陽23號"와 "사도미노리"를 供試하였으며, 窒素-燐酸-加里 15-7-8kg ai/10a를 標準으로 하는 O(N-P-K)區, ½(N-P-K)區, 1(N-P-K)區 및 2(N-P-K)區의 4水準 施肥量 處理에 各各 坪當 216, 156, 108, 72, 49, 36, 27, 18株의 8水準 栽植密度處理를 供試하였다. 試驗年度는 全國的으로 低 溫과조의 障害가 극심하였으나 本 試驗地는 비교적 피해가 적은 지역여건을 구비하고 있어서 被害가 적었던 地域의 하나였다 결과를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 密陽23號와 사도미노리의 수량 및 수량구성요소들은 施肥量 및 栽植密度에 따라 고도의 유의적인 분산反應을 보였다. 2. 增肥에 따라 密陽23號는 坪當 27株까지의 疎植에서 減收가 없었으나 사도미노리는 49株 以下의 疎植에서 減收되므로 多肥疎植의 適應性은 密陽23號에서 높았다. 3. 增肥에 의한 穗數의 確保能力은 密陽23號에서 認定되었고, 增肥密植에 의한 결주손실률 또한 密陽23號에서 큰 경향이었으며 種內 競合에 따른 密植適應性은 사도미노리가 높았으나 增肥疎植適應性은 密陽23號가 높았다. 4. 增肥에 따른 面積當 潁花數增加는 密陽23號에서 有意的으로 높았다. 5. 登熟率은 사도미노리가 大體로 높은 傾向이었으나 坪當 49∼36株의 節圍에서는 두 品種 모두 一定한 水準이었으며, 增肥에 의하여 密陽23號는 直線的으로, 그리고 사도미노리는 완만한 曲線的으로 增加하는 反應差異가 있었다. 6. 千粒重의 變異는 密陽23號가 全般的으로 높았으나 坪當 36∼156株 節圍內에서는 反應差가 없었으며 增肥에 따른 密陽23號의 不安定한 反應差에 대하여는 앞으로 硏究가 요구된다. 7. 出穗期의 草長, 最高分蘖期의 分蘖數, 出穗期 上位3葉의 葉綠素含量 變異等의 生長反應에 있어서도 大體로 收量 및 收量構成要素 反應과 類似하게 密陽23號의 增肥疎植適應性을 立證하였으나 出穗特性에서는 有利性을 認定할 수 없었다. 8.增肥疎植에 따른 經營的 側面에서의 可能性 解析 硏究가 앞으로 계속될 必要가 있다. The study was conducted to estimate the labor-saving feasibility in rice culture control (reduction) of transplanting densities with added fertilization. The experiments were located in the experimental farm of agricultural college of Chonnam National University, 1980 by using of two rice cultivars "Milyang 23" and "Sadominori". The treatments were varied in four fertilization levels as zero (N-P-K), ½(N-P-K), 1(N-P-K), and 2(N-P-K) and eight transplanting densities as 216, 156, 108, 72, 49, 36, 27 and 18 hills per 3.3㎡ Detected responses in growth, yield and yield components from the experiments could be summarized as follows. 1. Both experimented rice cultivars showed statistically significant variances in yield and yield components as affected by fertilization and planting density treatments. 2. Under 2(N-P-K) levels, Milyang 23 showed no reduction in yield untill 27 hills per 3.3㎡, however Sadominori untill 49 hills, respectively. 3. Under 2(N-P-K) levels, the increament in panicle number was detected at cv. Milyang 23, however loss in hill number by intra-specific competition of rice plants at densing of planting densed planting spaces was higher than in cv. Sadominori. 4. A significant increase in spikelet number per a given area was recognized at cv. Milyang 23. 5. Increasing tendencies in ripeness rates by additional fertilization was detected as linear function at cv. Milyang 23, however guadratic at cv. Sadominori. 6. Under 36∼156 hills per 3.3㎡, no significant differences in grain weights was detected, and more detailed studies are asked as for unstabilities in ripeness at cv. Milyang 23. 7. Variations in plant heights, tillering numbers, chlorophyll contents at heading stages make reasonable data for Labor-saving feasibility in Milyang 23 by reduction of transplanting densities with added fertilization, however, not in flowering pattern. 8. Furthermore studies with farm managemental sides showed by followed.

      • 전남쌀의 가격차별화 현황과 발전방향

        이기웅,허상만,박준근,구자옥 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 1996 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.31 No.-

        Competitiveness of rice comes from higher quality and lower price. The latter accrues from cost reduction which is in turn possible through the economies of scale. Economies of scale is, however, very difficult to achieve because of small-scaleness of rice acreage in Chonnam Province and expensive land price. Therefore, rice competitiveness should be complemented by utilizing quality differentiation both vertically and horizontally. Chonnam rice is somehow treated as a lemon good among the metropolitan consumers like in Seoul. It is a problem to be coped with. According to our research results, Chonnam rice carried the lowest price in the rice markets of the big cities. In Taegu city, Chonnam branded rice was not sold at the department stores, and it was sold only at one place in Pusan. In other words, Chonnam rice is treated as a lemon good and shunned by some localities across the nation. In order to remedy this unfavorable situation, Chonnam rice should be differentiated both vertically and horizontally in terms of variety selection, storage, milling and processing, packaging, etc. Especially, development of new brands and quality guarantee is ncccss. Besides, both publicizing and improving rice quality should be emphasized to promote Chonnam rice at the national level.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 폐결핵치료 중인 환자에서 Rifampicin에 의해 유발된 위막성 대장염 2예

        김봉진,권균홍,임창섭,김자영,홍정범,옥미선,배용목,김지연 고신대학교의과대학 2008 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.23 No.4

        Pseudomembranous colitis (PMC) is a disease caused by Clostridium difficile proliferation. The causative drugs are clindamycin, third-generation cephalosporins, flouroquinolone and so on. Rifampicin has been reported as a cause of PMC in the 1980s, and the frequency of PMC is increasing because rifampicin is a first line drug for anti-tuberculosis therapy. Two patients were recently admitted to our hospital due to watery diarrhea for 1 month and they were diagnosed with PMC by sigmoidoscopy. Their onset age were 74, 72 years old and latent period of symptoms were 60, 129 days, respectively. In one case, the patient displayed coexisting hypertension and diabetes. The clinical symptoms improved after discontinuing the rifampicin and then administering oral metronidazole. We report here on two cases presumed to be rifampicin-induced PMC.

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