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      • 관상동맥질환 환자에서 스텐트 시술 후 재협착에 관한 연구

        강진환,권영주,박상호,한대희,이상철,김명구,변정득,최병조,심규혁,온영근,현민수,김성구 순천향의학연구소 2001 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.7 No.2

        Background and aims : In the coronary artery disease, a rate of restenosis was much decreased by placement of coronary stent than when percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty has been applied, but there are still important clinical problems of restenosis. There has been many progressive studies about various factors contributed to this restenosis. So, we studied a relation between restenosis after placement of coronary stent in the coronary artery disease and many clinical factors, characteristics of stenotic lesion and procedural factors, and also assessed the restenosis rate of various coronary stents. Methods : Total 58 lesions(46 cases of patients ; man 30, woman 16) were evaluated, which has been performed a follow-up coronary angiography after 6 months (mean 188 days) since coronary stent had been placed. Various stents were implanted and assessed a relation between restenosis and many factors. Results : Of 58 lesions were target stenotic studies, there were 22 of restenotic lesions(37.9%), and the restenosis rate wes statistically significant difference in the relation with diabetes mellitus(p<0.05), group of acute myocardial infarction(p<0.05) among clinical diagnosis of ischemic heart disease(stable angina, unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction) in clinical factors and with high dilation pressure of stent(p<0.05) in procedural factors. When the rate of restenosis was evaluated among implanted stents, it was lowest in the Multilink^(®) stent and highest in the Nir Royal^(®) stent(60%). Conclusion : In this study of restenosis and various factors after placement of stents in the coronary artety disease, factors such as diabetes mellitus, group of acute myocardial infarction and a dilation pressure of stent were significant related with restenosis and the restenosis rate of Multilink^(®) stent was lowest and the highest restenosis rate was of Nir Royal^(®) stent.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 신보수주의 : 문화의 정치와 뉴스대중주의

        강명구 서울대학교 국제지역원 1993 국제지역연구 Vol.2 No.1

        이 논문은 바로 미국사회의 사회적 화해와 타협을 이루어내는 과정으로서 집단의 신념과 가치의 생산과 재생산 메카니즘에 관심을 갖는다. 구체적으로 이 연구는 신보수주의 성립과정을 사례로 들어 집합적 신념과 가치의 생산자인 의식산업(consciousness industry) 가운데서도 언론매체의 역할에 초점을 맞추어 계급간 담합의 한 측면을 드러내 보고자 했다. 2절과 3절에서는 미국사회에서 진행되는 공공영역의 성격변화를 주로 사유화 과정, 즉 시장 메카니즘을 통한 정보의 생산과 소비가 지니는 정치적 의미를 살펴보았다. 특히 언론을 통한 정보와 지식의 생산과정이 시장메카니즘에 편입되었기 때문에 대중들이 정보의 소비자로 변화되고 정치의 참여주체가 되지 못하는 구조적 조건들을 검토했다. 네번째 절에서는 미국사회에서 신보수주의에 대한 규정과 이것이 성립되는 역사적 과정에 대한 문제를 다뤘다. 여기에서 신보수주의가 미국의 전통적 자유주의 정치사상을 이어받고 있으며 주로 미국의 보수진영과 자유주의 진영을 구성했던 지식인 집단이 미국사회의 위기를 극복하는 하나의 이념적 틀로서 제기한 것임을 지적했다. 끝으로 신보수주의의 성립과정에 대해 80년대 레이건 당성과 재선과정에서 구체적으로 미국언론이 어떻게 작용했는가 하는 쟁점을 다룬 몇가지 테제를 중심으로 검토했다. '카터의 실패와 레이건의 성공'이라는 경제적 측면, '민주당의 보수화'라는 현실 정치이념의 선택, '문화의 정치'란 측면에서 '뉴스 대중주의와 신보수주의', 그리고 '사회운동을 통해 표출된 대립과 갈등의 귀결인 보수진영의 승리와 하층과 소수민족의 정치적 배제' 등의 문제를 살펴보았다. 이상의 검토를 통해 신보수주의의 성립이 하나의 원인으로 설명될 수 없으며 경제적 쇠퇴와 정치적 위기에 따른 지배블럭의 위기극복 전략으로서 배태된 것임을 알 수 있었다. 특히 언론은 미국대중의 정치적 사회적 인식과 판단능력에 다라 '여론'을 반영하기 보다는 전통적 대중성서인 '미국의 부활'에 호소함으로써 대중을 참여하는 주체로 보다는 주어진 정보를 소비하는 소비자로 변화시켰음을 알 수 있었다 이것은 2절에서 검토된 공공영역의 시장으로의 편입과 그에 따른 뉴스의 상품화가 가져온 효과라 할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to examine what roles American media have played in the formative process of neo-conservative hegemony since the 1970's. The study focused upon the ideological mobilization by the neo-conservative intellectuals and media journalists during the period of Reagan government The study proposed the concept of 'news populism' as a mediating mechanism between the neo-conservative intellectuals and bureaucrats and the ordinary people. Employing this concept, the study argued that American media have set neo-conservative agenda and political mood among American masses, even though American people have support the New-Deal coalition and policies. According to several opinion polls since the 1960's, American people have supported the increase of government expenditure for welfare program and the continuing regulation of business sectors. American mass media, however, neither have paid attention to nor reflected such consistent support to the 'new-deal' policy. They tended to bolster the right-turning mood among neo-conservative intelectuals and institutional activities such as AEI. Hoover institute and etc. They also reinforced American patriotism like "America is coming back" through current affairs as well as news programs. These tendencies of news populism have played a crucial role in the formation of neo-conservative polities in the United States.

      • KCI등재후보

        중소규모 제조업체 근로자의 인구·사회학적 특성이 건강행동변화단계에 미치는 영향

        구명회,임현우,박정일,이강숙,구정완 大韓産業醫學會 2002 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        목 적 : 근로자 건강증진을 위한 사업장 건강증진 사업 프로그램 기획실에 건강 위험요인을 평가하고 근로자 특성에 4따른 행동변화단계를 조사하여 행동 변화단계에 따른 성공적인 근로자 건강증진전력을 위한 기초자료를 제공하고자 본 연구를 진행하였다. 방 법 : 경인지역이 중소 기업 제조업체 근로자 282명을 대상으로 설문조사를 수행하였으며, 일반적 특성에 대한 조사, 건강위험평가, 위험요인에 대한 행동변화단계를 조사하였다. 결 과 : 건강위험평가에서 흡연자는 남자 근로자에 서 65.7 %, 규칙적인 운동을 하지 않는 남자 근로자는 70.5 %, 여자 근로자는 86.1 %이었고 음주는 남자 근로자의 78.6 %, 여자 근로자인 50 %이었고 과음은 남자 근로자의 29.5 %, 여자 근로자의 11.1 %이었다. 건강한 생활습관으로의 행동변화단계로 계획전단계, 계획 단계, 실천단계, 유지단계 등 4개의 단계로 보면 근로자에서의 금연에 대하여 각각 40.5 %, 23.7 %, 12.1 % 및 23.7 %, 운동에 대하여는 18.4 %, 37.6 %, 17.7 % 및 26.3 %, 음주하였던 사람중 절주에 대하여는 20.9 %, 15.4 %, 10.0 % 및 53.7 %이었다. 흡연을 하는 보건관리자의 행동단계가 일반근로자 보다 유의하게 많았다. 운동에 대해서는 근로자중 50세 이상과 생산직 근로자에서 계획전단계가 다른 근로자보다 유의하게 많았다. 결 론 : 이상의 결과로 대부분의 근로자가 금연을 제외하고는 건강한 생활습관으로의 행동변화를 원하는 것을 알 수 있었으며 근로자의 특성에 따라 행동 변화단계가 다르므로 이를 고려한 다양한 건강증진 프로그램을 개발함으로써 참여율 및 성공율을 높일 수 있으리라 사료된다. Objectives : This research attempts to investigate the relationship between health risk factors and workers' behavioral changes based on individual worker's characteristics to allow the development of more effective health promotion programs in businesses places. Methods : A questionnaire survey was conducted with 282 workers employed in small to medium sized enterprises in the Kyong-in area of Korea. The questionnaire was composed of general characteristics, a health risk assessment and an evaluation of the stage of behavior change for health promotion strategy in the workplace. Results : The health risk assessment revealed that 65.7 % of male workers smoke, 70.5% of male workers do not exercise on a regular basis, 86.1 % of female workers do not exercise at all, and 78.6 % of male workers and 50 % of female workers drink alcohol. In addition, the survey identified that 29.5% of male workers are addicted to excessive drinking, as are 11.1% of female workers. Based on the four stages of behavioral changes that lead to health, the pre-contemplation stage, contemplation stage, action stage, and maintenance stage, 40.5 %, 23.7 %, 12.1 % and 23.7 % of workers are in these stages, respectively, with regards to quitting smoking. As for regular exercises, 18.4 %, 37.6 %, 17.7 %, and 26.3 % of workers belong to each stage, respectively. As for moderation in drinking, 20.9 %, 15.4 %, 10.0 %, and 53.7 % are in each stage, respectively. The rate of health managers in the active stage of quitting smoking is significantly higher than that of general workers. Among the workers who do not exercise on a regular basis, workers over 50 years-old and blue color workers are more common in the precontemplation stage than any other worker groups. Conclusions : The results of this study suggest that the stages of behavioral change vary with worker characteristics. An awareness of the effects of the high risk factors is essectial for promoting workers' attendance in health promotion programs.

      • 통신망의 효율적 통합관리를 위한 예비비트 활용방안

        강양구,김명조,이성로,김경호 木浦大學校 應用科學硏究院 2001 應用科學硏究誌 Vol.1 No.-

        In this paper, a new method for improve the performance of was presented. This method based on the use of an idle overhead in the TCP/IP protocol that used in syhchronous network structure of TMN system. Two type of modeling methodes were executed to show the performance improvements. First, it materializes the functions of the network condition scan and the remote control login. Second, this paper shows the control of a subsystem by the convert process of protocol which uses a signal conversion.

      • 만성 심부전환자의 혈액에서 측정한 Tumor necrosis factor-α 및 Interleukin-6의 임상적 의의

        김명구,김성구,박상호,한대희,강진환,변정득,심규혁,최병조,방덕원,온영근,현민수,권영주 순천향의학연구소 2001 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.7 No.2

        Background and objectives: Many conditions are responsible for the pathophysiology and progressive mechanisms of congestive heart failure. More recently, it has also become evidence that another class of biologycally activated molecules generically reffered to as cytokine these are also over expressed in congestive heart failure. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), interleukin-6(IL-6) in mild to severe symptoms of heart failure and compare their values with those found in normal control and analysed correlation relationship between cytokine level, clinical findings and hemodynamic indicies. Subjects and Methodology: Levels of TNF-α and IL-6 were measured on pulmonary artery during cardiac catheterization in heart failure patients(n=32) and normal subjects(n=8) as well as physical examination and echocardiogram. Cytokines assay were performed on plasma using commercially available ELISA(Enazyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) kits. Results: Although the levels of TNF-α and IL-6 tend to increase in congestive heart failure group, the cytokines level was not made significantly statistical difference between congestive heart failure group and controls. When analyzing the correlation between the levels of PCWP(pulmonary capillary wedge pressure) and cytokines(TNF-α, IL-6), respectively, there were statistically significant correlation coefficient 0.32,(p<0.05), 0.39(p<0.01). The cytokine IL-6 and pressure of pulmonary artery were significant correlation.(correlation coefficient 0.36, p<0.02) More significantly, there was correlated with TNF-α and IL-6.(correlation coefficient 0.57, p<0.001) Conclusions: There was tended toward high concentration of TNF-α & IL-6 in congestive heart failure and significant difference for PCWP between TNF-α & IL-6, thus may be correlated with development and progression in congestive heart failure.

      • 이명과 청각민감증을 동반한 편측 고음 급추형 감각신경성 난청의 청각 재활

        허승덕,강명구,고도흥,정동근 한국음성과학회 2004 음성과학 Vol.11 No.3

        In case of the hearing impairment with tinnitus and increased sound sensitivity, it is known that the patients tend to appeal the psychologically oriented social handicap rather than communication disability. The audiologist who is responsible for such patients in aural rehabilitation should pay special attention to the counseling techniques inducting tinnitus retain therapy (TRT), ear protector, noise generator, or specific acoustic training based on dose cooperation and rapport. And then the audiologist should try to lessen their reaction to the tinnitus by using a hearing aid. This therapies tries to focus not a total approach but a treatment to lessen the severity of tinnitus. This paper as a case report that a unilateral sharply slopped sensorineural hearing impaired person with tinnitus and increased sound sensitivity by using four channel digital signal processing (DSP) hearing aid with programming increment at low level (PILL).

      • 와우 갑각 전기자극 뇌간유발반응용 원추형 전극의 개발

        허승덕,정동근,강명구,김리석,고도흥 한국음성과학회 2003 음성과학 Vol.10 No.4

        This paper introduces a new zinc coated copper wire electrode with coiled cone shape which has low surface resistance and tolerance to the motion artifact for promontory stimulation electrically auditory brainstem responses (PSEABR). Auditory brainstem responses (ABR) can be used to predict hearing threshold level with a great deal of accuracy particularly for a young child who cannot cooperate mechanically and some hearing impaired who are exaggerating a hearing loss for economic compensation. While severe profound sensorineural hearing losses may not be implemented by auditory potentials, PSEABR is proven as a useful tool even for some sensorineural related hearing impaired. It was shown that PSEABR gives the electrical stimuli to promontory of the cochlear instead of giving acoustic stimuli. For this reason, PSEABR can be used as an alternative for cochlear implantation, and can also be used as an optimal device selection and neural information for MAP. It was found that the role of electrode is very important in PSEABR. Even though this cone-shaped electrode was applied in animal experiments, waveforms are well produced by PSEABR. Thus, it was concluded that cone-shaped electrode turned out to be a useful preoperative audiological evaluation tool in deciding time for cochlear implantation surgery.

      • 디지탈 影像處理를 爲한 畵像表示 시스템에 關한 硏究

        박규태,박명구,신태민,강현철 연세대학교 산업기술연구소 1983 논문집 Vol.15 No.2

        A digital image display system is studied. A TV set is used for a display unit. The system is designed to display 256x212 pixels in a frame and 8 bit gray levels. A microcomputer system is utilized for the image processing which has a Z-80A cpu and s-100 bus. A image processing system which includes a refresh memory system is designed. Images taken by the input system are processed. The image sharpening techniques are introduced. The image edges are found and sharpend using Robert cross operator of spatial differentiation technique. The images are also processed to eliminate noise utilizing the neighbourhood averaging method.

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