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      • S-542 Indomethacin aggravates the renal injury by inhibition of adenosine-medited renal protection in AKI

        ( Hyejung Kim ),( Sun-hee Kim ),( Mi Seon Kang ),( Park Seok Ju ),( Min Sung An ),( Ki Beom Bae ) 대한내과학회 2016 대한내과학회 추계학술발표논문집 Vol.2016 No.1

        Background: Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) is a leading cause of acute kidney injury with high morbidity and mortality due to limited therapy. AKI emerges in various clinical settings and is complex with outcome linking oxidative stress, inflammation, and cell death. Therefore protection of AKI is still an unsolved problem. Indomethacin is generally known that it inhibits the production of prostaglandins through the inhibition both cyclooxygenase (COX) 1 and 2. Prostaglandins have a wide variety of effect such as regulation of vasodilation, inflammation, regeneration, pain, fever. Therefore effect of indomethacin in AKI is different according to injury model. We investigated whether indomethacin which inhibits the production of prostaglandins aggravate the renal injury in AKI mouse model. Methods: Male C57/BL6 mice (8-10 weeks old, weight 20~25 g) were used. Acute kidney injury is induced by bilateral kidneys pedicle clamping which were subjected to 20 min or 30 min at both kidneys. Mice were treated with indomethacin at before and after injury. Blood and kidney samples were collected at 24 hr after IRI. The expression level of creatinine, N-gal & Kim-1 were detected in serum. And the expression level of PGE2, cAMP and adenosine were detected in kidney. Kidney Injury score were measured by HE staining and TUNEL. Results: In bilateral AKI model, Serum NGAL level and creatinine level were significantly highest in indomethacin treated group compared to non-treated group (NGAL, p<0.05; creatinine, p<0.01). Indomethacin treated group showed significantly more necrosis and apoptosis compared to non-treated group. Furthermore, Indomethacine inhibited the production of prostaglandins, cAMP and adenosine. Conclusions: Indomethacin inhibits adenosine-mediated renal protection by inhibition of prostaglandin production in AKI. Therefore Indomethacin worsened renal injury by inhibition of prostaglandin production in AKI. * This research was supported by a grant of the Korea Health Technology R&D Project through the KHIDI, funded by the Ministry of Health & Welfare, Republic of Korea (grant number :H15C2212)

      • 近世代 東洋三國(韓·中·日)의 都市形成 比較硏究

        金善範 울산대학교 1984 연구논문집 Vol.15 No.1

        都市史硏究의 目的은 歷史的 틀속의 都市가 現在와 未來의 都市에 示 하는 바를 透視해 보는 데 있다. 東洋의 都市成長은 西洋과는 달리 機能分化나 都市의 內的 成長이 未洽하였다. 本稿에서는 近代化(1400-1800年代)의 東洋3國(韓·中·日)의 代表的 都市(漢陽·北京·江戶)를 都市成長에 따른 都市空間패턴을 硏究하기 위하여 그 都市空間의 形成過程, 形態, 計劃原理등을 比較하여 共通性과 獨自性(傳統性)을 抽出하고자 하였다. 比較方法은 發達要因別 比較 및 物理的形態의 比較에 의한 結果의 比較를 통하여 이루어 졌다. 結果的으로 東洋3國은 相互影響面에서 古代로부터 同一한 思想的 脈絡을 이어왔으나 近世代이후 各己 獨自的 樣相을 띄게 되었다. 따라서 次後의 都市計劃은 西歐的 技法과 함께 獨自的이고 傳統的인 原理를 調和시키는 思想的 原理가 必要하며 使料의 檢討·蒐集·硏究를 통한 都市史硏究의 刮目할 進展이 期待된다. This paper tries to define the generalities and the particularities of the three major cities-Seoul of Korea, Peking of China and Tokyo of Japan-through the comparative study on their urban formation processes, morphologies and planning principles between the fifteenth and the nineteenth century. It may be concluded that the three cities share some cognate context in theirs ancient planning philosophies and they appear to have taken on different paths with the dawn of the Modern Age. The paper proposes that the modern planning techniques which are based on the scientific rationalism to be supplemented with the traditional values, especially in the case of the future urban planning of Korea.

      • 유화중합을 이용한 폴리스티렌 미세다공체의 제조에 관한 연구

        김선남,엄기범,우종표 명지대학교 대학원 1997 대학원논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        A low density microcellular foam was prepared using inverse emulsion polymerization method. First radically polymerizable styrene monomer and water with nonionic surfactants formed inverse emulsion, then this system was polymerized. The microcellular foam was obtained by removing water phase. The morphology of emulsion foams with system variables was examined in terms of pore size, cell structure, bulk density, and specific surface area. The emulsion system variables including monomer feeding methods, oil phase/water phase ratio, surfactant/water ratio, and mechanical stirring conditions were consider in this study. The ratio of surfactant/styrene rather than that of styrene/water shows dominant effect on the pore size of emulsion foams. While the open-cell/closed-cell morphology was mainly determined by the ratio of styrene/water. Mechanical stirring also has an effect on the pore size. Sorbitan monooleate among various nonionic surfactants seems to be the best surface active agent in styrene/water inverse emulsion system.

      • 모 주물공장 근로자의 작업공정별 분진폭로량, 자각증상 및 건강진단판정 비교

        이범식,조영채,변정식,김동현,원선혜,김정윤 忠南大學校 環境問題硏究所 1995 環境硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        The relationship among dust exposure dose, special health diagnosis results and subjective symptom questionaire survey for 109 casting foundry workers supervised by a local laber office has been studied from august to october 1993. Subjective symptom, dust exposure dose and health examination evaluation of respective working processes have been analized and concluded as follows; 1. Metal fume concentration in melting process measured 3.21±1.46㎎/㎥ is under threshould limit value(TLV;5.0㎎/㎥), casting sand dust measured in molding and desanding process is 5.8 ±3.41㎎/㎥ and 9.69 ±2.64㎎/㎥ which is 3-5 times higher than TLV(2.0㎎/㎥), metal fume, welding fume and metal dust in finishing process measured 9.34 ±1.32, 13.73 ±16.97 and 10.17 ±3.50㎎/㎥ respectively, which are also 2-3 times higher than TLV(5.0㎎/㎥). 2. The complain rate subjective symptoms appeal evaluated for finishing process are 35.9%, 46.2%, 27.2% and 42.2% for eye smptoms, respiractory, skin, general symptom respectively and the rates above express the highest values and the complain rates for melting process are 24.4%, 37.5% and 35.7% for eye smptoms, respiratory and mental system respectively and for molding and desanding it is 24.3%. 3. Perceived occupational disease rate is found 0.9% with are out of 109 worker surveyed who have been exposed in metal fume of finishing process. 4. 33.0% of workers surved are found to require close examination, the worker of hepatopathy suspected are 21.4% which is the highest and 3.7% for circulatory disturbance suspected. 5. The statistically significant variables in general chracteristics that affect health examination evaluation are smoking(P<0.001), respirator put-on (P<0.05) and working career(P<0.05). 6. Cough(P<0.001), "headache"(P<0.05) and "easily skin exchange by slight stimulation" (P<0.05) are statistically significant to the subjective symptom variables affect health examination evaluation.

      • KCI등재

        최근 8년간 K지방대학병원 응급실로 내원한 치과 응급환자에 관한 임상적 연구

        유재하,김종배,김태우,문선재,권혁찬,김승범 大韓顎顔面成形再建外科學會 2001 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.23 No.6

        The delivery of the proper care to the emergency dental patients is more important in the aspdect of community dental service. To attain such a purpose requires the sacred duty to the training of oral and maxillofacial surgeons. This is a retrospective study on the characteristics of dental injuries and diseases in emergency patients. Ths study was based on a series of 2,649 patients treated as dental emergency patients at K country hospital of medical college, from Jan. 1, 1993, to Dec. 31, 2000. The obtained results were as follows. The trauma(71.6%) was the most frequent cause in dental emergency patients, odontogenic infection and oral hemorrhage were next in order of frequency. The primary interdental wiring and transpalatal wiring were frequent proper methods with rubber drainage for prevention of hemorrhage and infection in the primary care of jaw fracture. The peak incidence(45.0%) about the infection group was occurred in the pulpitis of advanced dental caries, and common treatments were the medication of antibiotics & anagesics and I&D. In the dentoalveolar hemorrhage group, a major cause was postoperative hemorrhage(57.9%) and hemostasis was obtained by pressure dressing, suture and drainage of infected wound. About TMJ disorder group, the peak incidence was showed in the post-traumatic myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome and its primary care was medications(anagesics & sedatives). In the other groups, various irritable specific pains were complained, such as trigeminal neuralgia-form pain, acute stomatitis, chemical burn, terminal stage neuritis of head & nech cancer and their primary care methods were various individually. For the rapid and correct care of the emergency dental disease above, well-trained education should be presented in the intern and resident curriculum of oral & maxillofacial surgery.

      • 용기의 크기가 養液栽培 오이의 生長과 收量에 미치는 影響

        鄭淳柱,李範宣,朴順基,金光秀 全南大學校 農業科學技術硏究所 1998 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.33 No.-

        본 연구는 perlite를 이용한 오이의 양액재배시 적정 배지량과 근권용적을 구명하고자 용기의 크기가 2, 4, 6, 8 및 10ℓ인 플라스틱 포트에 펄라이트를 채워 오이를 양액재배하였다. 근권용적이 증가할수록 초장, 경경, 엽수 및 엽면적이 증가하였고, 과실수와 과실중량에서는 근권용적이 큰 8ℓ와 10ℓ의 처리구에서 가장 양호하였으며 기형과 발생률도 낮은 경향이었다. 근권용적 6ℓ이상으로 하였을 때 경으로의 건물분배가 줄어들고 엽으로의 건물분배가 많았다. NAR과 CGR은 근권용적이 증가함에 따라 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 근권용적에 관계없이 본 실험 범위내에서는 LAI가 증가할수록 NAR과 CGR도 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of container size and substrate volume on the growth and fruit yield of hydroponically grown cucumber(Cucumis sativus L.) plant. Seeds were sown in plug tray filled with coir dust on Feb. 13, 1998. Seedlings with 5 to 6 true leaves were transplanted in 2l, 4l, 6l, 8l and 10l plastic pots filled with perlite medium. Cucumber fruits were harvested with 1 to 2 day interval, and fresh weight, number and malform of fruit were recorded. Plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves and leaf area highly depended on the container size. Total fresh weight and the number of fruit were increased as the container size increased. NAR(net assimilation rate) and CGR(crop growth rate) increased with increasing the container size. Optimum container size for hydroponically grown cucumber plant using perlite medium was recommended as 8l per plant.

      • 암면재배 수박의 품종별 당함량 비교

        박순기,이범선,최진호,김월수,정순주 전남대학교 농업과학기술연구소 2000 農業科學技術硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        The fruit qualities and sugar contents of hydroponically grown watermelon cultivars were investigated in order to obtain informations for nutriculture of watermelon in glass house. The fruit circumference of Mudeungsan watermelon was increased from 30 to 38 days after pollination, and periods of fruit development was longer than that of other cultivars. Total soluble solid content in fruit flesh of watermelon was high in Samboggool, Gwigongja, Dalgona, Gamro, Mudeungsan, Olimpia, Hwangto and Geumro in order. Maltose content was higher in Gwigongja and Mudeungsan watermelon cultivar Sucrose content was higher in Samboggool, Gwigongja and Dalgona watermelon cultivar than that of other watermelon cultivars. Glucose content was much higher in Mudeungsan watermelon cultivar while very lower in Samboggool, Gwigongja and Dalgona watermelon cultivar than that of other watermelon cultivars. Fructose content was higher in Hwangto, Gamro, and Mudeungsan watermelon cultivar while was lower in Gwigongja watermelon cultivar than that of other watermelon cultivars. Maltose, glucose, and fructose content in fruit fresh of watermelon was higher in Mudeungsan watermelon than that of other watermelon cultivars. Contents of maltose, fructose and glucose in fruit flesh of watermelon were higher in Mudeungsan watermelon than those of other cultivars.

      • 토당귀 종자의 형태적 특성과 발아와 입모율에 대한 저장방법,생장조절제 및 프라이밍 처리 효과

        안희정,안복주,·김도현,·안영섭,·김영국,박춘근,이상원,·박충범·차선우,·송범헌, 忠北大學校 農業科學硏究所 2015 農業科學硏究 Vol.31 No.1

        This study was conducted to have basic and applied informations to establish the cultivation method and to improve the cultivation techniques of Angelica gigas Nakai through investigating the rates of germination and seedling establishment with treatment of plant growth regulator and seed priming. The germination rates of round shape seed were about 0.3~12% higher than those of parallel shape. The germination rates with different storage durations were increased at the level of 25oC and 4oC with the storage days, while they were clearly higher at -20oC compared to those at 4oC and 25oC without the storage durations. With the results of germination rates with treating of plant growth regulator and seed priming, their rates with the round shape seeds were comparatively higher about 6% than those with parallel shape seed and they were increased with increasing of the storage durations. The germination rates were generally appeared higher with GA3 than did those with seed priming. The highest germination rate was appeared at 50 ppm GA3 of plant growth regulator and at -0.5 MPa PEG6000 of seed priming. The germination rates?ㅤ ?ㅤ of Angelica gigas were different with different temperature, storage durations and the treatments of plant growth regulator and seed priming. These results could be used according to different cultivating conditions.

      • 원형구멍이있는 띠모양평판에서의 광탄성 실험법에 의한 應力해석

        박세만,박명균,정재진,백범선,김용주 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 1994 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.13 No.-

        A stress analysis on a strip with a circular hole was carried out by the computer assisted photoelastic experimental method. A stress concentration phenomenon around the hole of a strip under axial loading was carefully investigated through this study. The result shows that it well agrees with the results of finite element method and photoelasticity. We suggest that computer assisted photoelasticity experiment is very efficient method for data analysis compared to conventional experimental stress analysis method.

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