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      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Forefoot Bending Angle in Sprint Spikes According to Bobsleigh Start Lap Time for Development of Korean-Specific Bobsledding Shoes

        Park, Seungbum,Lee, Kyungdeuk,Kim, Daewoong,Yoo, Junghyeon,Jung, Jaemin,Park, Kyunghwan,Park, Sungwon,Kim, Jinhoon Korean Society of Sport Biomechanics 2016 한국운동역학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze effects of the toe-spring angle of bobsleigh shoes on start speed lap time to develop Korean-specific bobsled shoes suitable for winter environments and for domestic players on the basis of sports science and optimized biomechanical performance. Method: Seven Korean bobsleigh athletes participated in this study, with three pairs of sprint spikes from three companies (Type A, Type B, Type C). To analyze sprint lap time and forefoot bending angle for each shoe, participants were instructed to drag a sled 15 meters from the start line at a maximum sprint. forefoot bending angle was collected by a high speed camera, and lap time speed was measured. Results: Lap time for type B shoes was $3.52{\pm}0.17sec$, type A was $3.55{\pm}0.19sec$, and type C was $3.56{\pm}0.18sec$. Forefoot bending angles were: angle 1, $6.88{\pm}5.55^{\circ}$; angle 2, $9.23{\pm}6.38^{\circ}$; angle 3, $15.56{\pm}5.39^{\circ}$; angle 4, $9.54{\pm}3.85^{\circ}$; angle 5, $9.22{\pm}5.08^{\circ}$; angle 6, $7.66{\pm}6.44^{\circ}$; and angle 7, $4.30{\pm}6.24^{\circ}$ (p<.001). Forefoot bending in angle 3 was as follows: type A, $16.47{\pm}6.01^{\circ}$; type B, $14.30{\pm}4.96^{\circ}$; and type C, $15.90{\pm}5.17^{\circ}$. Conclusion: Hard outsoles and midsoles are better than soft type for reduced start lap time when developing a prototype Korean bobsled shoe.

      • Constrained $H_\infty$ Optimal Control

        Park, Jinhoon 대한전기학회 2000 전기의 세계 Vol.49 No.9

        Recently we have shown based on Lyapunov theorem that the closed loop system with the constrained infinite horizon H$\infty$ optimal controller is exponentially stable. moreover the on-line feedback implementation of the constrained infinite horizon H$\infty$ optimal control based on quadratic programs has been proposed. n this paper we summarize and discuss these results.

      • KCI등재

        조선 兩班의 객관적 실체에 대한 종합적 이해

        박진훈(Park Jinhoon) 한국사연구회 2009 한국사연구 Vol.146 No.-

        This writing reviews the significance of the 《A Study of the Yangbanin Early Yi Dynasty》-which was written by Yi S?ng Mu(李成茂)-in the context of academic research history. YI S?ng Mu intended to understand the social characteristics of the Ch?sun Dynasty through the research on the Yangban which had led the Ch?sun Dynasty as the highest class of the dynasty. Especially, he suggested specific and substantial description of the Yangban, for whom only abstract understanding had prevailed up to that time, through objective and systematic understanding. In addition, he made conclusions on the social status of the Yangban and the characteristics of the society after comprehensively reviewing several aspects related with the Yangban-such as concept and formation of the Yangban, relationship of the Yangban with the national examination/governmental system/military service, owner ship of the land and the like-without being confined to a certain aspect. His study helped us to overcome the previously negative and abstract understanding on the Yangban and form comprehensive and objective concept on it from the perspective of history. After his study on the Yangban, the efforts to figure out the characteristics of the society of the early Ch?sun Dynasty as well as the study on the Yangban improved significantly. However, there are some controversial points to review in his study. Firstly, even though he explained that there had been distinction in the social status between the good people(良身分) and the base people(賤身分) on the basis of the legal system, he said the social distinction between the Yangban and the Yangin(良人) was more important actually and practically. If so, it is necessary to review whether the meaning and concept on the basis of the legal system and on the basis of practicality is identical. Also, it is necessary to review whether the concept of the social status and the social class is identical. In addition, it is required to review whether there also had been a ruling social status like the Yangban in the Kory? Dynasty while the need for review on the lower social class like the middle class(中人層) arises. He intended to define the Yangban from the perspective of the actual reality of the Ch?sun Dynasty as well as from the perspective of legal and social system. It was very important accomplishment but on the contrary his argument could have been more complete only if more specific supporting details had been provided. Furthermore, it is indispensible to review the Muban(武班) and the relationship between the Yangban and the Nobi(奴婢) to understand the Yangban in its entirety. Lastly, he defined the nobility as the upper ruling class. If so, a question on how to define the characteristics of the Ch?sun Dynasty arises. Even if there can be some controversies as aforementioned, he significantly contributed to the study on the Yangban and the society of the early Ch?sun Dynasty and his study provided many implications for the study on the Yangban after his time.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 문헌자료 정보화 사업 현황 및 이용실태와 효과적인 활용방안

        朴晉勳 ( Park Jinhoon ) 한국중세사학회 2011 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.30

        For a long time, ‘the paper books written in letters’ have been the most basic means for the accumulation of data and its informatization. But recently, as the scientific technologies are developing rapidly and personal communicating devices like PC and internet are being distributed a lot, ‘the paper books’ are being replaced fast by digital media. In this situation, to computerize the documentary materials of Goryeo Age will be a basic work for enhancing the studies of Goryeo history quantitatively and qualitatively and promoting the concerns and understandings of people. Digitalizing work of Goryeo documentary materials already started about 15 years ago. 『Goryeosa(Goryeo History)』 and 『Goryeosajeolyo (Summary of Goryeo History)』, which are typical history books for Goryeo Dynasty, along with some epigraphs have been served through IT devices. But these materials are too expensive for individuals to purchase. When colleges purchase them, there are many limits for ordinary people to use them. Furthermore, the data have several problems in composition and arrangement of original image, text and interpretation, as well as the insufficiency of reference and notation. Decisively, as the informatized documentary materials of Goryeo Age are not served in one system, there are great inconvenience and limits in using them for study. Therefore, it seems necessary to construct a system or site in which documentary materials of Goryeo Age can be used at once. In the system, original images and texts are to be served along with their interpretations, which should be paraphrased as easily as possible for ordinary people. In case of original texts, not only side dots but also tags for proper nouns like personal names, local names and post names should be added for the conditional research. In addition, it should have functions to research similar terms at a same time, to research in detail by thematic classification system and to research a term in a specific material as well as in the whole Goryeo documentary materials. In case of notation, it seems necessary to equip the function of historical glossary in order to be not just a simple notation for words but also ‘searching notation’ in the Goryeo documentary materials. Finally, it should have the instant feed-back system to facilitate the easy and steady correction of errors. If digitalized Goryeo documentary materials including original texts of rare books, their good interpretations, easy researching and sorting system and notations with historical glossary and ‘searching’ functions are served in one site, everyone will be able to research Goryeo materials more easily and conveniently. Then, with a small advertisement, the historical popularization and the research enhancement of Goryeo history will be realized far earlier than expected.

      • KCI등재후보

        고려시대 개경민의 주거 문제와 생활 공간

        박진훈(Park, Jinhoon) 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2021 서울학연구 Vol.- No.83

        고려의 수도인 개경은 당시로서는 세계적 수준을 자랑하는 대도시로, 정치·경제·문화의 중심지로서 번영을 구가하였다. 하지만 동시에 중세의 대도시에게 공통적으로 나타나는 여러 사회경제적 문제들, 사회환경적 문제들을 가지고 있었다. 개경 인구는 자연적인 증가와 외부로부터의 유입으로 꾸준히 증가하였다. 인구의 증가 및 개경 안에 소유 주택을 유지하려는 경향에 따라 개경 시내의 공한지나 농경지 등은 꾸준히 주거지로 개발되었다. 이에 따라 개경 내의 주택은 10만 호라고 기록될 정도로 증가했고, 가옥이 고기 비늘처럼 밀집되는 양상을 띠게 되었다. 인구 증가는 개경 집값의 상승을 초래하였고, 집은 축재 또는 투기의 대상이 되었다. 이에 따라 많은 개경민이 주택 소유를 통해 재산을 증식시키기 위하여 노력하였고, 다주택자도 등장하였다. 또한 인구 증가에 따른 상대적인 주택 부족, 주택 가격의 상승은 주택 임대업의 활성화를 가져왔다. 개경의 거주민이 취사와 난방 때문에 소모하는 연료는 막대하였다. 개경민은 연료의 대부분을 개경 주변 야산에서 채취하는 땔감에 의지하였다. 이에 따라 고려 중기에는 개경 주변의 많은 산이 민둥산으로 변했다. 또한 개경 거주민이 취사와 난방을 위해 막대한 양의 땔나무를 소비함에 따라 개경의 대기 환경도 영향을 받았다. 개경민이 배출하는 막대한 양의 오수는 개경의 하천과 연못을 오염시켰다. 개경 주변 산의 황폐화와 주택의 밀집 양상이 맞물려 수재도 빈번하게 발생하였다. 분뇨를 비롯한 생활 쓰레기의 처리 문제도 심각한 골칫거리였다. 개경 시내 대부분이 주거지로 개발되고 가옥이 밀집됨에 따라 여름철 무더위는 더욱 심각해졌다. 이러한 요소들은 개경 시내를 전염병에 취약한 구조로 만들었다. 개경 시내의 주거 환경이 악화되자 일부 지배계층은 주택의 확장 및 정원의 확보를 통해 삶의 환경을 개선하고 거주처로서의 안락함을 확보했다. 하지만 이는 소수에 한정된 일이었다. 지배계층 중 경제적 여유가 있던 사람들은 보통 개경 외곽에 별장을 마련하였다. 별장에서는 산수의 즐거움을 느낄 수 있었으며, 텃밭에서 야채나 과일을 재배하는 등 생활에 도움을 받을 수도 있었다. 하지만 지배계층 중에서도 경제적으로 형편이 아주 어려운 사람, 그리고 빈곤한 많은 일반민은 개경의 집값이나 임대료를 부담할 수 없었기 때문에 개경 외곽으로 거주지를 옮겼다. 특히 빈곤한 일반민들은 주거지로 부적합한 곳에 가옥을 밀집해 지었다. 빈곤한 개경민의 개경 외곽으로의 확산과 지배층의 별장 건축은 개경의 생활권을 확대시키는 결과를 가져왔다. Gaegyeong, the capital of Goryeo, was a world-class metropolis at the time and prospered as the political, economic and cultural center. However, like all other large cities in the Middle Ages, it had several socioeconomic and socio-environmental problems. The population of Gaegyeong increased steadily due to inflow from outside as well as natural increase. With the increasing population and the tendency to maintain their own houses in Gaegyeong, public and agricultural spaces in Gaegyeong city were steadily developed into residential areas. As a result, the houses in Gaegyeong increased as many as 100,000, and became densely concentrated like fish scales. The increase in population led to an increase of the house prices in Gaegyeong, and the houses became the object of stockpiling or speculation. Many Gaegyeong residents tried to increase their property through house ownership, and a lot of multi-homed people also appeared. In addition, the relative housing shortage and rising housing prices caused by the increase in the population led to the vitalization of the housing rental business. The fuel consumed by Gaekyeong residents for cooking and heating was also enormous. Gaekyeong people used the wood collected from the hills around Gaekyeong for most of their fuel. Accordingly, in the middle of Goryeo, many mountains around Gaekyeong were turned into bald ones. In addition, Gaekyeong’s atmospheric environment was affected by enormous amounts of firewood for cooking and heating. The vast amount of wastewater discharged by Gaekyeong residents polluted the rivers and ponds around the city. Flooding occurred frequently due to the desolation of forests around Gaekyeong and the density of houses. The problem of disposing of domestic waste, including manure, was also a serious headache. As most of Gaekyeong vicinity was developed as residential areas and the houses became denser, the summer heat became more severe. These factors made Gaekyeong vulnerable to infectious diseases. As the residential environment in downtown Gaekyeong deteriorated, some of the ruling class tried to improve the living environment and secure the comfort of a residence by expanding their houses and gardens. However, this was limited to a few people. Some of the ruling class who could afford it usually set up the second house outside Gaekyeong. At the house, they could enjoy the mountains and waters, and could get help in life by cultivating vegetables and fruits in the garden. However, less rich nobles among the ruling class and many poor ordinary people had to move their residence outside Gaekyeong because they could not afford high house price or rent of the capital city. In particular, poor ordinary people concentrated their houses in the places not suitable for residence. The spread of poor Gaekyeong people to the outskirts of the city and the construction of second houses for the ruling class resulted in the expansion of Gaekyeong’s living sphere.

      • KCI등재

        Analysis of Forefoot Bending Angle in Sprint Spikes According to Bobsleigh Start Lap Time for Development of Korean-Specific Bobsledding Shoes

        ( Seungbum Park ),( Kyungdeuk Lee ),( Daewoong Kim ),( Junghyeon Yoo ),( Jaemin Jung ),( Kyunghwan Park ),( Sungwon Park ),( Jinhoon Kim ) 한국운동역학회 2016 한국운동역학회지 Vol.26 No.3

        Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze effects of the toe-spring angle of bobsleigh shoes on start speed lap time to develop Korean-specific bobsled shoes suitable for winter environments and for domestic players on the basis of sports science and optimized biomechanical performance. Method: Seven Korean bobsleigh athletes participated in this study, with three pairs of sprint spikes from three companies (Type A, Type B, Type C). To analyze sprint lap time and forefoot bending angle for each shoe, participants were instructed to drag a sled 15 meters from the start line at a maximum sprint. forefoot bending angle was collected by a high speed camera, and lap time speed was measured. Results: Lap time for type B shoes was 3.52±0.17 sec, type A was 3.55±0.19 sec, and type C was 3.56±0.18 sec. Forefoot bending angles were: angle 1, 6.88±5.55°; angle 2, 9.23±6.38°; angle 3, 15.56±5.39°; angle 4, 9.54±3.85°; angle 5, 9.22±5.08°; angle 6, 7.66±6.44°; and angle 7, 4.30±6.24° (p<.001). Forefoot bending in angle 3 was as follows: type A, 16.47±6.01°; type B, 14.30±4.96°; and type C, 15.90±5.17°. Conclusion: Hard outsoles and midsoles are better than soft type for reduced start lap time when developing a prototype Korean bobsled shoe.

      • KCI등재

        고려 후기 전민변정과 조선 초기 노비 정책의 의의와 한계

        박진훈(Park, Jinhoon) 역사비평사 2018 역사비평 Vol.- No.122

        In the late Goryeo period, there were the problems on the land and labor power. To solve the problem, the rectification of the Problems on Land-People was suggested in the late Late Goryeo. In the respect, the Nobi legislation of the early Joseon period was a result of the rectification of the Problems on Land-People of Goryeo. Of course, the form and contents of the entire Field-people Recti_cation were not inherited. The rectification of the Problems on Land-People of Goryeo was aimed to solve the problem by transforming the land and the people together, but the radical new scholastic nobles tried to solve it in separating the problems of land and people. As a result, the land problem came to the revolution of private felds, totally abolishing the land ownership based on the crops taxation right and redistributing the lands. The Joseon government officials tried to solve the problems of saminwha(ordinary people get ruled by private nobles) in the late Goryeo period and the fierce conflicts between the ruling classes over securing the labor forces, setting out the measures to prevent the recurrence. The task to recover the status of privatized people and secure them as the burdeners of national duties through the rectification had certain achievements but fairly limited. On the other hand, more rational and finely detailed rules were made, but the core elements of the former Goryeo Nobi law that had allowed the owner to steadily possess, rule, and inherit the slave were inherited. As the Joseon government inherited the principle of the Nobi inheritance and the principle of the parent-nobi-child-nobi law that guarantees the possession and expansion of the Nobis by the ruling class as it was, there came to be the possibility that the possession of the Nobis would be expanded and the ordinary people would get to be slaves at any time.

      • KCI등재

        조선 세종대 살인 유형 및 살인범 분석

        박진훈(Park, Jinhoon) 한국사학회 2024 史學硏究 Vol.- No.153

        세종은 살인 사건을 직접 검토하고 살인범에 대한 최종 판결을 진행하였다. 세종이 검토한 살인범 관련 기록에는 살인범의 성명이나 살인범과 피해자와의 관계 등 살인 사건의 기본적인 사항이 기재되었을 뿐만 아니라 살인의 동기나 의도, 방법 등을 알 수 있게 구살, 모살 등 살인 행위와 관련된 내용이 구체적으로 기재되었다. 세종대의 살인 행위는 크게 세 가지 유형으로 분류할 수 있다. 첫째, 살인 행위에 의도성이 있는가 아닌가를 판별하려는 목적을 가지고 살인을 기재한 경우로, 모살, 고살, 오살, 희살 등이 이에 해당한다. 둘째, 살인의 방법에 따라 살인 행위를 분류하고 기재한 경우로, 구살, 타살, 축살, 독살, 교살, 방화살인, 저주살인 등이 해당된다. 셋째, 살인이 발생하게 된 계기 또는 동기에 의해 살인 행위를 분류한 것으로, 투살과 투구살, 강도 및 절도살인, 질투살인 등이 이에 해당한다. 즉 세종대 살인 사건은 고의성 여부, 살인 방법, 살인의 계기 등 세 가지 기준으로 분류되고 이에 따라 심사되었다. 즉 동일하고 일원적인 기준에 의해 살인 사건을 심사한것이 아니라, 살인 사건에 따라 이를 기재하고 심사하는 기준이 서로 달랐다고 할 수 있다. 세종 재위 32년간 살인 연루자는 모두 562명이다. 이중 살인 내용이 구체적으로 명시된 살인범은 401명인데, 그 가운데 모살범은 125명, 구살과 타살범 110명, 투살과 투구살범 40명 순이었다. 모살은 구체적 내용을 알 수 있는 살인의 약 31.2%, 구살과 타살이 약 27.4%, 투살과 투구살은 약 10% 정도였다. 모살, 고살, 구살, 타살은 살인범과 피해자의 관계 분석이 가능하였다. 모살범 중 남편을 모살한 28명 중 대다수가 내연남이 있었고, 내연남은 모두 내연녀의 남편 모살에 참여하였다. 두 번째로 많은 경우는 노비나 고공인이 주인 또는 주인의 친족을 모살한 경우이다. 세 번째 유형은 가족 또는 친족을 모살한 경우이다. 모살의 경우 상대적으로 약한 존재가 공동으로 모의하여 힘의 열세를 극복하고 계획 살인을 저지른 형태였다. 고살은 주로 친족 관계에서 발생했는데, 모살과 달리 친족 관계에서 힘의 우위에 있는 자가 우월한 힘을 이용하여 살인한 경우가 많았다. 구살과 타살의 경우, 남편이 아내를 구타 살해한 경우가 많았고, 친족 사이에서도 많이 발생하였다. 친족 사이의 구살과 타살은 4촌 이내의 다양한 친족사이에서 발생했는데, 갈등의 주된 요인은 경제 문제였다. 이외에 노비가 주인 또는 주인의 친족을 구타 살해한 경우가 많았다. 즉 구살‧타살은 대부분 가족 또는 친족 사이에서 벌어졌고, 이어 주인과 노비 사이라는 사회적 관계 속에서 벌어졌다. King Sejong himself used to review the murder case and make the final judgment on the murderer. The records related to the murderer reviewed by Sejong not only contain the basic details of the murder case, such as the name of the murderer and the relationship between the murderer and the victim, but also the detailed information related to murder types, such as Gusal(hit to kill) and Mosal(planned murder), so that the motive, intention, and method of the murder can be known. King Sejong’s The murder acts in Sejong Age can be roughly classified into 3 types. First, the murder was classified according to the intentionality such as Mosal(planned murder), Gosal(intentional murder) and Osal(murder by mistake), Heesal(mischievous murder). Second, it was classified according to the method of murder such as Gusal(hit to kill), Tasal(beat to kill), Chuksal(kick to kill), Doksal(poison to kill), Gyosal(choke to kill), burn to kill and curse to kill. Third, it was classified according to its motive such as Tusal(killing while fighting), Tugusal(killing by hit while fighting), robbery or theft murder, and jealousy murder. As such, the murders in Sejong Age were classified and examined according to three criteria: intentionality, method of murder, and motive for murder. In other words, the murder cases were not examined according to the same uniform standards, but diverse standards. A total of 562 murders were examined during the 32 years of King Sejong’s reign. Among them, the cases of 401 murderers were specified in detail, of which 125 were planned murderers; 110 were hit or beat murderers; 40 were murderers while fighting. The murder by plan accounted for approximately 31.2% of the murders for which specific details were available; hit or beat murder accounted for approximately 27.4%; and fight murder and fight-hit murder accounted for approximately 10%. In cases of planned murder, intentional murder, hit murder, and beat murder, the relationship between the murderer and the victim could be analyzed. Among the 28 planned murderers who killed their husbands, the majority had a secret lover, and all of the secret lovers participated in the murder of their mistress’s husband. The second most cases were the murders where a slave or high-rank official killed the master or the master’s relatives. The third type was to kill a family member or relative. In the case of planned murder, relatively weak persons conspired together to overcome their inferiority and commit the planned murder. The intentional murder mainly occurred in kinship relationships. Unlike the planned murder, the persons of the higher position in the kinship relationship committed the murder using their superior power. In the case of hit and beat murders, husbands used to beat their wives to death, and the murder also often occurred between relatives. Hit and beat murders happened between various relatives within the fourth degree of consanguinity, and the main cause of conflict was economic issues. In addition, there were many cases where slaves beat to kill their masters or master’s relatives. In other words, the majority of hit or beat murders occurred among family members or relatives, and then within the social relationship between masters and slaves.

      • KCI등재후보

        침습성 거대프로락틴분비종양으로 발현된 다발내분비샘종양1형 1예

        차진훈 ( Jinhoon Cha ),김진서 ( Jin Seo Kim ),한정석 ( Jung Suk Han ),박연원 ( Yeon Won Park ),김민주 ( Min Joo Kim ),구윤희 ( Yun Hyi Ku ),김홍일 ( Hong Il Kim ) 대한내과학회 2016 대한내과학회지 Vol.91 No.3

        Pituitary tumors occur in 15-50% of patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia of type 1 (MEN1). To the best of our knowledge, no MEN1 case in which the initial lesion was an invasive giant prolactinoma has been reported from Korea. We describe a patient in whom a skull-base tumor involved the sellar and parasellar spaces. A 49 year-old female presented with headache and diplopia. The tumor was ultimately identified as a giant prolactinoma; the serum prolactin concentration increased from 155.6 ng/mL to 3,234.3 ng/mL after cranial irradiation. She was evaluated in terms of incidental hypercalcemia and was found to have parathyroid hyperplasia. Genetic analysis revealed a missense mutation in the MEN1 gene (c.643G>A, p.Val215Met). Two years of treatment with a dopamine agonist reduced, but did not normalize, the serum prolactin concentration. We highlight the aggressive behavior of the giant skull-base tumor, and the diagnostic delay caused by a high-dose hook effect of the MEN1-related prolactinoma. (Korean J Med 2016;91:300-305)

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