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Seo, Jeong-Moon,Choi, In-Kil,Rhee, Hyun-Me Korean Nuclear Society 2010 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.42 No.1
The KIER's Korean historical earthquake catalog was revised for MMI${\geq}$VI events recorded from the years 27 A.D. to 1904. the magnitude of each event was directly determined from the criteria suggested by Seo. The criteria incorporated the damage phenomena of the Japanese historical earthquake catalog, recent seismological studies, and the results of tests performed on ancient structures in Korea. Thus, the uncertainty of the magnitudes of the Korean historical earthquakes can be reduced. Also, the Gutenberg-Richter parameter values were estimated based on the revised catalog of this study. It was determined that the magnitudes of a maximum inland and minimum offshore event were approximately 6.3 and 6.5, respectively. The Gutenberg-Richter parameter pairs of the historical earthquake catalog were estimated to be a=5.32${\pm}$0.21, b=0.95${\pm}$0.19, which were somewhat lower than those obtained from recent complete instrumental earthquakes. No apparent change in the Gutenberg-Richter parameter is observed for the $16^{th}-17^{th}$ centuries of the seismically active period.
노인 스트레스 측정 도구(SESS)의 신뢰도 및 타당도 검증 연구
서현미 ( Seo Hyun Mi ),유수정 ( Yu Su Jeong ),하양숙 ( Hah Yang Sook ) 한국간호과학회 2001 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Vol.31 No.1
The purpose of this study was to verify the use of Seo's Elderly Stress Scale (SESS), which was developed in 1996. Through the modified tool, it is possible to examine the stress of Korean elders and to contribute to the welfare of them. The subjects were 350 elders over 65 years old who live in Seoul, Kwang-Ju, Yang-Ju Gun Kyung-ki Do, Ui-Jong Bu, and Young-Am Kun, Jeun-Ra Nam Do. the data of 331 elders (94%) were analyzed. Data were collected between January and March in 1996 and analyzed using the SPSS Win 8.0. The result are as follows: 1. Items with low correlation with the total items were removed. So 27 items were removed and 37 items remained. This 37 items were death in the family and/or close friends, family member's behavior not meeting expectations, marriage of daughter, marriage of son, friction with daughter- in-law, argument among children, children refuse to live with parent, children leaving home, sex injury or accident, in frequest visits from children and grandchildren, providing care for your daughter or daughter-in-law post-partum, decrease in decision making and authority in home, Lunar new year and the harvest featival, house sitting, working in the house, performing a sacrificial rite, missed birthday, not living with the eldest son, decreased eyesight, decreased strength, decreased memory, sleep pattern changes, thoughts about death, loneliness, decreased hearing, change of dental condition, change in your diet or eating style, difficulty in self care, moving because of disease or aging, argument with friend or neighbour, travel, dealing with the procedure of heritage, loss of money or property, not enough pocket money, hearing on elderly neglect in television or radio, hope of going home and ignorant from others. 2. Overlapped items were discussed by colleagues and were modified. 'marriage of daughter' and 'marriage of son' were modified in 'marriage of children'. 'self injury or accidents' and 'family accidents' were modified in to self or family accidents. 3. Factor analysis was done in order to identify validity and three factors were obtained from the result. The first factor familial relation area, included 17 items. The second factor, physical area, included 9 items. The third factor, psycho-socio-economic area, included 9 items. Cronbach coefficient alpha for the 35 items was .923. 4. Pearson's correlation was .704 between SESS and SOS (Symptoms of Stress) in order to confirm construct validity. Based on the result, the following is suggested; 1. The modified SESS needs to be reverified with elder. 2. Korean elder's health promotion can be made by development of stress intervention which was accurately measured with SESS.
Selenium 공급방법이 수경재배 토마토의 생장과 Se 흡수에 미치는 영향
이철규(Cheol-Kyu Lee),조경철(Kyung-Cheol Cho),이정현(Jeong-Hyun Lee),조자용(Ja-Yong Cho),서범석(Beom-Seok Seo),양원모(Won-Mo Yang) (사)한국생물환경조절학회 2005 생물환경조절학회지 Vol.14 No.4
토마토 ‘모모타로’를 공시하여 셀레늄 10㎎ㆍL?¹의 관주 및 엽면시비 등의 단용 및 혼용처리가 수경재배 토마토의 생육 및 과실 내 셀레늄 축적 함량에 미치는 영향을 구명하였다. 토마토 종자를 50공 트레이에 파종하여 70일 동안 육묘한 후 유묘를 코코피트 슬라이브를 이용한 수경재배 시스템에 정식하였다. 양액은 일본원예시험장 배양액 표준처방으로 조성하였으며, pH 5.8~6.2와 EC 2.3 ㎎ㆍL?¹ 등으로 조절하여 공급하였다. 셀레늄은 무기태 SeO₂와 sugar fatty acid ester에 킬레이트화 한 유기태 셀레늄을 10 ㎎ㆍL?¹으로 조성하여 관주, 엽면시비, 관주와 엽면시비를 병행하여 처리하였다. 초장, 엽수, 엽면적 및 엽록소 등의 토마토 생장반응은 셀레늄의 엽면시비, 그리고 엽면시비와 관주를 병행한 처리구에서 현저히 증가하였다. 과실 내 셀레늄 축적 함량은 킬레이트화 한 유기태 셀레늄을 엽면시비와 관주를 병행하여 처리한 경우에 0.302 ㎎ㆍL?¹으로 가장 높았다. 무기태와 유기태 셀레늄의 엽면시비와 관주 등의 단용 처리 보다는 혼용 처리가 전반적인 과실 생장과 체내 셀레늄 축적에 효과적이었다. 무기태 설레늄(SeO₂) 보다는 sugar fatty acid ester에 킬레이트화한 유기태 셀레늄 처리가 셀레늄을 함유한 기능성 토마토의 수경재배에 더 효과적이었다. This study was conducted to clarify the effects of supplying methods of selenium on the growth and Se uptake of hydroponically grown tomato plants. Tomato seeds (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill. cv. Momotaro T-93, Daki Seed Co.) were sown in plug tray with fifty holes, and raised for sixty days. Tomato seedlings transplanted to coco fiber slabs were supplied with the nutrient solutions adjusted to EC 2.3 dSㆍm?¹ and pH 5.8~6.2 recommended by the Japanese Horticultural Experiment Station. Selenium forms used were inorganic SeO₂ (here in after referred to Se) and organic selenium chelated with sugar fatty acid ester (here in after referred to chelated-Se). 10 ppm selenium solutions were treated to tomato plants with foliar applications, drenching, and foliar application plus drenching. Growth characteristics in terms of plant height, number of leaves, leaf area and chlorophyll content were significantly increased in the plot of foliar application of Se, and in the plot of foliar application plus drenching of chelated-Se than other plots, respectively. Transported contents of selenium into the tomato fruits were highest as 0.302 ppm in the plot of foliar application plus drenching of chelated-Se. Also, it had tended to be higher in the plot of foliar application plus drenching than in the plots of foliar application or drenching in both of Se and chelated-Se. Foliar application and drenching of organic chelated-Se were effective to produce the functional tomato fruits.
서정범,배준현 안양대학교 자연과학연구소 1996 自然科學硏究 Vol.3 No.-
셀루로스 분해 균주인 cytophaga sp.를 이용하여 실제 폐수처리시설에서의 적용 가능성과 폐수처리효율에 미치는 영향을 검토하였다. 합성 제지폐수에 cytophaga sp.를 투여하고 행한 회분식 실험에서 4시간 후 COD_Cr 처리효율이 약 20% 증가되었다. 그러나 24시간 경과 후에는 차이가 없었다. 실제 제지폐수에 cytophaga sp.를 투여하고 행한 회분식 실험에서는 4시간 후의 COD_Cr 처리효율은 차이가 없었으나 6시간 후에는 10% 증가되었다. 생물처리제의 투여량을 증가시킴에 따라 처리효율도 증가되었다. 실제 제지폐수에 cytophaga sp. 20mL/day를 투여하고 행한 연속식 처리실험에서 BOD, COD_Cr, COD_Mn 처리효율이 각가 8.6%, 20%, 13.5% 증가되었으며, 투여량 변화에 따른 처리효율의 변화는 없었다. Cytophaga sp.를 투여함에 따라 물질대사계수(K_m)가 상승되는 것으로 보아 난분해성 섬유소가 분해성으로 전환된 것으로 판단되었다. The appricabilty at the practical plant and the effect on the treatment efficiency were estimated by using cytophaga sp. as a cellulose degrading bacterium. At the batch-type treatment of synthetic paper mill wastewater with cytophaga sp., about 20% treatment efficiency on COD_Cr was increased at 4 hours, but at 24 hours there was little difference. At the batch-type treatment of wastewater from the paper mill with cytophaga sp., treatment efficiency on COD_Cr was almost equivalent at 4 hours, 10% was increased at 6 hours, but 25 hours there was little difference, the efficiency was increased in the proportion to the increment of the dosage amount of the agent. At the continuous treatment of paper mill wastewater with 20 mL/day cytophaga sp., efficiencies of BOD, COD_Cr, COD_Mn increased 8.6%, 20%, 13.5%, respectively and the difference was not much according to the dosage amount. From the increment of K_m, metabolic coefficient by the dosage of cytophaga sp., it was estimated to be converted from recalcitrant cellulose in paper mill wastewater to biodegradable organics.
서정조,김두화,김성현 濟州大學校 學生生活硏究所 2005 學生生活硏究 Vol.26 No.-
The purposes of this survey are to collect and analyze basic data on freshmen, to understand students' general matters and to utilize the data as basic materials for student guidance and administration; to find out the students' general matters, we asked freshmen about their psychological character, values, university life, impression and pride on university, the reason for choosing their majors, whether they will keep studying, the relations with professors, life in their high school, social relationship, the point of view on social issues, and to what extent they turn to the consultation service center. The survey was conducted among 2,832 freshmen during the orientation course in 2004, and 1,812 students (64% of the total) answered. The results are as follows; 1. Most freshmen live in Jeju. The number of students from other regions and cities is also increasing gradually, so the university should create conditions to accommodate those who want to use the dormitory 2. The increase in students who have entered the university after taking entrance examination more twice indicates that they want to pursue a study in line with their aptitude. Most students' supporters are their fathers. 84.8% of the respondents have both a father and a mother. which shows that broken families became a serious social issue. The educational background of parents is getting higher. They are mostly engaged in agriculture, fisheries, and forestry. Many students' family income is over 1.5 million won a month, but a lot of students do not know about their financial status, showing their indifference in home economy. 3. Most of the freshmen replied that they live happily with their family. As to the relationships with their parents, most were positive, but some students feel uncomfortable with their parents or even say their parents do not care about them. 4. About their mental and emotional status, 73.4% showed a positive response. Their tuition fees and living expenses are primarily covered by their parents, but the number of such students has decreased compared to last year. 5. Their motivation of university entrance is to get well-paid jobs, develop their abilitiesand acquire professional knowledge. They want to make many friends and study hard. 79.5% of respondents said they want to study or travel abroad. Accordingly, the authorities need to offer as many chances as Possible. 6. Most students do not want to live in the dormitory, and many (43.9%) want scholarship and part-time jobs to pay tuition fees and other expenses so that more funds and programs for scholarship should be secured. Most of the freshmen are satisfied with the CNU website. They want to study a major that can be related to the career to pursue. 7. Some respondents said they will join clubs for their hobby or sports because they want to make many friends and do much experience. Others said they do not want to join any club because they do not feel any need. Programs to encourage students to participate in a club: should be developed. 8. They think; what is important in their life is leading a financially stable life and the exertion of their ability, and the attitude they have as a college student is to prepare themselves to become an able member of society and intellectuals. 9. The freshmen had a good impression on Cheju National University (CNU) before entering the university, but most of them do not know well about CNU, which means public relations were not enough: What they took into account when applying was the possibility of success given their scores. Their aptitude and qualifications were second. They got information on the university mostly from the website of CNU. This reminds us of the importance of on-line homepages. On the other hand, the university exposition tour arranged by CNU turned out to be of little help to applicants. 10. The publicity commercial conducted every November- December does not attract attention from students. Among means of public relations targeting students living outside Jeju, nationwide, mass media or in-person visit to high school bear good result. Publicity activities need not only efforts of officials in charge but also attention of all staff, faculty and students of the university. 11. Most of the freshmen are proud of entering CNU. They decide their major whey in their third year of high school or during the applying period. The number of students who decided their major when they were in middle school is on the decrease, which indicates that students select their major without discretion instead of setting a goal in advance and trying to achieve it. 12. Freshmen are satisfied with their major. However, they neither know well about a transfer system nor a double major system. As to double major, the most preferred second major is education. The reason for pursuing double major is to have more chance of employment, which shows students understand the difficulty in getting a job from the beginning of entrance. 13. The students expect advice on fields of study as well as close relations from them. The students have relatively integrated relations with others. They prefer lecturer-centered or experiment classes. When faced with troubles, they talk to their friends or mother, in some cases to their siblings and father. The social relations are largely good, but 4.1% confessed to their problem in relations with others. Programs for relationship development and improvement are needed. 14. Freshmen consider efforts and capability as the requirements for social success. They picked unemployment as the most serious problem faced with Korean society. They consider poor local development and backward cultural facilities as challenges faced by Jeju. Therefore, social and political leaders are urged to realize the situation and deal with regional development of Jeju with caution. 15. The students want to get advice from the consultation service center on personal problems. What they want to talk about are jobs, scholastic performance and graduate schools. They want to take aptitude tests. They are also thinking about volunteering to help others. Many students want to build their social experience through volunteer public service, so various service programs should be develop.
고층사무소건물의 매스구성을 위한 전문가 시스템의 개발에 관한 연구
서정훈,박상현,권종욱 영남대학교 환경문제연구소 2000 環境硏究 Vol.20 No.1
건축에서의 전문가 시스템은 설계자에게 많은 가상적인 해결안을 반복해서 수집해야할 수고를 줄여주고 모델링이나 정보제공과 같은 정형적인 측면과 설계의 판단, 상황별 특성과 같은 비정형적인 측면을 연결시키는 도구로 작용한다. 본 연구는 고층사무소건물의 설계과정 중 매스 구성 단계에서 중요한 역할을 하는 요소를 찾아내고, 그 요소들의 정형화 및 표준화 작업을 통해 고층사무소건물의 매스구성을 보조하는 전문가 시스템을 개발하는데 그 목적을 두었다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 결론을 요약해보면 다음과 같다. 건축설계작업 중 매스구성 단계를 제한조건을 만족시켜나가는 제한조건 만족모델로 인식할 수 있었으며, 이 제한조건의 일부를 체계화하여 건물의 매스구성을 보조할 수 있는 시스템을 개발하는 것이 가능하였다. 또, 개발된 시스템을 실제 사례를 통해 평가해 본 결과 타당성 있는 결과물을 산출할 수 있었다. In architecture, the expert system helps architects reduce unnecessarily repeated process. It also serves as a tool of linking patterned processes such as medeling and information provision, with unpatterned processes like decision-making process which can produce different results depending on the situation. This study is devoted to develop an expert system which is helpful to find out the important factors in massing process and to assist the massing of high-rise office buildings through patternization and standardization. The conclusion from the study as follows; It is definitely possible to make the expert system recognize the massing process as a process of meeting all the constraints on a step-by-step basis. So, the developed expert system can assist the massing process by systemizing parts of the constraints. It also proved that the developed knowledge-based system can produce proper outputs as its test showed during the study.
서울市內一部 動物病院에서 臨床診療된 愛玩犬의 病類別 分布에 對한 醫學統計學的 考察
徐政煜,李元暢,鄭柄鉉,尹和重 건국대학교 동물자원연구센터 1999 動物資源硏究誌 Vol.20 No.-
우리 나라의 소동물 수의임상분야(獸醫臨床分野)에서 주류를 이루고 있는 애완견의 병류별 질병분포를 파약하여 수의임상반야의 기초자료로 제시하고자 시도하고 서울시내 중견 동물병원 5곳을 무작위선택방법에 의하여 선정하여 1993년도부터 1995년도 말까지 3개년간의 임상의료철을 수집, 의학통계학적 방법을 이용 분석 및 관찰한바 몇 자기 결과를 얻어 다음과 같이 적요 한다. 진료과별 진료건수의 분포를 보면, 전체진료건수 8,360건 중에서 내과질환이 53.6%를 점유하고, 외과질환은 13.01%, 비뇨생식기질환1.96%, 피부과질환 15.47%, 안과질환 2.68% 그리고 이(耳)과질환 13.28% 등으로 관찰되었다. 조사 관찰된 내과질환은 총 19종의 질병과 4,481건의 진료건수가 있었으며, 이중에서 위발증(胃發症)이 가장 많아 21.38%를 점유하고 있었고, 외과질환은 성형외과와 정형외과 질환을 포함하여 역시 총 19종의 질병과 1,088건의 진료건수가 있었는데, 이중에서 외상(外傷)이 가장 많아 19.21%, 비뇨 생식기질환은 6종류의 질병과 164건의 진료건수가 있었으며, 그 중에서 비뇨기 감염증이 가장 많아 37.0%를, 피부질환은 5종의 질병에 1,293건의 진료가 있었고, 이중에서 체외기생충의 감염이 37.74% 그리고 안이과(眼耳科)질환은 7종에 1,332건으로 외이염(外耳炎)이 가장 많아 59.49%를 점유하고 있었다. 애완견에서 빈발하는 10대 질환의 분포를 관찰하바, 위염 (11.46%), 위장염(10.28%), 외이염(9.74%), 기관기관지염(8.49%), 대장염(6.41%), 체외기생충증(5.84%), 체내기생충증(4.35%), 이내(耳內) 진드기(3.8%), 피부진균증(3.53%) 및 피지누증 (3.12%) 등의 순으로 관찰되었다. 끝으로 애완견의 전염병으로는 distemper가 44.8%, parvoviral infection 39.37%, coronaviral infection 15.83% 그리고 본조사기간중 서울시내에서의 rabies 발생건수는 전혀 없었다. The purpose of this study was to a retrospective and medical statistical observation on the clinical cases of pet-dogs by veterinary hospital in Seoul City, during the period from 1993 to 1995, which important not only in veterinary clinic but also pet animal health information system development for veterinary practitioner of Korea. The results were summarized as follows: In the clinical cases determined by the international classification of diseases, during the period of three years, 8,358 cases of morbidity of pet-dogs were shown by five veterinary hospital for small animals. Among them, the disease of internal medicine, including medicine, including digestive, respiratory, circulatory, metabolic and parasitosis were 53.6% of total cases, the surgical disease, including orthopedic and plastic surgery were 13.01%, the disease of urogenital was 1.96%, the disease of dermatology was 15.47%, the disease of ophthalmic was 2.68% and the disease of otiatric was 13.28%, respectively. The gastric crisis of 21.38% among 4,481 cases of 19 kinds on the disease of internal medicine showed the highest morbidity. The trauma of 19.21% among 1,088 cases of 19 kinds in the surgery, including orthopedic and plastic surgery, the case of urogenic infection of 37.0% among 164 cases of 6 kinds in the urogenital organe, the ectoparasitosis of 37.24% among 1,293 cases of 5 kinds in the disease of dermatology, the otitis externa of 59.49% among 1,332 cases of 7 kinds n the opthalmatic and otiatric diseases showed the highest morbidity in each part of veterinary clinics. Observation on the morbidity of the main disease of pet-dogs were gastritis (11.46%), gastroenteritis (10.28%), ectoparasitosis (9.64%) including ear-mite, otitis externa (9.47%), trachobronchitis (8.49%), enterocolitis (6.41%), endoparasitosis (4.35%), dermatophytosis (3.53%) and seborrhea (3.12%), respectively. Finally, distributive observation on the incidence case of the main infections disease in pet-dogs which that distemper, parvoviral infection and coronaviral infection were 44.80%, 39.37% and 15.83, respectively.
방사성 페기물 처리장의 지하수 온도 측정을 위한 광섬유 센서의 제작 및 특성 분석
서정기,유욱재,장경원,조동현,신상훈,이봉수 제주대학교 방사선응용과학연구소 2008 방사선응용과학연구소논문집 Vol.22 No.-
Fiber-optic temperature sensing technology can alternative to classical measurement techniques in nuclear environment, Its advantages allow low cost, a long distance measurement and real-time, In this study, we have measured the optical power of power meter and the output voltage of photodiode according to change temperature of water.