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      • 광개토호태왕비문의 신묘 병신년조 기사에 대한 재고찰

        이찬구(Lee, Chan-Goo) 세계환단학회 2016 세계환단학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        이 글은 광개토태왕릉비의 내용 가운데 논란이 많은 ‘신묘-병신년’조에 대해 재고찰한 것이다. 종래의 여러 학설 가운데 정인보, 박시형, 손영종, 박진석, 왕건 군, 이유립, 류승국 설등의 특징과 한계를 살펴보고, 일본학계의 주장에 모순이 있다는 것을 분석하였다. 4세기말 신묘년 기사의 국제관계는 고구려와 백제의 적대관계 및 고구려와 신라의 우호관계를 기본으로 백제와 왜가 내통하는 관계에 있었다. 그동안 일본학계는 왜( 倭 )를 주어로 보는 입장에서 신묘년 기사를 “왜 倭 가 백제 신라를 파 破 하고, 그들을 신민( 臣民 )으로 삼았다”라는 식으로 임의로 해석하였다. 이 해석을 무기로 일본은 식민지배의 논리로 활용하였다. 그런데 이 해석을 바로잡기 위해서는 신묘년 기사의 빠진 두 글자( 百殘 □□ 新羅 )를 찾는 일과 주어를 누구로 보느냐는 일이 선행되어야 한다. 정인보는 처음으로 이 기사의 주어가 왜 倭 가 아니라 고구려로 바뀌어야한다(고구려 주어설)고 주장했다. 이어 그는 빠진 두 글자를 연침 聯侵으로 넣어 보결하였다. 이에 대해 필자는 李龍 (이용)의 탁본과 민영규의 주장에 근거하여 연 聯 을 연 連 자로 보고, 『태백일사』와 정인보의 연침 聯侵 의 침 侵을 받아들여 ‘ 百殘連侵新羅 백잔연침신라’로 보결할 것을 밝힌다. 연침 聯侵 이나 연침 連侵은 그 뜻이 같지만, 탁본에 근거하여 연침連侵 이어야한다고 본다. 이로써 일본학계의 주장에 모순이 있다는 것과 『태백일사』의 가치를 재평가할 수 있게 될 것이다. This article reexamines contents of the articles in the ‘Year of Sinmyo-Byeongsin’ on King Kwangkaeto’s tombstone, which have been an issue in the academic world. It investigates characteristics and limitations of the most influential theories among existing ones; including theories of Jeong In Bo, Park Si Hyeong, Son Yeong Jong, Wang Jian-qun, Lee Yu Lip, Lew Seung Kook, as well as the contradiction in the common theory from Japanese academia. In the late 4th century, Goguryeo and Baekje were hostile towards each other while Goguryeo and Silla were amicable. However, the Japanese academia were in the position that Wae is the subject of the article and arbitrarily interpreted the year of Sinmyo’s article as follows: Wae won over Baekje-Silla and ruled them. This analysis was used as a weapon for Japan s colonial logic. To correctly interpret the article, finding the missing two characters in the article ( 百殘 □□ 新羅 ) as well as clearly figuring out the subject must be preceded. For the first time, JeongInBo argued that the subject of this article should be corrected to Goguryeo, not Wae. Also, he supplemented the missing two characters as ‘Yeonchim ( 聯侵 )’ which means ‘invasion followed by invasion’. Based on the assertion of MinYoungGyu and Yong Lee’s tuoben ( 拓本 ), it is reasonable to accept that ‘yeon ( 聯 )’ which means ‘followed by paired events’ is actually ‘yeon ( 連 )’ which means ‘followed by connected events’, and based on Taebaek-ilsa and Jeong’s assertion of ‘chim ( 侵 ) which means ‘illegal invasion’. Therefore, with the missing two letters as ‘Yeonchim ( 聯侵 )’, the article can be completed as ‘ 百殘連侵新羅 ’ which means ‘Baekje continually invades Silla’. Although the meaning behind the two different characters are the same, ‘yeonchim ( 聯 侵 )’ or ‘yeonchim ( 連侵 )’, based on the tuoben ( 拓本 ), the missing characters should be ‘yeonchim ( 連侵 )’. Therefore it is now possible to reexamined the value of Taebaek-ilsa and the fact that there is a contradiction in the Japanese academics claims.

      • KCI등재

        판상형 충전제의 함량과 배향에 따른 PP복합체의 열팽창계수 영향 연구

        이기윤(Kee Yoon Lee),이용현(Yong Hyun Lee),정선경(Sun Kyoung Jeoung),황효연(Hyo Yeon Hwang),이승구(Seung Goo Lee) 한국고분자학회 2012 폴리머 Vol.36 No.3

        두 가지의 종횡비(ρα=a1/a3 and ρβ=a1/a2)에 의해 특징지어진 3차원 타원체(a1 > a2 > a3)를 사용하여 polypropylene 복합체의 판상형 충전제 함량과 방향이 열팽창률에 미치는 영향에 대해 실험적인 연구를 수행하였다. 측정된 실험적인 값은 Lee와 그의 연구자들이 제안한 이론적인 모델에 의한 계산 값과 비교분석되었다. 판상형충전제로는 운모와 탈크가 사용되었다. 실험 결과로 운모의 경우 종횡비는 ρα= 13.5, ρβ= 1.8이 사용되 어, 20 wt% 함량일때 α11/αm는 약 0.56으로 감소하였으나, α33/αm는 오히려 1.018로 증가함을 보였다. 탈크의 경우의 종횡비는 ρα=3.7, ρβ= 1.4이었고 α11/αm는 0.63으로 감소하였다. 결국 운모와 탈크 모두 그 함량증가에 따라 종단방향과 횡단방향에서 열팽창률은 감소하였으나 수직방향에서는 초기 낮은 충전제 함량에서는 오히려 증가하는 경향을 보였다. Experimental study was performed regarding the effects of disc-like filler orientation and contents on the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of polypropylene composites using the three dimensional ellipsoids (a1 > a2 > a3) analyzed by two aspect ratios(ρα=a1/a3 and ρβ=a1/a2). Measured data were compared with the theoretical approaches proposed by Lee et al. Mica and talc were useed as disk-like fillers in the composites. As experimental results, α11/αm decreased down to ca. 0.56 with mica content of 20 wt% and the aspect ratios, ρα=13.5, ρβ=1.8. However, α33/αm increased to more than 1. In the case of talc, α11/αm decreased to ca. 0.63 with 20 wt% and ρα=3.7, ρβ=1.4. Finally, the longitudinal CTEs (α11) of polypropylene composites decreased as filler contents increased, but normal CTE (α33) increased in the low filler contents like the theory.

      • KCI등재

        판상형 충전제의 함량과 배향에 따른 PP복합체의 영률 변화 연구

        서상범(Sang Bum Seo),이용현(Yong Hyun Lee),정선경(Sun Kyoung Jeong),이승구(Seung Goo Lee),이기윤(Kee Yoon Lee) 한국고분자학회 2012 폴리머 Vol.36 No.2

        이 논문은 판상형 충전제의 함량과 배향에 따라 폴리프로필렌 복합체의 영률 변화에 미치는 영향을 연구 하였다. 이론적인 예측은 Lee와 그의 연구자들에 의해 제안된 두 개의 종횡비, ρα=a1/a3과 ρβ=a1/a2 를 이용하여 3차원 타원체의 형상을 계산하였고 실험값과 비교 분석하였다. 판상형 충전제로 운모와 탈크를 사용하였다. 충전제의 형태는 SEM을 이용해 관찰하였고, 종횡비는 고분자의 흐름을 기준으로 좌표축을 설정하여 통계적 방법으로 계 산하였다. 충전제가 운모인 경우에 ρα=13.5와 ρβ=1.8이었고, 탈크의 경우는 ρα=3.8과 ρβ=1.4이었다. 또한 충전제 의 2개의 종횡비와 함량이 기계적 물성에 미치는 영향을 실험적으로 연구하였다. 운모의 경우 30 wt% 함량일 때 E11이 약 2.7배 향상되었다. 탈크의 경우는 E11이 약 2.3배 향상하였다. This paper studied the effects of the content and the orientation of the disk shape fillers on the modulus of PP composites. The experimental results were compared with the theoretical calculations which included the three dimensional ellipsoids and analyzed by two aspect ratios, ρα=a1/a3 and ρβ=a1/a2 proposed by Lee and his researchers. Mica and talc were used as disk shape fillers in the composites. The shapes of mica and talc were observed by SEM and aspect ratios were statistically calculated. For the case of mica, the average aspect ratios were ρα=13.5 and ρβ=1.8, and for the case of talc, they were ρα=3.8 and ρβ=1.4. Also, the effects of two aspect ratios and the content of filler on the mechanical properties were studied: For 30 wt% of mica, E11 increased up to about 2.7 times, and for the other case of talc, E11 increased up to about 2.3 times, respectively.

      • Occurrence of Off-type Plants in japonica/indica Hybrid Rice Cultivars

        Lee,Jeom-Ho,Jeon,Yong-Hee,Hwang,Hung-Goo 한국자원식물학회 2004 Plant Resources Vol.7 No.2

        Frequent occurrence of off-type plants in a given cultivar has been a serious problem in both breeder s and farmer s fields. An experiment was designed to examine the differences in rate of occurrence of off-type plants among Tongil-type cultivars (high yielding cultivars derived from indica/japonica hybridization) from which the possible cause of higher occurrence of off-type plant in a specific cultivar was deduced. Among five Tongil-type cultivars examined for morphological variant in the field, only one cultivar, Dasanbyeo, had off-type plants. When analyzed with SSR markers, off-type plants showed different band patterns from original cultivar, having several extra bands in addition to cultivar-specific band, suggesting that off-type plants were originated from Dasanbyeo, rather than originated from mixing or mishandling of seed materials with other cultivars. The possible cause of off-type occurrence seems to be natural pollination with other cuItivars adjacent to the original cultivar during seed multiplication. This was supported from the observation that self-crossed progeny of the off type plants showed a wide range of variation of agronomic traits which could not be observed when there was a smaller introduction of genes to the fixed germplasm as happened in the case of cultivar mutation. Another evidence supported this idea that Dasanbyeo showed much of difference in floral organ and behavior to other cultivar to be subjected to higher out-crossing than other cultivars examined.

      • KCI등재

        동ASIA 종교의 생명 사상과 상생 정신 ; 수운교(동학)에 있어서의 생명사상과 해원상생의 정신

        이찬구 ( Chan Goo Lee ) 한국신종교학회 2005 신종교연구 Vol.12 No.-

        Jeungsan Kang, Ilsoon(甑山 姜一淳) declared doctrine of mutual life-giving(相生) in 1905. His message has influenced to other new religions in Korea. I argue that what doctrine of mutual life-giving and philosophy of life in Suwoon Choi Jewoo(水雲 崔濟愚), who has awakened 40 year earlier than Kang, Jeungsan, entails in this paper. At the same time, I try to aim to investigate relations between two thinkers. And I explain philosophy of life and Resolution of Bitterness and Grief and Mutual life-giving in the Suwoongyo. Choi Suwwon, who established Dong-hak(東學) in 1860, expounded I serve God within me (侍天主)and I am transformed to follow the divine will(造化定), My mind is your mind(吾心卽汝心), and all understand and do not move from it(各知不移), in the Donggyeongdaejoen. (東經大全)These thoughts resulted in the socio-ethical principle treat a human being as you would treat God(事人如天). This manifesto entailed revolutionary ethics and formed platform of Donghak peasant revolution for egalitarian ideal. Suwoongyo(水雲敎) developed Donghak`s thoughts further. Suwoongyo, founded in 1923 is the only sect to emphasize resolution of bitterness and grief. Lee-Choi Chulyongja(李崔出龍子), a founder of Suwoongyo, established Dosolcheongung (兜率天宮), the headquarter at Kumbyeong (錦屛山) mountain of Daejeon Metropolitan city(大田廣域市). Dosolcheongung is an heavenly altar to venerate Heavenly God(Hanallim;하날님) for appeasing wandering lonely ghosts. Final aim of resolution of mutual life-giving is to realize immortal world without death. And Suwoongyo insists to transform not only this world but heavenly world into paradise with the doctrine of unity of Buddha, Heaven, and mind(佛天心一圓). Unity of Realm of Buddha, Heaven, and Human being means completion of Gaebyeok(開闢). Thus philosophy of life in Donghak and Resolution of bitterness and grief in Suwoongyo were concluded in Gyaebyeok. This is exactly Choi Suwoon meant Dasi Gyaebyeok(다시開闢).

      • Plenary Session 2 : PS-2-1 ; Outcomes of hepatitis B virus recurrence after liver transplantation: a multicenter analysis in Korea

        ( Hee Yeon Kim ),( Jong Young Choi ),( Dong Goo Kim ),( Myoung Soo Kim ),( Soon Il Kim ),( Shin Hwang ),( Sung Gyu Lee ),( Kwang Woong Lee ),( Kyung Suk Suh ),( Young Seok Han ),( Dong Lak Choi ),( Se 대한간학회 2012 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2012 No.-

        Background: The outcome of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection after liver transplantation (LT) was improved by hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) and nucles(t)ide analogue (NUA). However, HBV recurrence after LT is critical because the recurrence is occasionally accompanied by a progressive destruction of graft and poor survival. The aims of this study were to investigate the significance HBV recurrence and identity factors associated with HBV recurrence. Methods: From October 1999 to February 2011, a total of 2684 consecutive LT recipients who underwent HBV-associated LT were retrospectively enrolled from 7 transplantation centers in Korea. Results: Prophylaxis regimens were HBIG monotherapy (67.7%) or a combination of HBIG with NUA (22.3%). The recurrence rate of HBV was 6.1% (164 recipients) during mean follow-up duration of 10.9 years. The median time from transplantation to recurrence was 2.1 years (0.1-7.9 years). Of the 1,071 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) prior to LT, 155 patients (14.5%) had HCC recurrence after transplantation, and 48 patients (31.0%) had HBV recurrence. Of the 48 patients with recurrence of both HBV and HCC, 25 patients (52.1%) experienced HBV recurrence after HCC recurrence. In the multivariate analysis, pretransplant HCC, pretransplant HBV DNA above 5.5 log copies/mL was independent clinical factors influencing HBV recurrence after LT. The mortality rate among the recipients with HBV recurrence was 34.1% (56 recipients). Mean overall survival was 6.4 years in the HBV-recurrence group and 9.9 years in the HBV-nonrecurrence group (p<0.001). HBV recurrence was not an independent prognostic factor for overall survival. HCC recurrence was the most important factor for overall survival. Conclusions: The overall outcome of LT in HBV-related liver disease was excellent with the current prophylaxis regimen Choon Hyuck David Kwon,8 Suk-Koo Lee8 Pretransplant HBV DNA and HCC were important factors for HBV recurrence. HBV recurrence after LT did not significantly influence on the overall survival without combining of HCC recurrence.

      • 다중 상태 기반의 이동성에 대한 혼합형 위치 갱신 방법의 성능분석

        이구연 강원대학교 산업기술연구소 2007 産業技術硏究 Vol.27 No.A

        In this paper, we define the multi-states exponential cell resident time mobility model for describing the mobility characteristics of mobile user and analyzed the total cost of the hybrid method using multi-states cell resident time. Generally, the mobile user has three states for its movement, such as staying, walking and driving. This multi-states cell resident time based hybrid method reflects the movement characteristics of mobile user and adapts the location update period according to the states of mobility speed. As a results of the performance analysis, we can get the optimum parameters of the hybrid method for multi-states based mobile users.

      • 대학 건축공학과의 실습학기제에 관한 연구

        이승준,한인웅,정구용,조방현,한기원,박재호,김진원 三陟大學校 2000 論文集 Vol.33 No.2

        In order to solidify the architectural education in university, we should enlarge the opportunity of field training and develop the field training course system as a part of industry-scholastic cooperation. And we should develop new educational process to bring up potent engineers adaptable to the training affairs, faithful to the educational object of the industrial university.

      • MANET를 이용한 등산객 조난 구조 시스템 설계 및 분석

        이동은,이구연 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2007 産業技術硏究 Vol.27 No.B

        A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a kind of wireless ad hoc network. It is a self-configuring network of mobile nodes connected by wireless links. Infostation is a lower cost and low power system that provides very high bit rate with limited coverage, In this study, we propose search and rescue system that combines MANET of climbers with Infostations. A climber shares location information of climbers with other climbers while climbing, and delivers the information to Infostations. This system is an intermittent network due to the mobility of nodes. From the system, we can track the locations of missing climbers, Ultimately, proposed system achieves low cost and reduces memory requirement using Infestations. We also analyze the performance of the proposed system by simulation. From the performance analysis results, we expect that the proposed system will be very useful to early detect climbers' locations in emergency situations in Korea mountain areas.

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