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      • KCI등재

        한설야의 중국 인식 -소설 『대륙』과 중국기행문을 중심으로-

        한홍화 ( Hong-hwa Han ) 한민족문화학회 2016 한민족문화연구 Vol.54 No.-

        이 글은 한설야의 소설 대륙 과 북경여행을 바탕으로 쓰인 기행문을 중심으로 작가의 중국인에 대한 인식을 살펴보았다. 특히 만주족과 한족두 민족의 관계에 대한 작가적 인식을 통해 중국 판도에 대한 한설야의 심상지리를 고찰하는 데에 목적을 두었다. 소설 『대륙』에서 한족은 일본인에 의해 만주족의 비교 대상으로 취급되면서 만주족과 분리되는데, 문화, 언어적 차이 속에서 ``한족적``인 것은 부정되고 만주족의 민족적 정체성은 부각되어 나타난다. 일본인의 이러한 언행은 당시 한족에 대한 ``만주국``의 분리.이간 정책을 체화한 일본인의 내면의식을 보여주는 것이다. 한설야의 중국기행문에서 한족과 만주족은 성격적 공통성에 근거해 동질성이 부각되면서 ``중국인``의 정체성으로 나타나고 있다. ``중화민국``안에서 ``중국인``으로 통합된 ``만지인(滿支人)``은 또한 ``만주국`` 만주인과 대륙적 성격과 기질을 공유했다는 의미에서 다시 ``대륙인``으로 통합된다. 결국 작가는 ``만주국`` 안( 대륙 )에서 말할 수 없었던 ``만지인``의 중국적 또는 대륙적 성격을 ``만주국`` 밖(중국기행문)에서 말함으로써 만주족과 한족 사이, ``만주국``의 ``만지인``과 중국 본토 간의 끊을 수 없는 연대성 즉 ``만주국``과 중화민국은 물리적 국경과는 상관없이 ``하나``의 통일체임을 보여주고 있는 것이다. This paper examines the perception of Chinese by the author, Han Seolya, focusing on his novel ``The Continent `` and his traveler``s journal on China based on his travel to Beijing. The purpose of this study is to consider imagined geographies by Han Seolya regarding Chinese territory especially through his perception on the relationship of Manchu and Han. In the novel ``The Continent ``, Han people were compared with Manchu people by Japanese and divided from Manchu people; Han``s culture and language were considered negatively and Manchu``s identity was positively valued. Such division by Japanese reveals their intention that led to separation and alienation policy of Manchu against Han. Han and Manchu in Han Seolya``s traveler``s journal on China shared a common ground in their nature and homogeneity was emphasized for their shared identity as ``Chinese``. ``Manchu and Han people`` incorporated into ``Chinese`` in ``the Republic of China`` is again incorporated into ``the Continent people`` since they share the continental nature and characteristics with Manchu people of ``Manchuria``. After all, the author speaks of the Chinese and continental nature of ``Manchu and Han people``, which could not be spoken within ``Manchuria``(``The Continent ``), from the outside of ``Manchuria``(the traveler``s journal on China) to show undeniable connection between Manchu and Han; and ``Manchu and Han people`` of ``Manchuria`` and the Chinese mainland; and to show that regardless of physical borders, ``Manchuria`` and the Republic of China are ``one`` in unity.

      • KCI등재

        2000~2015년 한복 구성요소 변화연구 - 인터넷신문에 나타난 여자한복 이미지 중심으로 -

        이춘희 ( Lee Choon-hee ),한정민 ( Han Jung-min ),강혜승 ( Kang Hae-seung ) 커뮤니케이션디자인학회(구 시각디자인학회) 2017 커뮤니케이션 디자인학연구 Vol.60 No.-

        2000년 이후 정부의 한복진흥정책과 맞물려 여자한복은 발전 및 변화하였다. 본 연구는 한복산업 활성화, 세계화 도약을 위해 2000년부터 2015년까지 여자 저고리와 치마 중심으로 구성요소 변화를 연구하고자 16년간 인터넷 신문에 나타난 한복 이미지를 파악하여 분석대상 이미지 660점을 추출하였다. 전통한복 중 저고리를 구성하는 길, 깃, 동정, 소매 등과 치마를 구성하는 말기, 폭, 끈 등의 구성요소가 제거되거나 축소 또는 확대되어 변화된 한복을 모던한복으로 분류하였다. 본 연구는 모던한복 구성요소를 분석하여 한복 유형을 구분하고, 구성요소의 변화와 유형 경향을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 위의 목적을 수행하기 위해 전문가 집단을 구성하여 질적 조사를 하였으며, 유형을 보수적 모던형과 진보적 모던형 두 가지로 구분하였고, 시기를 3기로 나누어 연구를 진행하였다. 이미지 분석결과 구성요소 크기변화와 제거는 다른 요소에 영향을 미치고 있으며, 요소를 대체하는 경우와 전통한복을 재해석한 사례가 나타났다. 저고리의 세부적 변화는 길이와 깃, 소매길이와 치마는 주름이 보수적 구성요소의 활용이 강화되었고, 저고리의 패턴 및 암홀과 치마의 길이 및 폭은 진보적 구성요소 활용이 강화되었다. 유형 경향 분석결과 저고리와 치마의 유형은 진보형와 보수형이 서로 교차되어 변화 되었고, 상호 연관성이 있게 조화를 이루며 변화되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구는 모던한복 저고리와 치마 구성요소 세부항목별 빈도를 분석하고, 구성요소 변화 특징을 밝혔다. 저고리와 치마의 유형 경향을 시기별로 분석하여 상호연관성을 조명하였다. 2000년 이후 연구 자료가 부족한 시기를 선택하여 시기별 유형 경향을 분석하여 저고리와 치마 유형의 상호 연관성을 조명 한 것에 의의를 둔다. Along with Korean government`s Han-bok Promotion Policy, women`s han-bok developed and changed after year 2000. For han-bok industry`s vitalization and leap to global industry, this study analyzed and extracted 660 images of han-bok to study the changes of components of women`s jeogori and skirt from 2000 to 2015 of Internet newspapers For han-bok industry`s vitalization and leap to global industry, this study analyzed and extracted 660 images of han-bok to study the changes of components of women`s jeogori and skirt from 2000 to 2015 of Internet newspapers. The han-bok which has changes in length of jeogori, collar of jeogori, dongjeong, sleeves that comprise jeogori and malgi that comprise skits was classified as modern han-bok. The purpose of this study is to categorize the types of han-bok and discover the changes and trend of components. In order to achieve the goal above, the qualitative survey was conducted by a group of experts. The survey was classified into two types, conservative modern type and progressive modern type. The research was divided into three phases. The result of image analysis shows that the component size variation of han-bok influences on other components, and substitution and reinterpretation of traditional han-bok was shown. The changes of jeogori are length and collar, length of the sleeves and the crease of the skirts showed increase in conservative use of the component. And, pattern of jeogori, armhole, and the length of the skirt showed increase in progressive use of the components. As the result of the trend analysis, it was shown that the changes of conservative type and progressive type of jeogori and skirts intersect with each other. This study analyzed frequency of modern han-bok`s jeogori and skirt components and This study analyzed trends of jeogori and skirt and traced the correlation between trends of them. This study gives significance in showing correlation of jeogori and skirt after 2000, which is the period that lacks data.

      • 漢代 莫府의 機能

        金翰奎 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1984 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.44 No.-

        This paper was prepared as part of an effort to understand the changes of the power structure during the Han dynasty. I think it will be possible to find the structural principles of the Han state from the relationship between the Imperial power and the Mu-fu, because the Mu-fu had sometimes participated in Imperial power as a part and occasionally as an opposition. Hence, the character of the state was changed. Until now few scholars have been concerned about the Mu-fu, so it has scarcely been researched. Therefore, in this paper, I tried to gain some basic information about the historical meaning and function of the Mu-fu. The findings about the Mu-fu in the Han dynasty, found in such historical records as 'Shi-chi'(史記), ?Han-su'(漢書), ?Hou-han-su'(後漢書), ?San-kuo-chi'(三國志), and so on, are as follows: (1) The Mu-fu fundamentally means an assistant means supporting the military activities of the Chiang-chun(將軍; general). That is to say, it was an administrative office which had taken charge of such affairs as application of the martial law or the military command, supplying provisions, and appointing officers. (2) The second function of the Mu-fu was that of participant in the second role of the Chiang-chun, namely assistance to the throne. So it was a political organization that framed the state policies and offered political ideas to the Ching-chun. (3) The third responsibility of the Mu-fu was the election of the bureaucracies. The Mu-fu of the Chiang-chun in the Han employed a special system, recommending the governmental bureaucracies to the Emperor. (4) The fourth function of the Mu-fu was that of central power machinery of the independent government established by the Ching-chun. In this case, the Chiang-chun was one member of the bureaucracy in theory, but an independent power in fact. Through understanding those meanings and functions of the Mu-fu, we can measure the differences between the Imperial power and the power of the Chiang-chun-mu-fu(將軍幕府). Especially through seizing the developmental steps of those functions and meanings, we can understand the change of course in the power structure. The first function of the Mu-fu was originated in the anti-Ch'in(秦) period, the second function in the pose-Han-Wu-ti(漢武帝)period, the third in the early Later Han (後漢) dynasty, the fourth in the end of the Later Han dynasty. These developmental steps show us that the self-regulative power of the Mu-fu had been strengthened. On the other hand, the unificative power of the Han state had been disrupted according to the conditions of the time. In conclusion, the Mu-fu in the Han dynasty was a contradictory being that had been a part of the state power-and concurrently disrupted it.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 한옥 생산성 향상을 위한 설계지원 방안에 관한 연구 실무 -부재가공 프로세스 분석을 중심으로-

        이현우 ( Hyun Woo Lee ),정성원 ( Sung Won Jung ),전한종 ( Han Jong Jun ) 디자인융복합학회 2012 디자인융복합연구 Vol.11 No.5

        기존 한옥의 계승을 위한 관련 연구가 진행되고 있으나, 한옥 보급에는 실용성을 띄지 못하고 있다. 이는 한옥 시공기술의 복잡성과 자재 생산기술 부족으로 인한 제한적 범위 내에서 공사가 진행됨에 따라 높은 공사비를 원인으로 꼽을 수 있다. 이에 따라 현재 전통 한옥이 가진 정체성을 살리고 현시대에 보급될 수 있는 신 한옥으로의 진화를 위해 부재간의 연관을 분석하고 조립하는 방식을 지식으로 구성하고 디지털 모델링을 함으로써 공사비 절감이 가능케 하는 방법 등이 연구되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 한옥 설계자를 고려한 효율적인 부재 가공 정보 지원을 목표로 한옥 부재 실무 가공 분석을 통해 경제성, 시공성을 파악하고 최적화 방안을 위한 한옥 부재 제작 CNC 시뮬레이션을 통해 효율적인 가공 프로세스의 발전 가능성을 예측하여 최적화된 부재가공 정보를 제안하고 이를 기반으로 한옥 수요자들을 위한 설계지원 방법에 대한 구체적인 방안을 제시함으로써 한옥의 생상성 향상에 기여하고자 한다. There have been a lot of studies about the Han-ok, the Korean-style house, in perspective of the inheritage of existing ones, but there are no practicality in the supply of Han-ok. The cause is considered to exist in the complexity of Han-ok and the techniques required to manufacture its components and in the relatively higher construction expenses in the process which is within restricted range. On the contrary, in order to preserve the identity of traditional Han-ok and encourage the evolution to create a new Han-ok that can be supplied to the present period, there has been studies that analyzes the connection between sub-components and assemble them into a digital model which can possibly decrease the expenses spent on construction. The research`s objective is to provide valuable information for Han-ok designers, which contains methods on manufacturing sub-components effectively. Furthermore, by analyzing the current manufacturing method`s workability and economic feasibility, the research can obtain an optimum alternative for improving Han-ok`s production. Also by using CNC simulation, the possibility of an effective production can be predicted, as well as the information that can lead to the optimum method for an efficient sub-component manufacturing and suggest a specific resolution which can also affect on the improvement of Han-ok productivity.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 개방형 BIM 적용 한옥 부재의 특징형상기반 형상모델링 자동구축시스템 개발에 대한 연구

        권수환 ( Soo Hwan Kwun ),박승화 ( Seung Hwa Park ),전한종 ( Han Jong Jun ) 디자인융복합학회 2013 디자인융복합연구 Vol.12 No.2

        한국 고유의 전통적 목조 건축양식에 의해 지어진 한옥은 가옥형태의 다양화 및 친환경 주택에 대한 선호도 증가에 따라 관심이 증가하고 있다. 이에 맞추어 한옥 대중화의 일환으로 다양한 연구가 진행 중에 있다. 이러한 연구들 중 하나의 성과로 한옥의 3차원 정보교환을 위한 개방형 BIM연구에서 IFC-XML을 이용한 한옥부재 라이브러리와 개방형 BIM 기반 브라우징 모듈이 개발되었다. 중립 포맷인 IFC에는 형상정보와 XML링크정보를 담고, XML에는 파라메트릭 정보를 담아 이종 BIM 도구들간의 정보교환이 가능하게 되어 한옥설계를 지원할 수 있는 환경을 제공하였다. 하지만 XML을 통해 한옥부재를 제작하려면 이에 관한 전문 지식을 가진 전문가가 코딩을 해야 하며, 하드 코딩방식으로 코딩되기 때문에 한옥 개별부재 하나를 코딩하는데도 수많은 시간이 소요된다. 이를 개선하기 위해 본 연구는 코딩에 대해 지식이 없는 비전문가를 대상으로 하는 IFC-XML 자동구축시스템 개발을 목적으로 한다. 본 연구를 통해 비전문가도 자동구축시스템을 이용하여 각종 한옥 부재를 XML로 구축할 수 있다. 따라서 전문가의 도움 없이 개방형 BIM기반 3차원 한옥 부재 라이브러리의 지속적인 구축을 기대할 수 있을 것이다. Han-ok, which is built according to the traditional Korean wooden architecture, is receiving increasing attention because of increasing preference for diverse house types and environmentally-friendly houses. Accordingly, various studies are in progress as part of popularizing Han-oks. As one of the accomplishments of these studies, in open BIM study for 3D information exchange of Han-ok, a Han-ok member library using IFC-XML and an open BIM-based browsing module have been developed. It provides environment that enables data exchange between different BIM tools by containing geometry data and XML link data in IFC, which is a neural format, and parametric data in XML, to supports Han-ok design. However, to produce Han-ok members with XML, a specialist with expertise must perform coding, and it takes a long time for coding one member of Han-ok because of the hard coding method. To improve this issue, this study aims to develop an IFC-XML Automatic Description System for non-experts who do not have knowledge in coding. This study will enable non-experts to create various Han-ok members by in XML by using the Automatic Description System. Therefore, we can expect to continue building 3D Han-ok member library based on open BIM.

      • 환경분석기반 한옥 시공 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구

        김미경(Mi Kyoung Kim),전한종(Han Jong Jun) (사)한국CDE학회 2011 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.1

        Han-ok has a long history and cultural traditions. It has green and healthy and culture but high construction costs, thermal insulation performance of residential and vulnerable to fires and have a weakness for maintenance. However, modernized resident housing, Han-ok is required to improve in terms of environmental aspect due to its weakness for insulating and inconvenience for modern era. Also Han-Ok"s building is criticized as a huge dependence on subjective building experiences. This is pointed to be the biggest problem, Han-ok has. Traditionally it does not have a scientific and specific manual for construction. In this research, process simulation was adopted to develop Han-Ok"s environmental improvements. In terms of LCC(Life Cycle Cost) aspect, however, Han-Ok"s environmental characteristics are examined to suggest an appropriate Han-Ok construction method. Also the result of this research would be utilized to base the information database for efficient constructing and its management in new Han-Ok constructing industry.

      • 1995년 地方選擧와 1996년 總選擧의 比較硏究 : 政黨別 投票成向을 中心으로 Citizens' Voting Propensity To Each Political Party

        韓貞一 建國大學校 社會科學硏究所 1997 社會科學論叢 Vol.2 No.-

        There may be some difficulties in comparing 1995 Local Election and 1996 National Election in that the former was for electing govermors in localities (i.e., govermors in large-units, small-units, and provinces) while the latter was for electing national congressmen. Nevertheless of such limit performing a comparative analysis on issues surrounding citizens' voting behavior as found in the two elections would provide meaningful lessons for us to understand dynamic and, somehow, turbulent political processes in Korea. The main objective of this study is to illuminate the reasons why the two elections produced contradictory results in such a ahort interim period (i.e., 10 months) of the two elections. In the 1996 Fifteenth National Assembly Election, Sin-Han-Kuk Dang gained 139 seats, which shows a great reduction from 170 secured in the Fourteenth National Assembly. Whereas Kuk-Min-Howi won 79 seats in the Fifteenth National Assembly increased from 54 they gained in the Fourteenth National Assembly. Min-Joo-Dang, who cried for clearing off of 3 Kims (Kim, Young-Sam, Kim, Dae-Jung, Kim, Jong-Pil) from the stage of Korean Politics, became about being collapsed as a result of that election. Whereas Cha-Min-Ryon led by Mr. Kim, Jong-Pil ensured significant number of seats, enjoin great strides. To our surprising among others the ruling party (Sin-Han-Kuk Dang) won over opposition parties in Seoul area - the capital city of Korea - in the Fifteenth National Election, which was rarely expected. It presents a sharp contrast to the 1995 Local Election when the opposition party won an overwhelming victory over the ruling party. Reviewing specific results of the 1995 Local Election, 33.8% of the total voters supported the ruling party, Min-Ja Dang - old name of Sin-Han-Kuk Dang. Min-Joo Dang whech used to be the biggest opposition party, polled 30.5% of total votes, whereas Ja-Min-Ryon led by Mr. Kim, Jong-Pil, obtained 10.9%. Inthe 1996 National Assembly Election, the ruling party (Sin-Han-Kuk Dang) was supported by 34.5% of total voters. Sae-Jeong-Chi Kuk-Min-Howi, the biggest opposition party, obtained 25.3% of voters while Tong-Hab-Min Joo Dang and Ja-Min-Ryon gained 11.2% abd 16.2% respectively. The total number of parliamentary seats the ruling party obtained was 139 out of 299 total seats, lacking a majority in the Assembly. In electing provincial governors in the Fourteenth Election, the ruling party (Min-Ja Dang) gained 20.7% of votes, while Min-Joo Dang obtained 42.4%. In electing governors of city, district, or county Min-Ja Dang polled 35.1%, while Min-Joo Dang was supported by 47.9% of voters. In electing city or provincial assembly members Min-Ja Dang gained 36.7% of support whereas Min-Joo Dang polled 48.6% of voters. It was called a sweeping victory of the opposition party (Min-Joo Dang) in the 14th election. Citizens' voting propensity appeared in the two elections is particularly worth to be concerned: because the result of the Fifteenth Election demonstrated opposite phenomenon to that of the fourteenth Election. In the Fifteenth Election, the ruling party (Sin-Han-Kuk Dang) was supported by 36.5% of total voters, the first opposition party (Sae-Chung-Chi Kuk-Min-Hoei) was voted for by 35.2% of the total voters, and the Tong-Hab Min-Joo Dang gained only 13.5% of support. In particular, among total 47 parliamentary seats available for Seoul area, Sin-Han-Kuk Dang won 27 seats, the first opposition party(Sae-Jeong-Chi Kuk-Min Hoi) gained 18 seats, and Tong-Hab Min-Joo Dang gained only 1 seat. This means a crushing defeat of opposition parties, especially, the Sae-Jeong-Chi Kuk-Min Hoi led by Mr. Kim, Dae-Jung. This result encouraged the ruling party (Sin-Han-Kuk Dang) to be feel easy to restore a majority position in the National Assembly. As was witnessed in other elections citizens' voting propensity in the Fifteenth election also was greatly associated with party identification tied in locality. Yet, the result of the Fifteenth Election reflects that there should be something different factors associated with voters' decisions in Seoul. The reasons for such miserable defeat of the opposition parties in that election are as follows: First, the split of the Min-Joo Dang lowered the chance of being elected in each district in Seoul. The split was caused by two conflicting political forces - members in one group following Mr. Lee, Ki-Tack who tried to maintain the party (Min-Joo Dang) and the other led by Mr. Kim, Dae-Jung who broke the party to form a new political party named Sae Jeong Chi Kuk-Min Heoi. The split of the Min-Joo Dang divided voters who otherwise would had voted for the old Min-Joo Dang. The party split conduced to only 19 out of 47 winners in Seoul, even though about 48.7% of total electorates in Seoul voted for either Mr. Lee's new Min-Joo Dang or the Kim's Sae Jeong Chi Kuk-Min Heoi. This means that were it not demolished the old Min-Joo Dang would won 43 seats out of total 47 seats in Seoul area. Second, the infiltration event of North Korean armed agents into the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) happened in the election season was deliberately exaggerated by the present government and news media in the hand of ruling parties. It led a great number of voters, who have strong aspiration for peace and safety in Korean peninsular, to vote for ruling party (Sin-Han-Kuk Dang) with little exceptions. Third, there was a lower level of voters' turnout(63.9%). In particular, the turnout rate of younger voters was very low (44.1%). The low level of younger generation's political participation is associated with high level of mistrust and apathy on ‘new conservatism’tendency of existing political parties including Sae-Chung-Chi Kuk-Min Heoi. It also has been accelerated by a recently salient backlash movement against political ideology. The lower level of turnout is absolutely unfavorable to opposite parties because, in tradition, younger voters are shown to be more likely to bo progressive and vote for opposite parties rather than conservative parties (i.e., ruling parties). Voting behavior appeared in the both elections, as stated above, should matter much to he forthcoming 1997 presidential election. The ruling party led by Mr. Kim, Young-Sam, which has been self-praised as the ‘first civilian government’in Korean history, secured majority in the legislature through demolishing opposition party and ‘majority-opposition versus minority-ruling party’political power system backed by the people in the 1995 election. In the end the ruling party rushed “labor law”and “security law”bills through the legislature by surprise on 6 o'clock, A.M. in 1996, 12/26. Inaddition, we have good reason to question about the will of the President in office and his Cabinet in dealing with the bankrupt of Han-Bo company that has been benefitted by illegal preferential financing. Han-Bo company committed the absurdity and irrationality to pull the astronomical amout of money (5 trillion 7 thousand billion won) mostly during the era of Y.S. (Kim, Young-Sam)'s presidency.It is a typical example of the corruption of government-business collusion. People believe that the present government and the President in office are not capable of resolving such a wicked anti-democratic government-business connection because of his own political weakness. It is clear that the President in office - Mr. Kim, Young-Sam - cannot keep himself to stand in politically neutral position in executing future national policies and in the forthcoming 1997 presidential election. In words, the present government failed in differentiating itself from ones of ‘notorious’military despotism that have governed Korea in outrageous ways during the past three decades in administering the affairs of state. Again, this phenomenon is attributed to the irresponsibility and the incapability of the President in office and his fellowmen. Finally, it should be noted that the manipulation of press by the party in power is another serious facet of the corruption. All successive governors have tried to use the press for their own interest with no exceptions. They have forced the press to be committed to the corruption for their own interest. This may be termed as “government-press collusion.”Many evidences supporting this argument have been disclosed in a variety of ways in most sectors in our society. Most Koreans worry about that the press will be a help to the President in office and ruling parties in the next election too.

      • KCI등재

        환경분석기반 한옥 시공 시뮬레이션에 관한 연구

        김미경(Mi Kyoung Kim),전한종(Han Jong Jun) (사)한국CDE학회 2011 한국CDE학회 논문집 Vol.16 No.4

        Han-ok has a long history and cultural traditions. It has green and healthy and culture but high construction costs, thermal insulation performance of residential and vulnerable to fires and have a weakness for maintenance. However, modernized resident housing, Han-ok is required to improve in terms of environmental aspect due to its weakness for insulating and inconvenience for modern era. Also Han-Ok"s building is criticized as a huge dependence on subjective building experiences. This is pointed to be the biggest problem, Han-ok has. Traditionally it does not have a scientific and specific manual for construction. In this research, process simulation was adopted to develop Han-Ok"s environmental improvements. In terms of LCC (Life Cycle Cost) aspect, however, Han-Ok"s environmental characteristics are examined to suggest an appropriate Han-Ok construction method. Also the result of this research would be utilized to base the information database for efficient constructing and its management in new Han-Ok constructing industry.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국(韓國)의 문화(文化) : 문화로 읽는 근대 이행기 매체문학 -『년한반도(年韓半島)』를 대상으로-

        문선영 ( Tae Moon Han ),한태문 ( Sun Young Moon ) 한국사상문화학회 2010 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.51 No.-

        이 논문은 한국의 근대 매체인 『少年韓半島』를 통해 한국 근대 이행기 매체문학의 정체성을 살펴보려는 의도 아래 기획 집필된 것이다. 이 때 중심되는 화두는 `문화`이다. 근대 이행기를 배경으로 한 매체문학을 대상으로 당대 문화 풍속도를 고찰하고자 하였다. 『少年韓半島』는 1906년 11월 1일 창간되었고, 1907년 4월 통권 6호로 종간되었다. 『年韓半島』는 국민정신을 함양하고 신지식을 선도하는 데 발간 목적을 두었다. `민주 정체(民主 政體)`를 새로운 국가상으로 삼고 있으며, 국민의 자질을 갖추기 위해서 무엇보다 `지식`의 습득이 우선되어야 함을 강조했다. <『少年韓半島』와 문화의식>은 `문화` 코드를 중심으로 한국 근대 매체의 정체성 문제를 집중적으로 다룬 것이다. 연구 대상이 『少年韓半島』인만큼, 문화의 범주로는 아이 또는 청소년들을 중심으로 한 일상문화와 기저문화에 주목했다. 여기서 당대 소년들의 삶의 동선과 민족주의 그리고 계몽주의를 통해 당대 문화의식을 도출하였다. 무엇보다 `교육`에 방점을 둔 문화적 풍속도가 두드러진다. 『少年韓半島』는 근대 학지(學知)를 다양하게 소개함으로써 아이들에게 삶의 좌표 설정과 문화적 판도를 깨우치게 하고, 나아가 이후 발간되는 『소년』, 『청춘』 등 본격적인 아동 또는 청소년 잡지의 시대를 연 종합지로서 의의를 지닌다. 그러나 이제껏 『少年韓半島』의 원본이 공개되지 않아 본격적인 연구가 이루어지지 못한 학계의 사정을 감안할 때, 본고는 되도록 그 낱낱을 헤아리려 했다. `신대한(新大韓)` 또는 `신대한을 건설할 주체`의 표상으로 `소년`을 전면에 내세우고 있는 만큼, 이를 중심으로 근대이행기의 문화 풍속 담론의 정체성을 해명하는 데 바쳐져 있다. This paper was written in the purpose of examining the identity of the media literature in the transitional period to modern ages in Korea by The Boy Han Peninsula. The topic of discussion is "culture." This paper tries to reflect on the cultural manners and customs in those days making the media literature which are based on the transitional period to modern ages as the object. The Boy Han Peninsula was launched on 1 Nov 1906 and ceased to be published in April of 1907, totally making 6 volumes. It was published in order to cultivate the spirit of the nation and lead the new set of knowledge. It takes the `political body of democracy` as the new portrait of the country, and emphasized that the learning of `knowledge` must be preceded for the preparation of the capabilities of the nation. `The Cultural Consciousness Appearing in The Boy Han Peninsula` focusedly dealt with the problem of the identity of media in modern Korea, mainly by the code of `culture`. As its title suggests, its cultural category directs its attention to the culture of ordinary lives of children and juveniles and their subculture. It induces the cultural consciousness of those days by those predicates of the lives of the boys of those days, nationalism and illumine. The cultural manners and customs of those days is especially marked by its drive toward education. The Boy Han Peninsula introduced various academic knowledge of modern times to awaken the children to the problem of setting proper coordinates in their lives and to the cultural territory of those days, and performed its role of pioneers who opened up the era of child or juvenile magazines which successively followed up like Boy, Youth and others. As its research object is The Boy Han Peninsula, before anything else, this paper is dedicated to explain the identity of the literary history of the modern ages in Korea as a discourse on the cultural manners and customs of the transitional period to modern ages by reflecting on the cultural manners and customs of that transitional period to modern ages, mainly by children that `Purpose` in the first volume makes `boyhood` stand for, or the symbol of the leader who will establish, the New Great Han.

      • 국소 Compact Hⓒ-groups와 Han-group에 대하여

        한정순,임종록 한양대학교 이학기술연구소 2000 이학기술연구지 Vol.2 No.

        이 논문에서 우리는 Han-groups 의 몇 가지 흥미 있는 특성을 가지고 있는 groups의 더 일반적인 class에 관심을 가지고 있다. 우리는 몇몇의 이러한 특성을 얻고 더 일반적인 class의 특성이 Han-groups 임을 결정하고자 시도한다. 그리고 우리는 a compactly generated H-group은 Han-group임을 증명한다. 이 결과는 다음 (a locally compact H-group은 unimodular)을 포함하여 몇 가지 응용을 가진다. In this paper, we are interested in a more general class of groups which share some of the interesting properties of Han-groups. We obtain some of properties and attempt to determine which of the more general class are Han-groups. We prove that a compactly generated H-group is a Han-group. This result has applications, including the following ; A locally compact H-group is unimodular.

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