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      • The Gospel in the Warnings of the Three Angels in Revelation 14:6-11 : An Eschatological Proclamation

        Doh,Hyunsok John 삼육대학교 신학연구소 2019 신학과 학문 Vol.25 No.-

        This paper proposes that the proper exegesis of the Three Angels’ Messages can be established only by careful analysis of Revelation 12 and 13 as the backdrop for the Messages. There are two sets of competing messages: The urges of the earth beast, and the countering warnings of the three angels. And the inhabitants of the world were threatened by the angels just as the saints were threatened by the coercion of the earth beast backed up by the sea beast and the dragon.

      • 참께 種實의 成熟過程에 따른 脂質 및 脂肪酸組成의 變化

        김도훈 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資源硏究所 1995 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        참깨 種實의 成熟에 따른 構成脂質의 變化와 각 脂質의 脂肪酸 組成 變化를 調査한 結果, 蛋白質과 脂質의 含量은 開花 後 30日까지 直線的인 增加를 보여, 開花 後 40日에 80㎎/g, 240㎎/g의 含量을 나타냈다. 中性脂質의 構成 成分은 TG가 60% 內外로 가장 많았고, 登熟의 進展에 따른 增加의 폭이 매우 컸다. 總脂質, 中性脂質, 隣脂質 및 糖脂質의 脂肪酸 組成은 飽和脂肪酸인 stearic acid와 palmitic acid의 成熟의 進展에 따라 계속 減少하여 開花後 40日에 9.63~12.88%와 7.35~19.10%를 나타냈고, 반면 不飽和脂肪酸인 oleic acid와 linoleic acid는 成熟의 進展에 따라 계속 增加하여 開花後 40日에 28.44∼40.11%와 43.80∼44.39%를 보였다. 그리고 隣脂質의 경우 다른 脂質에 비해 oleic acid가 開花後 40日에 28.44%로 가장 낮았고, 糖脂質에 있어서는 palmitic acid가 開花後 15日까지 增加하는 것이 脂質과는 다른 傾向이었다. This study was conducted to investigate changes in protein and total lipid contents, fatty acid compositions of total lipid, triglrceride, phospholipid and glycolipid in sesame seed during maturation. Protein and total lipid contents were increased rapidly during 30 days after flowering(DAF) and were 80㎎/g and 240㎎/g at 40 DAF, respectively. In compositions of neutral lipid, triglyceride content was extremely plenty of about 60% and increased rapidly during maturation. In fatty acid compositions of total lipid, neutral lipid, phospholipid and glycolipid, stearic acid and palmitic acid were decreased during maturation and were 9.63∼12.88% and 7.35∼19.10% at 40 DAF, respectively, However, oleic acid and linoleic acid were increased during maturation and were 28.44∼40.11% and 23.80∼44.39% at 40 DAF, respectively. In phospholipid, oleic acid was 28.44% at 40 DAF which was lower than other lipid. In glycolipid, palmitic acid was increased to 15 DAF, and it was different tendence from other lipid.

      • 植物 生長調整劑의 處理가 水稻幼苗의 蛋白質 含量 및 酵素 活性에 미치는 影響

        金度勳,金賢勍,鄭大守 東亞大學校 1996 東亞論叢 Vol.33 No.-

        A study was carried out to investigate the effect of growth regular on protein content, PAL and peroxidase activity in rice seedling plants, Akibare, a Japonica type variety. ABA(0.1, 1, 10ppm), 2.4-D(10, 100, 1000ppm), and GA(0.05, 0.5, 5ppm) were respectively treated for 5 days to the nee seedling plants which were grown for 20 days. The results were summarized as follows. In stems, the protein content showed the highest value in the plot treated with GA for 5 days, although ABA and 2.4-D treated plots showed no significant differences compared with the control. PAL activity in the plot treated with GA for 5 days and in the plot treated with 2.4-D for 10 days were respectively higher than control. On the contrary, it was low in the plot treated with ABA. PAL activity in roots was respectively higher in the plots treated with GA for 5days and 2.4-D for 10 darts than the control. According to increment of days seedling growth, peroxidase activity was respectively maintained in the plot treated with ABA, 2.4-D, and GA, although it was decreased in the control.

      • 施肥條件이 사탕무의 生育과 Betacyanin 含量에 미치는 影響

        金度勳,朴賢眞,金賢勍,鄭大守 東亞大學校生命資源科學大學附設 農業資原硏究所 1996 農業生命資援硏究 Vol.5 No.1

        사탕무의 生育과 betacyanin 含量의 變化에 대한 施肥條件의 影響을 알아보기 위하여 室素 0, 10, 15 및 20㎏/10a와 加里 0, 10, 15 및 20㎏/10a 處理하여 試驗한 結果는 다음과 같다. 草長과 葉數는 室素 15㎏/10a 處理區까지는 增加되었으나, 20㎏/10a 處理區에서는 오히려 減少되었으며, 根直徑과 根長도 室素 施用量의 增加에 따른 有意的인 差異가 認定되었다. 그리고 根重은 無處理區에 비해 室素 處理區에서 增加되었으나, 室素 處理區間에는 큰 差異를 나타내지 않았다. Betacyanin 含量은 室素 15㎏/10a와 加里 20㎏/10a 處理區에서 0.126%로 가장 높았고, 生育段階別로는 파종후 110日에 가장 높은 含量을 나타내었다. These experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of nitrogen and potassium application on growth and betacyanin content of sugar beet. The experiments were respectively treated with 0, 10, 15 or 20㎏/10a nitrogen and 0, 10, 15 or 20㎏/10a of postassium, and the results were summarized as fellows. Plant height and number of leaves were increased by 15㎏/10a of nitrogen, otherwise; it was decreased by 20㎏/10a of nitrogen. There were significant differences root diameter and root length by increament of nitrogen application. Root weight was progressively increased by nitrogen treatments compared to the control, although there was no significant differences among the amount of nitrogen treatments. Betacyanin content was high 0.126% in the plot treated with 15㎏/10a of nitrogen and 20㎏/10a of potassium respectively. For the growth stage the corresponding value showed the highest level at the 110th day after seeding.

      • KCI등재

        15세기 上院寺 立案文書 분석

        朴盛鍾,朴道植 한국고문서학회 2002 古文書硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        본고는 15세기 후반에 上院寺에 발급되었던 세 점의 立案 문서에 대해 검토해 보았다. 강릉대도호부에서 상원사에 발급한 입안이 두 點, 內需司에서 상원사에 발급한 것이 한 點이다. 대상 입안 문서에 대하여 원문을 교감·판독하였고, 이를 토대로 史讀字들에게는 밑줄을 긋고 당대의 讀音을 추정하였으며, 더 나아가 문서 내용을 현대어로 번역해 보았다. 그리고, 實錄의 기사 등을 참고로 하여 상원사를 중심으로 조선 초기 왕실관련 사원의 경제적 면모를 살펴보았다. 1469년(예종 1)에 강릉대도호부에서 발급한 입안은 蒜山提堰을 상원사에 題給함과 동시에 鹽盆稅와 諸雜役을 減除하는 것이고, 두 번째 1477년(성종 8) 강릉대도호부 입안은 예종의 願刹인 낙산사와 세조의 원찰인 상원사의 分屬과 持戒僧人에 의해 대를 이어 持守할 것을 전한 것이다. 세 번째 1481년(성종 12) 內需司 입안 내용은 낙산사에서 거두어들이는 布物·綿花를 상원사에 半分하여 사용하라는 것이다. 조선 초기 왕실관련 사원에는 收租地와 노비가 지급되었다. 상원사는 수조지 외에도 私有地도 소유하고 있다. 그것은 세조가 상원사에 거주하고 있었던 信眉에게 蒜山堤堰을 賜給한 것에서 알 수 있다. 實錄에 따르면 예종 원년에 이 蒜山堤堰을 다시 사급하였다고 하였는데, 이는 첫 번째 문서에서 그 사실이 확인된다. 상원사에 대한 특혜는 田地에 국한되지 않고, 내수사 노비를 特賜하기도 하고, 각종 雜役과 요역, 사원 소유의 鹽盆稅를 면제해 주기도 하였다. 이 사실 역시 첫 번째 문서와 두 번째 문서에서 확인된다. 睿宗의 願刹인 낙산사와 世祖의 願刹인 상원사의 관계 및 田稅貢物의 半分 사용 등에 관한 내용도 두 번째 및 세 번째 문서에서 드러난다. The aim of this thesis is briefly to study the three Iban documents of the Buddhist temple Sangwonsa, which is located in Pyungchang(平昌) of Gangwondo(江原道). Those documents were written in Idu(史讀) in the latter half of the 15C. In this thesis, they were translated in Modern Korean, and Idu scripts were as well underlined and read according to the presumed pronunciation. The first and the second document of those threes were respectively in 1469 and 1477 by the provincial government Gangneung-daedohobu(江陵大都護府), and the third was made by Naesusa(內需司) in 1481. The purpose of the first document was to donate the land Sansanjeeon(蒜山堤堰) to Sangwonsa and to make Sangwonsa be free of various taxes and obligatory labors. In the second and the third document, the relationship of the two Buddhist temples, Sangwonsa and Naksansa(洛山寺), was mentioned. The relationship between the Sangwonsa and royal household began when King Taejo designated it as his Wondchal(願刹, prayer temples). In the early Chosun Dynasty, the Taxation Article and slaves were given to the temples which had relations with royal household. In the King Taejong era, when the temples and their slaves were forfeited, the Sangwonsa was exempt from forfeit. Thereafter also in the 6th year of King Sejong, only Gwan-eum-gul(觀音窟) and Jin-gwan-sa(津寬寺) were designated Su-ryuk-sa(水陸社) as well as Sangwonsa and Gyun-am-sa(見庵寺). Some time later the Taxation Article of Gyung-bok-sa(景福寺) in Jeonju was included in Sangwonsa. The temple land and Guk-haeng-su-ryuk-jeon(國行水陸田) were given as the Taxation Article of Sangwonsa. The Sangwonsa was possessed the private land besides the land of Taxation Article(收租地). It got to know from the fact that the King Sejo gave Buddhist priest Sinmi(信眉) long-time uncultivated San-San-je-eon(蒜山堤堰) one year after a Buddhist lecture meeting of regeneration and completion of a building in Sangwonsa. But it was written that in the first year of King Yejong the San-San-je-eon was given to the Sangwonsa again. The royal gift in the King Yejong period was understood as the reconfirmation of the gift in the King Sejo period. After that Sinmi gave the San-San-je-eon to his disciple Hakyeol(學說), who used to take away Minjeon(民田, people's land) around the je-eon claiming it as a reclaimed land. Special privilege to the Sangwonsa was not limited only to land. Naesusa(內需司) slavery privillege, various kinds of public works(諸雜役), labor service(요역) and salt tax(鹽盆稅) belonging to the temple were exempted. Labor service in early Chousun Dynasty was thoroughly imposed according to the land, but most of the temples related to royal household including Sangwonsa were exempted from labor service by the king. Exemption of labor service was the critical reason of increasing the temple's private lands. Because of this at the time Sangwonsa was widely taking possession of lands, also in spite of prohibition of giving lands to temple, the temple's private lands increased a lot. Sangwonsa was operated by Jang-ri(長利, an annul interest of fifty percent) and by Bangnap(防納, payment by proxy) behavior. Hakyeol made provincial governors to distribute cotton cloth(綿布) to the public compulsorily. The Public was charged 2seok(石) 5doo(斗) for 1pil(匹) of cotton cloth. Those who could not pay back within the due data were charged interest. This interest imposed by Hakyeol was a kind of Beondong(反同), taking high interest after lending rice and cloth to the public compulsorily since the Koryo Dynasty. Naksansa was Wonchal builded for luck with money of son(later king Yejong). After King Sejo designated Naksansa as his son's Wonchal, he gave rice and cotton cloth as almgiving, and he allowed monks to cultivate 30seok fertile lands near Naksan. During King SeongJong's reign, he granted 200kyeol the Taxation Article of Sam-ga-jeon(三嘉田), Eu Eui-ryeong-jeon(宜令田) and Cheong-do-jeon(淸道田) in Gyeongsang Province to the Naksansa. while monks in Naksansa were wealthy enough by selling cottons collected as a tributary payment every year, those in Sangwonsa were always lack of general expense because Sangwonsa received the Gangneung land that could not produce cottons. So King SeongJong ordered Naesusa to share half of cottons from Naksansa with Sangwonsa forever, which was evident in the third of Sangwonsa's Iban documents. The privileges for Naksansa was not only land but also rice. King SeongJong gave 100seok of Gyeong-Chang-mi(京倉米) every year and granted Sa-Pae(賜牌, royal Certification) which allowed Naksansa to have slaves forever. Moreover Naksansa had exclusive right to fish within 4Km of its fore seaside and prohibited the public to enter that area. Naksansa made slaves to gather sea products and fish, and it piled up its wealth by monompolizing profits from selling those products.

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