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      • KCI등재후보

        CASE REPORT : Hypothalamic Extraventricular Neurocytoma (EVN) in a Pediatric Patient: A Case of EVN Treated with Subtotal Removal Followed by Adjuvant Radiotherapy

        ( Minjae Cho ),( Jin Deok Joo ),( Baek Hui Kim ),( Gheeyoung Choe ),( Chae Yong Kim ) 대한뇌종양학회 대한신경종양학회 2016 Brain Tumor Research and Treatment Vol.4 No.1

        Extra ventricular neurocytoma (EVN) is a rare brain tumor with histologic features similar with a central neurocytoma, but located outside of the ventricular system. In this study, we present an unusual case of hypothalamic EVN in a 14-year-old patient. The patient underwent subtotal removal and had tumor relapse. The patient was then treated using intensity modulated radiation therapy, and the tumor remained stable for 24 months. This case report may be important in that this is the first pediatric case of EVN located in the hypothalamic region. EVN has similar radiologic features with pilocytic astrocytomas and therefore a hypothalamic EVN may be misdiagnosed as a hypothalamic glioma. Also, the pathologic-radiologic-clinical correlation of EVN located in the hypothalamic area may be different from that of EVNs originating from other usual sites.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Synthesis and Selective Transport Properties of Cleft-Type Ionophores Having Two Convergent Hydroxamic Acid Functions

        김덕희,최미정,장석규,Kim, Deok Hui,Choe, Mi Jeong,Jang, Seok Gyu Korean Chemical Society 2001 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.22 No.7

        A series of cleft-type ionophores having two convergent hydroxamic acid functions are prepared and their selective ionophoric properties toward heavy metal and transition metal ions have been investigated. Hydroxamic acids 3 exhibited a prominent selectivity toward heavy metal ions of Hg2+ and Pb2+, and transition metal ions of Cu2+ over other transition metal and alkaline earth metal ions from slightly acidic source phase (pH 6) to an acidic receiving phase (pH 1). Selective ionophoric properties toward Pb2+ and Cu2+ ions over other surveyed metal ions are also confirmed by the FAB-MS measurements.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 산란계농가의 자동화계사 시설실태 및 의식조사 연구

        최희철,서옥석,이덕수,한정대,Choe, Hui-Cheol,Seo, Ok-Seok,Lee, Deok-Su,Han, Jeong-Dae 한국축산환경학회 1996 축산시설환경학회지 Vol.2 No.2

        This survey was conducted to investigate the situation of three types of laying hen houses and farmers' awareness of farm automation. Six windowless, three high-rising windowless and four open-sided laying hen houses were surveyed to compare their characteristics, and sixty farmers answered questionnaires. 1. Population density of laying hen was 13.9 birds/m^2$ in open-sided, 28.9 birds/m^2$ in high-rising windowless, and 44.9 birds/m^2$ in windowless laying hen houses. 2. Feeder space was $12{\sim}13.5cm$ in open-sided laying hen houses, but feeder space of windowless and high-rising hen houses was narrower than that of open-sided laying hen houses. 3. Thermal resistance values were $14.6{\sim}18.7\;m^2\;{\circ}C/W$ in wall, #22.0{\sim}23.7\;m^2\;{\circ}C/W$ in roof of windowless and high-rising windowless laying hen houses but the wall of open-sided laying hen houses was only $1.9\;m^2\;{\circ}C/W$. 4. Maximum ventilation capacity was 0.161{\sim}0.326$ cmm/bird in summer. Minimum rate of tunnel Ventilation laying hen houses in winter was $0.013{\sim}0.040$ cmm/bird, but minimum rate of crossflow and high-rising windowless laying hen houses was larger than that of tunnel ventilation houses. 5. One person managed about 8,100 birds in open-sided, and about 23,500 birds in windowless and high-rising windowless laying hen houses. 7. 90.7% of farmers responsed that they want to construct automatized laying hen houses in the future.

      • 효율적인 사용자 서비스를 위한 적응적 배칭 스케줄링 정책

        최성욱,김종경,박승규,최경희,김동윤,최덕규,Choe, Seong-Uk,Kim, Jong-Gyeong,Park, Seung-Gyu,Choe, Gyeong-Hui,Kim, Dong-Yun,Choe, Deok-Gyu 대한전자공학회 2000 電子工學會論文誌-CI (Computer and Information) Vol.37 No.2

        일괄 수용 서비스 스케줄링에서의 배칭(Batching) 기법은 서비스를 요청한 사용자들을 일정 시간 동안 그룹화 하여 한꺼번에 서비스하기 때문에 서비스 개시를 위한 지연시간이 발생한다. 그러나 이 지연시간을 효과적으로 제어하지 못하면 대기시간의 불규칙으로 서비스 공정성이 저하되고, 서비스 취소가 발생할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 기존의 배칭(Batching) 기법인 선입 선출(FCFS) 및 빈도수 우선 방식(MQL)에서 문제시되던 평균 대기시간의 증가, 비 인기 비디오의 서비스 지연 문제를 해결하기 위한 적응적 배칭 정책을 제안한다. 적응적 배칭 정책의 개념은 일정한 시간 간격 내에 서비스 요청 패턴을 감시하여 동적으로 서비스 비디오 수를 다중으로 선택하는 방식이며, 이를 위하여 현재의 서버 활용률, 비디오 인기 분포도, 서비스 대기 시간이 활용된다. 또한 이를 시뮬레이션 한 결과, 기존의 방식들에 비하여 서비스 평균 지연 시간을 약20∼30% 정도 단축하였으며, 서비스 최대 대기 시간 보장 등 사용자에 대한 서비스면 에서도 향상된 결과를 보임을 입증하였다. The waiting delays of users are inevitable in this policy since the services are not taken immediately upon requests but upon every scheduling points. An inefficient management of such delays makes an unfair service to users and increases the possibility of higher reneging rates. This paper proposes an adaptive batch scheduling scheme which improves the average waiting time of users requests and reduces the starvation problem of users requesting less popular movies. The proposed scheme selects dynamically multiple videos in given intervals based on the service patterns which reflect the popularity distribution(Zipf-distribution) and resource utilizations. Experimental results of simulations show that the proposed scheme improves about 20-30 percentage of average waiting time and reduces significantly the starving requesters comparing with those of conventional methods such as FCFS and MQL.

      • KCI등재

        Child-friendly Spaces in Disaster Shelters for Child Disaster Victims

        Bo Reum Kim,Seol Mi Oh,Deok Hui Choe 위기관리 이론과 실천 2020 Crisisonomy Vol.16 No.2

        본 연구는 재난상황에서 신체적, 심리사회적, 발달적 특성으로 인해 스스로를 보호하기 힘들고 회복력이 부족하여 재난취약계층에 속하는 재난피해아동에게 아동맞춤형 서비스를 제공하는 아동친화 공간의 개념과 역할을 소개하고 도입사례를 살펴보았다. 진도 7.0 이상의 대형지진이 발생한 네팔, 일본, 중국 사례에서는 국제 NGO와 정부가 협력하여 재난대피소 내 아동친화공간에서 전문가를 통한 신체·심리사회·발달영역의 통합서비스를 제공하였다. 아동친화공간은 아동 맞춤형 식료품과 구호물품, 의료·위생서비스를 지원함과 동시에 아동이 안전한 공간에서 보호받으면서 심리치료와 상담, 놀이와 교육을 통해 재난으로 인한 피해를 최소화하고 조기에 회복할 수 있도록 하였다. 반면 아동친화공간을 도입하지 않은 한국의 포항지진 사례에서는 재난대피소에서 아동을 위한 물품과 공간, 서비스의 부족이 문제점으로 나타났다. 따라서 아동의 특성을 고려한 재난대피소 세부규정을 수립하고 대피소에 아동돌봄공간을 마련할 것을 제언하였다. 또한 아동심리지원의 문제점을 보완하는 매뉴얼 마련과 재난의 특수상황을 이해하고 대응할 수 있는 아동보호전문인력의 양성과 배치가 필요하다. This study introduced the concept, role, and cases of child-friendly spaces providing customized services to child disaster victims who have difficulty in protecting themselves and insufficient resilience due to their physical, psychological, and developmental characteristics. In Nepal, Japan and China experiencing earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.0 or higher, international NGOs and the government worked together to provide integrated services with experts in child-friendly spaces in disaster shelters. Child-friendly spaces were designed to help children minimize damage from disasters and recover early through psychological treatment, counseling, play and education as well as child-tailored services such as food, relief goods, medical and sanitation services. The 2017 Pohang earthquake in South Korea without child-friendly spaces lacked goods, spaces and services specifically for children in disaster shelters. This study suggested that the detailed regulations for disaster shelters should be established considering the characteristics of children and the child care areas should be provided in shelters. In addition, it is necessary to prepare a manual to resolve problems with child psychological support and to train professional experts who can protect and educate children in disaster situations.

      • 지연함수언어 Miranda의 G-기계 기반 번역기 개발

        이종희,최관덕,윤영우,강병욱,Lee, Jong-Hui,Choe, Gwan-Deok,Yun, Yeong-U,Gang, Byeong-Uk 한국정보처리학회 1995 정보처리논문지 Vol.2 No.5

        본 연구는 함수언어의 번역기 개발을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 지연어의를 갖 는 원시함수 언어를 정의하고 그것의 번역기를 설계, 구현, 평가한다. 함수프로그램의 실행모형은 G-기계를 기반으로 한 컴비네이터 그래프축소이다. 번역기는 전체 4단계로 구성되며 원시프로그램을 C를 사용한 목적프로그램으로 번역한다. 번역기의 첫 번째 단계에서는 원시프로그램을 확장람다계산 그래프로 번역하고, 두 번째 단계에서 수 퍼컴비네이터그래프로 변환하고, 세 번째 단계에서 G-기계어 프로그램으로 번역하고, 마지막 단계에서 G-기계어 프로그램을 C로 번역한다. 생성된 목적 프로그램은 C 컴파 일러에 의해서 실행 프로그램은 번역한다. 번역기 구현은 UNIX환경에서 컴파일러 자동 화 도구인 YACC, Lex를 이용하여 구문분석기, 어휘분석기를 구현하고, 그 외의 루틴은 C로 구현한다. 본 논문에서는 번역기에 사용된 구현기법과 수행결과를 기술한다. This study is aimed at construction of a translator for a functional programming language. For this goal we define a functional programming language which has lazy semantics and develop a translator for it. The execution model selected is the G-machine-based combinator graph reduction. The translator is composed of 4 phases and translates a source program to a C program. The first phase of the translator translates a source program to a enriched lambda- calculus graph, the second phase transforms a lambda-calculus graph into supercombinators, the third phase translates supercombiantors to a G program and the last phase translates the G program to a C program. The final result of the translator, a C program, is compiled to an executable program by C compiler. The translator is implemented in C using compiler development tools such as TACC and Lex, under the UNIX environments. In this paper we present the design and implementation techniques for developing the translator and show results by executing some test problems.

      • 비선형 소자 및 서지억제회로의 Pspice 시뮬레이션

        이복희,공영은,최원규,전덕규,Lee, Bok-Hui,Gong, Yeong-Eun,Choe, Won-Gyu,Jeon, Deok-Gyu 대한전기학회 2000 전기학회논문지C Vol.54 No.12

        This paper presents Pspice modeling methods for spark gaps and ZnO varistors and describes the application for the two-stage surge suppression circuit which was composed of the nonlinear components. The simulation modelings of nonlinear components were conducted on the basis of the voltage and current curves measured by the impulse current with the time-to-crest of $1~50 \mus$ and the impulse voltage with the rate of the time-to-crest of 10, 100 and 1000 V/\mus$</TEx>. The firing voltages of the spark gap increased with increasing the rate of the time-to-crest of impulse voltage and the measured data were in good agreement with the simulated data. The I-V curves of the ZnO varistor were measured by applying the impulse currents of which time-to-crests range from 1 to $50 \mus$ and peak amplitudes from 10 A to 2 kA. The simulation modeling was based on the I-V curves replotted by taking away the inductive effects of the test circuit and leads. The meximum difference between the measured and calculated data was of the order of 3%. Also the two-stage surge suppression circuit made of the spark gap and the ZnO varistor was investigated with the impulse voltage of $10/1000\mus$$mutextrm{s}$ wave shape. The overall agreement between the theoretical and experimental results seems to be acceptable. As a consequence, it was known that the proposed simulation techniques could effectively be used to design the surge suppression circuits combined with nonlinear components.

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