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        대학생 다단계판매 관련 지식정도 및 실태조사

        이은화,양세정 한국소비자정책교육학회 2012 소비자정책교육연구 Vol.8 No.4

        본 연구는 대학생을 대상으로 다단계판매에 관련한 지식 정도와 다단계판매에의 노출 정도에 관한 조사연구로, 이를 통하여 대학생 다단계 판매와 관련한 체계적인 방지책 마련을 위한 기초자료를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한 다. 본 조사는 한국YMCA연맹과의 공동 작업으로 2009년 5월 1일에서 11월 30일까지 서울 시내 소재 5개 대 학(건국대, 상명대, 서울여대, 성공회대, 성신여대)에 재학 혹은 휴학 중인 대학생을 포함한 984명이 분석대상으 로 하였다. 각 학교를 방문, 임의 추출된 학생들로 하여금 자기기입식으로 답변하도록 하였고, 체계화된 설문지 를 사용하였다. 대학생 응답자들의 다단계 판매에 관한 지식수준은 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 총 13개의 문항이 다단계판매 관련 지식 정도를 측정하기 위해 사용됐는데, 정답을 맞힌 문항은 평균 5.19개이었으며, 10개 이상 맞힌 정답자는 3.8%인 37명에 불과했다. 전체 응답자 중 다단계 판매교육 및 회원가입 권유 경험자는 61명으로 총 응답자의 6.2%로 나타났으며 그중 다단계교육에 직접 참가한 응답자는 23명으로 61명 중 37.7%에 해당하는 비율이었 고, 총 응답자의 2.3%정도 이었다. 대학생 응답자들은 다단계를 통한 재산상의 피해가 가장 크다(83.6%)고 응 답하였으며 부모, 형제간의 인간관계의 깨짐(64.1%)과 건전한 근로의식 저해 및 사행심 조장(62.4%)을 피해 항목으로 꼽았다. 이에 따른 개선방안으로는 정부의 법적 규제 강화(46.0%)의 응답자 수가 많았으며 정부의 홍 보를 통한 올바른 다단계 인식 확산(19.2%)과 다단계 피해예방 교육 확대(15.9%)가 그 뒤를 이어, 정부의 역 할을 강조하고 있음을 알 수 있다.

      • 21세기에 대비한 반편견 교육

        이은화 대한어린이교육협회 1999 어린이교육 Vol.- No.1

        조선일보에「글로벌 에티켓」이란 캄럼이 있다. 여기에는 생각이 있는 사암들의 글이 실리는데, 특히 세계화를 지향하는 한국 실정에 걸림들이 된다고 생각되는 소중한 경험을 담긴 글이 소개된다. 1999년 6월26일자 신문에"호전적 한국인?"이란 글에, 한국에 나와있는 미국인의 말을 인용한 내용의 글이 살려 있다. "...서울 시내에서 길을 걷가보면 사람들과 부딪치며,그 무뚝뚝한 표정은 둘쨰치고,무엇이 그리도 급한지 어꺠로 사람을 밀치고 부딪치며 겆는 모습들은 마치 미식축구 선수들이 상대 상대팀선수들을 제치고 달리는 모습과 같다"라는 것이다. 물론 서울은 공간이 비좁고 인구밀도가 많아서 그렇다고 대답할 수도 있을 것이다. 그러나 뉴욕이나 시카고의 번화가도 서울보다 더 복잡한데도 서로서로 밀치지 않으려고 몸가짐이나 기본 에티켓을 가지고 걷는다. 한국인은 일 분 일 초라도 다른 이들을 제치고 먼저가야 한다는 조바심에 사로잡혀 있는 듯하다는 것이 한국인들의 생활습관을 관찰한 외국인들의 반응이기도 하다. 그뿐인가?한국인들이 가지고 있는 유색인종에 대한 편견은 세계 어느 나라 사람들보다 심한 편이다. 이것은 인류학자인 이광규(1998)가 언급했듯이"한국인은 단일민족으로서의 경험이 너무 길었고 다른 민족과 더불어 사는 지혜가 없는 민족"이기 떄문이기도 한다.

      • KCI등재

        都市 低所得層 幼兒園어린이의 營養實態 및 食生態 調査 總括

        李恩和,牟壽美 대한보건협회 1986 대한보건연구 Vol.12 No.1

        This is an overall assessment of young child nutrition and food ecology, which was conducted in the low income areas of Seoul and Daegu, between 1982 and 1984. Determination was made on a total of 455 urban young children, 3 to 6 years old, in Saemaul day care centers, in the areas of Sancheon dong, Bongcheon 5-dong and Hawolkog 3-dong in the city of Seoul; and Eumnae dong in the city of Daegu. The results are summarized as follows: 1) Intake of energy and nutrients except thiamin were below the RDAs; iron was the most limited nutrient. Carbohydrate provided 71.2% of total energy intake; protein accounted for 12.5%; fat provided 16.3%. Forty percent of daily protein intake was derived from animal sources. Energy intake was divided among breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack, in a percentage ratio of 19.6 : 25.1 : 21.9 : 33.4. 2) During infancy, 65% of the children had been breast-fed; 13.4% had been bottle-fed; and 21.6% had been combination-fed before the introduction of solid supplementary foods. 3) Seventeen percent of the subjects had many dislikes in what they ate; 49% had a certain number of dislikes; and 34% had good food preference. There was a strong correlation between appetite or food preference and anthropometric measurements. The foods which children liked best were fruits, milk, seaweed and Chajang noodles. Disliked foods were rice cooked with beans, aromatic vegetables, eggplants and strongly spiced meals. The survey clarified that day care feeding amply supplemented an inadequate dietary intake at home, for these young children. 4) Mean value of height, weight, arm circumference, girth of chest, and head circumference ranged from 95.9∼100.2% of KIST mean. However, 9.3% of the subjects were assessed as undernourished in terms of 'weight for height.' 5) Mean hemoglobin value was 12.5±1.0%/dl., and mean hematocrit value was 37.5±3.1% ; 6.6% of the subjects were proven to be anemic according to the criterion of hemoglovin; and 12.6% of the subjects were proven to be anemic in terms of the standard value of hematocrit, of the WHO. Mean urinary urea nitrogen/creatinine ratio was 12.4 ; values decreased with increasing age. The results suggest a need for training of day care personnel and mothers for better nutritional care of these young children.

      • KCI등재

        어휘투명도를 활용한 중국어 어휘 교수·학습 방안 연구

        이은화 한국중국언어학회 2017 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.73

        The study of lexical transparency provided a theoretical (psychological) basis for the question of which of the character-centered teaching and the word-centered teaching is more effective for teaching vocabulary to learners. The purpose of this study is to improve the efficiency of the vocabulary teaching for Korean learners of Chinese language and their learning of this language by identifying the effects of lexical transparency on the vocabulary acquisition by Korean learners of Chinese language through an experiment. According to the results, the mean and standard deviation of transparent, translucent and opaque vocabularies showed a certain difference depending on Korean learners' strategies for learning Chinese vocabulary and related teaching methods. The learners who in learning Chinese vocabulary, inferred its whole meaning by analyzing it centering on character which is morpheme had a higher correct-answer rate of the transparent vocabulary and the translucent vocabulary. Even though the learners do not consciously learn the transparent vocabulary, they can analogize and infer its meaning by utilizing Chinese characters already learned in natural reading processes, and acquire it naturally through this series of processes. Based on these results, this paper presented the criteria for selecting characters for the teaching and learning of character-centered vocabulary targeting Korean learners of Chinese language and discussed practical methods for applying vocabulary teaching and learning.

      • KCI등재

        성과 연령과 형제 자매의 유무가 유아의 친구 선택에 미치는 영향

        이은화,김희진,김난실,이승연 한국유아교육학회 1995 유아교육연구 Vol.15 No.1

        본 연구는 성(性), 연령, 또는 형제 · 자매의 유무가 유아의 친구 선택에 미치는 상호작용적인 영향을 발달학적 측면에서 살펴보았다. 연구 결과, 유아들은 친구를 선택할 때 (1)연령보다는 성(性)을 중시하는 것으로 나타났으며, (2)동성(同性)/동일 연령의 유아를 가장 선호하였고, (3)이성(異性)/다른 연령의 유아를 가장 선호하지 않았으며, 이러한 모든 경향은 유아의 연령이 증가할수록 높아졌다. 또한, 형제·자매가 있는 유아들은 독자(獨子)인 유아들보다 동성(同性)/다른 연령의 유아를 더 선호하는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과의 의의와 현장에의 시사점이 토의되었다. This study examined the effects of gender, age, and siblings on children's selection of their playmates. The subjects were 243 three-, four-, and five-year olds enrolled in two kindergartens in Seoul. Two research assistants who were blind to the purposes of this study interviewed the children. First, the children were presented with two photos (one showing a child of same-age) and were asked to indicate their preference. Next, they were presented with four photos (a child of same age/same-gender, same-gender, same-age/different-gender, different-age/same gender, and different-age/different-gender, respectively) and were again asked to indicate whom they like to play with in the order of their preference. The results showed that children considered gender to be most important when they chose a peer to play with. Furthermore, children preferred a same gender/ same-age child the most and a different-gender/different-age child the least. The tendencies of children to prioritize gender over age in the selection of a playmate and to prefer a same-age/same-gender peer increased with age. Finally, children with siblings seemed to be less hesitant than children without siblings to play with a same-gender/different-age playmate. Theoretical and practical implications of this study were discussed and suggestions for future study were made.

      • 유아교육기관의 시설 및 설비에 관한 실태조사 연구

        이은화,이경우,이기숙 이화여자대학교 한국문화연구원 1985 韓國文化硏究院 論叢 Vol.46 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to examine equipment and facilities of preschools throughout the country of Korea, and to provide cramples of many possible options which might be applied by administrators to choose alternatives or make adaptations of suggestions to best fit the needs of the program. The study contents are as follows: A. Number of children and the ratio of teachers to children B. Location of the school and structure of the building C. Children's Activity Room 1. Rom size 2. Exit-entry 3. Window area D. Indoor Equipment 1. Desks 2. chairs 3. Children's cubbies (or lockers) 4. Storage units (or bins) for instructional materials 5. Children's restrooms (Method of Study) A. Preschools studied Thrity five preschools were studied. The types and locations were chosen from big cities such as Seoul, Pusan and Incheon : and provinces such as KyungKi, North and South Choong Chung, North and South, Chunla, North and South Kyung Sang and Kang Won. In order to compare managerial style, private kindergartens, Saemaeul nursery school, campus laboratory kindergartens (Junior College laboratory kindergartens included), and kindergartens attached to primary school which are small in number because of their location in counties, are included. B. Method of Evaluation A questionnaire was designed by the researchers determine the adequacy of housing and equipment. The questionnaire included questions in the following criteria: designed layout (5 items), location of the school and structure(12), activity room(18), desks and chairs(6), children's cubbies(3), storage units(3), and restroom(7). C. Procedure Seven graduate school students majoring in early childhood education were employed and trained to examine and record questionnaire in April, 1984. The survey was done from May to July, 1984. The recorded questionnaires which were inappropriate and under, were sent back and rechecked during this period. The data was analyzed in August and September, 1984. Data frequency and percentages were used in analysis. <Summary and Conclusions> The results of the study are as follows: A. Number of children and the teacher-child ratio 1) Number of children: The average number of children in a classroom was 38.7. 25. 7% of the preschools contained more than 40 children in a classroom. 2) Teacher-child ratio: The average teacher-child ratio was 1 : 19.2 in campus laboratory kindergartens; 1: 32 in private kindergartens attached to primary school and Saemaeul Nursery schools. B. Location of the school and structure of the building 1) School location : 54.3% of the preschools were located in residential zoning and 28.6% in school zoning. 2) Floor level used: Among the preschools, 54.3% used ground floor; 25.7% second floor: and 14.3% third floor up. C. Children's Activity Room 1) Room size: 48.8% of the preschools had 51-100m2 activity rooms, while 27.6% had 59m2 or less. 2) Number of doors: 51.4% of the preschools had one or two doors on each classroom, while 31.4% and only one door. 3) Door knob location: Door knobs were located at an average height of 83.8cm. 35.3% of the preschools had door knobs which were over the height of 90cm. 4) Windowsill height: The average height of windowsill of the preschools was 89cm. 20% of the schools had windowsill 100cm height or above, and 17.1% below 70cm. 5) Window area: 20% of the preschools had merely adequate area, while 65.7% had more than adequate window area. D. Indoor Equipment 1) Desks: The shapes of desk were mainly rectangular and semicircular. Semicircular desks averaged 92.6cm in diameters. Diameters varied from 50-121cm. Rectangular desks varied from 30x50cm to 90x180cm in size. The height of the desk averaged 52.8cm. 73.5% if the desks were between 50 and 55cm high and 17.6% were over 55cm. 2) Chairs: The average chair height was 28.2cm. 3) Cubbies: 60% of the schools arranged children's cubbies in the activity room. 28.5% of the schools had cubbies 100cm high or higher. 17.1% of the kindergartens and 111-120cm high cubbies which are higher than children's heights. 4) Storage units: 65.7% of the preschools ha one side open storage units for instructional materials. While 25.7% of them had both sides open. The height of open storage units was 92.4cm in average. 24.3% of the preschools had above 100cm. 37.1% of the storage units were movable ones. 5) Restrooms: 22.9% of the kindergarten had children's restrooms in the activity rooms, while 20% had them outside of the building. Oriental toilets were installed in 62.9% of the restrooms. 17.1% of the restrooms had both western-type toilets and non-flush toilets. Oriental toilets to the number of children varied as follows: 1:16 for campus laboratory kindergartens: 1: 25 for private kindergartens. 74.3% of the preschools installed sinks in the restroom with 25.7% of them above 60cm high. The ratio of the number of sink to children was 1:27.6 in private kindergartens ; 1:28.8 in campus laboratory kindergartens.

      • KCI등재

        Degassing 조건이 Ni-Cr 합금의 도재결합력에 미치는 영향

        이은화,전영찬,정창모,임장섭,Lee, Eun-Hwa,Jeon, Young-Chan,Jeong, Chang-Mo,Lim, Jang-Seop 대한치과보철학회 2000 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        This study evaluated the effect of degassing on the ceramic bond strength of two Ni-Cr alloys under varying holding time at the upper limit temperature and atmospheric conditions. Metal specimens were divided into 5 groups for each alloy according to degassing conditions prior to porcelain application no degassing, degassing under vacuum without hold, degassing under vacuum with hold for 5 min. and 10 min. respectively at the upper limit temperature and degassing in air. Total number of metal ceramic specimens was eighty and each group had eight specimens. The ceramic bond strength was measured by four-point flexural test using Instron and the fractured surface was examined under SEM. The results obtained were as follows. 1. Degassing in air improved the ceramic bond strength of Ni-Cr alloys. 2. In degassing under vacuum, hold at the upper limit temperature was advantageous to the ceramic bonding of Ni-Cr alloys. 3. After ceramic metal bond test, metal surfaces were partially covered with the thin porcelain layer, and the cohesive failures in porcelain were predominant in groups showing higher ceramic bond strength.

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