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        총련계 재일여성시의 인문지리적 연구

        최종환(Choi Jong Hwan) 한국비평문학회 2016 批評文學 Vol.- No.60

        이 연구는 총련 문예동 소속 여성 시인들의 시를 인문지리학의 견지에서 살피고 있다. (신)문화지리학의 “보는 방식”(a way of seeing) 이론의 견지에서 그들 시가 ‘조국’을 경관화해 온 방식에 주목하고자 하였다. 그들 작품량이 많지 않은 관계로 조국의 지리학적 맥락이 분명이 펼쳐지는 부분을 중심으로 살폈다. 그들 무의식 층위를 분석하면 문예동의 일반 시인들이 그려온 ‘조국’ 지형이 일관된 것만은 아니었을 것이란 가설이 실제적으로 증명된다. 허옥녀와 강명숙의 시에 발현한 공화국의 지층은 그들 육친이 살아갔던 가정의 지층과 섞이기도 한다. 이 과정에서 그들의 독특한 조국-지리가 만들어지기도 했다. 주로 한으로 점철된 선친의 기억과 연계하면서 감성적 조국의 경관이 경험된 것이다. 그 기억에서 호출된 어머니는 ‘전사 어머니’ 위치로부터 풀려난 ‘죽은 어머니’, ‘엄마’, ‘딸’, ‘며느리’, ‘손녀’, ‘소녀’ 등으로 이동한다. 그것이 문예동의 것과는 다소 미세한 조국의 경관을 구성한다. 이 각 위치에서 나타난 조국은 그 상응 경관을 합성하면서 문예동의 관념화된 조국과는 다른 경관을 드러낸다. 때문에 이 두 시인에게 조국은 무오류의 공화국 공간으로만은 나타나지 않는다. 눈물로 가득하거나 시취(屍臭) 풍기는 공화국이 거기에 있다. 이 조국의 경관 속에는 일반적인 문예동 그룹에서는 1990년대까지 말하기 어려웠던 병고, 죽음 문제도 녹아 있다. 때때로 그들은 고독이 이는 자신의 가정 안으로 김일성이나 김정일의 얼굴까지 초대한다. 아울러 죽은 모친을 공화국의 목련 나무에서 피어나게도 했다. 이는 문예동 여성시인들이 그린 한반도 지도가 문예동의 지도를 예민하게 벗어나는 곳에서도 그려졌음을 지시한다. 이 시각은 지금까지 공간이나 지대 위주로 접근해 온 디아스포라문학 연구의 관성을 극복케 할 것으로 예상된다. This study examined the works of female poets belonging to the Chongryun “Munyedong” from the perspective of the (new) cultural geography. In particular, the manner their poems depicted their mother country was analyzed based on the theory of “a way of seeing.” Since there were a limited number of poems, the parts with a clear geographical personality were the focus of the examination. This analysis of the subconscious strata of poetry written by female Koreans living in Japan reveals the truth of their beliefs suggesting that the topography of their mother country outlined by the Munyedong group is not consistent. The poems of Heo Oknyeo and Kang Myungsuk show glimpses of a situation in which the stratum of the republic in which the leader exists mixes with the stratum of the family in which their blood relatives once lived to form a geography of the mother country. The geography of their mother country emerges as an emotional landscape of the motherland as it connects to the inner turmoil of their late father who was plagued with deep sorrowful resentment. The mother, summoned from memories, migrates from the position of ‘warrior mother’ to positions such as ‘departed mother’, ‘mother‘, ‘daughter’, ‘daughter-in-law’,‘ ’granddaughter’, and ‘girl’, and this allows the reader to experience a corresponding microscopic landscape of the mother country. The landscapes of the motherland presented from each of these posts are often complex. For the two poets, the mother country appears as a place filled with tears or as the face of a cosmos flower exuding the brilliant scent of corpses. Among these are included even the cries related to sickness and death, which the mainstream poets of the Munyedong found difficult to address until the 1990s. Furthermore, they invite the faces of Kim Il-Sung or Kim Jong-Il into the family where desolation would spread. This mingling of scenes portrayed the dead mother as a hortensia flower blooming from a magnolia tree in the republic. This is a case that “actualizes” the fact that the map of the Korean peninsula outlined by female Korean poets living in Japan was slightly different from the ideological map of the mother country drawn by the mainstream poets of the Munyedong. The human geography perspective of this research is expected to allow the study to go beyond the current inertia of diaspora literature that has approached the subject mainly through space or location

      • 전신방사선조사(Total Body Irradiation) 시 Beam Spoiler와 환자 간의 거리에 관한 고찰

        최종환,김종식,최지민,신은혁,송기원,박영환,Choi, Jong-Hwan,Kim, Jong-Sik,Choi, Ji-Min,Shin, Eun-Hyuk,Song, Ki-Won,Park, Young-Hwan 대한방사선치료학회 2007 대한방사선치료학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        Purpose: Total body irradiation is used to kill the total malignant cell and for immunosuppression component of preparatory regimens for bone-marrow restitution of patients. Beam spoiler is used to increase the dose to the superficial tissues. This paper finds the property of the distance between beam spoiler and patient. Materials and Methods: Set-up conditions are 6 MV-Xray, 300 MU, SAD = 400 cm, field size = $40{\times}40cm^2$. The parallel plate chamber located in surface, midpoint and exit of solid water phantom. The surface dose is measured while the distance between beam spoiler and patient is altered. Because it should be found proper distance. The solid water phantom is fixer and beam spoiler is moving. Results: Central dose of phantom is 10.7 cGy and exit dose is 6.7 cGy. In case of distance of 50 cm to 60 cm between beam spoiler and solid water phantom, incidence dose is $14.58{\sim}14.92cGy$. Therefore, The surface dose was measured $99.4{\sim}101%$ with got near most to the prescription dose. Conclusion: In clinical case, distance between beam spoiler and patient affect surface dose. If once $50{\sim}60cm$ of distance between beam spoiler and patient, surface dose of patient got near prescription dose. It would be taken distance between beam spoiler and patient into account in clinical therapy.

      • KCI등재

        하종오 시의 "트랜스담론"과 "민족공동권" 소고

        최종환 ( Jong Hwan Choi ) 韓國世界文學比較學會 2012 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.41 No.-

        Ha, Jong-oh’s poem is beyond the simple diaspora literature since it shows that the situation of in-depth origins of the Republic of Korea is not much different than the surface through the vague voices of immigrant workers because even ethnic narrative related to the origin in ‘Trans space’ is questioned. In other words, it was shown that immigrant workers drawn by him are not the subjects welcomed in Korea as multi-cultural guests, but rather that self-evident ethnic origin is just the ‘flowing surface’ by separating the character of the state from the nation state, Republic of Korea. That is, their ‘external character’ rescales the Republic of Korea. The results of the study are as follows: First, he reveals through the gaze of immigrant workers who show ``curiosity`` about Korea that Korea is not a place only for Korean anymore but also a place which can be ‘used’ by occupiers. Second, this question was implemented as a cross-question about Korea``s National Ethics while comparing the lives of immigrant workers with the lives of animals. That was a question about globalism concerning manifold forms of violence, in other words, it was a question about the laws of Korea. Third, the poet knew that the national history of Korea was a place in conjunction with the ``transnational history`` of immigrants as a random narrative. If the first one was nothing but the nation’s rhetoric, the two were not opposing but related in parallel. That means that existing Korea was softened by setting Korea as a new space: through looking not at ``citizens / non-citizens``, but as ``occupiers``, he tries to set both histories as one joint ethic. Ha, Jong-oh’s poem is a ‘Trance Nation literature’ by trying to show that Korea’s ‘being Korea’ is not a matter of noble ethnicity, but consists of a ‘nation effect’. This new ‘sovereign place’, which has been used only by Koreans, is now used by ‘occupants’. This leads to global publicity which is the possibility of sovereign occupation of the immigrant workers and new publicity and universality.

      • KCI등재

        경계(境界)의 또 다른 가능성 ― 시차적 관점으로 읽는 `재일조선인 시`

        최종환 ( Choi Jong-hwan ) 국제어문학회 ( 구 국제어문학연구회 ) 2012 국제어문 Vol.55 No.-

        월경자 문학의 `경계`를 `시차적 관점`(parallax view)으로 보면 그동안의 디아스포라적`경계담론`의 `중립성`이 이데올로기였음이 나타난다. 가령 재일조선인 문학에 있어서 `조국` · `민족` · `북한` 각각은, 그것을 보는 두 가지 관점에 의해 (불)가능하게 연결된 풍경이다. 예컨대, 북한을 보는 앞관점(낯선 곳으로서의 북한)이 그 이후 관점(공화국으로서의 북한)에 의해 겹쳐질 때, 남북 간엔 중립성을 가능케 해 줄 대칭적 거리가 상실된다. 이 경우 남한에 대한 이야기는 북에 대한 재일조선인의 나르씨시즘적 시선에 의해 구성되는 서사가 된다. 중립성을 띤 것으로 보이는 `민족친선`의 호소 또한 공화국에 의해 주사된 중립의 이데올로기로 기능한다. 민족에 대한 비이데올로기적 호소가 강렬하게 일어났던 곳이 주체이데올로기의 장소였다는 것, 재일조선인 문학의 경계-풍경은 한 대상에 대한 두 관점이 불가능하게 양립하는 이 지점에서 관측된다. 때문에 이 경계성은 남과 북 각각을 보는 관점들을 완충하는 `교집합`의 공간에서만도, 다른 관점들을 포용하는 `차이`의 공간에서만도 나타나지 않는다. 이는 그들 시의 경계성을 남과 북 간의 탈 이데올로기적 공간에 위치시키려고 해 온 그간 논의를 재점검해 볼 것을 요구한다. `경계`를 `시차 경계`로 다시 읽을 것을 제안하는 이 글은 디아스포라문학 연구의 중간점검에도 도움을 줄 것이다. When the `boundary` of border-violators` literature is seen from a parallax view, it turns out that the `neutrality` of the diasporic `discourse of boundary` was an ideology. In literature by Korean residents in Japan, let us say, the `mother land,` the `nation,` and `North Korea` individually are landscapes (im)possibly connected by opposite two viewpoints. For example, when a first view of North Korea (North Korea as a strange place) is folded by its opposite view (North Korea as a republic), the symmetric distance is lost that will make a neutrality between South and North Korea. In this case, a story about South Korea is a kind of Narcissism occurring when it is captured from the view of North Korea by Korean residents in Japan. The appeal to `national amity` ignited within this view also functions as an ideology of neutrality injected by the republic. Given that it was the places of the subjectivity ideology where a non-ideological appeal to nation was intense, the novel border & landscape of literature by Korean residents in Japan are observed at the point where two impossible views of a subject are compatible. Because of this, this boundedness cannot appear in the space of `intersection` where views of South and North are buffed as well as in the space of `difference` where things are embraced from the view of reciprocity. This requires the discussion so far to be reviewed that has tried to place the poems` boundedness in the post-ideological space between South and North. This article, which propose re-reading `boundary` as `parallax boundary`, will give help in mid-examination of research in this theme.

      • KCI등재

        여성노인의 올바른 보행자세 평가를 위한 측정평가도구 개발

        최종환(Jong Hwan Choi),엄석주(Seok Joo Eom),김현주(Hyeon Ju Kim),노기택(Ki Taek No),이주천(Ju Tian Lee),김두환(Du Hwan Kim) 한국발육발달학회 2011 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to develop a measurement and evaluation tool for analysis of posture and movement during gait, predict abnormal gait pattern, and suggest the basic data of correct position for the elderly women. For this study, 30 elderly women(76.73 ± 4.86(yrs), 152.57 ± 3.93(cm), 53.15 ± 6.34(kg)) who live in C city were participated. The developed gait tool was classified according to frontal and lateral gait movement. 13 items of classification and 14 questions of miner contents in frontal, 12 items of classification and 14 questions of miner contents in lateral were completed by literature reviews and experts consultation. Data analysis was used Cronbah-alpha and Intra-class correlation coefficient(ICC). The results were as follows; First, Frontal posture Cronbach-alpha in reliability analysis of the evaluated questions was .81. Second, Lateral posture Cronbach-alpha was .80. Third, ICCs of most questions by evaluator were significant in both frontal and lateral gait movements. Therefore, this study may suggest that this developed measurement instrument analyze gait posture correctly and be an effective guideline on their detailed movement for elderly women.

      • KCI등재

        12주간의 산림걷기 운동이 여성노인의 기능적 체력과 신체상에 미치는 영향

        최종환(Choi, Jong-Hwan),김현주(Kim, Hyeon-Ju) 한국산림휴양학회 2017 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 산림걷기 운동이 여성노인의 일상생활관련 기능적 체력과 신체상에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위한 것이다. 산림걷기 운동집단(FWG, n=18, 70.44±3.71)과 트레드밀걷기 운동집단(TWG, n=16, 69.57±3.78)으로 구분하여 12주간 주 3회, 1회 80분간 걷기 운동을 실시하여 기능적 체력(근력, 유연성, 민첩성/평형성, 심폐지구력, 체질량지수)과 신체상(체중요인, 건강요인, 몸매요인)의 변화를 측정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 12주 운동 프로그램 후 FWG이 TWG보다 하체근력, 상체와 하체 유연성, 민첩성/평형성, 그리고 심폐지구력이 더 효과적으로 향상되었다. 그러나 12주 프로그램 후 상체근력과 체질량지수에서는 두 집단 간에 차이가 없었다. 둘째, 12주 운동 프로그램 후 FWG이 TWG보다 체중관련 신체상 요인과 몸매관련 신체상 요인에서 더 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 12주 프로그램 후 건강관련 신체상 요인에서는 두 집단 간에 차이가 없었다. 따라서 본 연구는 산림걷기 운동이 여성노인의 기능적 체력과 신체상을 긍정적으로 변화시키고, 나아가서 노인의 건강하고 역동적인 생활을 위한 효과적인 운동방법이라고 제안한다. This study aims to investigate the effect of 12-week forest walking on functional fitness, body image in the elderly women. There were two groups: forest walking group (FWG, n=18, 70.44±3.71) and treadmill walking group (TWG, n=16, 69.57±3.78). The subjects were asked to participate in forest walking program or treadmill walking program (3 times/week, 80min/day) for 12 weeks. The subjects were tested on functional fitness (strength, flexibility, agility/balance, cardiovascular endurance, and BMI) and body image (weight factor, health factor, and body-shape factor) at the beginning and the end of the 12-week program. The result of this study were as follow. First, FWG was significantly more improved than TWG on lower-body muscular strength, lower-body flexibility, agility/balance, cardiovascular endurance after 12-week exercise program. But there was no difference between both groups on upper-body muscular strength and BMI after 12-week exercise program. Second, FWG was significantly more effective than TWG on weight factor and body-shape factor of body image after 12-week exercise program. However there was no difference between both groups on health factor of body image after 12-week exercise program. Therefore, this study may suggest that forest walking exercise improves efficiently on functional fitness and body image in the elderly women, and further becomes an effective exercise method for their healthy and dynamic life.

      • KCI등재

        재일조선인시의 "이야기 정체성"(narrative-identity) 연구 - "낙원 모티프"를 중심으로-

        최종환 ( Jong Hwan Choi ) 한민족어문학회 2015 韓民族語文學 Vol.0 No.70

        총련계 재일조선인은 1959년 공화국 측의 1차 귀국 사업에 부응하면서 ‘민족 이야기’에 더욱 집착한다. ‘민족’에 집착해 온 그들이 민족 ‘이야기’에 몰입하게 된 것이다. 그 이야기의 대부분은 공화국으로부터 건네진 것이고, 재일본조선인문학예술가동맹 측 시의 분명한 창작 동력이 되어주었다. 그때부터 문예동 시인들은 수령이나 공화국에 대한 이야기를 ‘반복’하는 행위에 돌입한다. 지상 낙원인 공화국에 대해 이야기할 때 고향의 기억이 선명해졌고, 민족적 정체성도 분명히 감지됐기 때문이다. 이 순간 쓰이는 그들 시에서 고향 강원도나 제주도 등에서 노닐던 유년기의 노스탤지어도 강하게 일어났던 것이다. 동포 집단 이데올로기의 외부에 존재할 것이라 생각된 ‘민족’, 그래서 민족적 정체성의 원본이 되어줄 것이라 믿어진 민족은 공화국 이야기가 선재(先在)해줄 때만 나타나는 민족의 시뮬라크르였던 것이다. 본 연구는 이 맥락을 신형기가 ‘북한문학론’에서 언급한‘이야기론’을 참조하고 데리다의 에크리튀르 이론을 간접 원용하면서 살펴보고자 하였다. 아울러 이를 분석할 수 있는 틀로서 ‘이야기정체성’ 문제에 대해 주목하였다. 이를 위해 총련계 류인성과 고봉전의 시에 주목하였다. 류인성의 시에서는 공화국 측이야기를 반복할 때 유년의 장소가 강하게 환기된다. 그가 돌아가고자 하는 고향 강원도는, 공화국의 이야기나 수령의 항일혁명 등의 이야기 속에서만 ‘순수한’ 민족적 정체성을 드러낸다. 가령 류인성 시에 나타난 “제비” 모티프와 “귀로”의 상상력은 어머니와 할머니가 있던 유년의 강원도로 회귀하려는 시인의 발걸음이 공화국의 낙원으로 돌아가는 발걸음과 다른 것이 아님을 보여준다. 고봉전 또한 공화국 이야기를 반복하면서 어린 시절의 눈부신 제주 바다 속으로 들어간다. 그 순수의 자리에서 그가 본 것은 제주도의 푸른바다처럼 일어나는 공화국의 건설현장이었다. 그는 공화국의 속도전 사업에 헌신할 때열리게 될 주체조선의 이야기와 수령의 교육전사로 활동하는 동포들의 이야기까지도 반복한다. 이야기가 순환하는 이 순간에 경험되는 그의 ‘민족적 정체성’ 또한 궁극적으로 상기 ‘이야기 정체성’과 다르지 않은 것임을 밝히고자 하였다. In 1959, Korean Japanese of Consolidated Alliance of Koreans in Japan begin to focus more and more on the ‘story of minjok’ to support North Korea’s first project to return Korean Japanese to Korea. They had been obsessed with the idea of ‘minjok’ and now there were immersed in it ‘story’. Most of the stories were handed down from North Korea, which was supported by creative force of poetry of Alliance of Korean Artists and Writers in Japan. Since then, the poets of the ‘Alliance’ began to reiterate the story of Kim Il-seong and North Korea. It was because talking about North Korea as a paradise on earth made their memories of home clearer and more powerful nationality identity could be experienced. That is, at least at that moment, it was possible to invoke powerful nostalgia about the period of youth in Gangwon-do or Jeju-do. Minjok was an idea that had been thought outside the ideologically oriented Koreans in Japan and therefore expected to provide a prototype national identity. Therefore, it was a simulacre of minjok that would appear only when discussing the story of North Korea, its carbon copy. The research uses as analytical method Shin Hyung Ki’s ‘Theory on North Korean Literature’ and Derrida’s supplement theory and approached the problem in the framework of ‘story identity.’ In order to demonstrate the story identity, the poetry of Ryu In-seong and Go Bong-jeon, who were not studied extensively in previous literatures, were selected for re-examination. The place of youth is powerfully reminded in Ryu In-seong’s poetry when the story of North Korea is told repeatedly. His hometown he wished to return to was Gangwon-do and it reveals its pure national identity only in the story of anti-Japanese revolutions against Kim Il-seong. Likewise, Go Bong-jeon also drives into the sparkling sea of Jeju-do island in his youth only when he reiterates the story of North Korea. The goal of this paper to prove that ‘national identity’ in such experiences is not different from ““story identity””suggested above.

      • KCI등재

        Sensory-motor 기능 훈련이 노인들의 낙상관련 근기능, 이동성, 평형성에 미치는 영향

        최종환(Jong Hwan Choi) 한국발육발달학회 2010 한국발육발달학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sensory-motor functional training on fallrelated muscular function, mobility, and balance in the elderly. The subjects(n=32) were assigned to 2 groups: sensory-motor functional training(SMFT) group(n=16, 68.72±3.32 yrs) and Traditional training(TT) group(n=16, 67.21±4.69yrs). The subjects were asked to participate in SMFT program or TT program(3 times/week, 80min/day) for 12 weeks. The subjects were tested on muscular function, mobility, balance at the beginning and the end of the 12-weeks program. For data analysis, mean and standard deviation scores were calculated, and independent t-tests and ANCOVA were used. After 12-weeks training program, the result of this study were as follow: First, even though both groups showed an improvement on fall-related muscular strength and static balance after 12 weeks, but both groups did not show any difference. Second, SMFT group was better than TT group on fallrelated muscular endurance, mobility, dynamic balance. Therefore, this study may suggest that exercise program based on SMFT improves fall-related muscular function, mobility, and balance in the elderly, and further becomes an effective exercise that prevents from falling.

      • KCI등재

        산림기반 맞춤형 건강관리 플랫폼 개발 및 서비스 효과검증

        최종환(Choi, Jong-Hwan),김현주(Kim, Hyeon-Ju) 한국산림휴양복지학회 2020 한국산림휴양학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구의 목적은 산림기반 건강관리 플랫폼을 개발하고, 효과 검증을 통해 실제 산림치유 현장에서의 사용가능성을 알아보는 것이다. 산림기반 건강관리 플랫폼은 기초건강정보와 모바일 웹에 자동 혹은 수동 입력되는 신체 및 심리 건강상태 정보를 분석하여 맞춤 산림치유활동을 추천하고, 손목에 착용한 웨어러블 기기를 통해 산림운동을 모니터링하여 올바른 운동정보를 제공한다. 또한 영양 관리 기능과 고혈압, 당뇨병, 고지혈증, 비만, 수면, 아토피를 개선을 위한 산림치유활동이 포함되었다. 개발된 산림 건강관리 플랫폼의 효과 검증을 위해 비만 중년여성 25명(실험집단 13명, 통제집단 12명)을 대상으로 8주간 산림기반 맞춤형 건강관리 플랫폼을 이용하여 산림치유활동을 실시하였고, 신체 및 심리 건강상태를 측정하였다. 그 결과 체중과 체지방율 감소, 골격근량 증가, 건강관련 체력요인의 증가, 수면효율 향상과 심리상태의 향상을 보였다. 즉, 산림기반 맞춤형 건강관리 서비스를 이용한 산림치유활동은 비만 중년여성의 신체 및 심리 건강상태를 효율적으로 향상시키는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 산림기반 맞춤형 건강관리 플랫폼 이용은 산림치유 및 질병과 건강관리 분야에서 유용하게 활용될 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to develop a forest-based health care platform and to investigate the possibility of using it in the forest healing field through effect verification. The forest-based health care platform recommends customized forest healing activities by analyzing personal basic health information and physical and psychological health status information automatically or manually entered on the mobile web. In addition, it provides correct exercise information by monitoring forest exercise through wearable devices worn on the wrist. In order to verify the effectiveness of the developed forest health care platform, 25 obese middle-aged women (13 experimental groups, 12 control groups) conducted forest healing activities using forest-based customized health care platforms in the forest for 8 weeks, and measured physical and psychological health status. As a result, body composition factors such as weight and body fat percentage decrease, skeletal muscle mass increase, fitness factors increase, sleep efficiency improvement, and positive changes in psychological state appeared. In other words, it was found that forest healing activities using forest-based customized health care services effectively improved the physical and psychological health of obese middle-aged women. Therefore, the use of a forest-based customized health care platform could be useful in forest healing and disease and health care.

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