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      • 분산 트레이더를 지원하는 경량 (lightweight) 객체 모델 설계 및 구현 방안 연구

        진명숙,송병권,Jin, Myeong-Suk,Song, Byeong-Gwon 한국정보처리학회 2000 정보처리논문지 Vol.7 No.4

        This paper presents a new object model, LOM(Lightweight Object Model) and an implementation method for the distributed trader in heterogeneous distributed computing environment including mobile network. Trader is third party object that enables clients to find suitable servers, which provide the most appropriate services to client in distributed environment including dynamic reconfiguration of services and servers. Trading service requires simpler and more specific object model than genetic object models which provide richer multimedia data types and semantic characteristics with complex data structures. LOM supports a new reference attribute type instead of the relationship, inheritance and composite attribute types of the general object oriented models and so LOM has simple data structures. Also in LOM, the modelling step includes specifying of the information about users and the access right to objects for security in the mobile environment and development of the distributed storage for trading service. Also, we propose and implementation method of the distributed trader, which integrates the LOM-information object model and the OMG (object Management Group) computational object model.

      • KCI등재

        귀농‧귀촌여성의 농촌생활 경험 분석: 진안지역 사례

        진명숙,박성정 한국여성정책연구원 2012 여성연구 Vol.79 No.-

        As a growing number of people turn to farming or farm villages, the phenomenon draws extensive social and policy-based attention. However, as only little attention is drawn to women who have turned to farming or farm villages, their actual status, the difficulties they face and policy-related demands have not been identified. This study has analyzed the reasons why such women have turned to farming or farm villages, as well as their identity, education of their children, economic activities and formation of relationships with fellow villagers, through in-depth interviews with women who have done so in Jinan, The objectives of this analysis are to draw a picture of the various aspects of their experience in farm villages, and thus to identify their satisfaction levels for living there and their difficulties, as well as the activities and roles required for their successful settlement and the development of these villages. Answers indicate that these women turned to farming or farm village because of a desire to provide a better educational environment for their children; skepticism about their jobs and urban lives; interest in ecology and nature; yearning for a rural life; happiness for the family; and a desire for a better life. They strove to find new lifestyles and new value systems in farm villages. They saw themselves not as people who “turned to farming or farm village” but as those who “moved” from a city to a 귀농 ‧귀촌여성의 농촌생활 경험 분석: 진안지역 사례 297farm village. Most of them are positive about raising their children in farm villages. They are looking for opportunities to engage in activities other than farming. Most of the interviewees said that they felt uncomfortable or there was possibility of being at odds with local villagers when such villagers excessively paid attention to or interfered with their efforts to settle in the village. However, they conceded that they should approach such issues from the viewpoints of the culture or sentiment in the farm village. It is necessary to approach the issue of turning to farming or farm village by focusing on the “individual” - whether it is a husband or a wife – rather than each “household.” This is because men and women –even if they have turned to farming or farm village together as a family – face different situations and difficulties. In order for the women who have turned to farming or farm village to successfully settle down in farm villages and to contribute to the rural community, more opportunities should be provided for them to show their ability and talents in the rural community, and the culture of the rural community should change so that women can make their voices heard. 최근 귀농‧귀촌자가 증가하면서 사회적, 정책적으로 많은 관심을 받고 있다. 그러나 귀농‧귀촌 여성에 대한 관심은 거의 없어, 귀농‧귀촌여성의 실태와 어려움 그리고 정책요구가 전혀 파악되지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 진안지역 귀농‧귀촌여성에 대한 심층 면담을 통해 귀농‧귀촌여성들의 귀농‧귀촌 동기, 정체성, 자녀교육, 경제활동, 마을주민과의 관계 형성 등을 분석하였다. 이를 통해 귀농‧귀촌여성들의 농촌생활 경험의 다양한 양상을 드러내보고자 하였다. 그 과정에서 귀농‧귀촌 여성들의 농촌생활 만족도와 어려움, 그리고 성공적인 농촌 정착과 농촌 발전을 위한 활동과 역할을 찾아보고자 하였다. 여성들은 귀농‧귀촌의 동기를 자녀의 교육환경, 도시에서의 직장생활에 대한 회의, 생태와 자연에 대한 관심, 시골생활에 대한 동경, 가족의 행복, 좀 더 나은 삶 등으로 답하고, 생활 방식과 가치의 전환을 농촌에서 찾고자 하였다. 자신들을 ‘귀농‧귀촌한’ 사람이라기보다는 도시에서 농촌으로 ‘이사’한 사람으로 인식하고 있고, 대부분은 농촌에서 아이들을 키우고 있는 것에 긍정적이었다. 또 농업 외의 분야에서 귀농‧귀촌여성들이 활동할 수 있는 기회를 찾고 있었다. 조사대상자 대부분은 마을 적응 과정에서 주민들의 과도한 관심이나 간섭을 부담스러워하거나 갈등의 요소로 여기기도 하였다. 그러나 결국은 이를 농촌의 문화나 정서 안에서 접근해야 한다는 태도를 보였다. 귀농‧귀촌은 ‘가구’ 단위로만 접근할 것이 아니라, 남편과 아내를 각자 주체적인 위치로 놓고 ‘사람’ 중심으로 접근하는 것이 필요하다. 귀농‧귀촌을 함께 했다 하더라도 남성과 여성이 처하는 상황과 어려움은 다를 수밖에 없기 때문이다. 귀농‧귀촌여성들이 농촌에 정착하고, 또 귀농‧귀촌이 농촌에 도움이 되기 위해서는 귀농‧귀촌 여성들이 자신이 지닌 역량과 재능을 농촌사회에 발휘할 수 있는 기회가 확대되고, 여성들이 자기 목소리를 표출할 수 있도록 농촌사회의 문화가 변화되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        통신사업자의 새로운 사업 모델로서의 개방형 네트워크 서비스 모델 제안

        진명숙,오석 (사)디지털산업정보학회 2010 디지털산업정보학회논문지 Vol.6 No.2

        The major worldwide communication network operators have designed and are building up the NGN with various network capabilities, which conventional Internet do not have. The open network service model makes these network capabilities available to the third party of the value added service providers through the standardized API providing users with more intelligent and enhanced services. This paper proposes the open network service model as NaaS (Network as a Service)and examines service models of several levels. It is believed that these efforts presented in this paper will make the network operators expand their service ranges through the opening of invested network resources producing more various communication services for users.

      • ICT를 활용한 수학과 교수-학습 방안 연구

        진명숙,정권수,엄경련 순천대학교 과학교육연구소 2001 科學과 敎育 Vol.9 No.-

        The purpose of thesis is to make the students who are not interested in athematics have interest in mathematics by using information & Communication Technology(ICT), to understand the nathematical principles, to know how close they are to us through data connected with real life and direct manufacturing and experiment of cyberspace, to solve the mathematics for themselves, and to make mathematics teachers develop and make use of ICT teaching-learning manual. Let’s see the following thesis for this purpose. First, it was divided into 8 teaching-learning activity types in connection with characteristics and educational use possibility of Information Technology. It was analyzed into concept, teaching-learning process procedures, and illustration for teaching-learning. Second, gathered and analyzed the scattered internet sites about mathematics, and made use of the intenet sites for teaching and learning mathematics. Third, for effective ICT teaching-learning. I chose the teaching-learning main idea, objectives and teaching-learning activity type. and I checked the aility to use information Technology and then chose the environment and media for information Technology. And then I planned the teaching-learning strategy. Fourth, I developed and applied the teaching-learning model using information Technology, and analyzed the results. This ICT teaching-learning activities brought interests for mathematics, accomplishment motivation, confidence about mathematics, and sense of superiority to the students. In addition to my student became active in mathematics class through this ICT teaching-learning activities.

      • KCI등재

        초등돌봄노동의 유형과 성격: 돌봄전담사와의 심층면담을 중심으로

        진명숙,권순지 한국사회역사학회 2022 담론 201 Vol.25 No.1

        This study aims to examine the vulnerability of elementary after-school care labor on the gender perspective through grasping the 5 types of care by Cremer and the characteristics of elementary after-school care labor. These five types are full time mother care, parental sharing care, intergenerational care, surrogate mother care, professional care. The research methodology is based on in-depth interview with 7 care worker who has been working in elementary school of Daejeon and Jeollabuk-do. This main topic consists of two chapters. The first chapter analyzes the factors of failure to acquire the status as a care professional for more than 20 years after the elementary after-school care labor was started. The second chapter examines that elementary after-school care labor is replicating the idea of full time mother care. The elementary after-school care labor regresses to full time mother care while it has not led to professional care because elementary care classes are recognized as spaces that provide maternal care services. This study attempted to clarify the vulnerability of gendered and maternalized elementary after-school care labor through the care worker’s experience. The elementary after-school care labor must be socially recognized as professional care to overcome the vulnerability of labor. 본 연구의 목적은 크레머의 5가지 돌봄 유형―모성전담돌봄, 부모분담돌봄, 세대간돌봄, 보모돌봄, 전문가돌봄―을 바탕으로 초등돌봄노동의 유형과 성격이 무엇인지를 파악하여 젠더 관점에서 초등돌봄노동의 취약성을 도출하는 데 있다. 대전과 전북 지역 초등학교에서 근무하는 돌봄전담사 7명과의 심층면담을 사례로 연구를 수행하였다. 1장에서는 초등돌봄노동이 시작된 이래 20여 년간 전문돌봄가로서의 지위 획득에 실패하게 된 요인을 고찰한다. 2장에서는 초등돌봄노동이 모성전담돌봄의 이상을 재생산하고 있음을 살펴보았다. 초등돌봄교실이 모성돌봄서비스를 제공하는 공간으로 인식되면서 초등돌봄노동은 전문가돌봄으로 이어지지 못하고 모성전담돌봄으로 퇴행하고 있다. 초등돌봄노동의 취약성을 극복하기 위해서는 초등돌봄노동을 전문가돌봄으로 인정하는 데 있다.

      • KCI등재

        차남부부의 제사지내기와 가족 갈등 -A군 농촌지역 사례-

        진명숙,유상춘 비교민속학회 2022 비교민속학 Vol.- No.76

        This study examines the tensions and conflicts between the second son and his wife residing in rural County A over ancestral rites between them and their family members. Ancestral rites are one of the most apparent events that illustrate complicated relationships in a family to which the deceased belonged. The couple’s performing the rituals observed in this study reflect changes in such relationships. This study mainly consists of two chapters. The first chapter describes the background and motives for the second son and his wife to perform their family’s ancestral rites. Traditionally, the eldest son was responsible for caring for his parents and performing ancestral rites in rural society. Even if the eldest son moved out to a city and started his family, someday, he was expected to come back to his parent’s home to carry out the responsibilities, inheriting the family lineage. Hence, the eldest son’s settlement in the city was likely to be a temporary separation. However, in this study case, the second son was placed in a structural condition against this tradition. He was left with his parents alone among his brothers and had to bear the ancestral rites of the family. The most significant factor that caused the second son to hold the ancestral rites of this family was the eldest son’s avoidance, which had psychological and religious reasons, not excuses from socioeconomic difficulties. The second chapter focuses on the conflicting relationship between the family members over the ancestral rites. As the second son took over the family’s ancestral rites, his wife expressed dissatisfaction with his decision. However, she also tried to accept and compromise reality to maintain a good relationship with her husband. The family also depicted some more explicit conflicts. The second son and his wife were dissatisfied with the eldest son and his wife; the relationship between the eldest son and his parent had deteriorated; the second son’s wife struggled with her sister-in-law, who got deeply involved in the ancestral rites. The family seemed to fail to represent the traditional function of ancestral rites to enhance family solidarity and the sense of family community. Overall, the siblings in the family showed low intimacy with a sentiment of depression in relationships. These family tensions and conflicts come from cultural lag. The practice or perception of imposing the responsibility of caring for parents and ancestral rites on the eldest son did not keep up with changes in contemporary lifestyles and systems. It is essential to realize democratic and gender-equal values within the family in for ancestral rites to function as a family’s festive occasion to commemorate the deceased.

      • KCI등재

        귀농귀촌인 주도 커뮤니티 유형과 특징- 진안군의 사례를 중심으로 -

        진명숙 한국지역사회학회 2019 지역사회연구 Vol.27 No.1

        This study aims to characterize the communities of urban-to-rural migrants in Jinan County, North Jeolla Province, according to their activities and values. The communities examined in this study include organizations, facilities, or social groups formed by the urban-to-rural migrants, or where they are the majority of the members. Among the communities led by the urban-to-rural migrants, communities related to agricultural production or agricultural food processing and distribution are the least active, while the communities of education, culture, or living services consistently develop a variety of activities. The researcher summarizes the three characteristics of the communities led by the urban-to-rural migrants. First, these communities are clearly connected with the village buildup (maeul-mandeulgi) policy of Jinan County. Second, these communities have been formed while discussing the regional issues of Jinan County, and have been conducting various experiments and programs. Third, cultural mediation activities are prominently observed in most of the communities. 이 연구는 전라북도 진안 지역에서 활동하는 단체, 시설 및 기관, 조직, 모임 가운데 귀농귀촌인이 결성하였거나 회원의 대부분이 귀농귀촌인으로 구성된 그룹을 ‘커뮤니티’로 접근하여 커뮤니티 활동 내용과 추구하는 가치에 따라 커뮤니티를 유형화하고 그 특징을 분석한 것이다. 귀농귀촌인 주도 커뮤니티 가운데, 농업 생산 및 농식품 가공‧유통 영역의 커뮤니티가 가장 저조하고, 교육, 문화, 생활 서비스 영역의 커뮤니티 활동이 활발한 것으로 나타났다. 필자는 귀농귀촌인 주도 커뮤니티 특징을 세 가지로 정리하였다. 첫째, 진안군 마을만들기 정책과의 연계가 뚜렷하다는 점, 둘째, 진안 지역이 안고 있는 문제를 제기하며 커뮤니티를 결성하고 다양한 실험과 운동을 전개하고 있다는 점, 셋째, 대부분의 커뮤니티에서 문화매개 활동이 두드러지게 나타나고 있다는 점 등이다.

      • KCI등재

        친밀과 돌봄의 정치경제학: 충남 홍동 지역 여성들의 활동을 중심으로

        진명숙 한국문화인류학회 2020 韓國文化人類學 Vol.53 No.2

        This study aims to examine the potential of women’s community activities in Hongdong–myeon, Hongseong–gun, Chungnam, based on intimacy and care to create productive differences outside the context of patriarchy. Prior studies on women’s care activities in local communities have mainly emphasized that these activities expand women’s scope into the public domain and socialize care, while also contributing to the reproduction of patriarchy as the result of gendering women’s activities in the level of the local community. To overcome these limitations, this paper interprets that women’s care practice can be the basis of feminist resistance that cracks patriarchy and highlight women’s subjectivity as agency in care activities. The main body of this paper consists of four sections. The first section explores the feminist implications of the intimate place–making strategy. The process of creating a place with intimacy for women shows the characteristics of their activities as an agency that disrupt the dominant patriarchal placeness of the countryside. The second section analyzes the community–based activities of educational care, elderly care, and mutual care and their meaning. These activities do not reproduce the hierarchical care work in the home but form an arena for local living politics and engage men as partners in care, suggesting a counter–discourse that men should also be involved in care activities. The third section highlights women who form an economic community using indigenous knowledge based on cuisine and food. Through these activities, these women disrupt the hierarchical gender norms under the modern capitalist patriarchy and show the possibility of a non–capitalist community economy, free from capitalist methods that favor surplus and monetary values. The last section analyzes the various voices that exist among women. What is needed to reduce the gap between these diverse voices is not a categorization of a single female identity, but a democratic politics that recognizes each other’s differences and compromises through discussions. The feminist care ethics must be a political project that removes the patriarchal repressive mechanisms to overlay women’s biological care abilities and lead caregiving practices to a resounding feminist resistance. 본 연구는 충남 홍성군 홍동면 여성 커뮤니티를 중심으로 친밀과 돌봄 기반의 공동체적 활동이 가부장제 맥락을 벗어나 생성적 차이를 낼 수 있는 잠재력을 지니고 있음을 고찰한 논의이다. 그 동안 지역공동체 내 여성의 돌봄활동에 관한 연구는 돌봄의 공적 영역으로의 확대를 통한 돌봄의 사회화의 중요성을 강조하면서도, 이것이 또 다시 젠더화된 노동을 지 역사회로 확장함으로써 가부장제를 재생산하는 결과를 낳는다는 논의가 주를 이루었다. 이 러한 한계를 극복하고 돌봄활동에서 나타나는 여성의 주체적 행위자성을 부각하고, 돌봄실 천이 가부장제에 균열을 가하는 여성주의적 저항의 단초가 될 수 있음을 포착하고자 했다. 본문은 크게 네 영역(section)으로 구성되어 있다. 첫째는 친밀한 장소만들기 전략이 갖는 여 성주의적 함의이다. 여성을 위한 친밀한 장소를 만드는 과정은 농촌의 지배적인 가부장적 장소성에 균열을 가하는 여성의 행위자성을 보여주고 있다. 둘째는 교육돌봄, 노인돌봄, 상 호돌봄 기반의 공동체적 활동과 그 의미를 살폈다. 이러한 활동은 가정 내 위계화된 돌봄노 동이 그대로 재현되는 것이 아니라 지역 생활정치의 장을 형성하고, 남성을 돌봄의 파트너 로 참여시켜, 돌봄을 남성도 함께 해야 한다는 대항담론을 제시하고 있다. 셋째는 요리와 음 식을 통한 토착지식을 활용해 경제적 커뮤니티를 결성하여 근대 자본주의 가부장제가 기획 한 위계화된 젠더규범에 어떻게 균열을 가하는지, 그리고 잉여와 화폐 가치에 우선한 자본 주의적 방식을 벗어나 어떻게 비자본주의적 공동체 경제를 그리는지를 보았다. 마지막으로 여성들간에 다양한 목소리와 차이가 존재한다는 것을 살폈다. 이때 중요한 것은 여성들 사 이의 간극을 좁히기 위해 여성을 단일한 여성정체성을 지닌 존재로 범주화하는 것이 아니라 여성들간의 차이의 정치를 인정하면서 대화하게 하는 민주주의 정치학을 펼쳐야 한다는 것 이다. 페미니즘 돌봄 윤리는 생물학적 돌봄 능력을 여성에게 덧씌우려는 가부장적 억압 기 제를 걷어내고, 돌봄실천을 여성주의적 저항의 울림으로 이어지게 하는 정치적 기획이 되어 야만 한다.

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