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      • KCI등재

        일제하 야학의 갈등구조에 대한 교육사적 연구

        조정봉 한국교육철학회 1995 교육철학 Vol.13 No.-

        This study is to describe the educational characteristics and conflict structure of Yahak-thin is, night class-in Teagu and Kyungpook. Yahak was constructed by the learned at first in 1900s. But gradually the grass-roots participated at the construction of Yahak not for entrance but for life. This aspect is different from that of public from that of public school that Nation established. So, I expect the study of Yahak will give some index to prescribe the disease of Public school. Of Course, I believe Theacher's Leadership is very important in this country to reform the institutions and cultures. Maybe Yahak's teachers succeeded to the high social and cultural prestige with which Seodang's teacher were endowed from people at 19C. It can be assumed that they played some role that doctors and lawyers can do in these days. The grass-roots trust to Yahak's teacher more than doctors and lawyers for their living. At that time, many people were poor, so they cannot think meeting with doctor or lawyer. They lived far from the house of country people. Because of these reason, people went to Yahak's teacher for problem solving. Although Yahak had been closed by Japan, it was constructed again by people after the world war Ⅱ. Now, We have to study the power and expectation korean people have in education. I think Yahak will give the key to solve some problems in public education around us.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        일제 강점기 김천지역 야학운동

        조정봉 경북대학교 사범대학 부속 중등교육연구소 2005 중등교육연구 Vol.53 No.2

        야학을 자생적 '우리교육론'으로 정립해보려 한다. 역사적 난관에 처할수록, 교사들은 당대 그 곳의 삶의 현장, 민중의 삶의 고통을 깊이 이해하려하고, '교육'이라는 문화적 방편을 통해 일제의 민족침략에 저항한다. 이 연구는 야학이 마을 '속에서' 이루어진 사회 문화적 활동이었다는 것, 다시 말해 마을은 삶의 현장이었고, 야학은 삶의 현장을 구성하는 목적의식적인 활동이었음을 밝히려고 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 신문기사와 재판기록을 토대로 하여 마을이 야학의 과정과 결과에 대해 책임을 졌음을 양적 · 질적 지표를 통해 확인할 것이다. The school of Nodong Yahak was erected in a village that had a traditional admiration of human knowledge. The village worked as a supporting system for the teachings of Yahak. The hidden educational relationship had already existed before Nodong Yahak was ever erected in the village. This study takes a third point of view about Yahak. Yahak was erected for the study of academics more so than for enlightenment or political struggle, but it dovetailed with educational practices within the village itself. The students of Nodong Yahak learned Korean history, Korean geography, and philosophy. They also learned that social practice was as important as acquiring human knowledge. A major component of the educational content of Nodong Yahak was an intimate relationship with our tradition of admiring human knowledge. This is a key point for researchers to understand about Nodong Yahak that was erect in a village.

      • KCI등재

        일제 강점기 조선인의 간도 이주와 야학운동- 학과선택시 학교요인의 영향을 중심으로 -

        조정봉 한국교육개발원 2007 한국교육 Vol.34 No.1

        일제하 조선인은 경제적, 정치적 이유로 간도로 이주했다. 밥 먹고 살 수 있는 새로운 땅을 꿈꾸기도 했지만, 일제의 통치를 벗어난 삶을 꿈꾸기도 했다. 하지만, 간도는 일제와 중국의 이중 지배를 받는 특수한 조건에 놓여 있었다. 이 새로운 환경 아래 조선인들이 행한 야학운동은 자유를 향한 싸움과 투쟁이었다. 간도 야학은 사람의 말을 주고 받는 현장성 숙고를 잃지 않았다. 지금 간도에 사는 노인들의 구술에서 이것을 확인할 수 있었다. The Move to Gando from Chosun and the Yahak Movement during the Period of Japanese ImperialismCho, Jeongbong(Kyungpook National University)Did the new political, economical environment of Gando influence the Yahak movement of the Chosun poeple? How did the new environment influence education? The goal of this study is to search for an answer of this question. It is certain that the Chosun people's desire for learning was not diminished by the difficulty to survive under the new environment. They were exposed to the dual control of China and Japan in Gando. However, they responded to Japanese imperialism by cultural action. They came together in Yahak to understand and communicate about the difficult situation in which they found themselves. Then, they searched for survival for all. Of course, nobody can not deny that the Yahak movement in Gando got over the naive meaning of cultural action under Japanese imperialism. In fact, sometimes the Yahak being in Gando was a spearhead to recruit soldiers from the Chosun people's villages, and spread propaganda to student farmers. But, we have to understand the specific aspects of Gando and that many people were killed by Japanese soldiers only because they were Chosun people. So, Yahak's teachers and students had to fight against Japanese imperialism with guns in hands. They could not find relief in only educational activities. They had to take action for independence and freedom of Chosun people. I hope that many arguments about the limitation of education will arise in the academic world after this study.

      • KCI등재

        미국 야학에 대한 비판적 이해 : 성인을 위한 ESL 수업을 중심으로

        조정봉 경북대학교 사범대학부속 중등교육연구소 2003 중등교육연구 Vol.51 No.2

        This study summarizes my impressions of English As a Second Language(ESL) classes for adult(Yahak) in the USA. I agree with Paulo Freire in that literacy education is not merely a process designed for reading letters and words but for reading a country`s entire way of life. From this point of view, I collected many ideas about ESL classes(Yahak) during my stay in the USA, and participated in one such class for a year. It occurred to me that there are many things in common between an ESL class(Yahak) and a Korean class in Japanese Imperialism. We students were encouraged to learn to speak English. It is interesting that Americans are not so equally pressed to learn foreign languages. Perhaps Americans feel that everyone the world over should learn English. However, if cultures are to maintain their diversity and integrity, even Americans should be encouraged to learn to speak foreign languages. Just as we learn English while traveling in America, perhaps Americans should learn the language of the country to which they are traveling. To fail to do so will be another step toward animosity between nations and the breakdown of the sovereign culture of all non-American countries. In every country there is profound meaning behind it`s culture, including it`s unique language, artistic life, customs and history that could be lost forever if time in the not-too-distant future when the need for economic development may do battle with the need to preserve a nation`s culture, language, history and environment. One must ask oneself which of the two is more important.

      • KCI등재

        프레이리 ‘문화서클’의 교육적 실천

        조정봉(Cho Jeong Bong) 한국교육철학회 2017 교육철학 Vol.63 No.-

        I agree with Paulo Freire in that literacy education is not merely a process designed for reading letters and words but for reading the world. As he knew the social character of learning language, he never agreed with the opinion that we can separate the political struggle and literacy education movement. The neutrality of education prefer the language of educator rather than educatee, so the educational method is just pouring the words into the head of educatee. The participants of the cultural circle critically analyzed the myth of their society they lived in. They realized that they are not unable, insincere, and lazy in the cultural circle. They dreamed a new world where they are respected by the people, and can practice literacy process and political struggle for freedom. I hope the educational philosophy of Paulo Freire will not be forgotten in our country even though the period of illiterate person was gone. The important message he gave to us is the politics of education should be recognized by the educators, and the educational movement should be practiced with social change. For this purpose, I wrote about the coordinator, participant, and educational content of the cultural circle in ‘Brazil’ and ‘Sao Tome and Principe’.

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