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      • 스월 노즐의 Air-core가 Diesel 및 Bunker A 유의 분무 불안전성에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구

        이은재(Eun Jae Lee),김호영(Ho Young Kim),전철균(Chul Kyeun Chun),윤석구(Suk Goo Yoon),김기덕(Ki Duk Kim) 대한기계학회 2006 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2006 No.11

        Most of all combustion system has combustion instability. It is a serious problem in combustion system. Unstable injection is one of the source of combustion instability. The experimental investigation of spray characteristics for simplex swirl injector were conducted experimentally. Two kerosene based fuels were chosen as the atomizing fluid. As the major operating parameters, fuel temperature and injection pressure were chosen, and varied in the range from 283 K to 363 K and from 0.3 ㎫ to 0.9 ㎫, respectively. Direct spray images and mean diameter were measured for the various combination of operating parameters in the flow field. The results of present study show that the injection pressure and spray cone angle are fluctuated at specific conditions while it is continuous steady injection, and the principal factor is developing air-core. As developing air-core, the area of orifice is changed, then injection pressure and volume flow rate is varied, and as fully-developed air-core, spray is stability.

      • 위암 수술 환자에서의 삶의 질

        전양환,한상익,전철은,김진조,박승만,Jeon Yang-Whan,Han Sang-Ick,Jeon Chul-Eun,Kim Jin-Jo,Park Seung-Man 대한위암학회 2004 대한위암학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        Purpose: This study was designed to explore quality of life (QOL) in patients with stomach cancer by using the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL) Instrument- Korean version. Materials and Methods: Thirty-one (31) patients with stomach cancer after curative resection were recruited with informed consent. Age- and gender-matched hospital staff served as controls. The 100-item WHOQOL Instrument, including physical domain, psychological domain, social domain, independence domain, environment domain, and spiritual domain, was employed for the all subjects. Results: In patients with stomach cancer after operation, only two domains, physical and independence, were associated with worse quality of life. In those domains, patients with advanced stage, with total gastrectomy, with adjuvant chemotherapy, and early or late postoperative period ($\leqq$2 years or >5 years after operation), could be perceived of having a worse quality of life. Conclusion: Not only scientific objective success but also individual subjective perception of condition could be important for managing patients with stomach carcinomas after curative resection. In this context, the WHOQOL reflecting multi-dimensional state of well being could be a useful tool across a variety of cultural and value systems in the world.

      • KCI등재

        전라남도 남해안과 서해안 유인도서에서 팔색조 분포 및 강수량 비교

        김은미 ( Kim Eun-mi ),전철현 ( Jeon Chul-hyun ),강창완 ( Kang Chang-wan ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2017 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.29 No.4

        팔색조의 번식지는 19세기와 20세기 산업화 과정을 거치면서 개발의 목적으로 훼손되거나 상실되었고 현재도 번식지 훼손이 지속되고 있다. 이로 인해 현재 개체수는 지속적으로 감소하고 있어 국제적 멸종위기종으로 등록되었다. 국제적 멸종위기종은 개체수 유지 혹은 증가가종 보전을 위해 중요하며 개체수 감소를 막기 위해서는 기본적으로 서식하는 분포지와 개체군 그리고 기상조건 같은 기본적인 정보에 대한 파악이 필요하다. 번식지에 대한 기존의 정보를 가지고 도서환경에서 팔색조의 분포는 숲의 구조와 식생에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 강수량과 관련이 있을 거라는 가설을 세웠다. 이에 팔색조 분포를 파악하기 위해 전라남도 남해안과 서해안 유인도서 27개를 대상으로 2014년부터 2016년까지 팔색조가 도래하는 5월 중순부터 8월 하순까지 월 2회 이상 조사를 실시하였다. 임상도 비교를 위해서 조사 대상 도서 중 전라남도 남해안은 여수시 금오도와 고흥군 거금도, 서해안은 진도군 첨찰산 일대, 그리고 신안군 안좌도와 임자도, 제주도는 남원읍 한남리 사려니오름 일대를 선택하였다. 기상조건을 비교하기 위해 기상자료 중 강수량만을 대상으로 하였고 기상청의 AWS를 이용하였다. 그리고 2014년부터 2016년까지 팔색조가 도래하는 5월부터 월동지로 떠나기 전인 9월까지의 기상자료를 분석대상으로 하였다. 전라남도 남해안과 서해안 유인도서에서 총 64개체의 팔색조가 확인되었다. 조사를 실시한 전라남도 남해안 유인도서 12개 중 9개의 유인도서에서 41개체의 팔색조가 확인되었고 전라남도 서해안 유인도서 15개 중 5개의 유인도서에서 23개체가 관찰되었다. 전라남도 남해안 유인도서는 조사한 대부분의 도서에서 팔색조가 확인되었지만 서해안 유인 도서에서는 진도군에 속한 도서에 팔색조가 집중되었다. 전라남도 남해안과 서해안 그리고 제주도의 일부지역에 대한 임상도 영급을 살펴보았을 때 남해안 유인도서와 서해안 진도 그리고 제주도의 임상도는 3영급과 4영급의 수목들로 이루어져 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 하지만 전라남도 서해안 유인도서인 경우 도서마다 다소 차이는 있으나 2영급의 수목도 차지하는 면적이 넓다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 그리고 서해안 유인도서는 교목층으로 곰솔이 우점하고 있으나 중간층이 없고 하층은 수고 1-2m의 관목이 빽빽하게 차지하고 있다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이번 조사에서 전라남도 남해안과 서해안 유인도서의 강수량은 2014년, 2015년, 2016년 모두 1,000mm이하로 나타냈다. 팔색조의 최대번식지인 제주도는 강수량이 1,000mm 이상을 나타냈으며 2014년과 2015년에는 1,500mm를 상회하기도 하였다. 팔색조의 분포와 강수량과는 약한 상관관계를 나타냈다. 팔색조가 관찰된 전라남도 남해안 유인도서와 서해안유인도서 중 진도는 상록활엽수림대로 제주도와 비슷한 식생을 나타내지만 강수량에 있어서는 제주도보다 훨씬 낮았고 전라남도 서해안 신안군의 유인도서와 비슷하였으며 팔색조의 분포와 강수량은 약한 상관관계를 나타냄으로서 강수량이라는 한 가지 요인만을 고려할 때 강수량의 많고 적음은 팔색조의 서식에 큰 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 판단된다. Breeding sites of the Fairy Pitta (Pitta nympha) have been lost or degraded during the industrialization and economic development in the 19th and 20th century. The number of Fairy Pittas have decreased accordingly, and it is enlisted as Vulnerable species in the IUCN Red List. In the context of the conservation of threatened animal species, it is important to collect and understand basic information about the distribution of target species, their population size, and non-biological factors like weather conditions. Based on the previous knowledge on its breeding environments, we hypothesized that the distribution of Fairly Pittas in insular environments were related with both of forest structure and precipitation which often determines the density of foods and vegetation covers. In order to confirm the distribution of Fairy Pittas breeding in insular environments in the southern and western coasts of Jeollanam-do Province, we conducted field surveys on 27 inhabited islands more than twice a month from the middle of May to the end of August from 2014 to 2016. We used forest maps of selected islands in Jellanam-do and known breeding habitats in Jeju Island were also used for comparison of forest structures. Data about the amount of precipitation accumulated from May to September between 2014 and 2016 were downloaded from the Automated Weather Station (AWS) archives of the Korea Meteorological Administration. As a result of the field surveys, we confirmed 64 individuals in the study sites in Jeollanam-do Province; a total of 41 pittas were found on 9 of 12 islands in south and 23 birds on five of 15 islands in west. Fairy Pittas were commonly observed in most of the southern islands as well as five islands in Jindo-gun and Shinan-gun in the west where forests were dominated by old growhs of evergreen broad-leaved forests similar to the breeding habiats in Jeju Island. On the other hands, pittas were seldom found on inhabited islands, outside Jindo and Shinan, in the west where the proportion of old forests is lower and the shrubby underlayer below the Pinus thunbergii canopy is too densely developed for foraging of pittas. Precipitation on the islands where the pittas were confirmed was below 1,000 mm over the breeding period and lower than that of the breeding habitats in Jeju Island (>1,000-1,500 mm), suggesting a weak relationship between the distribution of Fairy Pittas and the precipitation. This study suggests that the distribution of Fairy Pittas in insular environments in Jellanam-do may be more determined by forest structures but not by precipitation.

      • KCI등재

        전라남도 남해안 유인도서 팔색조 분포 및 임상에 대한 연구

        김은미 ( Kim Eun-mi ),강창완 ( Kang Chang-wan ),전철현 ( Jeon Chul-hyun ),오미래 ( Oh Mi-rae ) 한국도서학회 2016 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.28 No.2

        팔색조는 국제적 멸종위기종으로 생존 개체수에 대한 파악은 멸종을 막기 위해 중요하다. 이번 조사는 2014년과 2015년에 실시하였으며 팔색조가 도래하는 시기인 5월 하순부터 번식기인 8월 하순까지 월 2회 이상 조사를 실시하였다. 조사지역은 전라남도 남해안에 위치한 유인도서 중 완도군, 고흥군, 여수시에 속하는 12개 도서지역을 대상으로 하였다. 서식환경을 파악하기 위해 문헌조사를 실시하였고 임상도를 통해 현재의 번식지 상황을 살펴보았다. 팔색조는 9개 유인도서에서 41개체가 서식하는 것으로 확인되었다. 금오도에서 13개체가 관찰되어 전라남도 남해안 유인도서 중 가장 많은 개체가 관찰되었고 다음으로 거금도에서 10개체가 관찰되었다. 팔색조는 계곡 주변이나 상수원보호구역, 사찰 등 사람 접근이 어렵거나 제한되었고 산림 훼손이 덜한 지역에서 주로 관찰되었다. 임상으로는 상록활엽수림과 낙엽활엽수림 그리고 침활혼효림 지역에서 관찰되었다. 이들 도서지역의 임상도를 살펴보았을 때 팔색조가 번식지로 선택한 지역은 4영급의 수목이 산림을 이루는 곳이었으며, 전라남도 남해안 유인도서 임상은 1970년대까지 성행하던 땔감용 그리고 목재용 벌채가 줄어들면서 기존에 작은 면적으로 남아있던 상록활엽수림과 식재된 곰솔림 그리고 맹아림 등의 숲이 30-40년이 지난현재 팔색조가 서식하기에 적합한 숲의 규모나 구조로 성장하였다는 것을 보여준다. It is essential that we know how many Fairy Pittas survived globally since this species is an international endangered species. We investigated the distribution of Fairy Pitta at 12 inhabited islands belonging to Wando-gun, Goheung-gun, Yeosu-si, located at the southern coast of Jeollanamdo province from 2014 to 2015. We visited these islands from the end of May to the end of August during 2 years for more than twice a month. We searched for literatures and the map of forest type for understanding the habitat environment. We confirmed 41 Fairy Pittas in 9 inhabited islands. The study results showed that the highest individuals(13) inhabited was the Geumodo Island which belonged to Yeosu-si, followed by the Geogeumdo(10) Island that belonged to Goheung-gun. We observed these forest species around the valley, temple and protection area of source water where human approach was difficult and restricted and thus, forest damage was less. These birds were observed in the evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved forest and mixed forest of soft and hardwood. According to the forest type map in several islands, the trees of 4 grade age-class were composed of forests of the breeding areas. Authors believe that deforestation for fuels and timbers flourishing in the 1970s declined and the evergreen broad-leaved forest stayed within a small area. Also, the black pine forest( planted in the 1970s) and the sprout forest became a good forest condition for the Fairy Pitta’s breeding in terms of size and structure after 30-40 years.

      • KCI등재

        인천 화재사건 청소년 생존자를 대상으로 한 PTSD 하위유형간 증상, 기능 및 기질성격 특성 비교연구

        황서현,이홍석,이상규,이흥표,전철은,이소영,김용구,Hwang, Seo Hyun,Lee, Hong Seock,Lee, Sang Kyu,Lee, Heung Pyo,Jeon, Chul Eun,Lee, So Young,Lee, Yong Ku 대한불안의학회 2011 대한불안의학회지 Vol.7 No.2

        Objectives : The aim of this study was to investigate Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)-related symptom severity, level of functional impairment and personality profiles between full-blown PTSD, partial PTSD and non-PTSD groups among 59 adolescent survivals from the Incheon fire disaster. Method : Using Short Screening Scale for DSM-IV PTSD, victims of the disaster were assigned to a full-blown PTSD group (n=18), a partial PTSD (n=22), or a non-PTSD group (n=19). Assessments included the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), the Impact of Event Scales (IES), the McBride's Degree of General Labor Loss, and the Korean Version of Temperament and Character Inventory (K-TCI). Results : Significantly severe PTSD symptoms (F=4.832, df=2, p<.05) and functional impairment (F=12.144, df=2, p<.01) were demonstrated by PTSD groups as compared to the non-PTSD group. Interestingly, full and partial PTSD did not differ in these comparisons. Similarly, the subtypes of PTSD did not differ with respect to personality profiles using the K-TCI ; however, personality profiles were sharply differentiated between the PTSD and non-PTSD group. Conclusion : Although high subject homogeneity and small sample size may limit the results of this study, the present results highlight the possibility of the underestimation as well as the insufficient, treatment and compensation of partial vs full PTSD.

      • KCI등재

        지반침하 방지를 위한 고효율 수압식 충전 현장실험에 관한 연구

        양인재(In-Jae Yang),최남수(Nam-Soo Choi),전철수(Chul-Soo Jeon),이상은(Sang-Eun Lee),신동춘(Dong-Choon Shin) 한국암반공학회 2014 터널과지하공간 Vol.24 No.5

        최근 국내에서는 폐광산 지반보강공사를 실시함에 있어 수압식 충전법을 적용하는 사례가 증가하고 있으나 효율적인 충전법 적용을 위한 다양한 연구가 미흡한 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 수압식 충전공법의 충전효율 개선을 위한 충전재료의 입도, 충전관의 형태 및 충전관 직경을 변경해 가면서 현장실험을 실시하였다. No.100체 통과백분율이 16.3% 인 모래를 이용하여 수직관 및 이경티관의 종류에 따른 충전량을 실험결과, 수직관을 이용하여 수로관에 충전한 경우 모래 충전량이 28.84 ton이였고, 100 mm 이경티관을 사용하여 충전한 경우 모래 충전량이 42.62 ton, 80 mm 이경티관을 사용하여 충전한 경우 모래 충전량이 53.33 ton, 50 mm 이경티관을 사용하여 충전한 경우 모래 충전량이 63.33 ton으로 각각 약 47.8%, 84.9%, 119.6% 증가하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이는 단순 충전관의 형태만 변경해도 충전 효과를 극대화 할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. Hydraulic filling methods are widely applied to suppress the land subsidence recently. But the research on high-efficiency hydraulic filling to protect the land subsidence is rare. In this study, field experiments to improve the efficiency of the hydraulic filling method are performed by changing the property, specification of the filling material and injection pipe. The filling amounts using vertical injection pipe, reducing tee (ø100 mm) pipe, reducing tee (ø80 mm) pipe and reducing tee (ø50 mm) pipe showed 28.84 ton, 42.62 ton, 53.33 ton, and 63.33 ton respectively. The filling rates using reducing tee (ø100 mm) pipe, reducing tee (ø80 mm) pipe and reducing tee (ø50 mm) pipe showed 47.8%, 84.9% and 119.6% respectively. Filling efficiency can be incresed by using reducing tee. This study shows that simply changing the type of injection pipe is expected to increase the hydraulic filling rate.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        종설 : 당뇨병, 우울증, 그리고 환자-의사관계

        이홍석 ( Hong Seock Lee ),이중서 ( Joong Seo Lee ),이흥표 ( Heung Pyo Lee ),전철은 ( Chul Eun Jeon ) 대한당뇨병학회 2009 Diabetes and Metabolism Journal Vol.33 No.3

        Although diabetes mellitus (DM) is treatable, it is still not curable. Its chronicity is associated with a high prevalence of psychiatric disorders, especially depression in type 2 DM and learned helplessness in type 1 DM. In turn, this depression and helplessness may affect a patient`s adherence to medical appointments, compliance to treatment, and effective doctor-patient relationships, which are vital to promising outcomes. This study reviews the existing literature regarding the interactional relationships between depression, DM and the doctor/patient relationship, and also suggests certain aspects of the doctor/patient relationship which can contribute to more successful treatment outcomes. (Korean Diabetes J 33:178-182, 2009)

      • KCI등재

        불법도박의 빈도와 도박중독 심각도에 대한 도박 동기의 차이

        이홍석(Hong-Seock Lee),이흥표(Heung-Pyo Lee),윤장순(Jang-Soon Yoon),김형태(Hyung-Tae, Kim),전철은(Chul-Eun, Jeon),이상규(Sang-Kyu Lee) 한국중독정신의학회 2009 중독정신의학 Vol.13 No.2

        Objectives:This study compared differences in gambler’s motivations according to the type of gambling (illegal vs. legal gam-bling) and the severity of pathological gambling (pathological vs. problematic vs. social gambler). Methods:We sampled 890 adults. They were divided into those gambling in both legal and il-legal gambling places (n=217), those gambling only in legal gambling places (n=119) and those gambling only in illegal gambling places (n=124). Also, their 5 gambling motives (avoidance, amusement, monetary, excitement, and socialization) and severity of gambling behavior were measured. We conducted multiple regression analysis to identify the motives associated with increased frequency of gambling in illegal gambling places and severity of gambling behavior. Results:The results revealed that avoidance, socialization, and monetary motives were contributing factors for increased frequency of gambling in illegal pl-aces, but monetary, avoidance, and amusement were the significant contributing factors for high severity of gambling behaviors.Conclusion:Contributing factors of motives for gambling were different according to frequency of illegal gambling behavior and to severity of gambling.

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